Download the script for February 23 senior group. Scenario of the military sports game "Zarnichka"

Natalya Gorobtsova

Scenario sports festival dedicated 1 "Defender of the Fatherland Day" senior group "B"

Under the march "Stalingrad" children pass through the hall, are built in a semicircle.

Vedas. Guys! Today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Every citizen of Russia has a sacred duty - to protect his native state, to ensure peace and tranquility for his Russians with all his might. Our boys still go to kindergarten, but years will pass, and they will choose any military specialty for themselves, the army will teach them to be hardy, courageous and dexterous.

Hello holiday! Hello holiday!

Boys and Dads Day! Congratulations to you today

All children. Our fun kindergarten!

May the sun shine brightly and may the guns not roar!

The world of people, the native country will always be protected by a soldier!

Today is the day of our Army, there is no stronger one in the world.

Greetings to the defenders of the people, the Russian Army

All children: Hello!

The native army is strong, invincible in battles.

On guard of the Motherland, she stands invincibly.

And we sing songs about her, about valiant campaigns.

It keeps our peaceful home, peace and peace of nations.

Song "Good Soldiers".

(Children are divided into 2 teams and sit down at the chairs near the side walls)

Vedas. Guys! On this festive day, I invite you to take part in the tournament of future warriors, where you can show your skill, ingenuity, strength and endurance. I represent two commands: a team of border guards and a team of sailors. (children stand up, then sit down)

Vedas. The future of our Motherland depends on you guys. It depends on you what our army will be like. Guys, what do you think, what qualities should a future soldier cultivate in himself? (children's answers)

And now we will test your strength, endurance and courage.

The postman brought us a package sent by our veterans. And here is the envelope (opens and reads)

Do veterans want to know if our guys are ready to defend their homeland?

Listen to the first task: Tell me guys, what kind of troops do you know? (Children name the types of troops).

Now listen to the rules of the game. "Be careful"

When I raise the yellow flag - you guys are foot soldiers, you must march in place.

Blue flag - pilots, you depict flying planes

Blue flag - sailors, you depict sailors looking through binoculars.

Red flag - you shout in unison "Hooray!".

A game "Be careful"

Second task: “Sailors” and here is the mop for the game. (pulls out mop)

Vedas: Sailors are cheerful people live well. And in their free moments they dance and sing.

(children dance to the song “Sailor”. The leader imitates washing the deck with a mop. At the end of the music, the children get into pairs, the one left without a pair becomes the leader)

Game - dance "On deck"

Vedas. To become a defender, to fulfill the duty of a soldier,

You need to be strong, courageous, be friends with physical education!

The third task is called "Shells" our teams are built in two columns and from hand to hand, they pass shells from one basket to another. The team that passes faster without dropping any wins. "projectile". (water-filled balloons)

relay race "Shells"

Vedas: Well, guys, well done, excellent fighters in the future! We continue our competition! Let's see what the fourth task the veterans have prepared for us. (shows a picture of panties)

Our children take physical education seriously and responsibly. But, sometimes, they are not averse to having fun!

Child. There are a lot of sports, you can’t even count them all!

We will jump in shorts, Have fun and shout!

Vedas: Now we will have a funny relay race funny cowards. participants become in pairs, put on only underpants big size and run forward. Bypass the counter and return to the line start.

relay race "Funny Pants".

(the boy goes backstage to put on a Budyonovka, take a horse with a saber)

Vedas It's time to take a break from military competitions, and please our guests with a cheerful song about the brave Budenovite Vanyusha. (children stand in a semicircle)

Vedas. Hear, clatter of hooves, this is our Budyonovets hurrying to us. (a boy from Budyonov comes on a horse, reads a verse.)

1 My horse in a blanket, Budyonny himself would praise 3, Let him walk, let him frolic, he will soon come in handy for me.

I will sit boldly on a horse, I will put on a new sword. I am a brave Budyonovets, everyone will say that about me.

Song "Budyonovets"

Vedas. Hold hands together and stand in a circle. We'll start playing now Let's sing a song together.

Children sing. Gay! My horse rushes like the wind Better and faster there is no horse in the world!

"A game "Budyonovets"

Vedas: The fifth task from veterans

Vedas: The teams did a great job! Well done!

Vedas. In the sixth task, military riddles, now we will check if you know clues:

Iron fish swims under water, The enemy is threatened with fire and misfortune.

Iron fish dives to the bottom. She guards her native seas.


Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking birds flight

The man controls it. What is this… (Airplane).

There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky.

Dropped down after a few minutes... (Parachute).

A turtle crawls, a steel shirt, Knows neither grief nor fear.

What is this turtle? (Tank)

Takes off without acceleration, reminds a dragonfly,

Our Russian aircraft takes off… (Helicopter).

The plane soars like a bird, there is an air border,

On duty day and night Our soldier is military (pilot).

Again, the car rushes into battle, Caterpillars cut the ground.

That car in a clean field (tanker).

Who is on the ship? He yearns for the earth.

He is friends with the wind and the wave. After all, the sea is his home.

So who are the guys, he is? (Sailor).

Vedas. Well done guys, guessed all the riddles, together we will sing a song, and now we will read the poems! (children stand in a semicircle)

Child 4.

Quietly let the children grow up In their beloved sunny homeland.

The soldier keeps our peace and work, Wonderful work in the name of life!

Song "Let's serve in the Army"

Vedas You guys sang together. Like brave soldiers. Now we see that real men are growing up in our country. All teams did a great job. You will make excellent defenders of the Fatherland. Vedas. The sixth task from veterans. We know that our children are dexterous and courageous, they love to do physical education. But how much your parents love sports, we will now check in competitions. So that the bright sun always shines in the blue, peaceful sky, we will hold a relay race "Sun".

(pulls out 2 suns from the parcel, puts the middle on the floor, distributes the petals to the participants)

Vedas. Now our participants will line up in two teams and, on a signal, they should attach the rays to the yellow circle to make the sun. And so they prepared. One, two, three, run.

relay race "Sun"

Vedas. We want everyone to laugh, so that dreams always come true

For children to have joyful dreams, For a good morning

So that mom does not feel sad, So that there is no war in the world!

(children stand in a semicircle)

Song "Let there always be sunshine" (parents and children sing)

Vedas Dear boys! So that today you smile, girls for you tried! And on this wonderful holiday

They have prepared gifts for you.

(Girls give gifts to boys)

Vedas Teams, stand up! Solemn march circle of honor. Step march!

The children leave the room.

IN kindergarten"Druzhba" I have been working as an educator since 2010. In 2012 she received the first qualification category, in 2015 she was awarded the highest qualification category.

In 2016 she was awarded Honorary diploma Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Repeatedly participated and was the winner in competitions of the city, regional and regional level.

Every year, my students participate and win prizes in various competitions and olympiads at various levels: municipal, regional, federal, international ...

The teacher of a children's educational institution is not even a profession, but a real vocation, and also daily hard work. To become an educator for a long time and seriously, you need to feel that pedagogy is the work of your whole life, and work conscientiously, passing on to the children all the best that you have, giving your whole soul.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an internationally recognized ideologist of humanistic pedagogy, emphasized that he is a real teacher, whose activity is aimed at educating a humane personality.

According to V. Sukhomlinsky, a real educator should:

Loving children is the most important thing

To care about them

Respect the personality of each child and believe in him

Know the soul of every baby and understand it

Treat the spiritual world of the child, his nature

Protect and develop the child's self-esteem

Become a true friend to every child.


Ekaterina Volkodav
Scenario of the holiday "February 23" in kindergarten in the senior group

Target: introducing children and adults to a healthy lifestyle, regular joint physical education and sports.


Develop speed, strength, coordination of movements, agility, attention, accuracy;

To expand the ideas and knowledge of children about the variety of physical and sports exercises;

To educate children's interest in competitive activities;

To develop in children the ability to act together and help each other;

Develop positive emotions and friendliness;

To promote closer cooperation between the family and the preschool institution;

To cultivate love for the Motherland and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.


Hello guys, dear adults! Today we have holiday 23 February- Defender of the Fatherland Day. In that holiday sound congratulations which are addressed to all who serve, have served or will serve. And our children also want to congratulate our dads on holiday.

1 child:

Hello, holiday!

Hello, holiday!

Boys and Dads Day!

Congratulations to all military

Our cheerful kindergarten!

2 child:

Glory to the beloved army!

Glory to the native army!

Our soldier is brave, strong,

Keeps our peace.

3 child:

May there be peace throughout the earth

May there be peace, always

So that we grow for glorious deeds,

For happiness and goodness!

4 child:

That's why we love childhood,

This holiday in February,

Glory to the Russian Army,

The most peaceful on earth!

5 child:

Let the sun shine

The guns don't roar

Peace, people, native country

Always protect the soldier!

6 child:

Our Army is native

And brave and strong

Not threatening anyone

She protects us.

7 child:

Congratulations dad

WITH men's holiday

In my youth I know

Served in the Army.

8 child:

So also a warrior

Although not a commander

Worthy of a holiday

Protected the whole world!

9 child:

My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave

He's on the shoulder

Even the hardest thing

10 child:

My dad is strong and brave

And the biggest

Scolds on business

And praise with soul

11 child:

You are the best friend

Always protect

Where should you learn

Forgive the prank

12 child:

To all dads on this day

We congratulate together

And when we grow up

Let's serve the Motherland


Our competition will be attended by two commands:

Border guard team captain: Our team.

Children: Vigilant falcon.

Captain: Our motto.

Children: Border guard,

Protects our land

To work and study

All the people were able to calm down.

Sailor team captain: Our team.

Children: Sails

Captain: Our motto.

Children: We don't believe in miracles.

We are a team - Sails!

And fight the worthy.

Let's not be too lazy to win!

Children to the music senior group marching step / rebuilding from 2 columns to 1 column in the center of the hall. From 1st column 2nd columns (one in each direction).

Leading: ATTENTION! STOP in place! ONE, TWO!

Team Sailors: To the left!

Team Border guards: Right!

Leading: guys answer to me: Does sport straighten our shoulders?

Children: Yes!

Does dexterity give us strength?

Children: Yes!

Does he develop muscles for us?

Children: Yes!

Are you calling us to records?

Leading:The results of the competition will be judged jury:



Soldiers serve in the army, of course,

But someone is in charge...

Gives commands!

Guys in the columns stand together

And you get the message.

1. Relay: "Who is in charge in the army"

At the line start the baskets contain letters, one letter per participant. Take the letter, run around the multi-colored chips with a snake, crawl under the arc and put the letter on the table. They will return running without a task and pass the baton. Dads last run and spread the words "General", "Admiral". (6 children + 1 dad participate).

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.


In order not to explode try,

We do everything accurately, together, carefully,

We collect mines, we clear the sea.

2. Relay: "Mine the sea bay"

Run up, put on a hoop, put it on the floor, jump over the crossbar, find small balls in the basket and transfer it to another basket nearby, running back. (4 children participate + 4 dads built through one).

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.


We continue to congratulate dad,

And we will sing a song to them

/children sing a song "About the Pope" (group number 23)

3. Relay: "Carry the shells"

The teams stand in a chain, pass the skittles from one basket to another, join hands and chain, running around the basket, dad takes the children out of the line start. (6 guys + 1 dad participate).

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

4. Relay: "Horses"

jumping on "fitball"(large balls with handles, jump to the chip and pass the baton back. (6 children participate).

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

5. Relay: "Ships"

Each team has 2 hoops on the floor near the line start. Participates pair: baby and dad. Step over from hoop 1 to hoop 2 together. We shift the first hoop forward and step into the second hoops, etc. The team that does not fall overboard wins. (hoop). (Participates 4 children + 4 dads).

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

Leading: Our children prepared a dance for our dads.

Dance: "Sailors" group 1


Without porridge, of course, a soldier is not a soldier,

Let dads teach you how to cook porridge,

Both boys and girls.

6. Relay: "Cook the porridge"

Children crawl under an arc, take cups, collect buckwheat groats in them, pour them into a saucepan. The last daddy brings the pot to the line start. Who is bigger "cook porridge". (Participates 6 guys + 1 dad).

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

7. Relay: "Plant a potato"

A bucket for each team, 8 small balls for each team and 4 hoops for each team.

Two teams line up in pairs (child with dad). In front of the teams, 4 hoops lie in a row on the floor. The first players are each given a bucket of "potato". On a signal, a child with a booty, holding hands, runs, lays out "potato" (each with 1 potato) into hoops and an empty bucket is passed to the second numbers. The second numbers run, collect "potato" into the bucket and pass it to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins. (5 guys + 5 dads participate).

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

8. Relay: "Penguins"

One ball for each team.

Two teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of them, at 10 - 12 m, they put a chip. The first numbers in the teams receive a ball. Clutching it between their knees and moving in jumps, they rush to the chip, return, carrying the ball in their hands. The balls are passed to the second players, then to the third, etc. The team that completes the game first wins. (4 dads + 4 children participate from each groups) .

Leading: The floor is given to the jury.

Leading: While the jury is preparing to announce the results of the competition. I suggest you watch the dance.

Leading: Our children have prepared another dance for our dads.

Dance: "Pilots" group number 23

Leading: I ask the jury to announce the overall result of the competition (the result is announced, the award is held).Here guys our game is over «» . I think you were satisfied with the results, because you proved to your dads and yourself that you are dexterous, courageous and in the future, when you grow up, you will become real defenders of the Fatherland

Now Attention!

military sports game «» I declare it closed.

Teams, equal, quietly!

Right! Step march!

(song sounds "Good Soldiers", the teams leave the room.)

The purpose of the holiday on February 23: the formation of physical qualities in children and a positive attitude towards military personnel through musical and gaming activities.

Program tasks: to improve the ability to apply the accumulated motor experience in gaming activities; develop the ability to perceive musical images and their expressive transmission in movements corresponding to the nature of the music; .

Material and equipment: costumes of Sineglazka and Dunno; details of the uniforms of sailors and foot soldiers, balls, prizes for the number of children; large baskets, toy machines, gymnastic benches with “bumps” marked on them, 2 pcs.

Event progress

The sports hall is festively decorated, on the central wall there is an image of a boy in military uniform riding a war horse.

Leader (V.). Good afternoon, dear guests! Hello dear guys! We invite you to take part in the entertainment for the Defenders of the Fatherland Day. All of you will be able not only to demonstrate your capabilities, but also to see what difficult tests soldiers have to endure in military service.

Two teams will measure their strength: "Sailors" and "Infantrymen". We welcome them with applause! (To the sounds of the march, the teams enter the hall.)

The jury, which is located at the command post, will observe the course of the exercises with particular attention. (Introduction of the jury.)

The teams together sing the song "Let's Be Soldiers" (lyrics and music by Z. Root).

IN. Guys, what do you think soldiers should be like? (Children's answers.) That's right, soldiers must be brave, courageous, strong, hardy. They are helped to become physical education and sports.

Soldier's day in order

Starts with charging.

Guys, pull yourself up

Get on the charger!

Warm up

Team members perform movements.

Our warriors are coming - one-two, one-two!

(Walking in place.)

The drums are beaten loudly: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

(Imitate drumming.)

Ships go to sea: today here - tomorrow there!

(Movement "Kachalochka".)

For a long time they sailed on the seas, on the waves!

(Circular movements of the hands.)

Border guard at the post: “Who is coming? Who goes?"

(They turn left and right, imitating a machine gun in their hands.)

Tanks are moving across the bridge: trr-forward, trr-forward!

(Motor movement.)

Airplane over the ground: woo, woo!

(Hands to the sides, tilts to the right and left.)

Missiles allowed to take off: uh, uh!

(Squat down with palms folded in front of chest; stand up with hands up.)

Our guns hit exactly: bang, bang! Boo, boom!

(Throw hands forward, fingers clenched into a fist.)

Salute to our army! Hooray! Hooray!

(Raise hands up and down.)

IN. One-two, one-two

You're in teams, kids!

Stop stretching

It's time to compete!

Suddenly, Blue-eye runs into the hall.

Sineglazka. Am I late?

IN. Calm down and tell me who are you?

Sineglazka. My name is Sineglazka, I am a resident of the Fairytale City. Recently Dunno called me on the phone and talked to me in a strange way. Maybe he got sick?

IN. What did he say?

Sineglazka. He ordered me very strictly: “Fighter Sineglazka! You need to come to the recruiting office immediately. You will participate in military training. And he gave me this address. In parting, he said that he was engaged in drill training.

Marching, Dunno enters.

Sineglazka. What happened to you?!

Dunno. Can't you see? I am practicing the construction step! I want to become a military man.

IN. Indeed, there is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. Only after all, military affairs must be studied long and hard. And it's too early for you to join the army.

Dunno. It may be early, but I have already begun to prepare. I was told that army exercises would be held in your kindergarten. So I decided to watch and learn. And I sent Sineglazka to you.

IN. We don't mind, join us. Our army exercises will begin with formation.

Competition "Whose team will build faster"

To the sounds of the march, the children disperse around the hall and march one by one. After the music is over, at the signal of the captains, the participants must line up in two lines. The team that completes the formation first wins.

IN. Well done guys, they learned how to line up like real soldiers. And now let's listen to the congratulations prepared by the girls.

1st girl.

On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

2nd girl.

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you

The best thing in the world to run

And beat everyone in football.

3rd girl.

May luck be with you

Only you are friends with us,

Help us in everything

Protect if necessary.

4th girl.

In general, lovely boys,

We'll let you in on a secret:

Better than you in the world

Nobody, of course!

M. Zatsepina

IN. And I wish for years

So that life is not shy,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage!

And all the obstacles on the way

Overcome you together!

But first grow up

And you need to grow up.

I am sure that you will grow up with a sense of humor. Listen to ditties.

1st girl.

Two bully boys

Don't learn to be friends

Not a day goes by without a fight

How can this be?

1st boy.

We train each other

Boxing boldly

After the meeting, we do not grieve,

We act skillfully.

2nd girl.

You better not be angry

After all, people are looking at you.

You'd better work hard

And they dug up a garden.

2nd boy.

You girls don't crack

We'll outgrow you soon

Do not teach us boys -

We'll join the army soon.

3rd girl.

Our soldiers are good

We hope for them

Eating porridge well

It can be seen, each - for three.

IN. Guys, it's time to congratulate our dads.

1st child.

I have a father!

Ask what is he?

The strongest dad

The bravest warrior!

2nd child.

Kind. The smartest one.

How not to brag.

dad only with mom


I have a father!

It doesn't matter what he is!

The best dad in the world

Because he is mine!

T. Bokova

Song "Papa" (lyrics and music by A. Varlamov)

IN. We invite two dads to participate in the next team competition.

Competition "Sniper"

Dads hold baskets into which the participants take turns throwing balls. The team with the most accurate hits wins.

IN. That's accuracy! Ahead of you are waiting for no less serious tests.

Relay race "Cross the swamp"

Participants take turns overcoming the "bumps swamp" marked on the gymnastic benches. The team that does it faster and with the fewest mistakes wins.

3rd child.

We don't sit still

We love to have fun.

Dancing and singing is not lazy,

We would dance all day.

IN. Indeed, our guys know how and love to dance. I think you will be convinced of this by looking at the dance numbers prepared by the teams, and the jury will sum up the results of the competition during this time.

Dance "Apple"(performed by the Sailors team)

Dance "On a halt"(performed by the Infantry team)

IN. Our holiday is coming to an end. Word to the representatives of the distinguished jury.

Summing up, presenting souvenirs to all team members.


Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter!


For the fire of competition

Ensuring success!

IN. Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We tell you:



Until happy new meetings!

The scenario of the holiday on February 23 for children aged 5-6 was prepared by: E. Leonova, E. Soroka

The scenario of a sports and game holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day for older children preschool age with the participation of parents "It's hard in learning - it's easy in battle!".

Target: military - patriotic education preschoolers.
To cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, pride in the Russian Armed Forces.
To consolidate knowledge about military professions, military branches.
Develop agility, speed, interest in sports.
Contribute to the harmonization of parent-child relationships

Preliminary work: a conversation about the meaning of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day", looking at illustrations about military equipment, military branches.
Equipment: emblems for teams, flags (Russian tricolor), a set of modules, small balls, cones, attributes for relay races and competitions, music center, phonogram recordings, festive decoration of the hall.

The course of the holiday.

Children under the march "Defenders of the Fatherland" enter the hall.
A military march sounds, boys and girls enter the hall with flags, then they line up in two columns, line up in pairs through the middle of the hall, line up in one column, line up in three columns, perform exercises with flags.

Children are arranged in a semicircle.
Instructor: Hello dear children, dear adults! Today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day and would like to wish everyone a Happy Birthday to the Russian Army. This holiday is dedicated to men of all ages - our dads, grandfathers, uncles and, of course, our boys, when they grow up, they will serve in our army, protecting both us and our Motherland. Boys, future defenders of the Fatherland, grow up brave, strong, dexterous and kind. And we wish dear dads:
Children(in chorus): - Health, peace and courage!
Olga R.: - Loud trumpets sing, our army ...
All:- Firework! Checkboxes up
ABOUT la R.: - Ships are sailing into space, our army ...
All: - Firework! Checkboxes up
Olya R.:- There is peace and labor on the planet, our army ...
All:- Firework! Checkboxes up

Series B.
Russian army holiday
Coming in February
Drives, drives a sharp wind
Snow prickly on the ground.
He sweeps snowdrifts,
Maple swings at the gate.
Kindergarten welcomes guests
And he sends greetings to the soldiers.
Artem G.
Today is a special day
For boys and men -
Defender of the Fatherland Day,
Every citizen knows!
Lera G.
We congratulate the boys
And we wish them good health
To grow big
And they were defenders.
Dasha B.
And our adult half
We send our congratulations,
There are reasons for congratulations.
Hurray for the defenders of the country!

Instructor: Now, in this hall there will be fun exercises in which children will take part preparatory group as well as their dads and older brothers.
Attention: We welcome the team "Pilots" and the team "Sailors". Teams are built in two columns in the center of the hall.
Team greetings.
Team "Pilots", captain:
A squadron is flying, a squadron of pilots,
There are a lot of great guys on the team.
We would like to wish our opponents:
As we learn to fly high.
Sailors team, captain:
We are sea wolves
We don't care at all
We know how to swim
We are friends with the ball.
We jump and run
We are not stronger.
And the team "Pilots"
We send our regards.
Instructor: Today we will conduct fun exercises and test the dexterity, speed and ingenuity of our guys. The action of the holiday will take place at various military "bases" - naval, air force, border outpost and, of course, at the headquarters of the Russian Army.
All teams with a cheerful mood go to fun challenges!
But what trials without a song! Guys, sing a song!
Children sing a song "We're still preschoolers."
Instructor: Our assistants, adults, take part in the exercises!
Our exercises will be serious, so we invited a jury of judges.
Jury presentation.
Instructor: Judges are strict, get ready to give them marks.
Just give me your word of honor not to offend anyone!
For each victory, the team will receive an asterisk. The team that earns the most stars wins. Try hard guys. And your dads will help you.
Instructor: Teams to start! "Equal!", "Attention!".
The security of our Motherland is ensured by various units of the Russian army, and most importantly, it is air defense.

1. First task "Crash the plane."
Models of 2 airplanes are attached to the hoop on a rope, at a signal the first pair of participants runs to the landmark, takes their "projectile" - a small ball and tries to shoot down the planes.
Instructor: And now airborne troops are taking part in the exercises.
We need to land troops on enemy territory.
What does a paratrooper use when jumping from an airplane?
Children:- Parachute.
Instructor: We also invite our dads to participate in the competition. The landing sites will be chairs, but there are one less than you. At the end of the music, you need to "land" on a chair.
2.Paratrooper game.

Now a halt, but not a simple one, but a musical one.
Our guests will have a little rest, and the guys will sing a song.
Eva G.:
I will hug him and whisper softly:
“My daddy, I love you very much!
You are the most caring, most dear,
You are kind, you are the best and you are only mine!”
Children sing a song "Beloved dad".

Our exercises will continue. There are many military branches in the army, where people of different military specialties are serving, and now we will find out how well the guys understand military affairs.
To do this, answer the question, what types of troops do you know?
Children: Infantry, artillery, tank, amphibious, reconnaissance, cavalry, aerospace and others.
Instructor: The army has services that ensure the smooth operation of our Army. A soldier must be able to cook dinner. After all, it is difficult for a hungry fighter to fight, and it is difficult to defend the Motherland. But first we'll prepare the potatoes. The next competition will show us if you can provide your fighters with potatoes. Boys and their dads are invited to participate in the competition.
3. Competition - relay race "Field kitchen".

Transfer a small ball on a wooden spoon and do not drop it.
Instructor: Ammunition needs to be delivered to our base.
Guys, who brings ammunition? (Drivers.)

4. Relay "Get the ammo."
2 teams are participating. The player of each team "drives" the truck, runs around the cones placed at a distance to the target with a snake, the father puts one pin in the back, the child returns to the starting point and passes the car to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.
Instructor: And what is the Army without sappers, they have a difficult and of course also dangerous job - to find and defuse mines! We have mines - bottles, you have to find them with your eyes closed, and to neutralize them, you need to unscrew the cap and put it in a container. For a more accurate performance of the task, we invite assistants - adults.
5. Relay "Sappers".

6.Instructor: And what is an army without cavalry, and now the relay race "Cavalry".
At the signal of the instructor, the participants sit on the “horse” and, moving forward at a straight gallop, go around the cones, return and pass the “horse” to the next participant, and so on until the last participant. The relay continues until the captain gets up first.

Instructor: Guys, who guards the borders of our big country?
Children: Border guards.
Instructor: Now I propose that our adults take up “combat duty” to protect the border of our homeland Russia.
7.Game "Border Guard".
Parents hold hands and form a circle. And children will be violators. Border guards carry out their service, they are on patrol. If the border guards raised their hands, it means that the border is open, and violators, that is, children, can run in and out through these gates. But as soon as the word "Patrol" sounds, the fighters give up, and those who are inside the circle will be temporarily detained. Let's see how reliably our border guards guard the border.
Children and parents are involved.

Instructor: Now we are returning to the headquarters of our Army, and what an army without reconnaissance!
8. Relay "Scouts". Their main task is to find out the plans of the enemy so that he does not take our army by surprise, and to deliver secret information to the military headquarters. You need to take the letter, overcome the obstacle (crawl in the tunnel, jump over the arc, run around the cone) and deliver it to the "headquarters".

Instructor: Combat training and discipline are very important in the army.
And our girls will help us to test the ability of the guys.
9. Rhythmic exercise: "Drill".
(to the song "A soldier is walking through the city")
Girls will show movements with flags:
Mahi back and forth - walking in place;
Flags down - stand at attention;
Right - turn right;
Left - turn left;
Flags down - stand at attention.

Instructor: This concludes our competition.
And while the jury is summing up, let's listen to what the guys will tell us about military service. The boys take turns.
Hero for the motherland.
Where there is courage, there is victory.
The bullet is afraid of the bold, the bayonet does not take the bold.
A brave fighter in battle, well done.
The stronger the friendship, the easier the service.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
To live - to serve the Motherland!
There is no friend, so look for it, but if you find it - take care.
There is safety in numbers.
One for all and all for one.
The jury sums up. Awarding of winners and participants of the holiday.
Instructor: We all made sure that your dads are in great shape and the boys and girls are not far behind them.
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