Scenario "New Year's "field of miracles". Scenario of the event "New Year's field of miracles" among kindergarten staff New Year's questions for the game field of miracles



Office №1 a table with a drum and an arrow for the game "Field of Miracles", a board where the guessed word is placed. (if space permits, a decorated Christmas tree is here.)

Office №2 Christmas tree.

Members: employees of the center of children's creativity, their parents and guests studying.

Announcement: Hey gay parent, you listen to me!

There will be games, entertainment, very interesting.

To whom is a field of miracles, to whom is a casket of sweets.

Walk, who is to the left, who is to the right,

Make a mask for everyone!

The date and time of the New Year's performance is indicated.

Music sounds. Against the background of music

Leading: Hello dear guys!

Hello. Dear adults! Happy new year congratulations! We wish you all happiness! Bright life for a hundred years and health for a hundred pounds. Here on the Christmas tree everyone knows it will be very interesting!

Let's sing, play, dance and entertain each other!

We invite everyone to go to the hall and take a number at the entrance. Have a seat.

buffoon: Guys and guests, have fun, have fun ...

And now with the words "yes" or "no" answer my questions:

Are you guys brave? - Yes!

Are you guys smart? -Yes!

Are you guys smart? - Yes!

Are you guys cowardly? - No!

Of course, you guys are brave, skillful, attentive and cowardly among you. Those who never make friends with difficulty, who come to the house as if they were gentlemen. Give them everything, wash everything for them, cook dinner and set the table. Tell me a secret, among you there are none? ---No!

Leading: Everyone in this room has been tested and we are quite sure of many.

The buffoon and the presenter spin the drum and determine the numbers that have fallen

Participants of all three games of the game "Field - Miracles", where the participants will be both a child and an adult.

Words can be chosen on a specific topic or arbitrary, taking into account the age of the children. After each round, Skomorokh plays a game with those sitting in the hall. Or dance, make riddles. The leader of each tour leads in different masks. (maybe three different presenters in New Year's costumes).

Igame: assignment - how does it sound in Evenki? New Year» ? (answer MUCHUN).

buffoon: (addressing those sitting in the hall) from your spontaneously assembled team, let the song sound: about the new year, about winter, about snow, about the Christmas tree.

IIgame: task - This is the oldest ritual dish of the peoples of the north-east of the European part of Russia - Permyaks, Komi, Udmurts, as well as Siberian Tatars. The name of the dish is translated as "bread ear". Prepared according to the classic recipe, the dish should contain minced meat from three types of meat. (answer PELMENI).

Winter: To you guys, I was in a hurry, I didn’t forget your request, I returned as soon as possible. I know my snowball, you wait, you sing songs about it. Hey snowflakes, fly! Get lots of snow!

snowflake dance.

IIIgame: This hot drink has been known since the 15th century. It was sold mainly in Moscow in the markets and in crowded places. It was a Russian national winter drink, while kvass was a summer drink. (Sbiten)

buffoon: Task for those sitting in the hall - All of it sparkles in gold. Everything sparkles in the moonlight. Christmas trees decorate with beads. And paint on glass.

He is such a big prankster, he will pinch for the very nose.

To us here, will come to the holiday. Who is he? SANTA CLAUS!

Music sounds. Santa Claus appears

Father Frost: Well done folks for remembering me. Although I am old, I like to fool around with children, have fun. Play, then play, and give gifts ... Gifts, gifts were with the granddaughter. Where is my granddaughter? Let's all call her in chorus "Snow Maiden, come quickly, we have been waiting for you for a long time!". Everyone repeats 3 times

Snow Maiden: I'm coming, guys, I'm coming! Happy New Year! How beautiful you are and how smart you are. Where is the tree? Santa Claus, we probably didn’t get there? We were invited to the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus and Leader: Here is the tree, here, the Snow Maiden!

Leading: But first you got to the game "field - wonders." It's been three games. I ask Santa Claus to hold the final game.

Represents the winners of the previous 3 games.

Father Frost: Task: The celebration of the New Year in different countries has its own traditions. For example, in Italy, all the children are looking forward to the good fairy - for obedient children, she puts her gifts in her shoe, and for those who study poorly and play pranks, she leaves pieces of coal in her shoes - let them not be offended, but try to become better. Where it is hot on New Year's Eve, they usually douse each other with water, as in India. And, in Russia, on New Year's Eve, they sing funny songs, dance around the Christmas tree. What other tradition is there in Russia when celebrating the New Year?

Answer: sledding.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, what is it in your hands?

Father Frost: Box, and in my box, a symbol of the new year.

Answer - What's in my box?

Answer is monkey

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden congratulate the players, present a gift to the winner. The Snow Maiden and the Host, Skomorokh invite everyone to go to the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: Oh, yes, you also don’t have lights on the Christmas tree. Let's all say together: “Shine, shine the Christmas tree! Shine. Shine bright!" (3 times)

The lights on the tree are lit

I lit the Christmas tree for you, friends, all the needles sparkle. I ask you to sing for me "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Everyone sings a song in a round dance.

Snow Maiden: The tree is lit, sparkling, we will be children , having fun.

Children dance, read poetry, guess riddles, receive gifts and prizes from Santa Claus.

Winter: The clock strikes over the whole country, time moves forward. The New Year is coming for you and me in our lives!

Father Frost: I give this order:

Beloruchek and lazy people, so that there are no among you.

To take up the matter boldly,

So that there is a scope in daring and then any business will argue in the hands. Not afraid of obstacles along the way, a course for knowledge, a course forward!

May the New Year bring you much, much happiness!

Snow Maiden: We part, friends, young, joyful people.

Looking forward to meeting you, we guys, in a year.

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Here is such an interesting new year game"Field of Miracles" we held in our 10 "B" class of our school. After the game there was a disco. The kids had a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed it. The props are simple, the field can be made from thick cardboard, and the spinning top from the Yula children's toy, by gluing a pointer made of cardboard to it with rubber glue, the emblems of the participants can be printed on a color printer and pinned on pins. With the same scenario, my high school students went to spend the New Year's holiday in the sponsored 2 "G" class.

New Year's game "Field of Miracles".

Props: 1. The game requires the emblems of the troubadour, Cinderella, sleeping beauty, page boy, spinning top and a circle marked into sectors:

Game sectors (they indicate the number of points that the player will receive if he correctly names the letter or word);

Sector "plus" (the player can open any letter in the word);

Sector "chance" (the player can use the help of the hall);

Sector "prize" (the player can take the prize and leave the game);

Sector "bankrupt" (transition of the move).

2. Prizes and ribbons for the winner and participants, souvenirs for those who guessed riddles.

Leading . New year guys. There is something magical, mysterious in it. It begins with an elegant Christmas tree, the flickering of garlands and the crackle of candles. New Year is always a hope for the best.There is some kind of fairy tale in this holiday, and therefore it is no coincidence that it is the brightest and most beloved. And whether the New Year will be a fun, amazing holiday, whether miracles will happen, whether good, sweet memories will remain after it for life depends on you and me.Oh, guys, I hear someone's steps, someone is coming to our holiday,

It looks like the snow is crunching.
Someone else is coming to us!

(To the sound of calm music, the Snow Maiden enters the hall.)
Snow Maiden.
Hello my dear,
Small and big!
Both girls and boys
Have been friends with me for a long time.
I love frost and wind
And a snowstorm in winter.
I love prickly frost
I can't live without cold.
Santa Claus chose a name for me.
What is my name, friends?

Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden (looks around)

Santa Claus has not come yet, something is delayed, but we will start nothing, we need to choose two princesses Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and two knights of the Troubadour, the Page Boy.

Girls, the first task for you, whoever guesses the riddle first, wins. Listen carefully and raise your hands.

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled. (Winter.)

(The first one to guess the riddle comes out, the emblem of Cinderella is pinned on her).

Boys, the second task for you, whoever guesses the riddle first, wins. Listen carefully and raise your hands.

Without boards, without axes -

The bridge over the river is ready.

Bridge like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light. (Ice.)

(The first one to guess the riddle comes out, he is pinned with the emblem of the Troubadour).

The third task for girls. Listen carefully and raise your hands.

Village in white velvet

And fences and trees.

And how the wind hits

This velvet will fall. (Frost.)

(The first one to guess the riddle comes out, she is pinned with the emblem of the Sleeping Beauty).

Boys, the task is for you. Listen carefully and raise your hands.

white carrot,

It has been growing all winter.

The sun warmed

I ate all the carrots. (Icicle.)

(The first one to guess the riddle comes out, he is pinned with the emblem of the page boy).

Snow Maiden.

And now the task for the game for the winners

For 10th grade.

The inhabitants of which island celebrate the New Year first on our planet (Fiji). You can think of another task. Who introduced the celebration of the new year on Earth (Caesar). The hidden word is posted on the board letter by letter, each letter is closed with a leaf on a magnet.

For 2nd grade.

A winding road in the mountains and a New Year's decoration (Serpentine), the hidden word is hung out on the board letter by letter, each letter is closed with a leaf on a magnet.

The game is played with the help of a top and a marked circle, the winner is determined.

Snow Maiden.

We have already played the game, but Santa Claus is still not there, how insulting we are to tears, where is Santa Claus !?

It's time for him to come
He stopped on the way.
Santa Claus, ay, ay!
Hear, I'm calling you!
(There is a knock on the door)
Snow Maiden.
Rather, open the doors!
Who comes to us, look!
(Santa Claus appears, children applaud)

Father Frost.

Hello children,

I was in a hurry, guys, to you,
Wonderful friends!
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy
Bright life for a hundred years
And a hundred pounds of health!

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather Frost, we have already played the game without you and we have a winner who needs to be awarded.

Santa Claus awards the winner and distributes consolation prizes to the rest of the participants.

Father Frost.

And now we will play with you guys, I will ask you riddles and see how you prepared for the holiday.

Santa Claus makes riddles for children.

1. How many fur coats does Santa Claus have?

(Three. Red, blue and white)

2. Who is never late for anything?

(New Year)

3. Warm in winter

Smoldering in the spring
Dies in summer
Comes alive in autumn.

4. Many days spent with him
I'm already used to it.
I suddenly began to say goodbye to him
Even sad because.
He's leaving for good
on the last day of December,
Slowly, imperceptibly
giving the fight of the Chimes to everyone.

(Old year)

5. The man is difficult:

Appears in winter

And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly.


6. On a winter day
Among the branches
The table is set for guests.

7. A middle-aged man With an enormous beard Brought with him by the handle

To your granddaughter for the holiday. Answer the question: Who is this? ...
(Father Frost with the Snow Maiden)

You have worked hard, guessed all the riddles, and now we are receiving gifts.

(Father Frost and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts, say goodbye to the guys and leave).

Kononkova Svetlana Alexandrovna, teacher-organizer
State Regional Budgetary Educational Institution "Murmansk Correctional Boarding School No. 3"
educational game "Field of Miracles"
"New Year's Kaleidoscope"
(for students in grades 4-5)
Purpose: to introduce students to the history and some traditions of celebrating the New Year.
Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation "New Year"; stand; set of letters; game drum, "prize box"; prizes.
Host: Guys, very soon we will celebrate a wonderful holiday.
What holiday is it? (children's answers) That's right, New Year. This is one of the most beloved holidays of the people. Both adults and children are looking forward to when a sparkling beauty tree appears in the house, and under it is a bag with gifts from Santa Claus.
Slide 1. Today we will play the game "Field of Miracles" on the topic: "New Year". I think that you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the history and traditions of this beloved holiday.
So we start the game.
I remember the rules.
To participate in the game, we determine three triples of players.
Participants will take turns spinning the game drum. When a “positive” sector is thrown, the participant names the letter. If this letter is in the hidden word, the letter is opened, the participant continues to rotate the drum, earning the specified number of points. If there is no such letter, the turn passes to another player. Sector "B" - "bankrupt" - all your points burn out; sector "+" - you can open any letter; sector "prize" - you can take the prize and exit the game, or you can continue the game.
Today, each of you can earn a prize if you answer the question correctly in the game with the audience.
(Choose 1 trio of players)
So we start the game.
But first, a little history.
New Year's holiday appeared a very, very long time ago - hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Of course, it didn't look like today's holiday. But even then, the New Year was held with various rituals, solemn offerings and fun. For example, the Romans feasted all night, danced and ran through the streets wearing masks. They congratulated each other on the holiday, gave gifts.
But in Russia, the New Year as a holiday began to be celebrated not so long ago, only some 300 years ago.
Slide 2. Tsar Peter the Great, who lived at that time, ordered by his decrees to celebrate the New Year with a solemn prayer service, bell ringing, the roar of shots and fireworks. On this day, everyone had to congratulate each other on the holiday, give gifts.
Since those times of Peter the Great, on the orders of the tsar, people began to decorate their houses with green branches on the eve of the New Year. And, of course, they began to exchange gifts. By the way, when Peter the Great celebrated the New Year with his courtiers, he did not forget about the people - he put up various dishes in front of the palace. That was some fun!
Slide 3. Since then, they began to decorate Christmas trees in Russian cities. We borrowed this custom from the Germans - in Germany it was believed that spruce, which retains its summer color even in winter, had some special ability not to succumb to winter stupor. In Rus', spruce and pine did not enjoy special respect. Here is a birch - another matter! But since the king ordered everyone to be equal to Europe, our ancestors had to rebuild. So the tree became a symbol of the New Year.
Slide 4. Task for the first three players.
Once upon a time, the Slavic peoples had a very noble and beautiful custom. people by day new year holiday they did not install thorny spruces in houses, but grew flowering trees in tubs, covered with white and pink delicate petals. Candles were lit next to them. The trees were very beautiful, like a smart bride. They also had a wonderful aroma.
Slide 5.
- What was the name of the tree with which people in ancient times decorated the house on New Year's Eve instead of thorny spruce?
Slide 6. Answer: H AND W N I
(Choose 2 three players)
Slide 7. Task for the second three players.
Once upon a time, the Christmas tree was decorated not with toys, but with various treats, fruits, nuts, even vegetables in order to appease the evil spirits that, according to legend, settled in coniferous trees. One of the fruits was especially revered by people, because it was a symbol of fertility.
slide 8.
- Name the fruit that used to decorate the Christmas tree in the old days?
Slide 9. Answer: I B L O C O
But they began to decorate the Christmas tree with toys much later. Where, for example, did Christmas balls come from? Once upon a time, there was a crop failure of apples and glass blowers made glass balls, which replaced apples on the Christmas tree.
(Choose 3 three players)
Slide 10. Task for the third three players.
In each country, Santa Claus comes on New Year's Eve and he arrives in his own transport. For example, Santa Claus rides on reindeer, Santa Claus rides on three horses. In Uzbekistan, the Snow Grandfather Korbobo in a striped robe and skullcap comes to .... But on what animal the Snow Grandfather comes to Uzbekistan you should name. So ... (Donkey).
Slide 11.
- What is the name of the animal on which the Snow Grandfather arrives in Uzbekistan?
Slide 12. Answer: O S L I K
And now the game with the audience. First. who will answer the question, will receive our gift.
slide 13.
So, listen to the question: As you know, the New Year begins on January 1st. But this was not always the case in Rus'. On January 1, it began to begin only after the decree of Tsar Peter I. And before this decree, in what month did the New Year begin?
slide 14.
Answer: S E N T Y A B R
Prize presentation.
Slide 15. And we have come to the final.
There are three players left in the final. The rules of the game are the same.
Do you know what confetti is? And where did it come from?
Confetti are small pieces of paper or foil. They are scattered on New Year's Eve to make the holiday bright and colorful.
It was invented more than 100 years ago by the owner of a French institution, who decided to attract the public with something unusual. This invention was multi-colored confetti. It glorified the cunning owner. People still enjoy confetti today. especially on New Years.
Slide 16. Task for the finalists.
Question: What was scattered on New Year's Eve before the invention of CONFETTI?
Slide 17. Answer: CANDIES
Indeed, at the famous Roman carnivals in the early 18th century, it was customary to throw small sweets at each other. But after someone was injured with such “confetti”, this custom was forgotten. And only 100 years ago it was revived in France in the form of paper confetti.
So, the winner of our game has been determined, and we invite him to play a super game.
Slide 18. Question for SUPER GAME.
Since ancient times, people on New Year's Eve sent each other beautiful postcards with congratulations and best wishes.
Slide 19. And in which country did the custom of sending New Year cards?
(The player is allowed to name 3 letters. The letters in the name are opened on the scoreboard. The time for thinking is 1 minute.)
slide 20.
Answer: K I T A Y
This custom was invented by the Chinese more than 1000 lats ago. True, on their postcards there were only the names of those who came to congratulate the owner of the house on the New Year, but did not find him on the spot.
Slide 21.
But in the mail for the first time New Year's greetings sent by an Englishman named Henry back in the 19th century. He asked his friend to draw greeting card and print it out to send to your friends. 1000 copies printed. But friends turned out to be less than a thousand. So the rest of the postcards went on sale.
This is how Christmas cards were born. People began to send them to each other in all countries of the world.
slide 22.
So our educational game has come to an end.
(Questions on the assimilation of information)
I congratulate the winner and thank all participants.

To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
The game "Field of Miracles" on the theme: "New Year's Kaleidoscope" Tsar Peter I. Task for the first three players.
What was the name of the tree with which people in ancient times decorated houses on New Year's Eve instead of thorny spruce? CHERRY
Task for the second three players.
Name the fruit used to decorate the Christmas tree in the old days. APPLE
Task for the third three players.
What is the name of the animal on which the Snow Grandfather arrives in Uzbekistan? DONKEY
Task for the audience. Name the month in which the New Year began before the decree of Tsar Peter the Great. SEPTEMBER
What was scattered in the New Year before the invention of CONFETTI? A task for the finalists. CANDIES
In which country did the custom of sending New Year cards originate? CHINA
Thanks for playing! Happy New Year!!!

Attached files

To promote the development of thinking and cognitive activity, creative and communication skills; to expand children's ideas about the meeting of the New Year in ancient times and today, in Russia and other countries. intellectual game. organized joint creative activity.

Age of participants:

9-10 years old.

Rules of the game:

The game is played in 3 qualifying and 4 main rounds (three current and one final). Everyone can take part in the first qualifying round. There are 3 questions in each qualifying round. The one who first answers the question correctly becomes the player of the main part of the game (i.e. is part of the three players). Those who have not yet participated in the main game take part in the second and third qualifying rounds.

Each main round has 3 players. Their goal is to guess the encrypted word in turn, naming the letters. For correctly guessing the letter, players receive a token. If there is no such letter in the word, the turn passes to another player. If the letter is guessed correctly, then the same player has the right to make a move again (name another letter). The winners of each round advance to the final. The player who guessed the final word wins the game. According to the number of tokens collected, the winner chooses a gift.

Game progress


There are many wonderful holidays,
Everyone comes in his turn,
But in the world the kindest holiday,
The best holiday is the New Year!
He comes on a snowy road,
Spinning the snowflakes round dance.
Mysterious and strict beauty
Fills the heart of the New Year!
He gives us faith in a good case,
On the first day and on a new turn,
Helps to get better
To all people in the world Happy New Year!

This holiday appeared a long time ago - more than 2,500 years ago. He was born in Mesopotamia. True, it was then celebrated not on January 1, as we are used to, but in March.
A little later, this holiday passed from the Babylonians to the Jews (ancient Jews), and from them to the Greeks and to the peoples of Western Europe. In 46 BC, the Roman emperor Julius Caesar moved the New Year's celebration to January 1. Gradually, other peoples of the world began to celebrate it on this day. So this wonderful holiday came to us, with Christmas tree decorations, lights, gifts and Santa Claus.

Today our game "Field of Miracles" is dedicated to the kindest, most magical holiday - the New Year.

1 qualifying round:

Answer: Peter I.

Additional information:

In ancient Rus', the New Year was celebrated in March. In 1700, the Russian Tsar issued a decree to celebrate the New Year according to the Latin custom - January 1st. Muscovites were invited to decorate their homes with pine, spruce and juniper branches. The townspeople had to congratulate all relatives and friends on the holiday. Peter I went out to Red Square exactly at midnight with a torch in his hands, and he himself launched a “hype” (rocket). Guns and cannons were fired everywhere. The holiday lasted for a week.

When was the New Year celebrated in Rus' before Peter's decree?

Additional information:

Which country is considered the historical homeland of the Christmas tree, and then the New Year tree?

Answer: Germany.

Additional information:

In ancient times, people believed that the spirits of vegetation and fertility live in trees, on which the harvest of bread and vegetables depends. People went to the forest and hung gifts for the spirits on the branches of the largest Christmas tree so that they would be kinder.

I round

In which country is the New Year celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise?

Answer: Japan.

Additional information:

In Japan, New Year is considered the biggest holiday. The New Year is not celebrated at midnight, but at sunrise. When the first rays of the sun illuminate the earth, the Japanese congratulate each other on the coming year and exchange gifts. At the time of the New Year, the Japanese begin to laugh. They believe that laughter will bring them good luck in the coming year. The evening is usually spent with family.

Musical pause

Children sing the song "Happy New Year"
Words: M. Sadovsky Music: Z. Kompaneytsa

When approaching
New Year's to us
He is new to everyone
It carries a lot.

The newest year! (2 times)

On new fives
He runs faster
And left two
At the old doors.

And new books
Helps to read
At the New Year
Everything is new!

No wonder the parish
Everyone is waiting for him
And a new one for good reason
Everyone calls him!

2 qualifying round:

What was the name of Santa Claus in Russia before 1917?

Answer: Saint Nicholas

Additional information:

The real prototype of the modern Santa Claus is one of the most revered saints of our church - St. Nicholas. It was believed that Saint Nicholas threw gifts through the chimney. Therefore, children put their shoes at night or hung stockings by the fireplaces, from where gifts fell into them.

Where, according to the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries, confirmed by the decision of the UN, does the real Santa Claus live?

Answer: Lapland

Additional information:

The birthplace of Santa Claus or Santa Claus, as he is called in Europe, is the fabulous country of Lapland, namely the Finnish city of Rovaniemi. Santa Claus Village is located near the Arctic Circle (8 km from Rovaniemi, in the town of Payakylä).

What is the name of the decorative decoration made of branches and flowers for the Christmas tree?

Answer: Garland.

Additional information:

The Christmas tree is usually decorated with balls of thin glass and gold leaf, tinsel, decorative figurines and garlands. In the light of Christmas traditions, the main colors of decorations are red (the color of the Santa Claus costume), golden, silver and white (the color of snow).

II round

In which country on New Year's Eve on the streets of the city can you see a carnival procession of fairy-tale characters?

Answer: England

Additional information:

New Year is the most joyful national holiday. This fun often spills over into the streets of cities. In England, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to play performances for children based on the plots of old English fairy tales. You can see a fun carnival procession on the street, where Lord Chaos leads fairy-tale characters: Hobby Horse, March Hare, Humpty Dumpty and others.

Musical pause

Children sing the song "Three White Horses"

Music: Krylatov E.
Words: Derbenev L.

The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down,
And a little puffed up at home.
It's warm and damp in the city
It's warm and damp in the city
And outside the city - winter, winter, winter.

Into the ringing bright distance
December, January, and February.

Winter opened the snowy arms
And until spring, everything is dormant here.
Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,
Everyone is running towards me, running, running.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing bright distance
Three white horses, three white horses -
December, January, and February.

The rivers have cooled down, and the earth has cooled down,
But I'm not afraid to freeze.
It was in the city that I was sad,
And outside the city - a mixture, I laugh, I laugh.

And they take me away, and they take me away
Into the ringing bright distance
Three white horses, three white horses -
December, January, and February.

3 qualifying round:

Which city is declared the geographical homeland of Santa Claus?

Answer: Veliky Ustyug.

Additional information:

The patrimony of Father Frost is located in a pine forest, near the city of Veliky Ustyug. A journey into a fairy tale begins from the carved gate leading to the domain of a fairy tale wizard. You will have to get to the house of Santa Claus along the Trail of Fairy Tales or the Alley of Miracles, and along the way, children will have a lot of adventures.

What is the name of the New Year's character, unique to Russian culture?

Answer: Snow Maiden.

Additional information:

In Russian folklore, the image of the Snow Maiden is presented as a character in a folk tale about a girl made of snow who came to life. In 1873 A.N. Ostrovsky wrote the play "The Snow Maiden". In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of Father Frost and Spring-Red, who dies during the summer veneration of the sun god Yarila.

Name a popular New Year's dance around the Christmas tree.

Answer: round dance.

Additional information:

New Year must be met in dance. Better in one that will unite everyone. Of course, it’s hard to come up with something better than a round dance. people stand in a circle, holding hands, and began to dance around the Christmas tree. The beauty of this dance is that everyone can get to know each other better, talk, become friends.

III round

What item do the Japanese consider the best New Year's gift?

Answer: rake.

Additional information:

Every Japanese believes that having a rake is necessary so that for the New Year there is something to rake in happiness. Bamboo rakes - kumade - are made from 10 cm to 1.5 m in size and are decorated with various patterns of talismans.

Musical pause

Children perform New Year's ditties

We will sing ditties to you,
Please don't laugh!
We are young artists
We can be embarrassed.
Holiday, New Year's holiday
Don't skimp on sweets!
People love sweets
Give me more joy!
I am a cheerful Snow Maiden,
I'll play hide and seek with you
But I'm afraid to drink tea -
I melt from the hot.
I sit on the sled
I boldly roll from the hill,
Let it be white from the snow
But what a bold one!
Near the house, at the rink
I made a snowman
Made a nose out of a carrot
Got Santa Claus.
Everyone makes a snowman.
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.
Dad put on a suit for me
Couldn't look back...
I'm hanging from the ceiling.
With mom dressed up the Christmas tree,
And the lights were on.
There will be my Christmas tree
The most beautiful!
Children lead a round dance,
They clap their hands.
Hello, hello New Year!
You are so good!
Outside the window a flock of snowflakes
He also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We welcome the new year!
May any of your dreams
Come true, come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
They light up brightly.

The final

What is the name of the calendar we live by now, counting days, months, years?

Answer: Gregorian.

Additional information:

The Gregorian calendar in Catholic countries was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII on October 4, 1582 to replace the old Julian. In the Gregorian calendar, the length of a common year is 365 days, and a leap year is 366 days.

Congratulations to the winner of the game


They say New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
Maybe even the guys
All wishes come true
All you need, they say
Put in the effort.
Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And learning does not count
For your pain.
They say New Year's Eve
Whatever you wish -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

May the New Year 2010 be successful for you, may all your dreams come true. Happy New Year!

New Year in elementary school. Scenario

Scenario of the extra-curricular event "New Year" for grade 2

Equipment: 1. For the game you need a spinning top and a circle marked into sectors. Available:

Game sectors (they indicate the number of points that the player will receive if he correctly names the letter or word);

Sector "plus" (the player can open any letter in the word);

Sector "chance" (the player can use the help of the hall);

Sector "prize" (the player can take the prize and leave the game);

Sector "bankrupt" (transition of the move).

2. Scoreboard with tasks.

3. Prizes for the winner and participants.

The course of the game - class hours

Leading. New Year. There is something magical, mysterious in it. It begins with a blue twilight, light powder, a smart Christmas tree, the flickering of garlands and the crackle of candles, hidden hope ... Of course, it will be good. New Year is the right time to start new life to realize plans and dreams. New Year is always a hope for the best.

There is some kind of fairy tale in this holiday, and therefore it is no coincidence that for many it is the brightest and most beloved. And whether the New Year will be a fun, amazing holiday, whether miracles will happen, whether good, sweet memories will remain after it for life - it depends on you and me.

In all countries, the New Year is celebrated in different ways, but everywhere this holiday has common features: hope for happiness, prosperity and a better future. Guys, today we will go to other countries and find out how they celebrate the New Year there.

First tour

1. In France, the one who caught this product in the pie receives the title of king, and on New Year's Eve everyone obeys him. Name this product. (Bean.)

2. In Austria, Germany and Hungary, this dish on the festive table is considered a guarantee of well-being and happiness. (Pig.)

3. In Hungary, this dish is never served on New Year's Eve: it is believed that happiness can fly away from home on wings. (Game: chicken, duck, goose.)

Player presentation.

Exercise. This country has such a tradition. On New Year's Eve, when the clock strikes midnight, the lights are turned off in the house. In these seconds, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark in order to kiss him: according to a comic belief, this portends good luck. Name the country. (Bulgaria.)

Second round

Questions for the selection of participants:

1. What kind of stuffed animal is burned in Sweden on New Year's Eve? (Goat.)

2. Which tree is decorated for New Year in Japan? (Fir.)

3. In Tibet, women bake this to give gifts to everyone they know and even strangers. The more you give away, the richer you will be. (Pies.)

Player presentation.

Exercise. In this country, New Year falls on the hottest month of the year. On this day, it is customary to pour water on each other, and it is called the Water Festival. (Burma.)

Physical education minute

There are three shelves in the forest

(clap hands):

Spruces - Christmas trees - Christmas trees

(hands up - to the sides - down),

Heaven lies on the firs

(hands to the side),

Down on the Christmas trees - dew

(hands - down, sat down).

Third round

Questions for the selection of participants:

1. In which country is it customary to throw away old things on New Year's Eve in order to buy new ones in the coming year? (In Italy.)

2. In England, the decision of Parliament to postpone the New Year from March 1 to January 1 was met with resistance by some categories of citizens: they said that "Parliament has no right to make them many days older." Who was that? (Women.)

Player presentation.

Exercise. In ancient Greece, often quarreling spouses were sent this vegetable for the New Year - a symbol of quarrels and gossip. (Beet.)

The final

Presentation of the finalists.

Exercise. In what country can you meet such a Santa Claus: a fox hat on his head, a long whip, flint, flint and snuff box in his hands? (Mongolia.)

Super game

Exercise. In every country there are many new year traditions and customs, but Santa Claus or Santa Claus always come on New Year's Eve. Which of the saints became the prototype of Santa Claus? (Saint Nicholas.) Awarding the winner.

Leading. Happy New Year, dear guys!

New Year wishes come true.

On New Year's Eve, everything in life turns out.

Problems suddenly become easy,

Luck flies to the losers

All grievances and sorrows are forgiven,

Dreams of people, cherished, come true,

Enemies become friends, loyal -

All evil evaporates, I guess.

The light becomes much better -

There is no better holiday, of course.

Game with spectators


1. Where does Santa Claus live? (In Lapland.)

2. In what city does Santa Claus live? (In Veliky Ustyug.)

3. A traditional Christmas dish in the United States of America. (Turkey.)

4. In the Baltic countries, meeting a person of this profession brings happiness. (Chimney sweep.)

5. In Russia, Santa Claus is accompanied by the Snow Maiden. And who accompanies Santa Claus? (Elves, gnomes.)

6. Which tree is decorated for the New Year in Vietnam? (Peach.)

7. In what fairy tale did all the months of the year meet on New Year's Eve? ("Twelve months".)

8. Which Russian writer invented the Snow Maiden? (Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky.)

9. In the tale of V.I. Dalia has an old man who had twelve birds. What is this old man? (Old man-year-old.)

10. In the fairy tale K.D. Ushinsky played pranks on the old woman. What was her name? (Winter.)

11. In which Russian fairy tale did Frost reward his stepdaughter and punish his own daughter? ("Frost")

12. In which fairy tale did the boy's heart turn into a piece of ice? ("The Snow Queen".)

13. Name the work in which the Dragonfly had a very hard time with the onset of winter. ("Dragonfly and Ant.")

14. In which fairy tale did the girl manage to get to the North Pole in one day and return back? ("Flower-seven-flower".)

New Year's riddles

Village in white velvet

And fences and trees.

And how the wind hits

This velvet will fall. (Frost.)

Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window. (Freezing.)

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled. (Winter.)

white carrot,

It has been growing all winter.

The sun warmed

I ate all the carrots. (Icicle.)

Blanket white

Not made by hand

Did not weave and did not crumble -

It fell from heaven to earth. (Snow.)

Without boards, without axes -

The bridge over the river is ready.

Bridge like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light. (Ice.)

IN new wall, in a round window

Broken glass during the day

Overnight - inserted. (Hole.)

What a beautiful girl

Dress up once a year? (Christmas tree.)

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