The fastest handwriting in the world. How to make your handwriting more beautiful? Straight view of handwriting

Do you take care of your handwriting? Writing beautifully is not an outdated skill in our computer age, but a way to express respect for yourself and for those who will read your writing. How to learn to write in beautiful handwriting, read our article today.

Why write in beautiful handwriting?

It would seem that every year we make fewer and fewer notes with a pen and type more and more text on a computer keyboard, and personal notes in a notebook will not make it into the exhibition of the most beautiful handwriting in the world, so many do not make an effort to correct flaws and ennoble their own writing .

However, you need smooth, legible, and aesthetic handwriting for many reasons:

  • eliminates errors and helps to correctly understand the text;
  • does not cause irritation to the reader;
  • disciplines thought while writing;
  • useful for greeting cards and gift inscriptions;
  • ensures always the same and beautiful personal signature;
  • speaks in favor of your character.

The last point is connected not only with the subconscious reaction of the reader to your notes - it is quite natural that even lines evoke respect and sympathy for their author. A separate science, graphology, deals with the analysis of the characteristics of personal writing.

All our curls and squiggles, as well as the inclination of letters, lines and even the pressure of a pen can tell us about our character qualities no less than our appearance. Knowing about these patterns, it’s probably worth paying a little more attention to how we write - after all, this is part of our individual style, which others will definitely pay attention to.

Who has the most beautiful handwriting

Without hesitation, you can answer who it is disgusting and causes the most criticism - these are, of course, medical employees, whose entries in the cards cause bewilderment not only among patients, but also among fellow doctors.

But there are also specialties where legible, exemplary writing is a professional requirement. These include school teachers, archive workers and librarians, as well as representatives of the rare specialty of calligrapher at any time.

If we ignore professions, we can safely say that beautiful handwriting is possessed by calm, balanced people, those who are in no hurry to take notes, who have good hand control (fine motor skills) and, most importantly, who consciously strive to write legibly and evenly.

Thus, the skill of writing is subject to volitional efforts and depends on training. You can learn this at any age using certain techniques.

Calligraphy - the art of beautiful writing

In the world today there are 15 schools, or directions, of calligraphy, each of which has made a real masterpiece out of writing based on the national alphabet (Persian script, Chinese calligraphy, etc.).

Cyrillic calligraphy has an ancient tradition, and its principles are still used in teaching children in primary school.

Simplified Cyrillic calligraphy is a copybook familiar to us from childhood, by which schoolchildren learn to write, and adults, if desired, can significantly improve the quality of their writing.

Training the hand: basic exercises

How to make your handwriting beautiful if you are no longer a student? Is it really too late to relearn, and will your squiggles forever remain a problem? This is not at all necessary if you set out to correct the situation. And you need to start by positioning your hand. To do this, before class, do a little gymnastics: circular movements, clenching your fists, stretching your wrist, flexing and extending your fingers.

Let's get started with pen and paper:

  • draw large examples of copybook shapes - spirals, zigzags, repeating lowercase letter Ш, letter A, G;
  • slowly, while controlling your movements, draw samples along the contour;
  • concentrate on the sensations in your fingers and hand when moving the handle;
  • repeat the figures until you achieve the effect of automatism;
  • Having mastered the figure, try to draw it faster;
  • Having mastered the quick drawing of a figure, continue drawing it, but smaller.

You need to study in peace and quiet, in good lighting, on thick paper with a good pen. For daily exercise, allocate 15-20 minutes, or train for 30-40 minutes every other day.

Beautiful handwriting starts with the alphabet. To write in beautiful handwriting, use the calligraphic Cyrillic alphabet. You can purchase one from an office supply store or make your own using a template from the Internet.

Your initial goal is to learn how to write individual letters (uppercase and lowercase) in perfect patterns, then move on to letter combinations connected by smooth lines.

How to develop beautiful handwriting

The secret to success is frequent practice, which means you will have to write by hand more than usual. When rewriting the training text, do not rush, but also do not “hang” on each letter.

Follow the details:

  • all letters must be the same size;
  • write, evenly spacing letters and words, while maintaining the slope;
  • use an oblique ruler only the first time; at the end of training, switch to unlined paper;
  • the edges of the letters should not break up or slide down the lines;
  • use equal spaces between words;
  • Pay attention to punctuation marks - display them the same, clear, and legible.

Calligraphy for left-handers

Despite the fact that, according to the rules of calligraphy, the writing instrument is held in the right hand, congenital left-handers usually have more elegant handwriting. Retraining changes the situation somewhat, and often children who were easily able to write school copybooks with their left hand become the owners of illegible and sloppy handwriting with their right hand.

The peculiarity of using the left hand is that the calligraphic tilt to the right is physically difficult for left-handed people to maintain. Therefore, the natural way out, which they find themselves, is a change in tilt to the left, often very noticeable.

This option is not considered a classic, but with it you can achieve greater legibility, master the continuous writing of long words and maintain a straight line. In this case, it is unacceptable to unfold the sheet of paper, creating an artificial slope of the line

Hello, dear readers! Electronic technologies leave fewer and fewer opportunities to practice and hone beautiful handwriting; few people choose the epistolary genre for correspondence, and most documents can only be signed, because they were originally typed on a computer.

Why do we need good handwriting?

Elegant and neat handwriting must be honed, because there are still situations in which it is necessary to write only by hand, and if the words are illegible, firstly, you may not be understood, and secondly, you will irritate the reader. After all, it can be used to determine a person’s character. There is even a science - graphology, which does just this.

In general, if you want to inspire admiration and respect from others, especially if you run a business, an expensive, elegant suit will not be enough. And if you write “like a chicken with its paw”, do not despair; with a certain amount of effort, you can achieve the necessary results.

Rules and preparation

To learn calligraphy, you must adhere to the following rules:

1.How to hold the pen

  1. The pen should be held gently, without straining your fingers, otherwise the lines will not turn out straight. red spot If there is a red spot on the inside of your middle finger, it means you overdid it.
  2. There are several ways to hold a pen correctly:
  • With the thumb and index finger, it should rest on the middle one.
  • Or all three, just the tips themselves. In this version, the fulcrum will be the index finger.

2. Landing and warming up

  • Do some gymnastics. First, write out the entire alphabet in the air with each hand, then stretch your hands and each finger separately, clench your fists tightly and sharply unclench your fists. Let this process take about 5 minutes, but in the future you will not feel tension in your hands, which will have a positive effect on the quality of work. If you feel that the sensations are becoming unpleasant, take a break and repeat the gymnastics.
  • Remember at school when they constantly reprimanded those who slouched while sitting at their desks? And it’s not in vain that, in addition to the fact that it is harmful to health, your back and arms will quickly get tired, which is why calligraphic handwriting will not work. But the elbows should “hang” a little from the table, the head can be tilted forward a little.
  • The distance from the sheet should be at least 30 cm so that your eyes don’t get tired and there is no temptation to slouch your back.
  • Classes should be held in complete silence so that you can concentrate. And at least half an hour a day.
  • The sheet of paper on the table must be positioned so that its upper left corner is slightly higher than the right, so you can control the inclination of the letters, plus, it will allow you to relax your hand.

3.Basic rules

  • The pace should not be very fast, but you shouldn’t “hover” over each letter either. Try to draw curls smoothly in the same rhythm.
  • Make sure that the letters are the same size, as well as the distance between them and spaces. Also, do not forget about punctuation marks, which must be clear and identical.
  • Another point in which a mistake is usually made is that you need to “draw” not only with your fingers, but also use your whole hand in the process, then the lines will be smooth.

Algorithm of actions

  1. The first step is to learn how to draw straight vertical lines, then with a slight slope. Yes, not only for a child, but also for an adult, this activity can cause boredom and reluctance, but this is important.
  2. Now draw hooks and waves. This will help you further add beauty and grace to your work. Experiment with the width of the stroke, start with a thin one, gradually thickening it to harmoniously end with a thick one.
  3. Move on to new swirls and curved line shapes.
  4. It's time to start writing letters. Start with one, for example, the very first one in the alphabet, and do not move on to the next one until you learn how to write it almost perfectly.
  5. After mastering each of them, try making connections by starting to add words, or even sentences.
  6. Don't forget, too, that you'll need to practice how to write numbers and symbols, such as the dog sign or the dollar sign.
  7. Now, having honed our calligraphy skills, we can “refresh” or come up with a completely new signature. On the Internet you can find a lot of elegant examples, sometimes similar to a work of art.
  8. When you feel satisfied with the results, don’t relax, now learn to work just as beautifully, but quickly. First, note the time during which you display the sentence, reset a few seconds and try to speed up to meet it. Then make the task more difficult by competing with yourself.
  • Place many different pens in front of you, and each write the same symbol or letter. This technique will help you determine which of them gives you the best smooth and neat lines, so that you can choose it in the future. Experts usually recommend gel ones, but everyone has their own preferences.
  • Also purchase handwriting manuals for children, because the instructions and rules are general and the same for everyone.
  • Involve close people in this process, because, in addition to the fact that the general idea, in your case - how to make handwriting elegant and neat - brings you closer, you can also help each other by dictating text or arranging competitions to see who makes fewer mistakes, faster will finish and, of course, format it beautifully, clearly and understandably.
  • Place a special lined matrix under the sheet and use it until you automatically get straight letters, without sliding down or up.
  • Words tilted to the right, about 45 degrees, look very elegant. But you can practice to invent your own personal, beautiful writing style.
  • Find templates on the Internet, review existing ones in Word, select interesting text and rewrite in different styles, subsequently choosing one to improve.
  • If you read the article about, then you know how important it is to develop both halves of the brain at the same time. And an excellent, effective method is to draw with both hands at the same time, only different symbols and figures, or the ability to write with each of them. In this case, in addition to versatility, you will be able to increase your functionality, advance in development, and also become a more harmonious person. If you are right-handed, you will have to adapt to the new method, because left-handers do not see the result of their work, since the brush covers it during the writing process.


The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

It may seem that writing skills are completely unusable in modern society. It’s becoming less and less common for a pen to be in our hands, because the necessary information can be found on the Internet or photographed with a mobile phone camera. However, beautiful handwriting still inspires admiration.

If you think that the formed style of writing can no longer be changed, then you will be surprised how flexible a person can be. A few weeks and even days of training - and you will notice the result. Once you learn how to write beautifully, you can make adjustments to your handwriting. What are the advantages? The signature will be the same on all documents, you will be able to fill out postcards for your family and friends yourself, and you can also easily sort out your own notes.

Are you ready to learn the secret to writing correctly?

How to learn to write beautifully in calligraphic handwriting?

Calligraphy is the ancient art of beautiful writing. You've definitely heard about the Chinese school, where people spend years learning to write hieroglyphs correctly. Of course, such science requires not only time, but also effort. The Cyrillic school has also been around for centuries, but you won't need to spend your entire life learning the smallest aspects of writing. If you want to know how to learn to write beautifully, then be prepared for constant training. Practice in this case is much more important than theory.

You have already encountered the principles of calligraphy, although you may not have realized it. Copybooks, which are used in primary school, is a real example of simplified Cyrillic calligraphy. Of course, ornate letters, which will take several minutes to draw correctly, are not useful to either children or adults in everyday life. But this “simple” option will help you achieve smooth handwriting.

You can purchase copybooks at an office supply store and then start practicing.

You always need to start with one more thing familiar from school years - gymnastics for arms. Remember the children's rhyme “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired...”? This is the kind of “charging” that needs to be done before each workout.

First, circular movements with the hand, then flexion and extension of the fingers. After this, stretch the hand and clench into fists. Such gymnastics will significantly simplify your task and prepare your hands for the upcoming load.

Please also pay attention to workplace preparation. If you're in an uncomfortable position, you won't be able to concentrate on writing.

The desk should be free from other objects (stacks of books, laptop, tea and coffee mugs), there should be sheets of paper, copybooks and several pens on it. Sit on a chair with a back or in an office chair so that your back is straight. Remember that your elbows must lie on the table; if they “hang in the air,” then you have taken the wrong position. The distance between your eyes and the sheet of paper should be at least 30 centimeters. If you have difficulty seeing, use glasses, but do not slouch, your back should remain straight.

How to learn to write beautifully with a pen?

Do not try to immediately sit down and “mint” letters. It is best to separate them into individual elements: curls, curved lines, complex transitions. See what patterns you have trouble writing with. It is this approach that will bring quick positive results. Having learned to print all the complex elements, do not move on to letters, but try to increase the speed. A fast pace makes the task more difficult, but allows you to bring the movements to automaticity.

Only after this can you start working with the copybooks. Start with the first letter and slowly draw out all the elements, trying to get closer to the original. Make sure not only that the letters resemble the pattern, but also that they are located within the line.

Pay attention to:

  • letter size;
  • maintaining the same inclination;
  • endings of words (they often “slip” or “lift up” when writing quickly);
  • even spaces between words;
  • punctuation marks and numbers (you should also learn to write them correctly).

There is no secret to learning how to write beautifully with a pen. All you need is patience, perseverance and the desire to change your handwriting. Still, we recommend using handles of different shapes during training. You will notice that they are minor, but they all affect the final result. Remember the form that allows you to write beautifully and quickly, try to use only such pens.

How to learn to write beautifully in 5 minutes?

Perfect handwriting is painstaking work that requires effort and time. If you want to know how to learn to write beautifully in 5 minutes, then the answer will disappoint you. Daily workouts should last at least 15-20 minutes, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

How to learn to write beautifully with your left hand?

Why should a person who can write with his right hand learn to write with his left? There are many answers to this question. First of all, such exercises are good for the brain because they develop the second hemisphere. Another “plus” is a second working hand, such a skill will be useful in the future. In addition, many find this process interesting, developing willpower, as well as creative skills. It is quite possible that you will be able to draw much better with your left hand than with your right.

How to learn to write beautifully with your left hand? Take a standard position at the table: straight back, distance to a sheet of paper 30 centimeters. Place the sheet with the left corner facing up. This will make it much easier for you to write letters.

Start writing in capital letters, trying to make them as simple and understandable as possible. Take your time and don't get carried away with calligraphy. Your task at this stage is accustom your left hand to the pen and regular physical activity. Be prepared for your fingers to get tired quickly and for the handle to slip out of your hands. These sensations will go away after a few workouts. Take short breaks every ten minutes.

Once your hands get used to the load, start working with copybooks. Remember that your goal is not speed, but maximum similarity to the original. If the constant repetition of letters seems too boring to you, then try working with simple text. It is best to keep it before your eyes and not invent it.

Increase the pace of writing is possible only after you learn to write all the letters of the alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks with your left hand. This work will take a lot of time, but the result will certainly surprise you.

Have you ever been mistaken for a doctor when someone saw your handwriting? Even elementary school kids have more legible handwriting than you? Poor handwriting can often cause embarrassment, and it can significantly reduce your chances of success in academic and professional life. Is your handwriting getting worse and worse? We suggest you make an effort to make your handwriting more beautiful.


Part 1

Analyze your handwriting

    Write a paragraph. Pick a topic (something from real life) and write at least five sentences about it. If you're not feeling creative, just rewrite a passage from a book or newspaper. The goal of all this is to understand what your handwriting typically looks like. The more you write, the more accurate your analysis will be.

    Identify the main forms. Is your handwriting full of loops and curves? Or are you the type whose handwriting consists of straight, hard lines? Are there hard corners in your handwriting? Do the letters blend together?

    Pay attention to the slope. The angle at which you write letters can make or break your handwriting. Are the letters in your handwriting perpendicular to the line below them? Is there a significant deviation to the right or left? A slight tilt is often not a problem, but too much tilt makes reading difficult.

    Pay attention to the alignment. Do the written lines go up or down? Do they overlap the lines of the notebook or each other? Does each word have its own angle of inclination, or does the entire line of text deviate equally from the line?

    Look carefully at the intervals. The spacing between words and letters will also help you determine the quality of your handwriting. The distance between words should be sufficient to fit the letter “O” into it. If the spacing between words is larger or smaller, it may be a sign of poor handwriting. Pay attention also to the distance between individual letters. Handwriting that is too tight and too spread out is also difficult to read.

    Pay attention to the size. It turns out that size matters (at least when it comes to handwriting). Does your handwriting fill all the space between the lines? Can you fit all the words without taking up half the line height? You should avoid both extremes: the distance between words and dividing lines should be neither large nor small.

    Analyze the quality of the lines. Look at the lines that make up the letters you write. Are they distorted by too much pressure on the pen/pencil, or are they too pale and difficult to read? Are the letter lines clear and even, or wavy and unclear?

    Identify any flaws in your handwriting. Consider all the above-mentioned points and determine what part of your handwriting needs improvement? Possible changes may include letter shape, letter spacing, word spacing, alignment, letter size, line quality, and word slant. By improving one or more of these parameters, you will improve the overall readability of your handwriting.

    Check out other handwriting designs for inspiration. So now you know your letters are too big and their shape is too round, but what next? Go to calligraphy websites and see what kind of handwriting you like. Copy every style that you can replicate. Don't be afraid to try out examples of handwriting that are significantly different from yours, because in the future you will choose individual aspects that you like rather than trying to use a completely new handwriting.

Part 2

Change your handwriting

Write in the air. More often than not, people with poor or illegible handwriting simply have not had proper exercise in the corresponding muscles of the arms, hands, and shoulders. Don't try to "paint" the letters with a brush - instead, write with your entire arm up to your shoulder. To get a feel for what you're talking about, try writing sentences in the air with your finger. This way you will use all the muscles in your arm and shoulder, which will improve your handwriting and stop it looking untidy and confused.

Adjust the grip with which you hold the pen/pencil. The pen or pencil should be held between the thumb, index and (optionally) middle fingers. The end of the pen/pencil should rest on the edge of your palm or on the knuckle of your index finger. If you hold your writing instrument too tightly or too loosely (with this grip or any other), your handwriting will be poor. You will achieve better results if you hold the pen/pencil 1/3 of the way back from the writing edge.

Practice the basics. Behind constant failures in handwriting is the inconstancy and unevenness of letters, shapes and spacing. Each letter is made up of straight lines, circles or semicircles, so take the time to practice these elements. Cover the entire sheet with parallel vertical and diagonal lines. Similarly, cover the entire sheet with circles, ovals and their derivatives. Once you've learned how to draw the same lines over and over again, you'll be ready to move on to whole letters.

Look at how each letter is written (in copybooks or on the Internet). Although every person writes differently, there is a very specific way to write each letter of the alphabet. By following the correct instructions for writing each letter, you will greatly improve your overall handwriting. For example, instead of starting to write the letter "b" from the top tail, start it from the inside loop. Practice writing each letter correctly, just like you did in kindergarten or school.

Try using different writing utensils. Although this may seem too meticulous, the fact remains that different people can improve/deteriorate their handwriting by using different writing tools. In addition to traditional mechanical pencils, try a variety of pens, including ballpoint, capillary, and fountain pens. When you find a tool that you enjoy writing with, your handwriting may improve on its own.

Practice writing all the letters of the alphabet. That's right: as if you were back in first grade, you need to fill out line by line with all the letters of the alphabet (in lowercase and uppercase). Use the inspiration you've gained from visiting calligraphy websites, as well as the analysis you've done while researching your handwriting, to help you focus on what needs to change. If the problem is tilt, set yourself the task of writing letters strictly vertically. If you are trying to change the shape of the letters, focus on repeating the shapes you chose when visiting calligraphy sites.

Improve your newly acquired skills and bring them to automaticity. Once you are confident that each letter is now perfect, practice writing whole words and sentences. To do this, you can use one of the pangrams (sentences in which all the letters of the alphabet are present), for example: “The South Ethiopian rook took the mouse by the trunk to the lizard convention.” Rewrite this sentence over and over again. This activity may seem monotonous to you, but here it is worth remembering the saying: “Repetition is the mother of learning.”

Always write by hand. Give up the opportunity to submit essays in printed form; correspond with friends in handwritten format. In general, write by hand whenever possible. Writing down information by hand whenever possible will greatly benefit you and help you improve your handwriting as much as possible. The improvement process will take time - the muscles needed for easy and smooth writing will develop gradually.

  • The letters must be the same size. This will make your handwriting neat and tidy.
  • Do not hurry! Your handwriting will improve faster and more noticeably if you study carefully and without haste.
  • To make the process more interesting, try writing a sentence: “The South Ethiopian rook took a mouse by its trunk to a lizard convention.” Write it in lowercase and uppercase letters. This phrase (like other pangrams) contains all the letters of the alphabet.
  • To keep your handwriting straight, write on lined paper.
  • Try to write at least one paragraph a day. This will help you improve your handwriting.
  • Using a good pencil or pen will bring you closer to beautiful handwriting.
  • For inspiration, keep before your eyes a few pages written in beautiful handwriting. This will be a model for you.
  • Use a pencil or pen that you like.
  • Use high-quality writing instruments (what to write with and what to write on) - this affects the comfort of writing.
  • Here is another pangram: “Nonsense: the guide was driving a cab of axles, the young miser ate the cartilage.”


  • While writing, do not press too hard on the tip of the pen, otherwise you may experience “writer’s cramp” (writer’s cramp - overexertion of the hand muscles).
  • To avoid writing cramp, use your wrist and arm, not just your fingers. In addition, do not squeeze the pen too hard, which will significantly improve the quality of your writing.
  • When practicing handwriting, don't waste paper. Use the piece of paper several times, remembering to write on both sides.
  • Don't throw away samples and drafts. You may need them as a reminder of what your letters should look like and what not to do.

Beautiful handwriting is a rare phenomenon, especially in our time. It was in the nineteenth century that school had a subject called calligraphy, in which children were taught to write each letter. There was a need for this back then: there were no printers or copiers, all documentation was written and reproduced manually. And in order to be able to understand what was written, the handwriting of those who wrote had to be clear, understandable, even and beautiful. Now, in the age of computer technology, people are gradually losing the ability to write by hand. And even more so - write in beautiful calligraphic handwriting. Even in the education system these days, handwriting is not given the same importance as before.

On the one hand, this is correct: not all kids are good at writing letters, and besides, there are more important and necessary skills. On the other hand, the ability to write beautifully has never bothered anyone, and many people find their own beautiful handwriting a great pleasure.

What to do? How to learn to write beautiful handwriting? This is quite possible if you have the desire and some perseverance. Although some believe that the ability to write beautifully is an innate quality and those who are unlucky enough to have it should not even try. Actually this is not true. Although there is some natural predisposition to beautiful handwriting, just as there is an ability to draw or compose music, you can develop this predisposition in yourself. To the level of skill or even mastery. Nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence!

Tips for those who write no better than a chicken paw, marking letters with slurred and disordered symbols that are impossible to read.

  1. Practice. Write as much as possible. Moreover, this must be done with full attention: slowly, concentrated, writing out each letter.
  2. Buy a copybook. The same one in which first-graders draw their sticks, circles and hooks. At the same time, remember your childhood. This is a technique that has been tested for decades and really works. Your advantage over a first-grader is that, unlike him, you will study not under pressure, but of your own free will, with enthusiasm and desire. Therefore, your results should be more significant than those of a first grader. At least in comparison with your own results at this age.
  3. Go to your notebook. When you fill out the form, you can buy another one and fill it out again. In the event that you liked it or, conversely, you are not very happy with the result and want to improve it. After the copybook, where you write hooks using special rulers, you can move on to writing them in a regular notebook. It’s better to take a lined school notebook, one that has a regular line, but no auxiliary line. Now write the same thing you wrote in the copybook, only in this notebook. Compare the results. If the result in the notebook is worse, try harder.
  4. Individual letters. In the copybook and in the notebook you wrote sticks, hooks and other squiggles, and only at the end – letters. Now focus on writing individual letters. Take any letter and start writing it. Lowercase, uppercase, lowercase again, uppercase again, etc. Usually you find that some letters turn out better, some worse. Those that turn out well, you are ready to write all day long, and those that don’t turn out well cause you irritation, turning into hatred. Relax. Take a deep breath. Exhale. And continue working on your least favorite letters until you achieve a winning result.
  5. Take your time. It is unlikely that you will be able to write beautiful and impeccable handwriting after a couple of days of classes. Be prepared for a long process. But don't turn it into an unpleasant chore. Have fun. Then the result will come faster, and you will enjoy the process.
  6. Develop fine motor skills of your fingers. This helps to form beautiful handwriting. Engage in any activities with small objects: weave with beads, crochet, sculpt crafts from plasticine and clay, paying special attention to small details.
  7. Drawings. Drawing, especially drawing small objects and details, also helps improve handwriting. So draw as much as possible, for starters it’s better to draw with a pen. You don’t have to draw, but rather trace the drawings. Find some graphic image with lots of details and start tracing all the lines. You can also do shading, this will also be very useful. Buy a coloring book and shade the pictures with small, even, parallel lines.
  8. Use more than just your wrist. If you only use your wrist when writing and don't use your forearm muscles, you will have a hard time achieving beautiful handwriting. After all, you will not have the required scope, amplitude, and, accordingly, smoothness and roundness.
  9. Watch your posture. Correct posture when writing is important not only for your slimness and spinal health, but also for beautiful handwriting. If you slouch, droop one shoulder, or crane your neck forward, you create unnecessary tightness and tension in your body, which prevents you from writing easily and freely.
  10. Practice in your imagination. You must have a very clear idea of ​​what a particular letter looks like, how the letter connections are drawn, and how the entire word should turn out. You can do these types of imaginary writing skills exercises anytime and anywhere. For example, if you are stuck in traffic or sitting in line at the dentist. Once a letter or word is drawn in your imagination, you can trace its outline with your finger on any surface or in the air. It’s better not to do this while in line at the dentist. Your actions may make the nurses suspicious.
  11. Writing instruments. When you have more or less mastered a regular ballpoint pen, try writing with other tools: a pencil, colored pencils, a dip pen, a fountain pen, felt-tip pens, and even paints with a brush. Why is this necessary? Firstly, these activities can bring you a lot of pleasure. Perhaps you will even plunge into a state of meditative trance, as happens with Buddhists who paint hieroglyphs with a special brush. This is a good exercise to relieve stress. Secondly, in this way you will consolidate your acquired skills and, possibly, diversify and decorate your handwriting.
  12. Form style. When you begin to get smooth, quite beautiful and in every sense decent letters and even whole words, you should think about developing your own, original and unlike others, handwriting. After all, the handwriting that is taught in copybook, for all its evenness and clarity, is not very suitable for an adult. And we strive to ensure that handwriting is not only understandable, but also beautiful. Think about how you can decorate it. Perhaps you will lengthen some vertical lines, add dashes above some letters, add some curls and other decorative elements. Your handwriting may be large and round, small and elongated, medium-sized and squat. It is believed that handwriting depends on the character of a person. Perhaps this is true. You can change something in your handwriting and thereby influence your character or simply decorate it.
It is quite possible to improve your handwriting for the better. You just need to be patient and persistent in developing your calligraphy skills.
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