Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov are the last. Radimov canceled his divorce from Bulanova. How did your youngest son feel about the divorce?

Singer Tatyana Bulanova and football player Vladislav Radimov divorced after eleven years of marriage. This news was given in an interview with journalists of the program “You Won’t Believe It!” The NTV TV star confirmed it personally. However, Bulanova refused to go into details of the divorce. It is obvious that it is still very difficult for the singer to talk about this topic - the wound is still too fresh. Bulanova probably needs time to come to her senses. And it is possible that a little later the artist’s fans will learn the details of her unsettled family life and the reasons for separating from her husband.

“You know, yes, we got divorced, but I don’t want to comment yet on how and what. I don’t know or understand anything yet. Can I take a time out?” Tatyana Bulanova said in a telephone conversation with representatives of the NTV television company.

The star made it clear that it is very difficult for her to talk about personal things. It is not so easy to erase eleven years of marriage, in which there were many joyful moments - a romantic meeting with her future husband, whom she came to interview as a star reporter, and a dream wedding, and the birth of her youngest son, Nikita. Tatyana Bulanova has never hidden the fact that she draws strength and inspiration for creativity from her family.

Fans hope that the sparkle in their idol’s eyes and desire to be happy after the divorce will not disappear, because Bulanova has strong support in the person of her two sons. The eldest Alexander - from his marriage to producer Nikolai Tagrin, 23 years old. He graduated from the University of Trade and Economics. The youngest Nikita is 9 years old and plays football. Tatyana Bulanova put a lot of effort into raising the boys as worthy people. And now the most important thing for her is that her sons are happy.

Let us remind you that the singer hinted at breaking up with her husband a couple of days ago, posting a post of gratitude to Vladislav Radimov on the microblog for the years they lived together.

True, then the singer’s fans could only guess whether the star spouses had officially divorced or whether we were talking about a quarrel, which could well end in reconciliation. After all, there have been misunderstandings and conflicts in this family before, which were always successfully resolved. But as it turned out, this time the divorce did take place.

Why did you really divorce the football player? Vladislav Radimov. According to the singer, her ex-husband's mistress Irina Yakovleva- just one of many reasons. At the end of the program, the TV presenter invited Tatyana to discover the “Million Dollar Secret” - the true reason for the divorce, but the star burst into tears and burned the card along with the envelope.

Lera Kudryavtseva asked the singer how many years she lived with the football player, and whether it was a happy marriage, to which Tatyana answered in the affirmative: “Officially, we lived for 11 years. I think they were happy, because the love was incredible and there were severe conflicts, contradictions - everything was there. Divorce is my initiative. Should I say that he immediately bowed down? No, I won't say. I just thought it would be better this way. I was no longer satisfied with his attitude, and I endured it for a long time. And then I realized that no, I don’t like it, I don’t want to live like this. This girl really talked to his mother, the moment was caught on camera. I asked him this question - he says that this is complete nonsense. He really knows her, and there really was some correspondence with her, but he still corresponds with my ex-girlfriend and with his ex-girlfriend. Well, he’s such a person: he needs it all the time, and I’m sick of it. Well, how much is possible? I didn't conduct any investigation. Just at some point I realized that I needed a “chick” - that’s all.”

Bulanova admitted that the divorce caused her pain, and thoughts about a new marriage have not yet arisen: “Any separation is painful. And the first divorce was painful, because I understood that I was causing pain and unpleasant moments for a person. Vlad was sent summons three times, he did not come, we got divorced through the court. He has to pay alimony to Nikita, but we didn’t even raise this topic, because I’m that kind of person - it makes me uncomfortable. He pays the rent and sometimes buys Nikita something. Let him live, we have a wonderful relationship. Recently he wrote to me “I love you” - I sent him an emoticon. I don't look at other men. In general, to be honest, I’m afraid of this word – “married”, because I’ve somehow become disillusioned with the institution of marriage.”

Despite the separation, Vladislav Radimov and Tatyana Bulanova continue to live under the same roof. When asked by the TV presenter why the ex-spouses won’t separate, the singer admitted that she was happy with everything. The relationship with my ex-lover became even better than it was before and during marriage: “It just happened that way. I have a wonderful relationship, it seems to me that even now that we are divorced, the relationship has become better. If before there was some kind of mistrust, now everything is completely calm: do what you want, you are a free person and I am a free person. Some clashes ceased to exist altogether. Even at the everyday level. There are five rooms. In the bedroom we sleep with Nikita, because after the tragic events with his grandmother, he is afraid to sleep a little longer alone. Vlad sleeps in a separate room, and the eldest son sleeps in his own. We meet in the kitchen, and sometimes he even cooks for me. We have absolutely normal friendly relations.”

Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov, still from the program

At the end of the program, Tatyana was brought an envelope with her main secret. Lera Kudryavtseva clarified that the singer shared the details, but did not name the real reason for the divorce, which was written on the card in the envelope. Convinced that this was indeed the case, the star, with tears in her eyes, burned the card along with the envelope, explaining her decision as follows: “I will never tell this to anyone in my life. And I don't need any money. Let no one know about this except me and the one who knows. There are things you can’t say, even just to preserve your dignity.”

Tatiana Bulanova, still from the program

Let us remember that Tatyana Bulanova was married twice. Her first husband was her producer Nikolay Tagrin, from whom the singer gave birth to a son in 1993 Alexandra. The couple lived together for 13 years. In 2005, after a divorce from her first husband, the star married football player Vladislav Radimov, with whom she gave birth to a son in 2007 Nikita. The union of the singer and the athlete lasted 11 years; in December 2016, they officially divorced, but continued to live under the same roof.

"How she manages to stay in shape despite not playing sports at all. The singer carefully monitors her diet and only allows herself to eat heavily at lunch. She also admitted that she gets Botox injections, but is not yet ready to go under the plastic surgeon’s knife. Her special secret is that she carefully monitors the phases of the moon. She visits the hairdresser only during the waxing moon.

Tatyana Bulanova, in a conversation with Lera Kudryavtseva, openly spoke about her personal tragedies. The artist remembered how her mother died. After the second cardiac arrest, her mother lost the ability to speak, but communicated with her daughter in writing.

On the day when the artist was informed from the hospital about the death of her mother, she had a performance planned, and she did not cancel it. According to Tatyana, staying at home with her grief would have been much harder for her.

Tatyana Bulanova has worked together with her first husband Nikolai Tagrin all her life. According to the artist, after the breakup their working relationship did not change. They lived in an official marriage for 13 years, and all these years they were together almost every day for 24 hours. Tatyana stated that they never had domestic quarrels, and conflicts could only occur on professional issues.

Their relationship began after a video in which they kissed. Nikolai became her first man. The reason for their divorce was Tatyana’s new feeling - she fell in love with Vladislav Radimov.

Tatiana Bulanova
: “I’ve never had anything like this, it blew my mind so much. He (Nikolai ed.) was very worried. I think that even now he doesn’t treat him (Vladislav Radimov - ed.) very well.”

Before falling in love with Radimov, Tatyana had another affair on the side. But then Tagrin managed to “win her back.”

Tatiana Bulanova: “I was about to leave too. Do you know why this probably happened? This young man said a phrase that no one had ever said to me: “The only thing I dream of is for you to be happy.” Apparently I bought it."

Nikolai, realizing that his wife could leave him, changed his attitude towards her. She became the center of his universe. After that they lived together for another six years.

As a child, Tatiana’s eldest son Alexander had a hard time worrying that his mother was almost never at home and she spent all her time on tour. Now he is 25 years old, he is a barista in a St. Petersburg coffee shop and earns 30 thousand rubles. Alexander himself appeared in the studio to support his mother when she revealed the secrets of her personal life.

Now Tatyana lives with her second ex-husband Vladislav Radimov in a five-room apartment. After an official marriage of 11 years, she says, they developed friendly relations.

Tatiana Bulanova: “It just happened. When Kolya and I divorced, we also lived for some time.”

Despite the breakup, Tatyana calls her life together with Vladislav wonderful. According to her, they have an excellent relationship.

Tatiana Bulanova: “It seems to me that now that we are divorced, the relationship has even become better. Because if before there was distrust, now it’s calm: “Do what you want.” Some clashes, even on everyday topics, ceased to exist altogether.”

Tatyana admitted that the initiative to file for divorce came from her. Vladislav did not immediately agree. But as a result, they still came to this decision. Vladislav had a mistress, Irina Yakovleva, who actively gave interviews about her relationship with the football player. But Tatyana assures that this woman was not the reason for their breakup with her husband.

Tatiana Bulanova: “I’m no longer satisfied with the relationship. I endured it for a long time, and then I realized that I didn’t want to live like this anymore.”

Tatyana admitted that she does not know when she and Vladislav will leave. The artist does not look at other men and admits that her life together with her ex-husband may continue for several more years.

Tatiana Bulanova: “I recently wrote: “I love you.” I sent him an emoticon."

Singer Tatyana Bulanova and football player Vladislava Radimov got married in 2005. Love flared up like a spark: Radimov left his common-law wife in an instant, Bulanova divorced her producer husband, with whom she lived for 13 years.

Since then, Tatyana and Vladislav have had everything: they fought and made up. But on December 1, they still decided to break up. This time, it seems, forever.

The 47-year-old singer spoke about the breakup on her Instagram. The message to her husband - who, by the way, is 6 years younger than her - turned out to be quite touching.

Thank you for these 11 years! Yes, there were a lot of things, both good and not so good, but I am grateful to Fate for meeting you,” Bulanova left this message under a joint photo with Vlad. - Know that you still remain a dear person to me and you can always count on my help and support in everything! – added Bulanova.

Since Thursday, “KP” has been calling the artist, but her phone is silent all the time. Tatyana doesn't pick up the phone. Vlad's phone is turned off - the coach of the Russian Zenit-2 is constantly traveling with the team.

Apparently, the decision not to communicate with the press is a matter of principle. Tired of the calls, Bulanova even deleted her “farewell” post on Instagram. But a saved copy remained on the Internet.


For many fans, the news came as a shock: yes, they fought, but they made up! Moreover, the couple has a common son, Nikita, who is growing up. A nine-year-old boy dreams of becoming a football player like his dad. Bulanova also has a son, Sasha, from her first marriage to producer Nikolai Tagrin. The guy is already 23.

This fall, relations between the spouses became tense to the limit. And then Bulanova also shared her sorrows with her subscribers.

I don’t know what is more disgusting - the betrayal of a loved one, as it seemed to me, or a friend (as it seemed to me). Probably, the betrayal of a loved one is more painful and terrible. I hate whining and complaining. But either because it’s almost morning, or because of something else, I’ll just cry a little into your vests,” Tatyana Bulanova wrote on Instagram in the early morning of October 9.

The conclusions suggested themselves: the singer suspected that Vlad had cheated on her with one of her friends.

Apparently, Tatyana wrote the message “out of emotion” as soon as the showdown ended. And just like that, a few minutes later, she deleted it. And again she didn’t comment.

Then the couple still managed to make peace. Tatyana and Vlad even celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary, as Radimov announced on Instagram.


According to friends, it was Vladislav who initiated the latest reconciliation. He decided not to let his wife go.

And not for the first time. Tanya is tired of all these lies. But no matter how many times she wanted to leave, he brought her back just as many times. They had several romantic days, and then everything repeated again, they told KP surrounded by the star family.

“It happened again” - they are talking about Vladislav’s betrayals. There have long been persistent rumors around the singer: Radimov likes to hang out on the side. Moreover, the work schedule allows: Vlad and Tatyana rarely meet in their own home.

It has reached the point of absurdity: as friends of the couple told us, last year Bulanova conducted an investigation and found out the names of several of her husband’s mistresses. And not only names, but also mobile phones! But she still decided to save her family. As it turned out, the artist only prolonged her torment.

The spouses are facing division of property. During their marriage, Bulanova bought an apartment in Moscow, and Radimov bought another one in St. Petersburg. They also have another shared apartment there.


In 2016, information appeared in the media that Tatyana Bulanova divorced her husband Vladislav Radimov. In one of the programs, the singer announced the divorce. However, a few months later, joint photographs of the artist and her husband began to appear on the Internet. Fans were perplexed, since the 90s star did not comment on such photos. Radimov decided to clarify the whole situation.

The footballer said that they live together and have not even left each other. According to Vladislav, there is no divorce stamp in their passports.

“We’re all tired of asking questions! So she waved it off: “Consider us divorced.” In fact, nothing is happening here,” Radimov explained Tatyana’s participation in the programs.

Bulanova’s husband claims that he often gets calls from television and is offered to take part in a talk show, where he will be asked questions about his relationship with the singer.

“Will I go around and talk about things I didn’t do? I need it? I'm a grown man! Let them write and say what they want. I don’t care,” Vladislav noted.

However, as the athlete admitted, he did not forbid his wife to appear in television programs, since large sums of money were promised for this. He himself joked in one of his conversations with the editor of the program that he was ready to talk about life with Tatyana only for a million euros.

Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov: singer about her husband’s mistress

The singer for the first time voiced her attitude to the scandal that Radimov’s former lover, fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva, caused throughout the country. In December, the woman decided to come out of the shadows and give an interview to one of the TV channels. She spoke frankly about her relationship with the then-married Radimov. Tatyana Bulanova, as it turned out, watched that broadcast too. She admitted that she was sincerely sorry for Yakovleva.

“It was funny for me to watch,” said Tatyana Bulanova. “I know Vlad very well, so I understood that somewhere she was telling the truth, and somewhere she was lying. In any case, our divorce did not happen because of her. She simply humiliated herself with this performance. I feel sorry for this man. She made up her own story. Girls, don't mess with married people! Wait until they are free."

As it turned out, Irina Yakovleva gave an interview to Channel One, and “Tonight” showed a recording where the woman again told how seven years ago she met Vladislav Radimov in one of the cafes in St. Petersburg, how she then warmly communicated with his mother and daughter from his first marriage. And she even showed her the keys to the apartment of the Radimovs’ parents, which they allegedly gave her themselves.

Tatyana Bulanova took part in Lera Kudryavtseva’s popular talk show “Secret for a Million”. The singer came to the studio not alone, but with her 25-year-old son Alexander. For filming, the star chose an elegant, loose-fitting black velvet outfit, which was decorated with an unusually shaped collar. The final touch to the look was given by an elegant hairstyle and expressive makeup.

During a talk show, Bulanova spoke about the beginning of an affair with her future second husband, Vladislav Radimov, who was then a football player and later became a coach.

It is noteworthy that Bulanova did not say a word about her new passion to her husband and producer Nikolai Tagrin at that time. The singer noted that she had been officially married to him for 13 years, thereby hinting that their relationship began much earlier.

When Tatyana finally decided to leave Nikolai for Vladislav, Tagrin forgave her. But he considered the fact that his son Alexander became friends with Radimov to be a betrayal and did not communicate with him for seven whole years.

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