New Year's scenario "Year of the Monkey". New Year's scenario for the year of the monkey Scenario with competitions for the year of the monkey

Scenario for the New Year of the Monkey “Jungle”


Presenter's folder, decorated in the form of two green sheets
Monkey masks – 2 pcs.
Belt ponytails – 2 pcs.
Fur gloves – monkey paws – 2 pairs
Monkey hair wigs – 2 pcs.
Fruit replicas, other items in the basket
Dummy large pineapple with a flat bottom – 2 pcs.
Clown glasses – 1 pc.

Start of scenario

The beginning of the holiday according to the script. The general light goes out. Light emphasis is placed only on the presenter.

Jungle-style music is playing, birds are chirping, and the host (presenter) comes on stage (to the guests in the hall). The presenter is dressed brightly, with beads in the shape of fangs around his neck, and a headband with feathers, like an Indian. The folder with the holiday script is green, decorated in the form of two large leaves.

Presenter: Good evening, gentlemen!
The cold weather is coming.
The holiday is coming - New Year,
It comes even in the jungle!

We'll be fine here
It's cozy and warm here!
Fruit - sea and wine,
Everyone, please come here!

The host bows hospitably.

Host: Who is in the jungle like in paradise?
Whose year will it be? In chorus!

The guests say: Monkeys! Monkey!

Host: We'll meet her soon!

Presenter: Now let’s hold a small competition:


Guests are divided into teams, possibly by tables, or by men and women.
We need to remember as many cartoons with monkeys as possible.

Possible answers:
– Limpopo (Dr. Aibolit);
– 38 parrots;
- Be careful, monkeys!
– About Vera and Anfisa;
– Monkeys in space;
– Monkey from Sarugashima Island;
- Monkey and turtle.

The winners will receive Mamba candies.

The DJ plays fun music. The musical break lasts 5-10 minutes. The guests are eating.

Presenter: New Year will come soon,
Hello, our happy holiday!
Symbol of the year – Monkey,
We will all know about you!

And now questions for you,
How do we know monkeys?
What do we know about primates?
Only here I ask, without swearing.

Questions about the monkey

Questions about monkeys for those who are well erudite or have traveled a lot around the world.

1. Is there a monument to monkeys? (yes, and not alone)
2. Where are such monuments located?
– in Abkhazia, Sukhum. The monument to monkeys was erected for their services and sufferings before experimental medicine, in gratitude to the monkey from man for his victory over many diseases;
- in Kharkov, a monument to monkeys - Hector, Rose and Desi - who survived the Great Patriotic War was erected, installed in the zoo;
– in China, on Monkey Island – a monument to the wise monkey;
– there are also monuments to monkeys in Germany – Berlin, Poland, Sweden, and Syzran.
3. How is a monkey different from a human?
– a person always walks on his feet, a monkey mainly moves on four feet, only sometimes rising on two;
– the forelimbs of monkeys are longer than the hind limbs, in humans it is the other way around; Therefore, monkeys are adapted to climb, hang, jump, and humans are adapted to perform minor operations;
– the fangs of a monkey are long, those of humans are short;
– hair in humans is not significant, but in monkeys it is all over the body;
- The human brain is larger than the brain of a monkey.
4. How many months do monkeys carry their babies?
– from 5 to 7.5 months depending on the type.
5. How many babies are there in 1 litter?
– usually 1, less often 2.
6. The main enemies of monkeys?
– predators, especially leopards;
- snakes.

The winners of this competition are Frutella!

Presenter: It turns out that we know so many interesting things about monkeys! But I will add on my own: monkeys still have many similarities with humans. And not only in the structure of organs and appearance. It is interesting to watch how mother monkeys care for their babies. They lisp, rock, caress, punish and even kiss!

And now a short musical break. Lasts 10 minutes. The guests are eating.

Fun competitions about a monkey

Presenter: The holiday continues.
The competition begins!

Competition "Fruit Salad"

2 people are selected. They are blindfolded. You need to make a fruit salad for the Monkey.

There are fake fruits and other foreign objects in the common basket. This could be: a computer wireless device, a bottle of perfume, a bar of soap, a rubber ball, etc.

Participants only need to take fruit and place it in their bowl. To the music, participants begin to place objects in bowls. The one who doesn’t make mistakes, or makes fewer mistakes and collects more fruits, is the winner.

In this competition, the initial selection of items plays a big role. The more unexpected they are, the more interesting!

Presenter: Again the “Monkeys” competition,
Two couples are called!

Husband and wife + husband and wife.

Wives must dress their husbands in monkey costumes (masks, gloves, fur ponytails with an elastic band or in the form of a belt, wigs are given). Whoever copes with the task ahead will win.

Prizes: frutella or mamba.

Musical pause. The guests eat and drink again.

Competition: “Laughter Therapy”

Host: Again a competition for guests,
Who laughs more fun?

As you know, the monkey loves jokes and laughter. This fun competition is for those who like to laugh. To stimulate laughter, the organizers of the holiday need to come up with some kind of funny sound signal that needs to be given to the participants.

Any number of participants, men and women (7-10 people) are invited.

After the beep, the 1st participant laughs.
Next is also the 2nd. And so on.

When the last participant laughs, all participants are invited to laugh in a chain one after another, without intermediate sound signals.

The competition can be very successful! After all, you come across people with a very original, extraordinary laugh!

The winner will receive some funny surprise gift.

The evening continues. The guests have a drink and a snack.

Competition "Pineapple"

For the next competition you will need 2 pineapple dummies with a flat, soft bottom. Such toys can be sewn from fabric, stuffed with soft filling. Two participants are selected. You need to carry a pineapple on your head without dropping it. Whoever does this to cheerful music, dances in an original way and charms the audience is the winner!

Competition "Monkey and glasses"

For this competition you will need clown glasses, or any other glasses, preferably plastic ones so as not to break and the larger the better.

Several people are selected from among the guests, who must come up with different uses for the glasses and announce them to the audience. Participants announce their proposals one by one, holding the glasses in their hands and showing how to use them. The more ridiculous they are, the better. The loser is the one who can no longer come up with a new use for the glasses!

Possible options:

– glasses can be used to stir soup in a pan;
– weed the garden beds;
– scratch your back;
- pet the cat;
- beat your husband;
- creak and piss off the neighbors;
– ironing clothes;
– entertain the child, etc.

Fun final competition "Rope"

This competition is not quite ordinary. You need to prepare a long rope (rope), one end should be hidden from the eyes of guests and go to another room. The second end of the rope will need to be pulled by the guests in turn, choosing the strongest one.

The hidden end of the rope is pre-tied to a girl dressed in a monkey costume. This will be her tail. The rope must be firmly secured to the belt, tied in a circle so that it does not come untied, otherwise the competition will be ruined. The ape-man must be held by assistants so that the contestants cannot pull him straight onto the stage.

Guests are invited to drag in a surprise that is tied to a rope. Whoever can drag it will receive this gift. The guests are thinking about some valuable thing.
The most powerful men among the guests are called first. After several attempts, they cannot pull the rope. At the end, they ask a short, frail woman or girl to pull the rope.

The girl begins to pull - and the rope gives way - the monkey begins to walk backwards into the hall.

Congratulations from the Monkey


I'm a funny monkey!
My name is Yana the monkey!
I am now the symbol of the year!
Open the door wider!

I respond to affection!
I'm surprised by your jokes!
You are the right company!
I'm glad to celebrate with you!

Strength is in tenderness, love,
People, be people!

Respect each other
Don't be lazy - it's boring!
My promise for the year to all of you:
Laughter is the cure for problems!

I'm a funny monkey!
My name is Yana the monkey!
It will be more fun with you!
Play some music, DJ!

The dance program begins. Everyone comes out to dance.
The scenario for holding a corporate party in the New Year of the Monkey is coming to an end.

You can also include congratulations on the Year of the Monkey in this scenario:


You can't sit at home in the cold!
New Year is just around the corner!
Let's all have fun
This year of the monkey!

I wish you all good health,
Eat fruit all year round
Oranges and bananas
So that your stomach doesn't hurt!

And let me remind you, friends!
It’s impossible to live without laughter!

New Year 2017 is getting closer and closer. And if so, then it’s time to start preparing for it. And it's better to start with ideas that will help you have fun with your friends. A new funny scenario for the New Year 2017 of the rooster for a cheerful company will help you with this. The script contains interesting ideas, competitions and games. Watch, choose and play.

Before the celebration begins, an introductory speech must be made. For example, like this:

Game - celebrating the year of the monkey.
The Year of the Monkey is coming to an end and must be celebrated. We spend it remembering all the good things that happened in 2016.
In turn, all the guests remember what happened in the world or in their country this year 2016. Those who could not remember are eliminated from the game. And the one who remains last wins. We present him with a calendar for 2016 in a beautiful frame. Let this calendar remind him of a happy year in his life.

Game - fortune telling for the New Year using salads.
Everything is simple here - each guest names his favorite salad, which is on the New Year's table. After everyone has been named, the presenter reads out his predictions for the new year for each salad. If someone named an exotic salad and there is no prediction for it, then you can simply say: sorry, but the year will be unpredictable for you!
Here is a list of salad predictions for the New Year:

The game is one on one!
This game involves two people. They sit opposite each other. Their task is to look each other in the face and at the same time pronounce a tongue twister:
- I see a hill with sacks in the field - I’ll go out onto the hill and straighten the sack
The task here is not just to say this tongue twister and look your opponent in the eyes, but also not to laugh! The one who laughs is eliminated. Although, everyone will laugh, because it’s simply impossible to say such a thing, especially when drunk and looking into the eyes of another!!!

Rebuilding for the New Year 2017.
You need a lot of guests here. If there are few of them, then there are so many. How much. Ideally, each team should have 9 people. Each team receives signs with letters, and from them you can collect the phrase: YEAR OF THE ROoster.
The presenter asks a question, and the teams must answer it, and show the answer with their signs with letters, that is. Make up words.

Video competition.
In this competition we show a video. The video will contain one song - somewhere in this world... and the footage will be from different films. The guests’ task is to name after watching all the films that were in the video. Whoever names the most wins.
And here is the video itself:

Musical pause.
In this game, guests will have to guess the names of the songs. And whoever guessed correctly fulfills it. But he doesn’t just perform, he crows! That is, karaoke is turned on afterwards, and the guest or guests crow instead of words to the beat of the music. It turns out fun and funny.

And now you can celebrate the new year!

The New Year's Eve party is led by a host and volunteer who plays the role of the Monkey. At the end of the program, another character appears - the Rooster, chosen among the team. The essence of the scene is to guide the Monkey and meet the Rooster. The monkey does not want to leave, so he arranges tests for the team, and also interferes in every possible way with the participants in games and competitions. At the end of the program, the Monkey receives a gift, the Rooster receives recognition, and Santa Claus gives gifts.

The presenter enters the hall and says:
- On this New Year's holiday, I greet you, friends,
Today you are all beautiful and friendly as ever.
Have you gathered and dressed up to celebrate the Year of the Rooster?
Well, let's start with the fact that we need to fill our glasses!

The glasses are filling.

-Who is the main leader here?
Who is our leader today?
Over to you, leader,
We won't drink without toast.

The leader makes a speech, sums up the results, thanks and congratulates the team.

- New Year is just around the corner,
But when it comes,
We say goodbye to the Monkey
And we will find the Rooster.
Fill your glasses
Have fun, honest people,
So that adversity and sorrow,
They left for the old year.

Glasses are being filled. Anyone who wishes makes a toast. The team is drinking.

Monkey enters the hall:
- Wait a minute, friends,
I haven't left yet
And I'm not going yet
Give up your rights!

- You served for a whole year,
Now it's the rooster's turn.
Monkey with a grin:
- You have to wait until the morning,
To meet the Rooster,
He's in the coop today
There will be sleep as always.

- Don't worry about us,
We'll find him now
In our friendly team,
There is a supply of cockerel.
And there are talents, believe me,
If you don't believe it, check it out.
We'll show you now
Who is what animal today!

Competition "Show the animal"
Each guest shows the Monkey the animal in whose year he was born using facial expressions, gestures and movements. Sounds cannot be used in the competition. The Monkey does not understand and the audience is also silent on the first try, and then the participants tell the Monkey the correct answer. The most creative participant wins.

- It's all easy for you,
What else can you do?

- We have a rare talent,
We can put everything together and find it,
Without much difficulty
And at the same time, despite.

Competition "Let's put the word together"
10 people are invited, who are divided into two teams. Each team must form the word "rooster". Each participant is pre-assigned a letter, which is hung on his back, and during the competition he must stand in such a way that the word is formed. Next, all competitors are blindfolded, and at a signal the competition begins. During the competition, the Monkey will interfere with the contestants, stand between them, etc. The team that completes the word first wins. Winning participants move on to the next competition.

Competition "Find the Rooster"
Participants who won the previous competition are blindfolded. The monkey hangs four rooster figurines on the Christmas tree, so that one participant does not have enough. At a signal, the contestants begin their search, and spectators can tell them the location of the figures. This is a descending game. The participant who does not get a piece leaves the game. This continues until one player remains and is declared the winner. You can simplify the competition by leaving one round, in which the winner is the one who finds the rooster first.

- Okay, but for fun,
Not enough entertainment
I would laugh from my heart,
To easily leave you.

- We will arrange this now,
We will build dear guests,
Specially for you,
There is a funny game.

Competition "Fun Relay Race"
Six participants are selected and divided into three teams of two. Participants in a pair are turned with each other's backs and bandaged in this position. Teams are given a bag (basket). Balls are scattered at the maximum possible distance from the participants. At the signal, each pair runs to the balls and begins to collect them in a bag. When there are no balls left on the floor, a count is made. The pair that collects the fewest balls is eliminated from the game. There are two pairs left. Two chairs are placed opposite the remaining participants (as far as possible from them). At the signal, the teams run to the chair, run around it twice and return to their starting position. The team that reaches the start first wins.

- They amused me!
Only there is no Rooster,
And maybe I'll have to
Stay forever.

- Don’t rush to say
We don't have long to wait,
We'll try a hero
Find it in the team!

Competition “Choose a Rooster”
To participate in the selection of the Rooster, three men (roosters) and six women (hens) are needed. Participants are selected by lot. Next, three teams of three people are divided (one rooster and two hens). For the competition you will need outfits, divided into three bags. As decorations you will need various ribbons, blouses, pants, elastic bands on your head, ribbons, etc. The hens are blindfolded and at a signal they begin to dress up their Rooster. During the competition, music plays, and when it stops, the result is evaluated. The rooster should be dressed up as brightly and as original as possible; the head (crest) and arms (wings) must be decorated. The Rooster who, in the opinion of the audience, is best decorated is selected. The monkey can help when the team finds it difficult to decide on the winner. The winning Rooster and his hens are awarded medals of honor.

New Year is always joy, anticipation of miracles, unexpected and new impressions. And the approaching 2016 is also remarkable because its symbol is the Monkey, which means that the New Year’s holiday can be spent in a completely unusual way, decorated with pranks, fun and exotic motifs. Suggested -- Author's script for New Year's Eve 2016 “Banana Paradise” written specifically for lovers of themed and original holidays. The program, consisting of three parts, includes completely new table and moving, musical and dance entertainment, toasts, chants, impromptu performances, as well as explanations by the author and full musical arrangement.

very rich, so it can be used both as a whole and by selecting individual game moments to be held in different companies. The introductory part of the script with a large number of toasts and games for getting to know each other and unity is designed for corporate parties and relaxation evenings, the second and third parts are absolutely universal and will fit into any New Year's holiday.

Scenario for New Year's Eve "Banana Paradise"

FIRST Feast.

Sounds 1. Intro Gorillas

Presenter: Good evening! Hello ladies and gentlemen! Our evening began with this melody, because the Fire Monkey is approaching us, playfully and cheerfully jumping, and YOU and I will have to replay it and subordinate it to our little whims for the next 365 days. And here it is very important to start correctly, don’t you agree? And this is precisely why YOU and I have gathered, to set a positive tone for the coming year and the events it brings with it!

Are the glasses full? So let this evening, like the whole coming year, be GOOD! Let's fill the glasses!

First toast(said while guests are filling their glasses)

Soon - very soon the New Year will break out -

People are waiting for good news from him!

It's time for us to drink to the fulfillment of our wishes!

For us! Here's to the New Year! Hip-hip hooray!!!

(short banquet break)

Sounds 2. Mazaev and Arno. New Year.

Presenter: New Year is an amazing holiday that we begin to celebrate long before it arrives and continue for two weeks after. And today, all evening together with YOU, we, the presenter, will do this with pleasure. and DJ......! (If an invited group of artists is participating, then introduce them too)

There is magic in moments like these,

And in anticipation - we are all already in the morning!

So let’s bathe our hall in applause,

And let us all shout a friendly and loud “Hurray!” (guests clap and shout)

Sound 3. Applause

Presenter: Well, why isn’t it so festive?! Let’s assume that this was just a warm-up, but real enthusiastic applause and cries of “Hurray!” and “Bravo!!!”, accompanied by throwing hats and other people’s wives to the ceiling (just kidding!), we meet the team…. And now let’s drown those….. in applause!!

(Author's note: If this is a corporate evening, it is necessary to introduce all the teams and give the floor to its leaders during the evening. If it is an evening at tables, you can greet ladies and gentlemen separately or introduce the assembled companies. If it is a friendly or family party, then it is enough to make a general greeting)

Second toast

For everyone whom this cozy hall has gathered,

We raise a glass to our loved ones!

Sounds 4. Second pour

(short banquet break)

Sounds 5. Brilliant. New Year's

New Year's drinking party "Acquaintance by horoscope"

The essence of entertainment: For an unfamiliar company, this game is a reason to get to know each other and loosen up a little. For a friend - an opportunity to become closer to each other and recharge

Game summary:

Presenter: Everyone knows that Peter the Great “cut a window to Europe for us” in the 18th century, but the name of the “hero” who in the 20th “turned us on to eastern astrology” is shrouded in mystery. But this has changed our way of life and consciousness; now it’s a rare holiday or acquaintance without astrological forecasts according to the signs of the Zodiac. We will not deviate from traditions either, but since our forecast is comic, then for a better understanding of it, let's fill our glasses and glasses. For each sign, starting with Aries, a musical prediction-wish will sound, its representatives stand up, clink glasses, and everyone greets them. Go!

Musical horoscopes for all zodiac signs sound

(12 ready-made cuts included)

(short banquet break)

Table musical flash mob "You are a gorilla, I am a gorilla"

Presenter: Despite the fact that each of us has just listened to a comic forecast, no one knows what surprises fate has in store for him. But we know for sure that the owner of next year, the Monkey, is a great joker and loves his own kind. Love and only love motivates monkeys always and in everything, and they continuously care for each other’s fur not so much for hygienic reasons, but in order to do something pleasant; from these touches the love hormone is produced. Monkeys are sociable and friendly, tenderly care for their offspring and are generous with affection. …………………………..

(a table music flash mob is held)

(a fun and original game to activate the festive mood and unite the assembled company with the transition to a dance break - conduct, explanations and musical accompaniment are included)

- Playing during the dance break “Flying on a Banana”.................................


(the presenter invites everyone to the festive table)

Sounds 16. Excerpt “Banana Republic”

Presenter: Dear ladies and gentlemen, and the best audience in the world! Brothers and sisters and comrades of the newly created Banana Republic! I have the most pleasant news for YOU: the republic is just the beginning, by the end of the evening we will safely end up... no, not in communism, let its ghost “wander across Europe,” but in banana paradise! And to make it come true - Let's pour it!

It sounds 17. Let's pour it

(short banquet break)

- Noise maker at the table “Seeing off the outgoing year”

(a game version of a sincere farewell to the passing year)

- Musical New Year's tale "About the Goat"

- Video clip - karaoke "New Year's Anthem"

(video file with a colorful clip for a general karaoke performance of a remade New Year's anthem with chimes and other paraphernalia)

- New Year's round dance

(dance break)


(The presenter invites guests to continue the festive feast and program)

Sounds 37. Minions


- Table chant “We want to go to banana heaven”

.... Presenter: Miracles in this world:

Outside the window there is snow and wind

And in spite of Winter we shout:

Guests (in unison): We want to go to banana heaven!............

- Table game "Heavenly Wishes"

- A comic greeting for guests born in the year of the Monkey

- New Year's impromptu with chairs "Year of the Monkey"

The essence of entertainment : there are six chairs on the “stage”, on which the participants are seated in random order. The presenter reads the text, every time one of the participants hears his character mentioned (in any case and number), he jumps up and, shouting his line loudly, runs around the chairs, then sits down on his chair again until he hears about your character. When the participants hear the word “Guests,” all participants in the impromptu jump up and run, shouting in unison the word “Pour!” If during the game someone makes a mistake, he is not removed and the game is not stopped - there are no losers in this venture, it is intended simply for the entertainment of guests and participants (although encouraging participants with small prizes will not hurt)

Characters and lines:

Monkey: “And who is without a flaw?!”

New Year: “Now Banana”

Holiday: “I’m such a prankster!”

Gifts: “Fly in!”

Santa Claus: “I brought gifts”

Guests: “Pour it!” (for all participants)

The text is read by the presenter.................................................................

- Musical game "Monkey Chants"

(a fun team game with songs and riddles)

- Dance entertainment "These Beautiful Monkeys"

(the entertainment will require preparation and small props, but it’s worth it; if presented well, it can become the “highlight of the program” - all explanations, presentation of the participants and musical accompaniment are included)

Sounds 50. New Year's monkeys.

A wonderful conclusion to the program will be a dance program and general congratulations with the presentation of gifts (if provided); also for the active public it is worth having several games and competitions in stock, for example, another one that the public perceives especially vividly at this stage of the holiday.

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (650 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain the full version of this script.

(download by clicking on the document)

You need to prepare for any holiday in advance. And if we are talking about the New Year, then you need to prepare for this event in the summer. We did just that and came up with a funny scenario for the New Year 2016 for a corporate party. The script is dedicated to the year of the monkey and will appeal to everyone without exception. Watch and arrange for yourself the best corporate party in your life.

Dear friends! Today we will say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one. Everyone knows that there is such a belief: how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. That is why we all try to celebrate the New Year in good company, where there is kindness, fun and a good mood. So let's create just such an atmosphere in our company - an atmosphere of kindness, happiness, fun and celebration.
And for this we need kind people who have special energy. Do you know how to identify a kind person? There are several signs for this.
Firstly. Kind people are those who have animals at home. I ask everyone who has animals at home to stand up.
Secondly, kind people are people in love. Do we have these? I ask people in love to stand up. You see, we have love in our hall!
Thirdly, kind people are those who decorate the Christmas tree at home. There are such. Who decorated the Christmas tree? Get up! Do you feel how the room is becoming kinder and more festive?
And also kind people are those who celebrate the New Year in the good company of their relatives. Friends and acquaintances. I ask everyone else to stand.
You see, it turns out we are all kind and good people. This means that our holiday will be excellent. But that is not all! I ask everyone to pick up a sparkler and light it. Have you lit it? look how beautiful it is! Now everything will be great for us all next year!
Well, now I ask everyone to sit down at their festive tables. And while you're putting salads on your plates. Look at our screen with one eye. Cute monkeys will congratulate you.
Video congratulations from the monkeys.

Well, now it's time to play. Let's first define the Monkey King. After all, 2016 is the year of the monkey. And for this I need men.
The men take the stage. They will determine the monkey king in several stages.
Stage 1.
All men stand on the same line and are given one match. On command, each man throws a match. Whose match flew away further? The one who is the strongest and is moving away for now.
Stage 2.
We hang a drawing of a monkey without a banana on the wall. The men are blindfolded and given a drawing of a banana. It is advisable that the drawing be on something sticky. The man is spun around and sent forward. He must reach the picture with the monkey and try to attach a banana to it. That is, “put” a banana in the monkey’s paw. And which of the men will be able to do this, they are the most accurate and also stand aside for now.
Stage 3.
And here everything is simple. We look at the remaining men and whoever has the largest amount of hair on his head is also a contender for the title.

And now all the contenders are there. They line up on stage. A soundtrack with the scream of Tarzan or King Kong is turned on. And our aspirants must repeat or utter their cry. And the audience determines the king of the monkeys by their cry. Who has the loudest and most interesting cry? He is the king of the monkeys.
When the king of the monkeys was identified, it was time to find a female for him. To do this, the monkey king walks around the hall and takes all the girls. So they line up and dance something like a lambada. When all the girls are attached to the “tail” of the monkey king, the music is interrupted. And all the girls should run away. And the monkey king must catch any one girl. The one he caught will be his female and princess of the monkeys.

Now let's dive into the world of fairy tales. Let's watch a scene in which the old prankster Santa Claus decided to get married. And in order to find a wife, he asked his granddaughter Snegurochka to go to a dating site.


Dear friends! The coming year is the year of the monkey. Do you know the most famous fable about a monkey? That's right, this is the “monkey and glasses” fable. And now we will guess famous personalities who wear glasses. Everything is very simple here: on the screen you see glasses and eyes, and try to guess who this person is. And then the full face of this person will appear on the screen. And whoever guessed right will receive a point. And whoever scores the most points wins and receives such wonderful points as a prize!
Sample video for the competition:

And our holiday continues. And then we have dancing and fun, delicious food and festive fireworks!

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