How to entertain children at home. Entertainment at a children's party. Assembling a constructor from smaller parts

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To save the house from destruction by children with their irrepressible energy, you simply need to entertain them with something all the time.

website offers several simple and affordable ways to keep your child busy when bad weather prevents you from going for a walk.

1. Turn a regular fan into a rainbow one

Allow your child to paint the blades different colors and then just let them dry. Delight guaranteed!

2. Make edible clay

You will need:

  • half cup softened unsalted butter
  • 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream
  • 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)
  • 3–4 cups powdered sugar
  • gel food coloring (optional)

Beat butter and cream with a mixer. Then gradually add powdered sugar into the mixture and mix. The mass should become thick and dense enough for modeling. Finally add vanilla extract (optional). Knead the dough on a surface sprinkled with powdered sugar. Divide it into several parts, drop a drop of food coloring into each and mix well again (if you don’t want to use dyes, you can leave the mass white). Now you can start sculpting - roll out with a rolling pin, cut out figures or shape them with your fingers; they are quite simply fastened together. And most importantly, you can eat all this later.

3. Hang a swing at home

You can hang a swing not only outside, but also at home. And believe me, your baby can rock in them all day long.

4. Prepare a soft mass that glows in the dark

You will need:

  • ​​​​​​Ultraviolet lamp
  • vitamin b complex
  • vegetable oil
  • cream of tartar (can be found at a spice store)

Crush 2 vitamins into powder (if your vitamins are in capsules, just pour out the contents). Add 2 cups flour, 4 tsp. cream of tartar, 2/3 cup salt and mix well. Then add 2 cups of warm water and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook over medium heat until the mixture becomes like plasticine and no longer sticks to the pan and your hands. Let cool and proceed. Turn off the light and turn on the lamp. Plasticine will glow in the dark!

5. “Make” snow

If winter is still far away, make your own snow! You can make lumps or just play with fluffy snow. All you need to do is mix cornstarch with shaving foam. You can add a little dye, and then the “snow” will become colored.

6. Ask your child to make faces out of small objects.

Collect buttons, beads, caps - in general, whatever you think is suitable, and ask your child to make different faces out of them. In addition to keeping him busy for a while, this will be a great way to develop your child’s fine motor skills and imagination.

7. Prepare unusual paints for drawings

Mix hair gel, food coloring, glitter and confetti. Such paints adhere unusually to paper and allow you to create simply magical drawings.

8. Make chocolate bowls for sweets or ice cream

Simply melt the chocolate and then dip the inflated balloons into it. Then let the chocolate dry and carefully pop the balls.

9. Make a maze out of cardboard boxes

Cut the boxes and glue their walls together, cut out the arches - and fun for the whole day is guaranteed.

10. You can make something else interesting out of a cardboard box

You can make a whole city with your child: draw roads, arrange cars and people. And then the baby himself will turn it into an exciting game.

11. Make your own solar system model

You will need: round plywood, newspapers, toilet paper, glue and paints. You need to form balls from newspapers and paper, and then dry and paint them. Then paint the plywood and attach the “planets” to it, and your own Universe is ready.

12. Build your own castle

Paper towel tubes, juice boxes and some cardboard are all you need for a real castle.

13. Color the Christmas balls

The New Year is not that far away. With the help of acrylic paints, your child can turn plain Christmas tree balls into an exclusive work of art.

14. Put soap in the microwave and give your child a soap cloud.

15. Create an underwater world

Cut out silhouettes of sea animals from black paper: fish, squid, crabs, as well as stones, algae, etc. Cover a sheet of white paper with watercolors of “sea” colors. It is important to create a fairly wet coating that does not dry out right away. And now the secret technique! Give your child a pre-prepared dropper of alcohol and ask him to apply a few drops all over the canvas. The alcohol will dissolve the paint, and glowing circles will appear on the paper. Wait for the paint to dry completely and glue the cut out silhouettes onto the background.

Alas, the summer months, which children look forward to so impatiently, are not only about bright sunny days. The weather is unpredictable and loves to present surprises that disrupt our plans. And instead of a fun walk, sometimes you have to sit within four walls all day. How to captivate a little fidget? We bring to your attention 10 interesting tips on how to keep your child occupied at home.

1. Goldfish

Add dry gelatin (10 grams) to a quarter of a glass of cool water and wait until it swells well. Then heat the water to about 50 degrees and watch the gelatin - it should completely dissolve. Pour the solution in a thin layer onto the polyethylene and let it dry completely. You should get a thin leaf from which you can cut a wonderful fish. Invite your child to breathe on it and he will probably be delighted when he sees that the fish has begun to wriggle.

2. Paraffin Islands

We pour water into a saucer, paint it blue or green - what happens? That's right, the sea. Then we take a candle, wait until the paraffin melts, turn the candle over the “sea” so that the paraffin gets into the water. If you change the height of the candle, you can get fancy “islands” that connect perfectly with each other. Show a little imagination and you will get a real sea with “coral” islands.

3. Magic water

Pour water into a glass glass or jar and drop a phenolphthalein tablet into it. It can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. The result will be a clear liquid, but if you add a solution of regular baking soda to it, the liquid will turn pink-crimson. After admiring the magic, add citric acid or vinegar - the solution will become discolored again.

4. Salt miracles

Prepare a saturated saline solution. Remember - when adding a new portion of salt to the prepared solution, it should not dissolve. Then lower a wire with a loop at the end into it. After some time, crystals will appear on the loop. Experiment with your child: try dipping, say, a woolen thread into the solution, then the crystals will be distributed differently.

5. Real volcano

Place baking soda in a saucer and slowly pour vinegar over it. The reaction will certainly amaze your child, and maybe you too. The contents of the saucer will begin to boil and foam with large bubbles. You can enhance the effect - make a “volcano” out of plasticine and place it on the soda, and pour the vinegar directly into the hole of the “volcano”. Believe me, a simply fantastic sight awaits you!

6. Secret letter

You can do it in two ways. First: dip a brush in milk, take white paper and calmly write your secret message. Let the letter dry. You can't see anything, right? Now iron the letter with a hot iron and read to your health. Second method: write a message with lemon juice. To read it, just moisten the text a little with water, in which you need to dissolve a few drops of iodine.

7. Flowers on the water

Cut out flowers with long petals from colored paper. Using a pencil, twist them towards the center and lower this multi-colored beauty into the water. In just a few minutes you will be able to admire the blooming flower petals. You can get a similar effect if you observe ordinary pine cones. Invite your child to put one cone on a hot radiator - and it will open its scales, and leave the other cone in the bathroom - and its scales will close.

8. Colored stains

If you like to take a bath with colored salt, then you can come up with a very exciting game. Fill the bath with water and pour salt into it. The child will really enjoy watching the salt disappear before his eyes, leaving behind colored zigzags. The spectacle turns out to be truly beautiful and unusual.

9. Homemade clouds

Fill a jar with a volume of 3 liters of hot water (about 2.5 centimeters). Then place the ice cubes on a baking sheet and set it on top of the jar. The air inside the can will cool as it rises. And the water vapor contained in the air will condense, forming a cloud.

10. Coca-Cola fountain

You will be surprised, but Coca-Cola reacts very differently to Mentos lozenges. If the lozenges are lightly crushed and placed in a liter bottle of Coca-Cola, a real fountain will flow from it! Just please be smart and enjoy the effects outside. It will certainly exceed all your, even your wildest, expectations.

We have a great idea - a “magic bag” with all sorts of things, containing handmade games for children that will keep your fidget busy for a long time. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to have a great weekend with the kids and our DIY toddler play ideas.

We offer you a bunch of ideas on what you can do to keep your child busy at home when he is bored and tired of all the toys a long time ago. At the same time, you won’t have to spend much on new games; what you have around will be enough to make your own new fun for children.

10 DIY games for kids to keep your child occupied at home

A selection of great games that you can make for your child with your own hands to keep him occupied at home.

Drawing illusion

Children love to draw, but frankly speaking, it is always stressful for mom. If you don’t know what to do with your child at home, give him colored and thick sheets, brushes and a small container of water instead of white paper and paints.

He will dip a brush into water and paint on colored paper. The paper will darken where water gets in, and your child will think he is drawing. There will be no disaster in the apartment.

DIY construction kit for a child

What to do with a child at home if he is between one and three years old? Children at this age simply adore toys with many details.

For example, Mr. Potato. cut out a potato from felt, also cut out eyes, nose, hats, mustaches, and other attributes from felt of other colors for it. You can carry him with you in your bag or leave him at home, but in any case, Mr. Potato will bring a lot of joy. It's hard to think of a better game for kids.

The second option is possible.

Spy bottle - a DIY game for children

All that is required is to dig deep in your drawer in search of all sorts of unnecessary little things: buttons, small toys, thimbles, keys. Take a photo of them, laying them out on the table, then put them in a bottle and cover them with rice or other cereals.

When you need free time, give your child a photo and ask him to find all the elements from the picture. You can create such games for kids with your own hands again and again.

Games for children made from popsicle sticks

A great way to keep kids busy at home.

Print out drawings of various geometric shapes (triangle, square, rhombus) and let your child, using the drawing, try to put together the same stick figure. Unlike counting sticks, which will also work, popsicle sticks are not as easy to lose.

You can also make a puzzle out of popsicle sticks. For this, a few more popsicle sticks (or use the ones for the figures, but on the reverse side). Cut any photo into strips and glue to sticks. Your child will be able to put the puzzle together to make a picture. The advantage of this game for kids is that you don’t mind losing or ruining it, and it’s also easy to make a new one.

DIY lacing games

A great idea to keep your child occupied at home is to give him an object with holes into which he can insert the lace. Cut out figures from foam rubber, cardboard or paper plate and make holes along the edges. Give the child some kind of strong rope that can be threaded through these same holes.

With the same success, you can use cocktail tubes or fluffy wire instead of a cord and a colander (skimmer) instead of cardboard to keep your child occupied at home for a while.

DIY games with plastic utensils

Surely, every mother has plastic spoons and cups from some feast lying around somewhere at home. You can also use them to make educational games for kids with your own hands.

Take several transparent, white and colored plastic spoons. After this, use a marker to draw identical patterns on one colored and one transparent. On the remaining spoons also draw different figures according to this principle.

The point of this game for kids is that your child can find two spoons with the same icon and put them on top of each other. This will not only save you if you don’t know what to do with your child at home, but will also teach your child to distinguish between figures.

You can do the same with plastic cups. Such games can keep your baby busy at home for a long time.

Stringing pasta

We have all seen what children do somewhere in class, so why not play with dry pasta at home.

Give your child some pasta with a hole in it and a string, after tying a large knot at one end to keep the pasta from falling off. Children can make beads or just a long, long bunch of pasta in different shapes and colors.

You can also suggest stringing pasta onto wire or sticks stuck into a plasticine or foam base. You can also replace pasta with other materials: colored beads or cardboard.

Sorting squares of colored cardboard

Another activity that not only entertains, but also develops. For this DIY game for children, buy colored cardboard, cut it into small squares of different colors and attach it to a clothespin. Lay out a palette of colors in front of your child and let him try to attach a square of cardboard of the desired color with a clothespin. This is both a fun and educational game for kids.

We model figures with our own hands

To keep your child busy at home profitably and inexpensively, give him plasticine and toothpicks (there is an edible version of the game with marshmallows and straws) and offer to create three-dimensional shapes using plasticine to connect the sticks.

DIY games made from cardboard boxes

To keep your child occupied at home, make something for him from under his shoes. The box itself can be turned into a foosball table with the help of a couple of cocktail straws. And the lid - into a ball maze: just glue ice cream sticks or cocktail straws to the box.

Games with sunlight

Place it, place a sheet of paper next to it and ask the children to trace the shadow along the contour.

Crafts made from colored paper

Crafts made from colored paper are an easy way to keep your child busy for quite a long time. You don’t have to do anything specific; you can simply give a set of cut out figures (stripes, circles, squares, rectangles, triangles) and invite the child to dream up.

Water games

A quick way to keep your child occupied at home without much effort on the part of adults: pour water into a basin, pour in small objects (caps from plastic bottles, balls) and give the baby the task of getting them out using chopsticks, a spoon, or a ladle.

Obstacle course at home

Take colored tape, electrical tape or masking tape and stick it on the floor in the form of paths and islands. Then, to keep the children occupied, have them complete an obstacle or race with toy cars, or roll a short ball along the track, blowing on it through a cocktail straw.

Funny drawings and collages from scrap materials

A simple recipe for keeping your child occupied at home with drawing. Just give him unwanted magazines, advertising brochures or old postcards, scissors, glue, paper and pencils. Next, the child cuts out characters that interest him, pastes them onto a blank sheet of paper, and completes the drawings as he sees fit.

Such games not only help keep the child occupied so that he doesn’t get bored at home, but also develop imagination and train fine motor skills.

Now you know what to do with your child at home, and what toys you can quickly and easily make with your own hands.

Children are a good shake-up for the parent's mind, imagination and creativity! Agree - we, parents, need to be constantly on the alert, our brain must constantly work in order to once again distract from a forbidden item or come up with a way to put a jacket on a running child. Very often we have to figure out what to do with our child. Yes, it is very important to leave the child alone so that he learns to invent games on his own, so that he can explore the world on his own. But there are times when he really needs us. This list of interesting activities for children will help you, inspire you, add joy and variety to your daily life.

Interesting ideas for keeping a bored baby occupied:

  1. Build a castle or hut from home furniture, blankets, pillows, etc.
  2. Make a card or write a letter to your grandmother, godmother, cousin, etc.
  3. Make paper dolls and clothes for them.
  4. Take a magnet and play metal detector. Search the entire house for metal.
  5. Play with roulette. Measure everything in the house with its help.
  6. Throw a disco with some naughty music.
  7. Clean the bathroom, wash the mirror with a sponge and soap, and wash the sink with the same sponge.
  8. Paint. There are many ideas for unusual drawing. You can take a look here: .
  9. Make a cardboard house or work on a cardboard box to make something interesting out of it. Find ideas here: .
  10. Learn a poem, tongue twister or counting rhyme.
  11. Look at the clouds and look for different images in them.
  12. Do origami. First, make an airplane and a boat. Find more complex ideas here: .
  13. Decorate. It is also a good way to relieve stress.
  14. Hide the “treasure” for dad and draw a map of the apartment, which he will use to look for this treasure in the evening.
  15. Make a home puppet theater.
  16. Clean up the room. To the music, while playing, sort toys, wash the floor.
  17. Make up a fairy tale.
  18. Make a collage by cutting out pictures from old newspapers and magazines.
  19. Prepare lunch with mom.
  20. Start marking important dates on the calendar.
  21. Freeze juice or pieces of fruit.
  22. Play a board game.
  23. Decorate an old T-shirt using buttons, fabric markers, and beads.
  24. Read.
  25. Plant the seeds in a pot and start caring for them.
  26. Make a bird feeder.
  27. Blow bubbles.
  28. Play in a store, restaurant, create a zoo out of toys.

Seven-year-olds are very enthusiastic people, capable of independently inventing entertainment and new options for their leisure time. They draw inspiration literally out of thin air, but they also have periods of decline when they get bored with all their activities and want something new. That's when mom and dad will come to the rescue with their time-tested ideas for fun children's games.

What to do with a 7 year old child

Let’s make a reservation right away that we will not consider the option of watching TV. This is an overly banal and simple option that always works, but has certain negative consequences.
Activities for children over 7 years old should harmoniously combine active and calm activities. Considering that 5-6 days a week the child is in a sitting position for 4-5 hours, it is worth considering active games. It’s great if the outburst of energy occurs on the street or sports field - you can run around to your heart’s content, shout and do literally whatever your heart desires. Draw a map and take the kids on a treasure hunt or teach an orienteering lesson. In winter and summer, use outdoor activities according to the season.
Quiet games no less. This includes leisure activities such as reading together, board games, quiet walks, creative activities, and role-playing games. To a greater extent, these are options for spending time at home, which we will continue to talk about below.

What to do with a 7 year old child at home

When the question arises of what to do with a seven-year-old child at home, do not rush to sit him in front of a blue screen. Think about what games will help him not only relax after a busy school day, but also contribute to intellectual development. During this period, it is important to train memory, attention, and logical thinking. Of course, it is necessary to build on the child’s hobbies and temperament. Here are some solutions on how to entertain a 7-year-old child at home:

  • Checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon
  • It's better to start with checkers or dominoes - these are fairly easy to understand games.
  • Words
  • Stock up on a list of long words - more than 10 letters. These should not be proper names, names of cities, medicines, etc. Record the time (for example, 10 minutes) and start forming new words from the original one. At the end, check the results. Whoever runs out of stock first loses. More than two people can participate.
  • Another version of this game is oral. You name any words (except for the exceptions listed above), each participant in turn pronounces another word starting with the last letter of the previous one. This is an invaluable way to expand and deepen a child’s vocabulary, train his memory and attention.
  • Cities
  • The essence is the same as in the game “Words” in oral interpretation, only we use exclusively the names of cities. You can simultaneously tell your child about different countries, traditions, and dream about traveling. In general, not a game, but pure pleasure.
  • Writer
  • Invite your child to write their own book. Let your child put the resulting work into a beautiful cover and read it to you over evening tea.
  • Wall newspaper
  • If an important event or holiday is approaching, you can create a newspaper or poster with its theme. Use everything - photographs, magazine clippings, applications, drawings - the flight of creativity is unlimited.
  • Board games
  • Stores offer a wide selection of games for different ages, including from 1 to 99 years old. You understand that it will be interesting not only for the child.
  • Puzzles
  • This is a great way to develop fine motor skills. Introduce a competitive moment - time it and assign a prize. You can gradually increase the complexity of the game by using smaller parts and larger canvases.
  • Reading books
  • Reciting the work by role in different voices will make an ordinary evening reading an unforgettable and long-awaited moment of the day.
  • Creation
  • Modeling, drawing, coloring, appliques - choose what your baby likes.
  • Needlework
  • Girls can be introduced to sewing, knitting, beadwork and embroidery, and boys can be introduced to working with construction sets, wood burning, assembling models of cars, ships and other equipment.
  • Help mom
  • If you can’t find time for entertainment, lure the children into playing mother’s assistants: give out props (depending on what needs to be done), add intrigue and soon the whole apartment will sparkle. Surprises hidden around the apartment (for example, candy) or notes indicating where to clean next and what prize awaits at the end can serve as “enticements.”

As you can see, home leisure can be varied and exciting. We wish you fun and happy games!

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