Benefits of an honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - benefits and payments What does the diploma of the Department of Education give

There are awards not only for participation and feats in hostilities, but also general civil ones, for example, the Ministerial Letter, which is not awarded to everyone. It is very honorable to receive such a certificate, and, of course, it immediately seems to everyone that honors are not limited to one title, but are also rewarded financially. Like it or not, we now find out.

Who can get a Ministerial Certificate

The Ministerial Certificate is issued to the following employees:

  1. Those who work hard in educational institutions and scientific organizations.
  2. Employees who are in the ranks of the executive authorities, improving education at the local and regional levels.
  3. The diploma can be obtained by teachers who have introduced new methods and technologies into the educational process for the better formation of the intellectual and cultural development of children.
  4. Physicians who offered new possibilities for the treatment of serious diseases.

A diploma is not allowed for citizens whose work experience has not reached 5 years, if it is issued, then they must make an appropriate entry in the work book.

Are there any benefits for awarding a Ministerial diploma?

The awardees do not receive the expected monthly financial support from the state in 2017, however, they are provided with benefits that labor veterans have. In fact, the honorary title is equated to the title of "Veteran of Labour". Therefore, in order to be able to use the benefits of the Ministerial Letter, you must contact the territorial department of the social protection service of the Russian Federation and apply for a “Veteran of Labor”.

The main benefits that the holder of an honorary diploma at the federal level receives are included in the following list:

  1. Travel by public city transport, with the exception of taxis, is free of charge. You must have a certificate confirming the status of "Veteran of Labour" with you.
  2. Utilities are paid with a 50% discount.
  3. Leave is granted taking into account the time convenient for the labor veteran.
  4. Free installation and repair of already inserted dentures in public dentistry, you will have to pay for the materials.
  5. Free provision of medical care in a hospital and clinic.

Benefits of regional significance

In addition to federal benefits, the Ministerial Charter provides the right to benefits in the regions, they can only be used in a single region. This:

  1. A little monthly help.
  2. Housing payment in the amount of 50% of the accrued utility bills, taking into account social norms. Anything above that will have to be paid for by the recipient of the award.
  3. Organization of free refresher courses.

Tax benefits for labor veterans in the Russian Federation

The tax legislation that is in force in 2017 in Russia approves the following list of benefits for labor veterans:

  1. If a citizen of the Russian Federation is the owner of real estate, he is exempt from property tax deductions.
  2. The remaining amounts on the property tax deduction relating to personal income tax are transferred to the previous tax periods. Ownership of property allows a labor veteran to make a tax deduction for the cost of buying land or real estate in the amount of 2-3 million, the same applies to purchases on credit. Deductions are made for 2 periods, which are tax.
  3. In some regions of Russia, labor veterans are exempted from the need to make deductions for transport and land taxes.

Awarded with an honorary Ministerial diploma, living in Moscow, receive additional benefits in addition to those listed, which are also available to labor veterans:

  1. Free travel on commuter trains.
  2. Free spa treatment once a year.

How to get the title of "Veteran of Labor"

A labor veteran's certificate can be obtained at the territorial branch of the local authority, which provides social protection for the population. Employees will offer to leave an application in writing, it is drawn up according to the model. You must also bring the following documents with you:

  • original passport and a photocopy certified by a notary;
  • diploma supplement;
  • employment history;
  • extract from the current place of work;
  • a couple of photographs 3 by 4 cm.

The originals can be picked up immediately, after verification by the employees. After 30 days, the title of "Veteran of Labor" should be issued. If the status is denied, the applicant is notified within 35 days after his application.

If the veteran's certificate is lost

If you have lost a document, do not panic - it can be restored by obtaining a duplicate. Again, contact the territorial department of the social protection service and describe in the application the reasons for the loss or damage to the certificate. You should have a passport, a photocopy of it, 2 photographs with you.

After 3 days, a new certificate is issued, the law does not provide for a penalty for loss. In 2017, a duplicate is issued according to a written application by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

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Veteran of labour";

  • a certificate from the direct employer - the document is required for officially employed citizens;
  • a certificate from the territorial office of the Pension Fund, as well as a notarized copy of the pension certificate.

In the process of drawing up the application, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it displays: Detailed details of the territorial department of Social Protection of the Population Full information about the applicant Full initials, year of birth, etc. A detailed list of Accompanying documentation Additionally on the application form and the Head of the territorial representation of the social protection of the population must put a mark on “Assign” or “Refuse to provide”.

Get compensation and benefits

For women At age 55, 20 years of work experience is required In 2018, seniority criteria may be adjusted as many regions grant status based on the required work experience. In particular: For men On average, it should be 40 years For women The minimum figure is 35 years The Federal Law “On Veterans”, in particular Art. 6, it is allowed to grant status to citizens who have conducted official labor activity in the period from 1935 to 1945, being underage and later worked: Men At least 40 years Women At least 35 years prove the fact of official employment in the non-temporarily occupied territories of the USSR.

How to get the title of labor veteran

Where to apply The procedure and conditions for obtaining the title of "Veteran of Labor", as well as the measures of social support provided, are determined by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As a rule, a veteran's certificate is issued by the social protection authorities at the place of residence. When applying, you will need to fill out an application and provide Required documents.

In almost all regions, an application can be submitted both on paper and electronically. What documents are needed The list of necessary documents that will be required for registration of a veteran's crust in different regions is quite similar. After all, you need to confirm the existence of the grounds established by federal law.

What benefits are provided if there is a ministerial letter

Each region of the state has its own Regulations on Labor Veterans, according to which a certificate is issued further. This form is issued to the executive body, and its presence provides the citizen with a number of social benefits and benefits. The decision to issue or deny the rank to the applicant is made by social protection workers on the basis of all the necessary documents.
The term for making a decision can be no more than 30 days, while five days are provided for informing the applicant about his decision. As a result, the waiting time reaches 35 days. The main features of filling out an application An application for a title is written in a certain form.

The title of a labor veteran in 2018, what experience is needed, how to get it, benefits


Along with the presence of state awards and departmental insignia, a candidate for the assignment of a veteran title must have the appropriate work (insurance) length of service taken into account for the appointment of a pension, or the length of service necessary for the assignment of a pension. The length of service is the total duration of periods of work and other activities that are counted in the length of service for receiving a pension. In turn, the insurance experience is understood as the total duration of periods of work and (or) other activities for which insurance premiums were accrued and paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as other periods counted as insurance experience in accordance with pension legislation.

Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - benefits and payments

  • service free of charge in state medical institutions.

Speaking about regional benefits, the most common of them are considered to be: Financial supplements to the pension (old age) Including seniority - for working citizens treatment Sanatorium-resort Provision of tax benefits In particular, we are talking about exemption from property tax, lowering the tax base for personal income tax, and so on. Most status holders often declare the importance of benefits that are valid today:

  • in the capital;
  • in St. Petersburg;
  • other regions of Russia.

In particular, we are talking about the possibility of free production and repair of dentures.

Rules for obtaining a labor veteran certificate in Moscow in 2018

Among them are also letters from the Ministries. They are awarded to a few and to have a letter of this type is quite honorable. However, many are interested in the following question: what benefits does a letter from the Ministry give? And are they available at all? Let's take a look at the award preferences in this article. Content

  • 1 Who can be awarded?
  • 2 Are privileges granted to holders of ministerial letters?
    • 2.1 List of preferences granted
    • 2.2 Benefits at the regional level
  • 3 Ways to get a reward
  • 4 What to do if the document is lost?

Who can be awarded? Those who work hard at school, university, institute, college and any other educational institution can receive this award; workers who work in executive bodies that improve the level of education at the local as well as district level.

The deduction is distributed over 2 tax periods and is not transferred further. What benefits does the letter give: benefits in Moscow

  1. A voucher, paid at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, to a sanatorium and resort institution once a year.
  2. Free use of commuter train services.

Read also the article ⇒ "What are the benefits for labor veterans in Moscow in 2018". Legislative acts on the topic Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 On the Status of Veterans, on Benefits for Veterans Typical Mistakes Error: A citizen awarded with a Ministerial Certificate applies for benefits without issuing a labor veteran certificate. Commentary: By itself, the Ministerial letter does not imply the appointment of any benefits and payments. You can get privileges after issuing a veteran labor certificate.

In 2018, this order has not changed, and you can still get the title without awards if you have the above work experience. In addition, there are privileged categories of citizens who can receive the title of "Veteran of Labor" without awards:

  • These are children who worked during the Great Patriotic War. However, simply the fact of carrying out labor activity during the war as a minor is not enough.

    It is necessary to have an additional length of service indicated above.

  • Citizens marked with departmental industrial insignia, such as: “Best Metallurgist”, Excellence in Production”, “Accident Eliminator of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation” and other similar distinguishing marks issued for good service or work. Additionally, the applicant, on this basis, must have the length of service necessary for the calculation of an old-age pension or a seniority pension.

Is a ministerial letter received in 2018 eligible for benefits

State awards deserve not only military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies - civilians can also apply for various incentives for any merit. For example, it is extremely honorable to earn a Ministerial diploma. It is generally accepted that the receipt of any awards is necessarily accompanied by the appointment of privileges.

Let's find out if this statement is true, and what benefits the Ministerial letter gives. Who can earn a Ministerial Certificate of Appreciation A Ministerial Certificate of Appreciation is not issued to employees whose seniority is less than 5 years. But if this happens, then a corresponding entry is made in the work book.

In addition to the main documentation, you must additionally provide 2 photos:

  • one of them is used for the questionnaire;
  • the second will be pasted into the certificate after the award of the title.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in case of receiving, in the opinion of the applicant, an unlawful refusal to confer the title of “Veteran of Labour”, he has the legal right to file a claim:

  • directly to the head of the Department of the territorial department of social protection of the population, in which the refusal followed;
  • directly to the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Demography of the Regions;
  • to various courts.

In most cases, citizens who have awards or other insignia of labor distinctions may be refused due to a banal discrepancy between the awards and those indicated in the legal documentation of a particular region.
Beneficiaries who have an award from the Ministry of Education and Science, who live in Moscow itself, have additional features:

  • Possibility of free use of suburban transport.
  • Possibility of free treatment in a sanatorium once a year, etc.

Ways to receive an award An award in the form of a diploma for pedagogical and scientific merits can be received by applying to the local authorities that protect the population. After writing an application drawn up according to the model and providing the necessary documents, namely a passport, a photocopy of it certified by a notary, a work book, an extract from work, a pair of photographs three by four centimeters, a month later the title will be issued. If they decide not to award the title, then the applicant must be notified of this no later than thirty days from the date of application.

- persons awarded orders or medals, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental insignia in labor and having the length of service necessary for the appointment of an old-age pension or a long service pension; - persons who started their labor activity at a minor age during the Great Patriotic War and have at least 40 years of experience for men and 35 years for women.

Regulations on industry awards of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FROM G

Regulations on industry awards of the Ministry of General and Professional Russian Federation APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DATED 01/13/1999

Industry awards of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation are a form of encouraging and stimulating the work of employees of preschool institutions, general educational [primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education] institutions, institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher professional and postgraduate professional education, institutions of additional education for adults, special (correctional) institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, institutions of additional education, institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives), institutions of additional education for children, other institutions, carrying out the educational process, having a license for the right to conduct educational activities, as well as governing bodies, research institutes, scientific and methodological centers and associations of the system of the Ministry of Education of Russia, other organizations that solve the problems of education, for merits and achievements in upbringing, education, science, economy and other fields of activity.

Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

- I work as a teacher at the school of arts, folk and pop department, 33 years of experience.

I work part-time as the head of the folk vocal and instrumental ensemble of the city Palace of Creativity (30 years).

Thanks to this position, he received the title of "Honored Worker of Culture". Are there any additional payments to the title of "Honored Worker of Culture"?

- In this case, the teacher can apply for an increase in wages using a tariff coefficient corresponding to a higher category than provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements) for the positions of employees of educational institutions (without assigning a higher category).

Regulations on the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry and Science of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2010

N 580) 1. The diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the diploma) is awarded to employees of educational and scientific organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and employees of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies exercising management in the field of education and / or science, for: a significant contribution to the training of highly professional specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel, retraining and advanced training of education and / or science workers; introduction of new technologies, forms and methods of education into the educational and upbringing processes, ensuring the unity of education and upbringing, the formation of the intellectual, cultural and moral development of the individual; development of scientific research on topical issues of fundamental and applied science, including education, achievements in regional, federal, international educational and scientific and technical projects; success in the practical training of students and pupils, in the development of their creative activity and independence; constant and active assistance to educational and / or scientific organizations in the training of qualified specialists, the development of the material and technical base, the employment of graduates of educational organizations; many years of conscientious, fruitful work in the system of education and/or science.

Less than a year ago, the conditions for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labour" changed, but dozens of residents of the Penza region have already been denied this status. Why is it becoming more and more difficult to become an honorary worker and receive benefits? The answer to this question decided to find "ML".

The rules have changed
On July 1, 2016, the Federal Law “On Veterans” was amended. A prerequisite for conferring an honorary title, first of all, is the presence of a labor (insurance) length of service taken into account for the appointment of a pension (at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women), or the length of service required for the appointment of a pension for long service in calendar terms.
Those who apply for a veteran title must be awarded orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation or awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental insignia for merit in labor (service) and long-term work (service) for at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy).
Each federal agency (Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, etc.)

e.) now approves only one departmental insignia, which gives the right to confer the title of "Veteran of Labour". This is the requirement of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 578 of June 25, 2016. Simply put, if before July 1, 2016, dozens of various awards, letters of appreciation and thanks from the federal ministry could have been classified as departmental insignia, now there is only one. And getting it is not so easy!

List of awards shortened
Let's take the education industry as an example. Until July 1, 2016, a teacher could become a labor veteran with one of the following awards:
medal of K. D. Ushinsky;
honorary title (“Honorary Worker of Various Fields of the Industry”);
Chest sign;
Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
“Now the right to confer the title of “Veteran of Labor” through the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation gives only one departmental insignia,” Alexandra Suvorova, a legal labor inspector of the Penza regional organization of the trade union of education and science workers of the Russian Federation, told ML.

This is the "Golden badge of distinction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation." It was approved by order No. 1223 dated September 26, 2016.”
To receive such a high award, a number of conditions must be met. The first is the presence of at least 15 years of work experience in this field and at least 3 years of experience in the organization that applies for the award. The second is the presence of one departmental award of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (honorary title, badge, medal). The third is the presence of professional merit. Fourth - the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction. Fifth - the absence of an unresolved disciplinary sanction.

Diploma, rank and badge
Let's take a closer look at the second condition. To be awarded the Golden Badge of Distinction, you must first earn one of the departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science. These can be medals of K. D. Ushinsky or L. S. Vygotsky; honorary titles "Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation"; "Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation"; "Honorary worker in the sphere of education of children and youth of the Russian Federation", badge "For mercy and charity".
“In order to receive one of these awards, a number of conditions must be met,” continues Alexandra Suvorova. “At the same time, the awarding of the “Golden Badge of Distinction” is possible no earlier than three years after the awarding of the departmental award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.”
Please note that if a departmental award was received before July 1, 2016, then the title of “Veteran of Labor” can be awarded to a citizen on the old grounds.

How to get a diploma in education

So, for example, last year in the Penza region, up to this date, several dozen educators were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. They will be able to receive an honorary title based on this departmental badge.
Those who received or will receive the same certificates of honor after July 1, 2016, not earlier than two years later will be able to earn the honorary title (“Honorary Worker in the Sphere of Education of the Russian Federation”; “Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation”; “Honorary Worker in the Sphere of Education of Children and youth of the Russian Federation). And only then - not earlier than three years later - the "Golden Badge of Distinction". Only after that, having the necessary experience, citizens will be able to count on the veteran title.

Who did not have time, he was late
“With the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the situation turned out to be more complicated,” Alexander Shavshaev, head of the legal labor inspectorate, chief legal labor inspector of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Penza Region, told ML. “During the past year, first one insignia was established, then another.”
So, on March 14, 2016, order No. 654 was issued. In accordance with it, the departmental insignia in labor of the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation, giving the right to receive the title "Veteran of Labor", is the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. But this order was not published and did not pass the state registration. On October 28, 2016, order No. 3838 was issued. In accordance with it, the medal “Labor Valor” is considered to be a departmental insignia that gives the right to receive the title “Veteran of Labor”.
“Many who received the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Industry and Trade before June 30, 2016,” continues Shavshaev, “have already received the veteran title. Those who received on July 4, 2016 were denied such a title.”
After July 1, 2016, you can become a veteran only if you have the Labor Valor medal. Until July 1, several awards gave such a right - the honorary titles "Honorary Aircraft Builder"; "Honorary miner"; "Honorary Engineer"; "Honorary Metallurgist"; "Honorary metrologist"; "Honorary worker of the forest industry"; "Honorary Worker of the Textile and Light Industry", etc. As well as two badges, a Certificate of Honor and Gratitude from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
Dozens of citizens who work at industrial enterprises of the region and received federal certificates of honor after July 1, 2016, receive refusals from the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Demography of the Penza Region.
“Several people have already applied to the Federation of Trade Unions of the Penza Region,” Alexander Vladimirovich said. - They work at enterprises in Serdobsk and Penza. We were forced to apply to the court for a solution to this issue, but so far the court of first instance has refused to satisfy the claim.”
In order to become owners of a departmental insignia - the Labor Valor medal - industry workers must have professional merits, at least 15 years of experience in this field and at least 3 years in the organization that applies for the award, departmental insignia (honorary title, breastplate badge, medal of V. V. Bakhirev), the absence of an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record and an unexpunged disciplinary sanction.

Why strive for a title?
Labor veterans living in Penza have a number of benefits. First, this is a monthly cash payment of 330 rubles. Secondly, monthly monetary compensation for the costs of paying for housing and utilities in the amount of 50 percent of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services.
Thirdly, monthly monetary compensation for the cost of using local telephone services, regardless of the type of subscriber line (wire line or radio line), fixed telephone network in the amount of 180 rubles.
Fourthly, the right to preferential travel in urban ground electric transport and road transport along the routes of regular transportation of the city of Penza on a preferential transport card. Its price is 320 rubles based on 40 trips per month.
And finally, preferential travel by suburban rail transport within the Penza region on weekends and holidays from 20 April to 30 October. For 50 percent of the cost, you can purchase a monthly pass - a weekend ticket.

Employees of scientific and educational institutions, as well as employees of science and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for services to the state are awarded special distinctions and have certain benefits over their colleagues.

Certificate of Appreciation from the Ministry of Education

Employees of educational institutions are awarded a certificate of honor for:

  • Use in the upbringing and educational process of advanced forms and teaching methods that contribute to the formation of the cultural, moral and intellectual development of the individual;
  • Significant contribution to the training of highly qualified professionals in the scientific and pedagogical field, as well as retraining of personnel and subsequent advanced training of employees of science and / or education;
  • Successes achieved in the practical training of the teaching staff, as well as participation in the development of their independence and creative (professional) activity;
  • Development of new scientific solutions and research aimed at considering topical problems of applied and fundamental science, including the problems of developing education at the regional, federal and international levels with participation in scientific and technical projects;
  • Conscientious attitude to work and many years of fruitful work in the system of science and / or education;
  • Regular assistance to scientific and educational organizations and institutions in the training of highly qualified specialists, as well as assistance in the employment of graduates of Russian universities and the improvement of the material and technical base.

The high award is given to employees who have a continuous work experience of at least 5 years in an educational institution of any form of ownership. The description, as well as the drawing that is applied to the front side of the diploma, are reflected in the annex to the current Regulation of the Ministry of Science.

The procedure for obtaining an honorary diploma

The awarding procedure is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Procedure for awarding high departmental awards (Appendix to this Order No. 12).

The diploma is awarded to employees in a solemn atmosphere in the institution where the distinguished employee works. This event is reflected in the employee's work book with a corresponding award record. Teachers and employees of educational institutions are awarded a certificate of honor once - re-awarding according to the law of the Russian Federation is not provided. The presence of a departmental award does not give the right to distinguished employees to receive additional benefits from the state.

In the event of the loss of a ministerial award due to a natural disaster or other force majeure circumstances, if there was no possibility of saving the award, the victim must report this incident to the appropriate authorities. Employees of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, at the request of a previously awarded employee, issue a duplicate of the document, since this documentation is kept by this department.

The procedure for issuing all the documentation necessary for awarding is reflected in the Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 93in / 18-02 dated April 14, 1999 “On the procedure for submitting documents for awarding scientific and educational workers with industry and state awards”.

We are all used to the fact that awards and benefits are granted only to those who proved themselves in wartime, accomplished a feat, etc. In fact, awards can also be general civil. Among them are also letters from the Ministries. They are awarded to a few and to have a letter of this type is quite honorable. However, many are interested in the following question: what benefits does a letter from the Ministry give? And are they available at all? Let's take a look at the award preferences in this article.

Those who work hard at school, university, institute, college and any other educational institution can receive this award; workers who work in executive bodies that improve the level of education at the local as well as district level. The diploma can be awarded to teachers who introduce new methods and technologies into the training program for better education. A doctor who has proposed innovative methods in the field of curing a serious illness can also have a certificate. It should be noted that a citizen who has worked for less than five years cannot receive a letter. If, in this case, the diploma was nevertheless issued, then in the work book of the awarded person there should be a corresponding note.

Are privileges granted to holders of ministerial letters?

It should be noted that holders of this type of diploma will not receive financial support every month. But they will be able to get the same benefits that any labor veteran has. To receive benefits, you should apply to the Social Protection Service of the Russian Federation and receive the appropriate award.

List of given preferences

The main advantages of the holder of the certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the benefits provided, namely:

  1. The winner of the award can use public transport free of charge upon presentation of the document.
  2. The holder of a diploma from the minister will be able to pay for housing and communal services with a fifty percent discount.
  3. The beneficiary can take a vacation at a convenient time for him, out of turn.
  4. The ability to install and treat dentures for free in a public medical institution (important - the material will remain paid).
  5. The opportunity to receive free qualified medical care in clinics and at home, etc.

Regional Benefits

Benefits at the regional level may differ slightly from the federal ones. They may be as follows:

  1. Housing subsidies, taking into account social norms.
  2. Opportunity to take free training courses.
  3. tax benefits.

Many are interested: is it possible to receive tax benefits for holders of such an honorary diploma? If possible, which ones? It is indeed quite possible. The owner of real estate should be exempted from the tax burden. Ownership rights to property make it possible to make a tax deduction for the cost of land acquisition in the amount of two to three million. The deduction is issued in two tax periods. In some Russian regions, the holder of a diploma will be exempted from the obligation to make deductions for certain types of taxes.

Beneficiaries who have an award from the Ministry of Education and Science, who live in Moscow itself, have additional features:

  • Possibility of free use of suburban transport.
  • Possibility of free treatment in a sanatorium once a year, etc.

Ways to receive a reward

An award in the form of a diploma for pedagogical and scientific merits can be obtained by applying to the local authorities that protect the population. After writing an application drawn up according to the model and providing the necessary documents, namely a passport, a photocopy of it certified by a notary, a work book, an extract from work, a pair of photographs three by four centimeters, a month later the title will be issued. If they decide not to award the title, then the applicant must be notified of this no later than thirty days from the date of application.

What to do if the document is lost?

There is nothing wrong with losing your ID. Since it is envisaged to receive a duplicate, after submitting an application to the territorial authority, indicating the reason for the restoration. Three days later, they can already issue a duplicate. You won't have to pay a fine.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the most important are not the material preferences that the recipient can receive, but the respect and honor that a citizen is entitled to. The surrounding people, colleagues and the state will certainly appreciate the contribution made to the science and culture of the country.

Below, in order to systematize what was said above, a table is provided, the data of which will help to briefly familiarize yourself with the main issues of the article.

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