Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers. Folder-slider for parents "upbringing with a fairy tale" Folder folder for the development of children's creative abilities

elena prokopova
Plan of work with parents on the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers

Plan of work with parents

Theme, events Senior

preparatory group

group to school

n / n Individual consultations weekly

(children's work in albums) Tuesday

1 Questionnaire - Your attitude to the creativity of children at home, in preschool September

"Pencil Drawing Rules",

"Rules brush work» . October

3 Parent meeting

Development child in visual activity -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

4 Integrated lesson

"The great and ancient country of Russia" -//-//-//-

5 Folder - move:

Our mothers sculpt with us November

6 Folder - move

"Meaning artistic and aesthetic development of a preschool child» -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

7 Consultation

Children's fine art -//-//-//-

8 Integrated lesson

We are Slavs -//-//-//-

9 Consultation

About the nature of children's drawing December

10 Completing study questionnaires artistic interests of children -//-//-//- December

11 Exhibition of children's parenting work

"My native land"- Yugra's birthday December

12 "Masterilka" Making competition

Christmas toys -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

13 Promotion "Herringbone - green needle"

preparing family posters january

14 The World in Your Window

preparation for joint artistically-creative project -//-//-//-

15 Consultation

The value of arts and crafts in the formation of moral and patriotic qualities preschooler -//-//-//-

16 "The World in Your Window" implementation artistically-creative project February

17 Me, my child and a safe road

Participation in the security exhibition traffic -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

18 Safety wheel

Preparation works to the city exhibition -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

19 Participation in a photo exhibition "My dad is a defender of the Fatherland" -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

20 Vernissage "My beloved mother" March

21 Meeting with the classics musical and aesthetic living room -//-//-//-

22 You are pleased with the little ones talents: "City of masters" final exhibition following the results of the circle work(decorative and applied art of Russia) -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

23 Mom's hands are golden exhibition works -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

24 My happy family children's exhibition works April

26 Earth Day promotion participation in the promotion, visiting the exhibition -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

"Protect nature" exhibition work of children and parents from natural material -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

28 How to prepare a child for admission to children's art school. Consultation, recommendations May

29 Little talents Children's exhibition works -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

30 Fair. Journey through the crafts of Russia -//-//-//- -//-//-//-

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

How to develop creative abilities in a child The simplest, but at the same time very interesting and attractive do-it-yourself crafts are obtained not only by real masters who earn their living with such creativity, but also by beginners who are just starting to master the wonderful world of applied art . Indeed, in fact, almost everyone can make the simplest panel with their own hands or decorate a child’s clothes with an appliqué - there would be a desire and a little time. What kind of crafts can beginners try to do and how to involve children in this process - let's figure it out. You can start introducing your child to the world of appliqué and hand-made art in general already in early childhood, when the kid has learned to hold scissors and paper in his hands. Already at this stage, you can offer your child the simplest flower stencils and other interesting patterns that you can simply cut out of paper and stick on the base. Such simple crafts will help the baby not only develop fine motor skills, but also make leisure more vivid and enjoyable pastime. In addition, ready-made children's crafts can be excellent gifts for family and friends, and the baby will be doubly pleased to receive praise for his first work.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

In addition to ready-made cut-out applications, older children can begin to master more complex multi-level crafts that are made from various materials. For example, a wonderful applique winter, which is made with cotton wool, bright buttons, sparkles and patterns, will be an excellent decoration for new year holidays. It is not difficult to make such an application, the main thing is to make it clear to the child that you can glue on paper not only paper, but also other equally interesting materials. This way of making applications will give impetus to the additional development of the baby's imagination. And, who knows, maybe it is your child who will become the founder of a new interesting direction in creativity. The main thing is not to set limits and boundaries, what can and cannot be done in creativity. You can - anything that leads to interesting and attractive results. The interest of parents plays a huge role in the creative development of the child. It is they who should encourage any attempt by the child to do something with their own hands. Let the first crafts become the launching pad from which the child's long fascinating journey into the bewitching world of applied art will begin.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Game - exercise "Three colors". Promotes the development of artistic perception and imagination Invite the children to take three colors, in their opinion, the most suitable for each other, and fill the entire sheet with them in any way. What does the drawing look like? The game - "Unfinished drawing", develops creative imagination. Children are given sheets with the imagination of unfinished objects. It is proposed to finish the object and tell about your drawing. 16. The game "Changeling". Purpose: to teach to create images of objects in the imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual details of these objects. Children are given sets of 4 identical cards, on the cards there are abstract schematic images. Task for children: each card can be turned into any picture. Stick the card on a piece of paper and draw whatever you want with colored pencils to make a picture. Then take another card, stick it on the next sheet, draw again, but on the other side of the card, that is, turn the figure into another picture. You can flip the card and sheet of paper as you want when drawing! Thus, you can turn a card with the same figure into different pictures. The game continues until all the children finish drawing the figures. Then the children talk about their drawings. 17. Game " Various fairy tales". Purpose: to teach children to imagine different situations, using a visual model as a plan. The teacher builds any sequence of images on the demonstration board (two standing men, two running men, three trees, a house, a bear, a fox, a princess, etc.). Children are invited to come up with a fairy tale from the pictures, following their sequence. You can use various options: the child composes the whole fairy tale on his own, the next kid should not repeat his story. If it is difficult for children, you can compose a fairy tale for everyone at the same time: the first one starts, the next one continues. Next, the images are swapped and composed new fairy tale. 18. Exercise "Come up with your own end of the fairy tale." Purpose: development of creative imagination. Invite children to change and compose their own end of familiar fairy tales. "Kolobok did not sit on the fox's tongue, but rolled on and met ...". “The wolf failed to eat the goats because…” and so on. 19. The game "Good-bad" or "Chain of contradictions." Purpose: development of creative imagination through the search for contradictions. The teacher starts - "A" is good, because "B". The child continues - "B" is bad, because "C". The next one says - "V" is good, because "G", etc. Example: walking is good because the sun is shining. The sun is shining - bad, because it's hot. It's hot - it's good, because it's summer, etc. 20. The game "Fairytale animal (plant)". Purpose: development of creative imagination. Invite the children to come up with and draw a fantastic animal or plant that does not look like a real one. Having drawn a picture, each child talks about what he has drawn, comes up with a name for what he has drawn. Other children are looking for features of real animals (plants) in his drawing. 21. Exercise "Fairy tale - story." Purpose: development of creative imagination, the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. After reading a fairy tale, children, with the help of an educator, separate in it what can really happen from what is fantastic. There are two stories. One is completely fantastic, the other is completely real.

Sliding folder "The role of a fairy tale in the development and upbringing of a child"

Gerasyova Anastasia Aleksandrovna, educator of the MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten" Luchik ", Michurinsk.
Material Description: the material is addressed to educators of preschool educational institutions, specialist teachers, parents.
Purpose: This slider folder can be used to design a group, as visual material for parents.
Target: increasing the competence of parents in the role of fairy tales in the development and upbringing of the child.
Tasks: to acquaint parents with didactic games based on fairy tales and fairy tale therapy techniques for raising a child.

On the pages of the folder there are arguments about the importance of fairy tales for the development and upbringing of children, examples of didactic games aimed at developing the memory and imagination of the baby, helpful tips for parents to combat children's whims and disobedience with the help of fairy tale therapy.

Fairy tales are a unique cultural heritage that can console and help in understanding the world around us and oneself, and teach the rules of life.

Having learned to work with a fairy tale, the child will analyze and evaluate the actions of the characters, will be able to transfer the behavior model to real life or correct any problem situation.

Fairy tales develop the figurative and logical thinking of children, their creative abilities, speech, introduce kids to the natural world and help them prepare for school.

Page #1: Title page.

Page #2:
Children draw many first ideas from fairy tales: about time and space, about the connection of man with nature, with the objective world, fairy tales allow children to see good and evil.
Listening to fairy tales, kids empathize with the characters, they have an impulse to assist, to help, to protect.
At preschool age, the perception of a fairy tale becomes a specific activity of the child, allowing him to freely dream and fantasize.
It is impossible to deny the role of fairy tales in the development of correct oral speech - texts expand the child's vocabulary, help build dialogues correctly, and influence the development of coherent speech. But besides all these, albeit key, tasks, it is equally important to make our oral and written speech emotional, figurative and beautiful.
It's not enough just to read a story. In order for the child to remember her better, you need to help him understand her, to experience various situations with the characters. Analyze the actions of the characters, imagine yourself in their place. Then memorization will be conscious and deep.

Page #3:
To make it easier for a child to remember fairy tales, and then tell them, use didactic games. In addition, these games develop creative imagination, fantasy, coherent speech.
"Hero Encounters"
The game develops oral dialogic speech, helps to memorize the sequence of actions and the plot of a fairy tale.
After reading, offer the child images of two characters from it. The task of the child is to remember what the characters said to each other. You can offer heroes who are not found in a fairy tale. For example, in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" a hare and a bear do not meet each other. But what did they say to each other when they met? Did you praise Kolobok for his ingenuity or complained to each other about the deceiver?
"Sound Engineers"
The game helps to develop oral coherent speech, it is better to remember the sequence of actions, the plot of a fairy tale.
After reading the story, look at the illustrations for the story. Stop at the one you like. Let the kid "voice" the picture, remember what the characters said at that moment, what they did. You can also use fragments of cartoons based on fairy tales. Turn off the sound and let the child verbalize the course of events.
"New Tales"
Purpose: development of creative imagination, fantasy, coherent speech.
Remember the sequence of events in a familiar fairy tale, specify where the action takes place, what characters meet. And suddenly something changed in the fairy tale: the place of action changed, new hero. For example, in the fairy tale "Turnip" we will change the scene and send the heroes from the garden to the stadium. And what happens if an evil witch or a sparrow also appears there? Lots of options.
"Missed frame"
Purpose: to teach how to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, to help the child remember the sequence of events in a fairy tale.
In order, pictures of one of the fairy tales are inserted in front of the child. One picture is removed. The kid must remember which plot is missing. If it is difficult for him, you can put the upside down picture where it should lie without breaking the sequence. After voicing the missing plot, you need to tell the whole tale.

Page #4:
Fairy tales will help to cope with children's disobedience!
Childish whims ... All parents have encountered them at least once. The child does not clean up toys, refuses to eat, go to bed, does not want to go to kindergarten, takes someone else's or fights with other children, throws tantrums - such problems are very common.
Often persuasion, shouting, long moralizing do not bring any benefit. A lot has been said about the dangers of assault, and many, probably, have repeatedly been convinced of the inefficiency of such methods. What to do? There is a simple but effective method of dealing with children's whims. Try not to scold the child, do not punish him with your inattention, but tell him a fairy tale. These are special psychological tales that help to cope with most of the whims of the child. In these fairy tales, the child sees heroes who face the same problems as him, and the child begins to understand how to get out of a difficult situation.
The effect of joint creativity will not be long in coming. You will not only understand each other better, but also fill communication with joy and inspiration. The priceless time that you spend with your child for a fairy tale will not be replaced by any other benefits.

Thank you for your attention!

Galina Dolgopyatova
Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers


Dolgopyatova G. A. teacher

Garmilina L. V. teacher

Narezhnaya L. N. teacher - psychologist

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 with. love

Perelyubsky municipal district

Saratov region"

« Artistic and aesthetic development involves the development prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual, natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around us; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; the perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for the characters works of art; implementation of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.)" [Cm. clause 2.6. GEF DO].

The current direction of modernization of the education system is artistic and aesthetic development as one of the main means of spiritual, moral, cultural personality development. By implementing artistic and aesthetic development children through musical, visual and theatrical activities, teachers help children to fully reveal themselves, their capabilities, to realize themselves as a creative person. This is what the concept aims for preschool education, which clearly defines the tasks for the teacher about development creativity in children, subsequently so necessary in life.

Work on is part of a holistic educational process and includes all participants: teachers, children, parents. The main pedagogical conditions for the implementation artistic and aesthetic development are: create and update subject- developing environment; variability in the choice of GCD topics, forms, means, methods of working with children, materials provided; interaction with families of pupils.

Since the subject developing environment plays a big role in artistic and aesthetic development of children, then in the group rooms of the preschool educational institution, teachers organized centers "Arts", "Constructions", "Games", "Theatre". The centers contain a variety of material, manuals, games. Dressing rooms in group rooms are effectively used and corridors: they host exhibitions of children's drawings.

The teachers of our preschool educational institution for children have created conditions for development creative activity. Thus, by realizing the tasks of visual activity, teachers give children the right to choose the material for expressing their ideas, encourage children's experimentation in building a composition, and guide children to use various non-traditional drawing techniques. In progress artistic activities, the child receives great opportunities for the disclosure and improvement of creative abilities. To do this, our teachers have developed a program using non-traditional drawing techniques, the educational process of which is based on the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children and is innovative, since non-traditional methods are used in the work.

The work uses such forms of organization and conduct classes: as conversations, observations, walks, exhibitions of drawings, competitions, entertainment. The acquired knowledge is added to the system. Children learn to notice the changes that arise from the use of non-standard materials in the process of work.

A teacher-psychologist works in a kindergarten. Work is carried out according to the following directions: diagnostic, corrective developing, advisory, information and educational. The teacher-psychologist conducts classes with children on correction and development socio-emotional sphere and psychological preparation for schooling.

Comparing the results of diagnostics for visual activity over several years, we came to the conclusion that some children are insecure, they lack independence, but despite this they show good results in terms of such criteria as the ability to properly hold a brush, pencil, apply strokes of paint narrow and wide brush; recognize, name primary colors, shades of paints and mix them; use brushes, glue and plasticine correctly in work; depict the simplest objects and phenomena in reality.

To solve this problem, there was a desire to diversify the practical lessons of children in drawing, to support initiative and independence, to make them believe that they can very easily become small. artists and work wonders on paper.

The organization of various forms of work with children affected results: children began to show interest and creativity in visual, musical and theatrical activities; participate in competitions of theatrical performances and competitions of crafts and drawings, win prizes.

Leading place in implementation artistic and aesthetic development children of course belongs to the kindergarten. But the role of the family is also important. Only with the unity of influences kindergarten and families, it is possible to fully implement the tasks artistically- aesthetic education. Not every child will become a musician or artist, but every child needs to be educated with love and interest in art, develop aesthetic taste, ear for music, elementary drawing skills.

When working with parents of pupils, we use various methods and forms: open days; organization of exhibitions - competitions, crafts for which are made jointly by parents and children; invite parents to participate in the holidays, entertainment to making costumes. All this helps to make them our allies and like-minded people in the upbringing of children. Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents is carried out through parent meetings and consultations. Teachers draw up folders - shifters, information sheets, memos for parents are issued. The work is purposeful, systematic, planned. Efficiency of work on artistically-aesthetic education also depends on the coordination of work with other institutions.

All participants in the pedagogical process live in a certain society that affects children, teachers, and parents. Achieving the priority tasks of the work of preschool educational institutions on artistic and aesthetic development implemented by a team of kindergarten teachers on the basis of cooperation with other educational and cultural institutions.

The work carried out made it possible to make the appropriate conclusions: the possibility of using non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children creates the potential for development of their imagination, thinking and creative activity in visual activity. Children have an increased interest in drawing. They began to look creatively at the world around them, find different shades, and gained experience in aesthetic perception. The drawings have become more interesting, more meaningful, the idea is richer, and most importantly, each drawing seems to be a work of art for us and for children. Children gained self-confidence, began to feel small artists.

The diagnostic results revealed a positive trend development fine arts preschoolers, the high level of mastering the program increased by 8%.

Let the children draw what struck their imagination, caused delight, surprise, a feeling of fear, sadness, revealed to them the beauty of nature, art, so that they remember the period of childhood as a fun holiday.

Vera ksa A. N. Individual psychological diagnostics child 5-7 years old.

Concept preschool education // Preschool education. - 1989. - No. 5. - Davydov V.V., Petrovsky V.A. and others.

K o m a r o v a T. S. Detskoe artistic creativity. To work with children 2–7 years old

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Synopsis of GCD in educational areas: physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative Objectives: Educational area - cognitive development 1. Continue to teach children to take care of their health 2. Develop cognitive.

Purpose: to form interest in visual activity; to teach to see the beauty of the main form of an object of its color; learn to convey in the drawing.

"The development of aesthetic perception,

feelings in preschool


From the first years of life, a child unconsciously reaches for everything bright and attractive, enjoys shiny toys, colorful flowers and objects. All this causes him a feeling of pleasure, interest.

The word "beautiful" enters the life of children early. From the first year of life, they hear a song, a fairy tale, look at pictures; simultaneously with reality, art becomes a source of their joyful experiences. In the process of aesthetic education, they undergo a transition from an unconscious response to everything bright and beautiful to a conscious perception of beauty.

Aesthetic perception of reality has its own characteristics. The main thing for him is the sensual form of things - their color, shape, sound. Therefore, its development requires a large sensory culture.

Beauty is perceived by a child as a unity of form and content. The form is expressed in the totality of sounds, colors, lines. However, perception becomes aesthetic only when it is emotionally colored, associated with a certain attitude towards it.

Aesthetic perception is inextricably linked with feelings, experiences. A feature of aesthetic feelings is disinterested joy, bright emotional excitement arising from a meeting with the beautiful.

Tasks and methods

aesthetic education

The tasks of aesthetic education of preschoolers, based on its purpose, can be represented by two groups.

First group tasks is aimed at shaping the aesthetic attitude of children to the environment. The following is envisaged: to develop the ability to see and feel beauty in nature, deeds, art, to understand beauty; cultivate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty.

Leading methods for solving problems of the first groups are showing, observation, analysis, adult example

Second group tasks is aimed at the formation of artistic skills in the field of various arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, design; singing, moving to music; development of verbal creativity.

To solve problems of the second group practical methods are required as leaders: demonstration, exercise, explanation, method of search situations. These methods are considered in detail in the methods of visual activity and musical education.

Conditions and means of aesthetic education

Aesthetic education of children is carried out by familiarizing children with the aesthetics of everyday life, with the beautiful in work, in nature, social phenomena, and the means of art. To teach a child to feel and understand the beauty of life is a big and difficult task that requires a long work of adults.

To implement the tasks of aesthetic education of children, certain conditions are necessary. First of all, it is the environment in which the child lives and develops. It has an impact on the child, which in its strength and significance can hardly be compared with others. If the environment is aesthetic, beautiful (not necessarily rich), if the child sees beautiful relationships between people, hears beautiful speech, etc., then from an early age he will accept the aesthetic environment as the norm, and everything that differs from the norm will cause he has an aversion

The aesthetics of kindergarten life is manifested in artistic simplicity, in a thoughtful selection of household items, where every thing has its place, where there is nothing superfluous. The color of the walls should be calm, light colors.

The requirements for the design of a kindergarten are determined by the tasks of protecting the life and health of children, the content of educational work with them.

Chief among them are:

Expediency, practical justification of the situation.

Purity, simplicity, beauty.

The right combination of color and light, creating visual contrast, ensuring the visibility of each object.

A powerful means of aesthetic education is nature.

It is in it that you can see harmony - the basis of beauty: a variety of colors, shapes, sounds in their combination. Nature itself is a condition for the comprehensive upbringing and development of the child. It becomes a means when an adult purposefully uses its "educational possibilities" and makes it visual for the child.

From the first years of life, children are accompanied by oral folk art, children's literature. A special place in their lives is occupied by a fairy tale.

o o o

Forms of organization

aesthetic education

One of the forms of children's activities that contribute to aesthetic education, - theatrical games And games - dramatizations . These games are held under the guidance of a teacher.

A significant place in the pedagogical process of a preschool institution and in the lives of children is occupied by holidays And entertainment.

Holidays in a preschool institution correspond to those accepted in our country. They can be divided into holidays associated with public life (February 23, May 9, etc.) and holidays associated with folk and religious traditions (Easter, Maslenitsa, Christmas, New Year). There may be holidays that reflect local events (City Day), as well as their own, kindergarten ones (anniversary of a preschool institution, birthday of a group, etc.). During the holidays, a complex of educational tasks is solved - moral, intellectual, as well as tasks physical education. And of course, they implement the tasks of aesthetic education.

The holiday should be emotionally rich. The beauty of the setting, the solemnity of the music, the general high spirits - all this increases the susceptibility to the aesthetic side of reality. Children want to actively participate in the holiday, they are not satisfied with the role of observers. And the teacher is given the opportunity to satisfy the desires and needs for the activity of each child. It is only necessary to choose the right form of manifestation of activity for each of the pupils.

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