Wedding newspaper sample in Word. Wedding newspaper. What to write in a wedding newspaper

When going to a wedding, every guest definitely wants to present some original gift, which other guests will definitely not have and which the newlyweds will definitely like.

In fact, in our time of commodity saturation, when all goods are available to everyone who has money, it is very difficult to guarantee that the gift will be unique and will please the newlyweds. This is possible only if the gift is created by the guest with his own hands and is not just created, but made with soul and with a focus on specific newlyweds, taking into account their individual characteristics.

We can offer an idea for such an original gift that you will make with your own hands. And if all the future guests with whom you go to the wedding do not stumble upon this page of our website, which is unlikely, then the gift should be original. But in this case, you will only need to slightly change the gift we offer to make it unique. Then your gift will certainly be unique.

We are talking about a wedding newspaper (let's call it “Wedding Messenger”), which you will publish specifically for future newlyweds. And this newspaper will contain information, of course, about the newlyweds and their wedding.

After all, everyone is pleased when something good is written about him in the newspaper (and of course, you will write only good things about the newlyweds in a wedding newspaper, well, maybe just a little humorous, kindly humorous).

And when an entire newspaper is dedicated to a person, his delight knows no bounds. So the newlyweds, we hope, your “Wedding Messenger” will like it.

In order for you not to rack your brains over the content and design of the wedding newspaper, we have already done everything ourselves and prepared the layout of the “Wedding Newsletter” in Word format.

All you have to do is say the finished layout and change it a little, inserting the names of the newlyweds there and, perhaps, change the text a little to give it originality. But this is not necessary either.

That's all. After this, the newspaper can be printed and given to the newlyweds. The effect will be guaranteed.

You can present the wedding newspaper to the bride and groom at the wedding reception along with the main gift. Of course, setting up this presentation accordingly for greater effect.

Or you can publish a wedding newspaper in several copies and hang them on the walls in the banquet hall. Everyone will have a lot of fun reading your publication. And this will be remembered for a long time. Just don’t forget to include your name as the producing editor. People should know their heroes.

You can even try to sell the resulting wedding newspaper at auction, and send the money to the budget of the young family.

You can download the “Wedding Messenger” layout from the link below. Just keep in mind that to do this you must be registered on our website and be authorized with your username and password.

Well, all we can do is wish you good luck in the publishing business.

Wedding messenger!

Newspaper for newlyweds

Founded on the day of the Fall of Adam and Eve.

Issued on wedding days.

Publisher: Agency for Secret Printing of Witnesses.

1. Hot news.

2. Weather forecast.

3. News of marriage legislation.

4. Congratulations and parting words to the newlyweds.

5. Jokes.

6. Miscellaneous.

1. Breaking news

Today at N o'clock the main event of the day took place at the Wedding Palace: the solemn wedding of our dear and beloved newlyweds.

In this connection, today is declared a non-working holiday. A solemn procession of young people visited the park of culture and recreation, as well as the squares and fountains of their native city.

The festivities are scheduled for 17.00 local time.

Event program:

17.10 - grand opening of the evening by toastmaster;

17.15 - the young people come out to the people;

17.20 - 18.00 - parting words for the young;

18.00 - 23.00 - the main part of the evening with a stormy feast, dances, songs, dances, as well as games and jokes with the participation of guests of the evening;

24.00 - ceremonial fireworks in honor of the newlyweds.

2. Weather forecast.

The weather agency "It's Rain or It's Hot" offers weather forecasts for the coming days.

Today: Today there will be a warm atmosphere at the festive table. The air temperature will be slightly lower than the liquid temperature, which will exceed 40 degrees. Possible surges in blood pressure. There may be light alcohol vapors in the air.

The weather pattern will not change in the following days. On the third day, sensitive people may experience headaches and weakness in the legs.

Folk recipes for bad weather: 0.5 cups of forty-degree or 0.5 liters of cucumber brine. It is better to stay in bed.

3 Marriage legislation news.

Today, in a solemn atmosphere, a marriage union was signed between citizen A and citizen B, according to which all movable and immovable property of both parties passes from today into joint use. From now on, both parties will be renamed and called husband and wife respectively. Both sides are obliged, if one of them is attacked, to provide mutual assistance to the other side. All property resulting from the joint activities of the parties belongs to them equally. All disputes between the parties to the agreement are resolved through peaceful negotiations or in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Parting words and wishes to the young.

The main thing in life is happiness!

The most important thing in happiness is love!

Children appear in love,

And everything repeats itself again!

Every man should: first, plant a tree, preferably a money tree. Secondly, building a house is better than a mansion. Thirdly, raise a son who is better than a child prodigy!

Every woman should: competently cultivate a planted tree, fill her home with warmth and love, carefully care for her child and his father.

5. Jokes.

The groom's friend asks:

Listen, Seryoga, how did you end up in this life?

How how! You know, I was driving my Zhiguli downhill, and there was a Mercedes at the bottom. Well, I was on the brakes, but the brakes failed. Well, it rolled in! And the girl comes out of the Mercedes looking like a powerlifting champion! “Boy,” he says, “let’s resolve the matter amicably.” You take the car to the service center, and you take me to the registry office. That's how it was.

Yes!!! No wonder my dad says that a car is a vehicle of increased danger!

Two friends wake up from a big hangover. One says to the other:

Listen, I had a dream that I was getting married!

Yeah, not a good dream.

And my bride is all so white... and there are crosses all around!

What a horror! Is she a graveyard ghoul?

Fool! Nurse from the hospital!

The bride runs to her mother's house a week after the wedding:

Mother! Mother! You have become a grandmother!

How's your daughter? so soon!

Yes mommy! Our Muska brought kittens!

6. Miscellaneous.

Today we are announcing the collection of voluntary donations to the youth housing construction fund. All donations will be used to improve the living conditions of the young family. Please contact: Settlement (head) desk. Third chair. Box No. 2.

A wedding is an important and memorable event for the newlyweds and for everyone around them. Therefore, a wedding anniversary is also always a big holiday. After all, a wedding anniversary is a symbolic birthday of the Family!

What to give for your wedding anniversary? The answer is obvious: Give a newspaper "Is it true ", which came out exactly on the wedding day.

Newspaper for wedding anniversary looks stylish and presentable. The Pravda newspaper was, without understatement, the most important printed publication in the Soviet Union, where only the most important news from the life of the country was published. Any married couple, regardless of their length of married life, will be interested to know what happened on the day when they united their destinies, as well as to see photos from their wedding surrounded by the main news of the country!

The title page of the newspaper is framed in a beautiful baguette frame of your choice (A3 format). On the page in one of the central stripes you can add a photo of the newlyweds with your congratulations, which we will make for free in the style of a newspaper column and organically fit into the overall design. The article also mentions your name as the correspondent who wrote the congratulatory article. So the heroes of the occasion will always remember who gave them the best gift - a newspaper for their wedding anniversary.

Wedding- an enchanting event. Having carefully prepared for six months, it flies by in an instant, leaving memories confused by stress, gorgeous photographs and video materials.

Some needlewomen-brides enjoy create real masterpieces in the form of a cushion for wedding rings, festive original ribbons for decorating a motorcade, dresses for glasses. Exclusive wedding invitations They will delight every holiday guest with their warmth and attention to their person.

DIY holiday printing wedding newspaper will introduce the participants of the celebration to the legends of the new family. After reading about the history of how the newlyweds met, about significant milestones and dates in the development of relationships, each of the invitees will feel involved in what is happening. Keeping a copy as a keepsake, the descendants of the newlyweds will learn the history of a large family.

Aesthetic image of a wedding newspaper

Are you sure that only by spending a fair amount and ordering a newspaper to be printed at a printing house, you can get a masterpiece of printing art? Any Microsoft Word user who can print will be able to handle this task. After all, the main thing is not the form, but content. This means we gather friends, create a plan-scenario and turn on our imagination. This exciting and fun activity in the company of loved ones will allow you not to miss a single significant moment from your shared history.

A newspaper in A3 format will be more readable. Color, black and white or an antique version with a sepia effect, it’s up to you, each has its own zest.

Newspaper circulation depends on the number of guests and your wishes. Think about who you want to gift with your release. The most budget option is one copy per family. But you can please every guest with your creation.

A few simple tips for filling out the content of the issue:

  • Select one of the pages for congratulations from invited guests. It will be especially nice for young people to receive heartfelt wishes from people who were unable to attend the celebration. How to put this into practice? It’s very simple, witnesses call the invitees in advance with the question: “What can you wish for the newlyweds? And will you be present at the celebration?”
  • Use fun children's photos of lovers bride and groom. Guests and parents of the newlyweds will laugh heartily at the images of the little groom smeared with brilliant green, or the bride in her father’s military boots.
  • Comic crosswords and puzzles, decorating the issue, can be used by the toastmaster during the celebration. This will amuse the audience, and the souvenirs prepared by the craftswoman will leave warm memories.
  • Place it on the pages of the newspaper confessions of the bride and groom in love for each other, vows of fidelity and words of gratitude to heaven, parents or friends for the fateful meeting.

It turned out to be an original gift for the newlyweds and great family heirloom.

But you can use another method:

The official issue of the Pravda newspaper for the wedding day. Let's watch the video.

Vladimir Milovidov and singer, musician Alexey Vengerov will conduct your wedding and organize a royal holiday for you and all your guests. We work for you!

Recently, so-called wedding newspapers have become popular. There are several reasons for them. First of all, this is an excellent souvenir in memory of the wedding, no less pleasant than wedding photographs.

Reading wedding newspapers can keep your guests entertained while you're on the other side of town for your photo shoot. Everyone can keep one copy as a souvenir. Plus, wedding newspapers will give your friends a little peek behind the scenes of your personal life and learn things about you that they didn't already know.

What do wedding newspapers look like?

What format your newspaper will have depends only on your imagination and creativity. Some people prefer a brochure, considering its small size more convenient, others want to bring the newspaper to absolute perfection and turn it into a real diary.

What to write in a wedding newspaper?

Just like the shape, the content of wedding newspapers reflects your taste and preferences. A popular topic is the story of your first date, or how the groom asked for your hand in marriage. You can add your wedding day schedule and menu. This way your guests will know about the delicacies you have prepared for them.

Guests will probably be interested in an intellectual quiz, or an interview with the newlyweds, in which you will tell them what you do in your free time and what your plans are for the future. The core of a wedding newspaper should be information about you, your plans regarding your family, married life, and the wedding itself. You can also write generally known information, for example, something about the history of weddings, silver or golden weddings.

Nonresidents will certainly appreciate information about the place where the ceremony or wedding celebration is taking place. This is doubly true if your wedding is organized in a castle or other picturesque place.

Don't forget the photos

Something that cannot be missed in any newspaper, and especially in a wedding one, is, of course, photographs. People love these things, and photographs from your childhood or youth can delight those who didn't know you back then. To please family members, include photos in the newspaper of your loved ones who unfortunately cannot attend your big day.

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