Beautiful words about Christmas decorations. Poems about a Christmas tree, a gray wolf, a dragonfly and a poor goat. Blue and red Santa Claus

Poems about Christmas toys for children of all ages. In our collection you will find works written by different authors for different age groups.

children preschool age poems about Christmas toys will bring a lot of pleasure, especially in preparation for the holiday. Adults will also not be able to pass by: some will remember their childhood and spend time in warm memories of a wonderful and carefree time, others will wake up and remember that the holiday is close, that it's time to get out of working days and start the preparatory holiday process.

Children's short poems about Christmas toys for kids

I hung the ball on the Christmas tree
It sparkles and glitters.
So at night Santa Claus
Definitely don't pass by.

On our Christmas tree of toys
Can't count all of them.
On it from the very top
Garlands hang like in a dream.
We read her poems aloud
And we lead a friendly round dance,
And the Christmas tree hugs us gratefully
And keeps gifts under him.

There are different toys on the Christmas tree:
Balls, crackers, tinsel.
We are happy to dress her up in the morning
And wait for the arrival of January.

We are for our Christmas tree
Forest beautiful guest,
We make gifts
And we look forward to visiting.

Different toys on the Christmas tree
Hang, bring beauty.
But most of all we are attracted
An icicle that hangs does not melt.

Mom and I decorated the Christmas tree -
The toys were taken out of the box.
And dad helped us a little -
He hung everything, and I only served.

Dad came home tired from work
He found a Christmas tree in a snowdrift somewhere.
Together we will decorate our Christmas tree,
And only then will dad rest for the day.

My tree is a fashionista
Winks, pricks.
To her without gift poems,
Don't you dare approach.
And if with poetry you -
That green beauty
Do you think you'll like it -
That can reward.

stupid kittens Arkady Mlynash
I carved a fish and hung it on the Christmas tree.
Satisfied with the work, the whole evening was cheerful.
And in the morning my parents told me
That the kittens stole that fish at night.
“Well, it’s necessary,” I thought, playing with a typewriter,
“Silly fools, they decided that the fish is alive!”

toys with wings Arkady Mlynash
Made new toys
I'm for a Christmas tree from a pillow.
Feathers covered the floor with "snow".
I glued the wings out of them:
Hare, balls, frog,
Reached to the top.
A tree in feathers is power!
Mom did not "appreciate" the work!

A. Barto
The girls stood in a circle
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a high tree.
Above the star
Beads in three rows.
Let the tree not go out
May it always burn!

candy wrappers Arkady Mlynash
An empty wrapper - what a toy!
No ball, no beads, not even a cracker.
Empty wrappers are light and beautiful.
The foil reflects the overflowing lights.
You can’t break them and you don’t need to be afraid,
What do kids eat chocolate on an empty stomach!

New Year's rain V.Stepanov
Outside the window, the blizzard is angry,
And the rain is pouring down the tree.
The rain does not flow easily -
New Year's, gold.
It flows through the cracker
Along the hut, along the frog
And on the backs of all the animals,
What are hanging on the Christmas tree.

Poems about Christmas and Christmas toys for children 4-5 years old

Christmas toys... Trufanov Andrey
Christmas toys:
Rain, light bulbs, balls,
Lollipops, snowball, crackers,
Stars, various gifts,
Chocolate candies,
Petushkov and marmalade
Placed in a Christmas tree somewhere -
It's just kindergarten!

New Year gifts N.Nurkenova
I make gifts
V New Year I will give them:
teddy bear
new pants,
scarf and sneakers
for Vovka Hare,
hat and boots
clown Timoshka,
chrysalis Alinka
elastic bow,
mommy earrings
from a colored fastener,
I will knit mittens for my brother ...
I'll put everything under the tree
dad two newspapers,
Well, I have candy!
Mask for sister
And the cat sausage.
After all, of course, in the new year
Even the cat is waiting for gifts!

Christmas toy Tatyana Ovchinnikova
Real Santa Claus
Brought me a Christmas tree yesterday!
In the morning I opened my eyes
What a miracle, what a miracle!
The tree is full of lights, toys,
in serpentine and crackers ...
At the top - an asterisk,
and under the tree - a muzzle:
Made a house in tinsel
a very odd-looking gnome...
This is my kitty Plushka
Made myself a pillow
From rain and white wool
And murmurs guiltily:
- Mur-mur-mur, and I'm a toy.
Enjoy, Tanya!

plush wolves,
Hares, rattles... K.Simonov

plush wolves,
Hares, rattles.
Children are given from the Christmas tree
Kids toys.
And, growing old, children,
To death, to no avail
All in white
Looking for this tree
Where is the heat of the bird in the cage,
gold bars,
Where it hangs on a branch
Their happiness is on the line.
yellow needles
They fall to the ground.
All I'm waiting for is from the Christmas tree
I will give you.

Cone Galina Dyadina
The tree looked in the mirror
Chatting with decorations:
"Oh my God, what a delight -
This pin is gold!

As it goes to the green branches
The golden color is amazing!
It is necessary to spruce with such a pendant
Call ELENA the Beautiful!

What grows on the tree? S. Marshak
What grows on the tree?
Cones and needles.
colorful balls
They don't grow on a tree.
Do not grow on a tree
Gingerbread and flags
Nuts don't grow
In golden paper.
These flags and balloons
Grew up today
For Russian kids
On New Year's holiday.
In the cities of my country,
In villages and towns
So many lights have grown
On merry trees!

Tinsel Galina Dyadina
"Oh oh oh! the tree screeched. —
Help, I can't!
I won't last that long!
I'll run back to the forest!

The branch itches like a brush.
And all the balls are shaking.
"Tickled me to death
This heap of tinsel!”

Collection of poems about Christmas decorations for children and adults

Attention! A rocket launches into space!
Now she counts to five
And it will fly up at the speed of light -
Wish her a happy journey!

She breaks through the thorny branches
And in thick needles it will not get stuck anywhere.
I would fly down, where candy is in the gifts!
But no, she needs to go to the top - to the star!

match hedgehog
Matches are not toys
They understand everything around.
The tree of matches is not a friend,
Well, the hedgehog is like a friend to her!

He, although a match,
Very cute,
With a plasticine belly,
Nice, kind hedgehog!

Its fur is prickly
Not flammable at all
Only one rowanberry
It burns like a brooch.

Flashing horns in silver shavings,
He jumped the tree almost to the top of his head
And froze in flight just for a moment,
To further rush along the deer path.

Where did he come from, so long-legged,
So thin-necked, so wonderfully horned?
Did Santa Claus escape from the team?
Now it will die and disappear into the ravine.

Christmas balls O. Bogdanovich
We decorated the Christmas tree with my son.
Step by step out of the box
Removing the web
They took out candles, brackets.
“Look, there is a hare on the ball.
And plastic candy.
Here is a Mexican with a mustache.
And more garlands supplies!
Having finished the night time,
The son exclaims excitedly:
"Mother! We are with you in the ball!
The fire inside is flickering!”
... As a child, listening to records,
We made sure for the first time
That chuckles live in balls,
What turned into snowflakes.

Christmas toys A. Metzger
Christmas toys
Animals bought.
On the counter at the Cuckoo
The boxes were standing.
And on the shelf were
colored balls,
And they shone in the sun
Like gold.
Silver rain hung down
At the side of the counter
And flew on a thread
The ball is lonely.
- I'll buy a ball for myself, -
The squirrel said
- Santa Claus will give!
And with the ball sped off.
There are enough toys for everyone
Colorful and different.
Animals decorated the Christmas tree
On New Year's holiday!

The tree looked in the mirror
Chatting with decorations:
"Oh my God, what a delight -
This pin is gold!

As it goes to the green branches
The golden color is amazing!
It is necessary to spruce with such a pendant
Call ELENA the Beautiful!

Serpentine curls curl
Down the fir branches
Curl across the floor of the living room
In the corridor crawl to the door,

On the porch from the corridor,
Behind the gate from the porch
Along the path along the fence
Drag endlessly.

Winding through the field and forests ...
And there is a spruce in the apartment
With curled hair
Like Princess Rapunzel!

Many different spells
Santa Claus knows:
For impassable snowdrifts
At human height

For large prickly icicles,
For angry blizzards -
And light the lights on the tree
It doesn't come out all of a sudden!

Painted the window of the veranda,
Like a skilled magician
But the Christmas tree without a garland
It won't light up at all.

Because without a garland
Whatever you say
Command won't work
"Shine Christmas tree!"

Old Christmas decorations G. Safiulina
Well, here, I got an airplane.
It's all beaded! On takeoff
He spread his wings -
Ready to fly to the ends of the earth!
But wrapped in cotton wool,
Arranged in order
Balls! There's a whole bunch of them here!
Colors and shine caress the eyes.
And the beads! – Just a feast for the eyes! -
Gift for my birthday.
(It was then seven years old. -
How far from trouble! ...)
And here are the cardboard figures:
Elephants, bunnies, Snow Maidens.
Covered with bronze, silver ...
On the Christmas tree is their green house!
Here is the house - yellow light in the window ...
Always scared me a little
From the unknown, who is in it? -
Evil goblin or good gnome?
And here is the cotton Santa Claus -
Toys of all apotheosis!
Now you won't find it
With a bag and a staff, "alive"!

Icicle G. Dyadina
Icicle hanging all day
And does not melt from the heat,
She would gurgle a puddle,
But it's made of glass!
Doesn't know how to be sisters
Ice outside the window
Crystal clear voice
Sing drops on a warm day.
Never been in my life
The long nose of snowmen,
Didn't hang on the ledge
Performing the note "cap".
But like fragile pieces of ice,
If suddenly breaks down -
Stomp on the floor with a loud "dink",
Like Cinderella's heel.

flashlights T. Shatskikh
Christmas tree, Christmas tree dressed up!
Stars, stars attached!
Flashlights - flashlights,
Beads and balloons!
And under the tree - Santa Claus!
I have a question for him:
I was good
I ate porridge, slept during the day.
I for terrible torment
Will he give cookies
Chupa Chups, Rastishka,
Teddy bear?
And I also need
With bright embroidery pants,
Like Mashka Antonyuk,
And a real iron
To iron dresses for dolls,
And lipstick - lipstick mouth,
Own room in the apartment
Peace and friendship throughout the world...
But the glass grandfather is silent,
So no...
Masha, that one, in a crispy veil
Says you're real
Gave her brushes, paints ...
So, children, believe in fairy tales.
Flashlights - flashlights,
Beads and balls...

Cup with saucer
Our Christmas tree is cute!
A million miracles on it!
Here, for example, a cup with a saucer
In the midst of colored lights.

The cup does not fall off the saucer
No matter how you turn it.
All the others bang and fight
Well, this one is no-no!

Even if a cup of tea
Let's overthrow by chance
We note with delight
What does not pour tea on the floor!

Yolka's toys L. Aleinikova
So tired of the holidays
Yolka toys,
And in a box with joy
Jumped off the top.
And pot-bellied balls
To sleep more comfortably
In tinsel, around the star,
Relax more comfortably.
Bunnies, cones and icicles,
Santa Claus, Snow Maiden,
new year drawings,
Cockerel and hen
They will rest all year,
But by the Christmas tree, miss you!

He is like all hares -
Soft, warm, woolen.
Only made from a glove
A very old one.
What was fingers
It has become ears now.
Keeps them sticky so cute
This cute animal.
Eyes - buttons, and a nose.
The mouth is a pink thread.
Although spruce does not wear gloves -
Happy to wear this one!

Who hung it here
(placed in the center) -
Apparently, he was very cheerful,
Here he joked.

The tree used to be lit up
fairy palace,
And now it has begun to make us laugh
This cucumber.

There are tangerines on the spruce
Or lollipops
But hitherto did not hang
Next to cucumbers.

Well, anyway, what
In this, finally?
May it decorate the new year
Christmas tree cucumber!

Let us laugh carelessly -
Elka will forgive us!
The snow is also cucumber
Crunchy in the New Year!

Sewn from colored pieces
Clown in a pink shoe -
Laugh if necessary
He is at least all the children in the world!

Pants in red roses
kisses on cheeks,
Scarf of inconceivable length,
And the laces stick out in the socks.

The funny clown is joking:
“I am dressed like a prince - with a needle!
Here, learn, children, how
You need to look at the tree!

Here on a thread went down
A spider from a branch
And lit up with happiness
All like a beacon:

“Oh, what a cobweb!
Miracle of miracles! -
And how he was in six shoes,
Climb up on her.

“Fu, what a dirty rare! -
Suddenly he heard -
On a snowflake from a napkin
You stomp like an elephant!

Lock you, the villain,
Must be planted!
Only in slippers, like in a museum,
You can walk here!”

Scared spider
And got stuck in a hole.
"That's it!" - strictly a branch with a bump
Spruce threatened.

Here's a nook
quiet place -
An angel flies here
God's sheep
We wouldn't scare him away
Don't get out of here
He's for us at Christmas
Made a miracle!

Christmas decorations Tatyana Lilo
Decorated a lush Christmas tree
Big blue painted ball.
Near on a branch shone with beauty
Also painted gold ball.
Both shone with drawings importantly:
Christmas trees sparkled on each ball.

Only a garland of tinsel
Very shocked by the fact:
- Where is it seen that the balls
Were they decorated with Christmas trees?!

Blue and red
Blue Santa Claus and red -
There are two of them on the tree,
And so it's not clear
Who is the head of the whole Christmas tree?

"I! – sure solid blue –
My beard is longer
This is my frost on the Christmas tree
And my star is on it!

Waving his staff angrily
On a fellow red grandfather:
“Look at yourself!
And there’s not even a bag!”

And the toys took the mug
And they pour water on grandfathers,
And not that they are to each other
Quickly beat to smithereens!

Matryoshka hung on the tree in the apartment
And I saw a winter landscape from the window:

Icicles, waist-deep snowdrifts, powder…
"Oh, how interesting!" Matryosh sighed.

Snowflakes flew in a crowd from the sky ...
“Catch one! - Matrena dreamed -

Go for a walk, well, at least a little,
Like that big snowy nesting doll!”

Snow Maiden
Here is a glass figurine
Suddenly smiled
This is all the guests of the Snow Maiden
Calls in a circle!

Squirrel, bunny and wolf,
Bear and fox.
Like a mountain, a big tree
Grew up in the forest!

Wow, how tall is she!
Breadth - like a baobab!
Don't hug her so easily
Even a hundred paws!

Who is the raven counting?
Come on quickly in a circle!
There is not enough in the round dance
Your long arms!

"Oh oh oh! the tree squealed. -
Help, I can't!
I won't last that long!
I'll run back to the forest!

The branch itches like a brush.
And all the balls are shaking.
"Tickled me to death
This heap of tinsel!”

magpie paradise
There is no sense in the gray life!
Without a dream, what good is it?
On New Year's Eve, get on the Christmas tree -
Here it is, the dream of forty!

A pile of gold on a spruce,
Gems, silver!
You will barely drag everything away!
Impenetrable mountain.

So many beads on the tree -
You will change everything with difficulty!
Just like at a flea market!
This is where the house should be built.

It's just a pity, in the magpie paradise
You will not spend a long time -
The tree is quickly dismantled
Unfortunately forty.

Very humble newbie
Everyone is shy on the Christmas tree -
Just a snowman
From the store arrived shelves.

Here with everyone he is on "you",
It's embarrassing for him to poke everyone.
Poor, head to toe
He blushed like a carrot!

For whom nuts in foil
With condensed milk and halvah?
For which nut
In a red fur coat?

Who picks a beautiful nut
And write back to me
“This is delicious! Thank you!"
On a snowy window?

At night, when everything around freezes,
The Christmas tree is quietly playing with toys.

Messing around with them just like a girl:
Hiding a hare from a gray wolf,

A golden ball rolls on the floor,
The Snow Maiden braids the ribbon,

Gently the little mouse shakes on its paws, -
In general, she does not get bored at night!

In the daytime, the Christmas tree looks like a pretender -
It's like she doesn't care about toys.

Silver bell -
Just touch him lightly
And you will hear a clear voice
Like water from a spring.

He's like a song from a fairy tale
About goats and goats.
Notes of tenderness and affection
It sounds amazing.

A blizzard howls outside the window
Wolf bass with hoarseness -
The sly one will not fake
Wonderful golden voice!

Not a hat with a feather, not a lace scarf -
The Christmas tree has a favorite headdress.

There are tiaras for all the beauties,
But the Christmas tree does not wear tiaras at all.

Crowns, kokoshniks - all nonsense!
Since birth, she only liked the star!

And even, imagine, in the first year
She wore not a cap, but a star!

And in the same radiant star
She still flaunts everywhere.

The rooster is so good!
With a golden comb!
Found colored peas
Under my boot.

White, yellow, blue, scarlet,
Blue, purple -
He pecked all the peas,
And no green!

Couldn't taste these yummy
He is found on the Christmas tree.
Someone give Petya
A handful of green confetti!

“Hello, bird-chik-chirichka!
Why don't you fly into the forest?
"I can't, chirp! Habit!
I don't like forest silence!

I'm more interested in the Christmas tree:
Here is fun, ringing laughter
And all the time songs, songs -
Don't even remember everyone!

Even though I don't know all the words
And I whistle to my motive
But I try - I sing along,
Chick, chirp, chirp, chirp!”

Christmas balls Ekaterina Zhukovskaya
Lots of different tinsel
We get it off the shelf.
Christmas balls
They will decorate the Christmas tree.

Sky blue ball
We'll gladly hang it.
Only the good are waiting for miracles,
Glorious dances, songs.

Next, a golden ball,
sunny color-
And harsh winter
We will be warm.

And quite later
Let's hang a green ball.
Let's fill the house with a fairy tale
We will celebrate the New Year.

new year incident Valentin Berestov
Simple toys through the crack
Once we saw a tree
"Let's decorate the Christmas tree!
Let's climb the branches and sit down!
Toys climbed onto the Christmas tree.
The monkey is already at the top.
Under Mishka, a branch bent,
Under the Bunny swayed a little.
Chickens hang like lanterns
Nesting dolls are like colorful balls ...
"Hey, Christmas decorations,
Snow Maiden, stars, firecrackers,
Glasses twisted, cast,
Silver, gold!
While you were gathering dust on the shelf
We all found ourselves on the tree!
Now let's make the kids happy!
Oh, fathers! We're falling! We're falling!

The Dragon
Good fire dragon
Can you fry bacon
Oven without oven pies -
Be a friend, help!

We please breathe
To the sparklers!
Let them sparkle again
For five whole minutes.

And when the lights go out
We will give you candy
And a beautiful tangerine
In general, thank you!

Don't spin on the branch, mouse,
Don't fuss and don't make noise!
Do not rustle, like a sheburshishka,
Hold up your slick tail.

Be at peace for a little while
Calm down for a moment -
Suddenly a golden egg
You will accidentally swipe down!

What does spruce look like
In the New Year on the carousel!
She has on all sides
Now a deer, then a horse, then an elephant,
And in a circle through the lights
They jump merrily.

Basket with flowers
How nice to meet a basket of flowers
Among the New Year's shiny balls!
It smells like the sun, colored dreams
And the freshness of light spring winds!

But there are no peonies, but there are no tulips,
Not poppies and not even a scattering of roses,
A pile of snowdrops from a warm meadow
From the forest, where the blizzard and severe frost.

Looking for a pair of boots
With blue clasp.
His friend jumped
Snow path.

“Isn’t it stuck in a snowdrift
This fidget?
Hey partner, me now!
I'll follow the trail!"

Oh, how scary the elephant
Hanging on a thin thread -
And if not calculated
Is she on elephants?

It seems so fragile -
And suddenly it will untie,
It will break, it will crackle
And drop the elephant?

It's an old toy
She is especially honored -
An old owl lived
Do not count the year!

Like smoke from a locomotive
The life of an owl is long
Even Santa Claus
She knew little.

As he remembers everything that was,
Can't hold back the tears
"Oh, what a cute child
There was once a Santa Claus!”

small house
Here is the lantern. And next to the house.
Peek into the window:
There balls Christmas tree gnome
Dressed up a long time ago!

All floors were swept with a whisk,
Cleaned the soot in the pipe
And a present under the tree
Prepared for myself:

cap, patterned socks,
Your favorite chocolate
And a trip to the mountains
Where is the treasure going to look for!

a lion
The lion froze in a peaceful pose
And sits, glazed.
Even if you pull on his mustache,
Just pinch your ear
Pull your tail for at least an hour -
Do not blink at the lion and eyes.
That's how he is for the New Year
Well behaved!

On this watch all the time twelve,
And the arrows do not tick here -
They are painted with paint, I confess
They don't go, but the Christmas tree goes!

Chinese lantern
If the garland on the Christmas tree is broken
(You never know in the life of accidents),
Fabulous light will cover the needles
Bright Chinese lantern.

And the beautiful tree will be surprised
To the new brilliance of the outfit -
All in overflows of Chinese silk,
You don't even need a garland!

Dressed in a golden beret,
Mushroom glitters in front of me -
Just rain on this branch
Not ordinary, but mushroom.

A snail crawled onto a mushroom
Take a break from the winter chills
And rain mushroom thread
It's like a warm summer shower.

Christmas tree toys Regina Maskaeva
Our Christmas tree toys
We made with a friend.
There are poems written there.

BUNNY is made of cardboard
And hanging on a thin thread.
In a fur coat, it became whiter.
There is no glue left in the house.

Our hedgehog made of plasticine,
Matches decorate the back.
Now the hedgehog has become prickly,
But it doesn't look like a tree.

In this goldfish
We turned candy.
So many sweets eaten!
Will we get it or not?

A very strange CAT came out:
Paws back to front.
Still a place on the tree
We will find a cat from the test!

The trunk is bent at the ELEPHANT:
Wire is needed.
My friend and I hurried
They forgot to sew on the elephant's tail.

Take a look at the SHOOT:
The snow is hiding the Christmas tree,
And from a walnut
GNOME is done - what fun!

In a red hat SNOWMAN
Climb into the paper truck:
Didn't want to walk
He is like Santa Claus with a bag.

From pigeon fluff
It turned out five SNOWFLAKES,
And SNOWMAINS can not be found
We have a bag of confetti.

CLOWN in red wig
Something is hiding in the cap.
This is our BIG SECRET!

About the school diary Arkady Mlynash
I have been used to glass toys since childhood.
I'll hang my school diary on the Christmas tree.
With a huge five on the first page
With a five like a red bird!
There are twos and threes - I must confess
But who wants to admire them?

Christmas toy Cream
From the neon light
From memories of summer
To the New Year's story
I made a toy.
Dressed her up in a sailor suit
In yellow and black stripes
Attached four catchy
Light and transparent wings,
Two shiny black eyes
(these are two glass rhinestones),
Paws - there are three pairs of them at once,
And a smile all the way.
Then my friend Andryushka said, -
Listen, cool toy!
Six-legged pig?
Striped hippo?
Putting her on the tree
I answered - it's a BEE!

The ball teased from the top branch,
All in confetti and sparkles:
"Hey little kids!
You can't get me here!

You won't be able, goats,
Reach out to me!
Apparently, porridge without additives
Eating such a little thing!

To you, shorty insects,
Before me - like a star!
I'm too beautiful for you -
All in mica raindrops!

At least ten stools
Climb, at least a hundred,
All the same to the top branches
No one will reach!"

But, having heard the braggart,
Santa Claus got angry
Turned a smartass into a bump
Yes, and he took it to the squirrels!

White snow glitters on maple,
On rowan and pine,
On the swings and the balcony
On the porch and on the window.

It snowed everywhere today
And sparkling white
Only on the Christmas tree
The rain is pouring down!

It flows from the top of her head
Ready to flood the whole world,
And the toys hid
After all, they don't have umbrellas!

He is like all hares -
Soft, warm, woolen.
Only made from a glove
A very old one.

What was fingers
It has become ears now.
Keeps them sticky so cute
This cute animal.

Eyes - buttons, and a nose.
The mouth is a pink thread.
Although spruce does not wear gloves -
Happy to wear this one!

Leaves flew from the maple,
The maple remained naked,
Through his thin crown
You can even see the sky.

And on the tree - a maple leaf,
All green leaf
Fresh, clean, like new
It even sticks a little!

It doesn't matter if it's paper.
And gouache flows from the sheet.
Elka doesn't care
She cares about beauty!

in a separate box,
In a special rag
It is very careful
I keep.

And into the hands of strangers
No one is given:
And suddenly, God forbid,
Fall, break!

And everything will fall apart
Then to pieces!
After all, it will be broken
Tree heart!

No, the tree is offended
I will not give for anything -
I love my heart
Her gold!

high chair
Whose chair is on the branch?
Does he have an owner?
Oh, what a beauty he is!
It makes me want to sit down!

Maybe a gnome chair?
And glasses on my nose
He read the newspaper on it
Or ate sausage.

Maybe a boy with a dexterous finger
Here he put his chair,
To get to the carrot
What hangs over your head.

He is Thumbelina, perhaps
Or one of the fairies?
Curiosity gnaws at me:
Whose chair is this, whose?

Why is it here on the branch
Is it completely empty?
Wow, what a rare sight!
The best view in the world!

A gun
The muzzle of a small gun
Aimed at the target in the distance.
Load it up with a clapperboard
And pulling the thread, cry!

Let her bang loudly!
A cloud of smoke will rise.
Shoots far away
Fireworks confetti!

The drum is on the tree.
If you want, knock -
The porcelain on the shelf will ring
And the balls are bouncing
The pot will fall from the window
And the portrait will fly off the nail
A cat crawls under the sofa
And the bulldog is under the stool.
That's what a hooligan he is!
Real bully!
Looks like a small drum
And it rumbles like a DRUM!

Hanging on a thin thread
Fish, as if on a hook, -
In a bright little crown
On a shiny fin.

“Hello, goldfish!
Take you to the water?"
"No thanks! I fly!
And I dream of living in a nest!


L. Aleinikova

So tired of the holidays
Yolka toys,
And in a box with joy
Jumped off the top.
And pot-bellied balls
To sleep more comfortably
In tinsel, around the star,
Relax more comfortably.
Bunnies, cones and icicles,
Santa Claus, Snow Maiden,
new year drawings,
Cockerel and hen
They will rest all year,
But by the Christmas tree, miss you!


A. Barto

The girls stood in a circle
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a high tree.
Above the star
Beads in two rows -
Let the tree not go out
May it always burn.


V. Berestov

Lily of the valley blooms in May
Astra blooms in autumn.
And in winter I bloom
I'm at the tree every year.
Been on the shelf for a whole year.
Everyone forgot about me.
And now I'm hanging on the tree,
Slowly calling.
The whole Christmas tree to the crown
Decorate toys!
Get up in the dance!
Meet the New Year!


V. Berestov

Simple toys through the crack
Once we saw a Christmas tree:
"Let's decorate the Christmas tree!
Let's climb the branches and sit down!"
Toys climbed onto the Christmas tree.
The monkey is already at the top.
Under Mishka, a branch bent,
Under the Bunny swayed a little.
Chickens hang like lanterns
Matryoshkas are like colorful balls...
"Hey, Christmas decorations,
Snow Maiden, stars, crackers,
Glasses twisted, cast,
Silver, gold!
While you were gathering dust on the shelf
We all found ourselves on the tree!
Now let's make the kids happy!
Oh, fathers! We're falling! We're falling!"


E. Blaginina

I love to sit by the tree alone.
I love how you should see everything:
What toys, are they bored
Or who is not pleased with his neighbor.
Here is a dragonfly hanging next to Frost.

And with a toothy wolf, look - a goat.
I think it's cold here dragonfly
And the poor goat is very scared.
I'll hang a star next to Frost,
And I'll take this goat here.
Here, by the way, a golden flower bloomed
And the sun is shining...
- Well, goat, stop!
And here is the bell. It's porcelain.
You touch it - you will hear a ringing.
And here is the ballerina, and here is the cockerel.
Next to him is a chicken, like a yellow fluff.
And this is a cracker, and this is a flag,
And this is a shepherd, he plays the horn.
Wait, I'll hang the goat here.
The goat and the shepherd are great, right?
Here is a striped ball, this is a bear.
Here is a bird - it is going to sing.
And this is a mushroom, and this is the moon,
And this is fragrant hay.
Wait, I'll hang the goat here.
A goat at a shock is wonderful, right?
But the goat suddenly screamed plaintively.
I look - because of the hay eyes sparkle.
Laughing till you drop: that's it!
I brought the goat to the wolf again!
I, therefore, walked around the Christmas tree.


G. Dyadina

Not a hat with a feather, not a lace scarf -
The Christmas tree has a favorite headdress.
There are tiaras for all the beauties,
Crowns, kokoshniks - all nonsense!


G. Dyadina

Silver bell -
Just touch him lightly
And you will hear a clear voice
Like water from a spring.
He's like a song from a fairy tale
About goats and goats.
Notes of tenderness and affection
It sounds amazing.
A blizzard howls outside the window
Wolf bass with hoarseness -
The sly one will not fake
Wonderful golden voice!


G. Dyadina

Matryoshka hung on the tree in the apartment
And I saw a winter landscape from the window:
Icicles, waist-deep snowdrifts, powder...
"Oh, how interesting!" Matryosh sighed.
Snowflakes flew in a crowd from the sky ...
“Catch one like that!” Matryona dreamed -
Go for a walk, well, at least a little,
Like that big snowy nesting doll!"


G. Dyadina

Here is a glass figurine
Smiled suddenly -
This is all the guests of the Snow Maiden
Calls in a circle!
Squirrel, bunny and wolf,
Bear and fox.
Like a mountain, a big tree
Grew up in the forest!
Wow, how tall is she!
In breadth - like a baobab!
Don't hug her so easily
Even a hundred paws!
Who is the raven counting?
Come on quickly in a circle!
There is not enough in the round dance
Your long arms!


G. Dyadina

Blue Santa Claus and red -
There are two of them on the tree,
And so it's not clear
Who is the head of the whole Christmas tree?
"I! - sure firmly blue -
My beard is longer
This is my frost on the Christmas tree
And my star is on it!"
Waving his staff angrily
On a fellow red grandfather:
"Look at yourself!
And there's not even a bag!
And the toys took the mug
And they pour water on grandfathers,
And not that they are to each other
Quickly beat to smithereens!


G. Dyadina

White snow glitters on maple,
On rowan and pine,
On the swings and the balcony
On the porch and on the window.
It snowed everywhere today
And sparkling white
Only on the Christmas tree
The rain is pouring down!
It flows from the top of her head
Ready to flood the whole world,
And the toys hid
After all, they don't have umbrellas!


G. Dyadina

Serpentine curls curl
Down the fir branches
Curl across the floor of the living room
In the corridor crawl to the door,
On the porch from the corridor,
Behind the gate from the porch
Along the path along the fence
Drag endlessly.
Winding through the field and forests ...
And there is a spruce in the apartment
With curled hair
Like Princess Rapunzel!


G. Dyadina

Here's a nook
quiet place -
An angel flies here
God's sheep
We wouldn't scare him away
Don't get out of here
He's for us at Christmas
Made a miracle!


G. Dyadina

Not a hat with a feather, not a lace scarf -
The Christmas tree has a favorite headdress.
There are tiaras for all the beauties,
But the Christmas tree does not wear tiaras at all.
Crowns, kokoshniks - all nonsense!
Since birth, she only liked the star!
And even, imagine, in the first year
She wore not a cap, but a star!
And in the same radiant star
She still flaunts everywhere.


G. Dyadina

Very humble newbie
Everyone is shy on the Christmas tree -
Just a snowman
From the store arrived shelves.
Here with everyone he is on "you",
It's embarrassing for him to poke everyone.
Poor, head to toe
He blushed like a carrot!


G. Dyadina

"Oh-oh-oh!" - the tree squealed. -
Help, I can't!
I won't last that long!
I'll run back to the forest!"
The branch itches like a brush.
And all the balls are shaking.
"Tickled me to death
This heap of tinsel!"


E. Zhukovskaya

Lots of different tinsel
We get it off the shelf.
Christmas balls
They will decorate the Christmas tree.
Sky blue ball
We'll gladly hang it.
Only the good are waiting for miracles,
Glorious dances, songs.
Next, a golden ball,
sunny color-
And harsh winter
We will be warm.
Well, then - the red ball
merrily sparkles,
Those who are young and those who are old,
He amuses everyone.
And quite later
Let's hang a green ball.
Let's fill the house with a fairy tale
We will celebrate the New Year.


L. Zelenevskaya

Christmas tree toys
We did it ourselves:
And Santa Claus
Big mustache
And little Snow Maiden
In a rich coat...
And it's all in secret
From younger brother.
He is in the next room.
On a soft bed
lay down comfortably
And sleep sweetly.
And we are slowly
gathered today
Him to cook
New Year's Surprise!
What is not there
On our Christmas tree!
Here is a funny clown
Dancing with pigs.
Here comes the golden rain
Flowing through the branches.
Here is a fluffy bunny,
And next to it is a firebird...
It remains to hang
On a twig
Just a little red ball
And the tree has been removed.
Suddenly the voice of a brother
From the room we hear:
- A little red ball
Hang it up!


T. Koval

On the tree to the top
toys are scattered,
Garlands and lanterns,
Silver balls.
Show off on a branch
Icicles and sweets.
And the snowflakes are spinning
Like ballerinas.
Snow Maiden-beauty,
The kids smile.
At the little house
Two cute gnomes.
A cockerel sits on a branch
Next to him is a shepherd boy.
And if you go around the Christmas tree,
You can find a goat.
Still on my tree
There are two silver horses
Wizard with wand in hand
And a clown in a bright cap.
Here the snowman is a carrot nose,
And next to Santa Claus.
You can't separate them,
They are old friends.
Here near the tangerine
A ballerina is dancing.
A chimney sweep from a fairy tale
He doesn't take his eyes off her.
A candle burns on a branch
She's not hot at all.
Her glass light
Not alone on the tree.
There are so many different lights
Green, blue, red.
I look at the tree, breathing a little:
Ah, how good it is!


Lira Likbeza

On a green tree
Bright toys:
Solar ray-bow,
Stars on top.
Clown in a colorful hat
Ear-to-ear smile.
White bear in slippers
Gold fish.
Next to the wolf is a hare,
With a mouse - cat Baska,
Here is a little duck
And a fox in a mask.
Dressed up a Christmas tree
On the edge of the forest.
sparks on pins and needles
And - bang! - crackers.


T. Lilo

Decorated a lush Christmas tree
Big blue painted ball.
Near on a branch shone with beauty
Also painted gold ball.
Both shone with drawings importantly:
Christmas trees sparkled on each ball.
Only a garland of tinsel
Very shocked by the fact:
- Where is it seen that the balls
Were they decorated with Christmas trees?!


A. Metzger

Christmas toys
Animals bought.
On the counter at the Cuckoo
The boxes were standing.
And on the shelf were
colored balls,
And they shone in the sun
Like gold.
Silver rain hung down
At the side of the counter
And flew on a thread

The ball is lonely.
- I'll buy a ball for myself, -
The squirrel said
- Santa Claus will give!
And with the ball sped off.
There are enough toys for everyone
Colorful and different.
Animals decorated the Christmas tree
On New Year's holiday!


A. Mlynash

An empty wrapper - that's a toy!
No ball, no beads, not even a cracker.
Empty wrappers are light and beautiful.
The foil reflects the overflowing lights.
You can’t break them and you don’t need to be afraid,
What do kids eat chocolate on an empty stomach!


A. Mlynash

Made new toys
I'm for a Christmas tree from a pillow.
Feathers covered the floor with "snow".
I glued the wings out of them:
Hare, balls, frog,
Reached to the top.
A Christmas tree in feathers is power!
Mom did not "appreciate" the work!


A. Mlynash

I have been used to glass toys since childhood.
I'll hang my school diary on the Christmas tree.
With a huge five on the first page
With a five like a red bird!
There are twos and threes - I must confess
But who wants to admire them?


A. Mlynash

I carved a fish and hung it on the Christmas tree.
Satisfied with the work, the whole evening was cheerful.
And in the morning my parents told me
That the kittens stole that fish at night.
"Well, wow," - I thought, playing with a typewriter,
"Silly fools, they decided that the fish is alive"!


R. Maskaeva

Our Christmas tree toys
We made with a friend.
There are poems written there.
BUNNY is made of cardboard
And hanging on a thin thread.
In a fur coat, it became whiter.
There is no glue left in the house.
Our hedgehog made of plasticine,
Matches decorate the back.
Now the hedgehog has become prickly,
But it doesn't look like a tree.
In this goldfish
We turned candy.
So many sweets eaten!
Will we get it or not?
A very strange CAT came out:
Paws back to front.
Still a place on the tree
We will find a cat from the test!
The trunk is bent at the ELEPHANT:
Wire is needed.
My friend and I hurried
They forgot to sew on the elephant's tail.
Take a look at the SHOOT:
The snow is hiding the Christmas tree,
And from a walnut
GNOME is done - that's fun!
In a red hat SNOWMAN
Climb into the paper truck:
Didn't want to walk
He is like Santa Claus with a bag.
From pigeon fluff
It turned out five SNOWFLAKES,
And SNOWMAINS can not be found
We have a bag of confetti.
CLOWN in red wig
Something is hiding in the cap.
This is our BIG SECRET!


R. Maskaeva

Candles and balls on the Christmas tree

Hanging out with mom
Snowflakes, rain of tinsel,
And at the very top
A huge star is burning
Playing and sparkling!
And my mother says softly:
Ah, what a beauty!


L. Nekrasova

Christmas tree lights up,
Under her shadows are blue,
prickly needles
As if in white frost.
She thawed out in warmth
Straightened out the needles
And with happy songs
We came to our Christmas tree.
Multicolored toys
For us they hung on it,
And we look at the Christmas tree
And we have fun today.
The lights on the tree are bright
Everywhere are lit
In all houses, all over the country
The guys are smiling.


V. Nesterenko

Everyone knows what the tree has
Very sharp needles.
But on New Year's Eve they
As a surprise for the kids -
Softer, kinder, kinder.
And on branches for children
There are toys and balls.
And under the Christmas tree - gifts.


N. Radchenko

The golden rain is pouring down
Flowing from the Christmas tree.
Admire her:
Here she is!
Everything sparkles and blooms
Bright balls.
Invites to a round dance
Have fun with us.
New Year's is on its way
We meet him.
Brighter, Christmas tree, shine!
One two Three -
Turn on!


N. Rodivilina

Behind a happy holiday.
We need to remove the tree
And she sparkles, teases,
Cheers with a colorful cascade!
Beads, balls, animals
From the branches they jump timidly -
Christmas toys
They will sleep in their box.
So that they do not fight, do not ring
(Their sleep is terribly long!) -
Every bed is made
From rain and serpentine!
A farewell volley from a cracker -
No empty talk.
Goodbye toys!
Good dreams! See you!



From the neon light
From memories of summer
To the New Year's story
I made a toy.
Dressed her up in a sailor suit
In yellow and black stripes
Attached four catchy
Light and transparent wings,
Two shiny black eyes
(these are two glass rhinestones),
Paws - there are three pairs of them at once,
And a smile all the way.
Then my friend Andryushka said, -
Listen, cool toy!
Six-legged pig?
Striped hippo?
Putting her on the tree
I answered - it's a BEE!


V. Stepanov

Outside the window, the blizzard is angry,
And the rain is pouring down the tree.
The rain does not flow easily -
New Year's, gold.
It flows through the cracker
Along the hut, along the frog
And on the backs of all the animals,
What are hanging on the Christmas tree.


A. Trufanov

Christmas toys:
Rain, light bulbs, balls,
Lollipops, snowball, crackers,
Stars, various gifts,
Chocolate candies,
Petushkov and marmalade
Placed in a Christmas tree somewhere -
It's just kindergarten!


A. Usachev

Christmas tree came to visit us today ...
Children and adults, mothers and fathers,
Gently shake her green paws.
Our Christmas tree will have fun:
We will hang sweets, balls and crackers,
After all, Christmas trees, like children, love toys!
Suddenly a guest from the forest will smile at us

And will pump with its branches,
And in a round dance will spin with us.


A. Usachev

The holiday is wonderful! New Year's Day!
Christmas tree came to visit us today ...
Children and adults, mothers and fathers,
Gently shake her green paws.
Our Christmas tree will have fun:
Let's make her a necklace out of garlands,
Hang candies, balloons and crackers...
After all, Christmas trees, like children, love toys!
Sweet, kind, like a princess,
Suddenly a guest from the forest will smile at us,
And will pump with its branches,
And in a round dance will spin with us!


A. Usachev

They are in our box
magic toys:
silver stars,
garlands and crackers.
We decorated the tree.
I stood on a stool
And three crystal balls
hung it on a branch.


K. Chukovsky

Would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the track.
She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock
would spin
Toys on the Christmas tree -
colorful lanterns,
would spin
Flags on the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver
Would laugh
On the Christmas tree matryoshka
And they would clap for joy
In the palms
Because at the gate
The new year has arrived!
New, new, young
With a golden beard!


E. Erato

Balls, snowflakes and crackers -
new year toys,
Choose any color here:
Silver, gold
Let's decorate the Christmas tree
Happy New Year
We will gather all our friends
To make it more fun.

Hanging on a thin thread
A fish, as if on a hook, -
In a bright little crown
On a shiny fin.

“Hello, goldfish!
Take you to the water?"
"No thanks! I fly!
And I dream of living in a nest!


The tree looked in the mirror
Chatting with decorations:
"My God, what a delight -
This pin is gold!

As it goes to the green branches
The golden color is amazing!
Need a fir tree with such a pendant
Call Elena the Beautiful!


Serpentine curls curl
Down the fir branches
Curl across the floor of the living room
In the corridor crawl to the door,

On the porch from the corridor,
Behind the gate from the porch
Along the path along the fence
Drag endlessly.

Winding through the field and forests ...
And there is a spruce in the apartment
With curled hair
Like Princess Rapunzel!


Many different spells
Santa Claus knows:
For impassable snowdrifts
At human height

For large prickly icicles,
For angry blizzards -
And light the lights on the tree
It doesn't come out all of a sudden!

Painted the window of the veranda,
Like a skilled magician
But the Christmas tree without a garland
It won't light up at all.

Because without a garland
Whatever you say
Command won't work
"Shine Christmas tree!"

Snow Maiden

Here is a glass figurine
Smiled suddenly -
This is all the guests of the Snow Maiden
Calls in a circle!

Squirrel, bunny and wolf,
Bear and fox.
Like a mountain, a big tree
Grew up in the forest!

Wow, how tall is she!
Breadth - like a baobab!
Don't hug her so easily
Even a hundred paws!

Who is the raven counting?
Come on quickly in a circle!
There is not enough in the round dance
Your long arms!



Matryoshka hung on the tree in the apartment
And I saw a winter landscape from the window:

Icicles, waist-deep snowdrifts, powder...
"Oh, how interesting!" Matryosh sighed.

Snowflakes flew in a crowd from the sky ...
“Catch one! - Matrena dreamed -

Go for a walk, well, at least a little,
Like that big snowy nesting doll!”


White snow glitters on maple,
On rowan and pine,
On the swings and the balcony
On the porch and on the window.

It snowed everywhere today
And sparkling white
Only on the Christmas tree
The rain is pouring down!

It flows from the top of her head
Ready to flood the whole world,
And the toys hid
After all, they don't have umbrellas!


Icicle hanging all day
And does not melt from the heat,
She would gurgle a puddle,
But it's made of glass!

Doesn't know how to be sisters
Ice outside the window
Crystal clear voice
Sing drops on a warm day.

Never been in my life
The long nose of snowmen,
Didn't hang on the ledge
Performing the note "cap".

But like fragile pieces of ice,
If suddenly breaks down -
Stomp on the floor with a loud "dink",
Like Cinderella's heel.


He is like all hares -
Soft, warm, woolen.
Only made from a glove
A very old one.

What was fingers
It has become ears now.
Keeps them sticky so cute
This cute animal.

Eyes - buttons, and a nose.
The mouth is a pink thread.
Although spruce does not wear gloves -
Happy to wear this one!



Leaves flew from the maple,
The maple remained naked,
Through his thin crown
You can even see the sky.

And on the tree - a maple leaf,
All green leaf
Fresh, clean, like new
It even sticks a little!

It doesn't matter if it's paper.
And gouache flows from the sheet.
Elka doesn't care
She cares about beauty!


in a separate box,
In a special rag
It is very careful
I keep.

And into the hands of strangers
No one is given:
And suddenly, God forbid,
Fall, break!

And everything will fall apart
Then to pieces!
After all, it will be broken
Tree heart!

No, the tree is offended
I will not give for anything -
I love my heart
Her gold!

high chair

Whose chair is on the branch?
Does he have an owner?
Oh, what a beauty he is!
It makes me want to sit down!

Maybe a gnome chair?
And glasses on my nose
He read the newspaper on it
Or ate sausage.

Maybe a boy with a dexterous finger
Here he put his chair,
To get to the carrot
What hangs over your head.

He is Thumbelina, perhaps
Or one of the fairies?
Curiosity gnaws at me:
Whose chair is this, whose?

Why is it here on the branch
Is it completely empty?
Wow, what a rare sight!
The best view in the world!

A gun

The muzzle of a small gun
Aimed at the target in the distance.
Load it up with a clapperboard
And pulling the thread, cry!

Let her bang loudly!
A cloud of smoke will rise.
Shoots far away
Fireworks with confetti!


The drum is on the tree.
If you want, knock -
The porcelain on the shelf will ring
And the balls are bouncing
The pot will fall from the window
And the portrait will fly off the nail
A cat crawls under the sofa
And the bulldog is under the stool.
That's what a hooligan he is!
Real bully!
Looks like a small drum
And it rumbles like a drum!


Attention! A rocket launches into space!
Now she counts to five
And it will fly up at the speed of light -
Wish her a happy journey!

She breaks through the thorny branches
And in thick needles it will not get stuck anywhere.
I would fly down, where candy is in the gifts!
But no, she needs to go to the top - to the star!

match hedgehog

Matches are not toys
They understand everything around.
The tree of matches is not a friend,
Well, the hedgehog is like a friend to her!

He, although a match,
Very cute,
With a plasticine belly,
Nice, kind hedgehog!

Its fur is prickly
Not flammable at all
Only one rowanberry
It burns like a brooch.


Flashing horns in silver shavings,
He jumped the tree almost to the top of his head
And froze in flight just for a moment,
To further rush along the deer path.

Where did he come from, so long-legged,
So thin-necked, so wonderfully horned?
Did Santa Claus escape from the team?
Now it will die and disappear into the ravine.

Cup with saucer

Our Christmas tree is cute!
A million miracles on it!
Here, for example, a cup with a saucer
In the midst of colored lights.

The cup does not fall off the saucer
No matter how you turn it.
All the others bang and fight
Well, this one is no-no!

Even if a cup of tea
Let's overthrow by chance
We note with delight
What does not pour tea on the floor!


Who hung it here
Placed in the center -
Apparently, he was very cheerful,
Here he joked.

The tree used to be lit up
fairy palace,
And now it has begun to make us laugh
This cucumber.

There are tangerines on the spruce
Or lollipops
But hitherto did not hang
Next to cucumbers.

Well, anyway, what
In this, finally?
May it decorate the new year
Christmas tree cucumber!

Let us laugh carelessly -
Elka will forgive us!
The snow is also cucumber
Crunchy in the New Year!


Sewn from colored pieces
Clown in a pink shoe -
Laugh if necessary
He is at least all the children in the world!

Pants in red roses
kisses on cheeks,
Scarf of inconceivable length,
And the laces stick out in the socks.

The funny clown is joking:
“I am dressed like a prince - with a needle!
Here, learn, children, how
You need to look at the tree!


Here on a thread went down
A spider from a branch
And lit up with happiness
All like a beacon:

“Oh, what a cobweb!
Miracle of miracles! —
And how he was in six shoes,
Climb up on her.

“Fu, what a dirty rare! —
Suddenly he heard -
On a snowflake from a napkin
You stomp like an elephant!

Lock you, the villain,
Must be planted!
Only in slippers, like in a museum,
You can walk here!”

Scared spider
And got stuck in a hole.
"That's it!" - strictly a branch with a bump
Spruce threatened.


Here's a nook
quiet place -
An angel flies here
God's sheep
We wouldn't scare him away
Don't get out of here
He's for us at Christmas
Made a miracle!

Blue and red Santa Claus

Blue Santa Claus and red -
There are two of them on the tree,
And so it's not clear
Who is the head of the whole Christmas tree?

"I! - sure solid blue -
My beard is longer
This is my frost on the Christmas tree
And my star is on it!

Waving his staff angrily
On a fellow red grandfather:
“Look at yourself!
And there’s not even a bag!”

And the toys took the mug
And they pour water on grandfathers,
And not that they are to each other
Quickly beat to smithereens!


"Oh oh oh! the tree screeched. —
Help, I can't!
I won't last that long!
I'll run back to the forest!

The branch itches like a brush.
And all the balls are shaking.
"Tickled me to death
This heap of tinsel!”

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