Folder moving - development of the child's creative abilities. Folder - moving "how to develop creative abilities in a child." Conditions and means of aesthetic education

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How to develop creative abilities in a child The simplest, but at the same time very interesting and attractive DIY crafts are made not only by real masters who earn their living from such creativity, but also by beginners who are just beginning to master the wonderful world of applied creativity . After all, in fact, almost anyone can make a simple panel with their own hands or decorate a child’s clothes with appliqué – if only they had the desire and a little time. What kind of crafts can beginners try to make and how to involve children in this process - let's figure it out. You can begin to introduce your child to the world of appliqué and handicrafts in general already in early childhood, when the child has learned to independently hold scissors and paper. Already at this stage, you can offer your child simple stencils of flowers and other patterns that interest him, which can simply be cut out of paper and pasted onto a base. Such simple crafts will help your child not only develop fine motor skills, but also make leisure time more colorful and enjoyable. In addition, ready-made children's crafts can become great gifts family and friends, and the baby will be doubly pleased to receive praise for his first work.

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In addition to ready-made cut-out applications, older children can begin to master more complex multi-level crafts, which are made from various materials. For example, a wonderful winter applique, which is made using cotton wool, bright buttons, sparkles and drawings, will be an excellent decoration for a holiday. New Year's holidays. It’s not difficult to make such an application, the main thing is to make it clear to the child that you can glue not only paper to paper, but also other equally interesting materials. This method of making applications will give impetus to the additional development of the baby’s imagination. And, who knows, maybe your child will become the founder of a new interesting direction in creativity. The main thing is not to set limits and boundaries on what can and cannot be done in creativity. Anything that leads to interesting and attractive results is possible. IN creative development The interest of the parents plays a huge role in the child. They are the ones who should encourage any child’s attempts to do something with his own hands. Let the first crafts become the launching pad from which a child’s long, exciting journey into the fascinating world of applied creativity will begin.

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Game - exercise “Three colors”. Promotes the development of artistic perception and imagination. Invite children to take three colors that, in their opinion, are most suitable for each other, and fill the entire sheet with them in any way. What does the drawing look like? The game “Unfinished Drawing” develops creative imagination. Children are given sheets with the imagination of unfinished objects. You are invited to complete the drawing of the object and talk about your drawing. 16. Game "Changes". Goal: to learn to create images of objects in the imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual parts of these objects. Children are given sets of 4 identical cards, with abstract schematic images on the cards. Assignment for children: each card can be turned into any picture. Stick the card on a piece of paper and use colored pencils to draw whatever you want to create a picture. Then take another card, stick it on the next sheet, draw again, but on the other side of the card, that is, turn the figure into another picture. You can turn the card and sheet of paper over as you want while drawing! Thus, you can turn a card with the same figure into different pictures. The game lasts until all the children finish drawing the figures. Then the children talk about their drawings. 17. Game " Various tales" Goal: to teach children to imagine various situations using a visual model as a plan. The teacher builds any sequence of images on the demonstration board (two standing men, two running men, three trees, a house, a bear, a fox, a princess, etc.) Children are asked to come up with a fairy tale based on the pictures, observing their sequence. You can use various options: the child independently composes the entire fairy tale; the next child should not repeat its plot. If this is difficult for children, you can compose a fairy tale for everyone at the same time: the first one starts, the next one continues. Next, the images are swapped and the new fairy tale. 18. Exercise “Come up with your own ending to the fairy tale.” Goal: development of creative imagination. Invite children to change and create their own ending to familiar fairy tales. “The bun did not sit on the fox’s tongue, but rolled further and met...” “The wolf didn’t manage to eat the kids because...”, etc. 19. Game “Good-Bad” or “Chain of Contradictions”. Goal: development of creative imagination by searching for contradictions. The teacher begins - “A” is good because “B”. The child continues - “B” is bad because “B”. The next one says - “B” is good because “G”, etc. Example: walking is good because the sun is shining. The sun is shining - it's bad because it's hot. Hot is good, because it’s summer, etc. 20. Game “Fairy-tale animal (plant).” Goal: development of creative imagination. Invite children to come up with and draw a fantastic animal or plant that is not like the real thing. After drawing a picture, each child talks about what he drew and comes up with a name for what he drew. Other children look for features of real animals (plants) in his drawing. 21. Exercise “Fairy tale - story.” Goal: development of creative imagination, the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. After reading a fairy tale, children, with the help of a teacher, separate in it what can really happen from what is fantastic. It turns out two stories. One is completely fantastic, the other is completely real.

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Parenting with fairy tales is one of the most ancient methods of raising children. Through fairy tales, our ancestors passed on to the younger generation moral norms, traditions and customs, their life experiences and attitudes towards the world. The heroes of fairy tales were an example for the child: from their experience he learned how to act and what not to do. Such an example is more understandable to the child than the categorical parental “No!” Fairy tales play a big role in developing children's ear for music, taste for poetry, and love for nature and their native land. Education through fairy tales has no boundaries. A fairy tale should be selected depending on the age of the child and his character traits. Let's say, up to two years of age, education with a fairy tale does not make sense - at such a tender age, a child is unlikely to be interested in a fairy tale. A child should be introduced to the perception of fairy tales gradually, from infancy, starting with lullabies and rhythmic rhymes. But for education with fairy tales to be effective, it is not enough to simply tell your child the first fairy tale that comes along.

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The younger the child, the simpler the plot of the fairy tale should be. In the period from 2 to 3.5 years, classic children's fairy tales, on which more than one generation of children have grown up, go well: “Teremok”, “Turnip”. They are good because the action in them is built on the principle of cumulation - repetition. “Grandma for the baby, baby for the turnip...” This makes it easier for the child to navigate the narrative. After a while, you can move on to longer and more meaningful fairy tales: “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Three Little Pigs”. By the way, at this age a child often understands fairy tales about animals more clearly. The world of adults seems too complicated to a child; there are many rules and restrictions. And the plots of fairy tales about animals are more accessible to his understanding. At the age of 2-3 years, fairy tales about mutual assistance, the triumph of justice and truth over injustice and deception will go best.

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At three years old, the word “I” appears in the child’s vocabulary, and he begins to recognize himself as an individual. The child begins to identify himself with the main character of the fairy tale, so you need to select those fairy tales that have a hero with whom the child could associate himself. By the way, at the same age the process of self-identification begins, so the gender of the main character must match the gender of the child - otherwise the child will lose interest in the fairy tale, and education with fairy tales will be ineffective. Please note that the main character of a fairy tale should be an example to follow. To raise a 3-5 year old child, it is better to choose fairy tales in which you can clearly see who is good and who is bad, where is black and where is white. The child does not yet know how to distinguish between nuances and halftones. You should avoid fairy tales that romanticize the lifestyle of a robber, etc. - the child may take away from them not what you expect, and education with a fairy tale will be ineffective.

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For education with a fairy tale to bear fruit, you need not only to choose the right fairy tale, but also to teach it correctly: discuss the fairy tale a little with the child so that he can understand its moral. Just don’t impose it on the child, but let him draw his own conclusions. A good technique is to come up with a fairy tale with your child in which he will be the main character. You will develop your imagination, and there will be an educational effect. By the way, education through fairy tales is not the only area of ​​application for children's fairy tales. Child psychologists and psychotherapists actively use fairy tale therapy for children to combat various psychological problems.

Elena Prokopova
Plan for working with parents on the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children

Plan for working with parents

Topic, events Senior

group Preparation

to school group

p/p Individual consultations weekly

(children's work in albums) Tuesday

1 Questionnaire – Your attitude towards children’s creativity at home, in preschool educational institutions September

"Rules for drawing with a pencil",

"Rules working with a brush» . October

3 Parent meeting

Development child in visual activities -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

4 Integrated lesson

"The great and ancient country of Russia" -//-//-//-

5 Folder - moving:

Our mothers sculpt November with us

6 Folder - moving

"Meaning artistic and aesthetic development of the child preschool age » -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

7 Consultation

Children's fine arts -//-//-//-

8 Integrated lesson

We are Slavs -//-//-//-

9 Consultation

About the nature of children's drawing December

10 Filling out study forms artistic interests of children -//-//-//- December

11 Exhibition of children's parental work

"My native land"- Yugra's birthday is December

12 "Masterilka" Making competition

New Year's toys -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

13 Promotion "Christmas tree - green needle"

Preparing family posters January

14 The world is in your window

preparation for joint artistically-creative project -//-//-//-

15 Consultation

The importance of decorative and applied arts in the formation of moral and patriotic qualities preschooler -//-//-//-

16 "The world is in your window" implementation artistically-creative project February

17 Me, my child and a safe road

Participation in a security exhibition traffic -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

18 Safety wheel

Preparation works for the city exhibition -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

19 Participation in a photo exhibition “My dad is the defender of the Fatherland” -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

20 Vernissage "My beloved mommy" March

21 Meeting the classics musical and aesthetic living room -//-//-//-

22 Little ones make you happy talents: "City of masters" final exhibition based on the results of the circle work(decorative and applied arts of Russia) -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

23 Mom has golden hands exhibition works -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

24 My happy family children's exhibition works April

26 Earth Day campaign participation in the campaign, visiting the exhibition -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

"Protect nature" exhibition work of children and parents from natural material -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

28 How to prepare a child for admission to children's art school. Consultation, recommendations May

29 Little talents Exhibition of children's works -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

30 Fair. Traveling through the crafts of Russia -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

Publications on the topic:

Modern forms of work on artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard RMO in MBDOU d/s No. 1 “Little Red Riding Hood” Theme of RMO: “Modern forms of work on the artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers in conditions.

Long-term plan for additional education for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children in MBDOU. Long-term plan for group work. Month Program content Repertoire September Diagnostics of children's musical abilities October.

Long-term plan for artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group. Application No. Topic Program content Equipment Note September 1. Lesson No. 1. “Mushrooms grew in a forest clearing” Reinforce the ability to cut out.

Long-term plan for artistic and aesthetic development in the second junior group for the spring Long-term plan for drawing in the second junior group for the spring Goal: development of creative activity and the necessary drawing skills.

Plan - summary of an open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling) in the second junior group. Plan - summary of an open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (modeling) in the second junior group. Topic of the lesson: “Treat for.

Plan - summary of artistic and aesthetic development in the middle group “How we played the outdoor game “The Arrival of Birds” Program content. 1. Educational objectives: continue to teach children to create images of outdoor play in modeling, to consolidate modeling techniques;

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