How did the holiday of students - Tatiana's Day - come about? Tatyana's day - the history of the holiday In honor of which Tatyana's day is held

Student's Day January 25, 2018— one of the most popular holidays in January. The ancient tradition of celebrating Tatyana's Day and Student's Day on January 25th goes back to the 18th century, when Elizaveta Petrovna connected two wonderful traditions with her one decreeInternational Student's Day and Tatyana's Honor Day.

On this day, we all congratulate our relatives and friends on the day of Angel Tatyana.

I congratulate all Tatyana!
May your house be full of happiness
Let the family be healthy
And for those who are just growing up
Who was named Tatiana
Good luck, I wish you joy
And in the future great love!
Tatyana's day is a beautiful holiday,
He is full of joy, goodness!
Let your thoughts be beautiful
The spirit is strong and the soul is bright!

On this holiday, Tatyana's Day,
Congratulations to all Tatyana.
And the student is cheerful today,
It's not just that he's drunk.

Let the intercessor-Tatyana
Will not leave you in trouble.
And luck is sure
You meet everywhere.

The current year has begun
No worries and no hassle.
Let this winter holiday
It will only bring joy.

In Russia, every year on January 25, the whole country celebrates Tatyana's Day, which is better known as the Day of Russian Students. It is this January day that is considered one of the most beloved and joyful holidays, especially for students. It became a state holiday in 2005, although it has been actively celebrated in Russia since 1755.

I congratulate students, professors and all Russians on the bright winter holiday of students and, of course, all the beautiful Tatyanas on their name days. We wish that dreams come true, life is bright, full of only pleasant events and people. Let luck always be present in your studies, work, and on the personal front, let trouble not notice you, and every new day takes on a variety of colors.

Happy holiday to you, Tatyana's day!

The history of Tatyana's Day

The Russians associate the date of the celebration with the day the Moscow University was founded.

It was established by the Decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on January 25, 1755. She supported the initiative of Ivan Shuvalov (count) and Mikhail Lomonosov by actions. The decree of the empress also served great gift on the name day of Ivan Shuvalov's mother. Also on the day of the entire student body, the memory of the holy martyr Tatyana, who is rightfully considered the patroness of students and teachers, is sung.

In 1791, the church of Moscow University (a house church was created in one of its buildings) was consecrated by Orthodox ministers of the church in honor of St. Tatyana. Already in 1918 it was closed. Then it housed a club, a student theater of Moscow State University, and since 1995 its premises were transferred to the Orthodox Church.
In Rus', Student's Day has always been celebrated noisy and loud. Folk festivities took place throughout the country, and no one shunned the holiday on this day.

Considering that in 2007 Tatiana's Day (Student's Day) was added to the list of 7 memorable dates of the Russian Federation, and in 2005 Vladimir Putin awarded him the honorary title of a national one, Russian Student Day is rightfully one of the most revered and beloved in the country.

Do not also forget that Tatyana's day is not only a secular, but also a church holiday. Priests across the country are commemorating the martyr Tatyana.

The tradition of celebrating Tatyana's day

In the 60s and 70s of the 19th century, this holiday was celebrated on a huge scale, noise and had its own traditions.

At first, Tatyana's Day and the then unofficial Students' Day were celebrated only in Moscow, but over time it spread throughout the country, where universities were located.

In the pre-revolutionary period, all the festivities took place on the street. Students and teachers celebrated the holiday outdoors. The scenario of the celebration was as follows: lunch, prayer services to the holy martyr Tatyana, solemn events within the walls of the university, festive entertainment that could last until the morning. On this day, the police did not arrest students who drank too much, but, on the contrary, helped them in every possible way.

There is one such wonderful day at the end of January, when, according to signs, even in cloudy weather, the sun looks at the earth for at least a minute.

This is the 25th day of the month and among the people in the old days it was called either the “Sun” or the holiday of “Tatyana Kreshchenskaya”.

Today everyone knows this day as the feast of St. Tatiana or Student's Day.

Students love to celebrate Tatyana's Day, the history of the holiday goes back to ancient times.

From time immemorial, the story of one of the first Christian women, the martyr Tatiana, who was born in ancient Rome into a noble family, is passed from mouth to mouth.

Brought up by a deeply religious father, Tatyana believed in God with all her heart and devoted her life to serving people: in one of the temples she helped the sick and the needy.

The Christian faith in those days was persecuted, and once during the persecution in 226, the pagans seized the girl. Tatyana's fervent prayer caused an earthquake, blew the idol to pieces, to which they wanted to sacrifice her, and destroyed the temple.

The pagans brutally tortured Tatyana, but it was as if an invisible hand had taken the blows away from her - the girl remained alive and unharmed.

Three times the pagans tried in every possible way to force the girl to change her faith.

But Tatyana's faith was unshakable, and all attempts ended in another destruction of temples. The tortures of the priests were very cruel, but they only strengthened the girl, even the fire receded before the power of prayer and faith.

In the end, the fanatics executed Tatyana and her father by cutting off their heads.

The Holy Great Martyr Tatyana immortalized her name for centuries by the power of sacred faith, and her descendants erected a monument not made by hands - holiday Tatyana's day. For believers, she became the standard of the true Christian faith and an example to follow.

Student's Day and Tatyana's Day

The holiday according to the new style falls on January 25, for many years students of Russia and the countries of the former CIS consider this day to be their student day.

How did it happen that the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr coincides with the cheerful and reckless holiday of students?

The emergence of the second meaning of Tatyana's day is very interesting. The year 1755 was marked by an important event for Russia: Empress Elizabeth established a university on the basis of two Moscow gymnasiums.

The project was developed by Mikhail Lomonosov, and Count Shuvalov acted as a trustee, who did not accidentally choose the date of signing the Decree.

On Mother Tatyana Petrovna's name day, Shuvalov made her such unusual gift. « I give you a university”- with these words Shuvalov congratulated his mother, having served the Fatherland at the same time and doing something pleasant for the closest person.

The decree on the establishment was signed The 25th of January. Since then, the martyr Tatyana has been considered the patroness of students, and young people are happy to have fun this day, congratulating their friends, organizing festivities and parties.

In Rus', Tatiana's Day was celebrated with revelry, noisy and fun. The "learned brethren" became a single whole, conventions and age boundaries, ranks and titles were swept aside. Rich or poor, venerable scientists or freshmen - everyone had a reason to have fun.

Scientists were once students too. There were also official traditions: solemn events were held with congratulations and awards to the best students.

Modern students do not forget the historical roots and also like to have fun on Tatyana's day.

The double background of the holiday gives it a special meaning. Times and customs change, but the essence does not change: humanity honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana, the patroness and Muse of the student brethren.

And the students, and with them all who have not yet said goodbye to the spirit of reckless students, celebrate the holiday noisily and cheerfully, under the traditional motto: "Let's be cheerful and drunk on the day of the beautiful Tatyana."

The meaning of the name Tatyana

Most common names in Russia are of Greek origin. Therefore, the name Tatyana is often interpreted as Greek, derived from the verb "τάττω", which means "put in order", "arrange", "appoint". Hence the interpretation of the name Tatyana as a "founder" and "organizer". However, this version seems doubtful to linguists. After all, the name Tatiana in Greece is not just unpopular, but completely little known.

Another thing is Italy, where the name Tatyana is much more familiar. Etymologically, the name Tatiana goes back to the name of the legendary Sabine king Titus Tatius (Titus Tatius). The same Tatia, who, rescuing from captivity the women treacherously kidnapped by Romulus, captured the Capitoline Hill.

According to one of the legends, Tatius even ruled Rome together with Romulus, which led to the unification of the Romans with the Sabines into a single people of Quirites, but that's another story.

In a word, the name Tatyana comes from the Latin Tatius. This name was borne by the martyr Tatyana Rimskaya, whose memory is celebrated on January 25.

WITH light hand Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Saint Tatiana became not only a well-known saint in Russia, but also the patroness of Moscow University, and the day of memory of the martyr Tatiana - January 25 - began to be considered the day of students. As for the name, in Europe Tatyana is considered a purely Russian name. But the diminutive form Tanya, familiar to us, as an independent name can be found in the Scandinavian countries, Germany and the USA.

Life of Saint Tatiana

Saint Tatiana was born in Rome at the end of the second century in the family of a noble nobleman, who was three times the consul of Rome. He secretly confessed Christ, so he raised his daughter in piety and devotion to God. Tatyana knew the Holy Scripture well and, having matured, decided to devote herself to Christ. She became a deaconess, that is, a woman who carried out social service in the church. Her duties included both caring for and caring for sick women and pregnant women, as well as preparing them for baptism and performing the baptism itself.

In 222, power in Rome passed to the sixteen-year-old Alexander Severus. And although his mother was a Christian, and Alexander himself had nothing against Christians, the real power was concentrated in the hands of the governors and governors of the regions. The eparch Ulpian became the ruler of the country. Ulpian was an idolater, he hated Christians and dealt with them most cruelly. During the persecution, Saint Tatiana was captured.

The saint was required to bow to the idols in the temple of the god Apollo. Instead, the saint turned to Christ, and through her prayers an earthquake occurred. Not only the idols were destroyed, but also the temple itself, under the rubble of which the priests were buried. Saint Tatiana was severely tortured. They gouged out her eyes and tortured her for a long time. The saint loudly prayed for the tormentors, calling on God to "open their spiritual eyes." Unexpectedly, eight tormentors saw angels, who repelled the blows inflicted on the holy virgin, and heard a heavenly voice. They not only believed, but with tears asked the saint to forgive them. For confessing Christ, they themselves were tortured and beheaded.

Saint Tatiana was also tortured the next day, demanding to renounce Christ. A miracle happened here, when instead of blood, milk began to flow from the wounds and a fragrance came out. And when on the third day they took her out of the dungeon, they found that her body was as healthy as before and had no traces of torment. Saint Tatiana was again demanded to worship idols, this time to the goddess Demeter. Arriving at the temple, Saint Tatiana crossed herself and began to pray. Immediately, in front of everyone, both the idol and the temple were destroyed by lightning. Saint Tatiana was again tortured and thrown into prison at night. On the fourth day, she was taken to the circus arena to be eaten by a lion. But the beast obediently began to lick the wounds of Saint Tatyana and tore one of her tormentors to pieces. The saint was thrown into the fire, but she remained unharmed. Declaring her a sorceress, they cut off Saint Tatyana's hair, in which, as they believed, her magical power was concentrated. She was then taken to the temple of Zeus and locked up for two days. But even here, through the prayer of St. Tatiana, the idols were overthrown. When it became obvious to the persecutors that torture was pointless, and Saint Tatiana was adamant and firm in her faith, she was beheaded along with her father. This happened on January 25, 226.

Icons of St. Tatiana

Saint Tatiana is revered by all branches of the Christian Church. In the Catholic Church, she is considered a little-known saint and her veneration is not widespread. On icons, Saint Tatiana is usually depicted in a red robe (riza), which symbolizes the martyr's death and the blood shed by the saint in the name of Christ. Her head is covered with a white handkerchief, indicating her chastity. In her hand, the saint holds a cross - a symbol of martyrdom, sometimes a scroll, the text of which is addressed to the faithful. On one such scroll we find: "In torment, praying to God for those who torment me, may he give them the knowledge of the truth."

Saint Tatiana's Day

January 25 - Tatyana's Day in 2005 was officially declared the Day of Russian Students. It is widely celebrated by students not only in Russia, but almost throughout the former USSR: in Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine. The connection between St. Tatiana and students is unexpected and simple.

On January 12, 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna granted and signed the petition of Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov (drawn up on the basis of the project of M.V. Lomonosov) to open a new educational institution in Moscow. On April 23, 1755, the University was opened in Moscow.

In 1786, the main building of the University appeared on Mokhovaya Street. Five years later, the left wing of the building was given over to the house church. The church was consecrated in 1791 in honor of the holy martyr Tatyana.

So January 25 (coinciding with the end of the examination session) and May 7 (Lomonosov readings are taking place) became significant days for Moscow University, and the martyr Tatyana was the patroness of students.

Tatyana's Day in the Russian Empire, and above all in Moscow, was a noisy holiday, with wide festivities, in which both professors and students participated on an equal footing.

On the corner of Petrovsky Boulevard and Trubnaya Square was the French restaurant Hermitage Olivier. Its owner, culinary specialist Lucien Olivier, gave the hall of the restaurant on Tatiana's day at the mercy of students who came here to "walk" after official ceremonies and festive liturgy. Expensive dishes were removed from the tables, the floors were covered with straw, because the wine flowed like a river. Here and there enthusiastic speeches and toasts were heard "for the glory of science and for the prosperity of ideals." “Who on ordinary days gets drunk out of love for this art, gets drunk on Tatyana out of a sense of duty. Those who don’t drink at all on ordinary days get drunk on Tatiana to prove their solidarity with the drinking intelligentsia: let, they say, everyday ways pulled us far apart, scattered us apart, like haystacks in the dull verses of Alexei Tolstoy, but we are still alive, intact in the heart is the thread that attaches us with an inseparable bond to a common root, uniting us in the name of our common breadwinner - alma mater ... Long live alma mater, gentlemen! Gaudeamus igitur! vivat academia!

And even the gendarmes did not touch drunken students that day, and if such a need nevertheless arose, they detained them, after congratulating them on the holiday. This is exactly how Alexander Amfiteatrov captured Tatyana's day in his literary sketch.

After the revolution, Tatyana's day began to be forgotten. It began to be celebrated again in connection with the transfer in 1995 of the Tatiana Church to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Tatiana's Church in Moscow

The university house church in the name of the holy martyr Tatyana was opened and consecrated in 1791. The parishioners of the Tatiana Church were professors and numerous students of the University. It was here, in the Tatiana Church, that Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, historians Sergei Solovyov and Vasily Klyuchevsky, and many other prominent people of the Russian Empire were buried. Tatyana's temple burned during the fire of 1812. It was restored and re-consecrated in 1837. At the same time, a large image of the holy martyr Tatyana was placed on the facade of the temple. After the revolution, by the decree of the People's Commissariat of Education of 1919, the temple was closed like many other house university churches. The temple was devastated, the interiors were destroyed, and the premises were turned into a club, later into a theater. In January 1995, the church was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Church of the Great Martyr Tatyana, 2016. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

Today, the home church of the Holy Martyr Tatyana is one of the largest Moscow parishes, which conducts active missionary work and social service. The temple was restored, in 1998, with the blessing of the Patriarch of the church, the iconostasis of the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov from New York was transferred. Also, one of the most valuable relics of the Tatiana Church is the reliquary containing the relics of the holy martyr Tatiana and St. Philaret of Moscow. Two particles of relics from the right hand of the holy martyr Tatyana (kept today in St. Michael's Cathedral) were transferred to the university church in 1995. One of the particles is placed in the icon, the other in the ark, located near one of the kliros.

Tatyana Larina

Illustration by Lydia Timoshenko (1903–1976)

Two events brought great popularity of the name Tatyana in Russia. The first of these, of course, was the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, where the girl Tatyana was written as the main character.

... Her sister's name was Tatyana...
For the first time with such a name
Gentle pages of a novel
We will sanctify.
So what? it is pleasant, sonorous;
But with him, I know, inseparable
Remembrance of old
Or girlish! We should all
Confess: the taste is very little
With us and in our names
(Let's not talk about poetry);
We don't get enlightenment
And we got from him
Pretense, nothing more.

In the time of Pushkin, the name Tatyana was common. By the beginning of the 19th century, it had long ceased to be popular among the nobles, and merchants and peasants more often called their children Tatyana. But a century earlier, the name Tatyana was common among the nobility, because that was the name of one of the younger daughters of the first Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

Princess Tatyana Mikhailovna enjoyed the respect of her brother Alexei Mikhailovich. At the time of the conflict, she tried to reconcile Princess Sophia and Peter, she was even the godmother of Tsarevich Alexei. But even more Grand Duchess Tatyana Mikhailovna became famous for the fact that in 1691 she donated to the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery an ark with relics - the right hand of the martyr Tatyana. Since then, the holy martyr Tatyana has been considered the patroness of the monastery. It is about this antiquity that Pushkin speaks in his novel.

And also about the "girlish". Probably, the poet means that the name Tatyana should refer the reader to "Tatyanka" - the style women's dress with a wide pleated skirt. "Tatyanka" is the simplest style of skirts that prevailed in the Russian national costume. And rethought and improved with additional skirts and frills, "Tatyanka" shone at the balls of the era of Alexander Sergeevich.

You can continue the reasoning and say that in your own words
"enlightenment did not suit us
And we got from him
Pretense, - nothing more ... ",

the poet is trying to emphasize that the characters of the novel, the parents of Tatyana Larina, did not call her that at all because they remembered the patroness of Moscow University, the holy martyr Tatyana. But let's not fantasize, the fact remains that thanks to the novel "Eugene Onegin", the name Tatyana soared in the popularity rating of Russian names to the highest possible height.

Partisan Tanya

According to statistics, the name Tatyana throughout the 20th century was the first most popular name in the country. In the 1950s and 1960s, there were, on average, seven girls named Tatyana per school class. Every sixth woman in the country was called Tatyana. And the foreigners who looked into the country of the Soviets were dizzy from Tatyana.

It is likely that such popularity of the name was associated not only with the novel in verse, but also with another event - the feat of the eighteen-year-old Komsomol member Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.

In October 1941, tenth-grader Zoya joined the sabotage and reconnaissance group of the headquarters of the Western Front, which was faced with the task of "smoke the Germans" from their warm apartments. The Komsomol members of the group were to burn ten villages occupied by the Germans. In one of them, in the village of Petrishchevo, Volokalamsky district, Zoya was captured. To her executioners, Zoya, who dreamed of entering a literary institute and probably loved Pushkin, called herself Tanya. Or maybe the priest's granddaughter simply remembered the life of St. Tatiana. The girl was brutally tortured, tortured for a long time and hung naked with a sign around her neck "arsonist". The image of "Tanya", who continued to threaten enemies with revenge, entered the annals of history thanks to an article by Peter Lidov. The note "Tanya" was published on January 27, 1942 in the newspaper "Pravda", and Zoya (Tanya) herself for many years for many Soviet citizens became a symbol of the heroism shown by a person in the Great Patriotic War.

Dozens of works of art, poems, songs, the one-act opera "Tanya", the ballet "Tatiana", monuments throughout the country, including the metro station "Partizanskaya" and even a poem by the children's poetess Agnia Barto were dedicated to "Partisan Tanya". It is not surprising that parents named their children after the hero of the new time.

According to statistical tables, until 1993, the name Tatyana did not leave the first place in the ranking of the most popular names in the country. But with the death of the Soviet empire, its heroes fade into the background. The name Tatyana, remaining in the top ten popular names in Russia, today occupies only seventh place. Today, many people associate this name, fortunately, not only with Tatyana Larina or Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, but with a saint whose life is amazing with the depth of faith.

Troparion to Martyr Tatiana

Troparion, tone 4

Your Lamb, Jesus, Tatiana calls with a great voice: I love you, my bridegroom, and seek you, I suffer and crucify and bury myself for your baptism and suffering for your sake, as if I reign in you and die for you, and I live with you, but like a sacrifice receive me without blemish, with love sacrificed to Thee: by prayers, as if Merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

You shone brightly in your suffering, martyr, you are full of your blood, and like a red dove you flew up to heaven, Tatiano. The same pray for the reverence of thee.


Oh, holy martyr Tatiano, bride of Your Sweetest Bridegroom Christ! Lamb of the Divine Lamb! The dove of chastity, the fragrant body of suffering like royal garments, numbered among the face of heaven, rejoicing now in eternal glory, from the days of youth a servant of the Church of God, observing chastity and loving the Lord more than all the blessings! We pray to you and we ask you: listen to our heartfelt petitions and do not reject our prayers, grant purity of body and soul, inhale love for Divine truths, lead us on the virtuous path, ask God for angelic protection for us, heal our wounds and ulcers, youth protect, old age painless and comfortable grant, help in the hour of death, remember our sorrows and grant joy, visit us who are in the prison of sin, guide us to repentance soon, kindle the flame of prayer, do not leave us orphans, but glorifying your suffering, we send praise to the Lord, now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The history of the emergence of such a holiday as Tatyana's Day is closely intertwined with its traditions. Many people think that this holiday is associated with the student's day celebrated on January 25, but this is not entirely true. Having studied the history a little, having delved into it, you can understand why the students chose this particular day to celebrate their professional holiday.

Based on the chronicle, Saint Tatiana lived in the 3rd century AD, she was born into a wealthy Roman family, and was brought up strictly. Parents believed in the Lord, but carefully concealed this fact from other people's minds - then faith was not acceptable to noble people. It was a time of paganism, Christians were severely persecuted by the law, followed by punishment to the fullest extent for faith - the death penalty.

Tatyana grew up as a hospitable, sweet, kind and caring girl, she helped all the suffering, asking and needy, but one day she was seen praying. She was arrested at that hour and sentenced to death. In anticipation of the execution, the girl did not lose heart and continued to read the prayer, incredibly, but the Lord heard her. The answer came in the form of a strong earthquake in Rome, the ruler and the priests and pages surrounding him died.


Some sources claim that after the death, the essence of the demon came out of the body of the ruler with heart-rending cries and fled into the darkness.

Those present saw what was happening and immediately accused Tatyana, called her a witch, committed lynching. She was tortured, tortured and beaten in every possible way, but again she did not lose her faith in the Lord and continued her prayer. God again heard the prayer and will help: all the offenders fell at her feet and gained faith. The execution attempts did not end there, the authorities sent the girl to a cage with a ferocious tiger, she prayed again and the beast began to lick her wounds.

Until her death, the girl believed in the Lord, the authorities got rid of her by cutting off her head. Until her death, Tatyana adhered to her faith, did not break and did not change her mind. It was because of this that she was elevated to the rank of great martyrs who suffered during the repression for religious reasons. Now January 25 is the day of the holy martyr Tatiana.

Tatyana's day and students' holiday - is there a connection

Already in 1755, the famous statesman Ivan Shuvalov brought for the signature of Empress Elizabeth a document on the opening of the modern Moscow State University. It so agreed that the signing of this paper fell on January 25th. The document was signed, an educational institution was opened, and Russian students received their holiday in honor of this date. From that day on, the date of the founding of the first university in Moscow is associated with a religious holiday.

The history of the holiday reports that in the early years it was celebrated only in Moscow, and among the youth of the elite society of that time. Traditionally, a prayer service was held in the morning in the church in front of the University, and after that a feast was held. The holiday began to be celebrated on a large scale only in the middle of the 19th century, the official, solemn part of the festivities took place within the walls of educational institutions. After the celebration, the youth united in companies and arranged noisy festivities, with songs and dances.


According to some sources, Tatyana is the patroness of students, but this is more of a fiction. The Great Martyr helps everyone, regardless of status.

During the Soviet era, Christianity was not revered. During the era of Soviet atheism, the church at Moscow State University was closed and partially destroyed. The scale of the celebration of the day of the holy martyr Tatyana has decreased. The tradition was revived in 1995, after the restoration of the church. Since then, this date has become one of the favorite holidays of young people.

When Tatyana's Day is celebrated, in what year did this holiday come up

The holiday itself has a long history. January 25 is the day of the death of Roman Tatiana, which has been celebrated since the 18th century. According to the old style, the day of the holy martyr Tatiana fell on January 12. Now the holiday is traditionally celebrated on January 25. It is interesting to know that in the history of the Orthodox Church there are several saints with this name. In addition to Tatiana Rimskaya, parishioners honor the memory of Tatiana Romanova, the daughter of the Russian Tsar. She was shot in 1918 along with her family.

Folk traditions on Tatyana's day

Despite the religious subtext, Tatyana's day is always celebrated cheerfully and noisily. The lady has a long history and over such a long period she managed to acquire her own traditions and signs. The main, common sign excludes quarrels between family members. It is known that a strong conflict between the young and the older generation will lead to the fact that the whole family will live in need until next January.

On this day, it is also not recommended to refuse help to the one who asks, and to ignore those who stand at the church for alms. If you remember the story, it becomes clear that Tatiana of Rome always tried to help all the destitute and suffering, therefore it is not worth breaking her covenants, especially on the name day.


The religious holiday has a feminine character, because the girls traditionally put things in order in the house before its onset. To meet Tatiana's name day in a dirty monastery is worthless, otherwise the whole year will pass in disaster and poverty.

Some signs are related to the weather - if it snows outside, it will be a rainy summer, and a blizzard promises a rich harvest of cereals. The hostesses baked bread on Tatyana's Day, if its crust turned out perfect, the year would go smoothly, cracks on its surface promised quarrels and troubles. An equally bad sign is if the bread in the oven burns or falls off.

Tatyana's Day is also considered a student holiday. On this day, it is customary to ask for help in study or scientific work from the great martyr. Other signs and traditions associated with calling freebies at midnight are alien to religion, but it is impossible to refute the fact that they can really work. How exactly to spend this holiday, you need to decide on your own, but do not forget the main precepts of the martyr.

The holiday, celebrated on January 25 for Christians, has a religious meaning, because its celebration begins with prayer and service in the church. This date is an excellent opportunity to ask the great martyr for favor and support for yourself and loved ones. It is also customary to congratulate girls bearing the beautiful name Tatyana - it is not necessary to give expensive gifts, it is enough to read a poem, give a postcard or a small bouquet of flowers.

In 1791, the church of Moscow University was also consecrated in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students and teachers.

In 1918 the temple was closed. At first, a club was located in its premises, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of Moscow State University. In January 1995 the building was returned to the church.

According to the descriptions of contemporaries, before the revolution, the celebration of Tatiana's Day as a university holiday was a real event for all of Moscow.

It began with an official ceremony in the assembly hall of the university, where professors, teachers, students and graduates who came from all over Russia gathered. After the prayer service, the academic report and the rector's speech, everyone stood up and sang "God Save the Tsar!" Then the unofficial part began, often lasting until the morning, the festivities. University graduates celebrated the holiday in their own circle, among whom were professors and officials, doctors and lawyers, industrialists and businessmen. Toward evening, many gathered in the hall of the Great Moscow tavern in the city center, where speeches and toasts were made, after which they rode in troikas to the Yar restaurant, which that day served only the university public.

In modern Russia, students traditionally organize mass celebrations on this day.

On January 25, 2016, the All-Russian action "Tatiana's ice" will be held for all students of the country. Holiday programs will be organized on ice rinks in the capital and regions of Russia. The central platform will be the GUM Skating Rink on Red Square.

The Russian Orthodox Church remembers on this day the holy martyr Tatiana, who is considered the patroness of all Russian students. On this day, all women bearing the name Tatyana celebrate their name days (the ancient name "Tatiana" in Greek means "organizer").

According to church tradition, Saint Tatiana lived in Rome at the turn of the 2nd-3rd centuries, during the time of cruel persecution of Christians. Her father, a noble Roman, secretly professed Christianity and raised his daughter in a Christian spirit. Tatiana did not marry and gave all her strength to the service of God. At that time, all power in Rome was concentrated in the hands of the persecutor of Christians, Ulpian. They seized Tatiana and tried to force her to sacrifice to the idol. But in the temple of Apollo, where she was brought, according to legend, the maiden offered up a prayer to Christ - and an earthquake occurred: the pagan idol broke into pieces, and the fragments of the temple buried the priests under them.

The pagans tortured Tatiana. Many miracles happened during the torture: either the executioners, for whose enlightenment the saint prayed, believed in Christ, then the angels deflected blows from the martyr, then milk flowed from her wounds instead of blood, and a fragrance spread in the air. After terrible torment, Tatiana appeared before her executioners and judges even more beautiful than before. The pagans despaired of breaking the faith of the sufferer and executed her. Together with Tatiana, her father was also executed.

In recent years, there have been primordial traditions in Russia of celebrating St. Tatyana's Day, based on the common prayer of the Russian Church and higher education.

Traditionally, the center of church celebrations on the Day of Russian Students, which is also the day of memory of the patroness of higher education in Russia - the martyr Tatyana, became the temple in honor of this saint at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov on Mokhovaya street.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, on the day of Russian students, celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the first time in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The service was attended by Moscow State University Rector Viktor Sadovnichy, MGIMO Rector Anatoly Torkunov, GITIS Rector Karina Melik-Pashaeva, as well as professors, teachers and students of secular and ecclesiastical universities in Moscow, student delegations from other regions of Russia. At the end of the liturgy, the young students continued their fellowship at student festivities near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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