Bioenergy. Human meridians. Human energy meridians and how to clean them to cure MS The movement of energy along the meridians

Energy channels or energy meridians of the human body are a concept that came to us from Eastern medicine. A detailed map is used to diagnose various diseases that are caused by energy leakage. Let's consider the topic in more detail.

Eastern medicine treatment methods are based on restoring the correct flow of energy in. It is believed that all diseases and problems arise due to improper circulation of the life-giving energy Qi, which is responsible for most processes in the human body.

There are also two more types of energies:

  • Yang - personifies the masculine principle
  • Yin is a symbol of feminine energy

Energy cannot enter the human body on its own - it penetrates through energy meridians. Every eastern healer knows the layout of these meridians - after all, it is along the energy channels that the biologically active points are located, which are affected during the treatment process.

What are energy points on the human body?

In Eastern medicine it is believed that the cause of all diseases is an imbalance of energies, male and female. The disease originates in the subtle body of a person (in his energetic essence), and then passes into the physical body.

Energies can be controlled using the power of thought. For this purpose, special spiritual practices, meditation, and yoga are used. That is why almost any person is able to restore their energy potential and achieve energy balance. Which ultimately contributes to recovery.

There are also special exercises that allow you to influence biologically active points. To do them correctly and effectively, it is important to know how human energy channels are located. The diagram is shown in the figure:

It is worth talking in more detail about the energy structure of the human subtle body.

The most important meridians:

  1. The main energy channel is called the yin meridian and is located in the center of the front of the human body
  2. The “male” Yang meridian runs along the spinal column

As a result, the main meridians unite and intertwine with each other. If the female Yin energy is responsible for service, then the male Yang energy is the energy of the owner, responsibility.

And on both sides of the body there are twelve more energy channels, which are also the main ones. The remaining meridians are located in different parts of the body and have their own names, consonant with the parts of the body for which they are responsible:

  • The yin meridian passing through the thumb is responsible for the lungs
  • The yin meridian passing through the middle and little fingers is responsible for heart health
  • Yang meridian: passes through the little finger, responsible for the large intestine
  • The Yang meridian passes through the ring finger and is responsible for the temperature of the human body
  • Yin meridians passing through the big toes: correspond to the kidneys, liver, spleen
  • Yang meridians of the legs pass through: stomach - second finger, gallbladder- fourth, bladder - heel or little toe

This educational video clearly shows the location and meaning of all energy meridians:

How to cleanse energy meridians?

Most often, diagnosing energy channels and cleaning them is available only to specialists; not everyone is able to do everything correctly on their own. But you are totally welcome to try.

Each meridian has special points. By influencing them, you can regulate the flow of energy in the energy channel. You just need to look at the picture, find on your own body and memorize the 12 main points corresponding to each of the main meridians.

Here, for example, is how energy points are located on a person’s arms and legs:

It is best to begin the actions necessary to balance your energy and balance the energy structure by influencing the point that is called “from a hundred diseases.” It is located in the area of ​​the kneecap, on its outer side.

You should regularly massage this point and the area around it. Such actions will help stimulate the desired energy center, restore the mobility of the channels, and heal from many signs of illness.

It is recommended to do massage in the morning while lying in bed. A small nuance - if morning comes for you at 12 am, you will have to sacrifice daytime sleep. You should get up before dawn, preferably no later than six o'clock in the morning.

Rejuvenating practice

This topic will be especially interesting to women who want to preserve their beauty and youth for as long as possible. You should learn to stimulate the Feng Fu point. It is located in the center of the back of the head, just above the neck.

Oriental doctors perform acupuncture at this point or do cauterization. Of course, performing such actions at home is quite risky.

You can apply ice to this point: the cold provokes an outflow of blood, after which a powerful influx occurs. Thus, the energy balance is established.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, apply an ice cube to the Feng Fu point and hold for a minute. Then take a three-day break and repeat. You can do this endlessly.

Of course, don’t forget about traditional medicine. If you have any diseases, you do not need to rely only on the power of Yin and Yang vital energy. Be sure to visit doctors and follow their recommendations. And working with energy meridians will allow you to achieve the desired result much faster.

The human body is penetrated by a network of meridians - channels through which nutrients move, life-giving energy circulates and everything that is necessary for life, there is a complete exchange of information between all internal organs.

Meridians perform such important functions as:

  • control of blood flow and vital energy,
  • harmonization of yin and yang,
  • revitalization of muscles and bones,
  • relief of joints.

According to ancient Eastern medicine, knowing the structural features of the meridian system, one can trace the paths of disease penetration into the body, its movement and the factors that cause the development of this disease. Along the meridian paths, diseases can be removed from the body, which is what Eastern medicine doctors have done since ancient times.

European medicine did not recognize the presence of meridians in humans for a long time. In 1986, at the Necker Institute in France, when technetium was introduced into biologically active points, trajectories were established on the human body, which completely coincided with the meridians described in ancient Chinese tracts (“Huangdi Neiqing” in the 5th-3rd centuries BC). This is how the existence of meridians (energy channels) was experimentally proven.

In ancient Eastern medicine, all internal organs are combined into organ systems; The meridians are also united into the meridian system, thanks to which our body works as a single whole.

There are a huge variety of meridians, Ancient Eastern medicine identifies 12 main ones:

  • Yin meridians correspond to organs that fill, store and process substances and energies in the body.
  • Yang - meridians correspond to hollow organs that perform the functions of excretion (removal) and metabolism.

Yin Yang:

  1. Lung meridian.
  2. Large intestine meridian.
  3. Meridian of the spleen and pancreas.
  4. Stomach meridian.
  5. Meridian of the heart.
  6. Meridian of the small intestine.
  7. Kidney meridian.
  8. Bladder meridian.
  9. Pericardial meridian.
  10. Meridian of three heaters.
  11. Gall Bladder Meridian.
  12. Liver meridian.

Meridians communicate with each other in a complex pattern, transferring energy from one to another. As a result of the coordinated work of the meridians, the required level of energy is maintained in a healthy body.

When we are sick, our illness is expressed either by an excess or lack of energy in one or several organs at once. If there is an excess of energy in an organ, then it is in the Yang state, and if there is a deficiency, then it is in the Yin state.

There is a large circle of energy circulation, along which the meridians, following each other in a certain order, form a closed system, which, by alternately stimulating each organ, ensures an even distribution of energy throughout the body.

If, for example, a channel is blocked in the area of ​​the limbs, then the movement of energy is hampered throughout the entire channel (remember from physics: when the current strength drops, the voltage in the network decreases...), and this leads to the fact that the organs do not receive enough energy. As a result, they do not work normally and do not perform their functions.

So, energy meridians of the human body play the most important role in the process of maintaining the health of the body. Unlike their Western colleagues, representatives of the East consider the processes occurring in the human body to be inextricably linked with the events that occur in the energy shell of the Universe. All pathological processes begin on the surface and eventually penetrate deeper. Therefore, if external influences are corrected in time, the very cause of the disease can be eliminated. What are energy meridians according to modern scientists?

The doctrine of biologically active points (BAP)

There are many theories that explain the processes occurring in the human body. One of the works on this topic belongs to V.D. Molostov, he explained the nature of BAPs and their connection with the meridians of the body. Scientists have long proven that all processes of information transmission in the body are electrical impulses that are generated and transmitted by nerve cells. In order to ensure the speed of conduction and minimize the impact of energy loss during the transmission process, the transmission force must be considerable. Partially, the excess remaining energy is absorbed by internal organs and tissues, but the remaining energy needs to be utilized.

It is for the release of excess energy that there are biologically active points - small areas on the body about 2 mm in size. It has been proven that the temperature in these areas of the body is slightly higher than that of the surrounding tissues. According to experts, this is due to the ability of these areas to transform excess energy into heat and, radiating it into the external environment, rid the body of excess energy. Eastern healers, not having modern capabilities, experimentally identified chains of such places on the human body and gave them the name - meridians.

Paired meridians

There are 12 main pairs, each of which has hours of greatest and least activity and is responsible for certain organ systems.

  • Lung meridian responsible for metabolism and respiration. Exercises control over the respiratory organs, such as the larynx, pharyngeal ring, and the trachea-bronchi system. Applying pressure to its points reduces breathing problems, lowers temperature, and helps with delayed or sharply decreased urination.
  • Large Intestine Meridian. Very closely related to the previous one, it is responsible for the function of excreting processed food from the human body. It is exposed to diseases gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, disorders of the mucous membranes.
  • Stomach meridian is responsible for the most important energy organ of a person - the stomach. It is here that the main source of human energy, food, is received and processed. Disruption of this organ reduces the overall protective properties.
  • Spleen and pancreas meridian. These organs are responsible for moving food from the stomach and obtaining the maximum amount of substances beneficial to the body from the food bolus.
  • Heart meridian responsible for the functioning of the heart and the condition of the vascular system. He is in charge of such manifestations as thinking, emotions, and sensations. Disruption of its functioning leads to stress, which, in turn, entails cardiovascular problems.
  • Small Intestine Meridian. This organ is involved in the further process of digesting food; its cells absorb water from it. It forms a Yin-Yang pair to the heart meridian. Exposure to it has a positive effect on pain in the upper body: head, back of the neck, shoulder blades.
  • Bladder meridian. Responsible for the process of removing fluid from the body. Exposure to it is effective for spastic pain in the body. Shown also when skin diseases, disorders of various etiologies of the central nervous system, headaches.
  • Kidney meridian. Its state determines the energy state of the entire organism. Supports the activity of tissues and organs in the human body that are responsible for growth, development and reproduction. Disruption of the flow of energy in this meridian leads to a state of increased nervousness, irritability, and sleep disturbances.
  • Pericardial meridian affects the cardiovascular system more broadly; in addition, the sexual nature of a person also falls within its sphere of influence. Supports the functioning of the heart meridian points and affects the nervous system of the body. By influencing its points you can improve the general condition of the nervous system.
  • Gall Bladder Meridian closely related to the liver meridian. Exposure to it helps with pain conditions such as pain in the forehead and temples, migraines, arthritis, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.
  • Liver Meridian. The liver is the "chemical laboratory" of the body. This is where the body's most important biochemical processes take place. The correct flow of energy in it contributes to the processes of preservation and self-renewal of the body. Improves the condition and quality of blood, the production of biologically active substances.

“Three heaters” is a meridian that does not relate to a specific system of organs and tissues of the body:

The latter is divided into three sections:

  • upper - includes organs located in the chest above the diaphragm;
  • middle - body organs located above the navel (stomach, spleen);
  • lower - kidneys, urinary organs, genitals.

The activity of its points affects the excitability of the central nervous system. It is used in cases of spastic and painful conditions.

In addition to the 12 main paired ones, some eastern systems distinguish two more unpaired meridians - anterior and posterior - and eight “wonderful ones”. But this is not the final idea of ​​the energy structure of the body. Some teachings name a much larger number, e.g. Yoga teachings have about 70,000 human meridians.

The movement of CHI energy along 12 meridians throughout the year is reflected in ancient Chinese medicine in the teaching of the Five Elements (the teaching of U-XING). This system arose from the merger of the medical science of the time (2nd century BC) in the form of acupuncture (Zhen Ju therapy) and the philosophy of Confucianism. Ancient philosophers argued that the entire world around us consists of varying concentrations of the five main elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. According to their concept, if you mix these elements in various proportions, you can get the entire material world of the Universe, including living beings. Chinese physicians adapted the theory of the Five Elements to explain the relationships between the “life channels” from acupuncture points (jin lo). In addition, they supplemented the concept of “elements of nature” with medical content. See Figure 26 and Table 3. According to this medical-philosophical theory, the energy of CHI circulates along 12 standard meridians (channels) per year. Since there are 12 months a year and 12 life channels, each month excess energy fills one of the Jin Lo channels.
Energy moves in a circle from one “element” to another, for example, from the element “tree”, which is combined with the concepts: spring, wind, emergence (birth), green color, sour taste, anger. The “wood” element combines two meridians: gallbladder VB and liver F. These two meridians are in a state of energetic antagonism in relation to each other. If an excess of energy occurs in the gallbladder meridian, then a lack of energy immediately appears in the liver meridian and vice versa. Then the energy moves clockwise, i.e. leaves the element “wood” and flows into the element “fire”, which has the following philosophical and abstract definitions: summer, heat, greatest development, red color, bitter taste, joy. In relation to life channels, the element “fire” has one feature. There are five main elements, and for each element there is one pair of life channels. Consequently, the U-SIN system can combine only 10 meridians. But there are 12 meridians. Taking this into account, ancient doctors endowed the element “fire” with two pairs of meridians. The first (main) pair: meridian of the small intestine IG and the heart meridian C. The second (additional) para-meridian of the three heaters (three body cavities) TR and the pericardium MS. In each pair, the meridians are in a state of energetic antagonism to each other. From the element "fire" energy penetrates into the element "earth", which has the following properties: end of summer, humidity, change, yellow, sweet taste, reflection. The element "earth" does not actually have its own season. The fact is that there are five elements, and four seasons of the year (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Therefore, a season is defined for it as “end of summer.” The element “earth” corresponds to a pair of meridians: spleen-pancreas RP and stomach E. These meridians are also in a state of energetic antagonism. From the “earth” element, energy passes into the “metal” element, which has the following philosophical and abstract properties: autumn, dryness, withering, white color, pungent taste, melancholy. It corresponds to a pair of meridians, which consists of the lung meridian P and the large intestine meridian GI. These two meridians are in energetic antagonism.

Figure 26. The annual cycle of energy movement along the 12 meridians.

The annual cycle of the movement of CHI energy. Table 3.

Seasons Winter Spring Summer Autumn
Element Water Fire Tree Fire Earth Metal
Month XII
with maximum excess energy CHI
V R M.C. TR VB F C I.G. E R.P. P G.I.
with maximum CHI energy deficiency
R V TR M.C. F VB I.G. C R.P. E G.I. P
Zodiac sign
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius fish Aries Taurus twin cancer a lion Virgo scales scorpion
Zodiac calendar 22/XI - 21/XII 22/XII - 21/I 22/I - 19/II 20/II - 21/III 22/III - 18/IV 19/IV - 20/V 21/V - 21/VI 22/VI - 22/VII 23/VII - 23/VIII 24/VIII - 22/IX 23/IX - 21/X 22/X - 21/XI

From the metal element, energy flows into the water element, which has the following properties: winter, cold, disappearance, black color, salty taste, fear. The element corresponds to a pair: the kidney meridian R and the bladder meridian V. They are also energetic antagonists. From the element “water” the energy again passes to the element “wood”, and the cycle repeats. According to traditional views, every year the Chi energy makes one “revolution” through the Five Elements, and therefore through the Six pairs of meridians, that is, through 12 “life” channels. In parallel with how spring turns into summer, summer into autumn, autumn turns into winter, and winter again into spring, excess energy moves from one meridian to another. Over the course of a year, energy passes through 12 meridians in turn, which connect with each other and form a closed curve. How many years a person lives, so many times the excess energy makes circular movements along the 12 meridians of the right and left half of the body.
It should be noted that measurements with sensitive electrophysical devices do not confirm the seasonal movement of “excess CHI energy” (biocurrents). The intensity of electroabsorbing points on the surface of the human body at all meridians does not change either in summer or in winter. The current state of electrophysiology cannot confirm the existence of an annual cycle of excess energy movement. However, it is apparently premature to categorically declare the absence of such, since acupuncturists, based precisely on this teaching, cure many diseases. More research is needed.

All Chinese medicine is based on the teaching of meridians. It is this knowledge that helps Eastern doctors successfully diagnose and treat various diseases. Qi energy circulates through the meridians - vital energy, if depleted, a person faces various ailments. Find out in the article through which channels qi energy flows and how it accumulates.

From generation to generation, Chinese doctors observed healthy and sick people and carefully studied various manifestations of the body. As a result, they were able to develop a concept about the channels through which energy passes.

What are energy channels or meridians?

Energy channels permeate the entire body, then go out and go back into the tissues. Some of the channels connect human organs with the environment. The channel system is quite complex. Thus, in the case of illness, it is by the state of the energy channels that it is possible to determine the person’s condition.

The teaching about energy channels or meridians is called Jing-Lo. According to him, the 12 main organs of the human body are supplied by 12 pairs of meridians. Energy channels and organs are divided into Yin and Yang, but all meridians, without exception, are united and represent an integral system.

In addition to the main 12 paired meridians, there are also 2 unpaired meridians, 15 secondary meridians and 8 wonderful meridians. Acupuncture uses biological active points that are located on the meridians. The purpose of the points is to dose the movement of Qi energy.

In total, there are 365 main points on the human body, and in total there are about 6000. The state of the meridians is an indicator of the progression of the disease.

How does life energy move through the human body?

A person receives Qi energy during breathing and eating. In addition, vital energy reserves can also be replenished through meditation or good thoughts.

Most of the Qi energy enters the lungs, so this organ is more responsible than others for distributing energy throughout the body.

Qi energy passes through the meridians per day:

01:00 - the beginning of the movement of Qi energy

03:00 - 05:00 - highest energy activity in the lung meridian

05:00 - 07:00 - energy passes from the lung meridian to the large intestine meridian

07:00 - 09:00 - Qi energy is in the stomach meridian

09:00 - 11:00 - energy resides in the meridian of the spleen and pancreas

11:00 - 13:00 - Qi energy is concentrated in the heart meridian

13:00 - 15:00 - vital energy is in the meridian of the small intestine

15:00 - 17:00 - energy is located in the bladder meridian

17:00 - 19:00 - Qi energy resides in the kidney meridian

19:00 - 21:00 - the pericardial meridian is full of energy

21:00 - 23:00 - energy distributed over three parts of the body

23:00 - 01:00 - Qi energy is in the gallbladder

01:00 - 03:00 - energy circulation occurs in the liver channel

03:00 - Qi energy returns to the lung meridian.

How does insufficiency or excess of Qi energy manifest itself?

Redundancy is manifested by increased function of an organ or system. It could be:

  • Contraction of vascular smooth muscles in hypertension, bronchospasm in bronchial asthma, spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the small and large intestine in spastic constipation.

Characteristic signs of excess Qi energy:

  • muscle pain;
  • headache;
  • pain in the joints and spine;
  • runny nose, cough, fever;
  • emotional overexcitation, insomnia.

Insufficiency of Qi energy manifests itself in weakening of the function of an organ or system:

  • Reduced blood pressure, relaxation of intestinal smooth muscles, motor and sensory disorders with neuritis.

Characteristic signs of a lack of Qi energy:

  • diarrhea;
  • aversion to food;
  • arrhythmia;
  • shortness of breath when walking and at rest;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • depression.

To achieve energy balance in the body, special practices are used - acupressure, exercise, meditation, and an appropriate diet is also selected. You can find out more about how to replenish Qi energy in this

Daily movement of energy. Ancient Chinese medical philosophy speaks of the existence of two cycles of the movement of Chi energy through 12 acupuncture channels: daily and annual. Let us give a brief summary of the doctrine of the daily cycle of energy. During the day, energy passes through 12 meridians. Its excess does not fill all channels, but flows into one of them every 2 hours. The movement of energy begins from the lung meridian, where it remains from 3 to 5 am. Next, the meridians of the large intestine (from 5 to 7 am), stomach (from 7 to 9), spleen (from 9 to 11), heart (from 11 to 13), small intestine (13-15), bladder ( 15-17), kidney (17-19), pericardium (19-21), three heaters (21-23), gallbladder (23-1) and liver - from 1 to 3 am (Table 1). Since energy cycles throughout the day, it moves from the last meridian of the liver to the first meridian of the lungs at 3 am. The daily cycle of energy can be represented by the following formula:
-gt; P -gt; GI -^ E -gt; RP -gt; C -gt; IG -gt; V-gt; R-gt;
-gt; MS -gt; TR -gt; VB -gt; F -gt;P -gt;
Excess energy simultaneously moves along two closed curves - along the 12 meridians of the right and left sides of the body. In fact, excess energy occurs in two meridians at once: the left and right meridians of the lungs, the left and right meridians of the stomach, etc. If you mark the meridians on a watch dial, then the clock hand will show the movement of excess energy in a circle (Fig. 3). If you extend the arrow to the opposite side from the axis of rotation, it will point to the meridian, which at this time has a lack of energy. If the meridians are combined into pairs (a meridian with a deficiency and an excess of energy), then the movement of energy will have the form shown in Fig. 3.

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