Asics as read in Russian. The world's leading manufacturer of original sports shoes, clothing and accessories of the highest quality for professionals and amateurs with delivery throughout Russia, the CIS and around the world. Who wears ASics

On the exchange

K:Companies founded in 1949

Present time

ASICS is currently the 5th largest sportswear and footwear company in the world.

As of March 31, 2011, ASICS employs more than 5,600 people worldwide. In recent years, the company has become the fastest growing brand of sports shoes in Europe. The ASICS brand belongs to the top brands of sportswear and footwear manufacturers.

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An excerpt characterizing ASICS

The emperor was very cheerful after his horseback ride through Vilna, in which crowds of people enthusiastically met and saw him off. In all the windows of the streets along which he passed, carpets, banners, his monograms were displayed, and Polish ladies, greeting him, waved their handkerchiefs at him.
At dinner, having seated Balashev next to him, he treated him not only affectionately, but treated him as if he considered Balashev among his courtiers, among those people who sympathized with his plans and should have rejoiced at his successes. Among other things, he spoke about Moscow and began to ask Balashev about the Russian capital, not only as an inquisitive traveler asks about a new place he intends to visit, but as if with the conviction that Balashev, as a Russian, should be flattered by this curiosity.
– How many people are there in Moscow, how many houses? Is it true that Moscou is called Moscou la sainte? [saint?] How many churches are there in Moscou? he asked.
And in response that there were more than two hundred churches, he said:
Why such an abyss of churches?
“The Russians are very pious,” Balashev replied.
“However, a large number of monasteries and churches is always a sign of the backwardness of a people,” said Napoleon, looking back at Caulaincourt to evaluate this judgment.
Balashev respectfully allowed himself to disagree with the opinion of the French emperor.
“Every country has its own customs,” he said.
“But nowhere else in Europe is there anything like it,” said Napoleon.
“I apologize to Your Majesty,” said Balashev, “besides Russia, there is also Spain, where there are also many churches and monasteries.
This answer by Balashev, hinting at the recent defeat of the French in Spain, was later highly appreciated, according to Balashev's stories, at the court of Emperor Alexander and very little appreciated now, at Napoleon's dinner, and passed unnoticed.
It was clear from the indifferent and perplexed faces of the gentlemen of the marshals that they were perplexed, what was the witticism, which was hinted at by Balashev's intonation. “If she was, then we did not understand her or she is not witty at all,” said the facial expressions of the marshals. This answer was so little appreciated that Napoleon did not even notice it resolutely and naively asked Balashev about which cities there was a direct road to Moscow from here. Balashev, who was on his guard all the time of dinner, answered that comme tout chemin mene a Rome, tout chemin mene a Moscou, [as every road, according to the proverb, leads to Rome, so all roads lead to Moscow,] that there are many roads, and that among these different paths is the road to Poltava, which was chosen by Charles XII, said Balashev, involuntarily flushing with pleasure at the success of this answer. Before Balashev had time to say the last words: "Poltawa", Caulaincourt was already talking about the inconvenience of the road from Petersburg to Moscow and about his Petersburg memories.

Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un Circuito Integrado para Aplicaciones Específicas, o ASIC por sus siglas en inglés, es un circuito integrado hecho a la medida para un uso en particular, en vez de ser concebido para propósitos de uso general. Por… … Wikipedia Español

ASIC- (abbr. from the English. Application specific integrated circuit) an integrated circuit specialized for solving a specific problem. Unlike general-purpose integrated circuits, application-specific integrated circuits are used in ... ... Wikipedia

ASIC- [azik] n. m. XXe; acronym English. de Application Specific Integrated Circuit ♦ Electron., inform. Circuit intégré qui regroupe, sur une même puce, l ensemble des fonctions nécessaires à une application spécifique. Les ASIC. ASIC [ɑzik] n. m.… … Encyclopedie Universelle

ASIC- (Gate Array, Logic Array), ein Chip, der an spezielle Erfordernisse angepasst ist. ASICs werden meist in zwei Stufen hergestellt: Als… … Universal-Lexikon

ASIC- (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) microchip that is customized for use in a particular application (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary

ASIC- Die Abkürzung ASIC steht für: Allianz Shared Infrastructure Services, IT Dienstleister und Tochtergesellschaft der Allianz Versicherungs AG Anwendungsspezifische Integrierte Schaltung (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) Application specific ... Deutsch Wikipedia

ASIC- Application Specific Integrated Circuit (Academic & Science » Electronics) Application Specific Integrated Circuit (Computing » General) Application Specific Integrated Circuit (Computing » Networking) **** Australian Securities And Investments… … Abbreviations dictionary

ASIC- Cette page d'homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Application Specific Integrated Circuit Association des services Internet communautaires Catégories: HomonymieHomonymie d acronyme ... Wikipédia en Français

ASIC- ... Wikipedia

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Asics is the world's fifth largest manufacturer of sports equipment. Special running shoes for runners have recently appeared on the Sport casual market, but the pirates have already managed to churn out many fakes. Since the brand is not well known in Russia, it is important to be able to distinguish original Asics sneakers from fakes.

What you need to know about the original Asics sneakers?

The birthplace of the trademark is the Land of the Rising Sun. It was in Japan in 1949 that the production of sneakers of this brand was launched. Unlike Adidas or Nike, which positioned their sneakers as shoes for the masses, Asics branded shoes were intended for professional athletes.

Asics sneakers for runners are especially popular in big-time sports. In Europe, the company ranks first in sales of sneakers for professional runners and second in sales of amateur sports shoes.

Where are the original Asics made? For a long time, all production was concentrated in Japan. However, to reduce the cost, some models began to be produced in China. At the same time, the quality remains high: Japanese specialists closely control the entire technological process. Therefore, do not take the inscription Made in China as an indicator of low quality.

How to distinguish original Asics from a fake?

We offer you several ways to check the authenticity of Asics. Green arrows indicate branded sneakers, red arrows indicate counterfeit samples.

1. Big weight

Real Asics weigh 354 grams, while fakes are much heavier. The difference in weight can reach 70-100 grams. In the manufacture of fakes, cheaper and, as a result, heavier materials are used. In the middle of the sole of the original "Asics" there is an inscription Solyte. For fakes, the letters are elongated in height and applied poorly.

2. Trusstic element

Genuine Asics have this molded piece in the middle of the outsole to keep the foot from twisting while you run. In counterfeit, it is much smaller and performs a purely decorative function.

3. Flexible outsole

You can determine the original and fake Asics by bending the sole of the sneakers: in branded shoes it is elastic and bends well. Bending a fake, you have to make an effort.

4. The quality of the insole

The differences between the insoles in fake and real sneakers are so striking that even an amateur can recognize a fake. Fake Asics have a hard rubber insole, while branded shoes have a soft, well-cushioned one. Treatment with antibacterial impregnation protects the foot from the appearance of fungus.

5. Upper sole

The upper part of the sole of the original Asics is sewn from two parts - this is the specificity of the technology. In counterfeit, this part is solid.

6. Performance level

As a rule, the workmanship of counterfeit shoes leaves much to be desired: uneven seams, flaking rubber in the places of stitching, marks from the marker, poorly glued Asics logo under the heel.

You can also distinguish the original from the Asics fake by the tongue of the sneakers: in branded shoes it is higher and softer. It is made from the same dense, shape-retaining material as the heel counter. To make the leg comfortable after lacing, the tongue is made thicker. The fake has a thin tongue, so the laces can put pressure on the arch of the foot.

8. Tongue bridge

To prevent the tongue from going sideways when moving, it has a jumper. However, in counterfeit it is not at all at the level required for a clear fixation.

Fakes have laces that look like real ones, but upon closer inspection, it turns out that they are made from less elastic and durable material than the original.

10. Ventilation holes

They exist! Only the original Asics are produced with real holes-holes, and fakes - with an imitation that does not fulfill its function.

If you still doubt your abilities, then come to the company store or order shoes on the official Asics website.

Perhaps you will be interested

Asics is a Japanese sportswear brand. Asics manufactures professional sports shoes and accessories for various sports disciplines: football, running, netball, tennis, badminton, squash, martial arts, golf, athletics, volleyball, basketball, cheerleading and many others. Asics running shoes are regularly ranked among the top products on the market, and the brand's basketball shoes are recognized as the best in Japan. Until 1977, Asics was called Onitsuka. The modern name of the brand was composed of the first letters of the Latin saying: “Anima Sana in Corpore Sano” - “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” The Japanese cannot imagine their life without philosophy, so Asics has its own idea that permeates all areas of the company: “ education of youth through sports”. Today, Asics is closely connected to the international running community. He sponsors the famous New York City Marathon, where 40% of the runners wear Asics running shoes.

From inspiration to big breakthrough

In 1949, Kihachiro Onitsuka founded his company Onitsuka Co. in Kobe, Japan. He was inspired by the opportunity to use sports to rehabilitate children after World War II, and was inspired to produce sports shoes for promising Japanese basketball players. Kihachiro had no experience in the production of shoes, so he, with the thoroughness and diligence inherent in the Japanese, delved into a new business.

Onitsuka became the first Japanese manufacturer of basketball shoes. On the sole of the first model of sneakers, a tiger head was depicted. Over time, this logo became a trademark, and the brand itself was called Onitsuka Tiger. For Onitsuka, innovation has become a path to fame and recognition. For example, the first volleyball shoes (1951) had vulcanized rubber soles. The Tiger Marathon Tabi was designed with a range of technological innovations, one of which was the Vinylon synthetic fiber fabric. Onitsuka devoted the mid-50s to improving professional running shoes. The first round toe shoe was the Ekiden Marup. Abebe Bikila, a great marathon runner who ran barefoot before meeting Onitsuka, started wearing the Magic Runner. This model had many holes for ventilation and cooling of the feet, and also prevented the appearance of corns. Japanese runner Kenji Kimihara wore these shoes to win a silver medal at the 1968 Olympics. In the 60s and 70s, the shoes of the Japanese brand gained wide recognition due to their use in sports competitions of various sizes.

The birth of Asics and development without stopping

In 1977 Onitsuka Co. merged with sports and fishing goods company GTO and uniform manufacturer JELENK. Asics is led by Kihachiro Onitsuka. Asics continued to use new materials and technologies in the production of shoes, step by step taking their company and the history of the sport to a new level. New volleyball shoes absorb shock, football shoes have removable spikes and many other innovations; no wonder that by the early 80s, Asics was exporting its shoes to 80 countries around the world.
Despite the resounding success, Asics had difficulties with development in the US and Germany. Of course, one of the reasons for the problems in Europe was the brand, but there was also an internal reason: the lack of qualified salespeople. In the 1980s, Asics focused on minimizing their expenses and increasing their income, which probably inspired the brand to develop shoes that would reduce the energy consumption of runners. This is how the “Task XL-1″ sneaker with a reinforced “Cactus Plate” studded sole was born.


In the 90s, to reduce labor costs, Asics production was moved to Indonesia. And at the same time, the brand introduced a line of light and durable shoes for professional athletes, original sandals based on medieval Japanese shoes. In the early 90s, the company suffered losses for 5 years, but after optimizing the production scheme, it returned to profitability. The brand also had a hard time due to fierce competition with such monsters as .

2000s and today

At the 2000 Olympics, runner Naoko Takahashi won the race wearing Asics running shoes that were designed specifically for her. In 2002, Asics and its subsidiaries became clothing suppliers for the Olympic teams of Japan, Italy and the Netherlands). In 2007, the founder of Asics, Kihachiro Onitsuka, passed away. Today, Asics is one of the leading manufacturers of sports shoes and clothing. Asics' latest achievements include injury prevention in football and rugby, where the issue is particularly acute.

To develop the perfect shoe last, Asics engineers carefully measured the feet of over 20,000 Japanese athletes. Asics running shoes have been named the best running shoes four times (in 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009) by Runner's World, the world's most authoritative sports publication in running. Since 1964, Asics has been present at every Olympic Games.

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