The fairy tale "The Ryaba Hen" in a new way. Role-based script for children. New Year's scenario "Ryaba hen in a new way" Fairy tale Ryaba hen scene in elementary school

Theatrical performance for children: Ryaba chicken in a new way.

Author: Matycheva Elena Vasilyevna, music and art teacher, teacher of additional education MBOU SOO “School No. 15”, village. Birakan, Obluchensky district, Jewish Autonomous Region
Description: I would like to present to you my original work of artistic and aesthetic direction for the development and education of children of preschool and primary school age. Also, this material will be useful in organizing the educational process for additional education teachers, preschool teachers and everyone who is not indifferent to folk art . My hobby is writing poetry and music, so the well-known good fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen” was remade by me in a new way in poetic form. But I would still like to call this project a joint one with the participation of the children of the school theater club, where I am the leader, as the children prepared, learned words, sewed together dolls and costumes for them, and were looking forward to the premiere.
Target: development of communication skills through theatrical activities, creative thinking, love of art, education of the aesthetic quality of the individual, the concept of good and evil.
Tasks: create optimal conditions for the development of the child’s creative activity in theatrical activities; to form in children a keen interest in theatrical play, to develop speech and coordination of movements in children, to bring joy to children, to develop memory, observation, visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills, and to enrich vocabulary.

Ryaba chicken in a new way

Leading: Good grandfather lived in the world for many winters and many years. Grandma also lived with him, she was nasty, evil! There was not a baby, not a cow, not a cat in the house...
There was only a chicken, neither big nor small. This bird's name was Pockmarked, you wouldn't even dream of such a thing! The chicken sang like this:
Hen: Cluck, cluck, so, so, so!
Leading: Grandfather cleaned the house, cooked cabbage soup, washed clothes! Grandma had no time for washing, she was raising chickens. The chicken walked around in the morning and said to her grandparents:
Hen: I can lay an egg, would you like it, Your Honor?
Grandfather:"Yes, we want
Leading: Grandfather answered!
Grandfather: Prepare, let’s have lunch!”

Leading: Ryaba clucks:
Hen:“Where, where, you think it’s so simple, right?”
Leading: The chicken sat down on the porch and laid one egg, it was not simple, with a golden shimmer! Grandfather, with such joy, forgot about his hunger.
Grandfather:“Oh, thank you, pockmarked bird, we will need the egg!”
Leading: He kissed the chicken and called his grandmother over. (Waves his hand) Calls me my darling, hugs me tightly, tightly! Well, she didn’t expect it, she just fainted! Can't understand anything
Grandma:“Apparently, my grandfather has become younger?!
Leading: He dotes on grandma, and then hands her the egg.
Grandfather: Grandma! Grandma, look! We could use three of these! Then you and I, mother, can become rich!”
Leading: The grandmother moans, “oh” and “ah,” envy and fear take over here.
Grandma:“Grandfather, what are we going to do with him, with this golden miracle?”
Leading: They thought and wondered, but in the evening they were all tired. The grandmother wanted to sleep and lay down on the bed. Grandfather had not slept for a long time, but then he dozed off. The old woman is sleeping in a sweet dream, the grandfather is snoring diligently! Only the chicken is busy and says:
Hen:"Good night".
Leading: She fell asleep later than everyone else and took a nap near the stove! The mouse, a prankster, does not sleep, quietly says:
Mouse: How long can you go hungry and pick up crumbs from the floor? There is an egg on the table,
Leading: The mouse is shaking with envy!
Mouse: This is necessary! My God! with a golden shell! I haven't seen such golden eggs since I was born!
Leading: She ran up, grabbed the egg and ran off the porch! But the egg fell, there was a lot of grief here! My heart was beating strongly in fear, because it broke at that very moment! It spread like yogurt, our grandmother began to sob, and behind her, the old grandfather began to wail as hard as he could. There was so much anger in the grandmother, and she forgot about politeness; the grandmother scolded the mouse for dropping an egg! Well, the bribes are smooth from the mouse, it ran away without looking back, and washed itself with tears that it didn’t get lunch!
Grandma: Come on, ask the chicken to lay a new egg.
Grandfather: Chicken, don't be angry, better help your grandfather! Grandma got even more angry, give me an egg so she won’t get angry!
Leading: The chicken screams:
Hen:"Oh, oh"! In chicken-speak - kudkudah!
You probably don’t roar, and don’t scold the mouse either. Be polite and new happiness will come! I’ll lay another egg for you, but it’ll be simple! You feed me more often and say kind words. Every day and every hour, I will become more beautiful with you. I will lay eggs for you until you are very old! Or maybe the second one will be golden again!
Leading: Grandfather said thank you to her, kissed her, and caressed her! They began to live and live, and not know about grief!
All heroes: But we’ll give you an order, even though the story was short-lived. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is something for all of us to think about.

How amazingly everything is intertwined, it’s amazing how interconnected everything is and one follows from the other! First (in 2016) the idea of ​​the reading competition “Above the Arya River” appeared ( And The competition received its name from the place where it took place in the first year - in the village of Arabosi, not far from the source of the Arya River. Actually, the name of the village came from the name of the river. Time passed. This year, 2018, I was offered to participate in a competition held by the Women's Union of Russia, in which it was necessary to conduct research work on the topic “Symbols of the Small Motherland.” The work was interesting, creative, after completion it was published in the Urmara regional newspaper "Red Banner" ( An article was published in the newspaper, but the creative process did not end there, and on the contrary, new ideas for poems, books and competitions appeared. One of these competitions (projects), as part of the project “Festival-competition of readers “Above the Arya River”, was the photo competition “The Origins of the Small Motherland”() The appearance and existence of the photo competition is logical: the Arya River (like any other) begins from the source. In addition, to continue creative work, additional information was needed about the water resources of the Urmara region. And then the problem arose of finding information about reservoirs, springs, ravines, lakes and rivers. Search engines returned only the so-called officialdom: life, people, events... Almost there were no real photographs of reservoirs in the Urmara region. All existing photographs of our favorite places (rivers) are scattered on the Internet, mixed with reservoirs of other regions, sometimes it is not clear which ones. The photo competition allowed us to collect small rivers and springs in one album. I hope this album will be replenished in subsequent competitive years, because in the first “pilot” (trial) year of the competition, fewer works were received than we would like.After the completion of the photo competition, I spoke with a librarian working in the area. She told me that they, too, are faced with the same problem: the lack of information about rivers and springs on the Internet. Then it dawned on me: the project “Festival-competition of readers “Above the Arya River” simply needs another competition - a competition of essays, compositions, stories about the reservoirs of our region. Moreover, the coat of arms of the Urmara region depicts two eyes - as sources, as two main rivers - Arya and Anish. I decided that if the competition was held jointly with the regional newspaper "Herle Yalav", and combined with the somewhat forgotten competition for the V. Alendey Prize, the revival of which I wrote in an open letter (, and hold the awards in 2019, the anniversary year for the Urmara district (100 years), then the competition of essays and compositions would be a bright and significant episode in the life of the district. The small rivers and springs that feed our land may well become symbols of our small homeland. After all, all large rivers consist of small rivulets originating from springs. And spring comes from the word ROD. Rod is all of us. The competition of essays and compositions can be safely associated with the V. Alendey Prize, especially since Alendey himself is a man of the earth, a writer who lived at the origins, writing about his native land and the people living on it ( I suggested that the editors publish the best works of the contestants in the newspaper. The editor agreed with this. Thus, the participants in the competition, the authors of the essay, will make a huge contribution to replenishing the Internet with information about the rivers and sources of their region, about their favorite reservoirs and ravines, leaving this valuable information for future generations, perpetuating the legends, traditions, and stories associated with the reservoirs. Due to the heavy workload, I asked the editors to develop regulations on the essay competition themselves, with which the editor-in-chief of the Herle Yalav newspaper agreed. P.S.: If one follows from the other, then it’s like the water cycle in nature. Everything is interconnected, everything is for the good. I hope that my idea for an essay competition will not die in time and space, will come true, and will bring joy to many participants in the competition, who will write their name in the cause of popularizing small reservoirs in the Urmara region and leave a good mark on the history of their region.

Theatrical skit for schoolchildren on March 8 “Ryaba Hen”- this is a script for a well-known fairy tale in a new way, which is full of good humor and fun. Such a production is not difficult to prepare, and it will be a wonderful surprise at any school evening dedicated to women's holiday.

Sketch for schoolchildren "Ryaba Hen"


Grandma Matryona

Neighbor Glasha,

Granddaughter Marfa,


Marfa's fiance is Shurik.

Scene 1.

Voice behind the scene: Believe it or not, it was so. March 8th was the day. But the grandfather didn’t even buy a gift for his wife, grandmother Matryona. So he scraped his bins and collected only 50 rubles. So what should we do? For 50 rubles you can get away with a little bit of fun. Well, I went to the market, maybe something? yes there will be. He walks between the rows, but still finds nothing. And then a gypsy woman meets him.
Gypsy: Wait, dear! Gild your pen and I'll tell you the whole truth. I see that a bitter thought has eaten into you. Give me your hand and I'll take a look. Oh, grandfather, I see your great joy, you will have eggs!
Grandfather : FAQ?
Gypsy: Not a faq, but what - eggs! Yes, not easy, but golden!
Grandfather : FAQ?!
Gypsy: Why are you so upset, non-Russian?! I say your eggs will be golden! Do you understand mine?
Grandfather : Oh, fuck you, mouse, am I now carrying half of the country’s gold reserves with me!? Oh, grandma, wait! And which of us is a rotten stump!?
Gypsy: ( to the side) Crazy with happiness!
Grandfather : Listen, honey, won’t you buy one egg from me? I'll give it away for cheap! Later, when they're golden!
Gypsy: What egg?
Grandfather : Well, of course!
Gypsy: Your?
Grandfather: Well yes, golden!
Gypsy: How golden!?
Grandfather : You just told me yourself that I will have golden eggs! Do you understand mine?
Gypsy: Grandfather, what were you thinking? If you are like that, then I'm not the same yet! By the way, old man, doesn’t your grandmother hit you with anything?
Grandfather : No, well, it happened a couple of times... a day, but now only once, ... yes, ... like a frying pan clicking. It used to hurt, but after her blows I became smarter - now I wear a helmet!
Gypsy: I see, he's very smart. I say, buy a chicken from me, its name is Ryabaya, so it lays golden eggs.
Grandfather : Eh, I was already glad that... eh
Gypsy: Listen, golden one, take the chicken... it will be a great gift for your wife, take it - you won’t regret it.
Grandfather : Eh, come on, is she really laying golden eggs?
Gypsy: Have I ever deceived you?
Grandfather : And that's true! How much does it cost?
Gypsy: And how much do you have... come on, that’s it.
Grandfather : Wow, grandma will be happy now.

Grandfather leaves.

Gypsy: Yeah, she’ll be happy, oh, as long as she doesn’t kill her grandfather, well, that’s their business. So, how many people are still there? (looks around the hall and hums). I twist and turn, I want to deceive.
Approaches one of the spectators.
Gypsy: Gild your pen, dear! Ah, I see great joy, your eggs will be not simple, but golden!

Scene 2.

Grandma Matryona and her neighbor Glasha are sitting at the table, celebrating the holiday.

Both (singing): Old grandfather, old grandfather
The old grandfather knocks on the window,
Inviting you and me for a walk
Why, why, why are we not going?
We just don't want to hang out with a moron!

Glasha: Listen, Matryon, where is your grandfather, otherwise it’s somehow boring without men.
Matryona: Yes, the jester knows him, he’s probably buying me a gift at the market for the eighth of March!
Glasha: Yes, what are you talking about! Good boy!
Matryona : Yes, if I hadn't told him today. I come up to him and so gently and affectionately whisper in his ear: “Listen, scarecrow, if you don’t give me a gift today, you’re screwed!”
Glasha: Oh, you are lucky, Matryon, your man is obedient.
Matryona : Yes, and you would become obedient if you were heated with a frying pan every day. I’m tired, Glash, of buying frying pans every week, he’s like...if it cracks, at least a lump would come out, that’s it. and the frying pan is soft-boiled.

A knock on the door is heard.

Matryona: Oh, remember him, here it is.

Grandfather comes in.

Matryona : Showed up - didn't get dusty!
Grandfather: (solemnly) Dear, beloved, beautiful...
Matryona : Oooh, come on, come closer!
Grandfather: Do not interrupt! So what am I talking about! Oh, yes... my beloved wife Matryona!
Matryona : Oh, yes, sir, you are drunk! I have never heard such words from you in my entire life. It’s just that I got drunk early in the morning. Well, come under the distribution.
Grandfather: Uh-uh Matryona, if you make a hole, it will hurt your grandfather.

They start chasing him. Suddenly he stops.

Matryona: Grandfather, where is my gift? A? Well, now don’t expect mercy, Matryona promised - Matryona will do it.
Grandfather: Matryona, he brought...he brought a gift!!
Matryona: Well, if so, give it to me!
Grandfather: Dear, beloved, beautiful, adored wife Matryona! Happy birthday to you... oh-oh, not that... with what’s his name.... Eighth of March. Yeah, yes, just with him. And I give you... here... chicken.
Matryona: Who did you call a chicken, you old goat?!

At this time the chicken is taken out.

Matryona: This. what's happened?
Grandfather: (stammering) Present!
Matryona: So you want to give me a chicken!? And even from our barn!? And I wonder where our chickens go! Well, that's it, bearded Shrek, hold on.
Grandfather: Matryona, wait. She's got eggs!
Matryona: With what kind of eggs?
Grandfather: With gold!
Matryona: With which?
Grandfather: Well, she lays golden eggs!
Matryona: So, Glasha, call an ambulance, grandfather has delirium tremens! How many times have I told you - don’t drink! You've waited, now they'll come for you!
Grandfather: Who's coming?
Matryona: People in white coats.
Grandfather: Matryona, have mercy, no need for white coats. She really lays golden eggs, that’s what the gypsy told me.
Matryona: Grandfather, I’m 75 myself, but I have the mind of a five-year-old. It's only in fairy tales that hens lay golden eggs.
Glasha: Matryon, maybe she really...that...lays golden eggs. Come on, grandfather, come on, do something to make her go away.
Grandfather: So, what can I do?!
Matryona: Or maybe he really does! Come on, grandfather, jump around next to her and cluck!
Grandfather: Why me?
Matryona: You are still a man, although old, but a man.
They start hanging around the chicken

Scene 3.

The granddaughter appears with her groom.

Granddaughter: Hey, chicks, what are you doing?
Matryona : Oh, granddaughter has arrived, grandfather, look, Marfushenka has arrived.
Granddaughter: Hello again, by the way, I’m not losing Martha, but Cleopatra. Maybe just Klopik.
Grandfather: Bug?!
Granddaughter: Well, yes, grandfather, why don’t you chop up Russian speech!? I'm a bug. Well, for you, just Cleopatra Augusta Frederica von Guggenstein. Yeah!
Grandfather: Matryon, who is she with right now?
Matryona : Wow, vigorous stump, now Marfa is our mademoiselle! What the hell is this with you!?
Granddaughter: Ah, ba, grandfather, just be funny, this is my fiancé Alexander... uh, what's next for you... ah, yes, Heinrich von Guggenstein. Yeah! Maybe just Shurik. He's a prodigy. Yeah!
Matryona : Oh, what a big granddaughter she has become! Bride already!
Granddaughter: In short, my boyfriend and I are off to Germany for the rest of our lives. So we came to say goodbye and party for one thing. What, this is some kind of joke you have with chicken, do you want to eat something?
Matryona : Yes, this is my grandfather’s gift for the eighth of March, that is, the hen that lays the golden eggs.
Granddaughter: Wow, nevermind, Shurik, you've seen what's happening on earth. Wow, funny! Yeah!
Shurik : From the point of view of banal erudition, every sane individual should be aware of the absurdity of this situation. The hen that lays golden eggs is a mythical creature created by Russian folk storytellers.
Grandfather: Matryon, who was he talking to just now?
Matryona : So wait, how are you... Guslich... Kurenschwein hairdryer
Shurik : Alexander Heinrich von Guggenstein.
Matryona : Well, that's what I said... Our hen will lay golden eggs, you'll see.
Shurik : Although... there is some truth in every fairy tale. Come on, let me look at your chicken...
They argue and discuss among themselves.

Scene 4.

A gypsy woman comes out.

Gypsy: So Ryaba's chickens are all gone. We should get some more. And where? Think, think, my golden one... Oh, so I’ll steal from Grandma Matryona again, the one that my grandfather bought. Oh, and I have a smart head! Yes, but how can I pick it up? Oh, I’ll go and figure it out on the spot.

Scene 5
Grandfather: Phew, I'm tired. Matryon, can we slam 100 grams for the holiday?
Matryona : Yes, it’s better for the chicken to calm down, maybe she’s getting excited...

They drink. Suddenly there is a noise, a clap, and a gypsy woman appears, coughs and shakes herself.

Grandfather: That's it, I don't drink anymore. (crawls under the table)
Matryona(grabs him by the scruff of the neck): Sit! (addresses the fairy). So, who are you exactly?
Gypsy: I? I...this...what's her name...and the Fairy, definitely the fairy Aza.
Granddaughter: What, in kind? Real Fairy?
Matryona : Hey, you don't look like a fairy!

The gypsy woman puts on a cap.

Gypsy: And so?
Matryona : Why do you need this here?
Gypsy: So... they sent me for an internship, yes! Give women gifts on March 8th!
Glasha: Can you do anything, just cast a spell there?
Gypsy: Certainly can!
Glasha: Then...then I want...

Matryona pushes her away.

Matryona : Stop, I'll go first!
Glasha: Why are you the first?
Matryona : Because I’m beautiful, and, after all, stronger than you! (addresses the gypsy) So fulfill my first wish: I want to have a lot of money, a husband who doesn’t drink, a beautiful car and a big house.
Gypsy: So I...
Matryona : Wait, this is just the first wish! Further…
Glasha: Matryon, well, let me make one little wish, well, Matryon, well, Matryon, well, please!
Matryona : Well, let's make a wish, just quickly.
Glasha: So, I want, I want Putin to be my husband.
Matryona : So now I will continue...
Gypsy: So wait, I’m hungry now, let me eat, drink, and then I’ll do it.

They sit down at the table. The gypsy woman points to the chicken.

Gypsy: What is this chicken doing on your table?
Matryona : Yes, we are waiting for the golden eggs to lay.
Gypsy: So she won’t lay a single egg from you. She needs different conditions. I’ll take it with me now, do everything that needs to be done, and tomorrow I’ll bring it to you. Agreed?
Matryona : Of course, of course, take it.

The gypsy takes the chicken and gets ready to leave.

Gypsy: Well, that's it, I'm off.
Glasha And Matryona (in unison): How did you go, and what are your wishes?
Gypsy: Ah, wishes! Sim-salabim, Turkish delight, your wishes will come true.

Both are standing waiting.

Matryona : Well, is it fulfilled?
Glasha: I think I already feel something...
Matryona : (addressing the gypsy) So, why didn’t it come true?
Gypsy: Why didn't it come true, did it come true. You (addresses Matryona) tomorrow you go to the bank and withdraw money, and tomorrow Putin will personally drive up to you in a limousine with a bouquet of flowers. Well, that's it, hello! (to the side) Well, stupid!

Everyone understands and runs after the gypsy. Music. A curtain.

In one village, by the river
Once upon a time there lived old people.
Grandma Martha, grandfather Vasily,
We lived well and didn’t have any troubles.
Sometimes guests visited them.
And one day they gave
Chicken - neither this nor that,
Her grandfather called her “Pockmarked.”
But Ryaba was young,
She laid a pot of eggs.
Grandma takes them in her hands
And he quickly calls his grandfather into the house.
Puts a quarter of moonshine
Village surge,
And he says in his grandfather’s ear:

Eggs give back their strength!

Grandfather Vasily took heart,
He became flushed and became brave.

Well, think about it, what's up?
And without eggs I would be nowhere.

Look, there are no snacks on the table,
Grandfather got smart here,
She supposedly spoke about strength,
I forgot about the snack.
Grandma pulled up her sock
And she ran to the cellar.
And all the while he repeats:

Eggs return strength.

Well, think about it, what's up?
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

And then there was a knock on the door,
Grandfather was overcome with fear.
Suddenly a bandit, a vigorous mother,
I came to take away the eggs!

Well, think about it, what's up?
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Then the neighbor's mouse came in
She was reputed to be a fidgety girl.
She has only one thing on her mind:

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

He sees that there is only one grandfather in the house.
Somewhere you can see there is no grandmother!
He thinks grandfather is so-so...

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

One, or better yet three.
And she started wagging her tail,
To seduce Grandfather Vasya.

Well, think about it...
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Then he will sit on his grandfather’s lap,
Then he will stroke his bald head,
He gently strokes your back...

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Led Grandfather into temptation
He groans with pleasure!

Well, think about it, things
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

The mouse twirled its tail
There was a roar throughout the whole house.
I did something really bad,
Rowan's eggs broke
And she rushed around the hut!

Oh man, I wish I could do it better!

Grandfather runs here and there.

Well, think about it, things are going on,
and without eggs I’d be no good.

Then Grandma Martha returned,
I was surprised at first
Where the hell are the eggs?
Yes, they are lying on the floor.
As soon as he screams, he will wail.

Eggs give back their strength!

He sees a mouse in his hut.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Well, think about it, things are going on,
And without eggs I would be nowhere.

The grandmother grabbed the Mouse's hair,
And the grandfather shouts: “Oh, women, be quiet!”
And as best he can, he separates,
Yes, the Mouse protects more!

Well, think about it, things are going on,
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Grandma uses her legs.

Eggs give back their strength!

The mouse hits the grandmother on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy.

Here's the story
Stop! Everyone freezes at once!
At this time, on the same day
The Wolf walked past on his own way.
For what? I want to give you some advice here
He went to look for a bride.
Hearing the sound of a fight,
He knocked on the door of the hut.

Oh, what passions there are here,
This seems to be where my happiness lies.

He immediately saw the mouse,
I understood what the scandal was about,
Slowly - little by little
Baba separated the fighting!

Oh, what passions there are here...
This seems to be where my happiness lies!

Grandma hobbles towards the chair...

Eggs give back their strength!

His grandfather is in a hurry to see his grandmother
And at the same time he says:

Well, think about it, things are going on,
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

The mouse shows itself!
“Why do I need a grandfather! I'm all like that"
And he strokes the wolf on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Oh, what passions there are here,
This seems to be where my happiness lies!

Grandmother and grandfather made peace
The Mouse and the Wolf got married
And now everyone lives together,
What else is needed in life?
And everyone began to live without worries
Day after day, year after year!
Celebrating the holidays all together
What else do you need in life?


Scenario of the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen”

(characters are crocheted)

Prepared by: Kostyuk V.T.

(Grandfather and woman come out and sit on the bench).

Oh, I'm tired, I chopped wood

And I applied water.


Cleaned the house, swept

And I put it on the table.

We worked hard

It just became sad.


We need to call the chicken

And we won't be bored.


Kura-Ryaba, come out,

Drive away sadness.


(The chicken comes out, dances a cheerful dance, Grandfather and Baba clap). Children master the movements of the puppeteer.

Kura - Ryaba:

I have a gift for you

I laid an egg for you

And the egg is not simple,

And the egg is golden.

(An egg runs out to the music, Grandfather and Baba come up and gasp.)

Grandfather: Oh, what!

Woman: Oh, what!

Together: It's very big!

Kura - Ryaba: (important) Ko-ko-ko! (leaves)

What should we do, what should we do?

How can we break it?


Grandfather beat, but did not break.

(Grandfather beats an egg)

The woman beat and beat, but did not break.

Grandfather: (angrily)

I started hitting him and I'll break him

I'll take the hammer now.

Let's go grandma! (leave)

(A mouse appears to the music).


Oh, what! Oh, what!

It's very big.

(He tries to scratch and chew the egg, but it doesn’t work, the mouse knocks with its legs).


Oh, you evil egg,

I'll break you out of spite!

(He hits the egg with his tail, the egg swings and falls.)

Mouse: (hears the steps of Grandfather and Baba, gets scared)

Oh, I hear Grandfather coming here.

Oh, now I'll get it!


(Grandfather, Baba enter, grandfather carries a hammer).

Grandfather: (angrily)

Someone was here recently

And he dropped the egg!


Someone was here recently

Broke the poor egg! (crying)

(Kura-Ryaba comes out).

Kura - Ryaba:

Grandfather, Grandmother, don't be sad

And look into the egg!

(The egg turns over and a chick appears)


I am a mother-chicken child!

I'm a yellow little chick.

I spent a lot of time in the egg,

But I have a lot to do.

Find friends, peck grain,

And learn a lot of new things!

Kura - Ryaba:

Now we will live together.

Chicken, me and you two.

And we will take the mouse to live with us.

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