Scenario of the New Year's competitive game program for children. teacher universities. contest. "New Year's painting"

Festive game program for students in grades 1-4. Scenario "Christmas tree"


Father Frost.

Snow Maiden.

Boy New Year.

I. Organization of the hall. Meeting with guests.

The lights in the hall are dimmed. A spinning mirror ball creates the illusion of sparkling snow.


Snow falling on the tree tops

So that the age-old beauty lives,

To make hearts better

So that the eyes of your loved ones shine!

Snow shimmering in the haze of dawn...

Restless time running, -

Happy New Year, dear planet,

With new happiness to you, man!

(Raim Farhadi)

To the music, with a characteristic step of his character, Bunny, Fox and Bear enter.


We have a beautiful Christmas tree!

Everything glows with balls.


Let friends at a fun hour

Celebrate the holiday with us.


We will dance and sing -

After all, it's New Year's Day.


Come in guests! We will start

Your New Year's holiday!

Children form a circle around the Christmas tree.


Happy New Year

Both hosts and guests.

Good luck to everyone, we wish you well

And fine clear days.


And one more wish for you:

At school, in your class

Healthier and rosier

Become every day!


We will stand near the Christmas tree

Let's start round dances

Happy New Year to all,

Let's sing the song together.

Children perform the song "Christmas Tree" to the words of K. Chukovsky, to the music of M. Magidenko

If the Christmas tree had legs,

She would run down the path.

She would dance with us

She would have banged her heels.

Toys would spin on the Christmas tree -

Multi-colored lanterns, firecrackers.

Flags would twirl on the Christmas tree

From crimson, from silver paper.

Would laugh on the Christmas tree matryoshka

And they would clap their hands with joy.

Because tonight at the gate

A merry New Year has come to us!

New, new, young

With a golden beard!

II. Game program.

There is a knock on the door.


Went out on the road

New Year,

He stood at the threshold -

New Year!

Knocking at our door,

Have fun with us

New Year!

New Year's boy enters.


Hello New Year!

Hello baby!

New Year performs the song "The New Year Boy" to the words of M. Plyatskovsky, the music of Y. Chichkov.

Leading. Dear young friend, you got to the game holiday program. We look forward to your entertainment.

New Year. Fine. I have a lot of fun in store. Let's start with riddles.

1) There is a tree, this tree has twelve shoots, twelve shoots have four rods, a rod has six brushes, the seventh is golden. (Year, months, weeks, days of the week.)

2) I twist, hum, I don’t want to know anyone. (Blizzard.)

3) Walks in the summer, rests in the winter. (Bear.)

4) The black cow overcame the whole world, and the white one raised it. (Day and night.)

5) What animal sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat.)

Game "Walk around"

New Year. Now I invite you to play. For the round dance game "Walking around" you need to choose a driver. You are all participants in the game, hold hands, form a circle. First, we will slowly move to the right, then to the left in a circle, we sing a song that mentions the name of the driver:

We walk around

One after another.

Hey guys, don't yawn!

Everything that Kolya (Nastya)

Will show us

Let's be together


The circle stops, and the leader shows any movements (jumps like a frog, rotates his arms, spins in place, etc.) or takes some kind of funny pose. All of you guys have to mimic his movements exactly. After that, the driver approaches one of you standing in a circle, bows low. The one who was bowed to goes inside the circle and becomes the leader, the former leader takes his place.

The game is repeated. The round dance moves in the other direction, and the name of the new leader is inserted into the song.

Ball football game

An inflatable ball is placed on the floor and five to six steps are measured from it. They put on this mark who wants to break through the free kick and blindfold him. He must go to the ball and hit it. For younger children, the task can be simplified by allowing the player to measure the distance from the ball himself, and only then blindfold him. For older children, on the contrary, the task is complicated: the blindfolded player is turned around several times. It’s funny when a player, having measured the cherished five steps blindfolded, swings and kicks into the void, because he walked from the ball in a completely different direction.


riddles solved,

Well played.

You can also dance

Polka dance in pairs.


We played a field

I will invite Olechka.

But Olya does not want to dance,

We had a fight with her at school.

I'll ask for forgiveness

I’ll sleep a little with Olya.

All children dance the polka, repeating the movements of the leader.

Description of the movements of the dance "Polka"

Children stand in pairs in a circle and hold hands (crosswise). Everyone moves in a polka step, turns to face each other, moves away from each other with four calm steps. They return to their places (two steps and three stomp).

The movements are repeated. Children are taken under the arms (with the right hand) and spin around in jumps. The last movements are repeated twice.

The dance is repeated.


You did great with the polka,

We trained for a school year not in vain.

Isn't it time to sing a song at our holiday?

Come on, let's show the art of choral singing!

Children perform a round dance song "What is the New Year?".

What is New Year?

Words by M. Plyatskovsky Music by Y. Chichkov

What is New Year?

What is New Year?

This is a friendly dance

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles -

That's what the New Year means!


What is New Year?

What is New Year?

What is New Year?

These are berries and honey.

This is without exception -

From nuts to cookies -

What is New Year?

What is New Year?

What is New Year?

This is a holiday arrival!

This is the laughter of merry friends,

This is dancing near the Christmas trees -

That's what it means, that's what the New Year means!


What is New Year?

What is New Year?

What is New Year?

New Year - frost and ice!

And in the dancing snowflakes

Invisible springs -

That's what it means, that's what it means

New Year!



On the edge near the Christmas tree, the house stands,

There is snow around the house

And in the window a light,

Who lit it there?

Who lives in the house?

Come join us in the round dance!

What do you guys think, who lives in the house, who should come to our Christmas tree?

Children. Father Frost!


And to know for sure, guess the riddle:

All of it glitters in gold,

Everything sparkles in the moonlight

Decorates the Christmas tree with beads

And paint on glass.

He is such a big prankster -

Pinch on the very nose,

Come to us here for the holiday,

Who is he? .. (Grandfather Frost.)

presenter. And why doesn't he come to us for a long time? What happened to him?

New Year. Don't worry, everything is fine with Santa Claus, it's just that there are so many schools in your big city, he needs to be in time everywhere.

You call him together

Specify the road.

He will quickly find a school

And he will come to you for the holiday.


Grandpa needs help

He can't bear it alone.

We will shout to Frost at once,

For him to hear immediately.

Repeat everything after me

Loud roar:

Father Frost!

Come soon!

We have more fun with you!

It's time to celebrate the New Year!

All the kids are waiting for you!

Children repeat the "chant" after the leader. Footsteps are heard, the sound of a staff.


The guest came to us invited,

Beloved by all, long-awaited,

He has a red nose.

Who is this?

Children(in chorus). Father Frost!


Who has a cart of gifts?

Who is this?

Children(in chorus). Father Frost!

presenter. The convoy is full of snow with him ...

Who is this?

Children(in chorus). Father Frost!


Applause, clatter, exclamation of "Hurrah!"

Meet Santa Claus, kids!

Children joyfully shout “Hurrah!”, stamp their feet, clap their hands.

Santa Claus enters, performs "Song of Santa Claus."

Song of Santa Claus

(from the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer")

Words by Y. Entin Music by E. Krylatov

last page of the calendar

Stayed on the wall.

I have been working hard all year.

It's time for me to go!

I will travel hundreds of miles in a row,

So that on the night of the New Year

I put on a Christmas tree outfit

And got up in the hopovod.


I will give gifts to children,

After all, there is no better me.

I don't want the best awards

What a joy for all children!

Father Frost.

Hello boys and girls!

I heard crackers rumbled in my honor.

Have you been waiting for me, friends?

Children. Yes!

Father Frost.

Seeing happy you and I.

Good afternoon and happy holiday.

Have fun from the heart!

Games, songs, dances, jokes

I brought you kids.

He takes out musical and noise instruments from the bag: a triangle, harmonicas, wooden noisemakers, rattles, pipes, rattles, drums, etc.

presenter(bewildered). Grandfather Frost, these are the gifts you brought to our children?

Father Frost. No, they are magic tools. Whoever takes them in his hands, they will play with him. And what holiday without a New Year's orchestra?!


Oh guys, ta-ra-ra,

It's time for us to play in the "orchestra"!

Those who want to become musicians, come,

Take the tools of your choice.

Children dismantle musical and noise instruments, the presenters line them up in an orchestra.

Father Frost.

Hey you pipes Hey you pipes

Shout louder, shout louder!

drums, drums,

Drum, drum!

Violins, flutes and pipes,

Bring out louder trills!

Let our orchestra hear

Far away from these places!

(Yu. Ostrovsky)

The song is performed by the presenters “In our orchestra” (words by M. Lapisova, music by T. Popatenko). At their command, the children improvise on the instrument that the presenters show. At the end there is a free musical improvisation of the type "who is in what much." All children at this time perform a fun dance with Santa Claus and a New Year boy.

Father Frost(gives command).

Are the musicians good?

Dance to their music!

Sounds New Year's orchestra.

Santa Claus after the dance is “tired”, groans, sits down on a stump to rest.

Father Frost.

These are the gifts today -

Fulfill any desire!

To ask them this? .. (Thinks.)


What are you, Santa Claus?

There would be a request for poetry!

Children have learned poems for a long time,

Cope with this task yours easily.

Children go to the Christmas tree and read poems about winter nature, the New Year's holiday. Santa Claus praises them, rewards them with sweet prizes.



Hello, in a white sundress

From silver brocade!

Diamonds burn on you

Like bright rays.

Hello Russian girl,


white winch,

Hello Mother Winter!

(P. Vyazemsky)


Snow blizzard, blizzard,

Spin us yarn

Whip the fluffy snows

Like swan fluff.

You nimble weavers -

Whirlwinds and blizzards

Give rainbow brocade

For shaggy firs.

(S. Marshak)

Frozen forest rustles among the azure,

Sweeping branches blue skies.

And it seems that it is not the storm that wakes the forest,

And the lush forest, swaying, wakes up a storm.

(S. Marshak)

Christmas tree

Christmas tree grew

In the forest on the mountain.

She has needles

Silver in winter.

She has on the bumps

Ice cubes are knocking

snow coat

Lies on the shoulders.

(E. Trutneva)

In the semi-darkness I saw: standing

Outside the window, where the blizzard was circling,

Like just from the winter ball

Spruce dressed in ermine.

(S. Marshak)


Light fluffy

snowflake white,

What a pure

How brave!


Falling asleep paths and paths,

Erasing fresh traces

Silent snowflakes on the ground

Lay down with sparkles of mica.

They are fragile and musical

When you step on them

They creak gently, then sadly,

Like a corncrake in the night steppe.

(G. Graubin)

What grows on the tree?

What grows on the tree?

Cones and needles.

colorful balls

They don't grow on a tree.

Do not grow on a tree

Gingerbread and flags

Nuts don't grow

In golden paper.

(L. Uspenskaya)

New Year

Children go to bed early

On the last day of December

And wake up a year older

On the first day of the calendar.

(L. Uspenskaya)

Is it snow flying from the heights

To fields, hills and thickets,

Under the rays blinding eyes,

Creaking under the skids,

Is he like dead chalk,

Only white, white, white?

All needle-like from the frost,

At dawn it is gently pink,

He is far away - in the shade, in the lowland

Blue and even blue

And when the sunset lights


Like an unfurled banner

Flaming over the hills.

And the moon will rise - and at once

Myriads of diamonds

The field will cover everything

The color of the rainbows will tremble.

(N. Brown)

hare white

white hare, white hare

Where did you run after the bast?

The white hare replied:

I didn't run, I jumped.

(L. Uspenskaya)

Father Frost.

Pretty! Amazing!

Read expressively!

How about your ingenuity?

We'll check it out right away.

I give you a riddle, you answer me.

There will be enough sweets for everyone to guess.

Santa Claus, presenters make wishes to childrenpuzzles.

1. All fingers parted,

In the dark closets,

Every boy

Into your closet. (Mittens.)

2. Does not speak, does not sing,

And who goes to the owner -

She lets you know. (Dog.)

3. The beast is shaggy, clubfoot,

He sucks his paw in the den. (Bear.)

4. Small, white,

Jump through the forest, jump,

On the snow poke, poke! (Hare.)

5. On New Year's Eve he came to the house

Such a ruddy fat man,

But every day he lost weight

And finally completely disappeared. (Tear-off calendar.)

6. With their noses up, they run along the clearing. (Skis.)

7. Upside down grows,

Up the root grows. (Icicle.)

8. Yellow hostess

Came from the forest

I counted all the chickens

And she took it with her. (Fox.)

9. What a beauty

It stands, shining brightly.

How beautifully decorated.

Tell me who she is. (Christmas tree.)

10. I was not raised

Blinded from the snow

Instead of a nose deftly

Put in carrots.

Eyes - coals,

Lips are bitches.

cold, big

Who am I? (Snow woman.)

11. Round like a ball,

It doesn't jump.

All in needles

Not a tree. (Hedgehog.)

12. White on white

He wrote where he ran.

The redhead will read

Find White. (Hare and fox.)


And now it's the turn

Get us a round dance.

Hold hands, friends, grab

Spin around the tree.

Children, under the guidance of the presenters, lead the round dance song “Yolochka” (words by 3. Alexandrova, music by M. Krasev).

Leading. Let's play the rhyming game.

All the characters conduct speech games: one of them gives the children excerpts from poems with gaps. Children must complete them or say the missing words.

Oh, she's ringing, she's ringing

Everyone is happy with the game.

But only three strings

She needs music.

Who is she? Guess:

This is our ... (balalaika).

Children in our school

Every day they read ... (books).

On a winter sunny day

All with skates on ... (skating rink).

School for the New Year

We are going to ... (hike).

There was an old woman in an evil fairy tale,

It was called ... (Baba Yaga).

The big beast lives in the water,

They call ... (behemoth).

Without a doubt, the lion is strong,

But he is weaker than ... (elephant).

How to wake up, in order

Children do ... (exercises).

Cold days are coming.

We need skis and ... (skates).

And not always in winter

Coming ... (cold).

For both Vali and Nina

They buy ... (vitamins).

How beautiful, though prickly

Our little ... (tree).

Warmer we are with you

We dress ... (in winter).

Vera hides from Natka:

Kids play ... (hide and seek).

Every needle

With your gift.

Shine, shine ... (tree),

Shine, shine... (bright).

Father Frost. Something the Snow Maiden is delayed.

Leading. Grandfather Frost, she is already close, because ... And here's why, the children should guess.

Fast-winged and light

fairytale winter,

What are the miracle moths

Are they circling over you?

Children. Snowflakes!

Leading. These are the Snow Maiden's friends. She is about to appear while the snowflakes are dancing. And we are with them.

Snowflakes dance with ribbons. All the children in the seats move to the beat of the music. At the end of the dance, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden.

Hello dear guys!

Good hour everyone

And a good holiday.

From good snow

From the bright sky

From cheerful sonorous ice

Accept my children

Happy New Year!

The Snow Maiden sings her song.

All the animals know me

The name is Snow Maiden

They play with me

And they sing songs.


Friends are with me.

I love them very much.

How many guests

How many friends

Now we will have more fun.

More like a round dance

Let everyone sing

A wonderful Christmas tree is waiting for us.


Children sing a round dance song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Leading. Now let's play until we get bored. Agree.

Children. Yes!

The actors organize and conduct several games with the children. These can be games in microgroups organized in different parts of the hall. Children can simultaneously bypass several stages of the toy library, try their hand at mobile, intellectual, entertaining, collective games, etc.

The game "Zhmurki in place"

The driver is blindfolded and placed in the middle of the room. The rest choose their places at any furnishings (table, chairs, sideboard, sofa). Then the "blind man's blind man" must turn around several times and go in search. The rest of the players try not to fall into the hands of the "blind man's buff", moreover, they cannot leave their place. You can only squat, bend over, climb on furniture, lie down, but at the same time, be sure to touch the piece of furniture in which you originally chose your place with the tip of your foot or hand. The one who broke away from his subject is considered to be caught, even if the "blind man's blind man's eye" didn't piss him off. It is not enough for the driver to touch the player, he must recognize him. If he does not guess, then the rest clap their hands and the game continues.

It is desirable that one of the adults participate in the game: it is necessary to warn the "blind man's blind man" in time if he goes astray and is in danger of colliding with a TV, a Christmas tree or a floor lamp.

Game "Brook"

The players become two by two, holding hands and raising them above their heads. The one who is left without a couple passes between the "banks" of the stream and chooses a partner for himself. Taking his hand, he leads him along. The new pair follows the last one in the column. And the stream continues to flow and soon the last pair becomes the first - if, of course, other players have not broken it before.

Game "Funny choir"

The driver leaves the room. In his absence, the players choose a line from a poem or a popular song. All participants are divided into groups according to the number of words in this line and distribute which word which group will pronounce. The driver returns, and he is met by a "funny choir". Each group says (in a chant or syllable by syllable, all at the same time) their word. The task of the driver is to compose a poetic line from these words and guess where it came from.

Game "Two are better than one"

Any three toys are placed on the floor: balls, cubes, skittles. Two players come out and start dancing around them (the game can be played to music). As soon as the music stops or the leader gives the command "Stop!", each player should try to grab two toys. Whoever gets one loses.

Ice fishing game

Sew a circle of thin material to the gymnastic hoop, without pulling it too hard. From below, in different places, sew small bells (four pieces) to the fabric. Such bells can be bought at Fisherman-Sportsman stores. Fish can be cut out of plywood or cut out of cardboard. Make a loop of wire on the head and tail of each fish. Fishing rods can be made from sticks of the same length, twine and large paper clips (hooks).

The hoop is installed on 3-4 supports - the bells should be on weight. The task of the anglers is to pull out all the fish so that not a single bell tinkles. The leader (from adults) marks the time. The one who catches the most fish in the shortest time wins.

Game "Question to a neighbor"

Everyone sits in a circle leading to the center. He approaches any player and asks a question, for example: “What grade are you in?”, “What is your name?”, “Where do you live?” etc. But it is not the one who is asked who should answer, but his neighbor on the left. If the one whom the presenter asked answers, he must give a phantom. After the game, the forfeits are played.

The game "Bow on the Christmas tree"

Make a small bow from a green narrow ribbon and hang it on a thread or on a paper clip on a Christmas tree so that it is not noticeable among the decorations. Have the kids look for him. At the same time, they should be guided in searches, prompting: “It is cold, cold, warmer, hot ...”.

Game "Guess the proverb"

This game is similar to the previous one. Now some proverb is conceived, its words are distributed among the players. They sit in word order. The driver comes back and starts asking questions. The answers must contain a word from the hidden proverb. It happens that the driver guesses the proverb immediately after the first or second answer. But it happens that all the answers have already been received, and the proverb has remained unsolved. Then the driver is again sent out of the room, a new proverb is conceived, and the guesser leads again. Well, if the driver guessed the proverb quickly, then the next guesser will be the one who poorly disguised the keyword in the answer.

It should be agreed in advance that the word in the answer should be in the same form as in the proverb. The answer may consist of several phrases, since it often happens that in one keyword you can’t immediately hide it. For example, the word "sleigh" from the proverb "Don't get into your own sleigh" in response to the question "Which school do you go to?" not so easy to disguise.

Game "Mysterious Shadows"

Pull up a sheet at the door of the room. Behind the "screen" at some distance, install a bright electric lamp without a ceiling or cap. The players are divided into two groups: actors and spectators. Actors leave the screen and put on hats, masks, wigs, beards, mustaches. Then the actors must pass between the lamp and the screen, and the audience in mysterious shadows-profiles must guess the performers. Then the teams switch roles. The task can be complicated if the actors do not just disguise themselves, but represent a well-known fairy-tale or literary character.

Game "Centipedes"

In a fairly spacious room, centipede races can be held. The players are divided into two teams and line up at the back of the head to each other, taking the front with their hands on the belt. At the opposite wall put some object. At the signal of the leader, the teams run, go around the object (chair, flag, etc.) and come back. While running, you can not let go of your hands. If the chain is broken, then the host can count the team as defeated. The same if the team overturned and did not pick up the object that was rounding. The task can be complicated and made more ridiculous if the teams move half-crouching.

Game "Gifts of Santa Claus"

4-5 people should illustrate the facilitator's story.

Leading. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus brings gifts to all family members. He gave dad a comb (everyone combs their hair with their right hand). Son - skis. Please show me how your son skis, but don't stop brushing your hair. Mom - lipstick, which she immediately began to tint her lips. Let's add this to those movements.

Accompanied by cheerful music, show all the gifts of Santa Claus at the same time. Who has never made a mistake, has not gone astray? Who got the best picture? (Determined by the audience.)

Leading. What are you restless, athletic, mobile, play tirelessly.

But everything eventually ends.

And it's time for us to part.

Let's just not get upset

And we wish each other love and kindness.


Goodbye - New Year's rhyme -

We wish you today:

In January - the rays of April,

To keep you warm.


To make the winds blow more often

Yes, not in March, but in July.


And so that your day is without night,

Or the night was shorter.


So that the whole year did not know the fight

your cats and dogs.

New Year.

So that no matter how much bread we cut,

He was soft, he was fresh.

To cream fountains

Filled your glasses.

Snow Maiden.

If it's too much

Don't judge too harshly.

We were glad to meet you

Your joy is our reward!

Father Frost.

I wish you to grow and not be bored,

Moms and grandmothers are not very upset.

And always ask for forgiveness

For any grief.

I wish you to temper and grow wiser.

And never get sick for a whole year.

Never be arrogant

And get rid of laziness.

Well, next year

I'll come check you out.

The old year is over.

Hello New Year!

Many happy days are waiting for you guys!

Children perform the "Song of Friends" to the words of Y. Akim, the music of V. Gerchik.

Don't dare to quarrel.

We can't live without friends

For what in the world.


For nothing, for nothing

No way.

Don't leave your friends

Be responsible for them.

Don't hurt them

Nobody in the world.


Nobody, nobody

Hello, New Year's holiday, shine of lights,
hello tree, welcome guest, friend of children.
All in brand new toys, in lights,
All in silver crackers and flags.
A very important guest arrived at our New Year's holiday
He has a bright blush, a beard like white fur,
He prepared interesting gifts for everyone.
Happy New Year will congratulate you, dance with you and sing
Who is our guest, guys, this is ...

It turns out Baba Yaga, kikimora, goblin, famously

Baba Yaga . ... This is Grandma Yaga. And I will dance and sing and give gifts. And then every year Santa Claus, yes Santa Claus.

Kikimora. Why is our Baba Yaga worse?

Leading. Yes, the guys and I somehow did not expect this. Where is Santa Claus anyway?

Goblin. Where where. Resting. That's where.

Baba Yaga . (evil spirits) I lost my grandfather, dear, you will have a grandfather. Behind me! (runs away)

Goblin (leading)
And you shut up, otherwise I’ll take you to a dense forest, cook and eat!

Famously. (Children)
And you, too, shut up, but not that ...

They run away. The Snow Maiden runs.

Snow Maiden.
Grandpa, wow!

Baba Yaga enters, disguised as Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, where are you behind. I'm looking for you everywhere.

Baba Yaga. Why look for me. I'm here. As agreed, so it came.

Snow Maiden. And where did you leave the faithful snowflakes?

Baba Yaga. Whom? Ah, snowflakes! Yes, here they are, our snowflakes. You just need to beckon them and they will fly. (calling snowflakes) Come to me!

Evil spirits run out, disguised as snowflakes.

Snow Maiden . Weird snowflakes.

Baba Yaga. Yes? And I didn't notice. (looks at them) snowflakes are like snowflakes. sing along!

Evil spirits. We are funny snowflakes. We are smart fluffs.

Baba Yaga. At ease. One, two.

Snow Maiden . Well, come on, grandfather congratulate the guys.

Baba Yaga. I? But as?

Snow Maiden. What are you, grandfather, you need to lead round dances, light the Christmas tree, give gifts to the kids.

Baba Yaga. It's all me?

Snow Maiden. Certainly. You are Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga . Wow, what a troublesome position and this at my age! Well, let's sing songs about the Christmas tree, dance round dances. Snowflakes, sing!

Evil spirits. There was a tree in the forest, there was only one needle on it!

Snow Maiden. Wait, wait, that's the wrong song! Now the guys will show you how to do it right.

Round dance.

Baba Yaga. Round dances led, let's here kerosene with matches.

Snow Maiden
. For what?

Baba Yaga. What do you mean why? I will light the tree.

Snow Maiden . You are not ordinary today, grandfather, they light the Christmas tree with the help of magic words and your magic staff. And by the way, where are you so late?

Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm watching football. I like how they skate there ...

Snow Maiden. What are you, grandpa, skating is hockey.

Baba Yaga . What's the difference. What do we have next on the plan?

Snow Maiden . Have a New Year's game with the guys.

Baba Yaga. Game you say? What are we to play? And let's hide and seek! Climb, Snow Maiden, into that bag, and we will look for you.

Snow Maiden. No need, grandfather, we always played trickle!

Baba Yaga . And now let's hide and seek.
(The evil spirits pushes the Snow Maiden into a bag).
Hooray! Ours took!

Leading. Well, what have you done! The guys have neither Santa Claus nor the Snow Maiden left!

Baba Yaga. And what am I! Now we will play with the guys.

Game "Brownie"

Baba Yaga. Fine. I met a real brownie right away. And what do we have next?

Leading. It's time to light the Christmas tree, only the forest dwellers always helped Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. This is a goblin with Kikimora - then?

Goblin and Kikimora . We are here.

Kikimora. What to set on fire?

Goblin . Whom to scare?

Leading. Not really. Bunnies, squirrels, foxes.

Baba Yaga. Where can I get them? And why are these sitting, let them help.

Game "Depict an animal"

Baba Yaga. Okay, it's time to say the magic words. Hey, Christmas tree, burn!.. Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out!.. Everything is not right.

Leading. You need to wave a magic staff, and we will say: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!”

Baba Yaga.
Let's! (waves staff).

. Let's set it on fire, what are you doing?

kikimora . It will be beautiful!

The voice of Santa Claus is heard. Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost.
Santa Claus I'm real, from a deaf, dense thicket,
Where spruces stand in snowdrifts, where snowstorms and snowstorms,
Where dense forests and loose snow.
Hello kids, girls and boys!
How beautiful and elegant you all are!
Something is quiet with you. You don't sing songs, you don't dance dances?
The evil spirits are slowly running away, Baba Yaga is sneaking towards the exit.

Father Frost. And where is my Snow Maiden? (sees Baba Yaga) And who else is this?

Baba Yaga. I'm Santa Claus!

Father Frost. And then who am I?

Baba Yaga . How much do I know? Maybe Koschey the Deathless!

Father Frost. Ah, that's it! (waves hands)
Blizzards break out, bend below the pine, spruce,
Everything that is in this forest, I will fill it up, I will bring it in!

Baba Yaga . Calmly, without nerves, please, with my hands and I know how to wave.

Wait, now the guys will judge us. Whoever guesses the riddles is Santa Claus.

Father Frost . Guess, I love riddles.

We both rolled a com.
He has an old hat on.
Nose attached,
and suddenly it turned out...

Baba Yaga. Water. He always wears an old hat.

I can't feel my legs for joy,
I'm flying down the snowy hill.
The sport became dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this?

Baba Yaga. Koschei the Deathless. He loves sports very much, especially fights with Ivan Tsarevichs.

Leading. Again wrong.

Father Frost . Who are you?

Baba Yaga. (Points to the side) Look who's there?

While everyone is watching, she runs away.

Father Frost . Where did he go? Where is my granddaughter? You can't do without professionals. Eniki, beniks, forest animals appear before me!

Hares enter.

1 hare. (into the radio) Oblique one on the line. Reception.

2 hare. (into the radio) We went to the object, over!

Father Frost . Bunnies, is that you?

1 hare. The special forces detachment arrived at the appointed place.

2 hare . Tired of us being afraid of everything, we decided to train!

1 hare. I'm not afraid of wolves or foxes in my native forest!

Famously (from around the corner) Wow!

1 hare faints, 2 hare gives him first aid.

Father Frost. I have trouble, hares, the Snow Maiden has disappeared.

1 hare . Special signs (writes down)

Father Frost. My granddaughter, snowy.

Leading . She was stolen by an evil spirit led by Baba Yaga.

2 hare. Special signs of the leader.

Leading. What are her signs. Old, evil, harmful.

Baba Yaga (from around the corner) And not old at all, but aged.

1 hare. The task is clear. We get into position.

2 hare. We begin interviewing witnesses.

1 hare. Let's make a sketch of the kidnapper.


Father Frost. According to such signs, you will immediately find her, and I’ll go ice cream in the refrigerator to refresh myself, otherwise it’s hot here with you (leaves).

2 hare . (into the radio) Oblique 1 Oblique 2. The object in the right sector was not detected. Reception.

1 hare. (into the radio) The perimeter is clear. I go to the collection point. Reception.

2 hare. (into the radio) I'm waiting on the spot. End of connection.

Hares meet in the middle of the stage.

1 hare . Message from East Sector: Object spotted in computer lab. Break into the Internet.

2 hare. We will take.

1 hare. Forward! For grandfather!

The rabbits run away. Evil enters.

kikimora (carries a huge carrot) Look, eared trackers, what they wanted. Right now, we'll give you some carrots.

Goblin. And neither your grandfather nor your grandmother.

Famously. Glue - didn't you forget?

kikimora . Goblin, do you carry glue?

Goblin . So Likho must bear.

Famously. You said you'd take it yourself!

Goblin. Who said! I said? And what did you say!

Famously. To whom did he say?

Kikimora. Okay, I took it. I wanted to check you. Nothing can be ordered!

Goblin. What?!

Famously. Rock on, friend!

kikimora . Calm down, calm down. I was joking. Let's rub the carrots.

Famously . Grease thicker so that they stick well.

Goblin. Don't stick yourself.

Famously. Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Kikimora. Boys, I'm stuck...

From afar, the song of hares is heard: "Our service is both dangerous and difficult ...".

kikimora . Unstick me! The rabbits are coming!

Goblin. Sit, don't move, we'll try to tear it off.

Famously . It's just an axe.

Kikimora. I myself!

The song of the hares is coming. Kikimora is trying to break away. Finally she succeeds. The evil is running away. Hares enter.

1 hare. (into the radio) Attention, the object of the carrot is directly ahead.

2 hare . (into the radio) I see the object. I start capturing (grabs a carrot, sticks it).

1 hare. What do you have there (glued)?

The evil spirits run in, with joyful cries they grab the hares and take them away.

Baba Yaga enters, leading the Snow Maiden with a bag over her head.

Baba Yaga. Where do you fit? Get in this corner.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost . (sees Baba Yaga) There you are, Baba Yaga! Give me back my Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga. I took her to the dense forest. The goblin knocks her out of the way there, she will never come out to you!

Leading. They, grandfather, stole the hares too.

Father Frost . Oh, you scoundrels, give away both the Snow Maiden and the hares, or I’ll freeze them!

Baba Yaga.
We'll give it back, we'll give it back, but do the guys need them? Okay, just complete my three tasks.

Leading. Set your assignments.

Father Frost. The guys and I will make them quickly!

Baba Yaga.
Who will wind up the magic ball faster.

A game.

Baba Yaga. Well, you have completed the first task. And now let's check which of you is the most attentive.

A game

Baba Yaga. And the last task: who will dance my evil spirit!

Dance competition.

Father Frost
. We have completed all your assignments. Give us the Snow Maiden and the bunnies.

Baba Yaga. Take it if you can get it out of the dense forest.

Father Frost. Well guys, can we help? Let's save our friends. So that they can find their way to this hall, we will now divide into two teams: crows and sparrows. At my command, each of you begins to scream with the voice of your bird. Started!

A game.

Baba Yaga brings out the Leshy in the costume of the Snow Maiden. Leshy is exposed. A noise is heard, evil spirits run out shouting: "Help!"

kikimora Protect us, grandma!

Famously - I don't want to die!

The Forest Fairy enters.

Father Frost - Hello, niece, what made you leave your possessions?

Fairy - In my forest possessions, evil spirits started up. Noise, dirty tricks, all the little animals of the forest were scared away. I already endured, endured, and when Baba Yaga began to offend my bunnies, and put your Snow Maiden in a bag, then I could not stand it! Even though I am a Forest Fairy, I will cast a spell for real.

Baba Yaga - Have mercy! Don't bewitch us!

Goblin - I have stood in the deaf more often for a thousand years in the form of a stump!

Fairy “Then swear that you will never harm good people again.”

Evil spirits - We swear!

Fairy - (takes out the hares and the Snow Maiden) Here is the Snow Maiden and the bunnies. And I watch the evil spirits!

Game program " New Year's serpentine»

Target: Create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the personality of the student



Acquaintance with new year traditions, games and fun


Develop creative initiative

Develop memory

Develop quick thinking

- foster a culture of communication, a good attitude towards each other

Characters: Leading, Snow Maiden, Grandfather Frost, Cockerel - a symbol of the new 2017.

Equipment: tape recorder, microphone, tape, chalk, spoons and cotton balls, paper and tape snowballs, scissors, scarves, hats and mittens.

Event progress

Music sounds “The New Year is rushing towards us"(words and music by A. Ryzhov). The leader comes out and the symbol of the year Rooster flies out.

Leading: Hello boys and girls! Funny jokes are waiting for you today, we won't let you get bored for a single minute!

Rooster: You are all beautiful, bright, just like me. I am so happy, so happy that today there will be a miracle and a game! Because the New Year is the most fabulous holiday when all wishes come true! I'm mischievous guys, very groovy. Together we will play, have fun, dance. Ready to have fun? That's great!

Leading : And here is the first game "Disguise"

Children go in a circle. If I say “path”, everyone needs to stop and take each other by the shoulders, when I say “snowdrift”, you raise your hands up, and when I say “snowflake”, show snowflakes with your hands.

Rooster: We play just class! The whole class is having fun!

Rooster:Now the next game "Snow Challenge"
The participants of the game become in a circle and pass around the circle a "snowball" made of paper. At the same time they say:
Snowball we all roll,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
You sing a song!

Whoever has a "snowball" on the last phrase, he fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: "And you read poetry!", "You dance to dance!", "Tell you a fairy tale!" and so on….

Rooster: What guys are all great, you shine with talents from the heart! Let's play with you now hot pens».

The players stretch their arms out in front of them and hold them palms up. The driver walks in a circle. His task is to slap one of the guys on the palm. At the moment when he tries to do this, the player pulls back or lowers his hands. Whoever the driver slaps on the palm of his hand, he goes to replace him. If there are many participants, then two people can drive at the same time.

Rooster: Well done boys! It's great to play with you!

Leading: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are somewhere nearby. Let's invite them to our party together!

Rooster screaming with children : "Father Frost! Snow Maiden!". Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear, pass around the circle. The Snow Maiden sings the song “If there was no winter”, involving children in an outdoor game in a circle.

Father Frost: Hello girls and boys!
Again the people gathered at the Christmas tree,
So the holiday is coming - New Year!
I am very glad, guys, our meeting! I see the Rooster is already playing with you and everyone's faces are cheerful here.
Snow Maiden: When the tree blooms with lights,
This means that the New Year has come!
Father Frost: To make the Christmas tree sparkle, let's guys sing a song to our Christmas tree. Then she will light up.

Snow Maiden and children sing a song about the Christmas tree "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Father Frost Something is off again. It is necessary to say together all together, “Let the lights on the Christmas tree light up one, two, three!”. Children repeat, the tree lights up.

Snowflake dance

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can I guess riddles for the guys

Father Frost: Of course, Snow Maiden, guess.

Snow Maiden: On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day he lost weight
And finally completely disappeared calendar).

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
Dressy, funny.
On New Year's Eve I'm the main one. (Christmas tree)

white star
Fell from the sky.
On my palm.
She lay down and disappeared. ( Snowflake)

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the tree goes to the house,
What holiday?... New Year)

Father Frost: And now we will spend " New Year's relay»

Participants are divided into 2 teams. A chair is placed in front of each team, on it are a hat, scarf, mittens. On command, the 1st runs to a chair, puts on a hat, mittens, a scarf and shouts “Happy New Year!”, Then he takes everything off and runs to his team, then the next .... Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Father Frost: Next and gra will "Snowball"

Teams line up and raise their hands up. The first player receives a snowball, which he passes along the chain. The latter quickly runs forward and passes the snowball to the others. The team that gets into position first wins.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, how cleverly you play with the guys! Not tired, by any chance?

Father Frost: I missed the games, now my darling is happy! Now we play "Bring the snowball."

On command, the 1st player with a spoon, in which a cotton snowball lies, runs to the Christmas tree. That team wins, all the players that first run to the Christmas tree and back.

Father Frost: Well done boys! And now we will find out who we have "The most flexible".

Description: children take turns passing under a stretched rope, trying not to hurt it. Each time the rope is lowered lower and lower. The child who hits the rope is out. The remaining participant becomes the winner and brings the winning ball to the team.

Rooster: My favourite game " Cockfight "(to captains course)

Each of them stands in a circle on one leg, bends the other, and puts his hands behind his back. In this position, the participants in the duel (on a signal) begin to pull each other out of the circle with their shoulders and torso, trying not to stumble. The winner is the player who manages to push the opponent out of the circle or make him stumble, thereby bringing the team a victory point. It is forbidden by the rules to take your hands off your back. The duel can end in a draw if both players are outside the circle at the same time.

Father Frost: I like to play and have fun, spend time with enthusiasm. But time passed quickly and here is the last game "Jump into the New Year".

A ribbon is stretched in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as the host calls the number "three", all the children jump into the "new year", that is, they jump over the ribbon. Santa Claus gives prizes to all children.

Father Frost:

Nice we had fun!
I laughed heartily.
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Rooster: There are many wonderful holidays. But the best in the world of them is the New Year!

Snow Maiden: Calls for a dream

This good New Year!

Father Frost: Let it pass without hassle

And bring good luck to everyone

This wonderful New Year!

The holiday ends with the song "We wish you happiness!"(lyricist Shaferan I., composer Namin S.)

Sections: Primary School

Target: Create a festive mood for children and parents on the eve of the New Year.


  1. Develop artistic skills during public speaking.
  2. Organize children's leisure in the form of collective competitions and games.
  3. Cultivate friendliness and courtesy while participating in competitions.
  4. Teach children games and competitions that can be organized in their free time.


  • phonograms of New Year's songs;
  • masks: fox, wolf, dog, cat, squirrel, 3 hares, bear, goat;
  • gifts for a fairy tale: a basket of fish, a bag of nuts, a basket of vegetables, a jar of milk, a barrel of honey, a balalaika;
  • 2 rolls of toilet paper, 2 brooms, 2 hats;
  • 15 snowflakes each yellow and blue;
  • rope, with 18 surprises attached to the threads, scissors, 2 blindfolds;
  • 2 magnetic fishing rods and 13 fish;
  • 2 thick large mittens-mittens, a set of 20 small toys (from kinder surprises);
  • 2 snowman posters, 2 large red button magnets;
  • surprises-pipes - 18 pieces;
  • gifts for children (dolls and swords);
  • letter from Santa Claus;
  • music Center;
  • wrapped gift to the class.

Event progress

(Children return to class after watching a fairy tale. There are wrapped gifts in the middle of the classroom.)

Teacher: Guys, look what is here! And then there's the letter! Let's read it!

(All together the guys read the letter of Santa Claus)

Teacher: See you tomorrow with Santa Claus Christmas Tree! And today ... And what is this? This is a gift to the whole class! ( Unpack the gift)


Bright New Year's holiday
We meet every year.
Who wants to have fun?
And tell us a poem?
Who here wants to frolic
And play the game soon?

- Today we will play fun games, spend funny contests and, of course, we read New Year's poems.


Came back to us today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This New Year's holiday
We waited impatiently.
The past year is gone
And hasty time does not wait.
The last leaf plucked
calendar -
The New Year is upon us!


Frequent forest, blizzard field
The winter holiday is upon us.
So let's say together:
Hello, hello New Year!
Congratulations to all girlfriends
Congratulations to all friends!
And with all our hearts we wish
We have the brightest days for you!

Teacher: Well done! They got us in the Christmas spirit! Listen guys - guess the riddles! And the riddles are not simple - New Year's, funny!


  • Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, blizzards are walking. When does this happen? in winter)
  • Which toy shoots like a cannon? ( Clapperboard)
  • The stars circled in the air a little,
  • They sat down and melted on my palm. ( Snowflakes)
  • Without arms, without legs, but can draw? ( Freezing)
  • White carrot grows in winter. ( Icicle)
  • Bel is not sugar, without legs, but he walks. ( Snow)
  • What kind of strange man made his way into the 21st century?
  • Carrot nose, broom in hand, afraid of the sun and heat? ( Snowman)
  • They fly faster than the wind, and I fly three meters from them!
  • Here is my flight! Clap! Landing soft in a snowdrift! ( Sled)
  • Who whitens the glades with white? And writes with chalk on the walls?
  • He sews downy feather beds, decorated all the shop windows? (Freezing)

Teacher: Well done children! And our guys decided to amuse you with New Year's ditties.


Put your ears on top
Listen carefully,
We will sing ditties to you
Very good.


I'll have fun from the bottom of my heart
I will dance today.
Soon, soon will shine
Christmas tree.


Shine, sparkle
Lights are bright.
Santa Claus will come to the Christmas tree
With various gifts.


He will find his way to us
With my granddaughter.
Even if a clear month
Hiding behind a cloud!


And Santa Claus
Here's a beard.
With that white beard
He will come here!


We welcome him together
We are great friends with him!
But drink hot tea
This guest is not allowed!


And Santa Claus
Like a carrot, red nose
They say he will bring
We have a whole load of gifts!


Our tree shone
Lights are bright.
Santa Claus came to the Christmas tree
With various gifts!


We sang ditties to you
Is it good, is it bad.
And now we ask you
Let us clap for you!

Teacher: Finish the word that is missing in the verses!

  • It’s snowing outside, the holiday is coming soon - ... New Year!
  • The needles are softly glowing, the coniferous spirit comes from ... Christmas trees!
  • The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright ... Shine!
  • And toys are swinging - flags, stars, ... Flappers!
  • And, decorating the top, it shines there, as always,
  • Very bright, big, golden... Star!

Teacher: Shall we play a fun game? It's called "It's boring to sit like that!". Children sit on chairs along one wall. Against the other wall there are chairs, one less than the participants in the game. Children say the words of the counting rhyme and run to the opposite wall. Anyone who has not taken a free chair is out of the game. At the opposite wall, chairs are left one less than the participants in the game. This is repeated until the last player or the agreed number of children remains. Counter words:

It's boring to sit like that, looking at each other.
Isn't it time to run and switch places? One, two, three, run!

Teacher: Let's listen to our guys with New Year's verses.


The story is coming to us.
Everybody left. The cat purrs.
The dream comes again...
What is New Year?
Two magic words?
It's a coniferous smell
Silver moonlight
On spruce legs.


weightless balls
With sugar sprinkles.
And the shimmer of tinsel
Half asleep unsteady.
It's an apple pie
And a pile of gifts.
This is a fabulous threshold
Behind which is a miracle.

Teacher: And now we will go on New Year's fishing together with a fox and a wolf from a Russian folk tale. ( children fox and wolf masks, magnetic fishing rods are given out and fish are scattered on the floor). Let's command our fishermen: "One, two, three, catch!" The competition is held several times. Children are rewarded with sweet surprises.

Teacher: And again, New Year's poems performed by our children.


In December, in December
All trees are in silver.
Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Frost paved the night
Updated skates, sleds,
He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
Stop crying in the morning
She breathed, she came alive.


Her needles tremble a little,
The branches were on fire.
Like a ladder on a Christmas tree
The lights fly up.
Flappers glitter with gold,
I lit a star with silver,
Ran to the top,
The bravest bastard.
A year has passed like yesterday
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Your salute twelve times!

Teacher: Santa Claus loves to play with his mittens. And we will play "Hedgehogs". The child puts on a large thick mitten (tack) on his left hand, collects small objects from the floor (figures from kinder surprises) and puts them in a bag. The one with the most items wins.

Teacher: New Year's verses sound for our dexterous guys.


So it pours from a height
Snow like flowers.
We froze near the Christmas tree
At an invisible line.
And more joyful songs
And brighter and brighter colored snow -
This is us joining together
New Year with the whole country!


It happens in the world
That only once a year
They light up on the tree
A wonderful star.
The star burns, does not melt,
Beautiful ice shines
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!


A tree grew in the forest on the mountain,
She has needles in winter in silver.
She has icicles knocking on the cones,
A snow coat lies on the shoulders.
If the Christmas tree had legs,
She would run down the path
She would dance with us
She would have banged her heels.

Teacher: It's time to dance. I invite you to a cheerful round dance "Forward four steps."

Teacher: Well done! Your cheerful dance amused us all. And now you rest and listen to the poems!


Delicious white snow is falling -
It goes straight into your mouth.
If I really want
I'll swallow the snow all at once!
And then what will happen brothers!
Do not ride the sled!
And don't play in the snow!
And don't ski!
It will be bad for us without snow!
That's why, friends,
I won't eat snow, I guess!


Fly light fluffs,
White snowflakes!
Fly, fluff up
Spin around the tree
So that under a white veil
Everything around is magical!


She was not raised - she was molded from the snow.
Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot,
Eyes - coals, hands - knots.
Cold, big... Who is she?
(snow woman)

Teacher: I suggest you also make a snowman, but not simple, but pretend. We need two teams of three people. One will become a snowman, and the other two will sculpt by wrapping it in toilet paper. Then you need to put a cap on him and give him a broom. Let's see whose snowman will be the most beautiful.( Repeats two times).

Teacher: In honor of the winners-sculptors, the children will read holiday poems.


In the snow stood a Christmas tree - a little green fringe,
Resinous, healthy, one and a half meters.
An event took place on one of the winter days:
The forester decided to cut it down, so it seemed to her.
She was seen, she was surrounded...
And only late in the evening she came to her senses!


What a strange feeling! Gone is the fear...
Glass lanterns burn in its branches.
Glittering jewelry - what an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt, she stands in the forest.
Uncut! Whole! Beautiful and strong!
Who saved? Who undressed her? The forester's son!

Teacher: (Throws up 15 snowflakes of the same color)

Flowers fall from the sky on trees and bushes.
Cold, fluffy, but not fragrant.

- What is this? That's right, snowflakes. On command, two children begin to collect snowflakes of their own color. The winner is the one who collects the snowflakes of his color earlier and more correctly. ( The game is repeated twice.)

Teacher: For us, our student will again read poems about the New Year holiday.


The forest is bewitched by the enchantress in winter.
And under the snowy fringe, fairy tales quietly speak.
We love, winter, you, your frost and ice,
And fluffy snow on the branches, and sleds, and a skating rink.
You bring a Christmas tree from the forest to the guys on New Year's Eve,
You turn everything into a fairy tale when your snow is falling.

Teacher: And now the funniest competition "Cut a souvenir."

Close your eyes tight, take scissors.
Cut a better souvenir and bring it home!

(Children take turns choosing and cutting a souvenir blindfolded)

Teacher: Our New Year's poems continue for all of us, creating a festive mood.


Not far off the New Year -
Everyone's favorite holiday.
Waiting for his arrival
Quiet and a prankster.
Both old and young
Happy to meet him.
In winter he will come to us with you,
Passing the barriers.


He will light the fires on the tree,
Give us gifts.
His deeds are like a round dance,
And cheerful and bright.
And immediately it will become warmer for us,
Although the world is freezing in a blizzard,
And we will be even stronger
Love, take care of each other!

Teacher: And now you will see a fairy tale about the New Year in the forest.

(There is a laid festive table. Two storytellers are located on the sides of the stage. Children in masks of heroes with gifts in their hands. During the release of each character, a cheerful Russian dance music plays quietly.)


The bunnies have a New Year.
There will be dancing, round dance.
On the porch at the door
Hares are waiting for their guests.

(Hare, Hare and Hare stand on the porch and look out for guests).


Sweet honey keg
Barely dragging a teddy bear.

Bear cub:(Walking along, he holds a keg with the inscription "Honey" in his paws.)

Not a gift - just a treasure.
Bunny will be very happy.

(Gives the keg to the Hare, the Hare jumps for joy, the Hare says: “Please come in!” The guest sits down at the table.)


On a path out of the wilderness
The squirrel hurries to the bunnies.

Squirrel:(jumps, carrying a bag with the inscription "Nuts" in its paws).

I'm in a hurry, I'm bringing the bunny
Very sweet nuts.

(Gives the nuts to the Hare, the Hare jumps for joy, the Hare says: “Please come in!” The guest sits down at the table.)


The clever fox knew
What will come in handy for dinner.

Chanterelle:(walks, showing off, carries a fish in a basket.)

I am for bunny friends
Caught carp.

(He gives the fish to the Hare, the Hare jumps for joy, the Hare says: “Please come in!” The guest sits down at the table.)


Long walk in the morning
A cat came out of the village.

Cat: (He walks importantly, wagging his tail. He carries milk in a jar.)

I carry from afar
Bunny jar of milk.

(Gives the milk to the Hare, the Hare jumps for joy, the Hare says: “Please come in!” The guest sits down at the table.)


The goat carries the bunnies
Almost a whole garden.

Goat: (runs in a hop, carries vegetables in a basket.)

There are carrots and cabbage.
Bunnies will be very tasty.

(Gives a basket of vegetables to the Hare, the Hare jumps for joy, the Hare says: “Please come in!” The guest sits down at the table.)


Barbos is not sad,
That he didn't bring gifts.

Watchdog: (walks, playing the balalaika and dancing.)

I decided to visit Bunny
Play the balalaika.

(The hare says: “Please come in!” The guest sits down at the table.)

All the characters sit at the table and say in unison:

Well, treats - everyone is surprised.
Let's celebrate the New Year
Have fun and dance.

(All the heroes go to the ramp and say: "Happy New Year!").

Teacher: It's time for us to dance in a cheerful round dance. Divide into two round dances of 9 people. Move around in a circle to the rhythm of the music. At my command, each round dance unanimously performs hand movements.

Near the Christmas tree every year children lead ... Round dance!
What is the name of this holiday? Answer ... New Year!

Teacher: We begin our round dance. We put your hands: - on the head; - on shoulders; - on the waist; - on the ankles; - on the ears; - on the elbows; - on knees; - on the heels.

Teacher: Again, our guys want to tell you New Year's poems.


Happy New Year
A real celebration!
You don't notice him
Because you fall asleep.
Exactly at midnight - ding-dong -
There is a quiet sound.
This fairy tale comes to us
Round dances quietly lead,
Unless you're sleeping
You will see everything, look.


Shine with lights, tree,
Call us for a holiday!
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!
Brighter, brighter let it sparkle
Christmas tree with golden lights!
Happy New Year
Dear friends!

Teacher: The snowman has been waiting for a long time for us to sew beautiful red buttons on him. But you have to do it with your eyes closed. Who wants to try? There are two posters on the board - a snowman. Children are blindfolded in pairs, give their hands a magnet - a button. They should fasten the button in place.)

Teacher: Our holiday meeting has come to an end.

I wish you joy! I don't want to be bored!
Do not upset moms and grandmothers!
And always ask for forgiveness
For any grief!
It's time friends! Need to forgive
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!
I wish you success in the New Year,
More cheerful ringing laughter!
More good friends and girlfriends
Excellent grades and knowledge chest!

(Children are given New Year's gifts).

New Year's serpentine. Sports game program for younger students

Target: organization of children's leisure during the winter holidays
1. Promote the health of children;
2. Develop physical skills;
3. To cultivate collectivism, discipline, perseverance, perseverance, endurance.
music Center;
phonograms and karaoke "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." and other New Year's songs;
2 boxes, "snowballs" - lumps of paper;
2 sets of 10 “snowman” elements (large, medium and small white circles cut out of paper - the body of a snowman, 2 branches - hands, 3 black circles - eyes and mouth, carrot-nose, a bucket on the head);
2 sets of 10 cubes for building a "fortress";
2 artificial Christmas trees, 20 Christmas decorations(10 pieces for each team);
2 mailboxes (boxes with slots), 2 letter envelopes to Santa Claus;
20 "gifts";
Diplomas, prizes for rewarding.

Program progress:

Sounds like Christmas music

Competitors (2 teams of 10 people each) and fans sit on chairs (benches).
The presenters come out in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden:
The school is noisy
Running and noise of children...
Know they are not for learning
Gathered today...
Father Frost: That's right, Snow Maiden ... Hello guys! We are glad to welcome you to our sports and entertainment program "New Year's streamer"!

Snow Maiden: We hope that the New Year's festive mood will help you in today's joke competition!

Father Frost: Today two teams and their fans came to have fun and rejoice. Let's welcome them.
Team ……………………………………………………………………
Team …………………………………….……………………………..

(To the New Year's music, the teams go to their places)

Snow Maiden: We got to know the teams. Let's say hello to the JURY! (Submission by the JURY)

Father Frost: So, are the teams ready? Then let's start! We all look forward to snow in winter. For the kids, this is a great opportunity to play in the snow! But today we will not play snowballs. We will collect them!
Snow Maiden: Our first contest is called


Look how much snow is around! (Lumps of “snowballs” rolled up from paper are scattered around the hall).
The task of this competition is the relay race: at the whistle, each team must collect as many snowballs as possible in their box. Just on the whistle, the competition ends. Lumps-"snowballs" are counted for each team.
The contest is underway

Father Frost: Winter snowball is not only an opportunity to play snowballs. Not to do without another favorite pastime - sculpting a snowman.
Snow Maiden: Our second contest is called


Teams receive one snowman element each. In turn, each participant runs to the opposite wall and attaches his part of the "snowman". The first team to make a snowman wins.
The contest is underway
Jury's word

Father Frost: What other snow fun do you guys know? Is it possible to do without a snow fort? Our third contest -

"Build a fortress."

Snow Maiden: In front of the teams in the baskets are cubes - blocks of the future fortress-pyramid. The task for the teams is to lay out the cubes as follows: 4 cubes at the base, then three, two, one on top. The team that builds the pyramid fortress faster and more accurately wins.
The contest is underway

Father Frost:
Winter is not only snow, but also a magical holiday beloved by everyone - the New Year! And the New Year is, of course, a Christmas tree!
Our fourth competition

"Dress up the Christmas tree"

Snow Maiden: Each relay participant receives a toy. In turn, the participants run to the opposite wall, where the “Christmas tree” is placed (each team has its own), hang toys on the Christmas tree and return to the start line. The team that decorates the Christmas tree the fastest wins.
The contest is underway
Jury's word

Father Frost: We dressed up the Christmas tree, hung toys ... And what is the New Year without Santa Claus? How do you invite him over?
Snow Maiden: Well, of course, write him a letter! Our fifth contest is called

"New Year's mail"

Each participant receives an envelope - a letter to Santa Claus.
On the opposite wall there is a box - a mailbox where you need to drop the letter (each team has its own).
Father Frost: Participants take turns running with a letter in their hands to the mailbox, drop an envelope into it and return to the start line. The team that quickly "sends Santa Claus" their letters wins.
The contest is underway

Snow Maiden: Not a single holiday can be imagined without gifts, and even more so the New Year! Santa Claus walked with gifts through the forest, caught on a branch, and slightly tore the bag. Large gifts remained in the bag, but small ones fell out.
Father Frost: Our sixth competition is called

"Lost Gifts"

The task of this relay competition is to collect "gifts"! Each participant in turn runs to the "gifts" scattered on the floor in front of the team, takes one "gift", returns to the team. The team that collects all the "gifts" the fastest wins.
The contest is underway
Jury's word

Snow Maiden: We helped Santa Claus a lot by collecting lost gifts. Now he invites you to play a game with him - "Catch it!". Our seventh competition is called -

"Grab a gift."

Father Frost: I ask all participants to form a circle. There are "gifts" on the floor in front of you. There are 19 of them - one less than the participants of the contest-game. While the music is playing, you will have to show different dance moves. As soon as the music stops, quickly take the “gift”.
Snow Maiden: A participant who does not have enough "gift" is eliminated from the competition, taking one "gift" with him. The game will continue until there is only one player left - the winner.
The contest is underway

Father Frost:
In the New Year, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree. We invite you to sing a famous song

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…"

Snow Maiden: The essence of the competition is that a song begins to sound on the clap, members of one team begin to sing this song. On the second clap, the sound is turned off, but all participants continue to sing this song. On the third clap, the song begins to sound again.
Father Frost: This competition will be won by the team that will more accurately “get” into the song.
The contest is underway
The jury counts the points.

Snow Maiden: Our latest competition has ended. Before the jury sums up the results of the competitions, I offer one more entertainment -

Santa Claus: We invite everyone: both participants and fans to dance with us!
Everyone dances "Letka-enka"

Snow Maiden: We ask the teams and fans to take their places, and the jury to sum up our New Year's competitive program.

The results of the game are summed up. The awards are going on.

Father Frost: We wish you all a Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden: Let happiness swirl in a round dance,
Father Frost: Let smiles fill your faces
Snow Maiden.: We all want to be healthy and have fun!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka (together): Happy New Year! See you soon!

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