Pensions of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belarus. Belarusians talk about a preferential pension: “If it were like a salary, I would quit my job.” We find out whether maternity leave to care for a child is included in the length of service when calculating pensions - labor and preferential

All citizens of the Republic of Belarus are recipients of pensions. In addition, citizens who live in the country permanently have the right to receive pension payments. In 2017, 2 types of pensions were established at the state level: social and labor, including military.

In order to receive them, certain conditions must be met:

  • Social– it is received by disabled citizens: disabled children or disabled children. The category of social pension payments also includes payments to families for the loss of a breadwinner.
  • Labor— accrued after a citizen reaches a certain age, formed from insurance contributions of employees. The employer is obliged to make monthly contributions to the pension fund for them. When calculating a labor pension, length of service must be taken into account.

Every year the government of the country indexes pension payments. Indexations apply to all social payments, including pension benefits for military personnel.

The country has a program on the basis of which citizens of the country can accumulate additional funds. These services are optional.

These opportunities are provided by insurance companies. If a citizen chooses any insurance company for savings, then his employer must make contributions to this fund for him.

1. Old age

The retirement age for citizens of Belarus has been preserved since Soviet times and has not changed since then: men – 60, women – 55.

In some cases, early exit is possible - in areas of activity with hazardous conditions, as well as for citizens employed in the agricultural, textile, and transport industries.

2. For the loss of a breadwinner

This type of pension is paid to disabled people and minor dependents who have lost their breadwinner.

3. For disability

To receive payments, disabled people must have work experience at the time the disability group is established. For example, citizens under 23 years of age need 1 year of experience, at the age of 23-26 years - 3 years, etc.

4. Length of service

There is a list of professions that are covered by the superannuation law. The country's pension fund uses it when assigning pensions.

5. For services to the state

The calculation of pensions for citizens awarded state orders and titles is the responsibility of the government.

On the size of military pensions

The minimum old-age pension in Belarus is focused on the level of the consumer basket and is 25% of its average. The old age pension is calculated at 55% of the average monthly earnings in the country.

Its size is influenced by the amount of earnings, length of service in excess of the required norm, and the employee’s field of professional activity.

The sphere of pension provision for military personnel is regulated by state laws. Salaries for military personnel are calculated according to the same parameters as those provided for civilians: length of service, old age, loss of a breadwinner, disability.

The minimum allowance for military personnel is 1,474 thousand Belarusian rubles, or 4,422 rubles in Russian money. The old-age pension is calculated by taking approximately 20% of the average salary and adding 25% of the country's consumer basket.

In December 2014, the president issued a decree to increase the pension benefits of military personnel. It came into force on 01/01/15. The indexation of military allowances was carried out in November and December 2015 by 12.9% of the average subsistence level of the civilian population - 1,567,810 BR (4,703 Russian rubles). The indexation amount ultimately amounted to 202,247 BR (606.7 rubles).

From 01.01.16 in Belarus, a new base salary has been established at 1,320,000 BR (3,960 rubles).

Taking into account this figure, the salaries of military personnel by rank and position are determined. Based on this, the pensions that military pensioners have are subject to recalculation.

For the first half of 2016, the base part increased in March, but indexation was not carried out.

  • If a serviceman was the only source of income in the family, then minor children or disabled dependents who were in his care are paid a survivor's pension.
  • A citizen who received a disability group during service or within 3 months after dismissal has the right to receive a pension. If the problems appeared later than 3 months, but it is proven that they are related to the service, then the pension is also paid. To receive a pension, a conclusion from a medical commission is required.

The prospect of increasing the pension benefits of military personnel in Belarus will depend in the future on the state of the economy during 2017, on the level of the cost of living established for each category of the population.

If an employee works on the basis of an employment contract, employment agreement or contract with different types of employers, he develops seniority. By working on a collective farm on a membership basis, a worker also develops seniority.

In accordance with Section 5 “Pensions for long service” of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Pensions”, certain categories of aviation workers and flight test personnel, certain categories of medical and teaching workers, as well as certain categories of theater artists and others have the right to this type of pension. theatrical and entertainment institutions and groups. All of these categories of workers work on the basis of an employment contract, agreement or contract. Their work experience in the named positions is flight and flight test personnel, workers performing air traffic control and having a dispatcher certificate, engineering and technical staff, flight attendants, medical and teaching staff of secondary schools, OPTU, technical schools and colleges, as well as artists and others employees of theatrical and entertainment institutions and groups - called length of service. The total duration of work of the named employees in the positions listed above is their length of service. However, their work in the positions listed above can also be called length of service for the purpose of assigning and paying them a pension for long service.

Length of service is called and military service of citizens in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Committee. The total total duration of such service is the length of service of military personnel, privates and commanding officers of internal affairs bodies and the State Security Committee.

The presence of such length of service among the named persons is one of the necessary conditions for the emergence of a subjective right to a pension for length of service in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pension provision for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies.”

Military service itself, as well as service in the internal affairs bodies and the State Security Committee, is calculated in calendar order - day by day, month by month, year by year. However, taking into account the nature and complexity of military service, service in the internal affairs bodies and the State Security Committee (remote areas, Navy, including nuclear, Air Force, including jet aviation, service in active army units), the said Law provides for preferential calculation length of service. Thus, a month of service in remote areas is counted as one and a half, and a year - as one and a half. Service in jet aviation is counted as a month as two, a year as two. Service in the active army - a month in three, a year - in three. Thus, the length of service of military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies and the State Security Committee is the total duration (in years, months, days) of military and other service in the above-mentioned bodies plus individual periods of service counted on the appropriate preferential terms provided for legislation.

In accordance with Art. 18 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On pensions for military personnel, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies”, the procedure for calculating length of service for assigning pensions for length of service to officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and military personnel serving under a contract, commanding and rank-and-file personnel of internal affairs bodies determined by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 1993 No. 432 “On the procedure for calculating length of service, assigning and paying pensions and benefits to officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and military personnel serving under a contract, to persons of command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies , emergency department authorities, financial investigation authorities and their families” in compliance with the following:

a) length of service for the purpose of pensions includes active military service, service in internal affairs bodies in positions of command and rank and file, service in partisan detachments and formations, time spent working in civilian ministries, departments, institutions and organizations with retention in active military service, or in the cadres of the internal affairs bodies, the time spent in captivity, if the captivity was not voluntary and the serviceman, while in captivity, did not commit a crime against the Motherland, the time of detention and serving sentences of military personnel, commanding and ordinary personnel of the internal affairs bodies, unreasonably involved in criminal liability or repressed and subsequently rehabilitated;

b) periods of service under special circumstances (during combat operations and other extreme situations, during flight work, on submarines, in conditions of increased radiation, in the airborne troops, in remote areas and areas with unfavorable conditions, when performing special assignments, etc.) are counted towards length of service for the purpose of granting pensions on appropriate preferential terms. In this case, periods of service under special circumstances before the entry into force of this Law are counted towards length of service on appropriate preferential terms established by the legislation of the former USSR;

c) along with service in military formations and internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Belarus, service (including on appropriate preferential terms) in military formations and internal affairs bodies of the former USSR and member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States is also counted towards the length of service for the purpose of pensions;

d) when calculating length of service for assigning pensions to the relevant categories of military personnel who served outside the Republic of Belarus on the territory of other member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, along with preferential conditions for counting service as length of service for pensions established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, preferential conditions are also applied counting the length of service of their service abroad in remote, high-mountainous areas with unfavorable
climatic conditions established by the legislation of the states in whose territory they served;

e) length of service for the purpose of pensions, calculated in accordance with previously existing legislation, with the entry into force of this Law and subsequently upon the resumption of pension payments, is not subject to recalculation downwards.

4 With amendments and additions dated January 18, 1994, No. 21; dated April 22, 1994 No. 271; dated 10.08.1994 No. 4; dated October 26, 1994 No. 140; dated February 24, 1995 No. 102; dated February 28, 1996 No. 154; dated February 12, 1997 No. 79; dated 09/05/1997 No. 1180; dated May 20, 1999 No. 731; dated November 12, 1999 No. 1776; dated July 25, 2000 No. 1124; dated August 11, 2000 No. 1252.

Last May, Ivan Nikolaevich Snitko from Lida told how he was an investigator, liquidated the Chernobyl accident and visited a special operation in Baku. But after 19 years of service he was forced to resign. The year before last, he began to apply for a pension and it turned out that his 19 years were not included in the insurance period, which means he can only count on a social pension of 90 rubles. And even at 65 years old. _ The Ministry of Labor then just shrugged: such legislation, nothing can be done. Like, a long time ago there was a concept of insurance experience - this is the period of work when you, or instead of you, paid insurance premiums. And it depends on its value whether a person will receive a labor or social pension. Yes, in fact, the concept of insurance experience has existed since 2006. But literally over the past few years he has grown from 5 to 15 years. And according to the law, it will grow even more: every year by 6 months, ultimately by 2025 it will be 20 years, the portal writes.
At the same time, the insurance period does not include military service, study at universities and colleges, as well as graduate school, doctoral studies, etc., maternity leave, service in the police and other law enforcement agencies, and much more. After Belarusians began to retire under the new legislation, there were also those who fell into the so-called “insurance period trap” - people whose total length of service allowed them to retire and qualify for it, but they did not have any insurance experience enough. - You have lived your whole life with the feeling that you need 5 years of insurance experience, and suddenly you need 16. And it is often unrealistic to work out this difference,- say human rights activists of the public association “Belarusian Helsinki Committee”.
This is what happened to Ivan Nikolaevich, who, after 19 years of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, quit to care for his sick parents. He had about 10 years of insurance experience without service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This was not enough to receive even the minimum old-age pension. This means that he could only qualify for a social pension of 90 denominated rubles, and even then after five years. According to the Ministry of Labor, more than 1,000 people found themselves in a similar situation at the time the period was extended, and their number is growing every year.
Human rights activists have taken up the problem of the insurance experience trap. They appealed to the Constitutional Court, the Ministry of Labor and Parliament. - We proposed introducing a transition period, “first targeted assistance” for those who find themselves in a similar trap. Moreover, to assign a proportional pension, even if the insurance period has not been fully exhausted,- note human rights activists of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee.
The Constitutional Court noted that when transitioning to new legislation, “the legitimate expectations of citizens should be met as much as possible, including by determining a reasonable transition period to provide citizens with a real opportunity to comply with the amended requirements of legislative norms.” The Constitutional Court also added that it is necessary to provide for the adjustment and inclusion of socially significant activities for the state and society in the length of service.
As a result, the legislation was revised. And as of yesterday, a new presidential decree of June 29, 2017 No. 233 “On pension provision for certain categories of citizens” came into force. - Yes, Ivan Nikolaevich will be one of the few who will be able to receive a labor pension rather than a social pension. We have already sent documents for registration,- says the head of the labor department of the Lida regional executive committee Andrei Mimish. - The insurance period for him and all military personnel who did not go on a military pension has been reduced to 10 years. And Ivan Nikolaevich has already worked it out.

What has changed in the law?

- Innovations soften the situation of some vulnerable groups in the future, but at the same time do not completely solve the problem of the insurance experience trap,- explain in the BHC. Human rights activists have compiled a special table to show what changes have occurred in the legislation and what has remained the same.
New pension rules before decree No. 233 (until 08/01/2017) After decree No. 233 (after 01.08.2017)
Some people fell into the insurance experience trap due to the fact that no exceptions or transition periods were provided for those who, during the period of innovations, reach retirement age, have a sufficient amount of insurance experience according to the old rules (at least 5 years), but do not reach up to the insurance period established by the new decrees. This is primarily about those people who, in the dashing 90s and after, survived as best they could, without official employment. These people cannot receive either an old-age pension on a general basis or a social pension. The situation of these people was not improved in any way. The only way out of the situation would be to introduce a transition period for people who will soon reach retirement age.
People who have been carrying out socially useful activities for years (for example, caring for disabled people of the 1st group) fell into the trap of the insurance period and lost their right to a pension. The fact is that the state makes an entry in their work book and pays them money, but does not count their work into the insurance period. People do not have time to accumulate the required period of insurance coverage (16 years in 2017, more later). At the same time, according to the law, caring for a disabled person of the 1st group cannot be combined with any work. The logic of socially useful activities is taken into account in some way. Periods of socially useful activity are still not included in the insurance period, but the period of insurance service for such people has been reduced to 10 years. True, at the same time, the length of total work experience for such people has increased. For women - at least 35 years old, for men - at least 40 years old. While for other categories (who have enough insurance experience of 16 years in 2017), the total work experience is 20 and 25 years for men and women, respectively. Thus, the decree made pension provision more fair and lenient for this category of citizens, but the problem has not been completely solved, since an increase in the total length of service for many may be an obstacle to the assignment of a pension.
The situation of people who cared for a disabled person of the 1st group or a person who had reached the age of 80 was complicated not only by the trap of the insurance period, but also by the fact that after reaching retirement age they could not receive care benefits, even if they were not assigned pension due to lack of insurance experience. The decree eliminated this conflict. Now these people can continue to receive care benefits until the appointment of a social pension, and this period is counted towards their total length of service.
Inequality has arisen in relation to military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, law enforcement agencies and persons equivalent to them. While these people serve, the state as an employer does not pay insurance premiums for them. If they retire before reaching their term of service (which is 20 years), they will be accrued a pension on a general basis. This means that, for example, a principled police officer, being dismissed after 19 years of good service, will have to find a job and have time to develop an insurance record of at least 16 years today. The situation of military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, law enforcement agencies and persons equivalent to them is improving. Their service period is still not counted towards the insurance period. If for any reason these people do not reach the departmental pension and are dismissed earlier, in order to receive a pension on a general basis they will need to gain 10 years of insurance experience, and not 16 or more, as was the case before the adoption of Decree 233. They also need to gain minimum total work experience: 20 years for women, 25 years for men. The time of service is counted towards the total length of service. However, this relaxed approach will only apply to those people who have served for at least 10 years.

Ivan Nikolaevich Snitko is 61 years old. Last year, the man decided to apply for a pension. But it turned out that he could not qualify for a full-fledged labor pension. His service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not counted towards his insurance length of service, which affects the amount of his pension.

- I went to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1973, I just came from the army and began working there,- Ivan Nikolaevich told - He served as a district police officer, an inspector and even an investigator. Liquidated the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and participated in special operations in Baku. We were also forced to go there. It was about three days there. Worked until 1992. Then he left, my father and mother were disabled, I had to inspect them.

- As a result, I ended up with 30 and a half years of work experience. That is, I actually have the right to a pension from the state,- the man explains. - But when I began to collect documents and register, it turned out that these 19-odd years of mine were not included in my insurance experience.

As a result, it turned out that Ivan Nikolaevich had about 10 years of insurance experience, which is less than necessary. According to the law, for Belarusians who applied for a pension in 2015, the minimum insurance period is at least 15 years.

- And this means that I only have access to a social old-age pension. Not the usual 2.8 million, but 800 thousand per month,- says Ivan Nikolaevich. - When I found out that the length of service for calculating a pension does not include these 19 years, I was shocked. I don’t understand how and on what basis my experience was not included in the insurance? It turns out that I did my work, paid the debt to the state, but in the end there is nothing for me? The pension is the same as those drunkards who have only worked for a year or two in their lives... Of course, this is insulting and unfair.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection knows Ivan Nikolaevich’s situation. But they say that this is the law.

- The conditions for assigning a labor pension in the general pension system are the same for all citizens: both for civilians and for former military personnel,- Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Pensions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Larisa Yashkova explained to - As for the insurance period, it is formed by periods of work with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the pension fund. Accordingly, this length of service cannot include periods of other activities when contributions were not paid: time of military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies, child care, receiving unemployment benefits, training, etc. (note , that if you have the required insurance period and the right to a labor pension, the specified periods of activity “do not disappear”: they are included in the total length of service).

The requirement for a minimum period of insurance service for the assignment of an old-age labor pension (at least 5 years) appeared in the legislation back in 2006 and is justified by the fact that it is from the receipts of insurance contributions that the payment of current labor pensions is ensured.

According to current legislation, in 2016 the required insurance period is 15 years 6 months, and starting from January 1, 2017 it will increase annually by 6 months to 20 years by 2025. That is, for those who will retire in 2018, it will be 16 years 6 months, in 2019 - 17 years, and so on.

Unfortunately, Ivan Nikolaevich has a documented insurance record of nearly 10 years. And the law does not allow him to be granted a labor pension. However, upon reaching 65 years of age, he will acquire the right to a social pension.

Let us remind you that this year in Belarus the decision was made to increase the retirement age to 63 years for men and 58 years for women. It will be increased in stages: starting from 2017, every calendar year by 6 months.

Ivan Nikolaevich Snitko is 61 years old. Last year, the man decided to apply for a pension. But it turned out that he could not qualify for a full-fledged labor pension. His service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not counted towards his insurance length of service, which affects the amount of his pension.

- I started serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1973, I just came from the army and began working there, - Ivan Nikolaevich told - Served as a district police officer, inspector and even investigator. Liquidated the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and participated in special operations in Baku. We were also forced to go there. It was about three days there. Worked until 1992. Then he left, my father and mother were disabled, I had to inspect them.

- As a result, I ended up with 30 and a half years of work experience. That is, I actually have the right to a pension from the state,- the man explains. - But when I began to collect documents and register, it turned out that these 19-odd years of mine were not included in my insurance experience.

As a result, it turned out that Ivan Nikolaevich had about 10 years of insurance experience, which is less than necessary. According to the law, for Belarusians who applied for a pension in 2015, the minimum insurance period had to be at least 15 years.

- And this means that I only have access to a social old-age pension. Not the usual 2.8 million, but 800 thousand per month,- says Ivan Nikolaevich. - When I found out that the length of service for calculating a pension does not include these 19 years, I was shocked. I don’t understand how and on what basis my experience was not included in the insurance? It turns out that I did my work, paid the debt to the state, but in the end there is nothing for me? The pension is the same as those drunkards who have only worked for a year or two in their lives... Of course, this is insulting and unfair.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection knows Ivan Nikolaevich’s situation. But they say that this is the law.

- The conditions for assigning a labor pension in the general pension system are the same for all citizens: both for civilians and for former military personnel,- Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Pension Provision of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Larisa Yashkova explained to - As for the insurance period, it is formed by periods of work with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the pension fund. Accordingly, this length of service cannot include periods of other activities when contributions were not paid: time of military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies, child care, receiving unemployment benefits, training, etc. (note , that if you have the required insurance period and the right to a labor pension, the specified periods of activity “do not disappear”: they are included in the total length of service).

The requirement for a minimum period of insurance service for the assignment of an old-age labor pension (at least 5 years) appeared in the legislation back in 2006 and is justified by the fact that it is from the receipts of insurance contributions that the payment of current labor pensions is ensured.

According to current legislation, in 2016 the required insurance period is 15 years 6 months, and starting from January 1, 2017 it will increase annually by 6 months to 20 years by 2025. That is, for those who will retire in 2018, it will be 16 years 6 months, in 2019 - 17 years, and so on.

Unfortunately, Ivan Nikolaevich has a documented insurance record of nearly 10 years. And the law does not allow him to be granted a labor pension. However, upon reaching 65 years of age, he will acquire the right to a social pension.

Let us remind you that this year in Belarus the retirement age is increasing to 63 years for men and 58 years for women. It will be increased in stages: starting from 2017, every calendar year by 6 months.

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