Conversation "my family is a wonderful place to live." Conversation with children of the middle group on the topic: My family Conversation family in a person's life

Conversation : "My family".

Target: formation of moral values.


1. To promote in children a sense of love and respect for loved ones;

2. Contribute to the formation of the right attitude towards the family, its members, their relationships;

3. Contribute to the cohesion and development of the class team;

4. To create a comfortable situation for the creative self-expression of students, the manifestation of their activity.

Equipment: laptop, song "Smile" from m / f Little Raccoon; Questionnaire "Me and my family"

Class layout: family photos of children; epigraph: "A tree is supported by roots, and a person by relatives."

Preliminary work:

Students are given the task in advance to bring photographs and prepare a story about an interesting event in the family, or a successful vacation, or a favorite holiday, or an outstanding event in the family. Based on these photos, a presentation or video is being prepared.

The questionnaire "Me and my family" is conducted anonymously, the questions are thought out by the teacher himself, the results of the survey can be used for the parent meeting.

Event progress

1. Organizational moment

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love,

And escorted on the road with good!

Without what in the world
Adults can not live and children?
Who will support you friends?
Your friendly... family.
Right! We're talking about family today.

2. Riddles:

You are strong and brave
And the biggest
You scold - on the case,
And praise - with soul! (Dad)

Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up"?
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Tea - pour into a bowl? (Mother)

fragrant jam,
pies for treats,
delicious pancakes
At the beloved ... (Grandmothers)

He did not work out of boredom,
He has callused hands
And now he is old and gray
My dear, beloved ... (Grandfather)

One father-mother child,
And not a son to anyone. (Daughter)

Goes to four in the morning
During the day for two, and in the evening for three.
(Child, adult, old man)

We walked in a crowd:
Mother-in-law with son-in-law
Yes, husband and wife
Mother with daughter
Yes, grandmother and granddaughter
Yes, father and daughter.
Is there a lot of everyone? (4)

3. Introductory conversation.

Guys, what do you think family is?
Children:The family is dad, mom, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.
Educator:Family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love, respect each other, care for each other.
Educator:Today you brought photos of your family from your family photo album. Tell me who lives in your family? But first I want to tell you about my family, listen. (I put the photo on the board). This photo is of my family. (the teacher tells about his family and hobbies). I love my family very much. And now, let's listen to your stories about your family.
(Wishing children tell about their family from a photograph. The teacher praises the guys for interesting stories, in case of difficulty, helps with leading questions, draws attention to the fact that in all the photographs the family members are cheerful, smiling, which means they love each other).
Educator:Well done, the stories turned out to be good, but not all the guys were able to tell, but I want to hear from everyone what kind of family you have. I propose to play a game called "What kind of family do you have?" (the game is played with a ball).

4. Conversation “My family. Relationships in the family.

Indeed, the closest, dearest, most beloved and loving people- mom, dad, sisters, brothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles - your family.

- What do you think a family is?

During the conversation, it turns out that the family consists of people who are relatives and live together. The origin of the word family - "seven I" is discussed.

- Why do you think a person needs a family? What, besides family ties, unites people in the family?

The family is warm, reliable, calm, they will always understand, help, protect. When you are sick, everyone at home is attentive to you: they put a thermometer, give medicine, say kind words.

What kind words do you say?

Students come to the conclusion that family members are united by caring for each other, helping each other.

I wonder what family members usually do together? What are your family's favorite holidays? How do you prepare for them and spend them?

Children talk about family holidays and hobbies.

Cozy and warm at home, thanks to the tireless care of loved ones. Tell me, how should you treat everything that you have?

By your attitude to things, you can judge how you feel about the work of your parents.

Children conclude that it is necessary to protect not only things, but also relationships in the family.

5. Game "What is your family?"
Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and asks: -What kind of family do you have? The child who caught the ball must answer by choosing an adjective (big, small, friendly, caring, hardworking, cheerful, kind, good, strict, healthy, strong, happy)

6. Tour of the photo gallery.

Today you brought photos of your parents and loved ones. On them we see how happy you are. Tell us about your photos.

5. Questionnaire "Relationships in your family"

1. Do you consider relationships in your family:
- very good;
- good;
- not very good;
- bad;
- not very bad.

2. Do you consider your family friendly?
- Yes;
- not really;
- No.

3. What family traditions help strengthen your family? List them.

4. How often does your family get together?
- daily;
- on weekends;
- rarely.

5. What does your family do when they get together?
- solve problems together;
- are engaged in family and domestic work;
- spend leisure time together, watch TV shows;
- Discuss the issues of teaching children;
- share your impressions about your day, about your successes and failures;
- everyone minds their own business;
- something else (add).

6. Are there quarrels or conflicts in your family?
- Yes;
- often;
- Sometimes;
- rarely;
- No.

7. What methods of resolving family conflicts are used?
- reconciliation;
- joint discussion of the situation and the adoption of a common decision;
- natural attenuation of the conflict;
- seeking help from other people (parents, neighbors, friends, teachers);
- Conflicts are practically not resolved, they are protracted.

6. Bottom line.

Let's sum up our conversation. How do you understand the proverb "A tree is supported by roots, and a person by relatives"?

If the family is together, then the soul is in place.

Russian proverb.


  • Expand knowledge about the family as a social unit.
  • Make students think about family values, real and imaginary.
  • Cultivate respect, love for your loved ones.
  • Prepare high school students for creating a future family


As you know, the family is the beginning of all beginnings. In the circle of relatives and friends, the child pronounces the first word, takes the first steps. The younger schoolboy is still closely connected with the house, family. But as soon as the child grows up, his world expands: school, friends, sports section, club. The high school student no longer feels that close blood connection with the family, which was before. Often he looks at the house as a room in which he will be fed, dressed, and given a lodging for the night. We, teachers, often hear from the parents of high school students: he lives his own life, he does not need us, help to establish contact with his son. That is why there is a need to talk with the guys about the main value in their life, which they do not yet realize - the family.

Equipment: projector, book exhibition, family photos.

Lesson concepts: family, family functions, family roles, family value

Preliminary preparation:

  • 3 days before class hour The students wrote an essay on one of the following topics:
  • Why do I love my parents?
  • "Weekdays and holidays of my house"
  • "Family Laws"
  • Questionnaire.
  • Pick up proverbs and sayings about the family.
  • Draw a family tree of your family (or family coat of arms).


1. Introductory speech of the teacher

Yes, that's the way people are.
Do you want it, don't you want it
But only parents love children
A little more than the children of their parents.
And yet - do not reproach children,
After all, they do not always twitter on the branches.
Once they raise kids,
to feel and experience everything,
And to visit both the "old men" and the "ancestors".

E. Asadov.

- Yes, sooner or later, in adulthood and not very, with or without parental approval, people start a family. What it will be: happy or not, noisy or not, rich or poor, sympathetic or indifferent, time will tell. Today we will talk about what a family should be like for a person to be happy.

2. Historical background (student)

The family originated in Neolithic times. Of course, it was a little like a modern one, but by this time humanity had already settled in one place, and it had a home. Each civilization has made its own adjustments to the concept of "family". In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the family was monogamous. The state regulated family relations (marriage, divorce, birth of children). By the way, many family rituals known to us today originate in antiquity. So, the Spartan groom had to steal the bride. In ancient Rome, families often held family dinners, when the whole family gathered at a large table: father, mother, their children and their families. In Rus', the family has long been protected and revered. Family education is rooted in Christianity. The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh says: "Honor the old like father and mother, and the young like brothers."

3. Philological reference (student)

- The word "family" goes back to the root "sem", which is related to the seed and procreation, that is, the birth and upbringing of children, which is traditionally considered the main purpose of the family. The Latin word "surname" is "a common name for family members." The family is:

  • Complete (2 parents)
  • Incomplete (1 parent)
  • Simple (one generation)
  • Complex (several generations)
  • Monogamous (2 partners)
  • Polygamous (multiple partners)
  • Authoritarian (dominance of one of the spouses)
  • Egalitarian (equality of spouses)


- Pick up rhymes: family - friends - my - relatives ...
- Remember families from history and literature (2 teams: who is more)

4. What associations does the word “family” evoke in you?

(along the chain - one or two words). Here are examples: love, care, respect, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, a single whole, peace, peace, warmth, hearth, own history, home, clan, dynasty. All these words can be written on the board.

5. What is your family like?(analysis of essays)

On the board are slides with quotes from student essays. The teacher comments on them (cf. Annex 1 ).

6. How are the relationships in your family?

7. Fill in the table: Under what conditions do you think a family cannot exist?

8. Work in pairs

Develop rules for communication between people who play these family roles: “child - parent”, “husband - wife”, “grandparents - grandchildren”, “elder - younger”.

List the most important, in your opinion, family functions (no more than 5). For example, the reproduction of the population, educational function, household ...

9. Contest "Guess the proverb"

Now let's turn to folk wisdom.

The children read the proverbs prepared at home. (one group dramatizes, and the second guesses the proverb).

So family relationships are not easy. You have been both as a child and as a parent. In order for peace and harmony to reign in the family, you need to follow the laws of the family (let's turn to your essays on topic No. 3)

Slides on the screen with the laws of the family:

  • Respect for every family member
  • Help each other, mutual understanding
  • Love

- Laws should suit everyone, and not infringe on the rights of its individual members.

11. Commandments of the family:

  • Keep the honor of the family
  • Give joy to loved ones
  • Be attentive and sensitive to your loved ones
  • “Understanding is the beginning of agreement” (Spinoza)

12. Family tree of my family

Pupils talk about their family, comment on the depicted tree. The main thing in this task: what new did I learn about my family?

- The family is a small state. And the state should have a coat of arms.

Students are divided into 4 teams and within 5-7 minutes draw the coat of arms of the family, taking into account all the knowledge gained in the lesson.

14. Presentation "Relics of my family"


What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And escorted on the road with good!
Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And four is interesting.
The kid is like a pet for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest, relatives.
Love and appreciate happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
On this gentle earth!

15. Reflection

- Attach hearts next to the concepts that are closest to you:

  • Family is the most important thing in a person's life.
  • The family is a home, a fortress, a rear.
  • A family is a union of like-minded people and close people.
  • Family is my pride.

Ethical conversation

"My family is my treasure"

Prepared by:

primary school teacher

MOU "Secondary School No. 21 with in-depth study

individual items, Ukhta

Mayburova Tatyana Ivanovna

"My family is my treasure"


    define the concept of "family";

    to form the concept of "happy family".


    to reveal the concept of "family" and the meaning of "wealth" of the family;

    to form positive ideas about family traditions, family values;

    cultivate respect for all family members;

    create comfortable conditions for self-expression of students' thoughts;

    contribute to the cohesion and development of the class team.


cards with words, photographs of families, Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, sheets for independent work, markers, class photo, tape recorder, audio recording of the song “My Joy”.

Conduct form: ethical conversation

Location: cool room

Event progress:

Guys, I suggest you talk about wealth today. About what?

What is wealth? (children's statements)

On the board there are cards with the words that the children call.

How can you call these values ​​that you have listed (car, apartment, cell phone, computer, etc.)?

All these things are made of certain materials, which means they are called material values. .

On the board is a card in the left column - "material values."

Highlight those words that, in your opinion, can be attributed to material values.

And the rest? (remaining words put in the right column)

On the board is a card in the left column - "spiritual values".

Is there a difference between material values ​​and spiritual ones? (material values ​​are values ​​from which there is a real benefit; they can be changed, sold, bought, and spiritual values ​​are riches that affect our views, our spiritual state)

Is it possible to put an "=" sign between them?


Let's try to answer it at the end of our conversation.

Choose the group of values ​​that you would like to talk about today. (children's statements)

Who has a car?

Much money?

Expensive cell phone?

Who has a parental home? (children answer)

So what do each of us have that unites? (family)

Everyone has a family. And the lines “My family is my wealth” come to my mind.

On the board is a card - the topic of the conversation is "My family is my wealth."

Listen to a little parable.

Long ago, on a distant island, there lived a boy. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, no one shared the nuts and fruits that grew on trees with anyone. But the boy was very sad.

One day he went to the seashore. And suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him. He was very old, but very wise.

- Where are you going? the old man asked.

- I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.

- I know how to help you. Come with me,” the old man suggested.

Let's listen to the parable to the end and check if your assumptions were correct?

He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived.

- Look! - said the old man. - We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we grieve together. Together we eat what nature has given us, help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.

The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now he had learned to rejoice and became truly happy.


The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now he had learned to rejoice and became truly happy. And it happened because he had a FAMILY.

People create a family for love. Children are born from love. This is how a family is born.

When I was a child like you, my family was my mother, father and brother. Now I have my own family - my husband and two beautiful daughters. (photo of my family)

Please introduce your families too. (Children post pictures of their families on the board)

In Ozhegov's dictionary, the word "family" is explained as "... a group of close relatives living together."

“A family is a group of close relatives living together” - on the board

I will ask you to supplement this term, to open it.

Group work. (Cards "Family is...")

Let's hear what the first group did. (children's statements)

And what addition did the guys of the second group make?

Tell me quickly, offhand, what pops up in your head when you hear this word? (children's statements)

What is the meaning of the word "family"?

The word family can be divided into two words - "seven" and "I". And then it seems to say to us: "The family is seven people like me."

But the number of family members can be different. In our time, a large family is considered a family with 3 or more children. A large family is ready to give a lot of love, care, warmth. Mothers who have given birth and raised 5 or more children are awarded the Medal of Maternity 1 and 2 degrees. (show medal)

I am glad that in our class there are 4 large families. Tell us briefly about your families.

Guys, you will all become parents in the future. How many children would you like to have?

(children's statements)

All members of one family are united by some traditions, hobbies. In Ozhegov's dictionary, the word "hobbies" is explained as "...great interest in some business."

On New Year I received a gift that made me feel warm. Elya gave me such a cute mitten that she made with her family. I know that everyone in her family loves to be creative. Decoupage, painting is their family hobby.

But what are traditions?

The dictionary says that "Traditions are what passed from one generation to another."

Let's listen to what the original Russian traditions were like.

"Traditions of Russian families"

    To gather with the whole family in the parental home on holidays,

as well as celebrate family holidays;

    All together to sing and play musical instruments;

    Invite guests and gather a feast with games, jokes;

    Collect and store family photos;

    Keep things that belonged to relatives as objects

antiquities and as a memory of relatives and friends, as a talisman;

    Representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity.

This is how dynasties of potters, military men, builders, teachers, etc. were born.

What traditions do your families have?

What traditions would you like to carry over into your family?

And you, children, can be the initiators of family traditions?

I want to give you a gift where the traditions of Russian families are recorded. But I leave the lines free so that you at home, together with your parents, supplement them with your family traditions that your families have or you are planning.

Now I will ask you to stand up and hug each other by the shoulders. Do you feel close to each other?

Now go around the chairs and hug each other by the shoulders.

The distance between you has increased, but still, each of you feels close to each other. When you go home, you also feel this closeness, call each other, ask for help, walk together.

Can our class be called a family?

What kind of family is this?

We are also a family – a school family.

Photo of the class on the board.

Why? What unites us?

We are united by common school activities - study, joint holidays and tea parties, competitions, trips to museums and libraries. We wish each other a happy birthday, give each other gifts. We take care of each other, help those who need help. Everyone, like in an ordinary family, has his own responsibilities.

Let's go back to the beginning of our conversation.

Is it possible to put an “=” sign between spiritual and material wealth?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. And we will be returning to it.

Lots of family information. The people have always composed poems, fairy tales, songs about the family, because this topic touches the soul of every person.

I would like to end our conversation with a very soulful song. Diana sings it very often. And those who know the words, sing along.

Song "My Joy"

Family. Family values.

Happiness is when you have

big, friendly, caring family.

D. Burns.

Target: the formation of the right attitude towards the family, its members, their relationships, to the life values ​​of the family.

Tasks: develop responsibility for your family,

help assess their place in the family and the role of the family in the life of the child. Educator .

I say to everyone: "Hello!"

Good afternoon friends!

The day has come beautiful

Because it is YOU and I!”

In the family circle, we are growing,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

In the family circle, all your roots,

And in life you leave this family.

Educator. Today the topic of our conversation is devoted to the family and family values. - And what is a family in your understanding? (a family is a man and a woman who have children, these are close people, relatives, loved ones who are ready to help you at any moment, this is support and protection, etc.)

Family- this is the most important thing in life. These are close and dear people, without whom we cannot exist, these are those who love us and take care of us. And we do the same.

Family is a sacred word

And you can't hurt him!

It is our roots, our strength,

Our cherished words!

And now I would like you to close your eyes for a moment and imagine your relatives and friends, those who live near you. Who do you imagine? (These are parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. They are all your family).

Most of you are happy in your families.

What is a happy family?

What role does the family play in your life and what role do you play in the family?

In order to answer these questions, we will be divided into 2 groups.

So, the task for the 1st group: write on a piece of paper what the family does for you, and the 2nd group writes what they do for the family.

What do you think is more important, you for the family or the family for you?

caregiver: Indeed, the family is a part of yourself, this is the most important thing in a person's life. Here we learn to live, build relationships with people, love, take care of loved ones and respond to care.

In the family you feel warmth and care, because you are surrounded good people: mom and dad, brothers and sisters. Your family is your support and protection.

Your parents, grandparents are the closest people whom you please with your successes, good deeds, you take care of them and protect them.

Family is a place where you are expected, loved, understood and accepted as you are.

Family- it's not just relatives living nearby. These are close people who are united by feelings, interests, ideals, attitude to life. Family is support and support, one of the main values ​​in human life. Emphasizing the importance of the family, people even established the International Day of the Family, which is celebrated on May 15. Everything goes on in the family: children are born, grow up, become parents, then grandparents, great-grandparents. When they were small, they were brought up and taken care of, becoming parents, they take care of the children and their parents. And so it goes from generation to generation.

Remember the primary responsibility of the family: "The upbringing of children and the care of sick and elderly members of the family."

Teacher - Guys, what do you think a real family is?

(students answer).

A real family is not a family of 3 people, as is customary today. The ideal real family is: grandmother, grandfather, mother, father and three children. And so it turns out - family. Raise your hands, please, who has such a family now. We have such families - ...! Guys, tell us about your families. (Students' stories).

Educator. Now let's see how well you know your family . (questionnaires No. 1,2)

Educator. Guys, what is the most precious thing in your families that they cherish and pass on from generation to generation?

That's right, this traditions and family values. Perhaps your families have some traditions of their own. Tell about them. (Children talk). What are the most important family values ​​for you? (Answer).

Tell me, where do you go every day after school? (home).

But what is a house? Listen to the poems of the poetess L. Suslova.

And a house filled with goodness is not yet a house.

And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a house.

And on the window with a living flower - not yet a house.

And even with a basque teapot, it's not a home yet.

When the evening darkness thickens,

So the truth is clear and simple -

That from the palms to the window the house is filled

Your Warmth.

What Heat are we talking about? What is this Truth, which should be simple and understandable?

(Students offer their answers).

Educator. Of course, in your young hearts, this feeling is born and will grow stronger over the years - Love for your home.

Educator. And how to create the Warmth of our house? Please tell us about the warm relations that have developed in your families. (Children talk).

Indeed, I want to return and live in the house where happiness lives!

caregiver. Among the peoples there are a huge number of proverbs relating to the family and family values. Let us consider their wise judgments.

The Russian proverb is brought to your attention: "The whole family is together, and the soul is in place." How do you understand it? (answer) (everyone in the house, healthy, happy, there are warm relations in the family), etc.

You won't find a better friend than a mother. (Russian)

Mother's heart warms better than the sun. (Mari)

Maternal care and at the bottom of the sea will save. (Russian)

The father of the son will not teach badly. (Russian)

Those who listen to their parents will not get poorer. (Abkhazian)

Take care of your father and mother - you will not find others. (Russian)

Our parents are not persecutors. (Russian)

The child's finger hurts, and the mother's heart. (Ukrainian)

Parents don't say bad things to their kids. (Mordovian)

What is best in a son comes from his parents. (Armenian)

For the sake of the child, the mother will throw herself into the fire. (Belarusian)

Listen to the instructions of the father-mother - you will not get lost. (Belarusian)

Educator. The workout went well. Now competitive tasks.

Task number 1

From the set of words that you will now receive in envelopes, make up a proverb.

You can change the case, form, add prepositions and particles.

Family, heap, scary, cloud. (A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.)

Children, hardship, joy. (Children are not a burden, but a joy.)

House, lead, sleeve, shake. (House to lead - do not shake your sleeve.)

Family, treasure, harmony, not needed. (No treasure is needed when the family is in harmony.)

Task number 2

You need to correct what is wrong.

Do not be born beautiful, but be born rich (happy).

Love is a ring, and a ring has no problems (no beginning and no end).

Seven nannies have a child in sight (without an eye).

Lovely scold only on Fridays (amuse).

Task number 3

Now continue the proverb.

A guest on the threshold - happiness in ... (house).

A house without a mistress ... (an orphan).

Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).

The apple never falls far from the tree).

What are rich, ... (they are glad).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

- When the family is together, ... (so the soul is in place).

- The child learns that ... (what he sees in his home, parents are an example of this).

Educator. So, I hope guys, today you understood that the Family is not just relatives who live together, they are people who are united by feelings, interests, attitude to life. There is nothing more precious than a family, its traditions and values.

Family is what we share for everyone,

A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.

Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds rush, weeks, years,

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

Educator: I have wishes for you, dear guys.

Love, appreciate and take care of your parents - no one will replace them for you.

Give flowers to your mother, grandmother, sister, even field ones, give them as often as possible.

And remember the words of Marina Tsvetaeva:

"Don't be too angry with your parents, remember that they were you and you will be them."

Questionnaire "Me and my family" No. 1

Questionnaire questions:

    Who is the head of your family?

    Why do you upset your parents?

    How do you make them happy?

    How do your parents punish you?

    Are you asking for forgiveness?

    Do you think your parents are strict and fair?

    Are there often cases when parents are not fair to you?

    What are your negative character traits?

    Can you trust your family with your secrets? To whom?

    What would you like to change in your family?

Questionnaire "Me and my family" No. 2

    Mom's favorite song.

    Favorite parenting expression of your parents.

    Do you know the story of how mom and dad met?

    Name the best character traits of dad.

    Do you have secrets from your parents?

    You got a two. How do you talk about it to your parents?

    You are leaving home for a week. Will you be bored?

    If you were a wizard, what would you do for your family?

    What is the most important thing for you in a family?

    What kind of family will you have?

Literature: Handbook of the class teacher 5,6,7,8 classes / Authors-compilers: Lunina E. I., Shepuryova N. S. - Rostov district / D: Phoenix, 2002. Ed. 2nd. – 384

Conversation with children senior group on the topic "My family".

Target: To form in children a positive idea of ​​the family, their loved ones.


To cultivate love and a sense of affection for relatives;

Systematize and clarify children's knowledge about the family;

Strengthen the ability to navigate in family relationships;

Develop speech by expanding and activating the vocabulary, on the topic "family" ;

- promote the development of logical thinking.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about family members with whom the child lives together. Viewing family photos, drawing portraits of parents, role-playing games "Family".

Making a collage of children's work, making a presentation about your family by your parents.

Conversation flow:

Children sit on chairs.

Q. Hello, my dear pupils! I'm very glad to see you.

Let's say hello to the guests:


V. And now, let's stand in a circle and with a smile give our good mood And good wishes each other.

(The teacher becomes with the children in a circle and the first one begins to say wishes, and so on in a circle).

B. Sit down on the chairs.

(Children sit down).

We will talk about something very important for each person.

B. Look, a balloon (points to a balloon near the ceiling),

something is written on it. (V-l picks up a ball by the rope),

There is a number and a letter written here.

Guys, it's a puzzle! Let's solve it?

Q. What is the number?

D number 7.

B What letter?

- D. is the letter I.

Q, What is the word?

(Children's answers) - family.

B. That's right, family.

Today our conversation will be about the family. (V- l ties the ball to the stand with the collage).

Family is a word that tells us a lot.

The family will show us the way in life from birth.

Family is with us always and everywhere,

She means a lot in every life.

Tell me, guys, where are you in a hurry in the evening after kindergarten?

(Children's answers) - home.

V. And why?

(children's responses).

Q. Yes, your family is waiting for you at home.

Children, what is a family?

How do you understand it?

Vanya, what do you think?

(Answers of children) - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters.

Nastya, what do you say?

- Two grandmothers, two grandfathers,

- Parents and me

“This is how a normal family turns out.

Q. Why does a person need it?

(Children's answers) - to be loved. cared for and protected.

It is no coincidence that the word family can be encrypted as 7th.

Previously, in the old days in Rus' they said: a family is seven I, that is, seven or more people living in the same house as one big, friendly and strong family, older children took care of younger brothers and sisters.

They say that in the old days

That's the way it was

Many brothers and sisters

fun friendly

Drinking milk together

Together they ate dry

Real Kindergarten

Each had a hut.

There are not only large families, but also small ones, even consisting of two people. If these people love and respect each other, care, then such a family is called friendly

(Children's answers)- and strong.

B. Children, stand in a circle, we will do a physical minute.

But I want to tell you about the family(pointing fingers at each other)

We live very friendly in the house,(hold hands and lift up and down)

A useful thing for everyone in it (clap their hands).

Dad is our friend and protector,(take each other's hands)

He brings money to the house(fingers in the castle and on the right shoulder, step)

Mom cooks delicious food for us(stroking their belly)

He fixes and irons clothes.(hand movements left and right)

Grandfather is a wise adviser(left hand on the lower back, raise the index finger of the right hand up).

Grandma knitting socksraise legs alternately, bending at the knees )

Little brother karapuzik, just starting to crawl(squat)

Well, my sister has grown up(hands up)

I went to school in the first grade.(arms folded in front of you, spring down)

And I don't sit idle(hands on the belt, tilts left and right)

Helped everyone many times(leaned in a circle, hands opened in front of each other ).

B. Sit down, guys, in your seats.

You all have a family. Can you tell us about your relatives?

Polina B. Who are you going to tell us about?

About my mom.

- We walk in the park with mom

- We collect puzzles with mom,

- Explore everything around

- Mom is the best friend!

Q. What are the best words you can say about your mother, what is she like?

(gentle, affectionate, attentive, caring,)

V. Daniel, who are you going to talk about?

Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

Well, of course, dad.

What kind and warm words would you say about dad? What is your dad like?

(strong, brave, courageous).

Polina K. I'll tell you about my grandmother.

My grandmother is like that

Large needlewoman

Knitting, sewing and embroidering

She bakes pies.

V. Polina, what is your grandmother like?

(kind, gentle, wise,)

Vova P: I'll tell you about my grandfather.

I have a grandfather

He is such a craftsman.

Kohl repair - in one moment

He will find the tool

Opens the chest

Next to me is his granddaughter.

What good words can you say about your grandfather?

(responsive, hardworking, attentive).

Guys, who else wants to tell us about their loved ones?

Egor L.: about the older sister.

Who loves me and my brother?

And he loves to dress up.

Very fashionable girl

My older sister.

Q. What kind words would you say about her?

(Caring, funny, beautiful).

Guys, Masha Khoroshilova's mother made a presentation about her family. Let's see! (Vl shows sweets and comments on them).

Q. How are family members related to each other?

-(Children's answers) - we know

Q. And here we will find out in the game “Who belongs to whom”?

Do you agree?

Q. I will explain the rules of the game.

I will ask each of you in turn a question and throw the ball to you, and you must catch the ball, answer the question correctly and throw the ball back to me.

(Children get up from chairs, teacher stands opposite).

1.- Girl for mom and dad who? (daughter).

2.- Boy for dad and mom who? (son).

3. - A boy for grandparents who? (grandson).

4. -Dad for grandfather and grandmother who? (son).

5. - Mom for grandparents who? (daughter).

6.- Who is the father for the mother? (husband)

7.- Who is mom for dad? (wife)

8. - A boy for a girl in a family who? (Brother)

9.- A girl for a boy in the family who? (sister).

10.-Girl for grandparents who? (granddaughter)

Q. Well done guys, you learned it well! Take a seat on the chairs.

- Since ancient times, the Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about the family.

- Who knows proverbs?

- Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy. (Egor L.)

- A man without a family is like a tree without fruits. (Shchedrin K.)

- They are friends in the family, they do not grieve. (Anna M)

A good family will add mind. (Timofey P.)

- Good children grow up in a good family (Sonya Ch.)

V. Oh, how clever you are!

Children, how do you express your love for loved ones?

(do good deeds)

Right. you need to do good deeds, and try not to do bad things, so as not to upset your parents.

What do you think joy looks like, like a sun or a cloud?

(To the sun). -

What does sadness look like?

(On the cloud).

Q. Under your chairs are cards with the image of the sun and clouds.

Get them out.

I will name actions, if you think that this act will upset your mother, raise a cloud, if it pleases, the sun.

Got into a fight with a friend?

Reconciled with a friend?

Did you put away the toys?

Broke a cup?

painted beautiful picture?

Q. Guys, there is a holiday called "Day of family, love and fidelity",

The holiday has a very delicate symbol - a chamomile flower. I propose to decorate with our daisies made in class a collage of your work.

And now finger gymnastics.

Raise your hands with your palm facing you and, in accordance with the text, bend your fingers, starting with the ring finger.

- I know that I have

A friendly family at home;

This is mom (ring finger)

It's me (little finger)

This is my grandmother (index)

This is dad (medium)

This is grandfather (big)

And we have no discord.

(To the quiet music "My family"

children come to the table and stick daisies, decorating the framed collage).

After work, the children stand in a row, the teacher removes the decorated collage, hands it over to show the guests their work.

Q. Guys, I want this flower to bring a piece of warmth and light to your home.

(Children read poetry).

- Family is work, caring for each other.

Family is a lot of housework.

Family is important! Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone.

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to talk about you

What a good family you are!

The soft song "My Family" is turned on. The lesson ends.

MKDOU " Kindergarten Solnechny settlement

Joint educational activities

during the regime moments "My family"

Prepared by:

senior group teacher

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