Toastmaster in English. Wedding host in English. Birthday and anniversary in English

Forcing, asking; senior, main, main, leading, key; vital, advanced, commentator, cardinal, most important, most important, foremost, most essential, most significant, chairman, general, decisive, ... ... Synonym dictionary

LEADING- HOST, presenter, presenter. 1. par. valid present vr. from the news. Persons working to eliminate illiteracy. 2. Walking in front, leading. Leading aircraft. “The leading groups of workers form the basis of production.” Stalin. 3. Leading… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

LEADING- HOST, ah, her. 1. Driven by a motor (special). Drive wheel. 2. Walking in front, leading. B. airplane. 3. Leading, chief, leading. In the Institute. V. engineer. Leading role. 4. presenter, his, husband. The person who conducts... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

leading- leading advanced - [[English Russian dictionary of abbreviations of transport forwarding and commercial terms and expressions FIATA]] Topics of transport forwarding services Synonyms leading advanced EN LDGleading ... Technical Translator's Guide

leading- [advanced] adj., used. often 1. A ship, truck, etc. is called a leader if it goes first, followed by other ships, trucks, etc. The leading vehicle in a convoy. 2. The leader is the person, phenomenon or object standing first in the row... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Leading- This term has other meanings, see Presenter (meanings). A leading media employee (not necessarily full-time) who works on camera (TV) or on air (radio), personalizing the information provided. One of the six roles... ... Wikipedia

leading- a character in a play or performance who comments on behalf of the author on the events taking place on stage. Rubric: structure of a dramatic work Other associative connections: staging, editing...In the Optimistic Tragedy of Sun. Vishnevsky presenter... ... Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism

leading- lyderis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Nuolat arba laikinai vadovaujantis gyvūnų bandos, gaujos, pulko arba būrio individas, pagal kurio elgseną orientuojasi kiti gyvūnai. Nurodo bandos elgimosi būdą. atitikmenys: engl.… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas


Leading- I m. 1. Pilot of the lead aircraft. 2. The one who, leading, leads any group. 3. The one who hosts a concert, television or radio program, accompanying them with comments. II adj. 1. Walking in front; head. Ott. trans. Leading something... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

leading- 1. leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading, leading , leading, leading,... ... Forms of words


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Dear brides and grooms! We continue to share valuable tips that will make your life easier when preparing for your wedding and make the process as enjoyable as possible. Especially for you, in the “Advice for Brides” section, we are opening a series of “Opinion” articles in which wedding industry professionals will share with you their invaluable experience in preparing for the perfect wedding. Today host Stanislav Pinaevsky will tell you about the features of international weddings.

Host Stanislav Pinaevsky

  • Team presenter + DJ
  • We hold soulful weddings in European style. In Russian and English language
  • Work experience: 7 years
  • Held more than 50 international events
  • Included in the “Top 10 best presenters in St. Petersburg” according to users of the “Wedding Expert” application

Have you ever been to an international wedding?

Over the past two years, I have attended such events more than thirty times! As a presenter or, as it is called abroad, presenter/host/moderator. I’ll tell you frankly, these were amazing holidays, with a very special mesmerizing energy. Observing the process of preparation and implementation of such events from the inside, I collected some interesting ideas And useful tips for those who are planning an international wedding.

Perhaps this is exactly the kind of holiday you are preparing for now? But, let's talk about everything in order. Let's start with a definition - What do we consider an international wedding?

Most often, this is an event where newlyweds represent different nationalities. For example, a Russian bride and a foreign groom. Less often it happens the other way around. Coincidence or not, but, for example, Russian-Dutch couples most often contacted us. A wedding where the bride and groom are Russian, but many of their guests are not from Russia (for example, this happens if the newlyweds work or study abroad) can also be considered international.

Simply put, the presence of a significant number of non-Russian speaking guests is the main criterion for an international wedding. Often these are people of a completely different mentality and culture. But I want them to feel just as comfortable at the evening! So that they understand what is happening and do not go crazy with Russian wedding traditions. Now let's get to the point. What difficulties are you likely to encounter during the preparation process?

1. How will guests of different nationalities understand each other?

The easiest way is to invite an English-speaking host who will tell guests in two languages ​​about everything that is happening, announce congratulations and translate remarks and toasts of the participants of the holiday. For example, I usually also try to jokingly invite foreigners to learn a few Russian words that they will probably need at their wedding.

I also advise you to prepare short speeches in your partner’s native language so that at some point you can address his friends and relatives and thank them for sharing this holiday. Your loved ones will certainly appreciate your attention and warm attitude! What if the groom confesses his love to the bride in broken Russian? Just imagine how touching it will be :)

2. How to introduce guests at the evening?

Once, at a Russian-British wedding, we had such a vast “geography” of guests - from Canada to South Africa - that it was decided to start the evening with a roll call. "Who's from California?", "Who's from Liverpool?" and so on. And when after that a toast was proposed to the “friendship of peoples”, and everyone - Russians, British, Americans, Canadians - stood up to drink with each other, it was simply incredible! True unity, despite any language barriers or cultural differences.

Whatever the composition of the guests, in any case, we recommend preparing brief descriptions or remembering interesting stories that connect you with your friends. The host or specially prepared guest can tell these stories throughout the evening. In this way, you will unobtrusively introduce guests, which always has a very beneficial effect on the overall atmosphere. This will reveal common interests and encourage everyone to communicate more informally.

3. How best to “play up” national characteristics?

It seems to me that the real magic of international weddings is expressed in what we usually call the “dialogue of cultures.” This element will help make the evening especially bright. For example, in Britain it is customary that the first toast is given by the so-called “bestman” - a friend of the groom, an analogue of our witness. And this is not just a toast in the spirit of “happiness, health,” but a whole speech in which the character of the groom is revealed, some story is necessarily mentioned that should make the groom “blush.” Often, bestman also talks about how the newlyweds’ relationship began and developed. His speech contains both humor and deep morality.

We have seen something similar in films and TV series. But if you have the opportunity to do this for real at your own wedding, believe me, it will be a great start to the evening! Also, no matter how trivial it may sound, a nesting doll is truly a wonderful gift for any foreigner visiting Russia! Why not play up the national theme in souvenirs? Or, for example, offer typical treats to guests at the buffet? As, for example, Anastasia and Sippe did, at the buffet table where guests were treated to red caviar and... Dutch cheese, banned in Russia:)

4.Are Russian traditions appropriate at such a wedding?

I think it's more of a personal matter. But from experience I can say that demonstrating “Russian flavor” to foreigners is good idea. This evokes a lively response and sincere interest. The main thing is not to overdo it, of course. Still, as the British groom Nicholas very accurately noted: “Russian weddings are more festive.” And Europeans are often accustomed to the fact that a wedding means going to church, and then having dinner at a restaurant with family. Therefore, everything should be in moderation.

It is absolutely not necessary to call gypsies and bears (although this has happened), but why not, for example, entrust the groom’s mother with a loaf of bread, which, most likely, she is seeing for the first time in her life? Or why not put a real Russian samovar, tea and gingerbread in the recreation area, like our newlyweds Julia and James did?

In addition, there are many wedding traditions that we have borrowed from Western culture. Such elements of the evening as the ceremony with the exchange of vows, the first dance, the dance of the bride with her father, the throwing of the bouquet, the taking out of the cake, will be understandable and close in spirit to both our compatriots and foreign guests.

5. What if someone can't come?

Since you are faced with the task of gathering guests living in different countries, unfortunately, it is very likely that some of the invitees will still not be able to please you with their personal presence. In this case, ask such guests to record video congratulations for you. And it’s best to send such videos to the host or organizer of the evening so that you are not tempted to watch them before the wedding! By the way, a small life hack: we usually add subtitles with translation into Russian to such video congratulations. So that this is clear and interesting to everyone.

Of course, these are not all the questions that you may have in the process of preparing for your holiday. But my goal in this article was not to “embrace the immensity.” I just want to say that international weddings are great! There is some kind of magic in this, when everyone unites, foreigners rejoice like children, and ours show very special hospitality!

I will never forget how I explained to Roman, the groom from Switzerland, how to pronounce “amazing”, “incredible” and other epithets that he prepared for the ceremony to his beloved bride Zhenya. I always remember with delight how at the wedding of Denis and Ksenia, their Italian friends (an opera singer and pianist) sat down at the piano located in the restaurant right in the middle of the wedding and performed real Italian opera for the young couple! It is impossible to convey how cool it was!

Tactful entertainment and humor in fluent English.
Entertainment program for the holiday in 2 languages.
Higher linguistic and philological education.
Subtle improvisation in non-standard situations
Managing international weddings and corporate events since 2004.
250+ English-language events in Russia and abroad.
Reasonable prices. From 40,000 rubles.

English-speaking showman and entertainer

Holding an official event or private celebration with the presence of foreign guests requires the mandatory participation of a host who can voice the event in two languages. My name is Konstantin Antonov; over 15 years I have held more than 250 business, festive, entertainment and private events in Russian and English

Higher linguistic and philological education, combined with an impressive oratorical experience, allow me to conduct celebrations in fluent English. It is extremely important that representatives of different countries are promptly informed about what is happening and feel like full participants in the event. Therefore, toasts, speeches, congratulations, as well as elements entertainment program sound in Russian and English.

Deep knowledge of etiquette and filigree improvisation are the key to a stylish and spectacular event! Be sure that your presenter will promptly and subtly intervene in an unforeseen situation and neutralize any awkward moment. The showman's elegant appearance, carefully selected image according to the occasion, and impeccable adherence to the dress code will certainly add aesthetic subtlety.

Event program in 2 languages

For the attention of the audience - original scenarios for the entertainment part of the event. Especially for a bilingual company, I develop scripts filled with bright numbers, competitions and sweepstakes, which I voice in English. Light humor, touching speeches, comic comments will become fully clear to residents of all corners of the planet and representatives of different cultures!

A professional disc jockey will provide the event with pretentious beats, stylish background music, and popular dance repertoire. The festive stage or banquet hall will be equipped with modern and reliable sound and lighting equipment. A screen and projector will be provided to demonstrate a slide show, love story or watch a video.

Wedding host in English

Marrying a citizen of another state suggests that the atmosphere of celebration will be influenced by both matrimonial cultures! - an indispensable character at a wedding where the newlyweds represent different countries and are native speakers of at least a couple of languages. English-speaking friends and relatives from abroad will be invited to the wedding celebration, organized in Russia. Traditions and important moments of the holiday should be understandable to absolutely everyone. Therefore, not only toasts, speeches and congratulations will be heard in 2 languages. The bride and groom can be sure that the main and long-awaited day will bring joy and remain in the memory of every invitee. After all English-speaking toastmaster will use all the experience and creativity to create an original, intelligent and fun family event!

Leader of corporate events with fluent English

Carrying out corporate event in English- a task that should be entrusted to a competent entertainer who can speak two languages ​​simultaneously. Giving the floor to the company's management, introducing VIP guests, announcing the artists of the show program - these are the basic functions of an English-speaking presenter. In the matter of uniting the company, light and unobtrusive elements of informal communication are important. To create a friendly atmosphere, the entertainer will add intelligent competitions, tolerant jokes, and exciting quizzes to the corporate event scenario. Usually, English speaking presenter services order for a company birthday, New Year's corporate event or party for partners. I had the opportunity to organize and voice over corporate events of both global business giants and small firms in Russian and English. To maintain the atmosphere and maintain the dynamics of the event, “seamless” communication between the presenter and the audience is necessary! Presenter's speech immediately on two languages allows you to voice a corporate event without a translator. Delicate humor, virtuoso improvisation, and the colossal experience of the presenter are a guarantee of success for the event in English!

Conference, presentation, exhibition? English speaking moderator!

The presence of foreign partners, suppliers or industry colleagues at a business event obliges the organizers of the business event to take care of the participation of a moderator who can convey key information simultaneously in Russian and English. An English-speaking speaker at a conference brings lively energy without losing the pace and meaning of what is happening. The moderator must be on topic and fully aware of the subject of the discussion or presentation. Therefore, I prepare extremely carefully for each event with the participation of a foreign audience. I check the pronunciation of the names and surnames of the speakers, master terminology and specific vocabulary, write and rehearse the lines.

Order the services of an English-speaking host for a wedding or corporate event!

It is worth noting that as a presenter in a foreign language, I work not only in Moscow and the Moscow region. My services are in demand in every corner Russian Federation and beyond. I regularly travel abroad for corporate events or private parties. I have a valid passport and an open Schengen visa! Thus, I can be invited to almost any country to participate in an international wedding or corporate event. Working with me is an experienced DJ who knows the program thoroughly, participates in the development of the script, and scrupulously follows the musical innovations of the English-speaking world.

Prices for services of an English-speaking presenter

Prices for holding an event in English are individual, as is the scenario of your event. The presenter's fee depends on the date of the holiday, the number of guests, location and specific scenario tasks. Moderator services can be paid for an hour of work or ordered for several events at once. The price includes participation in the organization and preparation of the evening. Transport costs and accommodation are paid separately if traveling outside of Moscow.

Cost of holding the event in English
Wedding management in English from 45000 rubles
Corporate event in English from 50000 rubles
English-speaking host for the holiday from 25000 rubles

Toastmaster with knowledge of a foreign language

Showman who speaks several languages ​​- a real find! Such a toastmaster can hold an event not only in 2 languages, but also entirely in English. Often international companies hold corporate parties or business events outside of Russia. Participants from different countries gather for the party. Thus, the use of the Russian language becomes irrelevant! After all, the Russian-speaking part of the audience sufficiently understands and is able to communicate completely in English! In addition, it is easier and more effective for an English-speaking presenter to interact with the organizing team, consisting of representatives from different countries.

Submit your application

Selfie with a DJ at a Russian-English wedding

English has become practically the language of world communication - therefore, private and official events to which guests from various countries are invited need a presenter who would be understandable to the majority of those present in the room. If the audience consists of Russian- and English-speaking guests, the choice presenter in English obvious. However, an English-speaking host will be a salvation for holidays where there are guests for whom neither Russian nor English is their native language. It's no secret that most people on the planet speak English. Therefore, if it is not possible to find, for example, a presenter in Japanese, there is only one way out - to choose a neutral language for conducting and communicating, which the majority of the invited guests know. There is not much choice - it will most likely be English. Also, from the point of view of choosing a leader, the situation is much simpler - presenters in English much more than in any other language other than Russian. Thus, you may have a choice of several presenters you like who are fluent in English.

As one of the few presenters in Moscow working in English, I am ready to become the professional who will help you organize a bilingual event, unite and introduce your international guests to each other, and become a link for everyone present at the celebration.

Fluency in English that I acquired as part of studying at the linguistic department of a language university, passing numerous international internships and extensive experience in conducting events in English allow me to confidently undertake both bilingual weddings and weddings abroad in any country in the world.

It is worth adding that in order to successfully cope with the task of bilingual hosting of a holiday, it is not enough just to know English well and work as a toastmaster from time to time - you need to have extensive experience in holding international events, know their specifics, and be able to instantly “switch” from English to Russian speech , feel what exactly needs translation. It is important to know wedding traditions and intercultural characteristics of different countries, and, if necessary, skillfully implement them in the process of organizing and conducting the celebration. In my portfolio English-speaking presenter There is already more than one international event, which means you can be sure that your celebration will be hosted by a professional host who thoroughly knows the specifics of bilingual events!

In the case of official and corporate events, the presenter is faced with the task of not only dubbing his speech in English, but also achieving the necessary image result with it. Your international partners and clients need to understand a clear understanding of your company's products and services without compromising on cross-cultural and language barriers.

So, if you have a wedding in English, a bilingual seminar or corporate event, or you are organizing a traveling conference abroad, I am ready to invest the best of my extensive work experience English speaking presenter at weddings and corporate events for the success of your official or festive event.

Leonid will easily conduct the entire wedding in English. It will unite all guests and will amuse Russian and foreign guests equally with subtle humor. No one will feel awkward - Leonid understands the peculiarities of foreign cultures, types of humor, and skillfully creates humorous turns of phrase.

Corporate event in English

To maintain warm partnerships, Russian entrepreneurs order corporate events in English. Leonid will help you make a good impression on your business partners.

Any corporate events, shows, parties: Leonid is an English-speaking presenter who will build bridges between you and your partners. It will help strengthen business relationships - after all, good humor relaxes and makes a person trust.

Birthday and anniversary in English

For those who value a high standard of celebrations, for people who have many foreign friends: a birthday party with a host in English is an indicator of respect and care for your foreign friends. Leonid will help you make foreign guests at your birthday feel relaxed and fun.

Anglo-Russian party

Parties for Russian and English guests have long been not uncommon in Russia. Leonid is a versatile presenter - during the event he easily switches from English to Russian and vice versa. This way, both groups of guests do not feel inconvenienced by misunderstandings. Leonid takes into account the peculiarities of culture, mentality, traditions of foreign friends - everything is clear to everyone, everyone is happy, everyone is having fun and is not bored.

100 events in English

Over 15 years of work as a host, Leonid conducted 20 weddings in English in Moscow and abroad. He has already performed 1000 weddings in Russia.

He conducted 100 events simultaneously in Russian and English. 50,000 clients were satisfied, every 5 became permanent.

Such an English-speaking presenter is rare. Broad outlook, knowledge of the cultures of different nations, the ability to speak and joke freely in English - Leonid combines these talents to make the event not boring, bright and memorable.

Invite a host to your event who will conduct your celebration at the highest level. Every guest will be satisfied, because Leonid works not with the “public”, but with the guests.

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