Handmade gifts for Valentine's Day. We create ourselves - Valentine's Day gifts in a simple way! The painting is a great holiday gift.

One of the holidays that has gained popularity in our country, despite its Catholic beginning, is approaching. This is Valentine's Day, or as it is also called, the day of all lovers.

Most probably know the history of this holiday. According to the classical version, during the time of the Roman emperor Claudius II, soldiers were forbidden to marry, because women distracted them from military affairs. However, there was a priest named Valentine, who, contrary to the decree of the emperor, nevertheless decided to marry the soldiers. For which he was executed just on February 14. Therefore, on this day, a holiday is celebrated in his honor.

There is also another version, according to which Valentine healed people with the help of an unknown at that time, and therefore diabolical power. For which he was imprisoned and subsequently executed.

The guard of the prison where the prisoner was kept, having learned about his miraculous power, asked to heal his blind daughter. Valentine healed her, and having begun to see clearly, the girl fell in love with him. However, they were not destined to be together, since on February 14 Valentine was to be executed. The day before, he wrote her a beautiful love letter, which she read only after his death.

It is believed that it was this that subsequently served as the beginning for the creation of "valentines" - letters with a declaration of love. And also there was a reason to give your loved one, or some kind of present.

In general, this holiday can be called a kind of rehearsal before March 8, since most often it is the male part of the population that seeks to congratulate their beloved ladies.

The truth is that the girls are not far behind the guys. And the most creative people make valentine hearts and compose pleasant messages.

And also everyone gives each other pleasant little things and many, many hearts.

So what to present to your beloved and tender girlfriends for the holiday?

The simplest and most classic option is Valentine's Day. A heart with a message written on it will undoubtedly be a pleasant sign of attention. Even if you buy it in a store, and do not make it yourself. And if you want to make it yourself, then.

If your girlfriend loves sweets (although who doesn’t), then a box of chocolates will be just a wonderful present. Also, flowers and soft toys are a classic option. Especially if all this is presented with words of love.

Cosmetic gifts are also popular gifts. This lipstick, perfume, and much, much more. What for a girl is never unnecessary and superfluous.

But all this should be acquired when you know well about the taste of your girlfriend. And if in doubt, it is better to buy a certificate in the appropriate department. And then the girl herself will get everything she needs. And it is not necessary that this certificate cost some big money. They are both 300 and 500 rubles. Don't think it's too little. Believe me, the girl will find the right thing for herself and for this money.

You can also consider decorations. Any costume jewelry, inexpensive silver items will do. And if funds allow, then you can consider something more expensive.

If you keep up with the times, then a smartphone or a certificate to some clothing or shoe store will be a good gift.

By the way, about the boutique. For glamorous ladies, clothes are an ideal present, the main thing is not to miscalculate the size. But again, this is if you and your girlfriend already have a long enough relationship. And you know her preferences and taste well. If not, then again the certificate will help out. Or a joint trip to the store.

Of course, if you and a girl are just friends, then you don’t need to give expensive jewelry and clothes. The presentation should not oblige anyone to anything.

If your girlfriend loves a pet and often talks about it, then you can surprise her and get her such a pet. But in no case should you do this if this is your personal initiative. You don’t know how she will react to this, and whether such a “live” present will become a burden for her.

In general, there are many options, the main thing is to show imagination. It is important to understand at the same time who the girl you want to pay attention to is for you - just a friend, or a lover whom you plan to marry.

So let's take a look at the different options:

  • Your girlfriend is just a friend.

A simple and inexpensive gift will do. An ordinary valentine, a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers will be best perceived. Or something quite insignificant, but necessary for any woman. It will not be so much a present, but just a sign of attention.

  • You are in a relationship, but very recently.

If you have just begun to develop a relationship, then you can add lipstick, perfume and other feminine “things” to the same options. Especially if you have an idea about her preferences in this area. Or again, give preference to the certificate.

  • You are planning to legalize the relationship.

Here the best gift would be a marriage proposal. Not bad if you prepare a ring in a beautiful package for this occasion.

  • You are a married couple.

Anything is suitable here, from ordinary valentines to dinner at a restaurant. It all depends on your preferences and capabilities.

And if you didn’t find a gift idea in this chapter, then look at more than 100 ideas.

Ideas for interesting and inexpensive gifts for a guy

So, we figured out the presents for girls. But they also want to please their boyfriends with something meaningful and unforgettable.

The item can be selected according to your friend's lifestyle. These can be completely different aspects, such as hobbies, work, having a car, playing sports, etc.

The most common and traditional gift will be the same Valentine. It's better if she is. And along with it, you can consider other options for presentations.

Let's start with a hobby. Everything is clear here - what a hobby, such items for donation. The same can be said about work. However, do not forget that Valentine's Day is not a birthday and not even New Year. So don't be too generous. A good present would be an original fountain pen, a mug, a photo frame with a portrait, or even better - a joint photo.

Various magnets, key chains will do, especially since by Valentine's Day there will be plenty of them in stores.

If your boyfriend has a car in which you ride together, then various accessories for him will come in handy. These are chargers, and splitters, and flavors.

The same applies to hobbies, work, sports, and so on. It is better to choose gifts that are necessary and not expensive. There are plenty of such presentations in each category. Some ideas you can.

And it’s probably not worth presenting expensive things. Save that for more meaningful holidays.

In general, according to statistics, the most popular gifts for Valentine's Day are:

  • Valentines
  • T-shirts with interesting patterns
  • Useful little things
  • PC or car accessories
  • Fulfillment of desires
  • extreme adventure
  • Couples massage or spa treatment
  • Movie night
  • Romantic dinner at home or in a restaurant

Original holiday gifts for wife

So, we figured out the gifts that wives can choose for their beloved husbands. Now it is the turn of husbands to give signs of attention to their wives.

How can you please your beloved wife?

Any woman loves to adorn herself, and therefore jewelry always comes first in choosing a present: earrings, bracelets, pendants, and so on.

And it is not necessary to buy them in gold. There are very nice jewelry made of silver, semi-precious stones. Don't discount jewelry. Now the stores sell very beautiful and, most importantly, not expensive jewelry, which any woman will be delighted with.

Women also love to take care of themselves. Therefore, the next category to consider is perfumes and cosmetics.

If you are 100% sure that a woman will be delighted with this or that perfume, this or that brand of cosmetics, then feel free to buy. If not, then buy the same certificate. He is like a lifesaver with us today. I put it in an envelope along with a valentine, and consider that you also guessed 100% with a present!

You can also give items related to hobbies, with work, with your favorite activities.

Will be an excellent gift. And it does not matter where it will be held, in a restaurant or at home. The main thing is your attention, and those words that you will say to your beloved.

A wonderful surprise will be a photo session for two. It can be ordered both in the salon and brought to life on your own. It will be very unusual and romantic! Provided, of course, that you have a camera or a phone. The main thing is that it be done with love, and at the same time with fiction and fun. Such an event will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

For example, here is such a wonderful photo you can end up with. Subsequently, it can be framed and placed in your bedroom. When you feel sad, or you are not in the mood, you just need to look at this photo and the smile will immediately return to your face. You will remember that day and those words that your loved one spoke to you. And the heart will immediately become warm and cozy!

Since February 14 is the holiday of lovers, a declaration of love will come in handy. But it must be done beautifully. For example, sing along with a guitar by the window, or raise a large bouquet in balloons. You can try to negotiate with the district administration and place a huge banner with words of love and gratitude on the opposite house. It will be just an unforgettable surprise!

According to statistics, the most popular gifts are:

  • Jewelry
  • Women's accessories
  • Items with photo printing (mugs with a joint photo)
  • beautiful box
  • Underwear
  • Sweets in the shape of a heart
  • Gift certificate to a fashion store
  • Romantic evening
  • Movie or concert tickets

And do not forget that the best present will be a beautiful love confession, in any form and in any form.

Cute DIY Valentine's Day Presents

As mentioned above, Valentine's Day, after all, is not so significant holiday to buy an expensive present in the store.

This day is remarkable in that you can, without looking for a reason to say important words, do something pleasant for each other. Therefore, a “valentine”, especially a handmade one, will be very, very handy. And you can not only make it in the form of a postcard, but also in the form of a garland that you can decorate a window or door with.

Another option. We take a box in the form of a heart. We cut colored paper into ribbons and twist roses out of them. We decorate the surface with these flowers. We put some cute little thing in the box, and the present is ready!

You can also give it as a gift. But, it will be more original if you write a wish on some flower, and let the one who is destined for this surprise try to find this note at least three times.

If you are having a romantic dinner, then homemade candles will appeal to your counterpart, especially if they are made from clothespins on which your laundry was recently dried.

Also, the festive table can be decorated with such a bouquet. How it is done is clearly visible in the photo.

An original idea would be to make a heart in the form of a puzzle and write a phrase on it. Let the one to whom the gift is intended collect it and read this message.

Well, if you have small children, then such a heart made with their palms will decorate your house for a long time.

By the way, you can not only cut a valentine in the shape of a heart and hand it to your loved one. It will be more interesting to seal it in a bottle, and the smaller the neck, the more interesting it will be to extract the message from there.

Surely, as a child, you let boats along the spring stream. Then this craft is for you. And let it take you not only to childhood, but also add a little romance to this day.

There are many options, the main thing is to show imagination. Think, create and surprise your loved ones!

I know that many do not celebrate this holiday. And maybe they are right. But if there is such a wonderful reason to pay special attention to the object of your adoration, then why not celebrate it!

Of course, loved ones should be given attention every day, and even every minute. But on this day, you can not only give it, but literally bathe in it.

So love and be loved! Happy holiday everyone!

It is believed that this holiday was named after one of the two martyrs - Valentine of Interamne and Valentine of Rome.

On this day, people give their loved ones flowers, sweets, postcards (valentines) with poems and declarations of love, as well as many other gifts that symbolize love.

But a handmade gift will make no less impression than a purchased gift.

Here are some DIY gifts for Valentine's Day:

DIY candy and confetti crackers for Valentine's Day

You will need:

Cylinders from paper towels or toilet paper




Candy or other small gifts.

1. Cut the cardboard cylinder in half.

2. Fill each half with candies and confetti.

3. Fold the halves back and secure them together with tape.

4. Cut off a sheet of wrapping paper, wrap it around the connected halves of the cylinders and secure with tape.

5. Tie two pieces of ribbon to both ends of the cylinder. Scissors can curl ribbons.

To get the contents, you need to break the craft in the center (where the halves of the cylinders are connected).

DIY vase with hearts and roses for Valentine's Day (master class)

You will need:


strong thread

Red felt

Glue and tape .

1. Cut out small hearts from felt.

2. Pass the needle and thread through the hearts. Leave about 5-7 cm between the hearts.

3. Tie a knot on both sides of the thread.

4. Glue or tape one end of the thread to the jar and start wrapping the jar with a thread with hearts.

The vase is ready, it remains to pour water into it and put flowers.

DIY Valentine's Day (photo): a bouquet of pompons

You will need:


Green felt


Multicolored threads

White acrylic or spray paint

Hot glue.

Making a pompom

1. Wind the thread around your fingers 50 to 75 times. For a large pom-pom, you need to wrap around 4 fingers, and for a small pom-pom around 2. Cut off the thread.

2. Cut another piece of thread 15-20 cm long and wrap it around the lump that you wrapped around your fingers. Tie a knot.

3. Carefully remove the thread from the fingers and cut the loops on the right and left with scissors.

4. Make a more fluffy pompom by adjusting the threads. It is also worth trimming the thread a little with scissors to make the pompom more even.

Preparing flower stems and connecting parts

1. Take the branches and paint them white. Let the paint dry.

2. Using hot glue, attach the pom pom to the branch.

3. Cut out leaves of any shape from green felt and glue them to the branches.

4. Make some flowers to make a bouquet.

5. Wrap the flower bouquet with ribbon and twine. You can add a note of congratulations to the bouquet.

Crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands: puzzle cube with hearts

You will need:

4 wooden cubes

Acrylic paints and brushes

PVA glue

Sequins in different colors

Heart template


1. Place 4 cubes on a flat surface as shown in the image.

2. Put a heart template on the cubes and circle it with a simple pencil.

3. Start using a brush to apply PVA glue to the cubes, namely to the places indicated with a pencil.

4. Gently sprinkle glitter of the same color onto the glue. Remove excess with a brush. To make the glitter fit tightly, you can apply a layer of glue on top. Let the glue dry.

5. Turn the cubes and repeat steps 1-4 to make another cardio, only this time use a different color of glitter.

6. Cover all sides of the cubes with heart details.

You can put all the cubes in a fabric bag, which can also be decorated with a heart.

DIY Valentine's Day Gifts: 52 Reasons Why I Love You.

You will need:

A deck of cards (36 or 52 pieces)

Binding rings

colored cardboard

Double-sided tape

Hole puncher


1. Make two holes in each card with a hole punch.

2. Place all cards in a pile and thread through the binding ring holes.

3. Cut out several small rectangles from cardboard, the size of one should not exceed the size of the card.

4. Using double-sided tape, stick the rectangles onto the cards.

5. On each rectangle, write one reason why you love your significant other. You can write something with humor for a change.

Do-it-yourself gift for a guy on February 14: a picture of kisses

You will need:

White cardboard


Frame for a picture or photo

1. Cut out a piece of cardboard a little larger than your frame.

2. Apply a few "kisses" on white cardboard.

3. Insert the cardboard into the frame and write a personal message on the back.

Do-it-yourself gift for February 14: a heart made of cones

You'll need:

Red thick paper (in this example, 7 sheets of 30x30 cm are used)


Hot glue or PVA glue

Strong thread.

1. Cut out several (in this example 14 pieces) squares of 7x7 cm from red paper for the inside of the heart, and 10x10 cm (in this example 47 pieces) for the outer part.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard. In this example, the widest part of the heart is 40 cm.

3. Make cones out of all the squares.

4. Start gluing the cones to the cardboard heart. Large cones on the outside and small on the inside.

Here's another option:

Gifts for Valentine's Day: a heart embroidered on an envelope or postcard

You will need:

Colored thread for knitting

Thick paper envelope or colored cardboard

Needle (large enough for thread)




1. Draw a heart on the cardboard or envelope.

2. Use a needle to make several holes along the line of the drawn heart.

3. Start threading through the holes in different directions. Tie a knot at the end.

DIY gift ideas for February 14: hearts with confetti and an arrow

You will need:

paper tracing paper

Colored cardboard (white, red, pink)

Confetti (you can buy ready-made or cut from colored paper)

black marker

red thread

PVA glue or hot glue


1. Making a heart template. Draw a heart on cardboard and cut it out. To make it symmetrical, you can fold the cardboard in half and draw half a heart and cut it out, and then straighten the paper.

2. Lay the heart template on the tracing paper and circle in two places to cut out two identical hearts.

3. We make arrow feathers.

3.1. Fold the red cardboard in half and draw half of the feathers for the arrow (see image) and cut them along the line with scissors.

3.2. Straighten the paper feathers and cut them along the fold line. On each half, stepping back from the edge by 0.25 cm, make a fold.

Repeat the same with the pink cardboard so you end up with 4 pieces for the arrow.

4. We make the tip of the arrow.

4.1. Cut off about 6 cm from the skewer with scissors.

4.2. From red and pink cardboard, cut two identical triangles.

4.3. Glue the triangles to each other so that they cover the tip of the skewer.

5. We collect a heart.

5.1. With a black marker on one of the tracing paper hearts, write something nice for your soulmate.

5.2. Fasten both hearts with a red thread and a needle. Leave some space to fill the inside with confetti.

6. Fill the heart with confetti.

You will need:

colored cardboard


Stationery knife


PVA glue


corrugated paper

Prints (optional)

Jewelry to taste.

1. Cut a strip of colored cardboard. Its size is 28x4 cm.

2. Fold the strip in half.

3. Bend the ends of the strip towards each other so that the outer sides of the ends touch.

4. Glue the ends of the paper tape together and secure with two paper clips.

5. Cut out a square from cardboard, the size of which exceeds the size of a paper heart.

6. Apply some glue to the edges of the heart and stick it to the square.

7. Use scissors to cut the square along the outline of the paper heart. You have a small box.

8. Put a piece corrugated paper on the box and cut out a heart slightly larger than a heart made of cardboard paper. Cut the fringe with scissors.

9. Fill the box with sweets or notes, apply a little glue on its edges and glue a corrugated paper heart. You can stick another corrugated paper heart on top (for strength).

10. Decorate the box with ribbon, hearts, feathers, etc. You can add the inscription "Don't break my heart."

How to make a gift for February 14: a pom-pom heart

You will need:

Ready-made pom-poms or red knitting thread to make them



Thread and needle

Glue for fabric (if necessary).

In this example, 22 pom-poms were used. The size of the pillow is 40 x 40 cm. The size of the resulting heart is 20 x 20 cm. One pompom has a diameter of 5 cm.

Valentine's Day is perhaps one of the most desired holidays for all lovers. Valentine's Day is a holiday that is popular in most countries of the world.

On this day, Valentines-hearts and various gifts are given to loved ones. Undoubtedly, the gift should be different from those given for a birthday or.

Valentine's Day is a holiday of tenderness and love, not without reason it is celebrated on February 14th.

February is a frosty time when you especially want love, warmth and tenderness. Therefore, when choosing a gift, the emphasis should be on tender feelings, and not on the price of the gift.

Even before the holiday, most girls begin to seriously think about what to give a guy for Valentine's Day. After all, this holiday is quite symbolic, which means that the gift should tell about those tender feelings that they experience for it.

Best Gift Ideas

Useful gifts

Here are some Valentine's Day gift ideas for your boyfriend.

What to buy a guy as a gift for Valentine's Day directly depends on your financial situation. If you decide to give your loved one not just a cute trinket, but something you need, the answer is simple - Guys like everything to do with technology.. For this reason, the first thing to do is to visit a computer hardware store.

A good option would be computer wireless mouse, mouse pad with a cool pattern, high-quality headphones. As a gift from this area can be considered flash drive, but not the usual one, but with an original design, which can be complemented by an engraved congratulatory inscription. As a gift, you can also consider a good keyboard.

The perfect gift for your loved one on Valentine's Day case for phone if he doesn't have one.

As a rule, men rarely spend money on such things, while considering that spending money on a case is not at all a male occupation. But if they have such a thing, they simply cannot do without it.

When choosing a cover, you should give preference to black products made of genuine leather.

Don't give your boyfriend underpants for Valentine's Day no matter how cool this gift may seem to you.

This will destroy early relationships in the bud, since with your gift you invade the guy’s personal space, which men really don’t like. Plus, there is a sign according to which it is forbidden to give underwear to loved ones.

If your lover works in the office, you can give him a good Valentine's Day gift. famous brand pen, an original diary, a good quality stationery set or an unusual table clock.

The perfect gift for your loved one on Valentine's Day digital photo frame, in the memory of which your joint photos are loaded.

He will definitely put it on his desk in the office and every time he looks at it, he will remember you with tenderness and a smile - very romantic!

Gifts tailored to your loved one's hobby

If you prefer useful gifts, when choosing a real one, be sure to consider the hobbies and interests of your loved one:

Bluetooth headset can be a good gift for a car enthusiast guy. Such a device makes it possible not to be distracted when talking on the phone while driving;


Can also be considered as a gift paired souvenirs, because this holiday is for two lovers. So, it will be wonderful if the gift is associated with both lovers.

Couple gifts are a great option for those who live together, and for those who often have to be apart. Half of the gift is given to your beloved half, and the second remains with the donor. Thus, the two become one.

Well, why not romance?

Keychain "Halfs of the heart"

For more than twenty years, key rings in the form of a heart divided into two halves have not lost their popularity. Giving one part of the keychain to a young man, you share your love with him, which is the most precious thing a girl in love can give a guy. Such a keychain can be attached to keys or a USB flash drive. The most important advantage of such a gift is a very affordable price. Such a present is appropriate for schoolchildren and students, as well as for older young people.

Couple mugs for lovers

A pair of mugs can be a wonderful gift for a guy on Valentine's Day.

Every new day of any person begins with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea, and men are no exception. And if the day begins with a cup that your girlfriend gave, it will be a very good day.

It is possible to order mugs with your photos, or original design or shape. A wonderful and pleasant gift for two hearts in love, which can become a symbol of your relationship.

Couple pendants for loved ones

Paired pendants for hearts in love are a memorable gift, with the help of which lovers are connected at the moment of separation by an invisible thread.

If it so happened that a loved one was far away from you, a pendant will help to feel his presence nearby. After all, usually the pendant hangs on the chest at the level of the heart.

And if a loved one has the same pendant, it seems that mentally you are next to your loved one and your soul becomes light and joyful. These pendants are made from precious metals, i.e. gold and silver, as well as from more affordable materials. It all depends on your budget.

But what to give to your loved one if you do not have great financial opportunities. Do not despair! You can always make a gift for your loved one with your own hands.

It must be remembered that for a loved one, it is not the cost of your gift that is important, but attention and care. Give the person with whom your hearts beat in unison, tenderness and love. Perhaps the most creative gift that you can give your loved one can only be made with your own hands.

Without a doubt, in order to make a sincere gift, you will have to try and devote enough time. But when you see the delight and happiness in the eyes of your loved one, you will understand that it was not in vain.

DIY Gift Ideas for Valentine's Day

You can make unusual scrapbooking notebook, which will mark the beginning of the chronicle of your beautiful story.

Write a story on its pages about how you met, what significant events happened to you during this time, romantic and funny, perhaps during this time there were many unforgettable moments that you want to keep in memory for many years.

You can print such a story on a computer, and then arrange it in the form of a notebook using a special spring and a small decor.

But if it is not possible to make a notebook with our own hands from A to Z, we get a ready-made ordinary notebook, decorate it, as fantasy suggests, and write the story by hand.

Can be made in a very simple way poster, which will cause a storm of positive emotions.

We take a drawing paper, and in random order we write compliments and congratulations to our loved one. But so that these are not just words, under each such congratulation and a pleasant word, you can fix a small present or sweetness.

You can decorate the poster with the help of prints of your hands or kisses. Such a creative gift for Valentine's Day will not leave the guy indifferent.

They say that love must be felt with the soul. But you can try on Valentine's Day and express your love with words.

This will require an ordinary glass jar, colored paper, decor elements, white paper. We cut a sheet of white paper into equal strips, and then tell them why you love him.

You can also write what you affectionately call him or his best qualities. Next, we arrange the leaves in a jar, decorate at our discretion and attach the inscription "100 Reasons to Love You","50 best qualities of my beloved" or "20 affectionate nicknames for you".
Can't write 100, write 50, can't write 50, write 30. unusual gift will leave an indelible mark on the heart of your loved one.
If your loved one has his own car, you can cover it with sticky notes that say you love him, his best qualities, love phrases or poems.

Such a gift to a guy will be remembered for a long time!

Whatever you choose for your loved one as a gift on Valentine's Day, it will only be successful when it is accompanied by your good mood and a beaming smile.

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Handmade Valentine's Day gifts are very touching. These are not only postcards, hearts, but also vases, a "love potion", a hare, a bear.

How to make a beautiful card for Valentine's Day?

Of course, you can buy it in the store and give it, but this holiday is your soulmate. But it is much more interesting to do it yourself. To make such an author's postcard, take:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • shop colored paper printed on a printer;
  • a ribbon;
  • glue stick.

Fold the white cardboard in half, if it is not double-sided, then first take two sheets, glue them with the wrong sides. Cut out squares from colored paper or beautiful printed backgrounds, fold them in half, cut out hearts, you will need 3 pieces.

Lubricate the reverse side of the first heart vertically in the center with glue, attach it to the postcard. Glue the second one on top of this heart in the same way, and the third one on it.

They should be glued only in the center so that the edges of each heart remain free. Raise them a little, adding volume to this figure. It remains to stick a ribbon to the bottom of the card and you can give it to your loved one.

And here's how to make a postcard so that it looks like a stitched one. To do this, take:
  • sheet of white paper;
  • color or printed;
  • golden braid;
  • felt-tip pen or marker;
  • hole puncher;
  • glue.
Fold the sheet in half, inside you can write a congratulation on Valentine's Day. On the outer part in the center, you need to glue a heart cut out of colored or printed paper. Now, with a marker or felt-tip pen, draw dotted lines around the heart.

Make small round holes along the contour of the card with a hole punch, thread the lacing through them.

Here's how to make a postcard in much the same way. You also need to cut out a heart, but in the amount of 3 pieces, glue them on thick cardboard or a white sheet of paper folded in half, then outline with strokes that look like a basting stitch.

Tie your masterpiece of needlework with a ribbon and you can hand it to the person for whom this memorabilia was created.

See how you can make a postcard in a different way. Looking at this, your loved one will know how wonderful you feel about him.

Fold an A4 sheet in half, make a white frame on all sides, gluing a rectangle of colored paper printed on a printer to the center. From white paper, cut strips of the same width. Decorate them on both sides with cut corners.

Stick these blanks horizontally on the postcard, placing them parallel to each other. You will need 7 pieces. Write the days of the week on them.

Another touching Valentine's Day gift that you can make yourself. For this you need to take:
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • red colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • rhinestones.
Apply heart-shaped glue to the center of the card.

If you cannot draw a heart evenly, then first circle its outlines with a simple pencil, pressing lightly.

Now, without delay, you need to pour rhinestones on the adhesive base. If you do not have such a decor element, finely chop tinsel or colored paper, make a sprinkle out of them. Cut 4 strips from red paper, glue two on one corner and the same number on the opposite.

How to sew a gift for Valentine's Day with your own hands?

You will quickly create similar bunnies from the remnants of matter. To make them, take:
  • pieces of cloth;
  • red felt;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • some colored pink paper;
  • black marker;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • White list.
Take a piece of paper, fold it in half. Draw something like this.

Turn it inside out, lay it on the fabric, cut along the contour. But for now it is better not to cut the gap between the ears of the hare.

First, on the wrong side, sew these two parts along the edges and at the bottom, then turn them on the face and only then cut out a triangular gap between the ears of the hare.

Now you need to fill this semi-finished product with synthetic winterizer. Sew it around the edge with a beautiful looped seam.

See how to make arms and legs for this gift. They are the same shape. For each limb, you will need to cut 2 identical pieces. Stitching them on the wrong side in pairs, matching the front sides. Stuff with padding polyester, grind the remaining hole on your hands.

Now for the legs you need to flash the workpiece from above on both sides to get two fingers, on the handle we separate one with one seam.

To make a ponytail, cut out a circle, sew it with a basting along the edge, tighten it slightly, stuff it with padding polyester.

As you can see, next, you need to tighten the thread to get a round tail. Without cutting it, sew this part to the bunny.

Cut out two identical heart blanks from red fabric, sew them on your hands, stuff them with padding polyester, leaving a small hole free. Through it, you turn the heart right side out and now sew this hole.

From white paper or thick fabric of the same color, cut out two circles. With a pen, marker or felt-tip pen, draw pupils on them. From pink paper, cut out a small triangle to become the nose of this animal. Glue these pieces in place.

Use a pen or marker to draw the mouth and mustache of the bunny, use a glue gun to attach arms and legs to it.

You can sew a gift not only in the form of this funny animal, but also using the image of a bear.

Such a mini-toy will certainly please the one to whom you present it on Valentine's Day. Sew a small bag, put a bear and a chocolate bar here. To make it, take:
  • suitable cloth or linen napkins;
  • thread with a needle;
  • scissors;
  • filler.

Sew up the cubs using kitchen napkins. The animals will turn out soft, will have a pleasant color and will cost you very cheaply.

Draw a pattern of a bear on a piece of paper. As you can see, its width is 6.5 cm and its length is 9 cm. To make several bears at once, fold the napkin, cut them out according to the template presented.

Cut out a heart from scraps of a pink napkin, attach it to the bear with blue threads.

Embroider eyes with black thread. That they were on the same level, at first it is better to draw them with a pencil. Match two blanks of one bear with the right sides on the outside, sew them with blue threads along the edge.

Stuff the bear with padding polyester through the top hole, sew it to the end. Make a small triangular nose from a pink napkin, glue it on the muzzle of the beast. From satin ribbon make a bow. For a bear boy, sew it around the neck, and for a girl, near the ear.

Such a gift on Valentine's Day will be very economical, since you can sew 7 bears from one napkin. That is, from the package where there are 6 napkins, you will create 42 animals. If you decide to celebrate a child's birthday by applying, then make such souvenirs with your own hands, hand them to all guests. The rest can be given for Valentine's Day to those who are dear to you.

DIY gift from glass jars

They will also be a wonderful gift on this unforgettable day. As they say, cheap and cheerful. But first, the jars need to be washed well with dishwashing detergent so that they do not have streaks and look like new. And you will also need:

  • colored paper and/or printed tags;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • ribbons;
  • jar lids.
Let's make this love potion. In fact, in one jar there will be pomegranate juice, in the other two candies. Glue on the jars inscriptions of love meaning. Cut out hearts from pink paper, stick them on the cork in the jar or on the lid. Tie the top of the container with a ribbon. Fill some containers with sweets, pour juice into others. Close the lid, after which you can give these mysterious gifts.

You can also make the following present from jars. To implement a creative idea, you need to take:
  • small glass jars (preferably from baby food);
  • paper napkins;
  • decoupage glue or PVA;
  • clear nail polish;
  • brush.
Wash the jars thoroughly in warm water, remove the labels. Dry these containers, grease with PVA. Use napkins with hearts or other images appropriate for the day. If they are multi-layered, take only the top layer for decoupage, the bottom one is not needed. Glue these blanks on a jar greased with PVA.

From above, walk with a brush, dipping it in a transparent varnish. But this can only be done when the glue dries. If you use PVA, you will have to wait at least 2 hours, decoupage glue dries within 15 minutes. Decorate glass jars with satin ribbons; you can put real or artificial flowers inside.

You can make a vase in a different way. For this you will need:
  • glass jars;
  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • jute rope;
  • red felt;
  • tree branches;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
If you do not have ready-made pink paint, then add a little red to the white, mix. You will get the desired color. Using a brush, apply this solution to the outside of the jar. When it dries, go over it with paint again. After the second layer has dried, you can make a third one.

When the paint is dry, tie a jute cord around the neck of the jar, cut out two hearts from red felt, glue them on the end of these laces. Put a flower in a vase, after which you can give it or decorate a room with such an object on Valentine's Day.

If you have an unnecessary vase, use it for the next craft, if this is not available, then take a glass jar. Any of these items need to be covered with white acrylic paint.

Make 2-3 such layers. When they are all dry, put twigs in this container, you need to glue pink hearts cut out of colored paper on them.

Hearts in gifts for Valentine's Day

They have long been a symbol of love. You can make postcards, observing this form or other interesting presentations.

For the following, use:

  • small box;
  • red felt;
  • glue;
  • paper;
  • candies.
If the box is not very pretty inside, cover it with paper or cloth. Cut a strip 20 mm wide from a white sheet, fold it with an accordion. Glue the lower tip of this blank to the center of the box, and a heart on the upper edge of this accordion.

As planned, when opening the lid of the box, the heart should bounce evenly on a paper spring. To do this, put tinsel or special paper inside the container, as in the photo, so that the heart rises evenly, and not crookedly. Lay glittery candies on top.

The work is completed, but the theme is not finished yet. You can find out further what gift to give to Valentine on Valentine's Day or to a loved one with a different name. This present will also be shaped like a heart, but it will be with wings.


  • sheet of white paper;
  • red felt;
  • two buttons;
  • wire;
  • needle and light thread;
  • colored rope;
  • pliers.
Fold the paper sheet in half to cut out 2 wings at once. From felt and white paper, cut out two pieces of hearts, stick one on top of the other. Using a hole punch, make a hole on the right and left in the resulting workpiece. Thread a piece of wire into each button, twist these pieces from the back side, cut off the excess.

Pass these pieces of wire through the holes in the heart, also attach them to the wing from the back, fix them with a wire.

On the reverse side, pierce the wing along with a part of the heart with a needle into which a white thread is threaded. Fix both wings with it, but so that they move.

Attach a wooden stick to the wrong side, fix it with tape.

Through the threads with which you passed along the reverse side, pass the colored rope. Tie her in their center. Bandage it and the stick. You will hold the toy by it, pull the thread, while the wings will flutter.

You can make this type of gift for Valentine's Day or choose any of the above. If you want to see with your own eyes that it is very easy to make them, then watch fascinating videos.

8 Simple Gift Workshops for Valentine's Day (February 14) - it's very easy to make them yourself. And such gifts for Valentine's Day are perfect for both a couple and a girl, or just friends or colleagues!

Romantic and original gifts for February 14, which you don’t want to throw away - they are all practical and will delight you all year long!

1. Happy Valentine's Day Cup

No drawing skills are required here, just one simple stencil.

Necessary materials:

  • A mug with a curved handle that resembles a half heart
  • Markers for drawing on ceramics(here red and gold)
  • contact paper
  • Scissors

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Make a Heart Stencil

  1. Remove all labels, then wash and dry each mug.
  2. Wipe the surface on which you will apply the pattern, alcohol or vodka to degrease it and remove fingerprints. Let dry.
  3. Mark the handle of your mug on paper. This forms one side of the heart.
  4. Fold the paper in half and cut out the heart. The paper heart should be the size of a mug handle.

Place the cut out heart on contact paper and trace around. Then cut out the heart along the marked line. The color of the contact paper does not matter.

Fold the contact paper heart in half to attach it to the mug. Place the center folded heart line around the edge of the handle and then attach the rest of the heart to the mug as shown in the photo. If you can't glue it exactly the first time, re-glue it again.

Step 3: Apply the Pattern

Use a red pottery marker to make a dotted line around the edge of the heart on the mug. When making dots, hold the marker straight so that they come out round. Do not go to contact paper.

Let the paint dry for 10 minutes, then carefully remove the heart from the contact paper (save it for the next mug). Add dots to the handle of the mug.

Decorate the mug on the other side of the handle in the same way:

You can also add another heart in the center of the mug:

Finally, write "I love you" on the mug:

Step 4: Strengthen the paint

Let the mug dry for minimum 20 minutes, then place in a cold oven. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and keep the mug there for 20 minutes.

Turn off the oven and let the mug cool completely. Then repeat the process again. The mug is ready!


  • Don't worry about staining mistakes, they can be removed with vodka or alcohol.
  • Drawing markers are not food safe. Use them on outer surfaces of mugs that do not come into contact with drinks or food.

And here is another similar option with gold paint:

In the same way, you can decorate not only mugs, but also other dishes or trays:

2. Puzzle picture

If you have old puzzles that no one needs anymore, then why not turn them into beautiful picture and gift for Valentine's Day!

  1. We glue the puzzles with the back white side with PVA or with a glue gun to the base.
  2. We lay out the desired combination - ideas below.
  3. We paint the structure with a spray can of silver or gold acrylic paint.
  4. The inscription and wishes are applied with a marker after drying.

2. Pillow "Love"

A handmade pillow with an inscription is an excellent gift for your loved one on Valentine's Day! Any lettering can be done!

Necessary materials:

  • Pillow
  • Freezer paper
  • Fabric paint
  • Brush
  • Scissors or utility knife

Step 1: Making a stencil

  1. If you are confident in your drawing skills, then just skip this step. If not, then it is better to get a stencil. To create it, we use freezer paper, as it does not get wet from the paint.
  2. You can choose an inscription on the Internet, print it out and transfer it to freezing paper.
  3. To transfer a design or lettering from plain paper to freezer paper, place the freezer paper on top of the printed paper and walk over contours of the inscription by the pen.
  4. Then carefully cut out the letters with scissors or a utility knife. Here, the word "Love" was chosen for the stencil and an explanation of its meaning.

Step 2: Drawing

Lay the finished stencil on the pillow, after wetting it a little before that, so that it is pressed tightly against the fabric. After that, apply paint to the fabric over the stencil and let it dry. Your personal pillow is ready!

Here is the result:

Here is another option for a family gift for Valentine's Day -

3. Thread heart

You definitely won’t want to throw away such a Valentine card after the holidays - you can hang the heart on the wall and enjoy the gift all year long!

Necessary materials:

  • wooden square
  • Threads (here are pink neon threads, you can take threads for knitting, they should not be too thin)
  • Nails
  • Hammer
  • Spray paint for wood
  • White paper (to draw a heart)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Paint the Tree

Spray wood paint to give it the desired color. used here brown shade and the pink heart looks amazing on it!

Step 2: Draw a Heart

After the paint has dried, place a sheet of paper over the wooden square and draw a heart on it.

Step 3: Drive in the carnations

  1. Time to work with a hammer! You need to drive small carnations along the contour of the drawn heart, making sure that there is the same distance between them (for example, 1cm apart).
  2. Once all the cloves have been driven in, remove the white paper and discard it.

Step 4: Pull the threads

Now the most interesting part! First, tie a knot around one of the nails driven into the wood, and then turn on your creativity and fill the heart with threads.

The cost of this project is quite small, but the result looks exciting! Here are some more ideas.

4. Original Valentines

Valentine cards on wood cuts are very original and creative! They can be used as coasters or simply hung on the wall!

Necessary materials:

  • Wooden log (suitable cross-sectional size, approximately 10-12 cm)
  • Sandpaper
  • Varnish for wood
  • Heart stencil (or your ability to draw it by hand)
  • Paint - two colors (one for the heart, one for the initials)
  • Brush

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Making Wooden Circles
You need to cut a wooden log into circles about 2cm thick. If you try to make thinner circles without the necessary skills, then they can break, as it happened first here:

Step 2: Adjusting the Circles
To make the coasters look neater, after you make the circles, sand them with sandpaper, leveling the surface. Then apply one coat of wood varnish.

Step 3: Drawing

Let the paint dry again and apply another coat of wood varnish to seal.

These are the perfect little coasters for a Valentine's Day gift, but they're also wonderful for decorating a wedding or anniversary celebration (wonderful if the celebration is rustic)!

5. Candle with a heart

Such a personalized candle is very easy to make with your own hands and it is perfect as a gift for Valentine's Day!

Detailed master class - in the article ""

6. Candlesticks with a heart

Candlesticks are a practical gift that you won't want to throw away even after the holidays. In addition, they can be made very easily from cans, bottles, wood - detailed lessons on

7. Heart of twigs

A panel of branches on the wall in the shape of a heart - such a gift for Valentine's Day will remind you of your loved one all year round. For manufacturing you need:

  1. Wash and dry the branches.
  2. Lay out the heart of them first on the floor and mark the coloring line on each
  3. Paint with regular acrylic paints
  4. Hang the twigs on a thread or fishing line in the order in which they were laid out in the "heart"

9. Heart wall panel

This panel is very easy to make. you will need:

  • Threads of two colors, you can dissolve the old sweater
  • Straight wooden stick.

How to do:

  1. We tie the first row of threads and cut exactly
  2. We tie over the second row of threads of a different color and cut it in the shape of a triangle
  3. Traiting a row - and form a half-heart from above.

8. Housekeeper

9. Bulb with hearts

Such a light bulb looks very interesting, and it will take only an hour of your time to make it. By the same principle, you can make light bulbs with other fillers, for example, plant a miniature plant in the middle, or fill it with colored beads.

Necessary materials:

  1. thin red wire
    2. Bulb (any standard incandescent bulb)
    3. Pliers
    4. Screwdriver
    5. Safety glasses
    6. A small block of wood in the shape of a cube
  2. 2 pushpins
    8. Paper and pen (for writing on a bar)
    9. Wire cutters
    10. Hammer and thin nail (if the wooden block is of such wood that can be pierced with wire, these tools are not needed)
    11. Hot glue

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Remove the inside of the bulb

  1. You will need a screwdriver (regular) and pliers (thin). Remember that you are working with glass, so use eye protection! You should also use gloves or wrap the light bulb in a towel in case it breaks.
  2. Prepare the surface on your workbench and make sure it's large enough, because small pieces of glass may bounce to the side when working.
  3. First, grab the solder point with pliers and twist it. You will release the brass pin and break one of the wires leading to the filament.
  4. Once the contact is out, crack open the glass insulator. Be careful not to get hurt.
  5. After removing the insulator, you can see the bulb's internal fillers.
  6. Use a screwdriver to break the filling tube.
  7. If you like, save this pipe for some future project.
  8. Now you can shake the filament out of the bulb. If the tungsten wire is left intact, it could also be put to good use in some DIY project.
  9. After all the work, the bulb bulb needs a good cleaning. This can be done using kaolin or another medium.
  10. At the same time, pay attention to sharp pieces of glass in the base. If they remain, carefully remove them with a napkin or cloth.

To remove the remaining cleanser, you can fill the flask with a small amount of salt and shake it, this should clear the powder from the walls.

Now the light bulb is ready to be made into something new. Set it aside for the time being so as not to break it while you prepare the parts for filling.

Step 2: Making wire figures

Cut 25 cm of wire to make a heart. Fold the wire in half, twist the wire pieces together from the bottom, and wrap it around the top to form a heart.

  • The width of the heart should be about 1.5 cm so that it can easily pass through the base of the light bulb.

If you want two or more wire hearts in the middle of the bulb, then repeat this step a few times.

Step 3: Fasten the wires to the tree

  1. Take the wire hearts and the light bulb and hold them to see how long the ends of the wire need to be to place the hearts roughly in the center of the bulb.
  2. Use pliers to cut off the excess wire. Also check that the hearts fit through the base of the lamp and make them smaller if necessary.

ADVICE: If the wooden block is not too hard, insert the ends of the wire hearts in the center of the block. If this does not work, then first make a small hole in the block using a hammer and nail, and then remove the nail and insert the wire into the hole. For reliability, you can fix them with hot glue.

Step 4: Attaching the Light Bulb

  • Now thread the wire hearts into the flask and glue the bulb to the piece of wood.
  • After that, make an inscription on a small leaf "I love you" and attach it to the bar with two pushpins with beautiful heads. Ready!

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