A letter to children from Santa Claus with tasks. Letter from Santa Claus to a child: templates and ideas

New Year and Christmas are coming soon. All children write letters to Santa Claus and then look forward to gifts. Along with the gift comes a letter from Santa Claus.

Here are examples of letters of congratulations from the very residence of Grandfather Frost! With all my heartfelt wishes for a good holiday.

A letter from Santa Claus - texts and templates

Hello Emil.

I received your letter and am sending you a gift. I also found out that you will go to school next year. I wish you excellent and good grades, good friends. Now all the kids play the phone a lot. I advise you to walk more in nature. Sledding, skating, skiing. I will try to have a lot of snow and ice. I wish you and your parents good health and success in all your endeavors. Happy New Year. Your Grandfather Frost.

Hello my most obedient boy! On this magical night, when all dreams come true, I wish you a Happy New Year. Always be obedient and joyful. Smart and beautiful. Help mom and dad. Grow big and strong. Be sure to listen to your elders. Don't hurt the little ones. Be an example in everything and always. And then, every year on New Year’s Eve, I will definitely come to you with gifts. I travel the earth on my sleigh. I distribute gifts to all obedient children of the world. Happy New Year to you and your family. With new happiness! Smiles, happiness and a merry holiday.

Hello, my dear kids. Grandfather Frost is writing to you!
I want to wish you goodness and happiness. Congratulations to our littlest friends. Our cute and obedient babies. Every year, I get on a sleigh and fly around the globe. To congratulate all the guys. I am distributing the gifts that are waiting for you under the New Year tree. Be happy and healthy. And may you also behave well this New Year. I wish you a successful and happy New Year. Congratulations, your Grandfather Frost!

With wishes of goodness and happiness from Grandfather Frost.
My dear guys! Happy New Year. I've been watching you closely. You made me friendly and happy. My granddaughter and I prepared toys and gifts. I sent everyone gifts that are under the tree. And on this New Year's Eve, I wish everyone good and happiness. Congratulations and good luck to you. Grow big and strong. Be healthy and obedient. My gifts are for those who behaved well this year. I know you all were great! And I wish each of you happiness and health. Happy New Year.

A letter from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden from the North Pole.
Hello, Alena! I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year! I've been watching you all year. I rejoiced at all your successes. You were very obedient. She behaved well. I ate porridge and listened to mom and dad. Helped my grandparents around the house. I know that you were expecting gifts from me. I sent you gifts by mail. You've probably already found them under the tree. As always, I will be keeping an eye on you. I know that you will definitely be good next year. Help your elders. Be a good girl. I wish you a Happy New Year.

Hello dear kids! Grandfather Frost is writing to you!
I sent you gifts from my residence. All year, my granddaughter Snegurochka and I have been watching you. You were obedient children. You listened to your parents and grandparents. You were well behaved. Therefore, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I want to give each of you my special gifts. Be just as obedient. Help your loved ones. Don't be naughty. My granddaughter and I will keep an eye on you, just like this year. All the kids in the world who behave well receive my gifts. Those who listen to adults. Be healthy. Happy new year. Goodness and happiness. With best wishes, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

A congratulatory letter from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden himself!
Dear Baby, I have been watching you all year. I am very glad that you were a very smart and well-mannered boy. Every day, until next year, I prepare toys to please all the little ones in the world. I hasten to wish Happy New Year to such a wonderful child like you! I wish you to continue to be the same baby. Behave yourself next year too. My granddaughter and I have already sent your gift. My granddaughter and I’s gifts for you are waiting for you under the Christmas tree. I really hope that you will also please me with your behavior. Happy New Year! Joy, happiness and smiles! Congratulations to your Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Hello, Angelina!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you! I congratulate you on the most joyful and long-awaited holiday of the year. You were the smartest, kindest and funniest girl this year. You and I will definitely meet at the Christmas tree. My congratulatory letters are awaited in all corners of the world. Every year I write a letter to each child. And I read all the letters that I receive from children. My granddaughter and I are preparing special gifts. You behaved well. This makes me very happy. Well done! Stay as smart as you are. Listen to your parents. Grow big and healthy. My magical gifts are waiting for you under the decorated Christmas tree. Happy New Year! Happiness, a merry holiday and fulfillment of desires! With best wishes, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Option number 1

Letter for Boys from 0 to 2 years old

Grandfather Frost of the distant North is writing to you. I am a good wizard who congratulates all, all, all children and adults in the world on this wonderful New Year’s Eve. And I hastened to write to you before anyone else to congratulate you on your first New Year! The stars that shine all over the world also look into your window. They told me that such a wonderful little boy had appeared in the world!
Your mom and dad were already talking about the most fabulous New Year holiday and you watched how they decorated the Christmas tree, showing you colorful balls and garlands. Still carefully holding you in their arms, they brought you up and said the word “Fuck”, which was still unfamiliar to you. But you probably liked the smell, this is what the forest smells like in winter! The lights are blinking all around, beautiful and so bright! And they also showed you a photograph of an old man with a white beard and a red hat, that’s me - your friend Grandfather Frost! Now every New Year I will come to visit you and give you gifts. And over time, when you become big and learn to write, I will be glad to receive a letter from you.
Happy New Year to you, baby (name)! Grow up to be a big, handsome, obedient, kind boy! After all, for your parents you are the best gift in the world! I know that you have already become (.....). Let your eyes see something new and interesting every day—
you will soon find out how many miracles there are in the world. May they all come true for you and your parents!
With love. Santa Claus

Option No. 2

Letter for Girls from 0 to 2 years old


Hello, my little friend, (name)!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you from the distant North. I am a kind wizard who on this wonderful New Year’s Eve congratulates all, all, all children and adults in the world. And I hastened to write to you before anyone else to congratulate you on your first New Year! The stars that shine all over the world also look into your window. They told me that such a wonderful little girl had appeared in the world!
Your mom and dad were already talking about the most fabulous New Year holiday and you watched how they decorated the Christmas tree, showing you colorful balls and garlands. Still carefully holding you in their arms, they brought you up and said the word “El-ka,” which was still unfamiliar to you. But you probably liked the smell, this is what the forest smells like in winter! The lights are blinking all around, beautiful and so bright! And they also showed you a photograph of an old man with a white beard and a red hat, that’s me - your friend Grandfather Frost! Now every New Year I will come to visit you and give you gifts. And over time, when you become big and learn to write, I will be glad to receive a letter from you,
Happy New Year to you, baby (name)! Grow up to be a big, beautiful, obedient and kind girl!
After all, for your parents you are the best gift in the world! I know that you have already become (achievements).
Let your eyes see new and interesting things every day - you will soon find out how many miracles there are in the world. May they all come true for you and your parents!
With love, Grandfather Frost

Option number 3

Letter for Boys from 2 to 4 years old -

Hello, baby (name)!
Good Grandfather Frost is writing to you from the distant North. Your mom and dad told you about me. My job is to give miracles to all, all, all children and adults. It is I who have prepared the most beautiful gifts for you, it is I who light the lights on your Christmas tree and draw fabulous ice patterns on the windows. And I am very happy to congratulate you, (name), on the New Year!
For 3 years now (enter your age), my assistants have been telling me about you. The cheerful titmice that you see on the street fly to me in the North and bring news from the city (enter the city). I watch how you grow, what toys you love and what songs you sing. Every day you see so many interesting things - you need to learn, touch, try everything! You already know what bright butterflies and flowers there are in the summer, how the leaves rustle in the fall, and how streams flow in the spring. And of course, you know that the main and most fabulous holiday is the New Year!
I'm glad you're such a good boy. You already know how to do (this and that). And how much joy you bring to your parents! Grow up big, beautiful, smart, kind and happy. Listen to mom and dad, don’t be capricious, smile more often and of course, believe in miracles! And I will create them for you every day! And I hope that one day, when you become big, you will write me a letter or even come to visit me, in the fabulous North Country.
Happy New Year, my dear (name)!
With love,
Santa Claus

Option number 4

Letter for Girls from 2 to 4 years old -

Hello, baby (name)!
Good Grandfather Frost writes to you from the distant North. Your mom and dad told you about me. My job is to give miracles to all, all, all children and adults. It is I who have prepared the most beautiful gifts for you, it is I who light the lights on your Christmas tree and draw fabulous ice patterns on the windows, and I am very happy to congratulate you, (name), on the New Year!
For 2 years now (enter your age), my assistants have been telling me about you. The cheerful titmice that you see on the street fly to me in the North and bring news from the city (enter the city). I know how you grow, what toys you like and what songs you sing. Every day you see so many interesting things - you need to learn, touch, try everything! You already know what bright butterflies and flowers there are in the summer, how the leaves rustle in the fall, and how streams flow in the spring. And of course, you know that the main and most fabulous holiday is the New Year!
I'm glad you're such a good girl. And how much joy you bring to your parents! Grow up big, beautiful, smart, kind and happy. Listen to mom and dad, don’t be capricious, smile more often and of course, believe in miracles! And I will create them for you every day! And I hope that one day, when you become big, you will write me a letter or even come to visit me, in a fabulous northern country,
Happy New Year, dear (name)
With love, Grandfather Frost!

Option number 5

Letter for Boys from 4 to 6 years old -

Hello, (name)!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you from the far North. I have a whole bunch of things to do here: letting the northern winds walk all over the earth, scattering snowflakes, making deep snowdrifts. And my assistants, little gnomes and cheerful snowmen, and I also spend the whole year preparing gifts for children and adults from all over the world!

You, of course, know that your toys come to life at night. Do you know what they do? chatting among themselves, riding in your cars. And they write letters to me! They are also my good helpers. They say that you are great. Even though you sometimes don’t finish your porridge at breakfast and your soup at lunch, you try to help your mother and put the toys in their places (they really don’t like those who throw them at random). I know that you can even (achieve).
I wish you a lot of goodness and joy in the New Year. Remain the same nice and cheerful boy - make your parents happy, believe in miracles. The world is so big and interesting. Try to learn something new every day - you will soon be very big, you will definitely need the ability to read and write. Without it, you will never become such a wise and powerful wizard like me! So try, don't be lazy. And of course, remember that there are friends around! Share toys, help those who are weaker, smile! And I will always help you with my magic!

Your friend. Santa Claus!

Option number 6

Letter for Girls from 4 to 6 years old -

Hello, (name)!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you from the distant North. I have a whole bunch of things to do here: let the northern winds walk all over the earth, scatter snowflakes, make deep snowdrifts. And also with my helpers, little gnomes and cheerful snowmen, we prepare gifts for children and adults from all over the world all year long!
And today I hasten to congratulate you, (name), on the New Year!
Of course, you know that your dolls come to life at night. Do you know what they do? They chat with each other, drink tea from your toy dishes. And they write letters to me! They are also my good helpers. They say that you are very smart. Even though you sometimes don’t finish your porridge at breakfast and your soup at lunch, you try to help your mother and put the toys in their places (they really don’t like those who throw them at random). I know that you can even (achieve).
I wish you a lot of goodness and joy in the New Year. Remain the same nice and cheerful girl - make your parents happy, believe in miracles. The world is so big and interesting. Try to learn something new every day - you will soon be very big, you will definitely need the ability to read and write. Without it, you will never become such a wise and powerful wizard like me! So try, don't be lazy. And of course, remember that there are friends around! Share toys, help those who are weaker, smile! And I will always help you with my magic!
Today, when the clock strikes twelve, be sure to make a wish. Say it in a whisper - and then a breeze will fly in through the window, pick it up and carry it to me to the North. And I will certainly fulfill it!
Your friend, Grandfather Frost!

Option number 7

Letter for a Boy from 6 to 7 years old -

Hello, (name)!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you. I know someone told you that I don’t exist and that believing in a fairy tale is nonsense. Don't listen to anyone: everyone in the world knows that I exist! I live far from your city, in the North, in my icy mansion. I've been busy all year preparing gifts for the next New Year, because I need to congratulate the whole world! And today I congratulate you, (name), on the New Year!
You are already quite big. Just think, you’ve been making everyone around you happy for six years now! And parents, and friends, and of course, me - Grandfather Frost. My assistants, the invisible elves who live in every house (yes, yours too), constantly send me letters about your successes. Congratulations on your (achievements) this year.
Today is the night when miracles happen, and I want to make you a New Year’s prediction: soon you will meet new faithful friends. And the most amazing adventures that you will experience together! To do this you need to be brave and cheerful, and that’s what you are, right? You're a big lad. I'll tell you a secret, I look after boys and girls to train them into little wizards. I think you are suitable for this! Let this be our secret. I give you the first task: learn to count and write and read at least a few pages of a good book every day. Without this you cannot become a wizard. I’ll tell you a secret: all magicians began by studying diligently, listening to their parents, helping those who were weaker, and of course, believing in miracles! Do you think this is all very difficult? Don't worry, you will soon go to school and meet kind helpers and teachers. Listen to them carefully, it will help you become a real sorcerer. And of course, I’m waiting for a letter next New Year with a story about all your achievements!

Happy New Year, (name)!

Option number 8

Letter for Girls from 6 to 7 years old -

Hello, (name)!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you, I know someone told you that I am not here and that believing in a fairy tale is nonsense. Don't listen to anyone: everyone in the world knows that I exist! I live far from your city, in the North, in my icy mansion. I've been busy all year preparing gifts for the next New Year, because I need to congratulate the whole world! And today I congratulate you, (name), on the New Year!
You are growing up and becoming a real little beauty. Just think, you’ve been making everyone around you happy for six years now! And parents, and friends, and of course, me, Grandfather Frost. My assistants, the invisible elves who live in every house (yes, yours too), constantly send me letters about your successes.
Today is the night when miracles happen, and I want to make you a New Year’s prediction: soon you will meet new faithful friends. And the most amazing adventures that you will experience together! To do this you need to be a cheerful, kind and brave girl, and that’s what you are, right? You are very smart. I’ll tell you a secret, I look after boys and girls to train them into little sorcerers. I think you are suitable for this! Let this be our secret. I give you the first task: learn to count and write and read at least a few pages of a good book every day. Without this you cannot become a sorceress. I’ll tell you a secret: all magicians began by studying diligently, listening to their parents and, of course, believing in miracles! Do you think this is all very difficult? Don’t worry, you will soon go to school and meet kind helpers and teachers. Listen to them carefully, it will help you become a real sorceress. And of course, I’m waiting for a letter next New Year with a story about all your achievements!
I wish you a lot of joy and fun in the New Year.
Don't forget to congratulate mom and dad. Say hello to them from me!
Happy New Year, (name)!

Option number 9

Writing from 8 to 12 years old -

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year! Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, I’m writing to you - the real Santa Claus, a powerful, kind wizard!
Are you still looking at the return address on the envelope and wondering whose joke or prank this is? But everything is for real. Now is the New Year, the most magical time! And I am writing to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday.
We have a lot of things to do in the North right now: the gift workshop is in full swing day and night. After all, it depends only on us whether this year there will be gifts and congratulations for everyone in the world, adults and children! But I, and my assistants, the elves and gnomes, and even the deer, my faithful team - everyone is happy with the work and willingly does it. After all, it is needed to make people happy!
Even though you live far from my northern lands and don’t work in our gift workshop, you also know how to give happiness to your parents, friends, teachers (if you’re not lazy)... I know from my invisible elf helpers who live in your house that you are a great fellow. They tell, for example, that this year you (achievements). I am very happy for you!
And I’m especially glad that you have faithful and reliable friends, such as (names). In our fairy-tale country, everyone knows that those who believe in friendship and are always ready to help are lucky in travel and adventure. Harry Potter, the hobbit Frodo and the Jedi (the heroes can vary - choose those whom the child loves) send you greetings and wishes: do not quarrel, do not be afraid of difficulties - together you will always cope! - and never offend those who are weaker.
Soon the chimes will strike midnight and the New Year's lights will be switched on. Hurry up to make your cherished wish - and I promise to fulfill it for you!
Happy New Year, (name)!
Your friend. Santa Claus

Option number 10

For boys from 13 to 16 years old


Hello, my dear friend (name)!

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year!

Do you know who is writing to you? Santa Claus! Sorry that I don’t call you on Skype or write to you in contact - I’m old, it’s difficult for me to master modern technologies that you and your friends (names) understand so easily. And technical innovations reach my palaces in the North with a great delay... I hope you don’t mind receiving such an old-fashioned paper letter?

You are no longer the same kid with broken knees who once wrote me letters! I can already talk to you like an adult. Previously, I only sent you gifts - in vain you thought that this was the work of only your parents, together we took care of your festive mood. And today I want to write to you myself, dear (name)!

I am very happy to follow your successes from afar and even sympathize with you in your small failures. And I want to convey to you my congratulations and applause! You are a great fellow (a story about what exactly). You apply a lot of patience and willpower to what you love (you can enter a hobby or a favorite school subject). I wish you not to forget about these wonderful qualities of yours when it comes to unloved subjects (write in) or instructions from your parents. Yes, being a superhero is not easy, but you can do it :)

I'll tell you a secret: every person has magical abilities! You have them very bright and noticeable: loyalty in friendship, the ability to be yourself, to have your own opinion. And, of course (here again about hobbies: virtuoso guitar/computer skills/beautiful voice). Develop your talents and multiply them: I, the main New Year's wizard, will try my best to help you with this.

My gifts to you are a happy new year, overcoming all obstacles, many joyful discoveries, fun meetings with friends!

Your friend

Santa Claus


Option number 11

Letter for a Person with a Hobby -

Hello, my dear (name)!
Santa Claus is writing to you.
Yes, yes, I really am and am glad to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!
Of course, I am not writing to all adults - but only to those who have not lost the ability to be surprised and believe in the impossible. And you are definitely one of them!
You believe so much in your dream and give it so much strength that seasoned and experienced wizards never dreamed of. Even I haven’t seen as much talent in my gift workshop as you show when you do what you love. (Here are a couple of phrases depending on the specifics of the hobby). I’ll soon start sending my elves to master classes: you have a lot to learn)
Take a break from everything today, even from your loved ones. Look - there's a holiday all around! Lights come on, snowflakes fall and wishes come true!
Under the Christmas tree I will put strength and optimism for you, and also patience for your loved ones. The fact that they live in a house that, through your efforts, has been turned into (a doll workshop, a sewing workshop, a bike garage, a rehearsal space, etc.). Apparently your whole family is extremely strong-willed and cheerful. I approve! You also have excellent friends and like-minded people (a couple of names here). Another gift from me is the spirit of strength to your friendship. Let it become even stronger and hotter!
Don't go astray, continue to look at the world inquisitively and vigilantly.
And I promise you: all your dreams will definitely come true, and your aspirations will definitely lead to your goal!
Happy New Year: the year when everything in your life will change!
Your friend,
Santa Claus

Option number 12

Letter to Parents-

Hello, my dear (names)!
So the New Year rolled up like a merry troika through the shaggy snowdrifts. And I, good Grandfather Frost, hasten to congratulate everyone in the world on this holiday, young and old. And of course, I couldn’t help but write a letter to your friendly family!
Being a wizard is not easy, but being a parent is a thousand times more difficult.
Previously, you (names) thought through fairy tales so that your children would have a joyful and interesting life.
Now your children have grown up and want to thank you with the same wonderful fairy tales in our daily lives. I am writing this letter because words of gratitude to you from (children’s names) have reached even my palaces in the North. Even if we all sometimes feel embarrassed to tell a loved one out loud how dear he is to us, know and remember that you are the closest people to (children’s names) and they sincerely wish you that everything goes well for you!
I am an old wizard myself and I know how much effort it takes to make every little one happy. And I only work one day a year! You take care of your children every day - and you do it with such love and patience that you yourself can already be considered good sorcerers!
You had to go through many everyday problems in order to keep the warmth of your home. Let it not go out further, and with it the love that has made you one family flares up more and more brightly. Drive petty quarrels and troubles out of the house, always try to hear each other. I wish you good health, prosperity (so that there are more blessings than gifts in my bag), pleasant surprises every day, and that kind words and joyful laughter never cease in the house!
Happiness to you, (names)!
Happy New Year!

Your friend,
Santa Claus

Option number 13

Letter for Mom-

Hello, my dear (name)!
Following the snowstorms came pre-holiday chores. But today I want you to put all your worries aside. No matter how much you are in a hurry to please your family and friends with the New Year's celebration (and I believe you will do it perfectly, like no one else!), sit down for a minute to read my letter: I. Grandfather Frost, I congratulate you on the New Year!
Even though I live far in the North, even news about you has already reached me - you won’t find another such beauty (more beautiful than my Snow Maiden!), a kind wife, a caring mother, a wonderful hostess! And of course, I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you all the best and joys. I admit honestly, I myself might not have time to send you news (grandfather is old, there are so many worries, so many congratulations need to be sent and gifts to be distributed, but your loved ones, (names), love you so dearly and speak so warmly about you that their love and affection for you can melt even the iciest heart. Even though we cannot always tell a person out loud that he is dear to us and necessary, know that for your children, (names), you are the best mother in the world, a real kind sorceress, and they just Sometimes words are not enough to express my gratitude.
Remain the same beauty, keep the warmth of your home. Peace in your family is your merit!
Let your loved ones keep you and protect you, and on holidays and everyday life you feel next to them, like a princess from a fairy tale.
Happy New Year to you, (name)!
Only good news, only joy, tenderness and warmth!
Your friend
Santa Claus

Option number 14

Letter for the Pope-

Hello, my dear friend (name)!
It’s probably not so easy to surprise a respectable man, the head of the family, husband and father. But I’ll still try! Santa Claus is writing to you - the same one you told your children about (names), and maybe even portrayed. Hand on heart, a cotton beard doesn’t suit you very well), but what’s true is true—you know how to give your children as much joy as even I don’t have in my bag of gifts.
There are so many awards and titles in the world, but the *Best Dad* medal has not yet been invented... But, I’ll tell you a secret, your family would really like to give it to you! But I don’t have such a gift in my bag. Among the tinsel, you will not find love, trust, respect and care from your loved ones - you earned these gifts yourself, without my help. And I just wish you that they do not fade away from time and everyday troubles.
Smile at your family, they all love you. Read in them all the good thoughts about you - believe me, there are so many of them that their warmth reaches even the distant North.
May the New Year bring you only happy moments! I wish you (and I will try to conjure, honestly, from the bottom of my heart) good health and inexhaustible fortitude that would help you, (name), overcome any adversity and remain a support and support for your family.
Happy New Year, (name)!
Your friend,
Santa Claus

Option number 15

Letter for Grandmother-

Hello, my dear friend, (name)!
Winter has come into its own again, the most magical time of the year has begun - the time when I, Santa Claus, do my favorite job: making people happy! Adults and children, if faith in good things would be alive in the heart and there would be a twinkle in the eyes. And you are just one of them. That is why I hasten to send you my congratulations today!
No matter how many years have passed since our first meetings, I will always remember that girl in multi-colored bows who wrote me letters in block letters about her innermost dreams. I did not forget you and when you became an adult independent woman. Although it is immodest to boast, I will say that those joyful meetings that you now treasure in your memory did not happen without my help. Success at work, peace in the home, the birth of children (names) - these are all miracles that make the world a kinder place. I helped you with them as best I could. And now, you yourself have received the most honorable title of a sorceress: you have become a grandmother! Now the most interesting things begin: fairy tales in the evenings, secrets in the ear, broken knees and candy in the palm (here the name of the grandson/grandchildren. Whose palms and knees are). You see, you also know how to tell fortunes, no worse than me!
And I wish you: Let the warmth in your home never go out - after all, you are its keeper, and you deserve only peace and kindness and all the best.
May all storms bypass your home.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Your old friend
Santa Claus

Option number 16

Letter for Business Person:

Hello, my dear friend (name)!
Look up from your papers and don’t rub your eyes in such amazement: it’s really me. Grandfather Frost, I am writing to you to wish you a Happy New Year!
Do you remember how you sent me your first letters in block letters and asked for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires? Now, you can achieve everything yourself - rather, I can ask you for help (there are, alas, very few such wizards in our country).
Of course, all those close and respectful of you will today raise their glasses to ensure that (your company prospers *here with the name*), no crises are scary for you, competitors admit their powerlessness and all ideas, even the most risky and absurd, bring profit . And I’ll put good luck under the tree for you to make it all come true. But I myself wish for something different! My gift to you, (name), is the ability to be surprised by little things and enjoy every day! Look how the soft snow falls in flakes, how the lights burn on the Christmas tree, how your loved ones smile (*names of family members can be added here, if any*). Forget about business! Set off fireworks, perform a fiery dance and have a lot of fun! Right now - put this letter aside and celebrate the holiday to the fullest!
I hope to see the results on YouTube later.
Don't forget to congratulate your loved ones: hug (name), peck on the cheek (name), call (name)
And hurry to miracles and victories in the New Year!
Congratulations on the most magical holiday! All dreams will come true. With a guarantee!
Your friend,
Santa Claus

Letters to adults

Option number 17
For a man:


Hello, ...!
Here we meet again. It would seem like just yesterday you, so small and elegant, stood by the New Year tree and loudly called to me - De-shower Mo-rose!...
And today your own children, with bated breath, are waiting for me and my gifts, just as you once waited for them. Yes, a lot of icy water has flowed under the bridge!... But I haven’t forgotten you...!
Peering into my magic mirror, I rejoiced at your victories and experienced your sorrows. And this is what I want to wish you, ..., in this New Year:
You have a Family... A family as strong as an iceberg at the North Pole is the best thing that can happen to a person! Believe me, a 2000 year old man who has been in every house!
After all, every year, even when the New Year’s magic gradually gives way to everyday work, your family gives you their boundless love and support all year long.
I wish you, ..., in this New Year, to love even more firmly and to be loved even more deeply by your dearest people!

Be happy!
Father Frost


Option No. 18

For a man:



Letters to adults

For women:
Option No. 19

Hello, ...!
So we met again. It would seem like just yesterday you, so small and elegant, stood by the New Year tree and loudly called to me - De-shower Mo-rose!...
And today your own children, with bated breath, are waiting for me and my gifts, just as you once waited for them. Yes, a lot of icy water has flowed under the bridge!... But I haven’t forgotten you...!
Peering into my magic mirror with rhinestones made of ice, I rejoiced at your victories and experienced your sorrows. And this is what I want to wish you, ..., in this New Year:
You have a Family... A family as strong as an iceberg at the North Pole is the most precious gift in the world! Believe me, a 2000 year old man who has been in every house!
After all, every year, even when the New Year’s magic gradually gives way to everyday work, your family gives you unlimited

Honest reviews that we receive during personal communication with the client and publish with his permission.

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We have launched, we have been working for 5 years, despite the crisis :)

We decided to just give it a try and drew attention to your platform. There were several options, but more expensive.

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*results may vary in each individual case

It is enough to choose a beautiful envelope, paper and write a few lines on behalf of the wizard. What should these lines be so that the child does not doubt the existence of Santa Claus?

How to write a letter from Santa Claus: an appeal

A letter from Santa Claus (2018 can be downloaded for free in word format) must begin with an address to the child. To make the beginning of your letter successful, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

1. You should not call the child in a letter the way parents usually do at home. Otherwise, the baby will immediately understand that the letter he is holding in his hands is the work of his parents, and not a real wizard, so “cuckoo” or “sweet owlet” should be left for later.

2. The child should be called by his first and last name. First and last name is the ideal address for a child in a congratulatory letter. It is best to include them at the beginning of your letter. And then call the child by abbreviation if necessary. For example, not Andrey, but Andryusha.

3. Pet names should be kept to a minimum. You shouldn’t call your child “Andryushenka” or “Nastyusha” every two sentences. That's what parents are for. And Santa Claus should be a little stingy with pet names. He's still too serious for that.

The significance of the holiday

The fourth part of the letter from Santa Claus should be devoted to the significance of the holiday. For example, you can talk in a few words about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in other countries. This will be very interesting for the baby to know. In addition, Santa Claus should give the child some recommendations on how to spend his New Year holidays, indicating that this is the best time to spend as much time as possible with friends outside (if weather conditions permit) and pay attention to parents.

You can download the templates from the link!

congratulatory part

This is the most significant part of the letter from Grandfather Frost (template 2018 can be downloaded on the Internet for free). It is better not to use the poetic form. Otherwise, the child may doubt whether this letter was really sent by the real Santa Claus. It is much better to write, wishing the child success in his studies, hobbies and behavior. You should not focus too much attention on the last point.

Important Details

You can also write that Grandfather Frost always follows all the children and knows how they behave throughout the year. In addition to the child’s small victories, he also sees his defeats. However, Grandfather Frost knows that in the future the baby will be able to correct his shortcomings, which means that he will be able to become even better than before.

In this case, you can indicate for what specific merits the child deserved his gift this year:

1. For excellent academic achievements.
2. For good behavior and help to parents.
3. For winning some competition or sports relay race.
4. For something else (which parents still know about).

In addition, it is worth saying that Grandfather Frost will continue to closely monitor the child’s behavior in the future. To receive a gift next year, like other children, the baby will have to try hard. After all, Grandfather Frost does not like those who want to receive a gift undeservedly - without doing anything good for it.

It’s definitely worth paying a few words to the Snow Maiden. It will be especially important for girls to receive valuable recommendations from the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

Parents, like no one else, know about the shortcomings of their baby. On behalf of the wizard, it is worth writing about what should definitely be corrected in the coming year:

1. Try to cry less over trifles.
2. Don't fight with girls.
3. Read more.
4. Spend less time at the computer.
5. Put away your toys.
6. Listen to your grandparents and much more.

How to choose a gift for a boy

In addition to a letter from Santa Claus 2016 (a template for a boy can be downloaded for free on the Internet), there must be some kind of letter waiting for the child. There are many options for what to give a boy for the New Year:

Collectible model cars

One car can be given as a gift for a less significant holiday. And the New Year is a time of miracles. A collectible model of cars is, of course, not a cheap pleasure. But your baby will be incredibly happy with such a “new thing.” The cost of the set depends on the number of cars included in it, as well as the material of manufacture.

Sport equipment

A man must be athletic. It’s practically “innate” in him. To make the process of introduction to sports more active, the task of parents is to encourage the child in every possible way to participate in sports clubs. To do this, you can give him a set for boxing, football or any other sport that interests him. As an alternative - several subscriptions to different clubs, so that the child has the opportunity to independently choose what he wants to do, and perhaps what he will connect his future with.

Creator's Kit

Here everything depends solely on the child’s hobbies and their parents’ knowledge of them.

Choosing a New Year's gift for a girl

Write a letter from Grandfather Frost 2016 (template for a girl can be downloaded for free on the Internet) - this is too little for the child to remain 100% satisfied with Grandfather’s attention to his person. You should also be sure to prepare the gift that the child asked for in his letter. If the baby did not indicate what she wanted to receive for the New Year, the parents will have to think for themselves what their child would be delighted with. Below are the top New Year's gift ideas for a girl under ten years of age.

Sweet Barbie

This is an original gift for a first-grader girl and slightly older ladies (under the age of ten). If a young lady loves sweets and still plays with dolls, she will definitely love the sweet Barbie doll.

It's very easy to make one like this. To do this, you will need to buy the doll that the girl dreams of and a kilogram of her favorite sweets. Next, double-sided tape is glued onto the box with the doll, onto which the candies, in turn, are glued. It is important that the doll's silhouette is not sealed (as a rule, the box should be transparent in this place). The gift is ready.

Suit for classes

Dancing, sports, gymnastics - all this requires special costumes, both for performances and for ordinary everyday activities. Why not pamper your little one with a brand new suit. In one fell swoop, adults will kill two birds with one stone - in the near future they will not have to buy clothes for their child’s activities separately, and the baby herself will certainly be satisfied with such a New Year’s gift. Especially if the gift is exactly the kind she has long dreamed of.

Illuminated mirror for children's room

In addition to a letter from Santa Claus 2016 (the template can be downloaded on the Internet for free), an excellent gift for a girl would be a mirror with lighting for a child’s room. This is a gift that all ladies, young and old, dream of. If now the girl doesn’t look at him so often, then in a few years the young fashionista will not be able to tear herself away from him.

Friends, I hope you have not forgotten to remind your child about a good family tradition - writing a letter to Santa Claus with your cherished desires.
Now is the time to make sure that your child receives a reply letter from Santa Claus.

An online generator has been created especially for you on the site, with which you can compose and print a personal letter from Santa Claus for your child is perfect for free.
It's very easy to do!

To receive a letter from Santa Claus, you need to tick the following box in a special form:

  • - gender of the child - girl/boy.
  • - select a letter template on which the text will be placed
  • - insert the child's name
  • - click on the "generate" button

As a result, you will receive a finished letter on a beautiful letterhead. All you have to do is save the letter on your computer and print it.

Of course, it’s better to compose the text of the New Year’s letter from Santa Claus yourself. To do this, you need to select “Your text” in the form, because only you, like no one else, will choose the right words for your child. Only you know him from head to toe, all his thoughts and desires.
But if you cannot come up with the text of the letter, use a ready-made letter template from Santa Claus.

Write a letter from Santa Claus to your child

text for girl and boy

design 1 design 2

design 3 design 4

Letter header
use a new line (enter) for a new paragraph

You can enter 900 characters in the text field | 900 characters left

Father Frost is writing to you from the ancient northern city of Veliky Ustyug!
-name-, you have grown a lot this year, learned and seen a lot of new things, but the most interesting events are still ahead of you. In the New Year, new toys, new meetings, new successes and achievements await you.
-name-, always be the same kind and good boy, an attentive and sympathetic son, a faithful and reliable friend, then miracles will occur in your life every day, and a magical winter fairy tale will turn into the fulfillment of your most cherished desires!
-name-, your family is very friendly and cheerful, and on this amazing holiday I want to wish you a Happy New Year! May you remember the New Year's holiday with real magic, lots of gifts and sweets. May your dreams come true this year and new ones appear!
Your Grandfather Frost.

Santa Claus is writing to you!
-name-, I am sending you this letter from the wonderful northern city of Veliky Ustyug!
We have a lot of snow here now. The snowdrifts in the forest are so deep that even in my magic felt boots, I keep falling waist-deep into a snowdrift! Snow Maiden, this makes me laugh until I drop! What's interesting about you?
-name-, you have grown a lot this year and have become like a little princess. You learned a lot and learned a lot, made a lot of wonderful crafts. You have new girlfriends and friends. You help your mother more and more and become a real helper.
-name-, I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you happiness, joy, and a cheerful mood. May your cherished wishes come true, and may this New Year become a real fairy tale for you!
Remain the same good, cheerful and kind girl!
Your Grandfather Frost.

Place the resulting letter from Santa Claus in a beautiful New Year's envelope. You can download and print the New Year's envelope for free using the link below.

All that remains is to choose a New Year's gift for the child and come up with...

Friends, you can download and print all letters and envelopes as many times as you need.

If you liked this service (generator) of New Year's letters, New Year's mood generator, you can thank and support the author of the service

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