How can you clean carpets at home? How to clean a carpet at home: with salt, vinegar, soda, alcohol or sauerkraut? We clean the carpet quickly and safely. How to Clean a Wool Carpet

A high-quality and correctly selected carpet can rightfully become the main decoration of the home: fluffy, soft, warm and beautiful. But over time, its shortcoming makes itself known, such as rapid contamination - a property inherent in any floor covering. Is it possible to effectively keep a carpet clean at home, or is dry cleaning the only way out?

Cleaning carpet at home: methods and secrets

When starting cleaning, you should know in advance which methods need to be excluded from your arsenal so that the carpet remains fresh and beautiful for a long time, and does not lose its appearance after several washes. This:

  • brushes with hard bristles, because they can noticeably damage the pile;
  • washing and cleaning in the anti-lint direction;
  • washing carpet in unventilated areas;

And, also hot water (over 50 degrees), because... high temperatures can destroy the adhesive backing of the carpet and cause the natural fibers to shed.

In addition, you should not walk on the carpet immediately after cleaning; let it “breathe” a little and dry thoroughly.

Compliance with these rules will allow the carpet to maintain its softness and rich color for a long time.

Dry wash

Cleaning without water is possible if the dirt on the rug is minimal. This can be done using salt, soda or special industrial cleaning products.

For the first method, you will need regular salt, which we use in food. It needs to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the carpet and rubbed with a brush until the grains of salt begin to darken, absorbing dirt from the pile. Then all you have to do is go over it with a vacuum cleaner, and the cleaning is complete.

The same algorithm is used to clean the carpet using soda. It needs to be scattered evenly over the entire area of ​​the rug and rubbed thoroughly with a brush. But after the soda acquires a dark color, it should be left for 5-7 minutes and only then you can start vacuuming the carpet.

You can clean the carpet using a dry method using a special powder or foam. Each manufacturer, of course, has its own instructions for the products it produces, but in general it boils down to the following:

  • Distribute the product over the surface of the carpet.
  • Lightly rub it into the pile and leave for 1-2 hours.
  • Vacuum the carpet.

When using foam, wet areas may remain on the carpet; they need to be dried with a hairdryer.

The methods listed are suitable for cleaning lightly soiled carpets. If persistent or old stains have formed on the carpet, they will have to be removed in more radical ways.

Wet carpet cleaning using home methods

In cases where the stains cannot be removed by dry cleaning alone, wet washing using salt, soda, tea leaves or even sauerkraut will come to the rescue.

Salt-based cleaning solutions
Add the juice of one lemon to a kilogram of salt, mix well and distribute the mixture over the surface of the carpet, leaving it to act for 20 minutes. After this time, moisten the broom in a hot soapy solution and begin to sweep away the salt from the rug. This method of cleaning will not only help to cope with dirt, but also eliminate unpleasant odors. When all the salt has been swept away, the carpet needs to be dried.

A solution of salt with citric acid also has good cleansing properties. For one liter of water you need to add 10-15 g of acid and a tablespoon of salt, mix well. Then, periodically dipping the brush into the resulting solution, we begin to remove dirt from the carpet. With such cleaning, wet areas remain on the rug that must be dried.

Acetic acid will help clean the carpet from dirt and eliminate unpleasant odors. The solution is very simple to prepare: add a tablespoon of vinegar to one liter of water. In the resulting solution, you need to periodically wet a brush with medium-hard bristles, shaking off excess liquid back into a basin or other container.

This type of cleaning is most effective for carpets made from natural fibers. For artificial materials, vinegar is dangerous and can damage them.

It is better to dry the carpet after cleaning with vinegar in the fresh air, so if possible, take it outside or open the windows indoors to create a slight draft.

Baking soda
Dissolving a quarter cup of baking soda in three liters of water makes an excellent cleaning agent. For convenience, the resulting mixture can be poured into a spray bottle, spray it thoroughly onto the surface of the carpet and leave for 30 minutes, then vacuum it. If you add the juice of one lemon to the solution, you can not only clean the carpet from dirt, but also restore the former freshness of the colors.

You can also clean a carpet using something that seems inappropriate at first glance, like finely chopped sauerkraut. After rinsing and wrung out through several layers of gauze, spread it over the entire rug and begin brushing it directly on top of the cabbage. When it becomes dirty, rinse it again, wring it out and repeat the entire cleaning process until the cabbage is no longer dirty.

This method will not cope with stubborn and old stains, but it will help refresh the carpet and eliminate surface stains.

Tea brewing
You can also clean the carpet using tea leaves, no matter black or green tea. But this method is only suitable for floor coverings of dark shades. It is not recommended to clean light-colored carpets in this way.

Another disadvantage of this method is that for cleaning you need to collect a fairly large amount of tea leaves, which must first be dried and stored in a dry place, otherwise mold will grow in it. If this does not scare you, then after collecting a small supply of tea leaves, you can try to clean the carpet with its help.

To do this, fill it with water and squeeze it out. Spread the slightly damp tea leaves over the entire carpet and leave it for half an hour. Then sweep it away with a damp, clean broom or simply use a vacuum cleaner.

If you have the opportunity to clean the carpet outside, then in winter this can be done using snow, and in summer - using shampoo or powder.

We use snow for cleaning
“Snow” washing will not only ensure cleanliness, but will also give the carpet a pleasant frosty freshness.

To do this, you need to take the rug outside and lay it face down on clean snow, then walk on it or beat it with a mop or stick for 3-5 minutes and let it lie like that for about half an hour. Then turn it over and sweep away the dirty snow from its surface, then add fresh snow and clean everything off again.

After this, the carpet must be hung on the crossbar and the remaining snow and dirt must be thoroughly removed.

At home, the carpet should be spread on the floor and allowed to dry completely.

Washing outside
If you live in a private house, then you can wash the carpet right outside. This must be done on clean asphalt. Lay the rug face up and hose it down generously. Then spread a special powder or shampoo over the surface of the carpet, following the instructions, and clean the pile with a brush. After cleaning, rinse the carpet with strong water pressure and use a mop to remove any remaining residue.

The carpet should be left in the fresh air for 2-3 hours. After it has dried slightly, you can hang it on the crossbar for final drying.

Getting rid of certain types of stains

In some cases, it is not practical to wash the entire carpet. This usually applies to cases where the carpet itself is clean, but several fresh stains have appeared on it.

So, a soap solution that needs to be applied to the stain and wiped with a sponge will save you from spilled tea or coffee. The solution itself is also washed off with a sponge, but with clean water.

The easiest way to remove fresh blood is with cold water. If the stain has dried, you need to cover it with a piece of wet cloth for 30-60 minutes, then wash it with cold water and powder.

If you need to clean traces of chewing gum from the surface of the carpet, then simply put something cold on this place (ice in a bag, for example). The low temperature will harden the remaining gum and you can scrape it off with a knife.

Wax stains, on the other hand, are removed using high temperatures. Cover the marks with a sheet of paper and run a hot iron over it. The wax will begin to melt and soak into the paper. Repeat the procedure until the next sheet is clean.

Some consider the carpet an essential element of the style and decor of the room, while others consider it a completely unnecessary thing that collects dust and dirt. Indeed, this piece of furniture easily becomes dirty and loses its original colors, but proper and regular care will preserve its beauty and brightness for a long time.

Video: how to easily and effectively clean a carpet

Walking around the house barefoot is not only good for your health, but also extremely pleasant if you have a soft, fluffy carpet under your feet. And many owners cover not only bedrooms and living rooms with carpets, but also children's rooms, corridors, hallways and even sometimes kitchens. Over time, in areas of heavy use, carpets become dirty, dull, and stains appear. Then the question arises: how is carpet cleaning done? What products should I use so that they are not too harmful to health, what actions should I take?

First of all, the carpet must be vacuumed at least once or twice a week so that dust and dirt do not “eat” into the pile. If the room is used very actively, there is a lot of litter in it, then it is necessary to vacuum more often. You need to start from the underside of the carpet, or better yet, from the floor underneath it: collect all the dirt from the floor, then go to the underside of the carpet, and then vacuum the fleecy part. This is necessary so that the vacuum cleaner does not pull dirt from the inside through the entire carpet.

We clean carpets the traditional way

Cleaning carpets at home

Sauerkraut will help you

Sauerkraut- one of the most environmentally friendly cleaning products in this case. We take the simplest sauerkraut without vinegar, squeeze it out, rinse it so that there is no strong smell left. Spread in an even layer over the carpet. We clean it with a brush, rolling the cabbage along the carpet. When the cabbage becomes gray and dirty, collect it with a broom, wash it and scatter it again. We repeat the procedure until the cabbage is clean. Then we collect it and let the carpet dry. It is imperative that no one walks on it. Then we vacuum.

Instead of cabbage, you can use other raw materials, which have the same properties of collecting dirt. For example, raw potatoes. We clean it, wash it, grate it, scatter it on the carpet and carry out the same procedure as with cabbage.

Will give the same effect salt, sawdust, bran, pumice powder. Sprinkle salt on the carpet and rub it in with a brush. We wet the broom in warm soapy water, sweep away the salt, repeat the procedure until the salt is clean. When the broom gets dirty, rinse it out. Then we vacuum.

Tea leaves and stale bread

They are great for cleaning dark colored carpet. The principle of action is the same as that of sauerkraut, salt and potatoes. Scatter the tea leaves. Clean with a brush. Sweep it away with a broom. The color of the carpet after this procedure will become more saturated.

The cleaner is white and fluffy

Snow Cleans carpets perfectly. We take the carpet outside and spread it on the snow with the wrong side up. We thoroughly knock out the dust with a vine, a stick or a special mallet, then drag it to a clean place and turn it over. We sweep the snow onto the carpet with a broom and wait for it to pull the dirt onto itself. Then we sweep away the snow, drag the carpet to a new clean place and repeat the procedure until the snow under the carpet remains clean.

Important! The snow must be dry and clean. And it's even better if it's frosty. If the snow is wet, it will melt on the carpet, dissolving the dirt that will be absorbed into the carpet, and will only make matters worse.

Using household chemicals

Liquid soap, shampoo, washing powder And special carpet cleaners They will also help you clean your carpet at home. To do this, dilute any of these products in water, thoroughly dissolving it. You can add a little turpentine. Apply foam, preferably foam, to the front side of the carpet. Wipe with a wet rag or brush, then with a dry rag and dry the carpet. It is better to do this in a hanging position, if possible.

Important! It is necessary to dry on a strong crossbar that does not deform the structure of the carpet. If you dry woven rugs on a fence or clothesline, the threads are damaged and the rug quickly becomes unusable.

Removing the consequences of spilled liquid

If you spill liquid on your carpet, soak it up immediately.

The first thing you need to do is soak the liquid. As quickly as possible, throw a clean rag or a pile of napkins onto the wet area. We blot the stain from the edges to the center, otherwise it will spread.

Let's remove fresh traces

Fresh stain remove with a solution of washing powder in water + 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Apply the resulting mixture to the carpet and brush in the direction of the pile. Wipe with a wet cloth and then with a dry one.

If a furry pet has “pushed” on the carpet, it is best to wash the area with its pet shampoo. Perhaps the smell will not completely disappear, but hunting will disappear in this place.

And we will conquer fat

Grease stain can be removed using a material that can absorb the greasy structure. For example, talc, chalk, sawdust soaked in gasoline, starch. Sprinkle any of these products onto the stain, cover with blotting paper and leave for a while, preferably overnight. The next day we iron it with a hot iron. We change the paper until it is clean.

Ink, wine Spilled on the carpet, salt quickly poured onto the stain is well absorbed.

How to clean a Vanish carpet

Shampoo for carpets "Vanish" - a universal option

A universal and relatively low-moisture method of cleaning a carpet is to use Vanish carpet shampoo. Please note that you do not need to generously rub the shampoo into the carpet with a brush, as is done with traditional shampoos for washing your hair. This will not bring any result except mood disturbance and a pleasant smell in the room.

How to clean a carpet with vanish is written in the instructions on the shampoo packaging. Be sure to read it and follow the general recommendations:

1. Before using shampoo, the carpet must be cleaned of large dirt, dust and debris. To do this, we vacuum the carpet or beat it out on the street.

Important! If you do not vacuum the carpet first, stains will appear on it after cleaning with Vanish shampoo.

2. Dilute shampoo in water. Take one part shampoo and nine parts water. It turns out that you need to dissolve 10 ml of vanish in 90 ml of water. It is best to use warm water rather than hot. A temperature of 40°C will be quite enough. Thoroughly whisk the shampoo into foam.

Important! The cleaning agent is foam. The more conscientiously and more we beat it, the easier and better we can clean the carpet.

3. Take a large clean sponge, you can take a brush if it’s more convenient for someone. We collect foam and apply it with a sponge to the carpet. Distribute the foam evenly, being careful not to over-wet the carpet so that it does not shrink after cleaning.

Apply the foam to the carpet with a brush and rub in

Take a sponge or brush and rub the foam into the carpet in a circular motion. If there are old stains on the carpet, then before applying foam to the stain you need to splash a little shampoo from the cap, this will make it much easier to remove.

Important! The active reagent of Vanisha is foam. It penetrates the carpet fibers, absorbs ingrained dust and dirt and binds it to itself.

5. Let the foam dry. The drying time directly depends on the material of the carpet, its hairiness and the amount of foam applied. Therefore, it is difficult to say a clear time, just keep an eye and check from time to time. Experts recommend not waiting too long to avoid over-wetting the carpet. But if you haven’t applied too much foam, you can wait until it dries completely. While the carpet is drying, try not to walk on it. The room must be open and ventilated with fresh air, otherwise the carpet may smell and not dry properly.

Collecting foam with a vacuum cleaner

We vacuum the carpet. Do not press too hard on the brush so as not to smear dust on the carpet. And with collecting movements we suck up the foam and the remains of “Vanish” with a vacuum cleaner.

Specifics of cleaning a wool carpet

You can clean a wool carpet with water and washing powder.

Wool carpets are more delicate than synthetic ones; if you clean too vigorously, the pile and threads may become damaged or even come out in knots. Therefore, it is necessary to use the most gentle means.

Carpet cleaning method snow It is also quite suitable for a wool carpet. It is extremely important to dry it well after this procedure.

A special tool will help you clean your carpet at home. dry powder, which we apply manually to the carpet. Next, wait until the powder acts, it will take 1-2 hours. Then we collect it with a vacuum cleaner. You can start walking on the carpet immediately after cleaning, as it remains dry.

For wet cleaning of wool carpet we use foaming shampoos, recommended carpet cleaners and even liquid soap that will not leave sticky foam. Dissolve the product in water. Wipe the carpet with a rag soaked in the solution.

Important! You should not over-moisten a wool carpet, as its cotton base will quickly rot.

Wool carpets can only be washed in cold water, using washing powders or detergents that can be easily rinsed without leaving any residue. It is better to hang dry.

Ammonia solution It also cleans the fleecy surface of a wool carpet well. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of ammonia in 1 liter of water. We wet the hair brush in the resulting solution and clean the carpet. Then wipe with a dry cloth and ventilate the room.

How to remove caustic stains

Warm water with washing powder You can remove fresh stains from alcohol, perfume and cologne. Rinse with clean water.

Ammonia in the proportion of 1 tsp. per 1 liter of water will remove stains from red wine, coffee, tea, cocoa and fruit juices. In addition, this solution will return the color to the carpet, refresh it and add shine.

Ink stains are easily removed with citric acid.

Lemon or acetic acid, fresh lemon juice will cope with ink or ballpoint pen stains. Finally, wash with soapy water.

Petrol removes greasy stains well. Sprinkle sawdust soaked in gasoline onto the stain. We wait until the smell disappears, then we remove the sawdust with a vacuum cleaner.

Gasoline with soap can deal with any old stain. Take 10 ml of gasoline and dilute it in 100 ml of soap solution, add a little water, rub it into the stain. If you can’t clean it the first time, repeat after the carpet has dried.

Solution 2 tbsp. washing powder + 1 tsp ammonia + 3-5 liters of water removes any fresh stains.

Important! The carpet should only be cleaned in the direction of the pile.

Like any business, carpet cleaning requires following certain recommendations. By following them, you can keep your carpet clean and fluffy for many years.

Almost every home has some kind of textile products on the floor, but not all families have modern washing vacuum cleaners. That is why the task of how to clean a carpet at home is relevant for many families.

In this particular issue, size is very important, because it is quite obvious that a small rug is much easier to handle than a huge rug or rug that occupies the entire floor. In addition, you need to remember that the older the stain, the more difficult it is to remove, while even cold water can remove fresh stains.

  • What can't you do?
  • DIY carpet cleaners
  • How to wash a carpet in a bathtub?
  • Washing the carpet without removing the floor
  • Washing carpet in the yard
  • Drying the carpet
  • How to clean a Vanish carpet?
  • How to clean a carpet with baking soda and vinegar at home?
  • Cleaning a wool carpet

What can't you do?

  • Do not try to remove stains with hot water (more than 50 degrees). The fact is that many synthetic products use glue for fastening, which will simply dissolve in hot water and the coating will fall apart. In addition, hot water can damage some natural materials, causing them to shrink or lose their appearance. And some dyed fabrics may lose their color along with dirt.
  • Do not use brushes that are too hard as they will damage the bristles.
  • Do not clean the coating against the direction of the pile.
  • The carpet should not be soaked for a long time or left wet in poorly ventilated areas. Even when deciding how to wash a carpet that has only a small stain, it is advisable to dry it on the back side with a hairdryer as soon as possible. Moisture destroys the structure of fibrous coatings, which subsequently causes holes to form on them.
  • You should not use crystalline synthetic detergents, which not only spoil the pile, but are also difficult to wash out of it. It is better to use specialized products designed specifically for cleaning carpets. You can use any type of liquid soap: shampoo, body wash or dishwashing detergent in case of especially greasy stains.
  • Since carpets do not like wet cleaning, which is stressful for them, it is advisable to resort to it as rarely as possible - no more than once a quarter.

DIY carpet cleaners

Before washing the carpet, you need to prepare a detergent, but you can save money by using inexpensive and available components and making it yourself.

In a container with 5 liters of warm water, add 50 g of vinegar, neutralized with ammonia, and a couple of tablespoons of liquid soap. This solution can successfully remove various stains from carpets, eliminate odors and refresh the colors of the product.

Some people advise using kerosene during washing, but this advice is questionable, since it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell of kerosene later. In addition, household kerosene contains oil, which can no longer be removed from the carpet using home remedies.

How to wash a carpet in a bathtub?

If the rug is small, you can clean or wash it in the bathroom. But how to wash a carpet without ruining it? It is necessary to first thoroughly sweep with a broom, or better yet, vacuum. Then you need to inspect the carpet and remember the location of the stains that require special treatment.

  1. The product must be rolled up and placed in the bath.
  2. Having unrolled the carpet halfway, you need to work with it with a brush with detergent applied to it.
  3. If the carpet has stubborn or old stains, you can leave it to soak for a while.
  4. Thoroughly rinse the dirty foam from the carpet by pouring it from the shower.
  5. Do the same with the other half of the carpet.
  6. A very small rug that can be completely placed in the bathtub can be filled with water and detergent and left to soak. Then drain the dirty water and rinse the product.

Washing the carpet without removing the floor

How to get rid of smell on a carpet if it is very large? The bathroom is not suitable here, since the carpet will not fit there at all, and it will be difficult to work with it. In addition, you cannot completely wet it, since in an apartment the carpet will rot before it dries out.

In this case, it is better to use one of the many carpet cleaning products, of which Vanish is a well-known representative. But there are other, no less worthy options.

For more information on how to remove cat urine from carpet, read our article.

  1. So, the selected liquid must be foamed and then applied to the surface of the carpet.
  2. If the product is in powder form, then you need to sprinkle it on the stain.
  3. In areas of greatest contamination, it is necessary to work with a brush.
  4. Gradually, the product absorbs dirt and dries; all that remains is to remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

With the help of such products it is possible to clean carpets with an average degree of soiling. If the pile is so dirty that it even smells unpleasant, then more thorough cleaning will be required.

Video on how to clean a carpet at home:

Washing carpet in the yard

It is much easier to cope with cleaning the floor covering for those who live in their own house with a garden plot or go to the country. After all, it is much more convenient to do this outdoors. It can be spread on the grass, asphalt, concrete, or thrown over the crossbar, which under normal conditions serves as a horizontal bar.

  1. A hard horizontal surface must be thoroughly swept and washed with a hose with water.
  2. Pre-vacuum the floor covering or at least sweep away the dirt with a broom.
  3. Spread the carpet on a horizontal surface and wet it with water from a hose or bucket.
  4. Then spread the detergent (liquid soap or special product) evenly over the entire surface of the carpet.
  5. Using a brush, it is important to achieve the appearance of foam on the entire surface of the carpet.
  6. Then the dirty foam will need to be washed off with water from the hose for a long time.

If the weather is good outdoors, the product will dry quickly and get rid of odors.

Drying the carpet

After washing at home, the most pressing question is how to quickly dry a wet carpet. In hot summer weather it looks easier: turn on the fan and open the window wider - the moisture will begin to evaporate rapidly. In winter, you will have to turn on a hairdryer, fan heater or heater, but only if the rug is very small. A larger product can be hung on two separate stools so that it can dry on both sides at the same time, or hang it on the balcony.

It is forbidden to wet carpet products with glue, so you can dry clean them or take them out into the snow in winter and beat them there - snow perfectly absorbs dust and odors.

How to clean a Vanish carpet?

There is nothing easier than cleaning a carpet with Vanish. This almost dry and universal remedy is known to many. At the same time, you should not try to rub as much product as possible into the carpet with a brush, just as many people like to wash their hair. Generosity here is completely inappropriate; it will only spoil the atmosphere in the room, and the hostess’s mood. The method of using Vanish is indicated on its label; you should familiarize yourself with it before use, and also adhere to a number of recommendations.

  1. Removing debris from the carpet. Remove large dirt and most of the dust using a vacuum cleaner or knocking it out on the street. New stains may appear on a dusty carpet after applying Vanish.
  2. Preparing the remedy. It needs to be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:9, i.e. take 10 ml of Vanish for 90 ml of water. For dilution, it is better to use warm water, but not hot water. 40 degrees will be enough. Beat the solution until abundant foam appears.

You shouldn’t be lazy: the more foam you have, the easier and better it will be to clean the floor covering!

  1. Distribution of "Vanish" on the carpet. Arm yourself with a large sponge or soft brush. Apply foam to the sponge and distribute it evenly over the carpet so as not to wet the product too much and to prevent it from shrinking after cleaning.
  2. Rubbing in foam. The foam should be rubbed into the carpet with light circular movements. Even before applying foam, you should lightly splash the same detergent on old stains to more effectively combat their removal.

Vanish works most effectively in the form of foam. It penetrates more easily into the structure of the fibers, absorbs stubborn dirt and dust, binding them and taking them with it when cleaning.

  1. Foam drying. It should dry completely, but the drying time depends on the material, its hairiness, amount of foam, drying conditions and can vary greatly. In order not to over-wet the carpet in case of excessive use of foam, experts do not recommend waiting too long.

You should not walk on the coating while it is drying, and you should open the windows in the room to create a draft - it will carry away not only excess moisture, but also a bad smell.

  1. Vacuuming the carpet. Vacuum without putting too much pressure on the brush, so as not to rub dust into the pile again, but making collecting movements.

Video on how to clean a carpet with Vanish:

How to clean a carpet with baking soda and vinegar at home?

Cleaning carpets with baking soda at home is popular because it is quite effective if used correctly. If you know how to clean a carpet with soda and vinegar, the floor covering will not only refresh its color, but also get rid of the unpleasant odor.

  1. Before you clean the carpet at home with soda, you need to prepare a solution (half a glass of soda per 5 liters of warm water).
  2. Fill a spray bottle with the solution and spray the liquid over the carpet.
  3. Afterwards, you need to wait for half an hour for the solution to absorb the dirt along with odors.
  4. Then all that remains is to treat the coating with diluted vinegar, rinse with water and dry.

If the coating is not too dirty, it can be cleaned dry:

  1. Sprinkle baking soda over the surface.
  2. Rub into the carpet fibers with a dry cloth and wait half an hour.
  3. When the soda has absorbed all the dirt, all that remains is to remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

Video on how to clean a carpet with baking soda and vinegar:

Cleaning a wool carpet

How to clean a carpet if it is made of wool? After all, cleaning at home using chemicals can ruin the item. It’s good that there is a proven and very safe folk method that you can take the risk of cleaning even expensive handmade products.

For this, a rather unusual remedy is used - sauerkraut, which is fermented in the traditional way, without the use of spices and vinegar.

  1. You need to squeeze the brine out of the cabbage; you can additionally rinse it with water so that it smells less.
  2. Then distribute the cabbage evenly over the wool carpet.
  3. Then, using a brush, you need to gently turn the cabbage on the surface, while dirt will stick to it.
  4. When the cabbage turns gray from dust, it needs to be collected, washed with water, squeezed out and the same procedure repeated again.
  5. It will take so many repetitions until the cabbage stops turning dark from dirt.
  6. All that remains is to assemble it completely, dry it and vacuum the carpet.

Clean wool carpet at home is not easy, because its fibers are very capricious and susceptible to various temperatures and chemicals, since they are made from the most natural and environmentally friendly material. Therefore, it is necessary to be as careful as possible when cleaning wool carpets.

How to bring colors to life?

Often after you have cleaned your carpet, it still looks very dull and pale. And all because over time it loses its former brightness and colorful colors.

  • take four raw potatoes, peel them and grate them on the finest grater you have. Then fill them with cold water and leave for three hours. Strain the grated potatoes through cheesecloth and use the resulting water to clean your wool carpet. Leave it until completely dry, then vacuum thoroughly;
  • to effectively refresh the brightness of colors, you can use weak vinegar solution, which should be prepared in the following proportion: add a tablespoon of table vinegar to one liter of water. Before applying this solution, be sure to vacuum the wool rug, starting from the inside out. Take a brush, soak it in vinegar solution and apply it in the direction of the pile. This method will surprise you with the results.

Cleaning Features

Wool carpets are the most delicate and delicate, so before you begin to remove dirt from their surface, you should study the basic features of cleaning a wool carpet.

In order to clean a wool carpet, you need to use the most gentle products possible.

The most delicate way to clean a wool carpet is snow cleaning. It is important to dry it well after completing this procedure.

To properly clean a wool carpet at home, you should use special dry powder, which must be applied to its entire area. After application, you need to wait for it to take effect (this will take several hours). After this, you can vacuum the wool carpet. Immediately after you have cleaned it, you can walk on it as it will be completely dry.

You can also clean a wool carpet using the method wet cleaning. To do this, you should use specialized carpet shampoos or liquid soap. It is important that they do not leave sticky soap suds. The product you choose should be thoroughly mixed in water, then moisten the fabric in the resulting solution and treat the contaminated areas of the wool carpet.

It is strictly forbidden to saturate a wool carpet with excess moisture, since its cotton base may rot.

Woolen carpets can only be cleaned using cold water with the addition of washing powders or detergents that are easily washed out and do not leave streaks. It is recommended to dry a wool carpet in a vertical position.

In addition, you can perfectly clean the wool fibers of the carpet using ammonium hydroxide solution or ammonia. To do this, you need to dissolve one teaspoon of ammonium hydroxide or alcohol in one liter of cold water. We soak a soft-bristled brush in the resulting solution and treat the surface of the wool carpet, then wipe it dry with clean rags and ventilate the room well.

Well, that’s all, dear ladies, it’s safe to say that now you are armed with knowledge, and you will never again be scared by the thought of how to properly clean a wool carpet. These recommendations and tips will help you cope with any problem that concerns cleaning wool carpeting in your home.

A urine stain, like any other, is best cleaned right away. Blot the liquid with a napkin. Instead of a napkin, you can use cat litter. Once it has absorbed the moisture and odor, carefully remove the granules from the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.

Then dilute one part vinegar in three parts water. Dampen the stain. Leave until completely dry. Sprinkle baking soda on top of the stain. You can spray the baking soda with a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts water. Foam will appear on the surface of the carpet. Leave it for a couple of hours.

Clean off any remaining residue with a damp brush or vacuum cleaner. Dry the coating thoroughly.

The best way to get rid of gum is to freeze it. Take a few ice cubes, place them in a resealable bag and place them on a rubber band. Wait until the gum freezes through. Then scrape it off the lint using a thin metal spatula or a dull butter knife. If there are sticky bits left on the carpet, freeze them again.

When you have removed all the chewing gum, wipe the carpet with soapy water and add a little vinegar. Leave until completely dry.


Fresh blood can be washed well with very cold water. Fill a spray bottle with ice water. Spray onto the stain. Blot with a napkin or towel from the edges to the center. If necessary, repeat the process. Dry the carpet. Vacuum. If the stain does not disappear after drying, try using a stronger solution, such as baking soda or vinegar.

Comb the dried stain with a dry, stiff brush. Vacuum to remove what you scraped off. Mix two cups of ice water with a tablespoon of dish soap. Take a soft rag, soak it in the solution and wipe the stain. Blot the liquid with a napkin. If the stain does not disappear, scrub with soapy water again. Dry the carpet.

If the soap solution does not help, take a glass of cold water, add two tablespoons of ammonia and apply to the stain. Leave for 5 minutes. Blot with a napkin. Remove any remaining ammonia solution from the carpet with a clean, damp cloth. Blot again with a napkin. You can place a clean towel on the stain, press it down with a weight and leave for 10 minutes. This will allow the liquid to be absorbed faster. Dry the carpet with a fan to speed up drying.

Ammonia should not be used on wool carpets. When working with ammonia, be careful not to inhale it. Is it dangerous.

Wait until the wax hardens and scrape it off with a spoon or a dull butter knife. If there are small crumbs left, vacuum them up. Take it, plug it into the outlet, setting the settings to the lowest. Turn off the steam function. Place a clean paper towel over the remaining wax stain. Iron the top with a warm iron. Change the napkin to a clean one and iron it again. Repeat the process until all the wax is melted and absorbed into the paper. Wait for the carpet to cool completely.

If the result is still not perfect, rub the coating with an alcohol solution. Just be sure to test it in an inconspicuous area. Alcohol may leave discolored spots. Blot away any moisture with a clean cloth. Leave the carpet to dry completely.

How to clean a carpet

Vinegar can be used to remove organic contaminants from the coating or get rid of gray deposits.

You will need two tablespoons of 9 percent vinegar and 1 liter of warm water. Take a soft brush and, moistening it in the resulting solution, walk over the surface of the carpet. After cleaning, be sure to dry the coating and ventilate the room.

Mix baking soda with fine salt and scatter over the surface of the carpet. Using a brush, distribute the scattered mixture evenly. Wait 10–20 minutes. Soak a broom in warm water and sweep everything off the carpet. Leave the coating to dry. Vacuum to remove any remaining baking soda and salt.

This mixture absorbs odors well and removes dirt. Suitable for cleaning light-colored surfaces. Dark carpets may have whitish stains.

You can also mix two tablespoons of baking soda with a liter of water, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and spray evenly onto the carpet. Next you need to wait until the coating dries and vacuum thoroughly.


Be sure to try carpet shampoo on an inconspicuous area: some dyes may be unstable and the carpet will stain. Work in a well-ventilated area.

Vacuum first. Then dilute the detergent with water in the proportion indicated on the package, whisk until foam forms. Using a sponge, apply the foam evenly to the carpet, being careful not to wet it too much. Wait until the coating is completely dry. Vacuum.

Shampoo will help refresh the coating, remove stubborn dirt and unpleasant odors.

If you're willing to wait until winter, you can clean your carpet with snow. This method refreshes the coating. And if you leave it in the cold overnight, all the dust mites and moths will die.

Roll up the carpet, take it outside and lay it face down on the snow. The longer the pile, the larger the snowdrift needed. Walk from above. You can pour snow on the covering and beat it with a broom or stick. After this, move the carpet to a clean area and do the same. Turn the pile upside down, pour snow on it again and go over it with a broom or brush. Then hang it on the crossbar and beat it well. Return home and leave until completely dry.

Important to remember

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the carpet once or twice a week. This is especially true for recently purchased products. At first, excess fibers will come out. This happens with almost any carpet, so don't be alarmed.
  • Once a month, vacuum the carpet from the underside.
  • If possible, dry clean only. Carpets are generally resistant to moisture and take a long time to dry. Leaving a wet carpet on the floor can cause an unpleasant odor or even... In addition, moisture damages parquet and laminate flooring.
  • Try to remove the stain from the carpet as soon as it appears. The main rule: do not rub dirt into the pile. If something mushy falls on the carpet, scrape it up with a spoon. If liquid spills, blot it up with a napkin or towel. Remove dirt from the edges to the center. Starch or talcum powder scattered around the edges will prevent the stain from spreading.
  • Do not use laundry detergent to clean the carpet. Residues on the pile will attract new dirt.
  • If you bought carpet cleaner from a store, test it in an inconspicuous area, such as under a chair. Your carpet may be allergic to this compound.
  • Send brightly colored viscose or wool carpets to dry cleaning immediately. Don't try to clean them at home.
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