For my beloved mother, magic lines. Nursery poems about mom: a collection of the best nursery rhymes A poem about mom so you can pay

Statuses about mom - It's very hard without a mom, And everything around fades. There are no relatives in the world. She is your close friend.

Now you think that your mother does not understand you at all and does not want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time you sat at the window for long evenings and waited for only one thing - when your mother comes home from work ... of course, you don’t remember this ...

The word "MAMA" is precious! Mom is to be cherished! With her kindness and care
it's easier for us to live in the world!

Even if you are busy with business, everything in the world can be postponed. Five minutes, and call Mom if you can still call. He loves us more than we ourselves, earlier than from birth, remembers us. Call, call mom!!! She's waiting... today and now...

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can't do anything.

Mom's heart does not know peace, Mom's heart, like a torch burns, Mom's heart will cover from grief, It will be hard for him - he will remain silent!

My mother is either a clairvoyant or a secret agent - otherwise how does she always know exactly what awaits me if I do not do what she advised ???

A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even her own blood more painful...

Love your mom more than anyone in the world! After all, she raised us, read fairy tales in the night light ... she does not feel sorry for her life for you.

Forget all the same about moms. And they miss the evenings, Occasionally calling us And always interested in us.

Any bad day can be fixed by one good person... Mom.

The most precious thing in life is mom's smile... And the worst thing is her tears...

Mothers sigh in silence, In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence. For them, we are forever kids, And it's impossible to argue with that.

I am afraid in the world of one that I will come home one day, I will say "Mom, I am at home", and in response I will hear only silence.

I love my mother like a tree loves the sun and water - she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights.

There are many beautiful words in the world. But more beautiful is still one - of the two syllables is simple - “mother” and there are no words more expensive than it.

There may be several girlfriends in your life... there may be several husbands in your life... it may happen that in your life there will be several fathers... but there will always be only one mother.

Someone says that there are no angels on earth, but once you look into your mother's eyes, doubts about this disappear!

How was it before? Mom, can I not spend the night at home today, but now more and more often: “Mom, can I spend the night with you today?”

Believe me, as long as you have Mom, you are happy. No riches of the world, no people and luxury will replace it.

Mom is the most dear, closest and priceless person in the world. She loves deeply, always caresses and regrets, protects and saves from all troubles. "Mother!" - we pronounce when it hurts or is scared. Mom is needed in moments of happiness.

Only a mother has the most tender hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart.

Mom is the most expensive luxury in the world. So please, appreciate it.

Love your mother, because she is the only one in the world who loves you and is constantly waiting. She will always meet you with a kind smile, she alone will forgive you and understand!

Mom will never change, because her love for you is holy.

When we grow up over the years, When we become smarter, More and more often we are sad about our mother, We think about her more and more. Her love shines in our lives, She is given to us for happiness There are not many friends in the world, But mother is still alone.

The parental home is a small paradise: it sleeps well and smells of sweets. This is the best place in the whole world .. Mom is there!

Take care mom! When everyone turns away, she will be the only one who truly believes in you!

Your mother is the most grateful person in the world. She loves you just the way you are. Just for being you. She forgives everything.

We take a heavy sin on our souls when we forget our parents. if they leave, we will not return them back and we will never justify ourselves! Hurry to give them warmth so that it warms their souls, because they do not need anything from us, just so that they are not forgotten!

Never be angry with MOM, do not say words that can upset her or break her loving heart. You have only one She, make her happy, as she wanted it for you.

The hard work of children to give birth, raise, wash diapers. Let the mother be the heroine for every child! Let Mary, the mother of all women on the planet, keep. And the children will not get tired of repeating to their mothers: You are the best mother in the world!

Quotes of famous people and nice words about mom.

Mom is the most precious person in the world. It is her advice that helps us in difficult situations. And home, where mom is waiting, I always want to return. We must always support our parents, so it will not be superfluous to say a few nice words.

Beautiful words and expressions about mom are short with meaning for status: a list of the best

Nobody but us knows better than their parents. That is why only children know how to talk to their mother in order to cheer her up and cheer her up. There are a lot of quotes that tell the whole truth about mom and confirm her value. Famous people and masters of the pen, like no one else, can talk about mothers and confess their love.

List of famous people quotes about moms:

The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (Donna Brower)

In no case should you be a mother-loser, there is nothing worse for children. (G. Shcherbakova)

The art of motherhood is to teach the child the art of life. (E. Heffner)

One who does not have a longing for the past did not have a mother. (Gr. Nunn)

Winged expressions and words about love for mom in your own words: a list

You can please the dearest person with the catch phrases of famous people. But the most sincere will be your own words that come from a pure heart. We spend so little time with our parents when we start our own family. Don't distance yourself from your parents. You should try to spend as much time as possible with your mother and call as often as possible. Just a couple of minutes a day will help mom not be bored and it’s easier to endure separation. Don't be greedy, say a few words.

Catch phrases of famous people:

Mom is the only miracle of nature with which even death is powerless to separate us. L. S. Sukhorukov.

The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. O. Balzac.

Every mother is absolutely sure that her daughter's fiancé is better than her father, but her son's wife will never be compared with herself. M. Andersen.

Words of love in your own words:

Mommy, you are the most beloved and dear little man that I have. I value you very much.

Mom, it's hard to find words. I cherish you and will try to justify the title of a good daughter. After all, such a mother should have only excellent children.

Favorite mommy! Many years have passed since you first heard the word mother. You are Mom with a capital letter, as you have always supported me.

Native mother! Despite the fact that I rarely call you, there is always a place in my heart for you. I know that I can always count on your support.

Kind words for mommy beloved: the most sincere, warm, pleasant and tender words of love for mom

To please your most valuable person, say nice words more often and confess your love. Mothers sometimes do not have enough time for themselves precisely because of the children. Therefore, compensate for the wasted time with your love. It will never be superfluous to say a couple of pleasant phrases and talk about your love. After all, often for worries, mom completely forgets about her value. Help mom remember that she is loved and cherished.

Affectionate and pleasant words for mom:

My mother has taken care of me for many years. I don't give her peace, no. I wish you love, congratulations on a wonderful day.

You are the most sincere person. Only you can be trusted with the most intimate secrets. I'm very glad that I have you.

Mamulechka, you are the person for whom nothing is a pity. Everything I have is thanks to you. I know that you can support me at any moment. I love you very much and love you.

Moms are truly strange creatures. They carry us all their lives either in their stomachs, or in their arms, or in their hearts. Take care moms.

Only a mother can stay up all night long. Only a mother thinks about her children all the time, even when they have grown up. Thank you very much for your love.

Mamulechka - you are the most valuable person in the whole earth. I value you very much and will give you the last.

Mom, I don't remember my first word and step. But in difficult times, you were always there. I really appreciate your support.

Beloved mother. I have never been so warm and comfortable with anyone as with you. Your hands are the most affectionate. Love you.

Mommy, you are the standard of femininity and beauty for me. And yet, you are the kindest and most sincere person on the planet.

Mom, I wish you peace of mind and pure thoughts. I hope that no thoughts will burden you. Love you.

Mommy, I walked among the trees and birds for a long time. I wanted them to tell me what to tell you. But in the end, it's hard for me to find the right words. I love you very much.

Mom will always reassure and comfort. Also, she will always keep you in her heart. Appreciate her. Take care of moms, and do not offend them.

VIDEO: Nice words to mom

I'll cut out a heart
I will give mom
And I'll say the words:
I love you.

I will give my mother the whole world:
All mountains, seas, oceans.
And I love her very much
After all, there is no one better than a mother.

I love my mommy
And I will give her all the flowers,
And I'll get a star from the sky,
Beautiful, like my mother will become.

In the morning I will run to my mother,
And I'll hug you tightly
And I whisper in her ear
That there is no better mother in the world.

Blow on the wound, give wise advice,
The pie will bake the most delicious.
And with his smile will give me light -
My mother will not let me be sad.

Today we walked in the forest
There were several of us.
Gathered flowers for mom
Which blind eyes.

Mother's smile shines
Like a small fish.
Plays with gentle rays
I want to grab it with my hands.

I'll make a flower out of paper
Or blind with my hands.
And this little lump
I'll take it to my mom.

I want to hug my mom
And whisper in your ear
I will give you flowers
Sweet girlfriend.

Strong, beautiful,
I have mom
Smart and cute
I love you!

Birds sing beautifully for mom
The sun is shining brightly
How I love my mother
Nobody will replace her.

She brings me toys and candy
But I love her, of course, not for that,
Because she gives me happiness
And there is no better mother on earth.

Yesterday we conquered the sea with my mother,
They launched ships, planes and lights ...
Nothing, it's a puddle! Mom knows everything you need
Turning clouds into fabulous cities!

Poems for children 3-4 years old

Look what day
The sun in the window.
I want to give my mom
A little bit of joy.

So that on a bright, warm day
Mom wasn't sad.
To happiness never
She didn't have enough.

Dear, dear
My mommy
Know that it's very strong
I love you.

All the flowers in the world
Only for you.
The best
My mommy.

Where can I find words like this
To mother dear
About love to say immeasurable
And congratulate on such a day.

Instead of words to your mother
I'll hug you tightly,
And favorite flowers
On spring day I will give.

From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate
I am a native man
Leave wishes:
Happiness will be a river.

Let health be the sea
And the luck of the caravan.
And warmth, kindness, smiles
There will be an ocean!

On this bright good day
Congratulations mom.
And favorite flowers
I'll put it in a vase.

To bloom with a smile
Dear, dear.
It's good that I have
Mom is like that.

Mom is my best friend
Or rather a friend.
Mom is not scary at all.
No heat, no blizzard.

We dance and sing with mom,
We knead the dough together.
With my sweet mother
Everything is interesting to me.

My very kind
Mother dear.
With her adversity is not terrible
And any trouble.

I hug every day
And kiss on the cheek.
The only pity is that they fly headlong
Mother's years.

Mom gets up early.
Cases in the morning are overwhelming:
Need to prepare breakfast
And eat together.

Get your hair done,
Dress me up for kindergarten.
Dad to iron his shirt
Feed the dog Glashka.

Well, in the evening again
Mom goes to bed late.

At my mommy
warm hands,
We know with daddy
I don't have her better.

So beautiful she is
So she's kind
Let her be happy
Mommy always.

Dear Mom,
You are not more beautiful
I know with you
What is happiness.

You give me a smile
And your warmth
You definitely won't leave
You are lucky.

Though I will go around the whole world
I can't find a better mother
Affectionate, sweetheart,
Well, the most beautiful.

You hug and kiss
And indulge in delicious treats
I say thank you
Because I love you so much.

Mom sings songs
Stroking on the head
Affectionately always calls
He takes me to kindergarten.

I love my mom so much
Everything is ready to give
I call myself the most
I will always love her.

My mother is tender
You're the best
white smile,
The loudest laugh ever.

Thanks to my mom
I love her very much
I know it's mutual
I can't even sleep without it.

Who is the most beautiful in the world?
Who sings the best?
Who gets up at dawn
Does she bake pancakes for me?

This is my dear mother
You won't find better in the world
And I don't need another
She is my love angel.

Let the wind blow a little
And the streets are empty again
Let the rain knock on the window
And I'm warm and cozy!

After all, as always warms me
Mom's laughter, smiles, words!
It's always like this with mom...
As if the sun always shines in the house!

By the sounding waters of the brook
My boat is rushing
And in it is a spring flower, dear
For my beloved mother.

She will see - she will laugh,
Turn to me with a smile
And I will say quietly to her:
"I love you more than anyone!"

The sun shines so bright
The birds are singing so loud
The wind plays with the birches
And the flowers seem to bloom brighter ...

It's all because mom
Smiled kindly at me
And kiss early
Woke me up at dawn!

Mom is a good ray
It's sunshine in the spring.
Mom will disperse the clouds,
If we are sad with you.

Mom is the best medicine
From sickness and longing,
Mom is our kingdom
Caress, tenderness, love!

I love my mommy
Kiss her hard
I'll get on my knees to her,
Let him tell me a story.

About magical land
About a beauty.
And under my mother's voice
I'll only sleep for an hour.

I'll grow up soon
I will become a hero of the whole country!
To make my mom proud
And I didn't get mad at the cat.

I painted it a little
With Murka we disguised ourselves,
Only mom found us
Oh, and beatings asked!

My mother is the most beloved
Kind, funny, beautiful.
I'll run to the green meadow,
And her white daisies narva.

I will give my mother a bouquet,
Let him hug me affectionately in return.
I won't upset her
Because I love my mom.

My every day is filled with care,
She surrounds me with affection.
Mom to help me is not a bit lazy,
I want to make her life a fairy tale.

And let her get tired sometimes
Sighing hugs me
I will carry her love through the years
After all, there is no purer love.

Birds sang in the garden
Water runs in streams.
And I'm walking down the street
I bring flowers for my mother.

I'm hurrying today
Congratulate my family.
And it will become brighter in the soul.
When I kiss you

How I love my mother
I'll tell the whole world
I'll run to the meadow
And I will gather beautiful flowers.

For her, the wreath is beautiful
It will be the best decoration
Let her be happy
And admirable.

Mom will cook porridge in the morning
Take me to kindergarten
Unfortunately, he does not know
Sad time without her.

I'll carve a flower for her
I'll keep it carefully
Because very very
I love my mother.

Always support me
Hugs and kisses
My beloved mother
Always pampers me with something.

When I get big
I will give you the best home
Garage with lots of cars
And the ocean under the window.

I will give a bouquet of flowers,
Perfume, chocolate, candy,
After all, there is no better mother,
And you will not find in the world.

How I love Saturday
Mom doesn't go to work.
You can play with her
And then walk outside.

Feed a delicious dinner
Then a well-deserved dessert
I sleep soundly with her in my arms,
I love my mother.

Mom bunny meets - every day!
And the seal gives her candy
And the titmouse in its beak carries halva,
And the wolf cub - sweet persimmon!

She will find an approach to everyone,
Because everyone is nicer and kinder.
I know for sure: go around the whole world -
There is no better mother in the world!

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy -
I repeat again and again
Because I gave
me mommy love

And warmth, and adoration,
Comfort and kindness...
I bow, respect
And I love you, Mommy!

Mom has an answer for everything
There is enough time for everything:
I lie down - do not sleep,
I get up: “Hi! Here's some milk and biscuits."

And on the table still hovers
Large bowl of porridge.
Feel sad if - encourage -
Our mother is the best!

Wise Vasilisa.
More beautiful than a queen.
Bolder than Gerda, Maya
My mommy.

She will enchant
She will conjure
Comfort and mood
And joy for me!

I'll draw a rainbow arc for mom:
Red raspberry beckons in the meadow,
The red fox is hiding in the grass,
The sun hare jumps through the foliage.

The forest is lushly green in the picture,
The purity of heaven shines blue.
I will splash the sea with blue on a summer day,
Bright purple - juicy lilac.

I will sign today with chalk, pencils:
I will give a picture to my mother - from the heart!

When mom is around, it's cozy in the house,
When mom is around - it's not scary, it's light:
She kisses, always smiles,
Hugs, and immediately - the heart is warm.

But there is no mother nearby, and the child is scared,
And tears from the eyes, like rain, fly.
Without a mother, a puppy and a kitten are sad,
Chickens, ducks. Everyone wants a mom!

Fairy tales come to life in a book
When mom reads them
And somewhere all around

Only a fairy tale remains.
And sleep is knocking on the window.
Daughter closes her eyes
Sleeping on the stove Murka cat.

Being a mom is hard work:
cook, go to the store,
Clean house and wash dishes
Smile to everyone, love everyone.

Being a mom is so easy and simple
When they help cook
The kids wash the dishes themselves
And they clean the house together.

When mothers were little
They dreamed of becoming adults
To dresses beautiful, fashionable
Buy yourself every day.

When mothers became adults,
They forgot what they dreamed of.
They buy toys
dolls, robots, rattles.

Me and my mom are two friends
Two chatterboxes.
The sun loves us very much
They give rays of freckles.

They say that we are the same
Like drops of water
Smiling at passers-by
Dancing merrily pigtails.

Poems about mom for children 5 - 7 years old

I wake up today at dawn
Brushes, paints I will get again,
I'll draw on a big, big easel
Your greatest love

I'll draw my mother today
Her eyes that always shine with kindness,
Her cheeks that I kiss so often
Her hands that caress in bad weather!

I wake up today at dawn -
I won't miss this moment today.
I'll draw my mother on an easel
Because I love her!

Mom can do anything!
All children are proud of their mother!
My dad is good too
But without your mother you will be lost.

Who will cook delicious porridge for me?
Who will braid the hair?
Who will tell me a story?
Who will sing me a song?

Who will blow on the knee
What if I suddenly fall?
I'm going to hug my mom
I can't live without her!

My mom is the best!
She has a cheerful laugh
Mom is so smart
Mom knows everything!

Whatever you ask, you will get an answer.
How many planets are in the sky?
What do monkeys eat in the morning?
Do elephants wear panties?

When I grow up big
I read many books
To become smart like a mother,
And know the answers to everything.

When we search the Internet for beautiful poems about mother for a birthday, anniversary, March 8, for Mother's Day, or just to say a few kind words from our daughter or son, we always look for only the most touching poems that make you cry. It doesn’t matter what it is - congratulations for mom or just a desire to say “thank you” to the most beloved and dear person in the world or ask for forgiveness. Especially for you, we have selected long and short poems about mom - funny and sad, for children and adults, simple congratulations and poems that touch to tears - from the heart and soul!

"What is it like to be a mom?!"

Everywhere you can hear the laughter of children cheerful.
Along the narrow path together
Mother and daughter walking home from school
Chatting about everything along the way.

The conversation is the usual most-most ...
Suddenly the little girl asked...
“Mom, tell me, what is it like to be a mom?”
Only not childishly, but seriously!

Mom thought a little.
"Not an easy question, but still I
Tell you what I know baby
No secrets are hidden.

Being a mother is a great happiness, daughter.
Being a mom is hard sometimes...
Mom is the one who day and night
I am ready to give everything for the children ... "

- "And stand at the bedside half the night?"
- “And look silently, breathing a little,
On the one who sleeps sweetly in the crib,
On the baby's own mother.

Mom is the one that hurts
If you suddenly offended a child.
Who is worried, albeit involuntarily,
For children and many years later.

The one who remembers the first words,
The one who is more tender not to find ...
Because mother's heart
It beats in her children in the chest.

Mom is the one that is always there!
“Only a mother can love like that!”
“Being a mother is a great reward.
This is what it means to be a mother!

“Being a mom is not easy, I understand ...
I'll try my best not to forget!
“Now tell me, dear,
What does it mean to be a daughter?

The girl smiled and said:
"Mom, I'm not that young anymore.
I learned a lot with you.
And today I understood a lot.

It's not hard to be a daughter! Well, not an ounce!
And there is no doubt about it at all!
Because next to me there is a mother,
And she will tell me the answer.

- “So, we put an end to the answer?”
- “What are you, mom, I just started!
It is very important to be a good daughter,
To make mom happy.

Please with grades from school,
Help wash dishes at home
Do not ask for chips and Coca-Cola ...
And be careful in everything!

Mom laughed: - “Well, not bad!
I really like your mood!
I love you, dear baby!”
- “Mom, and me! It's so easy for me to be with you!"

Smiling at the world and each other
And chatting quietly on the go,
Mom and daughter, like two girlfriends,
They walk along a narrow path.

"What does it mean to be a mother"

We were sitting in the kitchen, and my daughter
She told me, jokingly, in between times:
“Here, we are conducting a survey on the subject of being -
Would you like to be a grandmother?
“I would like to, but it will completely change
Your life forever, drastically." -
"Yes, I know. Well, I won’t sleep, I won’t finish it, ”-
My daughter answered me mechanically.

But, after all, this, well, how to put it mildly,
It's not that, not a soldier's courage.
I was looking for words to convey to her
All responsibility of this step.

I would tell her: “Wounds from your birth
You will heal very quickly.
But a new wound will appear - love,
What gives only one motherhood.

It's a wound of emotion, anxiety, shame
For the child you made.
And about life you won’t say “Nonsense!”
You will never return what was!

And no matter how exquisite you are,
An alarmed cry of a child - "Mom!"
Quit urgently will force any business,
From simple to the most cash.

I wanted to say that her career
Will suffer with the birth of a child.
After all, more than once she will fall into oblivion,
The smell of feeling a child's head.

I wanted to tell her that the weight gained
Can be reset by diet, exercise.
But miracles have not yet happened in the world,
Motherhood to dump stealthily.

And such an important life for you
No, it will not be so significant soon.
You will forget about everything, gently tugging
This little one is both in joy and in sorrow.

You will learn, daughter, to forget about the dream,
Make a choice whose happiness is more precious.
Do not regret the beauty that has long gone,
Ask philosophically: "Maybe ..?"

I want you to know that love is for a husband
There will be one and not the same at the same time.
And you will love him, as if again,
As with you sharing this burden.

And I also wanted to talk about feelings -
Feelings of joy, feelings of delight!
Only a mother can experience them
And keep them for a long time.

The first step, the first laugh, the first joyful look.
A new day is like a new era.
The first experience in communicating girls, guys,
Indispensable search and faith!

And the birdhouse is taller, and the ball is in the yard,
New Year and mushroom picking.
And stories about this to friends, kids,
As he stomped half the forest with his feet.

I wanted to say ... But a tear is only in response
Turned up in front of my eyes.
"You will not regret that instead of the word" No "
"Yes!" said that life unfolded.

Stretching out his hand across the table to his daughter,
When I met her, I whispered:
“I pray for you, for myself, for all women,
Whose calling is just to BE A MOM!”

"All She"

Who loves you children more
Who loves you so tenderly
And takes care of you
Without closing your eyes at night?
"Mom dear."
Who shakes the cradle for you,
Who sings songs to you
Who tells you fairy tales
And gives you toys?
"Mom Golden"
If, children, you are lazy,
Disobedient, playful,
What happens sometimes -
Who is shedding tears then?
"She's all, dear."

In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nana",
And in Avar - affectionately "woman".
From a thousand words of earth and ocean
This one has a special destiny.

Becoming the first word of the year, our lullaby,
It sometimes entered the smoky circle
And on the lips of a soldier at the hour of death
The last call was suddenly.

Shadows do not fall on this word,
And in silence, probably because
Words are different, kneeling,
They want to confess to him.

A spring, having rendered a service to a jug,
This word babbles because
What remembers the mountain peak -
She passed for his mother.

And the lightning will cut through the cloud again
And I will hear, following the rain,
Like, soaking into the ground, this word
Calling raindrops.

I will secretly sigh, grieving about something,
And, hiding a tear in the clear light of day:
"Don't worry," I tell my mother,
Everything is fine, my dear, with me.

Worries about her son all the time
Holy love is a great slave.
In Russian "mama", in Georgian "nana"
And in Avar - affectionately "woman".

Lyrics: R. Gamzatov

Beautiful mother"

Beautiful mothers, there are many of you in the world
In the eyes you look openly and directly,
No matter how far the road calls us,
We are accompanied by beautiful mothers.

We mother so rarely bring bouquets
But everyone upsets her so often.
A good mother forgives all this
A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Under the weight of worries, without bending, stubbornly
She does her duty patiently...
Each mother is beautiful in her own way,
She is beautiful with her mother's love.

As a child, she drinks us with a toy,
Sometimes we whisper something to her happily
Someday, mom, you will become an old woman,
But you will still be the most beautiful.

S. Bogomazov

Tell me where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
- The stork brought you to us.

And my grandmother told me:
- They found you in the cabbage.
And uncle joked: - From the station
They brought you in a basket.

I know it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just don't know the answer
Where did my mother take me?

My sister grumbled at me:
You turned everyone's heads.
And I started from the beginning:
Where did I live before my mother?

Nobody is a secret from adults
I couldn't explain it to me.
Only my mother answered simply:

It happens -
The dog is barking
Rosehip prick,
The nettle stings.

And dream at night
Huge hole.
You will fail.
As you fall, you cry out:
- Mother!

And mom will show up
Next to me
And everything that scared
Will pass by.

She will smile -
Splinters will disappear
scratches, abrasions,
Bitter tears…
“What luck! -
I think -
What is the best mother -

"Three moms."

Our kids are so stubborn!
Everyone knows this.
Mothers often tell them
But they don't listen to their mothers.
Tanyusha in the evening
Came from a walk
And the doll asked:
- How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
It's just trouble with these daughters,

Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Tanya's mother came home from work
And Tanya asked:
- How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden?
Managed to forget about food again?
Grandma shouted to dine more than once,
And you answered: now yes now.
It's just trouble with these daughters,
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come on, have dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Here grandmother - mother's mother - came
And she asked her mother:
- How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again, there was not a minute for food,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without eating.
She's already become a doctor, but she's still a fidget.
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match.
Come to dinner, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with daughters stubborn?
Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!

L. Davydova

"My mom"

Many mothers in the world
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy!

“Only mother is alone in the world”

How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets in the fields!
How many songs the bird has!
How many leaves on the branches!
There is only one sun in the world.
Only mother is alone in the world.

“Mom caresses us ...”

Mom caresses us
The sun warms.
The sun, like mom,
Only one happens.

"How many stars in a clear sky!"

How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets in the fields!
How many songs does a bird have!
How many leaves on the branches!
There is only one sun in the world.
Only mother is alone in the world.

Who will sing me a song?
Who will sew my shirt?
Who will feed me tasty?
Who laughs the loudest
My hearing ringing laughter?
Who is sad when I'm sad?

Roman Sef

Mom, I love you so much
I don't know right!
I am a big ship
Give the name "MAMA"!

"Apple ruddy."

ruddy apple
I won't have one
half an apple
Give to my beloved mother.

E. Stekvashova.

"Mom's portrait."

I will wipe the glass and the frame
Because in the frame is mom.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I really love my mom!

"Gift for Mom"

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.
mommy gift
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

O. Chusovitina.

The month is uncle?
Can flowers sleep?
To the pier water
Have you tied?

Are the stars falling?
Wind, mother, whose?
Do the waves sink into the sea?
How to count rooks?

Were you a child?
Does it hurt to suffer?
You tell me many stories
Can you tell?

Is snow blue?
Mom, is that blood?
It is too long
Draw love?

Will I become an adult?
Old moon?
Grow up and be
I don't need you?

Can I be on the shelf
Can I take chocolate?
Mommy, are you crying?
Mom, why?

How cool to be a mother of two boys!
(And this is clear to anyone without words)
And instead of congratulating you,
let me tell you a little about it.

Being a mother of girls, of course, is not something:
There are dolls, dishes, hospital, loto,
There puffy dresses and braids to toe
Well God gave you two boys.

Your house is not decorated with vases of roses,
And the killer cyborg that your son brought
Finding him in a puddle near his native house,
Cleaned it up, washed it, and now it's like new.

No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
Do you want to destroy the military base?
Do you want to demolish the aircraft hangar?
Think again, woman! It's a nightmare!

You will lead the tin soldiers into battle,
Be bold and bold, not a step back!
So, come in from the flank, hit with artillery.
(Do not know what it is - ask the sons).

You will learn with them all the brands of cars,
And all kinds of their tires will become bigger.
They will grow up and enlighten you,
How the starter, cardan and jack work.

Without them, you might not know anything
Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
Bearings - what is it? Something with spikes?

So many things that could pass by!!!
But here it is happiness - two guys, two sons !!!

Mommy, mommy, you endured everything,
Mom dear, I have not forgotten.
How you carried me under your heart
Dear mother, I would like to.
For you to have fun and sing
So that the flowers smile at you.
So that they bloom for you
So that adversity all dissolves in them.
But you live my destiny.
And you shield me with yourself.
Like a stubborn green sprout,
Your stem is breaking through.
I should buy you happiness
Shield you from harm.
But I'm going my own way
Not stubborn and touchy.
Simply - so detached from the branch,
But I love you dear.
And more important words I do not know
I need you with all my heart.
You are under the heart and now you carry me,
You prophesy happiness to me in life.
You do not remember insults and reproaches,
What I said to you inadvertently.
Stay forever - patient
Stay always young.
Stay forever with me
Shielding me from trouble
Who will understand me better than you!

Life gave me, raised, loved,
Never asked for anything in return
You took care of me, you did not sleep at night.
And here everything is clear, because we are talking about mom.

Being a mom is easy, but it's harder for her to be,
After all, you need to love the child with all your heart,
Take care of your health, study, friends.
Oh, how hard it is for mom.

I want you to never grow old.
And so that fate does not spin you.
I wish you health and family happiness,
And so that bad weather bypassed!

A simple sweet word
What we stubbornly whisper from childhood,
Two dear and sweet syllables:
Beloved, dear mother!
You bring peace and serenity
The warmth of your priceless soul!
To you, to you - all the tenderness in the world
And all the treasures of the universe!

To grow properly
Gotta get my mom.
Mom is a very useful animal,
Better not to find!

If you want to eat -
It's only worth yelling
Mom comes running right away
Will offer boobs.

Tits are simple and easy
There is milk.
It only takes a bite -
It flows right into your mouth!

If you have eaten a little
But you still don't want to sleep
So that mom does not get bored,
You can scream again.

Mom will take in her arms
Mom will sing a song
Mom will tell a story
Dancing, bring the ball!

If you still want to sleep
It's better to lie next to your mother -
Let him sleep a little too
Mom needs to be protected.

Snuggle up to the warm side
Sweet - sweet stretch
Before going to bed, that mom is nearby,
Be sure to make sure.

If you open your eyes
And you will see - there is no mother,
Of course, you will make a roar,
You will break into nothing.

She will come running
Leaking milk.
Mom is a very domestic animal,
Doesn't go far.

Do you want to be the happiest
So take my advice:
Start your mother soon -
There is no better mother of the beast!

It's hard without a mother
And everything around fades.
There are no relatives in the world.
She is your close friend.

In a hard, bitter day and hour
You will only come to her.
And from relatives in wrinkled eyes
It's getting warmer.

Cling to your mother's chest
And let the tears flow.
And outside the window it's raining
Sunrise, sunset, sunrise...

Weeks, months, years-
Don't turn them back.
Irreparable trouble-
Suddenly losing my mother.

But know that next to you
The Almighty brings the message:
“She is your Guardian Angel.
So destined by fate
She was and is.

For the life of children I will give everything in the world!
In tears, the mother whispered at the icon ...
And those strong winds carried the words to God,
carefully so as not to lose them.

In tears intertwined letters, lines,
an invisible soul beat within them.
Or rather ... pieces from the heart,
like a woman screaming to heaven...

And the wind carried through the sun and the planets,
Her words for God to hear.
And the wind carried, at the speed of a rocket,
Without losing even small lines in them.

And God heard a woman's prayer,
sent two angels to help her ...
We are always ready to fight for the children
And give your life for the sake of children!

T.S. Grigorieva

I don't know another word.
To so caress the ear.
I'll repeat it over and over
Sorry for the muffled voice.

This is the word we first learned.
With this word we live to death,
And when the clouds are gathering
be sure to call mom

mother, my dear mother.
The most faithful and loving friend
I feel with all my heart,
The warmth of your gentle hands.

These hands led me
from childhood to adulthood.
These hands protected me.
From diseases blows of fate.

By the will of fate, one young mother,
She gave birth to a son right on the field.
Barely managed to get to the bridge.

But not a single soul is a mile away!
There was someone to call for help.
Intuitively unhappy mother,
took birth on her own.
In fluffy skirts the child swaddled,
and, warming, pressed to the chest!
Having taken off the last jacket,
She hid her son, hugged her lovingly ...
This hug could not be separated
In the morning, the spouses that were found dead,
A mother who warmed her son with herself.
And surprisingly, he was alive!
They buried their mother by the bridge,
And that boy was adopted.
This couple did not reveal to anyone
That the child was not native to them.
The surprised quarter spoke:
So God sent a son to the childless!
The boy grew up happy with them!
He loved will, often walked in the field.
Wherever he goes for a walk,
His old bridge all the time beckoned.
He sat here for a long time, fishing.
The river was overgrown, small,
But he felt so good here.
Walking from the church, he strove for the bridge,
It's like being blessed by God.
Quietly laughing and crying prayed,
flowers to an unfamiliar grave lay down:
“After all, a person lived and loved someone !!!”
When, having matured, he became serious,
The father in the clean field called his son:
“I must reveal a secret to you!
So that I can live my old age in peace.
The mother is already dead, she won't be able to tell;
Yes, I am not a father, and she is not a mother either!
Led to that familiar grave, to the bridge,
And he told the whole story:
“Twenty years ago, in January
There was such a blizzard in the yard.
My wife and I rode in a cart,
Near the bridge here, suddenly they saw
The woman pressed her son to her heart,
Newborn, and did not breathe
We buried - here is a mound in silence,
This is where your mother lies.
We then buried the secret from everyone,
Because they were childless!
You don't owe your life to us, son,
- God, that he saved in his mother's arms!
He sent us to save you,
Taking from the cold, frozen ground.
I remember we cried when we saw
That mother's arms wrapped around you,
They warmed me with the warmth of their tender love.
She took off everything, and even underwear -
Wrapped up the little body, son, yours.
And, half-naked, very loving,
She warmed you with her breath.
So you came to her on a date,
To the place of your parting.
Mom rests, son, here is yours,
Stop, bow down. I'll go home!"
A haze swirled over the field.
But he shouted louder: “You saved me,
- Beloved, kind, my mother!
Oh, what, dear, will I repay you?
You were cold, you were cold
But, having removed everything from yourself, you saved me.
Your love is sacrificial, poor mother,
I can't revive you, raise you!
Even if I can't do anything,
But I will warm your mound! I'll warm you up!"
And nearby, a passer-by marveled, frozen,
Like a crying man, having taken off all his clothes, covering him,
That mound hugged and sobbed,
He warmed his mother with himself, as best he could!

Oh children, hurry up, hurry up
And hug your mom tight!
While mom lives and always waits for you,
Keep her warm as she warmed her!
He will help you in everything, he will never betray,
He will give all the best to you, his children.
And if a difficult hour comes one day,
That mom will protect and save!

The hard work of children to give birth, raise, wash diapers.
Let the mother be the heroine for every child!
Let Mary, the mother of all women on the planet, keep.
And the children will not get tired of repeating to their mothers: “You are the best mother in the world!”

They say the angels are gone
And they no longer live in the world,
And they just lost their wings
And now they are called mothers.

I often wake up at night
And I pray to God:
Lord, bless your mother
I won't ask for anything more.

No wealth, no career growth,
No love, like a big ocean ...
All this is easy to achieve
If mom is waiting for you home.

And when they leave us
Wings grow back from them,
And they live in the sky
And keep their children from harm.

You called me into this world with love,
You gave me life and gave me happiness,
Helped me to know the joy of the first steps,
Radiating warmth, kindness and love.

You will always understand everything, you will always forgive everything,
Protect me from the cruelty of the world,
I'm not afraid of any trouble with you,
You alone on Earth will never betray.

You alone know my secrets and my thoughts,
And no one can replace your love for me.
Thank you for this with all my heart
For me, you will always be the most dear.

Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.

One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

Mom is the tenderness of affection,
Happiness, joy and warmth,
Lullabies and fairy tales
Where good always reigns.

Our mothers are like fairies
Fulfill all dreams
They love us and believe very much
Whatever we achieve!

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend.
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.

If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mommy comes to the rescue
Will always help out.

Mom a lot of strength, health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

Mom ... Mommy, my dear,
Don't be silent, please answer me.
You will forgive me for everything, I know
You can warm with a kind word.

You listen to all my problems
Read the truth in your eyes.
You will immediately notice the changes
You don't judge me, Mom.

I know there were no calls and letters,
You worried how I was there.
Forgive me, my dear, that this happened,
I feel guilty, Mom.

Mom, how do I feel bad without you,
You are not here, but you are always with me.
With every exhalation and new inhalation
I remember you, dear.

Mom ... In silence I whisper and cry,
I understand that you are not related.
How does this word mean so much?
It warms my heart for him.

Why froze, breathing a little,
Squeezed in the throat and frost on the skin -
Because it passed by
A woman who looks like her mother!
The same cloak, slightly tight in the sleeves,
And the scarf - again hastily tied!
Legs in gray, unpretentious stockings,
And in galoshes - just for chickens to laugh at!
Not mine, someone else's! - Doesn't matter,
I follow her and smile
And in the soul it bakes with fire -
How funny, how stupid
Deceived, knowing in advance
What is dear - far, far away!
Only the wind will blow through the windows
Her sigh is sad and deep ...
I walk without looking up
Hiding tears in the ground (from passers-by),
From what passed nearby
A woman who looks just like her mother!

mother's heart -
Warmth and love.
Mother's heart
Beats trembling again.

In endless anxiety
For older children
Mother's heart
Waiting for welcome guests

Waiting for letters and postcards
Waiting for a phone call...
At the open gate
He looks into the distance tensely.

Mother's heart
Suddenly sad at night
And then surely
Everyone will understand and forgive

So hurry up
In the secret door
Hurry to the call
Mother's heart.

Years pass. Children are growing up.
It became more and more difficult to understand them.
But if mom is still in the world,
We will call ourselves children.

Let us be 20, and 25, and 30,
Or for a long time already over 45,
But if you can return to your mother,
The river will turn back time.

At the feet of the beloved, the whole world is ready to be thrown,
Give smiles and armfuls of roses,
And only mom does not ask us for anything,
A smile hiding the flow of salty tears.

Do not be silent on the phone for a long time,
Mute discard the brevity of telegrams,
And do not be shy, shout about love,
Before it's too late, take care moms!

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries for us can not be counted,
Earth bow to you, dear mother
For the fact that you are in the world

Only mom will regret and understand
Only a mother can find a path to her heart.
Only mother will think at night
How do sons and daughters live.

Only a mother can run out into a snowstorm,
To console, to say: "Believe in yourself"
Only mom will be ten times worse.
From the fact that someone betrayed us in life.

Only mom can not be deceived,
Only with mom you can look into childhood.
And without a mother, the big world will be empty
Only in a dream will he come and ask: “What is wrong with you?”

You mean so much more to me
What can I put into words...
All your childhood memories
I still cherish with love.
You give me care, tenderness, affection.
With you, I always feel comfortable and calm.
I wish you health, happiness, mommy
And joy for years to come!

Mommy, beloved, dear,
We treasure your love.
You caressed us, understood -
For everything, we say "thank you" to you,

Live longer, not knowing old age,
May your dreams be calm and light.
We love you dearly,
We wish you happiness, joy, love!

The whole world starts with mom...
And a portrait is kept in the heart
That tender woman herself,
Which relatives in the world do not ...

And from the first minute of birth,
She is like an earthly angel
Give love and patience...
She is behind the child with a wall ...

And saddened by every tear,
Mom's soul is worried.
For mom, we are the same
After all, she will not forget the baby,

What grew under the heart, pushed ...
Sleepless nights round dance ...
How hard a tooth cut through
And tormented the baby's stomach ...

And the first smile shine,
And pride from the first steps.
First confession of love...
Mom understands everything without words.

Thanks to all the mothers in the world
For forgiving us...
Alas, grown-up children
Now they run for an hour ...

In business, endless worries,
Already with my children
With love, look at the photo,
Where is mom and we, about seven years old ...

And the look warms the same ...
And childhood flashed away ...
The whole world starts with mom.
Health to all mothers of the earth!

Native, affectionate mother,
Your smile is so bright.
You are the most beautiful in the world
You are dear to our heart.
Today, on this glorious anniversary,
Let the shadow of years not be reflected in pain,
We wish you the brightest days
Earthly happiness, good health!

Dear mom.

Everything that happens to us in life
We somehow strangely divide in half:
If joy - we celebrate with friends,
And with trouble we come to mothers.

Busy with work and affairs
Day after day in a stream of vanity
We don't often think about mom
We rarely give her flowers.

And we carry our illnesses to our mother,
And we go to share insults with her,
And we draw her wrinkles ourselves,
Forgetting to ask for forgiveness.

We so rarely hug mom,
Learned how to kiss mom
Sometimes we forget to call
Once a letter to write.

Well, mom still loves us,
Whatever happens - will not betray,
Forgive everything, forget all insults,
Hand, soul, heart - everything will give!

And when you leave your mother
Warmed by her love
You whisper: "I'm sorry for everything, dear,
And, please, live longer!

Mom, I'm sorry that I call so rarely;
Mom, I'm sorry for being snappy sometimes.
Life and work. I'm so tired...
Mom, I need you more and more.
Mom ... Dear ... Well, how are you there, huh?
I'm especially sad today.
Headache in the morning...
Mom, it's harder without you. And empty.
Mom, maybe I should come - help?
I miss you so much that my heart is in pieces ...
Even though I'm not the best daughter
But I love you. Very very…

Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what to wish you
On this wonderful day

I wish you joy and happiness,
Peace and good luck for your life,
So that the heart does not break into pieces,
My dear, my dear, man!

The word Mother is a holy word,
And the source of Life is in it.
Even Jesus Christ himself
Born by the Mother of God.

We are soul bound
To my dear mother.
She has protection, she has support,
Our strength is also in it.

There is no person in the world
Who does not know the word Mother.
It is warmed by the warmth of Love
Life Light and Grace.

"Mom, live"

Bad weather across the river
Behind the river fog
Behind the cold mist
Somewhere the sun is rising.
Only mom is gray-haired,
My sweet mother
At the porch of the native
She is waiting for her daughter.
Only mom is gray-haired,
My sweet mother
At the porch of the native
She is waiting for her daughter.

children fly away,
It often happens
Who is to the south, who is to the west,
Lots of work and worries.
Only mom remembers everything
Mom doesn't forget
And for your birthday
Will send a telegram.
Only mom remembers everything
Mom doesn't forget
And for your birthday
Will send a telegram.

There will always be work
There will always be problems
And duty phrases
And empty words.
Only mother is not eternal,
You understand it right away
You understand it before
As long as mom is alive.
Only mother is not eternal,
You understand it right away
You understand it before
As long as mom is alive.

I will come to you, my mother,
I kiss your wrinkles.
Let the years go by stubbornly
Only you, my mother, live.
Only you, my mother, live.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked through the centuries:
The most beautiful of women
Woman with a baby in her arms

From any misfortune conjuring
She doesn't do well
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, sublime mother

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And since then she lives for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
Woman with a baby in her arms

Everything in the world is measured by traces,
No matter how many paths you walk
The apple tree is decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children

May the sun applaud her forever!
So she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a baby in her arms!

Mom means tenderness
This is kindness, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom - a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer
It's snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

Years pass irrevocably
And not all dreams come true.
But how can I feel good
What is my mother in the world - you!

And don't be sad that your hair is turning gray
Take care of yourself and don't get sick
After all, because there is no world,
I have a person closer and dearer!

I want to hug you now
And bow straight at your feet.
I whisper to the one who gave life:
"Love you. Thank you mom!"

Are you strict at times
And rein in any boor.
I love you and so
And I say: "Thank you, mom!"

I really like your laugh
It infects, let's face it.
And I'll tell you in front of everyone:
"Love you. Thank you mom!"

Always in business. What peace?
You do not remember him stubbornly.
And a simple Russian woman
I say: "Thank you, mom!"

The word "mother" is expensive
Mom is to be cherished.
With her kindness and care
It's easier for us to live in the world.

If the mother is still alive
Happy are you on earth
There is someone worrying
Pray for you.

When I was still a baby
And she is in the silence of the night
Like an angel by the bed
Guarded my peace.

If the mother is still alive
Happy are you on earth
There is someone worrying
Pray for you.

So at fifty he misses his mother ...
It’s a pity ... we don’t understand this at seventeen,
And after joys, and after trials,
So often mom wants to hug ...

Cling to her and cry from the heart,
Or drink tea with a cake with her,
And the whole evening just "prokalyakat"
About different ... about good and bad ...

Reveal your secrets to her ... and secrets,
And be the most obedient of children,
Listen to advice without complaint
After all, mom's advice is the most important.

It's a pity ... it all comes to us over the years ...
So at fifty he misses his mother ...

Take care mothers, take care!
And often call them, write.
And often just run like that,
Don't forget to say your love!

Sit next to your mom, sit...
Tell me about your life,
Warm your mother's hands in the palms,
Pity your mom, pity!

How many times did she forgive you with her heart,
How many tears have I secretly wiped away from you,
How many in a whisper, quietly prayed,
So that everything in life works out for you.

You smooth her wrinkles with care,
Do not explain your laziness with work.
True, mothers need a little:
Just to know that everything is with you, thank God!)))

Hello my dear!
Let's talk,
Let's pour a cup of tea
And we'll sit together.

Thank you dear!
You will always understand me
I'm sorry I'm like this
Your stubborn daughter.

You will embrace with your hand
You can encourage.
I love you so much
Talk for hours.

Now I'm an adult
Family already and children,
But you, mother
Above all in the world.

Your eyes from happiness
May they always shine
And do not be sad, dear,
How the years go by.

I look longingly at the portrait,
I have been living without my mother for many years.
The pain subsided, a trace remained -
There are bruises and scars on the heart.
I keep Your Image and love,
That you are not with me, I suffer.
I beg you to be with me
I want to say a lot.
The pain in my soul has not subsided,
I often see you in my dreams.
Let me talk to you
I will hear your words with my soul.
Now you are somewhere in the sky
But still by my side.
With a kind smile on your lips,
And with a slightly tired look.
The pain subsided, a trace remained -
There are bruises and scars on the heart.
I look longingly at the portrait,
I've been living without my mother for years...

I want to tell you directly:
Mom will always help me.
And love in this world
There is nothing stronger than mothers to children.

No kinder, gentler, more beautiful,
And even more responsive
For all living children
Your sweet mother.

I wish every day
She is in good health, mood.
And I'll reveal my secret:
There is no mother like me!

I ask God for one thing
To bad weather bypassed his home.
So that you, dear, are healthy,
Not upset, never sad.

I also met everyone at the threshold,
Decorated this world with her smile.
A mother's love is sacred
Thank you very much mommy!

How I want to talk to you, mom,
How I want to hear sometimes
Your voice, mother, is gentle and dear.
I look at the photo with you
And I hear only my own monologue.

And quiet, sleepless nights
Under the drops of tears running down the cheeks,
Memories bring back
To that life, to those happy shores.

Where they lived together and did not know grief,
Taking care of each other, as always.
They had conversations, at times, arguing,
And all the problems were nonsense.

But life goes on. Your business, worries,
And I can't change the rhythm of life
But I'm waiting for the evening when I come home from work,
To talk to you again at night.

Take care of your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard,
Their love is a hundred times hotter than friends and beloved girlfriend.
Maternal love cannot be embraced - in the summer heat, and in a blizzard, and in a cold,
She is ready to give you everything, everything to the gram and even her soul!
Take care of your mothers - to you, no one can replace their affection,
Among the cloudy days of life, who will understand you and who will appreciate?
Who will take on all the pain, all the torment of the soul and torment?
Mother will not give salt instead of bread, mother will always stretch out her hands to you.

Let her punish severely - never lie to mothers.
After all, they don’t need much from you - just take care of them very much!
Take care of your mothers like flowers from a cold blizzard,
And heal your sons with your care of all their ailments
Do not leave them without participation, always take care of their children!
After all, there can be no complete happiness if there is no mother in the world !!!

Every day I remember you
Pain gripped my heart.
I pray... feel how I miss you
Mommy, I love you so much!

I fall asleep .. with a drop of hope,
That I'll see you in a dream.
Do not hear the most gentle voice,
Mommy, cuddle up to you.

I will always love you
Thoughts of you day by day.
The years seem to fly by
Mom, it's sad without you.

I thought I'd be able to confess
Silently hugged only, loving.
And now I regret a lot
Mommy, I'm sorry for everything.

I'll go to church, light a candle,
For you, my love.
In memory of you .. Peace forever,


Look at mom's hands
Tired of work -
They built temples
From the fate of children again and again ...

Look into her eyes:
Tenderness shines in them with tears
Read it with a sigh
That loves and forgives everything ...

Listen to your mom's heart
It is never silent
Adding advice to scales,
Raises an unimaginable shield...

Soul she from birth
Forever fused with yours
With your love, respect
Share with your mom...

Not to be too late
After all, you can still have time -
Kiss your mother's hands
And hasten to sing your heart ...

It's good to have a mother
Her smile is so wonderful
When she is always with us.
Friends, it's so lovely!
She is like a ray of light,
She gave us everything and opened the world.
Oh how many of all her gifts,
We just didn't appreciate it.
She only taught good
And so calmly, quietly, gently.
Oh how she loved us all
Since no one, and so boundlessly!
I love you, my dear
It's good to have you around.
Be with me, dear
And nothing else is needed!

Dear mom.

Well why didn't I love before
You as much as I love you now?
And tender words so little said,
Didn't respond to your love?

I want to be next to you
Snuggle close to your chest.
Why did I think before
Is it more fun with friends?

Friends disappeared, as if it had never happened,
The love of past years has rushed away.
Only you didn't forget me
There is no love stronger than a mother's.

More than once I told you
How I feel sorry for the bygone days
I caused so much evil and pain
And I did not appreciate your love.

But now we are with you together with God.
He opened my eyes and let me know
No matter how many good friends there are,
Mother is the only mother in the world.

I don't know how many days God has planned for me,
But no matter how long I have to live,
Strongest of all, in this white world,
I will love you, mommy!

Do not betray, Mothers!
Do not humiliate by word and deed
They don't have many days
They won't be with you forever.

Don't Change Mothers
On life vulgar bait.
And making the mother sicker -
Do not expect gifts from fate.

Don't let anyone
It's not flattering to say about them,
So that you don't have to
Repent honestly before God.

Tears falling from eyes
Will flood the days with grief,
Unhappy mothers then
Where MOTHER and mate are the same words!

Betrayers let her fall
Bow your knees in humiliation.
Will make sin bow down
Desperately ask for protection, faith!

You - imperceptibly leaving
Mother will overshadow the cross of forgiveness.
Loving you with a bright soul -
Forgiving without a doubt.

Now that I myself have become a mother,
I began to clearly understand
(How did you manage it all, mom?)
Everything our MOTHER goes through.
The child is sick ... Anxiety burns the heart:
Don't think why or why.
Just pray and ask: for God's sake!
Let it be better for me - triple! — but not to him.
Let me be better! Not him! ... But the right word
Diseases of the body are part of my concerns.
If only he had a healthy soul!
May he grow up to be a good boy.

You, Mom, are tired -
I would rest, lie down,
Read, tied
The TV would turn on
Maybe I sewed something
Washed, cooked
I would sweep the floor, wash ...
Well, you forgot peace -
Again and again you look sad
Either in a diary, or in a notebook!
And you sit next to me
And you pierce me with your eyes.
You're tired, mommy...
Yes, and I would ... Take a walk ...


Everything I do for my mother:
I play scales for her
For her I go to the doctor,
I study mathematics.

All the boys climbed into the river,
I was alone on the beach.
For her, after the illness,
Didn't even swim in the river.

For her I wash my hands
Eating some carrots...
Only now we are separated.
Mom in the city of Priluki,
Fifth day on a business trip.

Well, first I, without my mother,
Put aside the gamma,
Looked at TV
For evening programs.

I didn't sit too close
But there were lines in the eyes.
They have one artist
Walks in my mother's hair ...

And tonight all evening
There is nothing for me to do!

The father has a newspaper in his hands,
Only he hovers somewhere
He says: - Let's suffer a little,
Ten days left...

And probably out of habit
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.

And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.

Appreciate mothers
As long as they smile
And you are proud of
Why are you calling her a child!

Through all trials
Your mom will pass
And danger at the same time
It will take you away.

Mom's heart always hurts
Because how you live
You play alone.

And late in the evening
Reading a prayer
She asks God
No money, no fame.

For you to be healthy
Happy always
For the Lord to keep
And did not touch the trouble.

And since you offended your mother,
Well, not on purpose, not out of malice.
You apologize, hug
And look into her eyes!

You will see a sea of ​​light there,
Smiles, happiness and warmth,
Ready for everything for you
What love does not sacrifice.

And what stereotypes
The world does not live
Remember friend,
There is no more expensive mother in the Universe!

You sell your house and your farm,
You will live with us, we have housing.
We will create a good comfort for you,
You don't need a government shelter.

Mom listened and sold everything,
And she took the money away:
“I will test them,” thought the mother,
For now, I’ll keep quiet about money.”

I decided not to rush to return them:
“How can I, mother, live without money?
And if without money the children need me,
You can give it back after. No problem.

And you never know what awaits me ahead?
I just don't know where to live.
And the daughter is good, the sons are good,
We used to have a close family.

In time everything could change
Maybe they forgot Love?
How gently caressed, did not sleep at night,
But I didn't expect any money from them.

Came to Misha, he accepted her,
Haven't asked anything about money yet.
But she lived a little and Misha became different,
He was unrecognisable, he became like a stranger.

Son, tell me what happened to you
Tell me how in childhood, do not hide the road?
Well, what are you getting up to? After all, work, deeds,
You would go to Mary and live there.

Misha doesn't need me, it's clear now
If he wants to close the door behind me.
How else will my daughter accept me?
She was very affectionate as a child.

Maria did not accept her either:
"Go to Ivan and live with him."
“You need to know money, but you don’t need a mother!”
And the mother went to Ivan with tears.

Comes to Ivan, he sits gloomy,
He looks at his mother from under her forehead with annoyance.
Tormented in the soul, and he himself is seen not "his",
As taken from an orphanage, as a son not native.

“Give me the money! I will buy a car!
Perhaps you take them to your church?
You didn’t come to visit, you will live here,
We have to pay rent.

You are obliged to look at our children,
Don't think you'll get anything from it.
Gone are the days, you were the hostess
Now we must obey in everything.

And keep your mouth shut,
And learn it like a lesson at home.
Then I'll make a program for you
For memory, you will carry with you.

What can be said, and where to remain silent,
Like snow you fell on your head, mother!
Silently nod to your neighbors with a smile,
Give them a good look.

“Why didn’t you ask if I have them?”
"Where are you doing them? Have you sold everything?
Understand, mother, we don't need you without money.
And the mother went to the station with tears.

Sitting at the station and crying, sad,
Opposite the colonel sits with his wife.
And looks at her with heartache,
He asked her shyly.

“Yes, with the children here I lived a little,
They said: "We don't need you without money"
I think it's about money?
Cruelty has become too much in the hearts "

The colonel called his wife,
And in brief words he told her everything.
And with tenderness he turned to his wife:
“Maybe we can take the old woman to us?”

I recently buried my mother
I loved her immensely and tenderly.
Dimmed around, the whole world has become different,
Come, you will go to us, instead of your own mother "

“I will go, I agree with your desire,
But first let us go with you to my children.
I will not reproach them, I will not weep,
I only have something to tell them."

They came and gathered the children all to the table,
Their mother said to them: “I am leaving you.
For these people now I will be a mother,
I want to give them my money!”

O-o-o-o- with an exclamation a sigh escaped,
And eagerly looked at that knot.
And they began to quarrel to look for the guilty,
Whose fault is it that their mother leaves?

But that man interrupted this "fight",
“You can share them.
You need money, but I need a mother!
She won't grieve with me."

The mother left with the people from the children forever,
And she always prayed to God for children.
There she was treated like her mother,
They created conditions for her without money.

And the children are tormented by a sinful soul,
Now they are forever gone from peace.
Not happy with money and not nice white light,
And the money "passed", and there is no mother ..


And may God remove their willfulness from them,
Otherwise, the same fate awaits them.
Let this verse be a good lesson for everyone,
After all, it hurts for a mother to hear a reproach.
And considering how many nights I didn't sleep,
She gave everything for the children!

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