How to get rid of scratches on your face at home. How to quickly cure scratches

There are often cases when girls resort to decorative cosmetics, let out bangs and get an appropriate haircut, wanting to disguise scratches. Of course, this is the right decision, but we must not forget that wounds need proper care and constant treatment. Minor injuries will heal quickly, but deep abrasions require closer attention.

How to get rid of scratches on your face in a short time

Necessary materials: iodine; chlorhexidine or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution; cosmetic tampons; regenerating ointment.

  1. First you need to treat fresh abrasions with hydrogen peroxide. Apply a lot of product to the cosmetic swab and press onto the wound, wait 1 minute. Treat the scratch by slightly spreading the skin to allow the peroxide to penetrate inside. Disinfection can be considered complete when the product stops hissing. If this drug is not in your medicine cabinet, use a chlorhexidine solution. In cases where neither one nor the other is available, rinse the scratch with melted or boiled water. It is important to understand that this is only a temporary measure; as soon as you get to the pharmacy, purchase an antiseptic.
  2. Now you need to apply regenerating ointment to the scratch. “Rescuer” will cope with this task perfectly. It costs a penny and is sold in every pharmacy. The ointment prevents the development of infection, kills viruses, and heals even deep damage. Of the more expensive drugs, you should give preference to Actovegin, Levomekol and Solcoseryl. They are available in the form of gel, cream and ointment, choose what you like best for the price. The products activate metabolic processes in tissues, regenerate cells and stimulate rapid healing. In cases where you received an abrasion a long time ago and it has already crusted over, use Boro Plus gel. Its cost varies from 600 to 1000 rubles depending on the dosage, but the product quickly restores cells and can even eliminate old scars.
  3. The last and important step that should not be skipped. Before going to bed, treat the scratch with iodine. Apply it to a cotton swab and go over the abrasion several times. Don't worry about possible yellow marks, iodine is completely absorbed into the skin within 5 hours, so you will wake up with a clean face. This step must be done in order to dry and disinfect the damage. Please note that deeper abrasions cannot be treated completely; you only need to cover the edges with iodine.

Not for all girls, pharmaceutical products are the only way out of the situation; many trust more “grandmother’s” recipes that have come to us since ancient times. We have collected for you the best folk remedies that will cure scratches in a matter of days.

  1. Yarrow leaves. Grind the plant in a blender or tear it into small pieces. Place the mixture on the wound, secure it with 2 layers of bandage on top so that the mixture does not fall out. Wait 1.5 hours, remove the compress, rinse the wound with water and treat with iodine.
  2. Natural oils. Sea buckthorn, olive, castor and corn oils will help heal abrasions and disinfect them well. Choose the option that is closest to you, apply the product to a cotton pad and wipe the abrasion daily. Oils are good because they do not leave scars or crusts; they penetrate into the scratch and heal it gradually.
  3. Propolis tincture. Dilute 15 ml. products with 140 gr. vodka, leave for 1.5 days, after which you can start treating abrasions. In addition to the fact that propolis disinfects the wound, it also helps get rid of herpes and pustules on the face.
  4. Aloe vera. Take 2 aloe stems, cut them lengthwise and apply one half to the wound. Leave for 10 minutes, take a second one and apply again. Do the same with each half, the procedure will take 40 minutes, you need to do it 1-2 times a day.
  5. Kalanchoe. Squeeze the juice from the plant, pour it into a dark container, wait 2 hours. After the time has passed, shake the bottle, treat your fingers with peroxide and apply the product to the scratch. Repeat simple manipulations 5 times a day.
  6. Tomato juice. Crush a third of the tomato with a fork, removing the skin first. Cover the scratch with porridge, secure with 2-3 layers of gauze, and leave for 1 hour. Wash and wipe the wound with tea tree oil. Carry out the procedure three times a day.
  7. Lemon. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and rub the inside of the zest onto the wound. Apply the juice to a cosmetic swab and make a lotion, wait half an hour. You can also apply a thin slice of lemon to the scratch to reduce the time it takes. Use the product 2 times a day.
  8. Infusion of medicinal herbs. Mix 20 gr. birch bark, 10 gr. St. John's wort, 10 gr. sage and 5 gr. chamomile flowers. Douse the plants with 110 ml. boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Dip a cotton pad into the mixture, do not wring it too hard, apply it to the wound and secure it in a convenient way. The holding time is a quarter of an hour. The frequency of the procedure is from 3 to 6 times a day.
  1. You can change your haircut slightly to hide a temporary skin defect. Wear bangs, make a cascade or another hairstyle with flowing strands.
  2. It is not recommended to apply the adhesive plaster at night; the skin must breathe. As mentioned above, treat the scratch with iodine before going to bed.
  3. In cases where you need to go outside with a fresh abrasion, cover it with an adhesive plaster with a special breathable surface.
  4. If you have a very deep wound that cannot be treated at home, consult a doctor. It is important to eliminate the infection in time and prevent bacterial growth.
  5. When the scratch forms a crust, mask it with corrector, concealer or mattifying powder. Give preference to products with an antibacterial complex, they are sold at the pharmacy.

Do you want to get rid of scratches in a short time? Disinfect the abrasion and treat it with regenerating ointment. Before going to bed, cover the scratch with iodine; by morning it will be completely absorbed. Do not forget about folk remedies; they can easily be prepared at home.

Video: how to get rid of scars and scars

When a scratch occurs, a specific rupture of soft tissue occurs, so the healing process of this microtrauma is quite long. And in case of infection, incorrectly provided first aid and reduced immunity, tissue regeneration will occur even more slowly. Since the skin needs time to recover, it takes about 2-3 days to treat scratches, and not everyone knows how to quickly cure scratches.

When a scratch occurs, first of all it needs to be disinfected, this will prevent infection. Scratches should be treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Wounds caused by animals or due to contact with rusty iron should be washed especially carefully. You can smear the scratch with iodine, brilliant green or fucorcin. A good remedy to prevent infection is skin glue “BF-6” or “Super Glu”.

If the scratch is deep and bleeding, you need to cover it with a bandage or clean cloth for a few minutes. If this does not help stop the bleeding, you need to wet the cloth in hot water and apply it to the scratched area.

Scratches can only be dressed with modern dressing materials based on the collagen-chitosan complex. They will have not only an antiseptic, but also an analgesic effect, and at the same time they will not stick or dry out to the bleeding scratch. Dressing materials with sorbing properties (“Gelevin”, “Anilodiotevin”, “Diovin”, etc.) will cope well with bleeding scratches, prevent suppuration and promote rapid healing.

Ointments will help quickly restore damaged tissue. The most effective are: “Rescuer”, “Panthenol”, “Methyluracil”, Comfrey ointment and Actovegin ointment. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, they can quickly heal any scratches.

In addition to treatment with pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicine can be used to heal scratches. The most effective are: St. John's wort and calendula oils, as well as fir and sea buckthorn oils, propolis solution and aloe juice.

But, since it may be necessary to quickly cure scratches in conditions where none of the listed remedies are available, you need to know the medicinal herbs that can be used for this purpose. The main thing to remember is that herbal medicinal raw materials can be a source of tetanus, and they must be thoroughly rinsed with water before use.

Great plantain juice will help heal scratches quickly. To do this, you need to fix the crushed leaf of the plant with a bandage in the place of the scratch for several hours. In a similar way, you can use beet leaves, as well as bindweed and yarrow leaves.

If the scratch or the area around it is inflamed, it is necessary to treat the affected area with a decoction of oak bark. Due to the presence of a whole complex of phenolic compounds in oak bark, its decoction has disinfectant properties. And the astringent effect provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is not recommended to mask a fresh scratch with cosmetics; this can only be done when it has dried. In this case, powder with a drying effect is suitable for the role of a corrective agent. Also, pharmacies sell correctors that contain antibacterial components; such a product will not only hide the injury, but also promote the healing process.

How to quickly cure scratches - Questions and answers

Alina 05/04/2015 at 13:30:20

You can do everything much simpler - if you have a fresh scratch, immediately treat it with sulfargin ointment. This ointment will pull microbes out of the wound and will not allow them to enter the wound. And such a wound will heal faster. Even children are allowed to use this ointment from one year old and it does not sting like iodine or brilliant green. So there will be no screams during processing.

Valentina 05/04/2015 at 13:30:32

Sulfargin helps my child very well against wounds, scratches and abrasions; it contains silver and has a wide spectrum of antibacterial effects, namely, it inhibits the growth and division of bacteria.

Kolya 05/04/2015 at 13:44:31

After scratches, the scratch site remains, these ointments will help

Tiona 05/24/2015 at 14:33:37

oh, and I also smear Sulfargin on my whole family) the ointment is just cool, without further ado) and we take a tube with us when we go out with the child, and on a hike, and at the dacha) what if I got scratched or injured - I washed the wound with water and applied the ointment (you can wear a bandage) and that’s it, move on)

Careless handling of pets, repairs at the dacha or in an apartment, a walk in the forest or scratching an insect bite can damage the skin on the face and leave an unsightly scratch that is difficult to disguise with foundation. You can get rid of it at home using folk remedies.

Wound care

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the wound from possible contaminants. To do this, rinse the scratch with water, pat dry with a clean towel and treat with hydrogen peroxide.

Do not cover the damage with an adhesive plaster, as bacteria will begin to multiply under it and the wound will become inflamed. In extreme cases, you can use a breathable patch with an antibacterial inner layer.

Home Remedies for Healing Scratches

Use aloe to heal a scratch. Cut a leaf of the plant and apply it with the cut side to the damaged area of ​​​​the skin. Secure the aloe with a bandage and change it several times a day.

To prevent or eliminate inflammation, as well as heal a scratch, you can use an infusion of herbs. To prepare it, pour a small amount of boiling water over a tablespoon of St. John's wort and two tablespoons of yarrow. Leave for half an hour. Make lotions by soaking cotton balls wrapped in gauze or bandage in the infusion. Keep the lotions on the wound for 40 minutes, performing them once a day.

Home remedies are good for minor scratches. If you have a deep skin wound, seek medical attention

You can quickly restore damaged skin and get rid of scratches using dandelion oil. To prepare this remedy, place the flowers in a glass container and fill them with vegetable oil. Then soak everything for 40 minutes in a water bath and leave for another day. Strain the oil and treat the scratch regularly.

For the treatment of minor


If the scratch is fresh and you need to go outside, then you need to cover it with a “breathable” adhesive plaster to prevent infection from entering the wound.


  • how to remove a scratch?

Scratches They take a very long time to heal due to a kind of rupture of soft tissues. If an infection is added to all this, the regeneration process is completely slow. You can get rid of scratches, but it takes at least 2-3 days; you shouldn’t count on faster disappearance, because the skin needs time to recover.


Treat the scratch with hydrogen peroxide, especially if you just got it. You need to wash the wound very carefully if it was caused by the sharp claws of an animal or a rusty animal, otherwise there is a high chance of infection. Alcohol cannot peroxide, like any other solution.

Lightly lubricate the scratch with iodine, you can make something like an iodine mesh. You can also use fucorcin or brilliant green, but these substances do not wash off the skin for a very long time. You can lubricate the damage with iodine every day until it disappears completely.

If the scratch does not heal or is very deep, at first you can apply glue to it, which you can buy at the pharmacy. But this is not a cure, but rather a means of protection against infection.

Video on the topic

Scratches- shallow skin damage from sharp objects is a common occurrence in both children and adults. There are especially many scratches in the summer, during trips to the country or out of town. In hot weather, most of the body is exposed, and you can get scratched on branches, twigs and even grass. And for owners of pets, especially such active and playful ones as cats and dogs, scratches on their arms, legs and face are common at any time of the year. The speed of its healing depends on whether you take the right measures when treating a scratch.

You will need

  • Pure water, soap, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, manganese, brilliant green, iodine, manganese, antiseptic, adhesive plaster, bandage, cotton wool


Wash the scratched area under running cold water and soap. If it comes from a wound, then there is no need for soap. Treat shallow scratches with peroxide or an antiseptic solution. Deep scratches can be washed with a weak solution of furatsilin or manganese.

Lubricate the edges of the wound with an antiseptic - iodine or brilliant green. Under no circumstances should you smear the wound itself, that is, the part where blood oozes. This will add a chemical burn to the mechanical damage to the skin.

If scratches and abrasions occupy a significant surface area, apply a bandage with an antiseptic anti-inflammatory solution or ointment. If the scratch is small, it is enough to cover it with an adhesive plaster to avoid secondary infection or leave it open. This way she will heal faster. If the wound is deep, it is better to bandage it with a sterile bandage.

If you have not yet acquired new dressings, use the usual ones used to quickly restore damaged tissues that have antimicrobial properties - “Rescuer”, “Panthenol”, comfrey ointment, sea buckthorn oil, calendula or St. John’s wort oil, fir oil.

But if no medications have been prepared in advance, use medications. Don't forget that they all grow out of the ground and can be a source of tetanus. Before use, any medicinal raw material must be washed under running water, rinsed with boiled water and dried.

To quickly heal a scratch, apply a crushed leaf of plantain to it and fix it with a bandage for 3-4 hours.

Helpful advice

Before healing the scratch, you can apply leaves of coltsfoot, string, cudweed, duckweed, burdock, calendula, nettle, aloe, and Kalanchoe on it for several hours, securing them with a bandage.

When performing repair work in an apartment or country house, carelessly handling pets or, for example, walking barefoot, the skin is often damaged. To treat scratches that do not heal for a long time, use folk remedies.

You will need

  • - aloe;
  • - Kalanchoe;
  • - bandage;
  • - yarrow;
  • - dandelion flowers;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - beet juice;
  • - branches of black poplar;
  • - glassware.


Cut an aloe leaf and apply the cut side to the scratch. Secure with adhesive tape. Change raw materials several times during the day.

To speed up healing and prevent inflammation of damaged skin, prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort and 2 tablespoons of yarrow, pouring a small amount of boiling water over them for half an hour. Then boil and grind fresh or frozen lingonberries into a paste. Soak a piece of bandage in the broth and wrap lingonberry pulp in it. Apply the lotion to the scratch, hold it for 40 minutes and then simply bandage it. Perform the procedure once a day.

Well promotes the healing of wounds and scratches of dandelions. To prepare it, place the flowers loosely in a glass bowl and fill to the top with sunflower oil. Soak for 40 minutes in a water bath and leave for another day. After straining, squeeze out and treat the scratch with the resulting oil.

If you scratch your foot or hand, dip it in poplar infusion. To prepare it, pour hot water over black poplar branches and simmer a little. When the infusion has cooled slightly, begin to immerse the injured limb in it.

Freshly squeezed beet juice will heal a minor wound or scratch. Wash it, grate it and squeeze out the juice. Treat the wound with a bandage soaked in juice. Then apply a swab soaked in juice to the scratch and secure it by making a bandage. Remove it after 20 minutes. If necessary, treat the scratch several times a day.

Scratches and scratches, if not handled correctly, can cause a lot of trouble. After receiving such wounds, quality care should be provided as soon as possible.

You will need

  • - water;
  • - 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • - "Potassium permanganate";
  • - “Alcohol tincture of iodine”;
  • - sterile bandage and cotton wool;
  • - adhesive plaster.


First of all, rinse the wound with a stream of water (for this, boiled water). This procedure will allow you to clean the damaged area of ​​​​the skin and around it from dirt and particles of rust, which are home to all kinds of pathogenic bacteria (the causative agents of gas gangrene and tetanus).

If you have hydrogen on hand, wash the abrasions and scratches with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Never use a strong solution for disinfection, as highly concentrated potassium permanganate crystals can burn an already damaged area of ​​skin.

Treat the area around the damaged skin with alcohol tincture of iodine. After this, apply a sterile dressing to the wound (if the scratch is deep, when applying a sterile dressing, do not close the edges of the wound too tightly).

The abrasion will heal much faster if it is left open. But if the skin is damaged, a sterile bandage can be applied to this area. Before applying it, be sure to wash the wound, wait until a crust forms on it, and only then bandage it.


If throbbing pain occurs, consult a doctor immediately, as this is a sign that the wound has begun to fester.

Helpful advice

If the wound was caused by a rusty object or is heavily contaminated, you need to seek qualified medical help (you may even need a tetanus vaccination).


  • Pharmaceutical care: treatment of microtraumas (cuts, abrasions, scratches)
  • how and with what to treat an abrasion

Avid cat lovers know well that scratches on the skin left by their beloved pets take a long time to heal, often become inflamed and cause a lot of trouble. This can be avoided if you immediately use special products, which are likely to be found in every home medicine cabinet.

Treating cat scratches

Of course, do not let things get to the point of scratches or bites. It is worth anticipating the critical moment when your favorite animal is ready to use its claws. But if it does come to scratches, immediately treat them with a two percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and lubricate them with iodine. Such traditional methods will avoid infection, redness and suppuration of wounds.

The causative agent of lymphoreticulosis is transmitted through the blood. If you get scratched by your pussy, take all preventive measures immediately to avoid getting sick.

To prevent blue or red stripes from appearing at the site of scratches, which look unattractive and attract the attention of others, take care to purchase products that help rapid healing and regeneration of skin cells.

"Miramistin" is an antiseptic based on myristic acid. This remedy is considered the best drug for preventing inflammation and suppuration of wounds and scratches left by a cat. Apply a thin layer to clean, dry skin morning and evening. Within a few days, not a trace will remain of the scratches received. Scratches must be treated carefully.

An equally effective drug under the trade name “Emu Oil”. By combining the two products, your scratches will heal even faster. You can buy the drug at a pharmacy. The cost is affordable.

Cat scratch disease is mentioned in the legend of Akhenaten, the Egyptian pharaoh. His legal wife gave her husband’s new concubine a kitten, from whose scratches the beautiful Nefertiti died.

Why you shouldn't ignore cat scratches

The causative agent of lymphoreticulosis, or non-bacterial lymphadenitis, lives in the body of many. At the same time, the animal itself does not get sick and is cheerful and healthy. Infection occurs in humans through scratches and bites. If, despite all the measures you have taken, the scratches begin to become inflamed, reddened or rotted, consult an infectious disease specialist.

Based on the results of the examination, you will be prescribed. Most often, the doctor prescribes it for internal and external use. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 7 to 14 days.

Do you want to avoid such consequences from communicating with your beloved Murka? Place on time. It is worth noting that even a vaccinated animal can become infected if it goes outside unhindered. Therefore, you should not let your guard down. After all, even their beloved owner can be scratched.

Outdoor activities or playing with animals can have unpleasant consequences: abrasions and scratches. Many people mistakenly believe that shallow wounds will go away on their own without the use of medications. However, if bacteria enter, an infection can develop, and even a small scratch will become a source of big problems. To avoid health problems, any wound must be treated immediately using a variety of antiseptic and healing agents.

Dexpanthenol (for example, “Bepanten plus”, etc.). In addition to their disinfecting properties, they care for the child’s skin and help speed up the healing of wounds. In addition, there is no tingling effect on the wound, which children are most afraid of.

Special skin adhesives or liquid patches will help protect the wound from infections. For example, “Glue BF-6”, “Zerigel”, “Furoplast (with perchlorovinyl)”, etc. When applied to a scratch, they form a transparent (sometimes light yellow) film that has protective and viscous properties. The dirt with all the bacteria is pulled out of the wound to the surface, and within 3-4 days the film disappears. Please note that some adhesives are alcohol-based and cause a strong burning sensation when they come into contact with an open wound. It usually lasts a couple of seconds until the glue dries.

A popular drug in the fight against infections in abrasions and scratches is Baneocin powder. The active ingredient, zinc bacitracin, has a broad spectrum antimicrobial effect. It is not recommended to use the powder for extensive skin lesions, as a nephrotoxic effect may develop.

To stop bleeding, use dressings. An ordinary sterile bandage tends to dry to the wound, which makes re-dressing difficult. More modern dressing materials (Sorusal napkins, Gelevin, Voskosorb dressings, Uniplast hemostatic patch, etc.) have absorbent, antiseptic, analgesic properties and do not stick to the skin.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the bleeding from a shallow wound does not stop, the damaged skin areas are swollen, or the person has a fever. If dirt, bacteria from or animal saliva gets into the wound, there is a possibility of infection with tetanus - an acute infectious disease that affects the nervous system. The risk group consists of children and adults who were not vaccinated with the DTP complex in a timely manner. The primary symptoms of tetanus are dull nagging pain in the wound area, even with complete healing, and cramps in the masticatory muscles of the mouth.

To quickly heal scratches/cuts/abrasions, use ointments and gels with regenerating properties: D-Panthenol, Levomekol, Eplan, Solcoseryl, Astroderm, Boro Plus, etc. The most common folk remedies aloe, nettle, kalanchoe and plantain. The leaves of the plants are torn and kneaded to a mushy state. A thin layer of the paste is applied to the damaged area of ​​skin and wrapped with a clean cloth or bandage on top. It is recommended to change the dressing every 2-3 hours. You can use compresses with grated raw apples. The resulting puree is placed in a clean cloth (or bandage) moistened with cool water and applied to the wound for several hours.

Sometimes scratches and abrasions appear on the face and open parts of the body, which is not entirely aesthetically pleasing. Foundations and correctors will help hide temporary defects. It must be remembered that you can apply cosmetics to a dried scratch. Don't forget to use special concealers before applying powder or foundation. Flesh-colored patches of various shapes (there are even round ones) and lengths also work well to camouflage. You can buy them at any pharmacy.


Many microorganisms live on the claws and saliva of animals that can be dangerous to humans. Sometimes, after cat scratches, felinosis can occur - an acute infectious disease that causes inflammation of the lymph nodes and fever. Contact with stray animals should be avoided, and pets' nails should be trimmed using special scissors.

Helpful advice

Usually minor scratches heal within 5-10 days without leaving scars. To prevent scarring, you can lubricate the wound with castor oil using a cotton swab.

How to get rid of scratches on your face? This question interests many, because sooner or later they may appear. But if scars on the face only decorate men and give them masculinity, then for women it is a real tragedy.

In this article we will focus on how to get rid of scratches on your face and offer basic recommendations.

What to do if scratches appear on your face

The face is the calling card of any woman, so any little thing can ruin the image, appearance, and mood. Especially when it comes to scratches. The red stripe that appears will certainly catch the eye, disfiguring the face and bringing with it a large amount of aesthetic displeasure.

Many women decide to simply disguise scratches using corrective products: foundation, flesh-colored patches and other cosmetic delights. In addition to this, changing the hairstyle is also used. Women, using feminine tricks, let out bangs, form curls, and so on.

Naturally, such decisions are correct. But the most important thing that should not be forgotten is that scratches must be treated. Small wounds can dry out and heal very quickly. But deep skin damage will require very close attention. With such a phenomenon, you should definitely contact a surgeon, and immediately. The fact is that over time the wound will open, and the face will be “decorated” by the seam and scar. Similar neoplasms take a very long time to resolve, and sometimes can remain forever.

But, as noted, negative consequences arise if the scratch is not treated, but only masked. With proper treatment, a scar will not form or will be barely noticeable for a short period of time.

Let us dwell in more detail on how to properly care for scratches on the face to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Correct technology for treating shallow wounds

First, let's prepare what will be needed to properly process scratches. Be sure to purchase:

  • any regenerating ointment (for example, Levomekol);
  • cotton pads or sticks;
  • absolute alcohol;
  • scrub;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Now let's get started. Firstly, as soon as a scratch appears, it is recommended to wash it immediately. But this should not be done with water or other liquids. The best product that has a unique disinfectant effect is hydrogen peroxide.

If the wound is deep enough, it should immediately be washed several times. This should be done by slightly spreading the skin. Disinfection is especially important if the scratch was caused by any animal, whether it is domestic or not. If there is any concern that the animal is rabid, it is recommended to immediately go to the emergency room to receive the necessary vaccination.

It is recommended to make something similar to an alcohol compress. Naturally, you will have to be patient for a while, as it will sting. But you need to keep in mind that such a phenomenon is the first sensation; if you “endure” it, then after a while a feeling of warmth will appear. Therefore, it is better to be patient a little.

The next important step in how to get rid of scratches on your face is treating the damaged area. At night, be sure to treat the scratch with iodine. Do not apply too thick a layer, as it is not always completely absorbed until the morning hours.

Iodine can not only kill germs, but also dry out the wound. Greenery can also serve this purpose. But you need to keep in mind that it may not be washed off the skin for a very long time. Moreover, brilliant green has only disinfectant properties, but not absorbent ones.

This procedure must be repeated as many times as necessary. If it is carried out correctly, after a few days a crust will form, which is strictly prohibited from being peeled off. The appearance of a crust will be a signal that the wound has begun to heal. If in some places it is not fully formed, then the area of ​​the scratch begins to increase. Naturally, then it will take more time to heal, so it is recommended to wait until the crust comes off on its own.

If the wound does not heal, it is better to use wound-healing and regenerating ointments, based on the instructions for use. To rid the skin of the resulting scar or scar, it is recommended to regularly use ointments or scrubs containing fruit acids. Thanks to this effect, stimulation will constantly occur in the cells of the damaged area. The skin will begin to renew itself, and the scar will quickly resolve.

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