Developmental tasks for children on the topic “Family. Visual material for children: my family We use adjectives in speech

1. Full name of the student___________________________________________________________

2. What grade does your child study in___________________________

3. Age___________________________

4. Home address______________________________________________________________

5. Parents: Mother_______________________________ Father__________________________

5.1. Age of parents_______________________________________________________________

5.2. Parents' education (secondary, incomplete secondary, special secondary, higher) ______________________________________________________________________________

5.3. Occupation of parents (industry workers, office workers, university teachers, retirees, housewives engaged in business, entrepreneurship, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________

5.4. How many years has the family existed (up to 5 years, 6-10 years, 11-15 years, 16-20 years, more than 20 years) ________________________________________________________________________________

6. Family type:

· Full.

· Incomplete.

· Maternal.

· Alternative (the relationship is not legally formalized).

· Large family (how many children) ________________

7. Family composition (living together):

  • Mother.
  • Father.
  • Grandmother.
  • Grandfather.
  • Sons (specify age).
  • Daughters (specify age).
  • Other family members

8. Income per family member per month_______ rub.

9. Housing conditions:

  • Normal (comfortable apartment, own house).
  • Unfurnished apartment.
  • Dorm room.
  • Other ______________________________



Family card

1. Full name of the student___________________________________________________________

2. What grade does your child study in___________________________

3. Age___________________________

4. Home address______________________________________________________________

5. Parents: Mother_______________________________ Father__________________________

5.1. Age of parents_______________________________________________________________

5.2. Parents' education (secondary, incomplete secondary, special secondary, higher) ______________________________________________________________________________

5.3. Occupation of parents (industry workers, office workers, university teachers, retirees, housewives engaged in business, entrepreneurship, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________

5.4. How many years has the family existed (up to 5 years, 6-10 years, 11-15 years, 16-20 years, more than 20 years)

6. Family type:




Alternative (the relationship is not legally formalized).

Large family (how many children) ________________

7. Family composition (living together):

  • Mother.
  • Father.
  • Grandmother.
  • Grandfather.
  • Sons (specify age).
  • Daughters (specify age).
  • Other family members

8. Income per family member per month_______ rub.

9. Housing conditions:

  • Normal (comfortable apartment, own house).
  • Unfurnished apartment.
  • Dorm room.
  • Other ______________________________

10. Family life;

  1. Positive (normal family relationships)_________________________
  2. Controversial (there are problems, but they are resolved) _____________________
  3. The family structure is unfavorable due to:
  • Hereditary diseases.
  • Conflicts, scandals in the family.
  • Bad habits.
  • Former criminal record.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Drug addiction.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Other__________________________________________________________.

11. Psychological and pedagogical culture:

mother ________________________________father _________________________________

  • High level.
  • Average level.
  • Low level.

12. To what extent do you personally have the following:

  • Knowledge of children's interests.
  • Ability to apply pedagogical knowledge on practice.
  • The ability to take into account their age characteristics in raising children.
  • The ability to objectively analyze specific situations that have arisen in the family.
  • Ability to analyze motives of behavior.
  • The ability to persuade a child to be frank.
  • The ability to set educational goals.
  • The ability to find age-appropriate means of educational influence on your child.

13. Availability of assistance to the family in raising children from the school.

  1. There is (what) ________________________________________________________________
  2. No______________________________________________________________
  3. Don't know__________________________________________________________

14. State of health of the child:

  1. Sickness (how many times have you been sick in the past year)______________
  2. Observable signs of a child’s predisposition to health problems (anxiety, irritability, high fatigue, disinhibition, lethargy, restlessness, headaches, dizziness, poor appetite, inattention, restlessness, touchiness, tearfulness, stubbornness, pugnacity, aggressiveness, obsessive habits: nail biting, sucking finger, etc.).
  3. Complaints from parents (underline as appropriate): excessive fatigue after school, lack of sleep, sleep disturbance, fear of the dark, loneliness, disobedience, conflict, unreasonable rise in temperature, poor appetite, nausea, motion sickness in transport, intolerance to sharp sounds, heat, stuffiness, cold , sweating, allergic reactions, bedwetting, other complaints
  4. Does the child complain about feeling unwell? When do they occur most often?


15. Assessing the child’s role in the family:

  • We reckon with him (her).
  • The child does not earn money, which means he does not have his own voice.
  • Never thought about it.

16. Level of moral education of the child:

  1. High. 2. Average. 3. Low

17. Student self-esteem:

  • Overpriced.
  • Understated,
  • Adequate___________________________

18. How does your son (daughter) study__________________________________________________________

19. Subjects for which the highest and most consistent score


20. Subjects with the lowest scores


21. What is your son (daughter) interested in?


22. Do you think that a social teacher should work at school who knows and understands the problems of a particular family and is able to provide practical assistance in shaping the child’s personality. ________________________________________________

23. Who at this time has a significant influence on the formation of your son (daughter): immediate relatives, friends (girlfriends), “get-together”.

24. What specific help does your family currently need:

  • Natural.
  • Material.
  • Help from a social teacher.
  • Help from a psychologist.
  • Other help__________________________________________________________

25. You understand your child, and he receives the necessary help from you _______________________________________________________________________________

26. You understand your child’s problems, but you cannot help him resolve them_________________________________________________________________________

27. You stopped getting along with your child, this manifests itself in the form of ______________________________________________________________________________

28. You follow and read special literature that helps you raise your children__________________________________________________________________________

29. You do not read literature that can help in raising children _______________________________________________________________________________

30. What mistakes, in your opinion, occur on the part of the school in the formation of the student’s personality ____________________________________________________________

31. What mistakes or miscalculations do you make in raising your son (daughter)


32. What hinders you in raising children:

  • Insufficient knowledge of family pedagogy.
  • Family discord.
  • Lack of free time.
  • Lack of uniform requirements in education.
  • Other reasons (specify)_________________________________________________

33. Which of these shortcomings and to what extent are inherent in your son (daughter)?

Indifference - Selfishness


We have combined all the materials on the topic “Family” that are published on our portal. Here you can find notes on thematic classes and events, projects, publications by teachers and educators, games and manuals.

Materials on the topic "My family"

Contained in sections:
  • Social and communicative development of children. Socialization of preschoolers
Includes sections:
  • Sport family. Scenarios for family sports events and entertainment
  • Chamomile. Crafts, activities, scenarios, educational games and manuals
  • Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Peter and Fevronia Day, July 8

Showing publications 1-10 of 10551.
All sections | Family. Related materials

Consultation for parents “Respecting the rights of the child in the family” Educator: Perevezentseva N.P. Key international documents relating to children's rights. Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989. World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990. In our country, in addition to these documents...

Prevention of flat feet in kindergarten and in the family A child's foot, compared to an adult's, is short, wide, and narrowed in the heel area. The fingers diverge, while in adults they fit tightly together. On the sole of children, subcutaneous tissue is strongly expressed, filling the arches of the feet, which often leads to...

Family. Materials on the topic - Consultation “Moral education of children in the family and in kindergarten”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Scenario of entertainment in the middle group “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” Goals: creating a joyful, festive mood in children and adults. Objectives: to introduce the history of the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” to form in children a sense of family cohesion based on ideas about the family, its composition, and relationships. Develop...

Family. Materials on the topic - Educational project in the second junior group “My Family”

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As a result of completing the tasks, children must learn: the concept of family, its composition and the functions of each family member, relationships in the family (respect, care, love).
Before completing tasks, it is recommended to talk with your child about his family. Let him answer questions about who he lives with, who is the youngest and who is the eldest, tell him the names of his parents, brothers and sisters, where his parents work.

Assignments on the topic “Family”

Task 1. “Tender name.”
Ball game. The adult throws the ball to the child, naming the family members, the child throws it back, naming the affectionate form.
For example: mom-mom, son-son.

Task 2. “One is many.”
As in the previous game, you can use the ball. An adult names a family member in the singular, a child – in the plural.
For example: mother - mothers, aunt - aunts.

Task 3. “Guess who we’re talking about.”
The adult asks questions, the children must answer them correctly.
Who has a gentle look? (Mom)
Who has strong hands? (At dad's)
Who is the most restless? (Brother)
Who has the kindest eyes? (By Grandma)
Who is the most serious? (Dad)
Who is the most obedient? (Sister)
Who has wise speech? (Grandfather's)

Task 4. “Our grandmother is tired.”
The adult asks you to repeat the actions after him.
Before performing, children stand in a circle.
Our grandmother is tired, (the children lean forward, clasping their hands behind their backs)
Sat on the threshold: (squat down)
“Where did the grandson go, where did he go?” (put their hands on their head and shake it)
I thought and sobbed (the index finger is applied to the temple, the head is tilted)
Then she stood up quietly, (stand up and straighten up)
Walked around the bush - (they walk one after another, holding their hands behind their backs)
Look for the granddaughter first. (turn in different directions)

Task 5. “Say otherwise.”
An adult shows pictures to children of a family representative and says that he sees: “Mom has blond hair.” Children need to be told in a different way: “Mom is blonde.”
Brother has blue eyes - brother is blue-eyed.
The sister has pink cheeks - the sister is rosy-cheeked.
At dad's Brown eyes- Dad is brown-eyed.
Grandfather has gray hair - grandfather is gray-haired.
Granny has dark hair - grandma has dark hair.

6. “Family locomotive.”
The child is given two sheets: one with a picture of a steam locomotive, the second with family members (you can use a photograph), as well as scissors and glue. The task is to paste faces into each carriage according to seniority. For example, grandparents will be the drivers of the locomotive, and mom and dad will be in the first carriage, etc.

If several children complete a task, then upon completion, the works are compared and discussed (since they may turn out different).

Task 7. “Who is behind whom.”
Story game. The adult describes the situation. “One day, a family of 6 people: mother, father, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, went on a hike. Who followed whom along the path?”
“They had to get over a windfall. A number of them fell apart. And when they stood in a column again, their row became completely different. Who walks on the path in front of whom?”
Next, children can be given the opportunity to come up with a story themselves, changing the characters several times. You can use different prepositions, for example, who is between whom, who is behind everyone, etc.

Task 8. “Where are whose things?”
Children are given a card with pictures of family members and various things. The task is formulated: show with an arrow who owns the things.

Task 9. “Share the responsibilities.”
The game is played for 2 or more children.
Props: pictures with family members and tools.

Cards are distributed with family representatives. One child - one hero.
Children take turns choosing pictures depicting a tool and giving an explanation for their choice.
And also, they answer the question: who else can do the same thing?
The one who can accurately complete the task and correctly explain the choice wins.

Task 10. Conversation based on the picture “Lunch together.”
Children answer questions.

Who is in the picture?
What common word unites them?
What does each of the characters in the image do?
How does each family member feel?

Task 11. Story based on the picture “Cozy evening”.
Children describe the image. In case of difficulty, you need to help them with guiding questions.
After the story, discuss with your child why the picture has such a name.

Task 12. “My family”. After completing the tasks, you can invite the child to draw his family.

Video lesson on the topic “Family” in kindergarten

A manual for working with preschoolers “Visual materials for writing sentences and oral stories” is prepared in the form of cards, plot pictures and diagrams. Cards should be cut out, arranged in groups, and then used as visual demonstration or handout material.
The manual presents illustrative material for working on the construction of a sentence, its grammatical structure and composing a story based on a plot picture.
Conventionally, we can distinguish four main stages in the system of work in this area of ​​speech development:
1. Formation of children’s ideas about words and sentences.
2. Compilation and distribution of proposals using diagrams.
3. Compiling a story based on reference pictures.
4.Training in composing a story based on a plot picture based on a diagram.
full description in file

A guide to the development of coherent speech in preschoolers is prepared in the form of cards and diagrams. Cards need to be cut out and then used as visual material, placed on the board, or as a handout. The material is focused on the topics of the courses “On the Road to the ABC”, “Hello, World!”, “This is Me”, taking into account the similarity of individual topics.
Cards with images of birds, animals and their young offer several options for working with them.
see continuation...

Didactic material on the development of coherent speech for children 5-8 years old. The book contains stories about animals: "Bees", "Birthday". Picture material can be used for both group and individual lessons. The book is addressed to speech therapists, teachers, and educators.

Copybooks for children "Capital letters" are the best educational material to prepare a preschooler for writing. After all, it is capital letters that cause difficulties for children primary classes. If a child before the 1st grade often traced capital letters in the copybook, then this will certainly affect his calligraphic abilities. It was noticed that children who regularly traced the copybooks in preschool age, have beautiful handwriting already from the 1st grade. Give your child a copybook every day, but no more than two pages.

Title: Add and subtract. Notebook for children 5-6 years old
Author: Bortnikova E.F.
The notebook is designed for joint work between parents and children.
The tasks in the notebook are aimed at developing mathematical abilities in children 5-6 years old. This notebook will introduce children to the operations of “addition” and “subtraction”, get acquainted with the concepts of “decreasing - increasing a number”, based on a number segment, teach how to solve equalities for adding and subtracting numbers of the first ten, relying on visual geometric material and knowledge composition of numbers.

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