How to please a child on his birthday or Long live the surprise! Need ideas for a children's birthday party. Thanks to everyone, they helped a lot! Surprises for children's 6th birthday

At this age, children are already preparing to enter school and like to emphasize their independence in every possible way. Therefore, if you are going to give a toy, you should not choose too “childish” options. It would be much better and more useful to purchase several puzzles. They perfectly develop and train thinking. The future student will often have to solve logical problems, so such training in the form of a game will be very useful.

If you are unexpectedly invited to visit, and you don’t know what to give a 6-year-old boy, a Lego constructor will be a win-win option. The box with the construction set usually states the age for which the toy is suitable, so you can’t go wrong. There are kits from which you can, by combining different parts, assemble, for example, a helicopter and a boat. The main thing is to ask your parents in advance if their son already has just such a set.

What to choose for a young researcher?

Your son or nephew can't sit still for a minute? His energy can easily be directed in a peaceful direction. Give him a young scientist kit! Together with his parents, he will conduct simple experiments illustrating the laws of physics or chemistry. And with a crystal growing kit, your home will soon be filled with bright and beautiful souvenirs.

Many boys spend the summer with their grandmother at the dacha. It can be difficult for an elderly woman to cope with a little fidget. Buy a special children's kit with seeds and soil for your baby, and he will soon be proud to show off the cucumbers or flowers he grew with his own hands.

A pleasant surprise for your sweet tooth

A child who loves sweets will be delighted with a chocolate card. These gifts are very beautiful, and they are made entirely from children's favorite treats. The present will definitely not be hidden in a far corner. Most likely, by evening there will be nothing left of him.

There is another version of a sweet card. In many kindergartens it is customary to celebrate holidays. Educators and parents think about what to give their child for 6 years. Perfect for a boy's birthday as a gift from kindergarten. It looks like a regular card, but there is a delicious surprise attached inside. There is also free space in it. The guys from the group can write or draw wishes to their friend there.

Present for a dreamer

Despite the fact that your child considers himself already big, he is unlikely to refuse an evening fairy tale. Buy a night light-projector, and in an instant an entire ocean with fish will appear on the ceiling. The boy will be pleased to listen to funny stories about sea creatures, admire them right in the room and fall asleep under the soft light of the night light.

A children's spyglass will appeal to those who like to read and listen to books about space and distant travels. Now the child will look at the bright stars in the evenings with mom and dad. Such evening walks in the fresh air will bring health benefits to both parents and son.

Some boys prefer quiet, calm games with girls rather than chasing a ball in the yard. Give your child a picnic table, and on holiday he can invite his girlfriend to the country house. This table is sold complete with two cute benches and an umbrella with images of fairy-tale characters. Now the scorching sun will not be able to stop friends from drinking tea with their mother’s pie in nature.

If your little relative grows up modest and does not talk about his desires, you will probably think before his birthday about what you can give your child for 6 years? You can order a photo mug for your boy! Every time he drinks juice or compote from a mug with his photo and the inscription “Superhero”, he will remember his strength and courage. Almost any large shopping center provides services for making such gifts in a short time.

There are never too many gifts!

  • For boys who love to be the center of attention, a magician's set is a great birthday surprise. With it, he will be able to amaze his relatives with unusual, but at the same time, easy-to-perform tricks.
  • If you are visiting a child whose tastes you have not yet learned, give him a certificate to a children's store. There he will choose a great gift for himself. And if, on the contrary, you have been communicating with the whole family for a long time, and you know that the baby sings well, give him a certificate to the recording studio. With your help, your child will record his first hit!
  • An inflatable children's pool will be a wonderful gift for a child whose birthday falls in the warm season. If you are celebrating it in a country house, you can immediately try out the gift in action. A child with friends will probably spend the rest of the day splashing and playing in the pool.
  • What to give to a 6 year old boy who has everything? This question makes the whole family think for a long time. Buy your child a machine for making cotton candy. He will not only enjoy his favorite delicacy at home, but also make a delicious treat for his friends.

The most important thing when choosing a gift for a child is to take into account his tastes. Find out in advance what your baby likes most, what he likes to do and what he dreams about. Then you can easily prepare a surprise that he will be delighted with!

It would seem that you have just arrived from the maternity hospital and brought this tiny touching little man into your home, you have just fed him with your milk, you have just admired his first achievements, you have just heard his first words. It was all like yesterday.

But here he sits next to you and looks at you with his clear eyes, which seem to reflect the huge blue sky. He stands before you on the threshold of his sixth birthday. Yes, your child’s sixth birthday is approaching and you, as always, are wondering: where to celebrate your child’s 6th birthday, because the choice of location for the celebration determines the entire subsequent scheme of the holiday.

On the one hand, there are few options, on the other, there are many. If you celebrate a birthday at home, then you can and even need to invite an animator or an entire animation group to the celebration, since children of six years of age are incredibly sensitive to this kind of entertainment. If you choose the option of celebrating outside the walls of your native land, then organizing a special event frees you from many significant disadvantages of holding a home birthday.

  • Firstly, by celebrating a birthday outside the walls of your home, you are freed from tidying both before and after the holiday.
  • Secondly, the time of celebration becomes clearly regulated.
  • Thirdly, you will not need to take on the role of a presenter and entertain children for several hours, whose attention is already quite problematic at this age.
  • Fourthly, if you stop at a holiday, part of which will take place, for example, in a museum where various excursions for children are held, then both you and the children will have the opportunity not only to have a great time, but also to receive new and useful information . All this will save your personal physical and emotional strength.

Where to celebrate the birthday of a 6 year old child - options

A good way to celebrate is to visit the cinema. Watching a long-awaited animated film in 3D or 5D format will bring joy to the birthday boy and his friends. Nowadays, many cinemas have cafes and pizzerias. After the film show, you can have a festive “feast” there. The holiday can also end with the usual tea with cake at home or a walk with the children in the park.

An equally attractive option would be a birthday party at a bowling alley. This way of celebrating the holiday allows children to show off their physical qualities and just have fun. You can organize a competition in accuracy and award the winners with small prizes. And then have a mini-tea party there with cake, ice cream and cotton candy.

You can celebrate the birthday of a 6-year-old child at the play center. This is a simple, but no less attractive option. Before entering school, play activity is the leading activity for children, so trampolines, slides, swings and all kinds of attractions will come in handy. After frolicking, your child and his dear guests, led by you, can go to a ceremonial tea party in honor of the birthday boy. It can take place either at your home - a more budget option, or in a children's cafe, which is located right in the play center.

How to celebrate the birthday of a 6-year-old child - guests and entertainment

The six-year-old child has already made a lot of friends. Therefore, the birthday boy will probably want to invite children both from kindergarten and from the yard to his birthday party. In addition, your child has already developed his own “I”, and he has his own clear opinion about who he wants to see at the holiday.

This opinion, of course, is worth listening to, but often parents are not able to accommodate a large number of children in their small house or pay for all the children by celebrating a birthday in a children's cafe. Therefore, you can stretch the holiday by dividing it into two days: on the first, you receive the kindergarten friends of the birthday boy at home, on the second, friends from the yard.

Regardless of which place you choose for the holiday, you cannot do without entertainment: games and competitions. In the case of a home birthday, there should be more of them than in the case of a celebration in another place. If the birthday is taking place at a game center or bowling alley, you can invite the children to play "card game", don't worry, playing cards have nothing to do with it.

The essence of this exciting game is that you place two stacks of small cardboard cards with questions and answers on the table, the children take turns pulling them out, as a result, one child has a card with a question in his hands, the other with an answer, the question is read out first, then the answer. Since the cards are mixed up, the question and answer do not match, very funny and funny stories are obtained.

Children will also enjoy the famous game "Guess". Divide the children into two groups. Any member of the first team must depict something using gestures and facial expressions, without resorting to verbal expression. The second team's task is to guess what exactly it is showing. Then the groups change places. The team of children that gave the most correct answers wins. It is advisable that the guys, before the start of the pantomime show, tell you in your ear what exactly they are going to portray, this way you will avoid cunning tricks on the part of the kids, which are typical for them at this age.

The funny game “Tails” will amuse children and give them a good mood. Choose two guys, tie a belt around the waist of each of them, the end of which is tied with a knot. The players' task is to spin and dodge each other (but not run away) so that the opponent cannot grab the knot on the “tail”. The one who falls into the hands of the other first loses in this competition.

What to give a 6 year old child for his birthday?

What's a birthday without a gift? For six-year-old children, it would be appropriate to present a present in two stages: give the child a small gift in the morning, and leave the main one for the evening, when all the guests are gathered. For a boy of this age, Lego construction sets, transformers, games for PSP, as well as various educational and board games are appropriate; sports gifts: children's punching bag, two-wheeled bicycle, table tennis, football and hockey, boomerang, skis, roller skates and skates. The birthday boy will also be delighted to have a small microscope, binoculars, a home planetarium, a magnifying glass and a globe, since the age of six is ​​the age of active knowledge of the world around us and its structure.

Girls of six years of age are actively preparing to enter school, and they are interested in everything connected with it. You can please your daughter with children's encyclopedias, plasticine, paints and other art kits, or a new backpack and bag. But don’t forget that your daughter is still a small child, and she is still interested in pink horses and ponies, singing songs, dolls that can talk, doll houses, a children’s sewing machine, educational computer games and sets of children’s cosmetics. In any case, whatever your choice, the main thing is to surprise the child. A gaming music center that connects to a computer or TV will be appreciated by both boys and girls.

Having purchased the desired gift, pack it in bright and colorful packaging and decorate it with ribbons, beads, stars and butterflies, all of which will enhance the impression of the gift. Or you can go the original route: put the gift in a huge box, and sprinkle small soft toys or candy on top. When presenting a gift to the birthday boy, do not forget about warm words addressed to him. Tell him how much you love him, how glad you are that he came into your life six years ago, and how much you value him.

End of the holiday

It is from the age of six that children begin to treat their birthdays in a special way. They already understand its value, its importance and significance. In order for the child to have a positive image of this holiday and subsequently look forward to its arrival, you should introduce certain holiday traditions into the celebration program, adhering to which you can instill in the child a love for family and family holidays. The usual “loaf”, songs “Happy Birthday to You” and Crocodile Gena’s song, pulling ears and blowing out candles on a birthday cake are all traditions of birthday celebrations in Russia.

But if you want to make your child's holiday truly memorable and original, read about the customs that are observed in European countries or in North and South America. For example, you can hide a coin in the cake, upon finding which the birthday person will learn that this is a sign of his future prosperity, or instead of pulling the hero of the occasion by the ears, throw him in the air according to the number of years he has turned - this is what they do in the UK.

Or, immerse yourself with the birthday boy in the history of birthday celebrations in Germany, where the tradition came from presenting the hero of the occasion with a cake with lighted candles, which should burn on the cake all day, and only in the evening the birthday boy would blow them out. On every birthday of their child, the Danes hang a bright flag outside the window, informing all passers-by about a great and joyful event in their family. Why don't you do the same in an original way?

Or you can observe an interesting custom practiced in Thailand. On the birthday of a child, it is customary to release an animal into the wild. Of course, it’s not worth throwing your dog or cat out in front of you, but what’s stopping you from purchasing special pigeons and releasing him into the sky together with your child? In any case, no matter what tradition you choose, the main thing is the attention, love and care with which you will surround your child on his sixth birthday.

Finally, check out the instructions on how to launch sky lanterns. What's not an alternative to pigeons?

It seems like just recently the baby was lying in his crib and smiling sweetly at you. He pooped in his pants and was naughty. And now... How fast our children are growing. Looking at him from the outside, you will understand that the child is no longer a baby at all. At the age of 3-6 years, children understand a lot and have their own interests. Even if these are toys, books, etc., but still...

Yes, sometimes they grow faster than we would like. And it is important not to miss important moments in his life.

On the eve of the holiday, many parents are not only preparing and preparing dishes, but also deciding what to give their child?

Such a gift it might be a surprise cartoon about your child.

The cartoon looks like this:

Just imagine that your child is a young hero in a magical land! And together with the inhabitants of this country, he overcomes all sorts of obstacles on the way to saving the country - Mirror!...

Parents will be proud to show such a cartoon to all relatives, friends and relatives. And most importantly, this cartoon will bring positive emotions to the birthday boy and will remain with you for many years.

How to order a cartoon?

Having barely celebrated his birthday, the child already begins to wait for the next one. For him, unlike adults, confirmation that another year has passed will not overshadow the holiday. As a rule, the baby (although not quite a baby anymore!) doesn’t even think about it. A birthday is a special day, full of magic, attention, and surprises. Probably, it can only be the brightest in childhood. And, of course, the child is looking forward to gifts long before the holiday.

The question “What to give?” does not give adults peace long before the holiday. Meanwhile, choosing a gift for a 5-6 year old boy is not such a difficult matter, you just have to treat it responsibly, without putting it off until the last day. In fact: a developed preschooler can handle a variety of games, his interests are well-established and obvious, there are practically no age restrictions. The only thing that can confuse the donor is the abundance of choice. And here, as always, the experience of many mothers, collected in this article, will come to the rescue!

Surprise? Yes, but long-awaited!

There is a common belief that a gift should be a surprise. But how often our “surprises”, designed to play the role of a miracle, do not impress children, especially 5-6 year olds, who are smart enough to understand what they want, and not enough to pretend to hide their disappointment...

Often when choosing a gift, adults try to make their own childhood dreams come true, forgetting that modern children are growing up in a rapidly changing world and can dream about things that we have only a distant idea of.

In order to fulfill the cherished and secret desire of the birthday person, you need to know about it, but not demonstrate this knowledge too clearly. Then the surprise will remain a surprise, and the gift will not disappoint. To do this, listen to the child in advance, watch him, talk:

In general, with children, as with adults: to please, you just need to show attention, which is sometimes more expensive than the gift itself.

Stop list of gifts for 5-6 year old boys

The “wrong” gift can ruin a child’s mood for a long time, and on a birthday this is unacceptable. Remember how the Kid cried from the book about Carlson when he was given a plush puppy, and he passionately dreamed of a living dog? Leave the “gags” for other occasions.

So, what should not be given to a preschool boy:

  • Gifts not according to age. Toys with complex controls, games with intricate rules... The notorious often recommended radio-controlled helicopter is taken away by dad in 9 cases out of 10, and incomprehensible games will gather dust on the shelf, and parents will sigh sadly: “He’s not interested in anything!” Gifts for younger children are even less desirable: a boy may simply be offended that he is considered a child.
  • Gifts from opposite areas of interest. At the age of 5-6, boys usually have a clearly defined range of interests. If it exists, then there is no need to think about it, it is clear to everyone: the child loves dinosaurs, or space, or scientific experiments... If your gift fell into this circle - bravo, you guessed right! But if the child’s interest is clearly expressed, and you give something from a completely different area, the reaction will be, at best, bewilderment. Even if you want to “push” your child into some kind of activity, a birthday is still not the best reason for this. For example, a music school student will not be happy with boxing gloves, even if you would like the shy boy to be better able to stand up for himself. If a boy is interested in technology, he may not be interested in a book about animals. And in some cases, such gifts are given with obviously offensive overtones: “Here’s a ball for you, maybe you’ll at least sit at the computer less…”
  • Cloth Most boys find this a boring gift (or it doesn’t count as a gift at all!) with the exception of super fashionable sneakers, football boots, a superhero costume or a T-shirt with an unusual print.
  • Girly gifts. If before this age boys and girls could easily exchange many gifts, then at 5-6 years old it is quite difficult to find a gift that is not tied to gender. Even the construction sets are themed. Even bicycles are of a certain color. In principle, this is correct, since awareness of one’s gender and its attributes is a normal stage of development. So don't give boys girly gifts. By the way, the opposite option is less unpleasant: “strong girl” sounds much better than “feminine boy”!
  • Gadgets are time killers. Smartphones, tablets, etc. - a welcome gift for many children who want to keep up with the times. However, even if the child really asks, I would advise in this case not to follow his lead. According to psychologists and pediatricians, at this age a child should spend as much time as possible in motion. After all, school is coming soon with its sedentary lifestyle... The child does not yet know how to limit himself in time, and the fact that he will not bother his parents by “going” into virtuality is a bad price to pay for spoiled posture, vision and the development of early dependence.
  • Pets. Firstly, everyone seems to know that it is unacceptable to give animals, fish, birds without parental consent. I remind you of this again! Secondly, my deep conviction: an animal is not a thing, but a new member of the family, so you should not tie its acquisition to a holiday and consider it a “gift”.
  • Unnecessarily expensive toys. You should not compete with other donors in the cost of gifts: whose is more luxurious? Unfortunately, sometimes parents discuss the cost of gifts in front of their child, compare prices, and instruct them to “handle an expensive thing with care, or better yet, touch it less,” thereby creating the wrong motivation. Of course, the concept of “dear” is different for each person, but it is better to teach a child to value money not through expensive gifts, but through something else.

And now, knowing all the subtleties and nuances, we begin to choose.

Any boy will love these gifts.

If you do not pretend to be particularly original and want your gift to be sure to please the boy, donate cars! And it doesn’t matter how many of them the child already has: he will never get tired of replenishing the fleet.

In preschool age, a child gives priority to the realism of a car, so cars with eyes that can sing, or giant trucks can be considered hopelessly “toddler” by a six-year-old. At this age, boys are already quite experienced and independent “car enthusiasts”, so there are no restrictions on their choice:

  • Collectible models. The closest replicas of real cars to reality. They are interesting not only to play with, but also to collect collections.
  • Sets of several cars. The child receives a whole fleet of vehicles as a gift, all the participants of which are so different, bright, and fast! You can have a race with your friends.
  • Special purpose vehicles: a police car, an armored vehicle with a reconnaissance helicopter, a military jeep, a fire truck, an ambulance, a fuel tanker...
  • Special equipment. The child will be interested, for example, in mixing ingredients in the drum of a concrete mixer, operating an excavator with a moving bucket, or driving a crawler tractor.
  • Radio controlled cars. The most popular among preschool children, because the child is already able to fully handle the remote control on his own, mastering the process of maneuvering.
  • Unusual models. For example, anti-gravity radio-controlled cars that can drive on any surface, even vertical ones; upside-down cars that can stand on wheels after falling, etc.
  • Roads, tracks, racetracks: all kinds of tracks combine the developmental effect of design and a love of transport.
  • Garages, parking lots, gas stations, service stations are as important for boys as doll houses and kitchens are for girls. After all, friends on wheels need somewhere to spend the night, they need to be refueled and repaired. Let the boy learn how to take care of personal transport from childhood!

Children should be friends with sports

It is much better if the concept of “sport” is understood by the parents of a preschooler as an active lifestyle, and not as a professional activity aimed at results, which is fraught with the formation of complexes and possible health problems. If a child is involved in some kind of sports section, you can give the appropriate accessory (check with your parents first).

If you are not sure about your preferred sport, you can safely choose something for outdoor games:

  • A ball, especially a football, is always useful for any boy. You can complement the football “stuff” with a goalkeeper mask and gloves.
  • Bicycle: if up to this age the child quite often travels on vehicles with the additional wheels unscrewed, it’s time to buy a real two-wheeled bicycle.
  • Skateboard.
  • Skates and equipment for them: time to update children's models. Consider also heel rollers.
  • For winter sports, subject to appropriate climatic conditions - skis, skates, sleds, ice skates, snow scooter, hockey stick and puck.
  • Mini trampoline or basketball hoop for the yard.
  • Swedish wall or horizontal bar for practicing at home.
  • Subscription to a swimming pool, climbing center, rope park, etc.
  • In case of bad weather - table football, hockey, air hockey.

Board games - develop thinking and sociability

You can't play a board game alone - so much for developing communication skills!

And performing various logical operations perfectly trains the mind of a 5-6 year old, perfectly preparing him for school activities.

  • Logic or association games. A lot of fun and colorful games require the child to use associative thinking. Examples of games: “Pictureka”, “Elias”, “Activity”, etc.
  • Games for coordination of movements. Build a tower from blocks so that it does not fall (“Jenga”), pull out a piece without disturbing the rest (“Spillins”), develop gross motor skills (“Twister”).
  • Games to develop memory and attention. Open paired pictures (“Memory”), find identical ones among similar pictures (“Bear”), etc.
  • Puzzle games. The child needs to create something from elements, for example, a labyrinth of paths (“Tantrix”), various figures (“Tangram”), etc.
  • Action games. The general task - to reach the finish line - is colored with an interesting thematic design, among which you can choose a theme that is interesting to the boy (“Circus”, “Pirates”, “Space Travel”, etc.)
  • Educational games. From "Erudite", whose power is letters and words, to various geometric games and "Monopoly", which teaches how to earn and count money.

Back to school soon?

The very name of the age – “preschool” – refers us to school, entry into which will soon change the child’s whole life.

While he is in joyful anticipation of this event, you can give him a gift related to future school activities:

  • comfortable backpack in fashionable colors;
  • lunch box for school sandwiches and an original water bottle;
  • a pencil case or even several pencil cases (for pencils, markers and pens);
  • sets of quality stationery;
  • table-desk for convenient homework.

Gifts based on interests

Well, if you don’t rush and remember that your preschooler is still a child, you can choose a lot of exciting gifts in accordance with the interests of the birthday boy. You have already realized that the interests of boys aged 5-6 years have already been formed and are quite stable.

Let's consider the most common of them, according to numerous observations of mothers of boys:

  • ships and planes;
  • technique;
  • the science;
  • space;
  • dinosaurs;
  • robots;
  • "war girls".

If the child clearly has a preference for one of these topics, the gift will fall in line if it is directly related to it, and choosing it will be a breeze.

Brave pilots, brave sailors...

Ships and planes captivate the hearts of many young romantics.

If you know that this topic is close to the birthday person, you can choose a gift related specifically to it:

  • corresponding toys of various configurations;
  • radio-controlled models of boats, yachts, airplanes, etc.
  • an encyclopedia book devoted to this issue;
  • pilot's glasses, sailor's collar;
  • steering wheel;
  • binoculars;
  • kit for making models of aircraft and ships;
  • coloring pages on this topic;
  • construction kits in which you need to fold an airplane or ship, including a pirate one;
    decor for the walls of the room, creating a marine or airy style;
  • by agreement with the parents, you can give a bed in the shape of an airplane, ship or car - according to observations, the child will not stop liking it until adolescence!

Little techies

If parents often had to scold a tomboy for broken and disassembled toys, this may well be a sign of interest in the structure of everything in the world: “Come on, let’s see what’s inside? How it works?"

In this case, you can safely give gifts that stimulate and direct this interest in the right direction:

  • a set of tools (it may well be realistic or even real!);
  • children's workbench or technical center;
  • construction kits of all types and modifications (metal construction kits with screws, screws, and wheels are especially popular among “young technicians”);
  • puzzles: choose fairly complex compositions with a boyish theme, as an option – voluminous 3-D puzzles;
  • a simple model of a device (it’s better to work on it with your dad at first).

Magnet Science

How interesting it is to set up a scientific experiment, the result of which will be visible and significant! Of course, at first, parents should be nearby while testing, for example, a working model of a volcano. Well, you can grow crystals in a less extreme way. Choose a set for experiments in accordance with your level of extreme and for every taste, make your little scientist happy!

A microscope can be an interesting gift (you can purchase a special simplified children's model).

The gravity of space

Regardless of whether a boy dreams of becoming an astronaut, as was common in the former USSR, this dream is not so common today. However, the mystery of space attracts many young minds, and boys are happy to plunge into this unknown world.

For lovers of space mysteries you can give:

  • telescope (both the children's version and the real one);
  • an encyclopedia or an interesting book on space topics;
  • toys - rockets, spaceships, lunar and mars rovers, etc.;
  • puzzles on the theme of space;
  • coloring books and stickers with images of stars, planets, aliens;
  • dishes (plate, cup), bed linen, decorated with cosmic designs;
  • designers of the “Cosmos” series;
  • Well, the most extravagant option is to name a star after the child (some companies offer such services), what if he appreciates such a gesture? However, rather, he still needs to hold the gift in his hands.

The appeal of monsters

Many boys are very interested in dragons and dinosaurs. Mythical creatures and monsters from the distant past make great playmates!

We give to the lover of monsters:

  • figurines of dragons and dinosaurs (you can start a collection or add to an existing one);
  • creative dinosaur-related kits (for example, glow-in-the-dark dinosaur construction kits, dinosaur skeleton model kits, archaeological excavations, etc.);
  • puzzles and coloring books in this series;
  • board games about dinosaurs;
  • transformable dinosaur figures;
  • books and encyclopedias on this topic;
  • interactive dinosaurs (menacing to look at, but very friendly); it's almost like a pet, because modern technology makes them look like real living creatures!

Robot lover

It’s rare that a boy at this age is indifferent to robots! A large number of cartoons fuel this interest. So any boy will like a robot, just like a car.

Today, a variety of models of mechanical friends are available:

  • programmable robots;
  • toys-characters of various cartoons (“Wally”, “Robocar Poli”, “Transformers”, etc.);
  • robotic animals, for example, a charming robot dog: this is an almost real living puppy who loves to be played with, otherwise the toy “falls asleep”;
  • Books and encyclopedias about robots will also be interesting.

To the future defender

Until wars disappear from the Earth, children will play in them: after all, this is part of the reality around them. This means that games with weapons and soldiers will be popular among boys for a very long time. The main thing is to ensure that the game does not develop into aggression.

And you can give:

  • Models of various firearms: revolver, Mauser, Makarov, rifle... They don’t need to be too realistic, an approximate resemblance is enough.
  • Fantastic weapons: blasters, lasers, lightsabers, etc.
  • Medieval weapons: bows, crossbows, catapults.
  • Weapons that fire bullets, caps, and arrows. The game of shooting range is very attractive and interesting for boys, however, you need to be especially careful and follow safety rules.
  • Edged weapons: swords, dirks, hunting knives (made of safe plastic, of course!).
  • Equipment: body armor, walkie-talkie or helmet, chain mail - depending on the chosen era.
  • Military equipment: tanks, anti-aircraft guns, fighters, etc.
  • Sets of soldiers of various configurations.
  • Books and encyclopedias about great commanders.

Give the gift of choice

Independence excites the blood and dizzy. That’s why children love to choose a gift on their own, because it prolongs the feeling of the holiday and makes the opportunity to make their cherished dream come true.

Not everyone considers a certificate to a children's store or money given to a little birthday boy to be a suitable gift. However, numerous birthdays of preschoolers and a study of the opinions of mothers and children show that most of them really like this gift.

Running out of original ideas?

If you couldn’t choose a gift among all of the above, here are a few more original gift ideas for a 5-6 year old boy:

  • tent, compass, backpack for travel;
  • interactive repeating toy (popular hamsters and minions that repeat words and phrases after the child);
  • spy accessories (for example, a pen-flashlight);
  • original gifts-impressions: traditional dolphinarium, zoo, circus. A water park or entertainment center can be supplemented with less common children's master classes, horseback riding or participation in a shooting range session;
  • magician's kit: at this age children still believe in miracles;
  • “come to life” 3D coloring;
  • a personalized book of stories about a child, decorated with his photographs;
  • personal letter from a cartoon character;
  • machine for producing cotton candy: this is every child’s dream!

If you are the parent of the birthday boy:

  • Remember that you absolutely cannot ignore the onset of your child’s birthday. Do not wait with congratulations until the guests arrive, because the child falls asleep the night before with a feeling of celebration and wakes up with the same feeling.
  • Decorate the room with balloons and flags.
  • You can prepare a home wall newspaper with funny poems and wishes.
  • A festive poster-photo collage with portraits of the birthday boy, capturing the most significant events of the past year, looks interesting.
  • Write “Congratulations!” on your breakfast plate. ketchup, sour cream or sauce.

As for the gift-giving process, rely on family traditions. Is it customary in your family to leave a gift near the bed so that the child sees it as soon as he wakes up? Great! Just take care of the holiday packaging: you can, for example, glue a box in the shape of a robot or a car, and now you have another additional toy!

If there are no family gift-giving traditions yet, now is the time to create them! Prepare an exciting quest for a gift (using a map, notes, threads, arrows, riddles).

If you are a guest invited to a children's party:

  • When giving a gift to a little birthday boy, you can be creative and wear a mask of a superhero or your favorite cartoon character: believe me. For you, this may be unacceptable tomfoolery, but for a child - a moment of breaking the boundaries of the possible, which only happens on a holiday!
  • In addition to the main gift, bring a bunch of balloons or a large balloon of an original shape. Flowers are unlikely to please the boy. But the balloons will add a festive mood.
  • Don't hand over a gift as soon as you cross the threshold: enter, say hello, go to the children's room. Let the birthday person learn the etiquette of accepting gifts.
  • Think about what you will say when giving a gift. Now on the Internet you can find funny congratulation poems, short humorous speeches that are understandable to preschoolers. If you are fluent in words, you can write the text yourself, or order it from a professional. The most important thing is not to mention, even in a joking manner, any shortcomings or failures of the child.
  • Don't forget about the reaction to the gift from the child's parents. Of course, the gift is primarily intended for the hero of the occasion, but if mom and dad are clearly not delighted, such a gift can hardly be called successful.
  • If you are giving a group gift, try to give it together. Agree, it will turn out ugly if the child receives a gift and begins to enjoy it, and the belated guest persistently repeats: “By the way, this is from me too!”

Remember: the festive atmosphere is no less important than the gift!

We wish you that the hassle associated with choosing a gift for a preschooler becomes another component of the holiday. Let children's eyes shine with joy from the fulfillment of a child's dream: at this moment there will be more smiles and kindness in the world!

Nowadays, the life of most children is too boring and monotonous. It constantly contains only responsibility and different types of activities. For example, after returning from school, children must do their homework, attend a sports section, etc. And thus the months fly by quite quickly and monotonously, nothing exciting, inspiring or really funny happens. To inspire you, we present 10 really fun, but at the same time very easy ways to surprise your children, make them smile, laugh, any time, on any day convenient for you.

Hiding the photo

Place a really funny picture of you or their dad, or basically anyone they love very much, in their school lunch box. Tip: Your childhood photos will bring real smiles and surprise.

We invite the fairy

Come up with a story about a magical fairy or an interesting creature that supposedly visits your home. And, so to speak, transform yourself into him and leave funny notes and exciting messages for your children and family from this creature in all corners. These can be jokes, educational moments, riddles, etc.

Reverse day

Make the so-called reverse day. There will be a walk in the morning, serve dinner for breakfast, and start the meal first with dessert. Put your shirt on backwards. Say "good night" instead of "good morning" when the kids first wake up, and so on. This is a fun game and they will laugh at it all day.

Stocking up on balloons

When you prepare their bath or make their bed, first inflate a few balloons and place them there. They will be interested in swimming among them and “swimming away” to the kingdom of Morpheus in their surroundings.

Learn to draw funny faces

Draw funny faces on post-it notes, write funny notes and place them in unexpected places: on a pillow, in clothing drawers, on plates, on the keyboard, etc.

Have a great day

Tell them that you have a strange feeling that this day will be very lucky and will bring success. Then place a few sparkly pennies (or anything else that symbolizes good luck and prosperity in your family) in unexpected places, like inside their shoes, on their doorsteps, or on their car seats. Or even in the refrigerator.

Surprise at home

Arrange a surprise for them somewhere near the house. For example, display your child's name using pebbles, soft toys, and balls. Or do it with berries and chocolate on their plates. Joy is guaranteed!

Hiding the surprise

Try baking something delicious, like a banana cake, and hide a little surprise inside - something like a small porcelain or plastic trinket. The one who gets this piece with a surprise inside can be the so-called king or queen for the entire next day. Recommendation: You should already have a crown ready so that they can be crowned right away.

Turning a child into a royal person

Address your child as “you” and treat him like a queen (or king) throughout the day from the moment he wakes up, and fulfill all reasonable wishes, and this can be done with a bow. The child will be surprised and feel happy and truly special.

Special Birthday

Prepare your child some kind of trophy from something that he really likes. These can be various sweets, jellies, marshmallows or fruits. Tell him it's a gift for, say, his 2593rd birthday. He will be surprised, he will be very pleased.

These are fun ideas on how to make your children smile, how to surprise them in the most unusual way! This is accessible to everyone, does not require much time or effort, and the result will stun you; happy children's faces will be the best reward for your efforts.

Have you ever surprised your children in such an unexpected way? I wish you creative thoughts, a great mood and irrepressible imagination!

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