Preparing a child for nursery. What a child needs in kindergarten: a list of necessary things, accessories and documents What is a nursery for children

How to choose the right nursery for your baby? This question is asked, if not all, then almost all parents of babies. After all, the time has hardly come to send the child to a nursery, as parents begin to rack their brains over choosing the best option for their son or daughter. What should be considered the main criterion when choosing a nursery? What should you pay special attention to? This and many other questions torment parents of young children.

Which nursery should be given priority?

Of course, if the family has the appropriate finances, you can choose a private nursery for your baby. By sending a child to such a nursery, you can be sure of an individual approach to each child, as well as better and more thorough care. Accordingly, in this case, the choice of nurseries will be more extensive.


It is worth knowing that the main criteria for choosing a nursery for a child are nutrition, the number of children in the group, as well as the qualifications of educators and nannies. Not the last role in all this is played by the professionalism of the medical staff.

The number of children in the group should be relatively small, then there will be a real chance that the child will receive maximum attention. The fact is that the number of contacts and, accordingly, the likelihood of contracting infectious diseases is decreasing.


The next important factor influencing the choice of a nursery for a child should be considered the territorial location. Even if you know for sure that on the other side of the city there are, without exaggeration, magnificent nurseries, from which children are delighted and parents praise, but it will be expensive to get to them for longer than 20 minutes. It's best to cross them off the list right away. If the kid has to get to the kindergarten for a long time every day, and even on foot, or even worse - shaking at rush hour in public transport, then this is a bad idea, because the road will exhaust the child.

The vast majority of nurseries have a work schedule from 7 to 19.00, but some institutions work only until 17.00, so it is very important to clarify the work schedule in advance.


When approaching a kindergarten or candidate nursery, inspect them carefully from the outside. Is there an intercom on the door? Is their gate securely locked? How is everything arranged, is the place for children's walks well arranged? Are there dangerous objects or structures on the territory of the garden? It is also important how clean the area around the garden is, whether there is clutter with garbage, whether the sandboxes with swings are broken. Based on their own observations, it is possible to draw certain conclusions about the well-being, as well as the safety of the children's institution.


It is advisable to go to the kindergarten. First you can do it yourself, then with a child. Be sure to ask him if he likes it there? The kid will always feel negative or, conversely, he will show interest in these nurseries.

Nursery staff

Walk around the likely options to talk to staff and parents who take their own children to these establishments. It will be equally important to find out what menu is offered to kids in a nursery.

It would be highly desirable to speak with the manager. First, you can ask her about what kind of classes are held with children, which teachers work in kindergarten, and also how many children attend each group. Secondly, in the course of the conversation, it will be possible to form some idea of ​​her professional qualities and attitude towards children.

But, at the same time, it should be borne in mind that at times there are managers who are talented advertisers. In other words, they very convincingly create an artificial hype for their establishment. One of the most common tricks is to organize an appointment. Therefore, it will never be superfluous to check once again whether the reputation of a given institution exactly corresponds to reality.

There are other reasons to talk to the staff of the nursery you are most likely to enroll your baby in first. Firstly, in this way, you will know exactly all the features of the daily routine of children - what time do they walk and when do they sleep, what do they eat, and so on. It will also be known whether there are speech therapists and child psychologists in the selected nurseries. Correlating all this with the number of children in the group and the cost of visiting, it will be possible to conclude that it is advisable to enroll a son or daughter in this institution. It is better to spend a lot of time searching for and choosing a nursery than to urgently look for a replacement for an unsuccessful institution.


The right choice of a preschool institution, especially a nursery, will lay the foundation for a child's attitude towards being outside the home. How comfortable the baby will feel in the group depends on the nutrition and qualifications, as well as the experience of the staff. Not the last role in the choice is played by the location of the institution. Getting to the nursery located on the other side of the city by public transport is inconvenient and tiring.

How good is he kindergarten

Many give the child to a nursery because of the lack of the opportunity to raise a child at home, but there are those who have a skeptical attitude towards them. Parental opinion also fluctuates due to conflicting information. Some psychologists talk about the suffering of a baby in a nursery group, while others argue that what younger child the sooner you will get used to it. After all, in the future it will be necessary. Consider the features of the issue of babies in a nursery.

Baby nursery general information

Baby nursery pluses

Mom can go to work and, in general, parents have free time. The child in the nursery lives according to the schedule (food - walks - food - sleep - food - walk), which has a beneficial effect on his development. Moreover, the menu in the kindergarten is balanced for the healthy growth of the baby. with all comrades. The child in the garden has classes in all-round development. He communicates with other kids of his age, which gives him a leap in his development. On a walk, children in the nursery run and jump a lot, which provides physical activity for a healthy daily routine. The younger the baby entered the nursery, the less risk that he will have a crisis during the transition to the kindergarten.

Nursery for kids cons

At first there will be a stream of whims and crying from the baby. Because during this age period, the child is afraid to be left without a mother, experiencing the fear of losing her forever.

The next disadvantage is frequent illnesses. First, stress can weaken a child's immune system. And secondly, constant contact with other babies opens the way to a variety of infections. Even a teacher cannot replace the mother and her love, which the baby needs so much in this period (psychologists say that up to three years, the baby really needs maternal care). Some children do not like to play with their peers, more striving for adult children. Also, such a small child cannot yet tell when he was offended. Well, the most significant disadvantage is that parents will miss the wonderful moments of their baby's childhood.

Nursery for kids results

If we weigh all the opinions of doctors, psychologists and similar specialists, parents take risks by sending a baby to a nursery. A favorable period for this is approximately three years. And until this age, it is better for the baby to remain under the supervision and care of mom and dad. In any case, before giving the child to the kindergarten, you need to weigh all the positive and negative aspects.

On the topic “should I send the child to a nursery?” many copies have been broken: some urge to change their minds and not leave babies in an unfamiliar place, with strangers "aunts" and other people's children at least up to three years old, others assure: a child needs a nursery, the younger he is, the easier it is for him to get used to the new environment. Where is the truth? At one and a half to two years old, the baby still cannot really explain what he feels, so it is better to make a decision on the need for a nursery based on the advice of psychologists and simple common sense.

From what and until what age does a child go to a nursery, and not to a kindergarten?

First of all, let's figure out what it is in general - a nursery. Where is the line between nurseries and kindergarten? In most cases, when sending a baby to a nursery, we are talking about nursery groups of commercial kindergartens. State institutions have departed from the practice of Soviet times and provide places in kindergartens mainly to children who have reached three years of age. At the same time, paid parental leave lasts only one and a half years. So a logical question arises for mothers: what to do, stay at home, relying on her husband's earnings, or return to work and send the child to a nursery, usually on a commercial basis. Single mothers who do not have a part-time job and financial assistance from their relatives usually do not see any other way out but to send them to a nursery.

From how many months or years they are taken to a nursery - there is no definite answer to this question. There are rare establishments that provide such a service even for 9-month-old babies. But usually the bottom bar for toddlers is one and a half to two years. At this age, children already have minimal self-care skills: they ask for a potty, they know how to eat and drink without the help of adults.

It is believed that a nursery is a group of a preschool institution for young children, namely up to 3 years. Three-year-olds are already officially considered preschoolers, and from this age they attend not a nursery, but a kindergarten.

Manger: for and against

It is possible to argue endlessly about the pros and cons of the early departure of the baby into the world, but some points are obvious even to the most ardent supporters of one or another position.

Advantages of a nursery

1. Mom can go to work . Perhaps this is the main advantage of the early separation of the baby from home. But the period of adaptation to a new place of residence will certainly be accompanied by illnesses, and in the first months, it is quite possible that you and your child will often be at home on sick leave.

2. Mom has a change of scenery and relax at work. Unfortunately, child fatigue is a complaint, albeit often anonymous, on the Internet of so many women on maternity leave. It is better if the decision whether to send the child to a nursery is still made not for a similar motive.

3. Regime in the nursery . You can be sure that the child's day is organized taking into account age norms. The baby will be fed, put to bed and taken out for a walk according to a strict schedule. Children are provided with a balanced diet, and these crumbs are usually supplemented with food.

4. Progress in development . Many mothers boast that it was the early departure to the nursery that provoked a jump in speech, improved self-care skills, and taught the baby to communicate with peers. Another question is that all this happens under stressful conditions, when the baby does not just copy the actions of his peers, but is forced to learn new things at an accelerated pace, frightened by an unfamiliar environment.

5. Engage and play with children . You can be sure that your child has an age-appropriate developing play environment. It is classes for the smallest that are rarely possible, in early age babies are still very restless: they mostly play with toys and run back and forth. The main function of the educator of the younger preschool group is to keep track of the physical needs of children, prevent dangers and help in case of difficulty.

6. Tempering for immunity . This plus is somewhat controversial, but some experts argue: for normal immunity, the nursery is not a hindrance, but the first, “adaptive” diseases are a temporary phenomenon. After the baby gets used to the nursery, his immunity will eventually be better “trained” than that of a domestic child. But still, think about it, does the baby need such a serious immune load at exactly one and a half to two years old?

Cons of a nursery

1. The baby will be uncomfortable and sad without a mother . All psychologists say: up to three years, the child feels like a single whole with his mother and wants to be with her 24 hours a day! With a healthy, properly formed attachment to the mother, a one and a half year old baby will show reluctance to be in the nursery, either actively, with the help of crying, aggression and whims, or starting to get sick all the time. And this is nothing more than a passive protest and a desire to stay at home with mom. In rare children, the stress of going to a nursery can manifest itself in a decrease in activity, a bad mood, and a loss of interest in familiar pleasures.

Separation anxiety (fear of parting with a loved one) only begins to subside after 1.5 years, and excessive attention from strangers still causes fear. A two-year-old, most likely, will already perceive separation more calmly, but even at this age, his connection with his mother is still very strong, and stress will manifest itself one way or another.

Of course, a child from a dysfunctional family in a nursery will be comfortable - he will be happy with any generally favorable conditions. But the likelihood that, living in such conditions, the baby will end up in a private commercial kindergarten is extremely small.

You should not rely on the advice of your own parents: “But we sent you to a nursery, and everything is fine! Cry and stop." Doing what you decide is always easier. If you have a choice (and you almost always have one), you need to approach the “nursery” topic in a balanced way, taking into account, first of all, the interests of the child.

Sooner or later, the baby will surely come to terms with the fact that he now has to go to the nursery every day. Simply because he is smaller, weaker and has no other choice but to follow the will of his parents. But at what cost this “adaptation” will pass for him, and how it will affect trust in the world and in mom and dad is a very difficult question.

2. The child begins to get sick often . This problem of toddlers follows from point 1. The psychosomatic theory of disease has already been recognized by many doctors, and in relation to children it manifests itself to the fullest.

In addition, which is also important, the smaller the child, the weaker his own immunity. Many ENT doctors advise not to overload the respiratory system until 3-4 years. It is not for nothing that for the parents of many toddlers chronic diseases of the throat, adenoids and otitis media, "suddenly" attacking their crumbs, become a constant headache.

3. An outsider will never replace your own mother . Even the most talented teacher is a surrogate compared to her mother, and no developmental activities can be compared with her mother's care. With all the desire to give children love and kindness, the educator will never love them as relatives. And given that the nursery group usually consists of 10-20 children, think for yourself whether it is possible to achieve the same individual approach to each of the kids as they would receive at home.

4. Unnatural Nursery Environment For small child. Even in the old days, when they gave birth every year and the families were large, these same families did not consist of 10 children of the same age. In addition, being in a nursery, the child is cut off from the family, absorbing from an early age that the adult world is something far away, and it does not belong there.

5. Loss of precious moments of your baby's childhood . Mom, tired at work, will not be able to fully pay attention to the baby in the evening. And a housewife mother will simply lose the opportunity to see many joyful moments in the development of her own child.

6. Socialization for the smallest is meaningless . Children under 3 years old do not yet play together, they are engaged in "nearby", each with his own business. And the assurances of the parents “Yes, he is bored with me!”, “He is so drawn to children” is nothing more than self-deception.

7. A small child can't complain if they offend him in the manger. But educators, unfortunately, are different. And another child can bite or push your baby, and you won't even know about it. Just feel it out of nowhere appeared fear of the manger.

8. Up to 3 years, the personality of the child is formed and his basic trust in the world. Surely you want the baby to look like you, and not like a nanny or teacher. What words your baby will hear from other children and strangers is unknown. And the answer to the question: “And where did he get this from?” obvious in this situation.

Should I send my child to a nursery?

The decision in matters of upbringing and caring for the child always remains with the parents. If a mother does not have the opportunity to sit with a baby up to three years old, then the solution is obvious - there should be a nursery. But when a family is considering the option of commercial nursery groups in order to simply free up time for mom for household chores and leisure - in this case, it is worth listening to the opinion of psychologists. Do not rush to "surrender" the child somewhere. In a nursery, he is unlikely to receive irreplaceable knowledge and skills - you will teach him the same at home, while learning will be smooth and psychologically comfortable for the baby.

It also happens: a mother is pregnant with her second child, and sending her older child to the nursery seems logical to her, because it will be very difficult with two. In fact, it can become harder just in the version you plan. Illnesses of an older child, his stress from separation from home and mother, plus manifestations of jealousy for a baby who has come from nowhere - such a lump of problems will almost certainly entail the "surrender" of the baby to a nursery.

A child should be sent to a nursery only in extreme cases. If there is no special financial need for this, but you are very tired on maternity leave, look for alternative options: a nanny, development centers, relatives, or so-called “family” kindergartens. The psychological well-being of the baby is still more expensive than some of the difficulties that arise with him in everyday life.

Photo from Lori's photo bank

nursery- This is a state institution that provides education for children aged 2 months. up to 3 years. In the nursery, measures are taken to protect health, the correct physical and mental development of the child.

Most nurseries were built according to approved standard designs; they must have a landscaped and specially equipped area. Standard projects of the nursery provide for separate rooms for children's groups, an isolation ward, administrative and utility rooms and catering facilities.

Necessary premises in the nursery: observation room (filter), reception room, and for each group a children's room (at the rate of 2.5 m 2 per child), bedroom (at the rate of 1.5 m 2 per child), veranda, toilet rooms . Each group should have its own outside entrance.

The nursery is divided into regional and departmental. Children are in the nursery, as a rule, only during the day for 9-14 hours, at night the parents take them home. For mothers who work in different shifts, who do not breastfeed their children, round-the-clock child care groups are organized in nurseries, in which children are during the whole week, parents take them home only on weekends.

By capacity, nurseries of the following categories are distinguished: 120, 100, 80, 60, 45, 30 and 20 seats. For organization proper care all children are divided into 4 age groups: the first group is made up of children under the age of 9 months. (a group of infants); the second - from 9 to 14 months. (sliding); the third - from 14 months. up to 2 years (medium); the fourth - from 2 to 3 years (senior). In the first two groups there should be no more than 15-18 children in each, in the last - no more than 20.

The furniture in each group should be comfortable, light, correspond to the growth and degree of development of children's motor skills. The reception room for each group of children is equipped with tables for examining children, wardrobes, sofas for undressing, etc. Each group must have its own wardrobes for toys. Children's clothing should be light, free, not restricting movement.

Children are admitted to the nursery according to the directions of the district Health Department (or according to the vouchers of the factory committee). All children undergo a medical examination and. Before the child enters the nursery and after any illness, not earlier than 1-2 days before admission to the nursery children's institution he is examined by the local pediatrician and gives a certificate stating that the child, for health reasons, can attend a children's institution, in addition, the mother submits a certificate from the district epidemiologist about the epidemic well-being in the house where the child lives.

In the nursery, an appropriate regimen is established for each children's group. When establishing the regime, not only the age of the child is taken into account, but also the state of his health and neuropsychic development.

The doctor and nurse constantly monitor the development and health of children in the nursery; a nurse (after examining children by a doctor) conducts all routine preventive vaccinations.

The nurse at the reception daily examines the child (skin, pharynx), interrogates the mother about his state of health, measures. The doctor examines children under the age of 6 months. 1 time per week, from 6 months. up to 1.5 years - twice a month, over 1.5 years - 1 time per month. Children are weighed: under the age of 6 months. every six days, from 6 months. up to 1.5 years - once every 10-15 days, older children are weighed once a month. Growth is measured in children under 1 year old once a month, older than one year - once a quarter. In nurseries with 80 or more children, an isolation ward is organized; the number of beds in it should be 10% of the total number of beds in the nursery.

The management of the nursery is entrusted to an employee with a special secondary medical education. Children's health is monitored by a nursery doctor, to which a nursery is attached. All information about the child is recorded in his developmental history. Nurses who work in nurseries, the so-called nursery nurses, must be specially trained to work in these institutions (see). They should be well acquainted with the issues of their care, prevention, and educational work in children's institutions.

nursery garden. In order to ensure continuity in the upbringing and medical care of preschool children (from 2 months to 7 years), since 1959, a network of unified children's institutions - nurseries-kindergartens has been developed.

The following categories of nursery-kindergartens are provided for capacity: 160, 135. 115, 90, 70, 45 seats.

Service for children from 3 to 7 years is carried out according to the type of kindergarten (see).

The united institution is headed by a specialist who has a higher pedagogical education and has graduated from special medical courses. The doctor, together with the teacher, develops a regimen for each age group, controls its implementation, monitors the neuropsychic and children.

Health workers who monitor the health of children in nurseries and nursery-gardens pay special attention to the diet. Nutrition of children should be complete in quantity and quality, differentiated depending on age. The following distribution of food calories is recommended: for breakfast and dinner - 25% each, for lunch - 35-40%, for afternoon tea - 10-15%. A prerequisite for the rational nutrition of children is the inclusion in the menu of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs. Parents' initiative groups are being created at city nurseries.

Rural nursery are created in regional centers, collective farms and state farms. In district centers and state farms, nurseries are maintained at the expense of the state budget, in collective farms - at the expense of the collective farm.

Medical supervision of the health of children in the nurseries of rural regional centers is carried out by a pediatrician of the district hospital, in the nurseries of collective farms and state farms - a specially assigned nurse or paramedic of the rural medical district. The nurse examines the child before entering the nursery, conducts preventive vaccinations under the supervision of a doctor, isolates the sick child and, if necessary, hospitalizes him, determines the quarantine period in case of infection in the nursery, monitors compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the nursery.

At rural nurseries, a public council is created to assist in the work of the nursery. The council consists of parents, representatives of the collective farm board, the rural community, and a nurse.

Nursery - state institution of public education of children aged 2 months. up to three years. In the nursery, along with the upbringing of the child, measures are taken to protect his health and physical development.

Already in the first years of Soviet power, a network of children's institutions began to be created. In 1913 there were only 550 places in the nursery, in 1928 their number increased to 62 thousand.

In 1936, the Soviet government adopted a resolution providing for the allocation of special appropriations for the construction of nurseries. After that, the nursery network began to grow rapidly. In 1940, 859.5 thousand children were brought up in nurseries, in 1959 - 1208.4 thousand.

In 1954-1955. standard designs of nurseries for 45-60-80-100 and 120 places were developed, which included rooms for children's groups, administrative and utility rooms, food block rooms, and isolation rooms. Children's groups are isolated from each other, there are independent entrances. When placing groups on the second floor, one entrance for two groups is allowed.

For each group there is a filter, a reception room, a children's room, a veranda, a toilet, for round-the-clock groups - an additional bedroom.

An institution with 80 or more beds has an isolation room with 8-12 beds for the treatment and isolation of children with non-communicable diseases.

In a day nursery, each child should have 2.5 m 2 of usable area (not counting utility rooms), in round-the-clock nurseries - 4 m 2.

The land plot is allotted at the rate of 35-40 m 2 per place; each group has its own site on the site; sites are isolated by green spaces. Sheds of 30-50 m 2 are arranged on the territory of the site to protect children from the sun and precipitation.

Nurseries can be day (children stay 9-12 hours), round-the-clock, working throughout the week, except Sunday, and sanatorium (serve children with tuberculosis intoxication and some initial forms of tuberculosis).

The number of children in infants and toddler groups - 15, middle and older - 20; grouped by age; The number of groups depends on the capacity of the institution.

For each group, a regimen is developed that matches the age of the children.

The main initial data taken into account when compiling the regime are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Scheme of the distribution of sleep, wakefulness and feeding time for children from 1 1/2 months to 3 years*

* Developed by N. M. Shchelovanov.

The nursery doctor takes part in the recruitment of groups, the admission of new children, the organization of the regimen and nutrition, monitors the physical and neuropsychic development, manages recreational activities and conducts specific prevention.

Nurseries are run by health authorities or various enterprises and departments. Methodological guidance is provided by the Ministry of Health of the USSR. In 1959, in order to implement a unified system of educating children of toddler and preschool age, which meets the objectives of subsequent education at school, it was allowed to combine, taking into account local conditions and opportunities, a nursery and a kindergarten into a single children's institution - a nursery-kindergarten.

Since 1960, new construction of preschool institutions has been carried out, as a rule, according to standard projects of joint institutions - nursery gardens.

United children's institutions have been widely developed. Children from 2 months old are brought up in the nursery-gardens. up to 7 years; they ensure the correct physical development of children, mental, moral, labor and aesthetic education taking into account age and individual characteristics. In 1960, 3,115,000 children were being brought up in kindergartens and day nurseries; by the beginning of 1966, there were more than 6 million children.

The management of the nursery garden, with the exception of departmental ones, is concentrated in the ministries of education of the Union republics; organization of treatment and preventive care - in the ministries of health.

Educational work is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the ministries of health and the ministries of education of the Union republics.

In terms of capacity, kindergartens are designed for 280, 140, 90 and 50 seats.

Specially constructed buildings provide premises for toddlers and preschool children, administrative and utility rooms. The principle of group isolation is preserved. In a nursery-garden for 140 seats and more, a room with an area of ​​75 m 2 is provided for conducting music and gymnastic classes. In institutions with a capacity of more than 50 children, a medical room is provided for medical examinations and preventive vaccinations.

In the daytime section for toddlers, there should be a reception room of 15 m 2, a play-dining room - 50 m 2, a veranda - 30 m 2 and a toilet - 10 m 2; in the section for round-the-clock groups - instead of a veranda, a bedroom with an area of ​​30 m 2; for preschoolers dressing room - 15 m 2, group - 62 m 2, toilet - 14 m 2, storage room for beds - 5 m 2; for groups with round-the-clock stay, a bedroom with an area of ​​50 m 2 is additionally provided; in the reception and dressing rooms for children's clothes are equipped with dryers or dryer cabinets with exhaust ventilation.

A separate entrance is recommended for the laundry room; the rest of the administrative and utility rooms may have an entrance shared with one of the groups; a catering unit, consisting of a kitchen with a harvesting, washing and pantry, is located on the ground floor, as a rule, has an independent entrance.

Nursery-kindergarten buildings must have water supply, sewerage, central heating; air temperature in the main rooms of groups 20 °, medical and toilet nursery groups 22 °; air exchange in one-story buildings is provided through vents and transoms; in two-story buildings, additional exhaust ventilation is provided.

The main premises of the nursery gardens have natural light. Light coefficient in game-dining rooms, group rooms, bedrooms, isolation room, sick child's room - 1:4, 1:5; in the rest - not less than 1: 8.

The land plot has zones: green spaces (about 50% of the plot area), group sites, household and general.

Group sites correspond to the number of groups in the institution; they are isolated from each other by green spaces and located near the exits from the premises, especially for younger groups. Sheds are arranged on the sites (with an area of ​​​​30 m 2 for toddlers and 50 mg for preschoolers).

A sports ground is arranged at the rate of 3 m 2 per child over the age of 3 years; a platform for animals and birds - 20 m 2, a berry garden - at the rate of 0.5 m 2 per child; the utility yard with utility rooms is located in the depths and has an independent entrance.

The placement of the main premises of the nursery with round-the-clock maintenance of children is shown in fig. 1 and 2.

Rice. 1. Floor plans of a two-story nursery-garden building: 1 - reception room; 2 - play-dining room; 3 - bedroom-veranda; 4 - group; 5 - dressing room; 6 - hall of musical and gymnastic classes; 7 - medical premises; 8 - kitchen; 9 - laundry room (above - the second floor, below - the first).
Rice. 2. General plan of a nursery-garden for 140 places (round-the-clock type): 1 - building of a nursery-garden; 2 - shady canopy for preschoolers; 3 - shady canopy for preschoolers; 4 - utility yard; 5 - splash pool; 6 - playground for the pre-preschool group; 7 - a playground for a preschool group; 8 - enclosure for animals; 9 - sports ground.

Institutions are equipped with furniture, taking into account the age characteristics of children in each group (Table 2). In the premises of nursery groups, furniture of two sizes is installed, for preschoolers - three sizes. The length of stay of children is the same as in the nursery; for children with tuberculosis intoxication and some local forms of tuberculosis, sanatorium nursery gardens are organized.

Table 2. Main dimensions of furniture (in cm)

A united institution is headed by a teacher with a higher education, small nursery-kindergartens can be managed by persons with a special secondary education. In groups of children under 2 years old, nurses work, in the rest - educators.

For each group set the appropriate mode and order of the day; meals are organized taking into account age and in accordance with the norms for children under 3 years old and from 3 to 7 years old; children from 1 to 3 years old receive 1300-1500 calories per day, children from 3 to 7 years old - 1800-2000 calories.

Groups are completed by age, in small nursery-gardens it is allowed to complete groups with children of mixed age.

The duties of a doctor are the same as in a nursery. Particular attention is paid to the organization of the correct regimen and the observance of continuity in the conduct of all processes when a child moves from one age group to another.

Rural nurseries can be permanent and temporary (seasonal for the period of field work); permanent nurseries are organized in regional centers; in state farms, collective farms - permanent and seasonal.

See also Playgrounds, Kindergarten, Maternal and child health.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Unfortunately, parents do not always have the opportunity to be inseparably with their children. Someone needs to work, someone needs to study - and the baby has to be sent to a nursery. But regardless of the situation, preparing for the nursery is a mandatory process if mom and dad want the baby to go as painlessly as possible. What do parents need to know about the baby's admission to the nursery?

Registration in a nursery - what and when to submit documents?

In the nursery one of the parents is served application for admission of the baby and the following documents:

When to apply?

Everyone knows about the acute shortage of places in preschool institutions. And to think about the fact that the baby will have to be sent to a nursery or kindergarten, follows after birth . Once you get your child's birth certificate, it's time to run and get in line. And - not to the preschool institution itself, as before, but to a special commission involved in the acquisition of kindergartens.

Nursery - from what age will be optimal for a child?

Not every mother can afford to sit at home with a baby for three years. For this difficult situation, nurseries are designed, in which babies are taken from 12 months. The main question remains - will the baby be able to painlessly endure separation from her mother at that age?

  • From 1-1.5 years.
    At this age, a mother for a baby is a person without whom he cannot exist. Torn out of the atmosphere of parental care and tenderness, the child does not understand why there are strangers around him, and why his mother leaves him alone in a strange place. Any stranger for a one-year-old child is a “stranger” person, and, of course, the baby is simply not yet psychologically ready to remain without a mother.
  • From 2-2.5 years.
    Kids of this age are already more developed in every sense. They are drawn to peers, they can be distracted by games. If the teacher is a good psychologist, and the child is really sociable, then the adaptation period will pass quickly. But if the child categorically refuses to stay in the nursery, then your time has not come yet - you should not leave him against your will.

What you need in a nursery: we get a "dowry" for a baby in a preschool

All nurseries and kindergartens have their own rules regarding, in particular, the “dowry” that the baby needs to take with him. But the basic requirements are similar for all nurseries. So what does a little toddler need?

  • Panties- 4-5 pairs (or diapers). The first option is better if you want the child to become independent faster.
  • T-shirts- a couple of pieces.
  • Socks, tights- 3-4 pairs.
  • Warm jacket or sweater.
  • Set of clothes in case of its complete change (if, for example, it accidentally spills compote on itself).
  • Diaper / oilcloth for the crib.
  • Pajamas.
  • bibs- 1-2 pieces.
  • Change. Lacquer shoes should not be taken, as well as felt slippers. The best option- shoes with an arch support and a small heel.
  • Headdress for a walk.
  • Set of clean handkerchiefs, comb, towel.
  • Physical form.
  • Stationery set including apron.
  • Plastic bag under dirty clothes.

The rest should be clarified directly with the educators. For example, if the nursery has a swimming pool, you will need bathing accessories. If there is rhythm - Czechs. Etc. And do not forget to sign the child's things, in order to avoid confusion.

Important Tips for Parents: How to Prepare Your Child for Nursery

Preparing for nursery is hard work for parents. First of all, moms and dads should teach (try to teach) the baby:

  • Chew. That is, transfer the crumbs from mashed potatoes and cereals to lumpy food. Of course, gradually.
  • Drink from a regular cup(not from the "drinker"), eat with a spoon.
  • Go potty. Even if the child still sometimes pees in his pants, and not every time he asks for a potty, it is important to introduce him to this process. That is, the baby should not be afraid of the potty. And in the nursery, the kids planted together on pots quickly learn this skill. Read also: ?
  • Fall asleep in bed without mother's hands. Gradually teach your baby to fall asleep on their own.

Concerning child health(his adaptation and immunity), here you need to remember the following:

What and with whom should the child be introduced to the nursery?

The daily life of a pet baby is significantly different from a toddler. And not only because there are no parents nearby, and many children. A nursery is a lot of discoveries for a child, and not always positive ones. That's why you need to acquaint the baby with:

  • Educators and peers.
  • With the preschool itself , including group and site.
  • With daily routine.
  • From the menu.
  • With musical instruments.

Features of the work of a group of short-term stay in a nursery for the best adaptation to a preschool institution

Short stay groups are special adaptation groups in kindergartens for stay of babies for 2-3 hours. What are the characteristics of such a group?

  • Ability to facilitate adaptation to the manger and garden.
  • Opportunity to attend a group with mom.
  • Help the mother in the development and adaptation of the baby through illustrative examples.
  • Groups are designed for children aged 1-3 years.
  • The educational program includes all-round development of the baby - modeling, drawing, acquaintance with letters and counting, dancing, fine motor skills, speech development and the formation of necessary skills, etc.
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