Children's folklore. Morning pestles. Morning nursery rhymes. We wake up, wash ourselves, who will kup-kup

Oh, little darlings!
To our Ilyushka-
Good morning.
Good morning!
Morning with jokes, jokes!


- Sweet, sweet stretch.
- Mom and Dad smiled.


We woke up
Stretched out
From side to side
Turn around!
Where are the toys?
You, toy, rattle,
Raise our baby!


Sunshine, sunshine,
look through the window.
Look through the window
wake up Seryozhka.
so we can find out more
so that the toys don’t get bored,
and they played with Serezhenka.


Give me your hands,
Yes, get out of bed,
Let's go wash up
Where can we find some water?


From some water, from some water
Everything sparkles with smiles!
From some water, from some water
More cheerful flowers and birds!
Katya washes herself,
The sun smiles!


Eyes open
Eyes wake up
Leg stretches,
Heel stretchers,
Hands and palms,
Sweet guys!
Give me your elbow
Mom will kiss you!
How I love you!


Water, water,
Wash Lesha's face,
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks red,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.


Here comes my sweetie
Woke up in a crib!
Home welcomes you
The birds are singing
The sun is shining blue,
And mom just loves!


Oh, little darlings!
To our Danyushenka-
Good morning.
Good morning!
Morning with jokes, jokes!


- We woke up, we woke up.
- Sweet, sweet stretch.
- Mom and Dad smiled.


We woke up
Stretched out
From side to side
Turn around!
Where are the toys?
You, toy, rattle,
Raise our baby!


Sunshine, sunshine,
look through the window.
Look through the window
wake up Seryozhka.
So that the day is a little longer,
so we can find out more
so that the toys don’t get bored,
and they played with Serezhenka.


Give me your hands,
Yes, get out of bed,
Let's go wash up
Where can we find some water?


Eyes open
Eyes wake up
Leg stretches,
Heel stretchers,
Hands and palms,
Sweet guys!
Give me your elbow
Mom will kiss you!
Wake up, daughter! (My dear son!)
How I love you!


Gray cat sat down
On the stove
And he sang softly

The cockerel woke up
The chicken stood up
Rise up my friend
Get up, my little daughter.
(Get up, my little son).


The sun has risen
Morning has come.
Come on son
Wake up friends!
Get up, Bolshak!
Get up, Pointer!
Get up, Seredka!
Get up, Little Orphan!
And Little Mitroshka!
Hello, Ladoshka!


Who's sweet on the pillow?
Who's lying in bed here?
Whose pink heels are these?


Who woke up here?
Who smiled at mom like that?
And who does mom love so much?
Here's who's favorite!


And there are walkers in the legs,
And in the hands there are little grabbers,
Across - fatties,
And the ears are hearing,
And there are peepers in the eyes,
And my nose has sniffles,
And in the mouth - a talk,
And in the head - reason!


Hammer-hamster hamster,
Striped barrel,
Khomka gets up early
He washes his cheeks, rubs his ears,
Khomka sweeps the hut
And goes out to charge,
One two three four five,
Khomka wants to become strong.


The cricket fell silent
The cockerel crowed.
Let's lie down for a while
Let's open the window.
Hello Sunshine-


Pulls, pulls, pulls,
To grow up for a child.
Grow up, daughter, healthy,
Like an apple tree
Grow up, son,
Like a strong oak tree.


Stretch - stretch,
From the toes to the top of the head,
We'll stretch, stretch,
We won't stay small.
We're already growing,
We are growing,
We are growing!


I rise with the sun,
I sing with the birds.
WITH Good morning!
Happy clear day!
That's how nice we sing!


Dili-dili-dili-dili -
The bells were ringing.
Dili-dili-dili-dili -
The bells woke me up
All the bugs and spiders
And funny moths.
Ding-day! Ding-day!
Let's start a new day!
The bells woke me up
They will eat and eat everyone,
All lazy bear cubs.
And the little sparrow woke up,
And the little jackdaw perked up.
Ding-day! Ding-day!
Don't sleep through the new day


Gray cat sat down
On the stove
And he sang softly
A song for my daughter:
The cockerel woke up
The chicken stood up
Rise up my friend
Get up, my little daughter!


Who, who lives in this room?
Who, who rises with the sun?
Mashenka woke up
Turned from side to side,
And, throwing back the blanket,
Suddenly she stood up on her own feet!
(A. Barto)


We woke up,
We woke up.
Sweet, sweet reached out.
Mom and Dad smiled.


We woke up,
Stretched out
Together we smiled at the sun.
Hello Sunshine,


Cockerel cockerel
golden comb,
Oil head,
Silk beard.
Why do you get up early?
Sing loudly
Don't you let Sasha sleep?


Stretch and stretch
From toes to top!
We'll stretch, stretch,
Let's not stay small!
We are already growing, growing, growing!
Grow higher, Masha,
To the mansion, to the roof.
Grow up, don't spoil me
Sorry for mom and dad.
Grow with timber thickness
Yes, as tall as a building.


Stretch, stretch,
Geese flew low
Stretch, stretch,
The feathers are soft in the pillow,
These feathers are stretchy
They gave the geese to Mishenka.


Stretch, stretch,
Hurry, wake up quickly.


Stretchers, stretchers -
(stroke from head to toes)
Across the fat girl, -
(we stroke the sides)
And there are walkers in the legs, -
(move our legs)
And in the hands there are little grabbers, -
(clench and unclench your fists)
And in my ears I hear little sounds, -
(show ears)
And in the eyes - peepers -
(show eyes)
And to the nose - sniffles -
(show nose)
And in the mouth - a talk -
(show mouth)
And in the head - reason!
(touch forehead)


Handles-handles - stretchers
And the palms are clappers.
Legs-legs - stompers,
Running errands, jumping.
Good morning, hands,
Palms and legs,
Flower cheeks -


The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We will clap our hands -
We are very happy about the sun.


In the morning I get up
I sing a song
Simple liver
Like this:
La la la la!


(We gently stroke the baby
from head to toe)
Nice - good.
Pretty - pretty.
Slender - slender,
And relatives - relatives.


Gray cat sat down
On the stove
And he sang softly
A song for my little daughter (son):
The cockerel woke up
The chicken stood up
Rise up my friend
Get up, my little daughter.
(Get up, my little son).


The sun has risen
Morning has come.
Come on son
Wake up friends!
Get up, Bolshak!
Get up, Pointer!
Get up, Seredka!
Get up, Little Orphan!
And Little Mitroshka!
Hello, Ladoshka!


Water, water,
Wash Nastya's face,
Nastya was eating porridge,
Got my face dirty.
So that there is a girl
Always the cleanest
Help, water,
Wash Nastya's face.


Ay, okay, okay, okay
We are not afraid of water,
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom.
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes
Where are you hiding, water!
Come out, vodka,
We came to wash ourselves!
Leisure on your palm
Leisya, leisya, leisya
Dare -
Katya, wash your face more cheerfully!


Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites!

Wake up, my baby!
We'll stretch a little.
While your Katyushka is sleeping,
While friends and girlfriends are sleeping,
We'll arrange it on the pillow
Stretch, stretch.
The sun came out from behind a cloud,
We'll pull our handles.
Stretch a little more.
Stretch your legs, baby.
The bunnies came running
Counted fingers:
- One two three four five.
We will still count.
Stretch, stretch.
Toys wake up.
One two three four five.
You don't have to count any further.
Smile soon, baby
Stretch a little more.
Stretch, stretch.
Rest for now, pillow.
Stretch, stretch.
The rattles made noise.
Baby, hug your mom,
Rattle it with a rattle.
Stretch, stretch.
The toys are smiling.

Stretch, stretch,
Hurry up, wake up quickly
The day has come a long time ago
And looks out your window.
The motley herd has passed
The red sun has risen
And on the greenery in the forest
Dries large dew
You and I will go into the forest
We'll find the boletus
Let's sit in the sun,
Let's eat strawberries.

The sun is shining:
Where are the children?
On the pillow, on the sheet.
Are pink backs tender?
A clear day has come a long time ago
And knocking on our window!

Eyes open
Eyes wake up
Leg stretches,
Heel stretchers,
Hands and palms,
Sweet guys!
Give me your elbow
Mom will kiss you!
My dear son!
How I love you!

Who's sweet on the pillow?
Who's lying in bed here?
Whose pink heels are these?
Who woke up here?
Who smiled at mom like that?
And who does mom love so much?
Here's who's favorite

Stretch my darling,
Pull the legs, pull the little hands.
Sleep go away quickly! Strength come
Smile, little peephole, at least once

Little ones,
The legs have walkers,
In the mouth - a talker,
And in the head - mind.

So the sun is rising.
So the boat floats.
Egor on a horse
Rushes without looking back!

Early, early in the morning
Shepherd tu-ru-ru-ru!
And cows suit him well
They sang: “Moo-moo-moo!”
You little cow, go
Take a walk in an open field,
And you'll come back in the evening,
Give us some milk.

The weed ant rose from its sleep,
The tit bird took hold of the grain,
Bunnies for cabbage
Mice - for the crust,
Children - for milk.

The long-awaited baby. How to start communicating with him? What words to choose? What song should I sing? How to cheer him up so that he smiles back?
The main wealth of the Russian people is folklore, which was formed and collected by our ancestors over the centuries in the form of songs, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and riddles.
Nursery rhymes are small rhymes that accompany the process of activities, games, and communication with the baby.
Nursery rhymes help entertain or distract a child during obligatory activities, teach him about routine and hygiene in a playful way.
Here the word is associated with gesture and action. Therefore, nursery rhymes should be taught from the first days of a baby’s life.
They develop the child’s speech and memory, fine motor skills, and promote emotional development, encouraging them to repeat the actions of adults.
Nursery rhymes bring joy to kids by developing a sense of humor.

But the most important thing about nursery rhymes is establishing contact from the moment the baby is born. By learning nursery rhymes for all occasions and saying them with a smile and a gentle voice, you will feel the establishment of a spiritual and emotional connection with your child.

We wake up with nursery rhymes

I rise with the sun,
I sing with the birds.
Good morning!
Happy clear day!
That's how nice we sing!
* * *
We woke up
Stretched out
From side to side
Turn around!
Where are the toys?
You, toy, rattle,
Raise our baby!
* * *
Gray cat sat down
On the stove
And he sang softly
A song for my daughter:
The cockerel woke up
The chicken stood up
Rise up my friend
Get up, my little daughter!
* * *
Who, who lives in this room?
Who, who rises with the sun?
Mashenka woke up
Turned from side to side,
And throwing back the blanket,
Suddenly she stood up on her own feet!
(A. Barto)
* * *
We woke up,
We woke up.
Sweet, sweet reached out.
Mom and Dad smiled.
* * *
We woke up,
Stretched out
Together we smiled at the sun.
Hello Sunshine,
* * *
Stretch and stretch
From toes to top!
We'll stretch, stretch,
Let's not stay small!
We are already growing, growing, growing!
(Nina Pikuleva)
* * *
Stretch, stretch,
Geese flew low
Stretch, stretch,
The feathers are soft in the pillow,
These feathers are stretchy
They gave the geese to Mishenka.
* * *
Stretch, stretch,
Hurry, wake up quickly.
* * *
In little hands - grips,
In the legs - walkers,
In the mouth - a talker,
And in the head - reason!
* * *
Handles-handles - stretchers
And the palms are clappers.
Legs-legs - stompers,
Running errands, jumping.
Good morning, hands,
Palms and legs,
Flower cheeks -
* * *
The sun looks out the window,
It shines into our room.
We will clap our hands -
We are very happy about the sun.

We wash ourselves with nursery rhymes

Water off a duck's back,
From a baby - thinness
Roll away, all of you.
* * *
Ay, okay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water!
Clean water
Wash our face
Wash your palms
Wet us a little
Ay, okay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water!
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom!
* * *
Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks red,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites!
* * *
Ay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water,
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at the baby.
* * *
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, where are you hiding, water!
Come out, water, we came to wash ourselves!
Place it on your palm and your leg.
Leisya, Leisya boldly -
Have fun washing your face!
* * *
Oh, the water is good!
Good water!
Let's give the baby a bath
May your face shine!
* * *
Glug, glug, glug,
We wash in a basin.
There are little frogs nearby,
Fish and ducklings.
* * *
The water is flowing,
Growing child
Water off a duck's back -
The child is thin.
Water downwards
And the child is up.
* * *
The swan geese were flying,
They flew into an open field,
We found a bathhouse in the field,
The little swan was given a bath.
* * *
The bunny began to wash himself.
Apparently he was going to visit.
I washed my mouth,
I washed my nose,
I washed my ear
It's dry!
* * *
Open the tap
Wash your nose!
Wash right away
Both eyes
Wash your neck
* * *
Okay, okay,
Wash your little paws with soap.
Clean palms
Here's some bread and spoons!
* * *
My, my chimney sweep
Clean clean, clean, clean.
There will be, there will be a chimney sweep
Clean, clean, clean, clean.
(K. Chukovsky)
* * *
We'll go swimming
And splash in the water,
Splash, frolic,
Lena will wash.
We'll wash your feet
To our sweet baby,
Let's wash our hands
Little Alyonka,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
How clean
Dear daughter!
* * *
Oh, who's naked?
Who went swimming?
Who found some water?
* * *
From some water, from some water
Everything sparkles with smiles!
From some water, from some water
More cheerful flowers and birds!
Katya washes herself,
The sun smiles!

Let's comb our hair with fun

Cockerel cockerel,
Comb my comb.
Well, please, please
I'll comb my curls.
* * *
Grow, braid, to the waist,
Don't lose a hair.
Grow, braid, to your toes -
All the hairs are in a row.
Grow up, braid, don't get confused -
Mom, daughter, listen.
* * *
You grow, grow, braid,
To the silk belt:
How will you grow, braid,
You will be a beauty to the city.
* * *
I'll braid my hair,
I'll braid Russian hair,
I weave, I weave, I weave,
I sentence:
"You grow, grow, braid,
The whole city is beautiful."
* * *
I scratch, scratch, hairs,
I'm combing my scarves.

Dressing with nursery rhymes

Dasha put on her mitten.
"Oh, where am I going?"
Dasha took off her mitten,
Look, I found it!
* * *
Like our bird
Dark eyelashes.
Like our baby
Warm feet.
Like our paw
Marigolds are scratchy.
On the feather bed,
On the sheet
Not to the edge - to the middle
They put a pebble down
They wrapped up the tough guy!
* * *
Masha put on her mitten:
-Oh, where am I going?
There is no finger, it’s gone,
I didn’t get to my little house!
Masha took off her mitten:
-Look, I found it!
You search, you search and you will find!
Hello, little finger, how are you?
* * *
Our Katya is little,
She's wearing a scarlet fur coat,
beaver edge,
Katya is black-browed.
* * *
Aunt Agashka,
Sew me a shirt!
We need to dress up -
Let's go for a ride!
* * *
We have only one Vanechka,
We won't give it to anyone.
We'll sew him a coat,
We'll send him for a walk.

Cooking and entertaining with nursery rhymes

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Don't cook porridge,
Cook it thin,
Boil it soft
Yes, milky!
* * *
Ay tata, tata, tata!
Please sieve:
Sift through the flour,
Start some pies.
And for our sweetheart
Let's start pancakes,
Let's bake a pancake
Let's feed our son!
* * *
Ay, tu-tu, ah, tu-tu,
Cook some porridge,
Add some milk
Feed the Cossack.
* * *
Boil-boil porridge
In a blue cup
Get ready quickly
Gurgling is more fun
Cook, porridge, sweet
From thick milk
Yes, from semolina.
The one who eats porridge
All your teeth will grow!
To each his own:
The stove has a log,
Hay for the cow
Grass for the calf
Water for the lamb
And for you, son,
A piece of sugar.
* * *
Okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes.
We'll put it on the window.
Let's make it cool down.
Let's wait a little
We'll give everyone some pancakes.
* * *
Okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes.
We'll put it on the window.
Let's make it cool down.
And when it cools down, we’ll eat
And we'll give it to the sparrows.
* * *
We make Easter cakes
Round like a face.
We take it out of the oven,
Delicious Easter cakes.
* * *
Grind, grind the mill,
Chalk, grind, don't be lazy!
They gave us grains,
Buckwheat flour -
The guys have some porridge,
For pancakes,
For sweet cheesecake.
* * *
Tushki tu-tush!
Grandma baked cheesecakes.
Cheesecakes for everyone
Yes, a mug of milk.
Okay, okay!
Grandma baked pancakes.
I poured oil on it,
She treated everyone.

We eat with nursery rhymes

Ay doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo
The shepherd lost his dudu.
And I found a pipe
I gave the shepherdess:
- Come on, dear shepherd,
There's a cow lying there
He looks at the calf
But he doesn’t go home
Doesn't carry milk -
I need to cook porridge,
Feed Sasha porridge.
* * *
Ay, tu-tu, ah, tu-tu,
Cook some porridge,
Add some milk
Feed the Cossack.
* * *
There are rolls in the oven,
Hot as fire.
For whom are they baked?
Rolls for Mashenka,
They are hot for Mashenka.
* * *
Vanechka, Vanyusha,
Eat all the porridge.
Hit the spoon
Stomp your foot.
Clap your hands
And pet the cat.
* * *
Boil, boil, porridge,
In a blue cup
Cook quickly
Gurgle more merrily.
Cook, porridge, sweet,
From thick milk,
From thick milk,
Yes, from semolina.
The one who eats the porridge
All your teeth will grow!
* * *
Deep - not shallow,
Ships in saucers.
onion head,
red carrot,
Parsley, potatoes,
A little grain.
Here the boat is sailing,
Swims right into your mouth!
* * *
Hot porridge
Cold porridge
Languishing in a pot
Our favorite.
A long, long time ago
We became friends with her,
But we can't choose -
Which one tastes better?
And in the heat of the moment
She's beautiful
And the porridge is cold
Tasty too.
We won't hesitate
With a question like this
And any porridge
Let's eat quickly.
* * *
Goo-goo-goo, goo-goo-goo,
On a green meadow,
On the green in the meadow
A cup worth of cottage cheese.
Two grouse arrived
They pecked and flew away.
How they flew
We looked at them.
* * *
Cunning saucepan
She cooked porridge for us
Covered it with a handkerchief.
And waits, waits,
Who will come first?
* * *
The delicious porridge is steaming,
Lesha sits down to eat porridge,
The porridge is very good
We ate the porridge leisurely.
Spoon by spoon
We ate a little.
* * *
Who is our favorite?
- First spoon for mom,
And the second one for whom?
- Yes, for your dad,
Who is the third spoon for?
- For a cheerful matryoshka doll,
Eat for grandma
Eat for your grandfather
For the boy - for the neighbor,
For girlfriends and friends,
Eat more, don't regret it!
Eat for the holiday
Noisy, bright,
For guests and for gifts,
For the kitten, for Timoshka
This little spoon
And for the red cat,
The plate is empty!
* * *
Okay, okay,
Let's bake pancakes.
We'll put it on the window.
Let's make it cool down.
And when it cools down, we’ll eat,
And we'll give it to the sparrows.
* * *
Okay, okay!
Grandma baked pancakes.
I poured oil on it,
She treated everyone.
Dasha is two,
Pasha - two,
Vanya - two,
Tanya - two,
Sasha - two,
Masha is two,
The pancakes are good
Our good grandmother!
* * *
Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki,
The little ones have arrived,
The ghouls began to say:
“What should we feed Mashenka?”
One will say: “Porridge”
Another: “Sour milk”
The third will say: “With milk,
And a rosy pie.”
* * *
On my plate
Red squirrel.
So that she can be seen
I eat everything to the bottom!
* * *
Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
Ships sailed on the sea,
They brought porridge for Nastya.
Milk kashenka
For my beloved daughter.
Nastya, open your mouth,
Swallow the sweet porridge.
And who eats porridge?
Listens to mom and dad
Grows strong
Healthy and beautiful.
* * *
Donut, flatbread
She was sitting in the oven,
She looked at us
I wanted it in my mouth.
* * *
Little hands, dance once -
You'll have a pie tomorrow!
Oh, you are my craftsmen,
Quick hands-sisters!
There will be apple pie
Just dance once.
* * *
Gray hedgehog
Baked a pie
fox fox
I brought the rolls,
Old man boar
I poured a jug of honey,
They're going to call Mashenka
Feast in the clearing!
* * *
Shirt, shirt,
white-sided white-sided,
I jumped on the threshold,
Called guests.
Guests, into the yard -
Porridge, on the table,
Guests from the yard -
Porridge from the table.
* * *
Forty, forty,
Where were you?
- Far:
In the forest at the edge,
Straightened up
Cooked porridge
stood on the threshold,
She fed the children
Collected guests
Treated everyone:
One - a spoon,
To the other - a spoon,
And for the third - a whole slice!
* * *
The soup is thin,
But nutritious!
You'll be skinny
But pot-bellied!
* * *
Tilly-hour, Tilly-hour!
Our lunch arrived.
Let's eat a spoon for mom,
Let's eat a spoon for dad,
For the dog and for the cat,
Sparrow knocks on the window:
"Give me a spoon too!"
So lunch is over.
* * *
The weed ant rose from its sleep,
The tit bird took hold of the grain,
Bunnies for cabbage
Mice - for the crust,
Guys - for the milk.
* * *
Tushki tu-tush!
Grandma baked cheesecakes.
Cheesecakes for everyone
Yes, a mug of milk.
Milk is delicious
Sweet cheesecakes!
* * *
The kitten has it in a cup
There was a lot of porridge.
Two grouse have arrived
Two grouse ate the porridge.
And they shout to the kitten:
- You're rotten, you're rotten!
If they gave you porridge,
I need to eat it quickly!
* * *
Clever girl, Marishka,
Eat some sweet porridge
Delicious, fluffy,
Soft, fragrant.
* * *
Duck duckling,
kitten cat,
Little mouse
Calling for lunch.
The ducks have eaten
The cats have eaten
The mice have eaten.
Have you not yet?
Where's your spoon?
Eat at least a little!
* * *
This is a spoon
This is a cup.
There is buckwheat porridge in the cup.
The spoon has been in the cup -
The buckwheat porridge is gone!

Gymnastics with nursery rhymes

Tough kids
We went out onto the site
Tough kids
Doing exercises!
Three four.
Hands up!
Wider legs!
* * *
(Tap your baby's fists against each other)
Views, views,
Views I view,
I beat the mallets,
I'm pinning it down.
* * *
Pinocchio stretched,
Once - bent over,
Two - bent over,
Three - bent over.
He spread his arms to the side,
Apparently I couldn't find the key.
To get us the key,
You need to stand on your toes.
* * *
So we threw up our hands,
As if they were surprised.
And to each other to the ground
Bowed to the waist!
Bent over, straightened up,
They bent over and straightened up.
Lower, lower, don't be lazy,
Bow and smile.
* * *
(Make your baby’s legs a “bicycle”)
Where are you running, legs?
-Where are you running, legs?
- Along the summer path,
From hillock to hillock
For berries in the forest.
In the green forest
I'll call you
black blueberries,
Scarlet strawberries.
* * *
Stretch - stretch,
From the toes to the top of the head,
We'll stretch, stretch,
We won't stay small.
We're already growing,
We are growing, we are growing!
* * *
Stretch my friend
Turn on your side
Turn over on your tummy
Smile gently at mom.
I'll walk along the back
I'll take the sickly one away,
Grow up nice
Yes, healthy.
* * *
Grow higher, Masha,
To the mansion, to the roof.
Grow up, don't spoil me
Sorry for mom and dad.
Grow with timber thickness
Yes, as tall as a building.
* * *
One - jump!
Two - jump!
I'm galloping!
I'm flying!
* * *
(Spread the baby’s arms to the sides and bring them together, crossing them on the chest)
Dad - fathoms,
And to my mother - fathoms,
And to my sister - a fathom,
And brother - fathom
And Vanyushenka is big,
The greatest
The biggest one.
* * *
Hamster-hamster, hamster,
(puff out your cheeks like a hamster)
Striped barrel.
(pat yourself on the sides)
Khomka gets up early
He washes his cheeks and rubs his eyes.
(take appropriate actions)
The hamster sweeps the hut
(lean over and do similar movements)
And goes out to charge.
One two three four five,
Khomka wants to become strong.
(show how strong he wants to become).
Mom and Kolya in order
Now they'll do some exercises.

Massage with nursery rhymes

They beat flax, they beat,
(tap your fists on the back)
Stoked, drowned,
(rub with palms)
They beat, they beat,
Crushed, crushed,
(knead with fingers)
They were shaking, they were shaking,
White tablecloths were woven,
(draw with the edges of your palms)
The tables were set.
(stroke with palms)
* * *
Pink belly
Purrs like a cat
Purring like a puppy
It gurgled like a stream.
Oh, you belly, belly,
Who lives inside there?
Who's disturbing the bainki?
Little bunny?
We'll stroke our bellies
Thick watermelons.
The puppy is sleeping, the kitten is sleeping.
The child smiles.
* * *
Where are your palms and fingers?
They caught a bunny in the forest.
Ears on top of the head, tail - baby,
He's shaking all over and rushing to mommy.
They caught him, hugged him, and then ran.
* * *
I'll give you some cream,
I will stroke her legs and arms.
* * *
Baba sowed peas -
Jump-jump, jump-jump!
The ceiling collapsed -
Jump-jump, jump-jump!
Baba walked, walked, walked,
I found the pie
I sat down, ate,
I went again.
Baba stood on her toes,
And then on the heel,
They began to dance Russian
And then squat!
* * *
Like this week
Two grouse flew in:
We walked around and pinched
They walked around and pecked.
We sat and sat
And they flew back.
They'll arrive at the end of the week
Our dear aunts.
We will wait for the grouse -
Let's give them some crumbs to peck.
(accompany the words with stroking, pinching, rocking the back)
* * *
We chop the cabbage, chop it,
(movements with the ribs of the palms)
We are three carrots, three,
(movements with knuckles)
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
(spot touches with fingers)
We press cabbage, we press,
(squeezing muscles with fingers)
We drink cabbage juice, we drink.
(stroking movements with palms)
* * *
In the meadow, in the meadow
(pat your belly clockwise)
There is a bowl of cottage cheese.
Two grouse arrived
(pinch the barrel from bottom to top)
(run your fingers over your tummy)
Flew away
* * *
The legs are long, the legs are slender.
We remember, we rub, then we shake,
Let's come to the tummy.
* * *
Dad the hedgehog, dad the hedgehog,
won't you rub our back?
* * *
Stretch my friend
Turn on your side
Turn over on your tummy
Smile gently at mom.
* * *
(run your finger over your palm)
Here's some water for you
(move your finger over your palm, pinch)
Here's some crumbs for you
On my palm.
* * *
Grow higher, Masha,
To the mansion, to the roof.
Grow up, don't spoil me
Sorry for mom and dad.
Grow with timber thickness
Yes, as tall as a building.
* * *
Rails, rails,
(draw one, then another line along the spine)
Sleepers, sleepers,
(draw transverse lines)
The train was late.
(palm on the back)
From the last carriage
Suddenly millet began to fall.
(knock your fingers)
The chickens came and pecked.
(tap with index fingers)
The geese came and nibbled.
(pinch your back)
The fox came
She waved her tail.
(pat your back)
An elephant passed
(back of fists)
The elephant passed by
(back of fists with less force)
A little elephant passed by.
(put three fingers together)
* * *
Let's stroke the hand with our hand,
Let's rub our finger with our finger,
Let's take a little rest,
And then we'll start again.
* * *
A squirrel sits on a cart
(stroke the heel in a circular motion)
She distributes nuts
To the fat-fifted bear -
(stroke your fingers)
Bunny with a mustache,
To my little fox sister,
To the titmouse sparrow,
To whom in the mouth,
(stroke the balls of your feet with your thumb)
Who cares,
Who cares?
* * *
I'll walk along the back
I'll take the sickly one away,
Grow up nice
Yes, healthy.
* * *
I was sitting on a rowan tree,
Cats were teasing me
Small kittens
They scratched my heels.

We console ourselves with nursery rhymes

Oh, how wet, how wet,
Little eyes got wet.
Who will hurt the baby?
The goat will gore him.
* * *
Don't cry, don't cry baby
A squirrel will jump up to you,
Will bring nuts
For Car nursery rhymes.
* * *
The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby
Meow-meow - the pussy will say
Our baby is good.
* * *
You, Katyusha, don’t cry,
I'll buy you a kalach
I'll hang it around your neck,
And then I’ll console you.
* * *
From my Olya
Go away, pains,
To an open field,
To the blue sea
To the dark forest
For viburnum, for raspberries,
To the bitter mother aspen.
* * *
One clove, two cloves -
Dashenka is soon to be one year old!
My daughter is whining again,
We will console Dasha:
Grow your teeth
Little by little, little by little -
Don't disturb your daughter's sleep!
Don't stop her from playing!
We will jump and gallop,
Hugging mom tenderly!
* * *
Pussy is in pain
The dog is in pain
And my baby
Live, live, live.
* * *
The cat is in pain
The dog is in pain
The horse is in pain
But Vanyusha doesn’t hurt!

Let's walk with nursery rhymes

And frets, frets, frets,
No gardens have been planted.
And my Sasha will go,
He will plant and water,
Top, top, top...
* * *
Big feet
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:
* * *
Stand up, baby, one more time,
Take a small step.
Our boy walks with difficulty,
Walks around the house for the first time.
* * *
Katya, Katya is little,
Katya is remote,
Walk along the path
Stomp, Katya, with your little foot.
* * *
Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path:
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy.
* * *
Our Zhenya by gender
The first time I stomped.
Got down on my knees
I crawled to the wall,
Raised both hands
She swayed and went.
Stomp, stomp your feet,
New boots!
Top-top to the corner,
She stood and went.
Far away in another corner
Ball and teddy bear on the floor.
Zhenya wants to take them,
He stomps his feet.
She ran, swayed,
Slap - and immediately stretched out.
Zhenechka did not cry,
Little by little she stood up
And all the way to the corner
It went all over the room.
She grabbed the bear by the leg,
She rolled the ball with her foot,
And then I went again
Walking around the room -
To the sofa, to the window,
I walked under the table a little
It's a little dark under the table -
The tablecloth is long all around.
And on the chair is Murka,
Gray skin.
Raising my palm,
Zhenya strokes the cat.
He tells her: "Pai-pay."
He tells her: “Bye-bye.”
Murka squints slightly -
He knows whose hand it is.
Standing by the chair
Zhenya had a rest
And then I went again
Walk around the room.
She made it to the closet
And groaning, she sat down on the floor.
We need to rest again -
There is a long way ahead.
* * *
On a flat path
Our feet are walking.
One-two, one-two, one-two!
By the pebbles, by the pebbles
Our feet are walking.
One-two, one-two, one-two!
* * *
Stomp, stomp, stomp...
The toys are surprised
The cat jumped onto the window:
Olya is walking on the floor!
He doesn't walk with his hands,
And he stamps his feet.
Little legs
Red boots.
And I'm surprised myself
Why doesn't she fall?
(Z. Alexandrova)
* * *
Top, top, top, top,
Walk, walk with your feet
Firmly on the path.
* * *
Get out of the way, cat
Our Tanya is coming.
Top-top, top-top,
Our Tanya is coming,
There's no way he'll fall.
Top-top, top-top,
That's what Tanechka is like.
* * *
What kind of legs, what kind of legs
You, our baby!
Neither dog nor cat
We won't give you your legs.
These legs, these legs
They will run along the track.

Getting to know Taurus with nursery rhymes

Here they are in the crib
Pink heels.
Whose heels are these?
Soft and sweet?
The goslings will come running,
They'll pinch your heels.
Hide quickly, don’t yawn,
Cover with a blanket!
* * *
Where are our pens?
Here are our pens!
Where are our legs?
Here are our legs!
And this is Liza’s nose
It's all overgrown with goats.
And these are the eyes, ears,
Cheeks are thick pillows,
What is this? Tummy!
But this is Liza’s mouth!
Show me your tongue
Let's tickle your side.
* * *
Where are our ears?
The pestles are listening!
Where are the eyes?
Watching fairy tales!
Where are the teeth?
They're hiding their lips!
Well, keep your mouth shut!
* * *
What does my son need legs for?
To run on the track!
Why does my son need ears?
To listen to rattles!
What does my son need his mouth for?
So that you can drink milk from your mother!
What does my son need eyes for?
To look at the world of colors!
What does my son need a back for?
To lie on the sheet!
What does my son need his butt for?
To clap his palm!
Why was my son born?
To make dad proud of him!
* * *
Forest, (hair)
Glade, (forehead)
Ovrazhek, (nose)
Pit (mouth).
* * *
We are small hands
But we don't know boredom
We always have things to do:
She grabbed it, she took it.
Even if we are not asked,
We wear something all the time
And the bear and the hedgehog
We will stroke it slowly.
Our fingers - crumbs -
Clever assistants
And they will take a pea,
If they find it somewhere.
Our little finger is very small,
The nameless one stood nearby,
And behind them the middle one -
Important - not the last.
We have an attentive
Index finger.
And a little sideways -
The thickest and biggest -
The finger is very important,
Holds a spoon well.
If your fingers are obedient,
We are both dexterous and friendly,
Helping kids
Do all your deeds.
* * *
With the legs of a walker,
Grasping hands.
Mouth of chatterboxes,
Eyes clap clap.
* * *
Nose, forehead,
Cheeks, chin.
Ears, eyes,
Mishenka's fairy tales.
* * *
Spider, spider,
Grab Anya by the side.
Frog, frog,
Grab Anya by the ear.
Deer, deer,
Grab Anya by the knees.
Doggie, doggie,
Grab Anya by the nose.
Hippopotamus, hippopotamus,
Grab Anya by the stomach.
Wasp, wasp,
Grab Anya by the hair.
Grasshoppers, grasshoppers,
Grab Anya by the shoulders.
* * *
My mouth can eat,
Breathe your nose and listen to your ears,
Little eyes blink, blink,
Handles - grab and grab everything.
* * *
Wall, wall,
(touch cheeks)
Two steps
(walk your fingers over your lips)
Ring - bell!
(press the spout)

Swimming with nursery rhymes

Ay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water,
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom.
* * *
Glug, glug, glug, crucian carp.
We wash in a basin.
There are frogs, fish and ducklings nearby.
* * *
The water is flowing,
Growing child
Water off a duck's back -
You're too thin.
Water downwards
To the child up.
Water off a duck's back,
From the swan - water,
And you're thin.
* * *
Who will be there koop-kup,
Is the water squelch-squish?
To the bath quickly - jump, jump,
In the bathtub with your foot - jerk, jerk!
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere.
* * *
We won't go to bed early:
My daughter needs to be bathed.
Warm water
Let's pour on our bird.
Oh, water off a duck's back,
Alyonushka is thin!
Let's get a diaper
Wrap Alyonka.
* * *
We'll go swimming
And splash in the water,
Splash, frolic,
Nastya will wash herself.
We'll wash your feet
To our sweet baby,
Let's wash our hands
Little Nastenka,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
How clean
Dear daughter!
* * *
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
Who's naked here?
Who's naked here?
And cheerful?
Who came to swim
Who found some water?
Eh, the water is good,
Good water!
Give the baby a bath
May your face shine!

Falling asleep with nursery rhymes

Ay, bye, bye, bye,
You're a dog, don't bark!
You, cow, don't moo!
You rooster, don't crow!
And our boy will sleep,
He will close his eyes.
* * *
Ay, lyulenki and lyulenki,
A deer is walking through the mountains.
He wears sleep on his horns,
She brings it into every house.
He puts the nap in the cradle,
Sings a song quietly.
* * *
Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Salmon fish, come!
Salmon fish, come,
Wait for Alexei.
Alexeyka will grow up,
Will go to the sea with dad.
He will begin to catch salmon,
He will feed his mother.
* * *
Bye-bye, bye-bye,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
Grandfather Mamai came to us,
He asks: “Give me back Mashenka!”
But we won’t give Masha,
It will be useful to us ourselves.
* * *
Bye-bye, go to sleep, Katyushka,
My funny bunny
Close your bunny eyes,
* * *
There are bunnies in the garden.
Bunnies eat grass
Small children are told to sleep.
* * *
The seagulls have arrived.
They began to flap their wings,
Our Katya must be put to sleep.
* * *
You've already had some tea,
I ate porridge and played enough,
Got crazy, chatted,
So now go to sleep,
Here I sat on the gate
Talking magpie:
It's time for the little one to go to bed!"
The pigeons looked out the windows:
"Guli-guli - guli-guli,
The little one needs to sleep
So as not to oversleep in the morning."
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
How I love the baby!
* * *
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge -
The little gray wolf will come,
He will grab the barrel
He will grab the barrel
And he will drag you into the woods,
And he will drag you into the woods,
Under a broom bush.
You, little top, don't come to us,
Don't wake up our Katya!
* * *
It's evening outside the window,
And there's a month in the sky...
The baby is sleeping in the crib,
A horse sleeps in a stall,
The squirrel is in the hollow,
The dog is in the kennel.
Well, the sun will wake up,
The baby will smile at his mother.
It will be a fun day.
Grow your baby healthy.
* * *
Like in our den
Three barrels of honey,
Like our children -
Sweet paws...
The first dream is buckwheat,
And the second one is floral,
How will the month come out?
I'll dream about linden.
Sleepyheads and sweet tooths,
To the spoiled bullies,
Bear children -
Bubble under your ear!
* * *
Lyuli, lyuli, lyulenki,
Little blue little birds are flying.
The ghouls are flying out there, out there.
They bring the baby sleep, sleep.
The ghouls will coo
The baby will sleep soundly.
The ghouls will talk
What to feed the baby.
They will fly into the woods
And they will find a spike there,
They will start cooking porridge,
They will feed the baby,
White porridge with milk
And a rosy pie.
* * *
Little bunnies
They wanted some goodies,
They wanted some goodies,
Because they're bunnies.
We'll get some sleep
We'll lie on our backs.
We'll lie on our backs
And let's sleep quietly.
* * *
The night has come
Brought darkness
The cockerel dozed off
The cricket started singing
It's late, son,
Lie down on your side
Bye-bye, go to sleep...
* * *
Oh, little darlings,
Little babes,
Sleep sweetly at night
Yes, grow by the hour!
* * *
The bell rang.
It's time to sleep, little flower.
The sun fell asleep
The cloud went to bed.
And the magical blue bird
Brought you good dreams.
Mommy will hug you tenderly.
Go to sleep my baby
My joy!
* * *
The cat went into the woods,
The cat found a belt
How to hook up the cradle
Yes, put Vanyusha,
Vanya will sleep soundly,
Kitty - pump Vanya.
* * *
Undress me
Undress me
Lay me down
Cover me
I'll fall asleep
Me myself!
* * *
Sleep, little bunny,
The little animal is small.
What kind of zyuzika,
Little belly.
There's a bridge across the river.
Top top top.
Full bellies.
A bridge across the river,
there's a fluffy tail there.
And the little hare is a fidget,
Surprised eyes.
* * *
Quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly,
Tikhon enters our doors,
Don't yell, don't scream,
And cradle and rock.
Tikhon sings a song,
He distributes dreams to the children:
“In this dream there is a balloon,
In this dream there is a dog Sharik,
In this - doves fly,
Children want to sleep in this.”
Quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly,
Dusk, slumber and peace.
Kids are sleeping. Tikhon leaves
To a quiet house across the river.
* * *
There is a pine tree at the gate,
Green at the gate.
Like on that pine tree
The cradle is hung:
The blankets are new,
Silk ribbons,
Golden shelf
And the hook is curled.
The pine tree is noisy.
* * *
You, little kitten,
Kitty - gray tail!
Come and spend the night with us,
Download our Dashenka,
Download our Dashenka,
To lull.
How am I for you, cat?
I will pay for the work:
I'll give you a piece of the pie
And a jug of milk.
* * *
Sleep walks around the cradle -
Bye, bye.
Whose eyes wanted to sleep here -
I know I know.
Don't shake them with your fists, close them,
Sleep rocks the cradle.
Go to sleep.
* * *
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a little nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep
Nobody makes any noise anymore.
- Shhh...

Nursery rhyme is a genre of oral folk art. Rhythmic short poems entertain and develop the baby. Easy nursery rhymes involve a small child performing certain actions together with an adult. Let's talk about what nursery rhymes are in principle, and what role they play in the development of children.

What are nursery rhymes and why are they needed?

First of all, nursery rhymes are needed for the development of the child - physical, mental, emotional, speech. They are invaluable helpers for the mother, as they help set the child in the right mood: calm, encourage, cheer, set him up for sleep or bathing.

There are nursery rhymes for all occasions: nursery rhymes for getting to know the outside world, for getting to know your own body, nursery rhymes for washing and combing your hair, that is, for any activity a child does during the day. And also, nursery rhymes for kids know how to educate and teach kids to distinguish good from bad: “Mom, daughter, listen,” “Small, small, not good!” You didn’t bring any water.”

Read them regularly and over time the baby will wait for the familiar lines and smile at you. And soon he will start adding words. After all, he had already learned them by heart.

A nursery rhyme introduces a child to the world, teaches him to live, and teaches him to have fun. We can say that nursery rhyme is a fun folk school for the little ones. Today we’ll talk, remember and play morning nursery rhymes! We already mentioned them in .

Morning nursery rhymes

Start the day with fun and rhythmic nursery rhymes - good habit. Thanks to them, your mood will be good and your awakening will be pleasant! The pillows are even softer and more tender in the morning... wake up your baby with a good morning nursery rhyme:

We just woke up

We woke up
Stretched out
From side to side
Turn around!
Where are the toys?
You, toy, rattle,
Raise our baby!

In the morning

Our ducks in the morning:
- Quack-quack-quack!
- Quack-quack-quack!
Our geese by the pond:
- Ha-ga-ha!
- Ha-ga-ga
And the turkey in the middle of the yard:
- Ball-ball-ball!
- Ball-bal-ball
Our buns above:
- Grru-grru-u-grru-u!
Our chickens through the window:
- Ko-ko-ko!
- Ko-ko-ko!
What about Petya the Cockerel?
Early in the morning
He will sing to us “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Give me your hands...

Give me your hands,
Yes, get out of bed,
Let's go wash up
Where can we find some water?


Hello, Nastenka!
Hello Sunshine!
How did my little flower sleep?
How did you miss your mom?
Now I'll take it in my arms,
I'll press it straight to your heart!
I'll kiss you and hug you!
I will raise my daughter to the sky.

Who's already woken up?

Who's already woken up?
Who reached out so sweetly?
Stretching exercises,
From toes to top!
We'll stretch, we'll stretch,
Let's not stay small!
This is how, this is how we grow, We grow!
That's how we'll walk with our legs, Let's go!

In the morning the butterfly woke up...

In the morning the butterfly woke up
Smiled, stretched,
Once she washed herself with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully,
Three - bent down and sat down,
At four, it flew away.

Spilling stick

Here comes my sweetie
Woke up in a crib!
Home welcomes you
The birds are singing
The sun is shining blue,
And mom just loves!

Be healthy!

I whisper almost inaudibly:
"I love you baby!
Every finger is sweet,
Funny button nose
He sneezes like a big one!
Be healthy, my golden one!”

Our baby swallow

Our baby swallow
Calls mommy.
Our baby with a sweetheart
Calls daddy.
Our baby bunny
Grandma calls.

* * *

Pull-ups -
Across - fatties,
And there are walkers in the legs,
And in the hands there are grabbers,
And in the mouth - a talk,
And in the head - reason.

* * *

Come out, come out, sunshine,
Above my window
Come out, come out, sunshine,
We will sow the seed.
The night has passed
The darkness took away.
The cricket fell silent
The cockerel crowed.
I lay down for a while...
She opened the window:
Hello Sunshine -

We woke up

We woke up, we woke up.
Sweet, sweet reached out.
Mom and dad smiled

* * *

Carcasses, carcasses,
Sat on the pillow
Girlfriends came
Pushed off the pillow.
I'll raise my son
Up a steep hill.
Bang! Let's roll!
They fell off the hill!

Sunny, look through the window

Sunshine, sunshine,
look through the window.
Look through the window
wake up Kiryushka.
So that the day is a little longer,
so we can find out more
so that the toys don’t get bored,
and they played with Serezhenka.

I'll put you on your heels...

I'll put you on your heels
Right by the crib.
I'll take off my pants
From my beloved baby.
I'll put it on the potty.
Make your mom happy, my friend!

In the morning the sun woke up

In the morning the sun woke up.
The children smiled through the windows.
You, Kiryushechka, get up,
And make the bed.

Well, the baby woke up and he great mood! It's time for morning routine! However, not all children like to wash themselves. But if from early childhood you turn washing into a game with songs and fun, nursery rhymes and fairy tales, then very soon the baby himself will not notice how much he will love to wash his eyes and cheeks. Below you will find fun nursery rhymes for washing and bathing.

Nursery rhymes for bathing and washing

Before each wash of the child, talk to him each time about your favorite nursery rhyme for washing. This will bring great joy to the child, both in the morning and especially in the evening while bathing in the bath.

Ay, okay, okay, okay...

Ay, okay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water!
Clean water
Wash our face
Wash your palms
Wet us a little
Ay, okay, okay, okay,
We are not afraid of water!
We wash ourselves clean,
We smile at mom!

We'll go swimming

We'll go swimming
And splash in the water,
Splash, frolic,
Masha will take a bath.
We'll wash your feet
To our sweet baby,
Let's wash our hands
Little Nastenka,
Back and tummy
Face and mouth -
How clean
Dear daughter!

Cleaning and cleaning the chimney sweep

Cleaning and cleaning the chimney sweep
- clean, clean, clean, clean!
There will be, there will be a chimney sweep
clean-clean, clean-clean.

Open the tap!

Open up!
Wash yourself!
Take a bath!
Give up!

Oh, the water is good!

Oh, the water is good!
Good water!
Let's give the baby a bath
May your face shine!

We won't go to bed early

We won't go to bed early:
My daughter needs to be bathed.
Warm water
Let's pour on our bird.
Oh, water off a duck's back,
Alyonushka is thin!
Let's get a diaper
Wrap Alyonka.

* * *

At dawn in the forest, awake
The hedgehog washes itself.
Mother hedgehog takes the basin,
He rubs the little hedgehog's face.

* * *

Squirrel to fox
sailed in a sieve,
She sailed in a sieve,
I rowed with a yoke,
And the squirrel has a sail...
Shouldn't we start over again?

* * *

Okay, okay,
Wash your little paws with soap.
Clean palms
Here's some bread and spoons for you.
Ducks, ducks,
We swam, we swam,
Let's fly, fly,
They sat on my son!

* * *

The bear came to the ford,
Plunge into the water!
Already soaked, soaked, soaked,
Already from kitties, kitties, kitties,
Got out, dried up,
Stood on the deck -
Plunge into the water!

Squish-squish with your hands

Squish-squish with your hands,
The basin is full of soap.
Don't touch Zhenechka,
Soap pen eyes.
And the water gurgles,
And the water is foaming.
Zhenya will wash herself,
He combs his hair and gets dressed.

The bunny began to wash himself

The bunny began to wash himself,
Apparently, he was going to visit,
I washed my mouth,
I washed my nose,
I washed my ear
It's dry.

Oh, who's naked?

Oh, who's naked?
Who went swimming?
Who found some water?

Glug, glug, glug, crucian carp

Glug, glug, glug, crucian carp.
We wash in a basin.
There are frogs, fish and ducklings nearby.

From some water

From some water, from some water
Everything sparkles with smiles!
From some water, from some water
More cheerful flowers and birds!
Kira washes her face
The sun smiles!

Water, wash my face

Water, water,
Wash Kiryushka's face,
Kiryushka was eating porridge,
He got his face dirty.
So that the boy is
Always the cleanest
Help, water,
Wash Kiryushkin's face.

Water, water

Water, water,
Wash my face
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks red,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.

Who will koop-kup?

Who will be there koop-kup,
Is there a squelch-squelch in the water?
Get into the bath quickly - jump, jump,
In the bathtub with your foot - jump, jump!
The soap will foam
And the dirt will go somewhere.

Nursery rhymes for exercise

If your little one is capricious or in a bad mood, and you haven’t done exercises with him yet, then nursery rhymes can just help you in this situation. Funny rhymes for kids - nursery rhymes about animals will brighten up and decorate, and will help you fall in love with morning exercises.

The cubs lived in the thicket

The cubs lived in the thicket
They turned their heads
Like this, like this ( circular movements of the head)
They turned their heads

The cubs were looking for honey
Together they rocked the tree
(raise your arms up and do like this, like this, tilt to the right and left)
Together they rocked the tree

And then they walked ( walking like a bear)
And they drank water from the river
Like this, like this
And they drank water from the river ( bending the torso forward)

And then they danced
(spring with body rotation left and right)
Paws raised higher
(jumping, clapping hands at the top)

Hamster hamster

Hamster hamster hamster ( puff out our cheeks like a hamster)
Striped barrel ( we stroke ourselves on the sides)

Khomka gets up early ( stretching)
He washes his cheeks and rubs his eyes ( take appropriate actions)
The hamster sweeps the hut ( bend over and pretend to sweep)
And goes out to charge.
One two three four five
Khomka wants to become strong ( show strong).
Mother ( dad, grandma) with Kolya ( Masha, Dasha, Petya) in order
Now they will do the exercises ( then charging).

Bunny, come over!

Bunny, walk around,
Gray, walk around,
Like this, like this, go like this
Bunny, cheer up,
Gray, cheer up,
This way, this way, cheer up,
Bunny, stamp your foot,
Gray, stamp your foot,
This way, this way, stamp your foot.
Bunny, turn around
Gray, turn around
Turn around like this, like that.
Bunny, dance,
Gray, dance,
Dance like this, dance like that.
Bunny, bow down,
Gray, bow down,
This way, this way, bow down!

Bear, raise your paws...

Raise your paws, little bear,
Bear put your paws down,
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, spin around,
And then touch the ground.
And rub your tummy
One, two, three - one, two, three!

Nursery rhymes for exercise - The best way will make you fall in love with air procedures and will give you the beginnings of a love for sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Kick, strike, heel!

(We tap on the heel)
Kick, strike, heel!
Give me the shoe, grandma.
Won't you give me a shoe -
Let's not forge a heel


Stretchers, stretchers
(stroke from head to toes)
Across the fat girl
And there are walkers in the legs,
(move our legs)
And in the hands there are little grabbers,
(clench and unclench your fists)
And in my ears I hear little sounds,
(show ears)
And there are peepers in the eyes,
(show eyes)
And my nose has sniffles,
(show your nose)
And in the mouth there is a talk,
(show your mouth)
And in the head - reason!

Big feet walked along the road...

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Little feet
Running along the path:

We're kicking stomp, stomp

We're kicking stomp, stomp
We clap our hands, clap
We are the eyes of a moment, a moment
We shoulders chick, chick

One here, two here ( turns the body to the right and left)
Turn around yourself
One sat down, two stood up
Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up
Like they became a roly-poly
And then they started galloping ( running in circles)
Like my elastic ball
One, two, one, two ( breathing exercise)
So the game is over.

Pulls, pulls, pulls

Pulls, pulls, pulls,
For a child to grow up,
Grow up, daughter, healthy,
Like an apple tree.
Grow up, son,
Like a strong oak tree.

In the meadow

In the meadow, in the meadow ( stroke the belly clockwise)
Worth a bowl of cottage cheese ( put your palm on your tummy),
Two grouse arrived ( pinch the barrel from bottom to top)
Pecked ( run two fingers over the tummy)
Flew away ( petting the baby).

Tough kids

Tough kids
We went out onto the site
Tough kids
Doing exercises!
Three four.
Hands up!
Wider legs!

* * *

The day begins with happiness,
Happiness arose before everyone else!
Happiness smiles at mom
Turning the smile into laughter.

Happiness splashed across the floor,
Barefoot and without pants,
My happiness is bare-bottomed,
It's foolish

Shabutnoe and restless,
Here it breaks, there it destroys,
Above the lip is a kefir mustache:
Here it is running towards me!

This is such a wonderful collection of children's nursery rhymes we have. And now I invite you to watch some nursery rhymes from the white gosling with your child:

Sunshine, sunshine, look through the window.
Look through the window, wake up Ilyushenka.
So that the day is a little longer,
so we can find out more
so that the toys don’t get bored,
and they played with Ilyushenka.

We woke up, we woke up. –
Sweet, sweet reached out. –
Mom and Dad smiled.

We woke up, stretched,
From side to side Turn around!
Stretches! Stretches!
Where are the toys, rattles?
You, toy, rattle,
Raise our baby!

Temushka - Temushka!
Drive away the slumber!
You get up, get up,
Put your hands on your hands, cheer up!
Look around -
The sun is coming to visit us!

Oh, little darlings!
To our Ilyushka-
Good morning. Good morning!
Morning with jokes, Jokes

Who lives in this room?
Who rises with the sun?
It’s Mashenka who woke up,
Turned from side to side,
She stretched and smiled...

Here comes my sweetie
Woke up in a crib!
Home welcomes you
The birds are singing
The sun is shining blue,
And mom just loves!

Stretch, stretch...
Son wakes up...
Mom's nose, mouth, ears,
little bully!
From the window, a ray of light breaks through,
tickled your forelock.
The nimble prankster woke me up!
He played with you, lovingly.

My daughter woke up
Sweet stretch!
I lay down, I lay down,
Mom smiled!
My heart is beating fast
Oh my little fish!
How far is the road?
I love your smile!

Who's already woken up?
Who reached out so sweetly?
Stretch and stretch
From the toes to the top of the head.
We'll stretch, stretch,
We won't stay small.

Eyes open
Eyes wake up
Leg stretches,
Heel stretchers,
Hands and palms,
Sweet guys!
Give me your elbow
Mom will kiss you!
My dear son!
How I love you!

Who's sweet on the pillow?
Who's lying in bed here?
Whose pink heels are these?
Who woke up here?
Who smiled at mom like that?
And who does mom love so much?
Here's who's favorite!

Stretch, stretch,
Our baby is not a howler,
I just woke up
I stretched
Turned from side to side,
Sat down on the bed,
She sang a song.

The sun is shining:
Where are the children?
On the pillow, on the sheet.
Are pink backs tender?
A clear day has come a long time ago
And knocking on our window!

Who lives in this house?
Who-who rises with the sun?
It was Sashenka who woke up,
Smiled at mom and dad,
And, throwing back the blanket,
Hello Sunshine,

Wake up little eye, wake up another one.
The sun came out to say hello to you.
Look how it smiles!
New day, new day begins!

Little daughter wakes up -
The sun is smiling!
Hello girl,
Hello red!
Hello Sunshine,
Hello, clear!

Stretch, stretch,
Our Andryushka's.
Along it there are long roads,
And across - fatties.

Make Katya look smaller.
Grow up, daughter, healthy,
Like an apple tree.

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