Congratulations to the postman Pechkin for the new year. Scene for the anniversary of the man "postman Pechkin". Reprise "Congratulations from chickens" in verse

26 dec 2011

Scene for the anniversary of the man "Postman Pechkin"

Dear birthday boy! A new guest has come to our party and he is already knocking at the door!

(there is a knock on the door)


It's me, the postman Pechkin! Brought telegrams for your birthday!

(the postman Pechkin comes out with a mail bag in which there are telegrams
the birthday boy, on his head, as in a cartoon, is wearing a hat with loose ears)

I'm by nature mischievous, just do something,
Especially when I walk
But something didn't stop me
Come today to the hero of the day in the house!
I appreciated the solemnity of the moment,
He threw away his harmfulness at the same hour,
I brought telegrams-compliments
For the anniversary! I will read them now!

(reads telegrams from celebrities):

I'll tell you, my friend, without laughing-
You are just super, just class!
On your anniversary Edita Piekha
Congratulations with love!

You look like a real macho!
The male reflex is in full swing in you!
And that's great otherwise
I would not write ... (Grigory Leps)

You always look for talent in yourself
And there will be happiness, I give you my word!
And my word is a guarantor!
(With big regards, Alla Pugacheva!)

You are full, just like me,
Humor, wit!
They say you are in a dream
Joke like Galkin!
Always be like that!
(Respectfully, Maxim).

You have, my friend, a Bulgarian flavor:
Accustomed to work so that it stops!
Handsome, smart, hot, always shaved!
For this I love you! (Philip Kirkorov)

You are a young boy, no more
The same darling as me!
Greetings sent to you by Baskov Kolya.
Cheer up, my soul!

(After reading the telegrams, Pechkin says):

Well, I have fulfilled my duty,
It's time to row back
But if someone filled a glass,
I would be very happy to have a drink!

(Pechkin is poured a glass and he tells the hero of the day a toast):

Congratulations to the hero of the day
I wish you happiness, joy!
In Prostokvashino to me
Come you, as to relatives!

Want funny scenes? Then look

Anniversaries are a big holiday. Many try to celebrate it on a large scale. It implies a wide feast and many guests. Here are not only relatives, but also friends of the hero of the day with children and spouses, his colleagues, colleagues, superiors. It turns out a very diverse company - by age, hobbies, interests. So that guests do not get bored, you need to think in advance what entertainment can be offered to them. Scenes are best suited for this, which will periodically “dilute” the feast, amuse the guests and delight the hero of the day himself. Scenes can be very different - costumed and not, short and long, with one "actor" and more ambitious. There are also many ideas for them. Any plot will do, from already existing books, films and mini-productions that have been spied somewhere, to those invented by yourself. However, they all have to have one thing in common - to be funny.

Costumed productions

The main difference between them and the rest will be only the costumes in which the participants-actors are dressed for plausibility. Usually the actors themselves are the guests. Their participation is coordinated in advance by the relatives of the hero of the day, who are preparing the holiday and want to make an additional gift.

traffic police inspector and hunters

Three men are involved. You need to pick up the appropriate costumes - the form of a traffic police officer for one and a gun, boots and bandoliers for the other two. "Hunters" can be exchanged for fishermen, fans or anyone else. It depends on the interests of the hero of the day.

Scene progress

Two friends-hunters, accompanied by a traffic police officer, enter the hall where the feast is taking place. They were just on their way to today's anniversary to congratulate their friend, but they violated traffic rules and were stopped by an inspector. They explained the situation to him - well, it’s impossible not to congratulate a good person! Of course, the inspector agreed to deliver them to the place of celebration. After congratulating friends and presenting gifts, the inspector comes forward and joins in the congratulations himself. He reads out, and then hands the spouse of the hero of the day a certificate of passing the technical inspection of a special vehicle - the birthday man himself (his last name and first name are voiced) on the occasion of the 50th birthday (the figure can be any) and the corresponding conclusion.


Conclusion of the traffic police

  1. Condition is excellent.
  2. The owner claims that this vehicle is still rideable and rideable.
  1. Refueling only with high-quality fuel - an octane number of at least 40. If the octane number is lower, more fuel is needed.
  2. Regular lubrication of the filler part is shown: on vacation, after hunting and baths, on birthdays, and so on.
  3. It is not allowed to use a vehicle by proxy.
  4. The owner must remember that for normal operation, the vehicle needs affection, love and regular lubrication.
  5. The next inspection is recommended after 50 years.

Italian guests

This skit also needs three participants - two men who will be Italian guests, and a female translator. The costumes are quite simple, you don’t even have to completely change the actors, but just pick up the appropriate accessories - dark glasses, black wigs and mustaches, hats with a brim. For the translator - eyeglasses and a stack of paper. As gifts - pasta, olives, wine. In the midst of fun, the actors of the scene quickly enter the hall and head to the hero of the day. They take turns congratulating the birthday boy, and the translator repeats each phrase in Russian. 1st guest: Nashente zdravigilento jubelento and druzente - lubente alcoholento pipivento! translator: We want to greet our hero of the day, as well as his dear friends. 2nd guest: Arrive at the devil on Kulichkent tell at least something totent! translator: We came to your wonderful city to join in the general congratulations. 1st guest: It is desirable not to glotanto tabletanto and not to know the doctor! translator: We wish you the best of health. 2nd guest: Let there be a lot of money in the wallet and the stomach was always full! translator: May financial well-being and enduring happiness accompany you through life. 1st guest: Let's druzilento nikogdento on krysento! translator: Let there be reliable friends nearby. 2nd guest: We gave hotetto figinetto and jurundento! translator: These wonderful gifts from sunny Italy are for you. 1st guest: Not obzhirante and not blivante, puzento is not bursting. translator: Eat healthy and enjoy. 2nd guest: Reminiscent of our arrival, Italian gift. translator: Remember us, always your Italians.

Weird salaries

A small costume scene, which should accompany, and, possibly, open the gift-giving ceremony. There are two actors. It is desirable that they be women - thin, short and tall dense:

  • A small one is "weighed" with a small amount of money - it can be both coins and banknotes of small denominations. They can simply be drawn on large sheets to be clearly visible.
  • A tall woman is dressed richer - there are no coins at all, but there are many large bills.

Before presenting gifts, they take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulating him.

Congratulation Little Pay

Do not look, dear birthday boy, that I am still so small. I wish you all the best in the world. May you, with my help, secure a life worthy of a king himself! To make this happen, I invited my older sister here. I hope that together we can please you.

Big Pay Congratulation

Maybe I’m not very similar to a lucky lottery win, but together with my little sister, we are the best gift that will come in handy in any situation, take you on vacation and bring many pleasant moments! Congratulations! After this performance, all the guests who decided to choose an envelope with money as a gift hand them to the birthday man. You can prepare a large envelope in advance and put the entire amount into it at once.

Mini productions

Such scenes usually do not take much time. They are staged with the help of one or two actors. Very rarely more is needed.

It is convenient to insert them before the next toast in order to somehow diversify the usual course of the feast and entertain the hero of the day with his guests.

Urgent medical examination

A man, fully dressed as a doctor, enters the room. He is wearing glasses, a white coat, a stethoscope, shoe covers. In his hand he holds a small "medical suitcase". Doctor: Let me, let me! Before congratulations sound, I have to examine our today's hero. He goes straight to the hero of the day and begins the examination: he examines the face, ears, pupils, asks to touch the tip of the nose, listens to breathing with a stethoscope and performs other medical manipulations. During this impromptu medical examination, the doctor comments on his actions with various remarks: “So, sir,” “let's see what we have here,” “yeah, yeah,” “I thought so,” and the like. After that, he makes a short speech.

Doctor's speech

I have performed a full examination of our patient and am ready to make a full report on his health! So…

  • Anniversary (surname, name, patronymic).
  • Age - in the prime of life, that is, blooming.
  • The pulse is like a real fountain, there is no way to measure it.
  • Blood type - only red bodies, sometimes there are white ones (in a strictly measured amount). This is a real "blood with milk"!
  • The heart rate - as it should be on one's own anniversary - either skips, or freezes from a complete overabundance of feelings.
  • The vitality is completely versatile.
  • Vision is perfect. This way you can notice any little thing.
  • Rumor is truly universal, which is a rarity.
  • The sense of smell is very subtle, with a 3% error probability it can determine with whom the spouse communicated today. Such an acute reaction occurs only in males.
  • Chronic diseases - an inexplicable hibernation after a delicious dinner, a dinner cooked with love. Most often this manifests itself next to a working TV.
  • The regime of the day is mixed: walking-sitting-lying.
  • The general conclusion is that this is only the beginning of the life of this organism. It is recommended to take from life everything that you want, and that was not received.

urgent telegram

A man enters the hall with a bag over his shoulder, a hat with earflaps and a glued-on mustache. He portrays a well-known character - the postman Pechkin. Hello! It's me - the postman Pechkin. Brought you an urgent telegram. It must be read aloud. To do this, I need to wet my throat. Demands a filled glass, drinks, then reads a telegram. It can be written on this form.

Telegram text

I dreamed of coming period I couldn’t tour period I cordially congratulate you zap I wish you well period I dream of being there period your Alla Pugacheva This scene can be staged instead of another toast. And in conclusion, you will find one cool scene-tale about forest animals, a hunter and dragonflies in love - watch the video:

Colleagues in primary vocational education
- in honor of 2006, the year of the Dog

Someone is knocking on our door!
- Low bow to you, friends!
I couldn't get past you.
I'm Pechkin! Postman!
I'm looking all over, guys.
I wasn't late at all.
After all, you should be congratulated.
I wrote the speech.
Gentlemen (now you kind of)!
I wish you a Happy New Year
I am healthy and strong.
At work - so that the regulations!
And so that entot, department,
I would pay more money.
To less restructuring.
To have a fuse in the soul.
Contingent to be persistent
And he didn't run away from work.
To strengthen the base.
And balance so that with a plus, damn it!
And so that any infection
Didn't go into quarantine.
New Year is the Year of the Dog.
Don't go for it!
You do not bark before a fight,
Be at peace and in harmony.
Everyone - smile more often.
Eat meat, cheese and eggs
And sour cream with cottage cheese,
Fruit vegetables, carrots.
For sports training
Walk more often.
In any bad weather
For healthy food
You dig in the garden
Poke around in the garden.
Breathe fresh air.
And love someone
Fuck the bride, fuck the wife
(Better if not one!),
Husband, fiance, child,
Mom, native team ...
And for this you have to tug!
Pour one by one!
Why don't you take a glass?
Yes, I'm at work today!
I'm all soap! I'm all sweat!
Besides, I'm a boring old man.
If I pour a little,
It is not difficult for me to grind even an hour.
The main thing is to stop on time!
Ugh! Steamed like a kettle!
Who is the boss here?
Oh, well done you at least where,
Years don't take you!
Sign for the parcel.
Well, you are a bit off.
Telegrams, letters.
It can be read aloud.
- We want to congratulate our friends.
Could you deliver on time?
- Telegrams? Letters? Send!
I'll tear them down in an instant.
You urgently bring them
To me under the Christmas tree in the forest.
Address on envelope
More precisely, vigorous louse!
And then sometimes screw up -
You won't understand shit!
Well, now I've said everything.
Have fun in the New Year!
New Year - one year.
And on this New Year -
You are your own master.
Rock out until you drop!
Dance the gopak!
Well, I need a new address.
Goodbye! Bye!


Shura, Happy New Year, I sincerely wish you all the best, and health, which is the highest above all blessings! And, of course, new poems and projects, new insights and happy, significant meetings!

Natasha! Happy New Year! All the best to you and your loved ones. and endless creativity. May the new year be at least a little better than the last. I will write to you.

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