Bilibin Finist Clear Falcon. Russian folk tales in illustrations and. bilibin. feather of the finist falcon. Let's draw the head of a falcon

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The peasant had three daughters. The eldest and middle ones are envious and angry, and the youngest Mashenka is kind, affectionate, hard-working, of unwritten beauty.
Once a peasant went to the city to the market, called his daughters to say goodbye and asked:
– What gifts, daughters, should I bring you?
“Bring us, daddy, shawls, painted and embroidered in gold,” the eldest and middle asked.
“And for me, father, if you find it, Finist’s feather is clear to the falcon,” Mashenka asked.

The peasant returned home sad, brought gifts for his older daughters, but did not find his youngest.
I'm going to the city next time. The daughters ordered various gifts, and Mashenka again asked to bring her a feather.
In the city, the peasant went around all the shops, but did not find the feather anywhere. On the way home he meets a little old man.
-Where are you going, honey? - asked the old man.
– I’m returning home from the city. I’m bringing gifts for my daughters, but I can’t find a gift for my youngest. She wanted Finist's feather - the clear falcon.

– This feather is not simple, it’s treasured. Take it as a gift for your daughter, may she be happy.
The peasant was delighted and drove his horses home as fast as he could.

In the evening, when everyone had gone to bed, Mashenka took a feather, hit it on the floor and said:
- Dear Finist, a clear falcon, fly to me, my betrothed.
And out of nowhere a young man of unprecedented beauty appeared. And by morning he turned into a falcon and flew away to distant lands.
He began to fly to Mashenka every evening until the evil sisters noticed him. They envied Mashenka and planned something evil.
We went into her little room, and while she was gone, they stuck knives and needles into the frames, and hid themselves to see what would happen.

A clear falcon flew up to the window, but there was nowhere to sit, the knives were sticking out sharp. He started banging on the window, but Mashenka was not in the room. The clear falcon crashed and bled, and injured its paws. And then he says:
“If you need me, then you will find me far away, until you trample three forged shoes, break three staves, and lose three iron hats.”

Then Mashenka entered the little room and heard it, but it was too late. Her Finist, a clear falcon, flew away.
She cried all her tears and began to go to distant lands to look for her falcon. I ordered forged shoes, iron staffs and caps. I said goodbye to my father and sisters and went wherever my eyes led me.
How long or short did it take her to come to a clearing, and in it was a hut on chicken legs.

- Stand to me, hut, in front, back to the forest. I want to go in and relax.
The hut turned around, Mashenka came in and saw Baba Yaga in the hut. And then let's swear:
- Ugh, ugh, girl, why are you wandering around, disturbing your sleep?
“I’m looking, grandma, for Finist, the clear falcon,” Mashenka answers.

- It's a long search for you, girl. He now lives in the thirtieth country. The queen there bewitched him. Here, dear, take the golden egg and the silver saucer. Go to the queen and hire her as a servant. Just don’t sell the saucer and the egg, just give it away, just ask the clear falcon to see it.

Mashenka went further. She walked and walked and already wore out her forged shoes. Here again he comes out into a clearing, and there is a hut spinning on chicken legs.
Masha went into the hut, and Baba Yaga was sitting there.
- Fu, fu, girl, what are you looking for here?
“I’m going to the thirtieth kingdom for Finist, the clear falcon,” Mashenka answers.
“I see you also visited my sister.” She decided to help you, and I will help. Maybe you will find your falcon. Here's a golden needle and a silver hoop. The needle is not simple, it can embroider itself. If the queen asks you to sell, then don’t sell, but give it for free, just let her let you look at Finist.

St. Petersburg: Expedition for the procurement of state papers, 1902. 12 p. with ill. The cover and illustrations are made using the chromolithography technique. In a color illustrated publisher's cover. 32.5x25.5 cm. Series “Fairy Tales”. Super classic!

Of course, Bilibin had predecessors, and above all Elena Dmitrievna Polenova (1850-1898). But Ivan Yakovlevich still followed his own path. At first, he did the illustrations not to order, but, one might say, for himself. But it turned out that the Expedition for Procurement of State Papers became interested in them. The best Russian printing house, founded in 1818, printed banknotes, credit cards and other official products that required special means of protection against counterfeiting. Issues of cost and economic feasibility did not concern her. The expedition was generously financed by the state; it did not need funds. But the people who led the Expedition for the procurement of state papers - its manager - the prince, but also the famous scientist, academician Boris Borisovich Golitsyn (1862-1916), engineer and inventor Georgy Nikolaevich Skamoni (1835-1907), were tired of the monotony of official products. Bilibin makes illustrations for “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf”, for “The Frog Princess”, for “The Feather of Finist Yasna-Falcon”, for “Vasilisa the Beautiful”.

These were all watercolors. But in the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers they decided to reproduce them by chromolithography. It was the twentieth century, and the dominance of photomechanical methods of reproduction had already established itself in printing, and the Expedition allegedly revived ancient reproduction processes. Bilibin showed his watercolors in 1900 at the second exhibition of the World of Art. The artist seems to be reconsidering his views on the community, which both Ilya Efimovich Repin and the outstanding critic Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov (1824-1906) interpreted as decadent. The word “decadence,” derived from the Latin decadentia, meaning “decline,” became attached to the new artistic movement.

It is interesting that V.V. Stasov, in his critical analysis of the World of Art exhibition, contrasted Bilibin with the rest of its participants - the “decadents”, drawing parallels between this artist and the Wanderer Sergei Vasilyevich Malyutin (1859-1937). “Not so long ago, in 1898,” wrote Stasov, “Malyutin exhibited about a dozen illustrations for Pushkin’s fairy tale “Tsar Saltan” and for the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”... At the current exhibition there are no illustrations by Mr. Malyutin, but there are several excellent similar illustrations by Mr. Bilibin - 10 pictures for the fairy tales “The Frog Princess”, “Finist’s Feather...” and for the saying:

Once upon a time there lived a king

The king had a court

There was a stake in the yard

There is bast on the stake,

Shouldn't we start the fairy tale over again?

These are all very pleasant and wonderful phenomena. The national spirit in the work of our new artists has not yet died! Against!". The watercolor with the king picking his nose was reproduced by the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers using a special technique - algraphy - flat printing from aluminum plates. The prints were attached to the St. Petersburg magazine “Printing Art,” which enjoyed great authority among printers, but, unfortunately, was not published for long. They started talking about Bilibin, emphasizing the uniqueness and originality of his talent.

Acquaintance with the artists of the Mamontov circle E. Polenova and S. Malyutin, with the paintings of V. Vasnetsov, helped Bilibin find his theme. He, being a member of the “World of Art” circle, becomes an adherent of the national romantic movement. It all started with an exhibition of Moscow artists in 1899 in St. Petersburg, at which I. Bilibin saw the painting “Bogatyrs” by V. Vasnetsov. Brought up in a St. Petersburg environment, far from any fascination with the national past, the artist unexpectedly showed interest in Russian antiquity, fairy tales, and folk art. In the summer of the same year, Bilibin went to the village of Egny, Tver province, to see for himself the dense forests, clear rivers, wooden huts, and hear fairy tales and songs. Paintings from the exhibition of Viktor Vasnetsov come to life in the imagination. Artist Ivan Bilibin begins to illustrate Russian folk tales from Afanasyev's collection. And in the fall of the same year, the Expedition for the Procurement of State Papers began to publish a series of fairy tales with Bilibin’s drawings.

Over the course of 4 years, Ivan Bilibin illustrated seven fairy tales: “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “White Duck”, “The Frog Princess”, “Marya Morevna”, “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf” ", "Feather of Finist Yasna-Falcon", "Vasilisa the Beautiful". Editions of fairy tales are of the type of small, large-format notebooks. From the very beginning, Bilibin's books were distinguished by their patterned designs and bright decorativeness. The artist did not create individual illustrations, he strove for an ensemble: he drew the cover, illustrations, ornamental decorations, font - he stylized everything to resemble an old manuscript. The names of the fairy tales are written in Slavic script. To read, you need to look closely at the intricate design of the letters. Like many graphic artists, Bilibin worked on decorative type. He knew the fonts of different eras well, especially the Old Russian ustav and semi-ustav. For all six books, Bilibin draws the same cover, on which there are Russian fairy-tale characters: three heroes, the bird Sirin, the Firebird, the Gray Wolf, the Serpent-Gorynych, the hut of Baba Yaga. And yet it is clear that this antiquity is stylized as modern. All page illustrations are surrounded by ornamental frames, like rustic windows with carved frames. They are not only decorative, but also have content that continues the main illustration.

In the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful,” the illustration with the Red Horseman (sun) is surrounded by flowers, and the Black Horseman (night) is surrounded by mythical birds with human heads. The illustration with Baba Yaga's hut is surrounded by a frame with toadstools (what else could be next to Baba Yaga?). But the most important thing for Bilibin was the atmosphere of Russian antiquity, epic, fairy tale. From authentic ornaments and details, he created a half-real, half-fantastic world. Ornament was a favorite motif of ancient Russian masters and the main feature of the art of that time. These are embroidered tablecloths, towels, painted wooden and pottery, houses with carved frames and piers. In his illustrations, Bilibin used sketches of peasant buildings, utensils, and clothing made in the village of Yegny. Bilibin proved himself to be a book artist; he did not limit himself to making individual illustrations, but strived for integrity. Feeling the specificity of book graphics, he emphasizes the plane with a contour line and monochromatic watercolor painting. Systematic drawing lessons under the guidance of Ilya Repin and acquaintance with the magazine and society “World of Art” contributed to the growth of Bilibin’s skill and general culture. The expedition to the Vologda and Arkhangelsk provinces on the instructions of the ethnographic department of the World of Art society was of decisive importance for the artist. Bilibin became acquainted with the folk art of the North, saw with his own eyes ancient churches, huts, utensils in the house, ancient outfits, embroidery. Contact with the original source of artistic national culture forced the artist to practically re-evaluate his early works. From now on, he will be extremely accurate in depicting architecture, costume, and everyday life. From his trip to the North, Bilibin brought back many drawings, photographs, and a collection of folk art. Documentary substantiation of every detail becomes the artist’s constant creative principle. Bilibin's passion for ancient Russian art was reflected in the illustrations for Pushkin's fairy tales, which he created after a trip to the North in 1905–1908. Work on fairy tales was preceded by the creation of sets and costumes for Rimsky-Korsakov’s operas “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” and “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by A.S. Pushkin. Bilibin achieves special brilliance and invention in his illustrations for fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.

The luxurious royal chambers are completely covered with patterns, paintings, and decorations. Here the ornament so abundantly covers the floor, ceiling, walls, clothes of the king and boyars that everything turns into a kind of unsteady vision, existing in a special illusory world and ready to disappear. “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” was the most successful for the artist. Bilibin combined the satirical content of the fairy tale with the Russian popular print into a single whole. Beautiful four illustrations and a spread completely tell us the content of the fairy tale. Let us remember the popular print, which contained a whole story in a picture. Pushkin's fairy tales were a huge success. The Russian Museum of Alexander III bought illustrations for “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, and the entire illustrated cycle “Tales of the Golden Cockerel” was acquired by the Tretyakov Gallery.

There was an old man and an old woman. They had three daughters; the youngest was such a beauty that she could not be told in a fairy tale or written with a pen. One day an old man was going to the city for a fair and said: “My dear daughters! Order whatever you need, and I’ll buy it all at the fair.” The eldest asks: “Buy me, father, a new dress.” Middle: “Buy me, father, a shawl scarf.” And the smaller one says: “Buy me a scarlet flower.” The old man laughed at his youngest daughter: “What do you want, stupid, in a scarlet flower? How much self-interest is there! I’ll buy you better clothes.” No matter what I said, I couldn’t persuade her: buy a scarlet flower - and that’s all.

The old man went to the fair, bought a dress for his eldest daughter, a shawl for his middle daughter, but couldn’t find a scarlet flower in the whole city. Just as he was leaving, he came across an unfamiliar old man, carrying a scarlet flower in his hands. “Sell me, old lady, your flower!” - “He is not corrupt to me, but cherished; If your youngest daughter marries my son, Finista is clear as a falcon, then I will give you the flower for free.” The father began to think: if he didn’t take the flower, he would upset his daughter, but if he took it, he would have to marry her off, and God knows to whom. I thought and thought, and finally took the scarlet flower. “What a problem! - thinks. “Afterwards he’ll get the match, but if he’s not good, he can refuse!”

He came home, gave his eldest daughter a dress, a shawl for the middle one, and gave the little one a flower and said: “I don’t like your flower, my dear daughter, I don’t like it too much!” And he quietly whispers in her ear: “After all, it was a treasured flower, and not a sellout; I took it from an unknown old man with the condition that I give you in marriage to his son Finist the clear falcon.” “Don’t be sad, father,” the daughter answers, “after all, he is so kind and affectionate; he flies across the sky like a clear falcon, and as soon as he hits the damp ground, the young man will become a young man!” - “Do you really know him?” - “I know, I know, father! Last Sunday he was at mass and kept looking at me; I talked to him... because he loves me, father! The old man shook his head, looked at his daughter so intently, crossed her and said: “Go to the light, my dear daughter! It's time to sleep; The morning is wiser than the evening - we’ll judge later!” And the daughter locked herself in the light, lowered the scarlet flower into the water, opened the window, and looked into the blue distance.

Out of nowhere, Finist the falcon, brightly colored feathers, soared in front of her, fluttered through the window, hit the floor and became a fine fellow. The girl was scared; and then, as he spoke to her, and God knows how cheerful and good his heart became. Until dawn they talked - I don’t know about what; I only know that, as it began to get light, Finist the falcon, with colorful feathers, kissed her, and said: “Every night, as soon as you put a scarlet flower on the window, I will fly to you, my dear! Yes, here's a feather from my wing; If you need any outfits, go out onto the porch and just wave them to the right - and in an instant everything your heart desires will appear in front of you!” He kissed her again, turned into a clear falcon and flew away into the dark forest. The girl looked after her betrothed, closed the window and lay down to rest. From then on, every night, as soon as she places a scarlet flower on the open window, the good fellow Finist the Clear Falcon flies to her.

Sunday has arrived. The older sisters began to dress up for mass. “What will you wear? You don’t even have any new clothes!” - they say to the youngest. She replies: “Nothing, I’ll pray at home!” The older sisters have gone to mass, and the little sister is sitting at the window, all dirty, looking at the Orthodox people who are going to the Church of God. She waited for the time, went out onto the porch, waved a colored feather to the right, and out of nowhere - a crystal carriage, and factory horses, and servants in gold, and dresses, and all sorts of decorations made of expensive semi-precious stones appeared in front of her.

In a minute the red maiden got dressed, got into the carriage and rushed to the church. The people look and marvel at her beauty. “Apparently some princess has arrived!” - people say among themselves.

When they sang “Worthy,” she immediately left the church, got into the carriage and drove back. The Orthodox people came out to see where she was going; no such luck! There's been no trace of it for a long time. And our beauty just drove up to her porch, immediately waved a colored feather to the left: instantly the servant undressed her, and the carriage disappeared from her eyes. She still sits as if nothing had happened and looks out the window as the Orthodox from the church go home. The sisters also came home. “Well, sister,” they say, “what a beauty she was at mass last night! Just a sight for sore eyes, neither said in a fairy tale, nor written with a pen! The princess must have come from other lands - so magnificent and dressed up!”

Another and third Sunday comes; The red maiden knows she is fooling the Orthodox people, both her sisters and her father and mother. Yes, for the last time I began to undress and forgot to take the diamond pin out of my braid. The older sisters come from church, tell her about the beautiful princess and how they look at her little sister, and the diamond is still burning in her braid. “Oh, sister! What do you have? - the girls shouted. - After all, this exact pin was on the princess’s head today. Where did you get it from? The red maiden gasped and ran away to her little room. There was no end to the questions, guesses, and whispers; and the younger sister is silent and laughs quietly.

So the big sisters began to notice her, began to eavesdrop at the light at night, and once overheard her conversation with Finist the clear falcon, and at dawn they saw with their own eyes how he fluttered out of the window and flew into the dark forest. Evidently, the girls—big sisters—were angry: they agreed to place hidden knives on the window of their sister’s little room for the evening so that Finist the clear falcon would clip his colored wings. They decided to do it, but the younger sister didn’t even guess, she put her scarlet flower on the window, lay down on the bed and fell fast asleep. Finist the clear falcon flew in and fluttered through the window and cut off his left leg, but the red maiden knew nothing, she slept so sweetly, so calmly. The clear falcon soared angrily into the sky and flew away beyond the dark forest.

In the morning the beauty woke up, looked in all directions - it was already light, but the good fellow was gone! When he looks at the window, sharp knives stick out crosswise on the window, and scarlet blood drips from them onto the flower. For a long time the girl burst into bitter tears, spent many sleepless nights at the window of her little room, tried to wave a colored feather - all in vain! Neither Finist the clear falcon flies nor sends servants! Finally, with tears in her eyes, she went to her father and begged for a blessing. “I’ll go,” he says, “wherever my eyes look!” She ordered herself to forge three pairs of iron shoes, three iron crutches, three iron caps and three iron prosvirs: a pair of shoes for her feet, a cap for her head, a crutch for her hands, and went in the direction from which the falcon Finist flew to her.

He walks through a dense forest, walks through tree stumps, the iron shoes are worn out, the iron cap is worn out, the crutch breaks, the malt is eaten up, and the red maiden goes on and on, and the forest gets blacker, more and more often. Suddenly she sees a cast-iron hut on chicken legs standing in front of her and constantly turning around. The girl says: “Hut, hut! Stand with your back to the forest and your front to me.” The hut turned to face her. She entered the hut, and Baba Yaga lay in it - from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, nose to the ceiling. "Fu Fu Fu! Previously, the Russian spirit was unseen and unheard of, but today the Russian spirit walks around the free world, appears with one’s eyes, catches one’s nose! Where are you heading, red maiden? Are you trying to get things done or are you torturing things?” - “I had, grandma, Finist, a clear falcon, colored feathers; my sisters did him harm. Now I’m looking for Finist the clear falcon.” - “You have a long way to go, little one! We still have to go through distant lands. Finist is a clear falcon, colored feathers, lives in the fiftieth kingdom, in the eightieth state, and has already wooed the princess.”

Baba Yaga fed and watered the girl with what God had sent and put her to bed, and the next morning, as soon as the light began to dawn, she woke her up, gave her an expensive gift - a gold hammer and ten diamond studs - and punished: “When you come to the blue sea, Finist’s bride is clear as a falcon.” will go ashore for a walk, and you take the golden hammer in your hands and beat the diamond studs; she will buy them from you, you, red maiden, don’t take anything, just ask to see Finist the clear falcon. Well, now go with God to my middle sister!”

Again the red maiden walks through the dark forest - further and further, and the forest becomes blacker and denser, its tops curling into the sky. Already other shoes are worn out, another cap is worn out, the iron crutch breaks and the iron bread is gnawed - and now the cast-iron hut on chicken legs stands in front of the girl and constantly turns around. “Hut, hut! Stand with your back to the forest, and with your front to me; I have to climb into you - there is bread.” The hut turned its back to the forest, and its front to the girl. He enters there, and in the hut lies Baba Yaga - from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, nose to the ceiling. "Fu Fu Fu! Previously, the Russian spirit was unseen and unheard of, but now the Russian spirit has begun to roam the free world! Where are you going, red maiden? - “I’m looking, grandma, for Finista’s clear falcon.” - “He really wants to get married. “They are having a bachelorette party,” said Baba Yaga, fed and watered the girl and put her to bed, and the next morning she wakes her up at light, gives her a golden saucer with a diamond ball and firmly punishes: “When you come to the shore of the blue sea, you will begin to roll the diamond a ball on a golden saucer, the bride of Finista Yasna Sokol will come out to you and start buying a saucer with a ball; and don’t take anything, just ask to see Finist’s clear falcon, colored feathers. Now go with God to my elder sister!”

Again the beautiful maiden walks through the dark forest - further and further, and the forest becomes blacker and denser. Already the third shoes are worn out, the third cap is worn out, the last crutch breaks, and the last meal is eaten away. There is a cast-iron hut on chicken legs - every now and then it turns. “Hut, hut! Turn your back to the forest, your front to me; I have to climb into you - there is bread.” The hut turned around. In the hut again, Baba Yaga lies from corner to corner, lips on the garden bed, nose to the ceiling. "Fu Fu Fu! Previously, the Russian spirit was unseen and unheard of, but now the Russian spirit walks freely around the world! Where are you going, red maiden? - “I’m looking, grandma, for Finista’s clear falcon.” - “Ah, red maiden, he has already married the princess! Here’s my fast horse, sit down and ride with God!” The girl mounted her horse and rushed on, and the forest became less and less frequent.

So the blue sea - wide and expansive - spread out in front of her, and there in the distance the golden domes burn like heat on the high white-stone towers. “Know that this is the kingdom of Finist the clear falcon!” - the girl thought, sat down on the loose sand and beat the diamond studs with a gold hammer. Suddenly a princess walks along the shore with her mothers, nannies, and faithful maids, she stops and, well, trades diamond studs with a golden hammer. “Let me, princess, just look at Finist the clear falcon, I’ll give them to you for free,” the girl replies. “Yes, Finist is clear, the falcon is now sleeping, he did not order anyone to be allowed to come to him; well, give me your beautiful carnations with a hammer - I’ll show it to you, anyway.”

She took a hammer and nails, ran to the palace, stuck a magic pin into the dress of Finist the clear falcon so that he would sleep soundly and not get up from sleep; Then she ordered the mothers to take the beautiful maiden to the palace to her husband, clear to the falcon, and she herself went for a walk. The girl was tormented for a long time, she cried for a long time over her beloved; There was no way she could wake him up... Having had enough of a walk, the princess returned home, chased her away and took out the pin. Finist is clear the falcon woke up. “Wow, how I slept for a long time! “Here,” he says, “someone was crying and wailing over me; Only I couldn’t open my eyes - it was so hard for me!” “You saw this in a dream,” the princess answers, “no one has been here.”

There lived a peasant, and soon he became a widower. He left behind three daughters. The man had a huge farm, and he decided to take on a worker as an assistant. However, Maryushka dissuaded him, saying that she would help him in everything. So she works from dawn to dusk, and her sisters just dress up and have fun.

So the father went to the city and asked his daughters what to bring them. The eldest and middle asked for different outfits and trinkets, only Maryushka needed a feather from Finist, the clear falcon.

On the way home, he met a strange old man who gave him the treasured feather.

The peasant brought gifts home, the girls rejoiced and made fun of their sister.

So everyone went to bed, and she took the feather and said the magic words. Since then, the groom appeared to her at night, and in the morning he turned into a bird again. The envious sisters tracked her down and set a trap for the falcon. He injured himself on sharp knives and could not break through to the girl. Then he said that she would look for him for a long time, having worn out more than one pair of shoes.

Maryushka set off on her journey. She walked and walked and came across a hut in which Baba Yaga lived. She then told her that her fiancé had been bewitched by an evil sorceress, turned him into a bird and made him her husband by force. The old woman gave the girl a saucer and a golden egg and sent her to a distant kingdom. She also advised her that Maryushka should get hired to work for the queen, and when she finished all her work, she would begin to roll the egg on a saucer. And if she is asked to sell this miracle, she will not agree.

When the girl walked through the dense forest, all the forest animals helped her get there. And the gray wolf even carried her to the magnificent mansion. Here she went to work for the ruler.

For her things, which the old women gave her, she looked at her betrothed. But she had to do this at night, when he was fast asleep and it was impossible to wake him. And now she only had the bottom and the spindle, and she gave them for a meeting with the groom. Only Finist, the clear falcon, does not wake up. The girl began to sob, and one tear fell on him. Her lover woke up. But the sorceress does not want to give up Finist, the clear falcon. Then he asked in front of all his subjects whether a real wife could lie? Then everyone realized that Maryushka was suitable for his wife.

They got married and began to live happily.

The work teaches us that each of us can make ourselves happy by working through perseverance and love for people.

Picture or drawing Finist - clear falcon

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Falcon gouache step by step for children from 5 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class on painting with gouache from 5 years old "Landscape with a falcon"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, and additional education teachers.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creating a landscape with a falcon using the gouache technique.
-teach children to draw a falcon using the gouache technique;
-improve the skills of constructing a preliminary sketch, the ability to correctly position the drawing on the sheet format;
-practice in working with a brush (all bristles, tip), the ability to use strokes of different directions and amplitudes in work;
-develop an eye, attentiveness, and interest in working with color;
- to cultivate interest in the traditions and customs of their native Earth.

Hello, dear friends and guests! Today the main object of our creativity is the falcon. This bird has always been very important in the lives of people; many legends, myths and fairy tales about the falcon have been preserved in the glorious legacy of our ancestors.
We take purity and simplicity from the ancients,
Sagas, fairy tales - we drag from the past, -
Because good remains good -
In the past, future and present!
(author V. Vysotsky)
The falcon is an extraordinary and one-of-a-kind bird of prey, which has a powerful beak and claws that will attack its enemy only directly, head-on. The falcon never "hits when he's down", he always waits until his opponent is able to continue fighting.
That is why the Slavs revered the falcon as a high-born warrior protected by heavenly grace. And, a head-on collision on the battlefield was the favorite method of warfare. So, our ancestors believed, it was much more honest.
And now, years and centuries later, and today, a number of elite Russian military units contain a falcon in their name or emblem.

In the rich cultural heritage of our ancestors, the falcon shared with the eagle a significant part of its solar symbolism, expressing inspiration and victory. In the falcon, people have always seen the power of the sky itself, and the golden falcon on banners and shields signified cosmic harmony
The falcon has become a symbol of masculinity, militancy and nobility, for which honor comes first. He is not for cruelty and blind murder, he is for justice.
It was worn by warriors as a talisman to defeat the enemy and protect their territories. Also, the falcon symbol gave powerful energy to its owner, inspired him before the battle and set him up for a positive outcome.

Slavic mythology knows two wonderful falcons:
The first of them is Rarog, the embodiment of a fiery spirit associated with the cult of the hearth and the god of fire Semargl.
According to ancient legends, Semargl is the eldest son of Svarog, his name is Fire Svarozhich. At the beginning of time, when Svarog hit the white-flammable stone Alatyr with a magic hammer, divine sparks carved from the stone scattered, flared up, and the Fire God Semargl was born from the flame. The luminous Fire God Semargl appeared in a fiery whirlwind, and like the Sun, illuminated the entire Universe. Then God’s wind arose from the great fire of Svarog, and thus the god of winds Stribog was born. He began to fan the great flame of Svarog and Svarozhich-Semargl.

In fairy tales, the bird Ragog (fiery falcon of victory) is the embodiment of Semargl in the earthly world; he plays the role of the primordial fire that feeds the whole world with life. He is a fiery spirit that brings warmth and power, and is patronized by the god Svarog himself. Rarog, by the way, was the link between the Upper world (Rule) and the earthly world (Reality). That is, he listened carefully to the instructions of the gods in heaven, and then flew to people and told them. It is believed that this bird comes to its owner with sparkling plumage and brings him protection from diseases and enemies. Also, the fiery falcon protects the house from evil, the evil eye, and helps to find family happiness.

Finist (the fiery falcon of battle) was also an incarnation of the god Semargl.
As a character in Russian fairy tales, Finist the Clear Falcon is a wonderful husband in the guise of a falcon, who secretly visited his beloved. According to one of the legends, his beloved is the goddess Lelya. She became a faithful wife for him, one who is capable of giving all of herself to only one, her beloved person.
The magic feather of the bird Finist Yasna Falcon has wonderful properties: it not only helps the young Finist turn into a falcon, but also removes all obstacles in his path. Be it an impenetrable thicket, a deep abyss or a huge enemy army.

Each fairy tale is the great heritage of our ancestors, through which they tried to pass on to their descendants the knowledge, technology and achievements of ancient civilization. The Tale of the Clear Falcon is no exception - the main character goes after the Clear Falcon to the thirteenth (three by ten) Hall. The Thirteenth Hall (constellation) on the Svarog circle is the Hall of Finist. That is, she made her way to another solar system on seven spaceships, with seven transfers, wearing out seven pairs of iron boots along the way (shoes with artificial gravity, for moving in a spaceship) and devouring seven iron loaves (an image of the cosmonauts’ food, which is stored in a metal packaging).

In Slavic folklore, the falcon symbolized a warrior, usually a young hero, a hero and a prince leading a fighting squad. This image is often mentioned, for example, in “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign.” The Trident of Rurikovich appeared as an allegory of a diving falcon. The epic Prince Volga, standing guard over the borders of Rus', could turn into a falcon.
Nowadays Finist Yasny Sokol is an image of the revival of Russia, which, plunging into the literary roots of the beliefs of its ancestors, is trying to get back on its feet, regain spiritual strength, and create good through friendship and not enmity. Bright Russia, striving to be the first, living, ruling power for the good.

Materials and tools:
-sheet of A3 paper
-simple pencil, eraser
-water jar
-cloth for arms and hands

Progress of the master class:

Let's start the work with a preliminary sketch in pencil. Find the middle of the sheet and divide it into two parts using a horizontal line. Approximately in the middle of this line we place the oval of the falcon's head.

Next, draw the beak and eye of the bird, and the lines of the chest and back of the falcon. Externally, the preliminary drawing reminds us of the previous work on drawing a rabbit.

Then we work with color, we need pink. It can be created on a palette, it all depends on the colors available in the set, you can use both scarlet and ruby ​​colors - mix with white.
With pink color, using strokes in a horizontal direction, we cover almost the entire surface of the work. We leave unpainted the horizon line, the cloud (we draw its silhouette immediately with paints) and the falcon, as well as the very bottom part of the work - there we will later place the line of the ground with herbs.

At the very top of the picture, use blue to draw a line of clouds.

We combine the blue color with the pink background of the sky using a semi-dry brush, as if rubbing the paint. Then we fill the lower cloud with white, and we also add strokes of white above the horizon line, carefully connecting them with the pink color. We introduce some shades of blue into the cloud, thereby creating blue shades.

Now we need the pure scarlet or ruby ​​color we used to create the pink. We will use it to draw a forest; it is located on the other side of the lake and is reflected in it.

In the lower part we will draw herbs with the same color, using the “dipping” technique.

We draw the grass in three tiers - first red, then blue and black, applying one layer of color to the other.

In black we draw the silhouettes of tree trunks.

We also draw tree branches in black and apply red shadows to the trunks. Next, we use yellow for the beak and eye of the bird, and white for the chest of the falcon.

Working black again.

Well, the most important work is the plumage of the bird. We need to carefully combine black with white, using a clean brush with water (washing the brush often) in small strokes, creating different shades of gray, imitating the feathers of a falcon. We work on the beak using the same principle, combining black with yellow + a few strokes of white.
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