Theory methodology of physical education. Theory and methods of physical education. Requirements for a teacher in the field of F.V.

Theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline, its periods of development, structure. Sources and stages of development of the theory and methodology of physical education. Basic concepts and research methods in the theory and methodology of physical education.





Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports


Theory and methodology of physical education as a science and academic discipline

Executor: 4th year student,

Prokopov Andrey Sergeevich


Chapter 1. Theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline

1.1 Initial concepts of the theory and methodology of physical education

1.2 The structure of the discipline "Theory and methods of physical education"

Chapter 2. Theory and methods of physical education as a science

2.1 Sources and stages of development of the theory and methodology of physical education

2.2 Research methods in the theory and methodology of physical education


List of used literature


The theory and methodology of physical education is one of the fundamental sciences, which has its own clear boundaries of study, is also closely related to such sciences as anatomy, physiology, pedagogy, biomechanics, etc. The theory and methodology of physical education is a scientific and educational discipline, which is a system knowledge about the role and place of physical education in the life of a person and society, the features and general patterns of its functioning and development. The theory and methodology of physical education as a science continues to develop in the direction of physical education and covers more and more new boundaries of modern trends in physical culture and sports, both mass and professional. As an academic discipline, the theory and methodology of physical education contributes to the training of qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports.

The relevance of the topic of the course work: this term paper reveals to us the basic concepts, methods, principles and objectives of the theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline and shows the fundamental nature of the theory and methodology of physical education as a science that was formed and developed for quite a long time before becoming a science.

Purpose of the study: systematization of knowledge on the topic of theory and methodology of physical education as a science and academic discipline.

Research objectives:

1. To reveal the periods of development of the theory and methodology of physical education as a science.

2. Define the basic concepts of the theory and methodology of physical education.

3. Analyze the structure of the theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline.

Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature.

Structure and scope of work: course work is presented on 29 pages of computer text and consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references, consisting of 17 sources.


1.1 Initial concepts of the theory and methodology of physical education

The study of any academic discipline, as a rule, begins with the development of its conceptual apparatus.

Concept - this is the main form of human thinking, which establishes an unambiguous interpretation of a particular term, while expressing to the greatest extent the essential aspects, properties or signs of the object (phenomenon) being defined.

In the theory and methodology of physical education, concepts such as "physical culture", "physical education", "physical health", "physical development", "physical fitness", "physical condition", "physical qualities", "physical recreation" are used. , "physical rehabilitation", "motor activity", "norm", etc.

Concepts act as categories in which achievements in various fields of science and practice are consolidated, their understanding, fluency and implementation in practical activities are the basis for success in the work of a specialist in the field of physical culture.

Regarding the definition of the category "physical culture", there are several dozen definitions: "Social activity" and its results in creating people's physical readiness for life; "Conscious purposeful formation and maintenance of physical, bodily-motor qualities necessary for a healthy full-blooded human life"; "Creative activity for the development and creation of values ​​in the field of physical improvement of the people, as well as its socially significant results", etc.

Physical Culture- part of the general culture, a set of special spiritual and material values, methods of their production and use in order to improve people's health and develop their physical abilities.

Physical Culture of a person (individual) is considered as a process of mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of educational, educational, health-improving, recreational activities for subsequent use in the process of self-improvement, and as a result, the level of physical health that a person could maintain or improve due to his desire, knowledge, healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

Physical education. This is a type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education.

Movement training has its content in physical education - the systemic mastering by a person of rational ways to control his movements, acquiring in this way the fund of motor skills, skills and knowledge related to them that is necessary in life.

Mastering movements that have a semantic meaning, motor actions important for life or sports, those involved acquire the ability to rationally and fully demonstrate their physical qualities. At the same time, they learn the patterns of movements of their body.

According to the degree of mastery, the technique of a motor action can be performed in two forms - in the form of a motor skill and in the form of a skill. Therefore, instead of the phrase "training in movements" in the practice of physical education, the term "formation of motor skills and abilities" is often used. Education of physical qualities is no less significant aspect of physical education.

All physical qualities are innate; given to man in the form of natural inclinations that need to be developed and improved. And when the process of natural development becomes specially organized, i.e. pedagogical character, it is more correct to say not “development”, but “education of physical qualities”.

In the process of physical education, a wide range of physical culture and sports knowledge of sociological, hygienic, medical-biological and methodological content is also acquired. Knowledge makes the process of physical exercises more meaningful and therefore more effective.

Thus, physical education is a process of solving certain educational tasks, which has all the features of the pedagogical process. A distinctive feature of physical education is that it provides the systemic formation of motor skills and the directed development of a person's physical qualities, the totality of which determines his physical capacity to a decisive extent.

physical education-- the process of forming a person's motor skills and abilities, as well as the transfer of special knowledge in the field of physical culture.

Physical development. This is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change during the life of an individual of the morphological and functional properties of his body and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators.

1. Indicators of physique (body length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, the amount of fat deposition, etc.), which characterize, first of all, the biological forms, or morphology, of a person.

Indicators (criteria) of health, reflecting the morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. Of decisive importance for human health is the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc.

Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, etc.).

Up to about 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological indicators increase in size, and body functions improve. Then, until the age of 45-50, physical development seems to be stabilized at a certain level. In the future, with aging, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and worsens, body length, muscle mass, etc. may decrease.

The nature of physical development as a process of changing these indicators during life depends on many reasons and is determined by a number of patterns. It is possible to successfully manage physical development only if these regularities are known and they are taken into account when building the process of physical education.

Physical development is to a certain extent determined laws of heredity, which should be taken into account as factors that favor or, conversely, hinder the physical improvement of a person. Heredity, in particular, should be taken into account when predicting a person's ability and success in sports.

The process of physical development is also subject to the law of age gradation. It is possible to intervene in the process of human physical development in order to manage it only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the human body in different age periods: in the period of formation and growth, in the period of the highest development of its forms and functions, in the period of aging.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of unity of organism and environment and, therefore, significantly depends on the conditions of human life. The conditions of life, first of all, include social conditions. The conditions of life, work, upbringing and material support to a large extent affect the physical condition of a person and determine the development and change in the forms and functions of the body. The geographic environment also has a certain influence on physical development.

Of great importance for the management of physical development in the process of physical education are biological law of exercise And law of unity of forms and functions organism in its activities. These laws are the starting point when choosing the means and methods of physical education in each case.

By choosing physical exercises and determining the magnitude of their loads, according to the law, the exercised can be counted on for the necessary adaptive changes in the body of those involved. This takes into account that the body functions as a whole. Therefore, when choosing exercises and loads, mainly of selective effects, it is necessary to clearly imagine all aspects of their influence on the body.

Physical Qualities-- properties that characterize individual qualitative aspects of a person's motor abilities; strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and others.

physical health- a dynamic state characterized by a reserve of functions of organs and systems and which is the basis for the individual to fulfill his biological and social functions. An integral indicator of the reserves of the functions of organs and systems is the energy potential of biosystems (energy generation reserve).

Physical state-- according to the definition of the International Committee for Standardization of Tests, it characterizes a person's personality, state of health, physique and constitution, functional capabilities of the body, physical performance and fitness.

Indicators of the physical state are: the level of maximum oxygen consumption, the level of maximum physical performance, the parameters of the activity of the functional systems of the body, morphological and mental status, physical fitness, health status. In healthy and practically healthy people, 4-5 levels of physical condition are distinguished (low level, below average, medium, above average, high).

Physical performance-- the potential capabilities of a person to perform physical effort without reducing the given level of functioning of the body, primarily its cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Physical performance is designated as PWC and is determined by the indications of power (W) and volume (J) of work.

Physical performance is a complex concept. It is determined by a significant number of factors: the morphological and functional state of various organs and systems, mental status, motivation, and other factors. Therefore, a conclusion about its value can only be drawn up on the basis of a comprehensive assessment.

Physical fitness-- the level of the achieved development of physical qualities, the formation of motor skills as a result of a specialized process of physical education aimed at solving specific problems (physical fitness of students, athletes, pilots, etc.).

Physical training. This is the process of educating physical qualities and mastering vital movements. The term "physical training" emphasizes the applied orientation of physical education to work or other activities. Distinguish general physical training And special.

General physical training is aimed at increasing the level of physical development, broad motor fitness as prerequisites for success in various activities.

Special physical training is a specialized process that contributes to success in a specific activity (type of profession, sport, etc.), which imposes specialized requirements on a person’s motor abilities. The result of physical training is physical fitness, reflecting the achieved performance in the formed motor skills and skills that contribute to the effectiveness of the target activity (to which the training is oriented).

Physical recreation (recovery)-- a set of measures aimed at improving the processes of recovery after physical and mental work.

Physical recreation- the implementation of active recreation for people using physical exercises, getting pleasure from this process.

Physical rehabilitation(recovery of ability) - a set of measures aimed at restoring lost or weakened function after a disease or injury.

In recent years, the term "fitness" has become widespread in foreign and domestic practice of physical education, which does not yet have a strictly scientific justification (Levitsky, 2001).

This concept is used quite widely in various cases:

1) general fitness(Total fitness, General fitness) as an optimal quality of life, including social, mental, spiritual and physical components. In this case, general fitness is most associated with our ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle. So, in one of the fundamental books on fitness - "Comprehensive Guide to Fitness and Well-Being", published by the "Reader's Digest" publishing house in 1988, the content of the concept of fitness includes: life career planning, body hygiene, physical fitness , rational nutrition, disease prevention, sexual activity, psycho-emotional regulation, including the fight against stress and other factors of a healthy lifestyle;

2) physical fitness(Physical fitness) as an optimal state of health indicators that make it possible to have high quality life. Improving physical fitness is associated with positive health, while reducing levels of physical fitness components increases the risk of developing underlying health problems. In general terms, physical fitness is associated with the level of physical fitness. In this case, the following derivatives of this concept are given:

*health fitness(Health related fitness) is aimed at achieving and maintaining physical well-being and reducing the risk of developing a disease (cardiovascular system, metabolism, etc.);

*sports-oriented or motor fitness (Performance related fitness, skill fitness, motor fitness), aimed at developing the ability to solve motor and sports problems at a sufficiently high level;

*athletic fitness(athletic fitness), aimed at achieving special physical fitness for successful performance in competitions;

3) fitness like physical activity specially organized within the framework of fitness programs: running, aerobics, dancing, aqua aerobics, body weight correction classes, etc.;

4) fitness as optimal physical state, including the achievement of a certain level of results in the performance of motor tests and a low level of risk of developing diseases. In this regard, fitness acts as a criterion for the effectiveness of physical activity classes. Examples of using this definition of fitness include the EUROFIT system (European physical fitness) and others.

Physical activity includes the sum of movements performed by a person in the process of life. Distinguish habitual and specially organized physical activity.

Habitual motor activity, according to the definition of the World Health Organization, includes types of movements aimed at satisfying the natural needs of a person (sleep, personal hygiene, food intake, efforts spent on cooking, purchasing products), as well as educational and production activities.

Specially organized muscular activity (physical activity) includes various forms of physical exercise, active movement to and from school (to work).

Physical perfection. This is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, which optimally meets the requirements of life.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

Good health, which provides a person with the opportunity to painlessly and quickly adapt to various, including unfavorable, conditions of life, work, and life;

High overall physical performance, allowing to achieve significant special performance;

Proportionately developed physique, correct posture, the absence of certain anomalies and imbalances;

Comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided development of a person;

Possession of a rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions;

Physical education, i.e. possession of special knowledge and skills to effectively use their body and physical abilities in life, work, sports.

At the present stage of development of society, the main criteria for physical perfection are the norms and requirements of state programs in combination with the standards of a unified sports classification.

Sport. It represents the actual competitive activity, special training for it, as well as interpersonal relations and norms inherent in it.

A characteristic feature of sports is competitive activity, a specific form of which is competitions that allow you to identify, compare and compare human capabilities based on a clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, unification of the composition of actions (weight of the projectile, opponent, distance, etc.), conditions for their implementation and methods assessment of achievements according to established rules.

Special preparation for competitive activity in sports is carried out in the form of sports training.

The theory and methodology of physical education are one of the main major disciplines in the system of professional training of specialists with higher physical education. It is called upon through its content to provide students with the necessary level of theoretical and methodological knowledge about rational ways, methods and techniques.

Norm- This is the zone of optimal functioning of the system. Optimum functioning is understood as the operation of the system with the highest possible coherence, reliability, and economy. The optimal mode of operation of the body is its normal mode.

The norm in sports metrology is the boundary value of the test result, on the basis of which the classification of athletes is made.

There are three types of norms: comparative, individual and proper. Comparative norms are established after comparing the achievements of people belonging to the same population. The definition of such norms is to find the average values ​​and standard (root mean square) deviations of a certain group of people.

Individual norms are based on comparison of indicators of the same person in various conditions.

due standards are established on the basis of the requirements that are imposed on a person by living conditions, profession, living conditions, etc.

The varieties of due norms include "minimal" (define the boundary of the norm and pathology in the functioning of the body, in motor activity), "ideal" norms (characterize the optimal levels of the physical state of the body), "special" norms (used when necessary to solve special problems).

1.2 The structure of the discipline "Theory and methods of physical education"

The system of knowledge in the field of theory and methodology of physical education is constantly developing, supplemented, differentiated and integrated. Considering the differentiation of science with the allocation of independent disciplines of sports theory, physical therapy, physical rehabilitation, we can also talk about the integration of knowledge from related disciplines of the same order: physical rehabilitation, valueology, sports theory and other general scientific disciplines that functionally complement the theory and methodology of physical education and , being refracted in it, stimulate the further development of the corresponding related sciences.

The content of the modern theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline can be presented in the form of three sections: "General foundations", "Methodology of physical education in different periods of life" and "Particular methods of using physical education means". Each section is differentiated into subsections, which are further specified by topics, and topics, in turn, by elements of knowledge.

The logical sequence of sections and subsections is based on the continuity of knowledge, their organic relationship and the creation of a foundation for mastering the next.

The first section presents the general provisions of the theory and methodology of physical education, which apply to a wide range of applications (sports, basic physical culture, health-improving physical culture for people of different age groups). This is the definition of the subject and the content of the theory and methodology of physical education, the scientific directions of which determine the use of general patterns of development of the organism in ontogenesis, the adaptation of the human body to changing environmental conditions, the development of a healing effect when performing physical exercises, the formation of a person's need for health and the possibility of satisfying it in the process of physical education; various forms of means and methods of physical education for solving a wide range of problems with different age contingents; general patterns of teaching motor actions, the development of physical qualities and the construction and management of the process of physical education; the main directions of using the means of physical education for recreational, preventive and health-improving purposes; bases of professional activity of the teacher in the field of physical education.

The second section specifies the use of the main provisions of the theory and methodology in different age periods, taking into account visits to educational institutions, military and professional activities.

The third section presents material that contributes to the solution of specific problems: correction of body weight, figure, posture, prevention of the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and also adapts the methodology of physical education to persons with limited legal capacity due to impaired auditory and visual analyzers, the musculoskeletal system , mental disorders. New subsections are non-traditional types of physical recreation and health-improving physical culture (bowling, rope-skipping, etc.), as well as modern technologies for using already known species, for example, recreational gymnastics - step aerobics, calonetics, fitball, etc.

The structure of the discipline of the theory and methodology of physical education can be changed, supplemented, however, it is fundamentally important to have a full volume of organically interconnected and systematized knowledge that is necessary for a physical education teacher, trainer, instructor-methodologist. The absence of any element of knowledge can adversely affect the practical activities of a specialist.


2.1 Sources and stages of development of the theory and methodology of physical education

Each newly emerging field of science began its development with the accumulation of factual material, description and classification of phenomena, for example, chemistry - with the discovery chemical elements and descriptions of their properties, biology - from the study of individual organisms and their species, their classification and systematization. At a higher level of development of knowledge, when sufficient material was accumulated, science was able to discover laws and formulate generalizing theories.

A vivid example of such a path passed by science in the process of its development is the theory and methodology of physical education (TiMPV).

An analysis of the history of the emergence of TIMPE as a science allows us to distinguish several stages.

First stage-- empirical knowledge about the influence of motor actions on the body, obtained by a person as a result of daily activities. The accumulation of empirical knowledge led to the realization of the "exercise effect" and to the knowledge of the ways of transferring experience. This was one of the prerequisites for the emergence of physical exercises and, at the same time, the entire system of physical education.

Second phase- the creation of the first methods of physical education - covers the periods of the slave-owning states of Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages. The creation of those methods took place on the basis of the experience gained by teachers, doctors, philosophers, the "exercise effect", but without taking into account the physiological effects of physical exercises on the human body.

An example of this is the system of educating young people in the ancient Greek cities of Sparta and Athens, ancient Persia, and Egypt. Initially, private methods were developed - the best ways to teach specific actions; possession of tools of labor, hunting, war, performing certain exercises - swimming, fencing, javelin throwing, wrestling, etc. The first manuals on gymnastics, horseback riding, fencing, etc. appeared. With the accumulation of experience and awareness of the importance of education for the spiritual and physical formation of a person, the science of pedagogy arose, which at the beginning of its development dealt with issues of mental and physical (bodily) education. The development of knowledge and the elucidation of the specifics of the process of physical education determined the significant difference between its goals, principles, means, methods from mental education, which served to separate it into an independent field of knowledge - the science of physical (corporal) education proper.

The development of frequent techniques has found that their implementation is based on common fundamental patterns. Thus, the methodology of teaching gymnastics, athletics and other exercises is based on the general patterns of the formation of motor skills, the development of motor qualities and the general patterns of control of these processes. Thus, the integration of scientific knowledge into a single theory and methodology of physical education was carried out, which can be designated as third stage development, which covers the period from the Renaissance to the end of the XIX century.

The theory and methodology of physical education could only appear when mankind had accumulated sufficient experience in this area. Initial information has already appeared in Ancient Greece and in other states, when doctors, teachers, philosophers made generalizing conclusions about the means and methods of physical education.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. their desire to know the nature of man, his social role in society, the problems of personality education lead to the realization of the importance of physical education. Various systems of views (theories) concerning the pedagogical and sociological aspects of physical education are being created.

The theory of Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) was based on the belief that physical exercises should be carried out on the basis of the labor skills of the child and help prepare him for life, providing him with physical and moral education.

The views of John Locke (1632--1704), set forth in the book "Thoughts on the Education of Children" (1693), were reduced to the education of a healthy gentleman, capable of achieving personal well-being.

The system of physical education of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712--1778) was distinguished by the already differentiated education of boys and girls. He believed that boys from an early age should be hardened, bathed in cold water, and taught to exercise to develop strength and educate the will. The physical education of girls should be limited to the development of lightness, grace, and grace of movement.

Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) sought to improve the condition of the working people, especially the peasants, through the harmonious development of physical, mental and moral abilities.

The German scientists K. Marx and F. Engels pay attention to physical education as part of the all-round harmonious education of the individual and determine its place in communist education. This is for many years, until the 90s of the XX century. determined the methodological research of many scientists in different countries.

Fourth stage-- the creation of the theory and methodology of physical education as an independent scientific and educational discipline in Russia covers the period from the end of the XIX century. before 1917

A great contribution to the development of TPI was made by scientists P.F. Lesgaft (1837-1909), G. Demeni (1850-1917) and others. In the works of P.F. Lesgaft's theory of physical education was based on the process of teaching physical exercises, which made it possible to develop a "Guide to the physical education of children school age". He sought to substantiate the system of physical education according to the physiological patterns and age characteristics of those involved, which served as the basis for the formation of pedagogical principles of consistency, gradualness. Harmony of physical development. G. Demeny, developing a system of teaching movements, drew attention to the sequence of transition from simple exercises to complex , from easier to more difficult, from known to unknown.He proposed a classification of physical exercises according to the coordination structure, etc. Naturally, these theories, both in the pedagogical and in the sociological aspect, reflected the economic, political, cultural conditions of life society and certain philosophical and scientific concepts.

Fifth stage Intensive development of the science of physical education began after 1917 in Russia, in the direction of the biological substantiation of physical activity, the pedagogical principles of their use and the social conditionality of physical education as an integral part of the education of the builders of communism.

Works of physiologists I.M. Sechenov (physiology of the nervous system, respiration, fatigue, the nature of voluntary movements and mental phenomena), I.P. Pavlova (physiology of higher nervous activity, vital activity of the whole organism in connection with the external environment), N.E. Vvedensky and A.A. Ukhtomsky (processes of excitation and inhibition of nervous and muscular tissue), N.A. Bernshtein (physiology of movement construction), G.V. Folbort, D.V. Dill (development of fatigue and recovery processes) and other scientists formed the basis for the substantiation of the pedagogical laws of physical education, the substantiation of the theory of teaching motor actions, the development of motor qualities not only for their harmonious development, but also for sports improvement. In the 50-60s of the XX century. especially intensively began to develop specialized sections of biological disciplines, substantiating the system of training athletes (sports physiology, biomechanics, biochemistry, etc.). There was an objective need to integrate knowledge related to the training of athletes, accumulated in various fields of science. As a result of the differentiation of knowledge in the theory and methodology of physical education, the science of sports emerged. The catalyst for its accelerated development, especially in recent decades, has been elite sport, which is rapidly progressing in line with the Olympic and professional international sports movement. It has become a kind of natural laboratory, focusing large research resources on finding new ways to identify and maximize the development of human abilities. The theory of sports has taken shape today in many countries of the world as a major subject of professional training of sports specialists.

At the same time, a generalizing discipline was being formed, an attempt was made to integrate scientific knowledge into the "Theory of Physical Culture".

The first textbook on "Theory of Physical Culture" was a manual published by G.A. Duperon in 1926. In the interpretation of physical culture, the author includes not only the performance of physical exercises in a specially allotted time, but also all areas of life that can affect the state of the body and are included in the circle of physical culture: sleep, nutrition, clothing, ways of working, hygiene , hardening, massage, etc.

The tasks of physical culture G.A. Duperon believed: "healing a diseased organism; strengthening and protecting a developing and weak organism; maintaining a healthy and improving a normal organism."

The first task of physical culture is the area of ​​the doctor and "medical gymnastics".

The second task is specified by the following provisions:

a) protection and strengthening of the natural course of human development in childhood and adolescence;

b) protection and strengthening of the natural course of human life in adulthood;

c) correction of some shortcomings" of the organism, congenital or acquired.

The third task is specified:

a) the development of muscle strength;

b) improvement of the nervous system and sense organs; education of mental qualities - courage, courage, a sense of beauty, etc.;

c) the acquisition of vital and professional skills.

As early as 1925, physical culture theorists put the physical, mental and social health of the individual at the forefront. Fifty years later, the World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmity."

The incompleteness of the original factual materials and some other reasons then prevented the formation of the theory of physical culture as an integral scientific discipline. Only a part of it, the theory and methodology of physical education, which, according to the scheme of G.A. Duperon had the following structure:

a) how a person works and how his body lives and works;

b) the exact purpose of applying any exercise;

c) the essence of each exercise and its effect on the body;

d) how each physical exercise should be practically applied;

d) under what conditions it should be used.

The next stage of knowledge integration into the general theory of physical culture dates back to the 1970s of the XX century. The formation of a generalizing theory of physical culture takes place in the conditions of active development of the theory of culture as a whole by a number of scientists - such as V.M. Vydrin, B.V. Evstafiev, Yu.M. Nikolaevna. Ponomarev, N.I. Ponomarev, V.I. Stolyarov and others. The development of sociology, anthropology, social psychology, the general theory of education and other sciences has a significant impact on the formation of the theory of physical culture. The leading theorist and integrator of scientific knowledge in the field of physical culture is Professor L.P. Matveev.

According to its main content, the general theory of physical culture belongs to the social humanities, since it is interested in a person and the social factors of his directed development and upbringing. At the same time, the natural science content is widely represented in it, since it is focused on the knowledge of the features of physical culture as a specific factor in improving the natural (natural) qualities and abilities of a person, optimizing his physical condition and physical development.

According to the definition of L.P. Matveev, the theory of physical culture (its general foundations) is an integrative system of scientific knowledge about the essence of physical culture, taken as a whole, about the general laws of its functioning, directed use and further development, primarily in the system of factors of education, social personality formation and optimal development of human vitality".

The influence of social, political and ideological conditions of the 70-80s of the XX century. led to the development and interpretation of the theory of physical culture as one of the most effective ways of educating the "builder of communism" - a harmoniously developed and socially active personality, ready for work and defense of a communist-type society. In the first place, the tasks of a totalitarian state were considered: a person must prepare himself for work for the benefit of the state and for the defense of the state, and for the sake of this, maintain his readiness for as long as possible. Hence the name of the regulatory complexes "Ready for Labor and Defense". The original idea of ​​Duperon's theory of physical culture as a culture of the body and human health was dissolved in the ideologization and politicization of science. Neglecting the priorities of the interests of the individual, with all the availability of means and forms of physical culture, did not lead to the general health of the nation. You cannot force a person to be healthy and happy.

The state of a person's health is formed by his heredity and living conditions. Since children not only inherit the diseases of their parents, but also acquire their own, then over the course of two or three generations, under unfavorable socio-economic conditions of the state and the living conditions of the population, there is a decrease in the level of physical and mental health of society as a whole.

Progressive scientists in the field of medicine are beginning to pay attention to human health not in terms of the presence or absence of a disease, but measures of health, vitality, allowing him to provide for his life and resist adverse environmental conditions and the occurrence of diseases. The main means of increasing the adaptive capabilities of the organism is the human motor activity, which allows increasing the energy potential of the biosystem to a level above which neither endogenous risk factors nor chronic somatic diseases are recorded in individuals (Apanasenko, 1992).

Physicians are beginning to deal with issues of a healthy lifestyle, health and physical activity, which led to the emergence of a new science - valeology (valeo - to be healthy, to be healthy) in fact.

As the needs for physical education of certain age groups of people increased, its social importance rose, a number of socially important components and forms of using physical culture stood out. These are everyday forms of self-involvement of people in physical culture, industrial physical culture, recreational, rehabilitation and other forms of physical culture, which are increasingly filling the budget of free time, the regime of recreation and cultural activities of the population.

Sixth stage The development of TMFV can be attributed to the 90s of the XX century. The priorities of personal needs in the field of state policy have given a new round in the development of physical education. For centuries, the means of physical education were mainly of an applied nature (labor, military), which led to the allocation of classical sports: athletics, gymnastics, swimming, fencing, shooting, wrestling, etc.

The need for active recreational leisure has led to the development of game types that attract people with a constantly changing situation, game intrigue - ball games: volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, etc. Until the 1990s, these traditional types were widely introduced in physical education of all ages. groups of the population into compulsory and voluntary forms of employment.

In the early 1990s, new types of physical activity began to develop intensively on the basis of traditional sports. The demand of the population for recreational entertainment and recreation with the use of motor activity is developing the offer. The opening of sports and recreation groups on a commercial basis causes natural competition and a desire to offer something new, different from what is already there. Physical exercises in certain sections of society are moving from the category of boring and obligatory to the category of fashionable, elite. Thus, the method of using traditional types of gymnastics, acrobatics, swimming, weightlifting for recreational purposes is intensively developing, which leads to the attraction of new technologies from abroad in the form of modern training devices, new types of physical activity - aerobics, shaping, step - aerobics, slide aerobics, etc. Based on the integration of various types of exercises, new types of them arise: a combination of aerobics and swimming - aqua aerobics, cycling and gymnastics - velokinetics, acrobatics and exercises with a rope - rope skipping, etc.

The intensive development of physical education methods is ahead of the theory, which should provide a scientific basis, identify general and specific patterns of the influence of new types of physical activity on the human body, determine the possibility of their use in different age periods, methods of dosing loads, norms. This state of the science of theory and methodology of physical education is characterized by an intensive way of development.

The theory and methodology of physical education is closely related to a number of scientific disciplines. Any science cannot fully develop, limiting itself to the results of its own subject of research. The theory and methodology of physical education solves special pedagogical problems that are at the intersection of several scientific disciplines. It is closely connected with general pedagogy, general and developmental psychology. Philosophy provides a methodological basis of knowledge for it, relying on which scientists get the opportunity to objectively evaluate the effect of social laws in the field of general physical culture, penetrate into the essence of the problem, generalize, analyze and discover new patterns of its functioning and development prospects in society.

The connection with the biological sciences is dictated by the need to study the reactions of the body involved in the impact of physical education, which determines the development of adaptation. Only taking into account the anatomical, physiological and biochemical patterns that occur in the human body, it is possible to effectively manage the process of physical education.

Especially close contacts of the theory and methodology of physical education with all sports and pedagogical disciplines. Particular disciplines are based on general provisions developed by the theory and methodology of physical education, and the specific data they receive are material for new generalizations. In the process of its development, particular patterns were excluded from the general theory, which became the subject of special sciences - the sciences of gymnastics, athletics, swimming, etc. human activity, have not become and cannot become the subject of any particular discipline. The development of these general patterns is the basis of the modern theory and methodology of physical education.

2.2 Research methods in the theory and methodology of physical education

The wide development of mass forms of physical culture requires the involvement of an increasing number of specialists in this field. In their work, teachers, trainers, school teachers are no longer limited to the knowledge that they receive in an educational institution. Their work is creativity, the search for new ways to solve pressing problems, the search for new means and methods to increase the efficiency of the physical education process.

The study, as a rule, begins with the search for and discovery of a problem situation - an objectively existing contradiction between the needs (requests) of a society or an individual and the methods of satisfying them that exist at a particular time.

A problematic situation can be used as a difficulty arising from the need to explain or predict a particular phenomenon with an acute lack of information, or the ability to achieve a goal using known, traditional means and methods. In other words, a problem situation is a contradiction between needs and ways to satisfy them (for example,

the current state of physical education at school), the contradiction between knowledge about the needs of people and ignorance of the ways, means, methods, ways to meet them.

A problem (literally, a task) is a complex cognitive task, the solution of which is of significant theoretical or practical interest, a situation that needs to be solved. It represents the need to search for new information that most fully and objectively reflects a specific phenomenon and ways to improve it.

The problem is characterized by the insufficiency of available information for solving specific problems.

In the process of preliminary understanding and analysis of the problem, the research topic is determined, which reflects its specific focus (for example, the formation of motivation for engaging in various types of physical activity). It must meet the requirements of relevance, novelty, have theoretical and practical significance. Work on the topic, ultimately, leads to a deepening of scientific knowledge. This is the theoretical significance of the study. Relevance means the importance, the need to solve the problem for the present; novelty is the absence of completely similar works in the literature today, the originality of generalizations, the conclusions of the study.

In the process of developing a topic, it is necessary to determine the object and subject of research and develop a working hypothesis. The object of research is understood as what the cognitive activity of a scientist is aimed at. It can be people (groups of people), phenomena, events, processes. For example, new technologies for the use of physical education means, physical activity of schoolchildren, physical condition, etc. In other words, this is everything that explicitly or implicitly contains a contradiction, generates a problem situation and creates a problem.

Subject of study- this is the relationship of the object, one of its properties, a side that is subject to direct study. For example, the health effect of swimming; the specifics of the development of endurance in children of primary school age.

Object and subject are cross-cutting categories. They can change places depending on the level of approaches to them and their consideration.

A working hypothesis (an educated guess) is "knowing about not knowing". A scientific assumption about possible causal relationships of phenomena that have not yet been proven and should be proven based on objective information, arguments and facts obtained in the process of research. A hypothesis is "scientifically substantiated statements of a probabilistic nature regarding the essence, interrelations and causes of phenomena of objective reality" (Kuramshin, 1999), in other words, it is a scientifically substantiated guess. The transition from problem to hypothesis is the transition from questions to explanation and subsequent recommendation to practice. The main types of working (research) hypotheses include the following: descriptive, which is based on a hypothetical description of the causes that are the basis of any phenomenon, process (object of study); explanatory, which involves an explanation of causes and effects, characterizing the object of study, its connections, relationships.

One of the most important stages in the beginning of the study is the analysis of the literature. Before investigating this or that phenomenon, process, activity, it is necessary to find out what is already known about this, who and in what aspects investigated the problem and what conclusions were made. To do this, you need to study the literature. In this case, the researcher proceeds from the preliminary information that he has on the basis of knowledge obtained from textbooks, educational and methodological literature and his own practical experience. As a rule, on almost any issue that interests the researcher, there are a large number of literary sources. Catalogs in libraries, book annals and annals of journal articles, abstract journals and bulletins, book and journal reviews, which provide extensive information about scientific literature on various problems, help in the search and selection of the necessary sources in the first place.

In the process of studying literature, it is necessary to group it according to the degree of importance and directions. For example, when studying physical culture as a type of culture of an individual and society, it is necessary to get acquainted with the works on the theory of culture, to identify groups of authors who adhere to the same concept, and to understand the common thing that unites these groups. After identifying the basic concepts of the theory of culture that exist today, one should get acquainted with the modern concepts of the theory of physical culture as a type of culture. And here it is also necessary to identify groups of like-minded authors and groups of authors whose approaches to the definition of this phenomenon do not coincide. Finally, it is necessary to find out whether to detect a "white spot", i.e. problem situation and start solving it. The result of all this work will be that part of the study, which bears one of the following names: "Historiography of the problem", "Literary review", "State of the problem according to literary sources and in practice". In this part of his research, the author demonstrates knowledge of the literature on the problem, the ability to group sources according to the coinciding concepts of their authors (or other signs), the ability to detect the problem and the willingness to solve it.

In the process of working on sources, it is advisable to keep a file cabinet. Each source is neatly, competently, in accordance with the requirements of the bibliography, entered into a catalog card so that when compiling a list of references, you can simply rewrite these cards alphabetically. It is also advisable to write on each card a brief annotation of the source and your own attitude towards it or your assessment, the nature of its use (extracts, citation, review, etc.). If the study is to be long (for example, work on a dissertation or a book), then you can make up two of your own file cabinets - one alphabetical, the other subject. This will make it easier to find the material and work with it.

If the researcher already has a plan (structure) of his work, then it is advisable to prepare folders according to the number of chapters or sections of the work. Within each folder, additional divisions of the folder can be made according to the number of paragraphs in each chapter. As it accumulates, the material (extracts, blanks, opinions, etc.) is put into the appropriate folders. This reduces the time for its systematization and processing.

Analysis- this is the division of the subject of study into parts, properties, signs. The researcher, as a rule, sets himself the task of penetrating the essence of a process or phenomenon. To do this, he mentally (or practically) divides the object into its component parts, highlights properties, features, connections, relationships.

Synthesis(connection) - generalization, integration of the information received, prerequisites, the first stage of generalization and conclusions. Generalization is a method of mental activity that allows you to establish the general qualities, sides, properties of objects. The generalization of the literature on the problem obtained in the process of studying makes it possible to clarify the purpose and objectives of the study.

Target- the intended end result, a conscious image of the upcoming result. It should reflect the problem, the object and subject of research, the working hypothesis. The goal is divided into specific tasks, the organized sequence of which constitutes the research program.

To solve problems, it is necessary to determine methods(ways, methods) of research. They must be fully adequate to the tasks. This means that they provide an opportunity to obtain objective information about the given subject. Otherwise, it may turn out that methods suitable for studying some objects of study may give false information when studying other objects. For example, methods for determining the biological age of preschool children cannot be used for adolescent children, because. signs characterizing the formation of body functions in the age aspect are different.

In the research work in the field of physical education, a large number of different methods and techniques (groups of methods) are used. Among them are the following: general scientific, actually pedagogical, psychological, biological, sociological. All of them are closely related to each other, sometimes there is no clear line between them, but their own specificity. The most general method, which is used in both theoretical and experimental work, is theoretical analysis and generalization. It concerns literary data, documents, materials, empirical data and other information. The actual pedagogical pedagogical supervision(included and not included), pedagogical experiment, of which are control tests(tests). In the process of research, methods of direct collection and registration of information and methods of its processing are also used. The method of collecting retrospective (past) information is the study of sources - literary, statistical, program-methodical, instructive, and the generalization of these materials. Can also be used survey in its various forms (questionnaires, conversations, interviews). Current information can be collected by the method of observation, which is the analysis and evaluation of the subject of research without interference in its functioning by the observer.

Pedagogical purposeful observation involves a clear statement of its goals and objectives, the definition of a specific object, the use of methods for registering observed processes and phenomena, regularity, and also allows you to see the process (phenomenon) "momentarily" and in dynamics, fix its phases, stages directly "from nature" ; which makes it possible to obtain fairly objective information about the object of observation. It is advisable to use this method in combination with others, since it does not provide a comprehensive description of the object. The objects of observation can be the content of the training process, teaching methods, training, the ratio of the volume and intensity of the load in the process of training, the technique of performing exercises, tactical actions and other processes and phenomena. Observation may be open. When the object knows that it is being observed, and hidden, when the observed do not suspect that they are in the area of ​​the researcher's attention. Observation materials must be recorded in the record (observation protocols, photo, film and sound recordings).

Scientific observation is a way of obtaining information without the intervention of the researcher in the nature of the process or phenomenon being studied and the conditions for its existence.

One of the main methods of scientific research is experiment- scientifically delivered experience. This is the observation of the process under study, the phenomenon in precisely organized and taken into account conditions that make it possible to monitor the process and recreate it every time under similar conditions. It differs from pedagogical observation by the active intervention of the researcher in a process or phenomenon. In experiments in which educational or training processes are studied, as a rule, experimental and control groups are created. For the former, special conditions created by the researcher are provided, while the latter are engaged in ordinary, generally accepted, traditional conditions. The difference in the results obtained at the end of the experiment indicates the extent to which the problem has been solved. The experiment can be natural when in the course of it minor deviations from traditional, generally accepted conditions and methods of activity are allowed (for example, training); model, in which these conditions and methods change dramatically, based on the interests of the researcher, and laboratory carried out in specially created conditions.

An experiment is a way of obtaining scientific information with the active intervention of a researcher in a process or phenomenon.

Evaluation of the received empirical and theoretical material can be carried out according to qualitative (i.e., not having specific units of measurement) and quantitative indicators in the process control tests(tests). In the latter case, methods based on the ideas of qualimetry are used - a part of metrology that studies and develops quantitative methods for assessing qualitative indicators. The degree of coincidence of test results when it is repeated on the same objects and under the same conditions is called reliability test.

The ability to completely reproduce the results of the test when it is repeated after some time and under the same conditions is called stability(or reproducibility) of the test. The degree of accuracy with which an object (or side, properties, quality) is measured will characterize informative test.

In the process of control tests, it is possible to correlate preliminary assumptions, hypotheses with the real state of affairs or to obtain completely new, unforeseen information. In particular, depending on the purpose and objectives of the experiment, it is possible to determine the advantages or disadvantages of the methods, content of training, forms of organization of classes, to check the criteria for predicting and selecting children for practicing this sport. Tests allow you to determine the objective results of the experiment. Test results can be obtained in the course of obviously standard tests, such as the Harvard step test and its variants.

The results of experimental work can be verified by anthropometric measurements of growth, circumference and excursion of the chest, recording of heart rate (HR), maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), dynamometry, measurements of freedom of movement in the joints using a goniometer and other methods. Taking into account their goals, objectives, working hypothesis, the researcher can develop special control exercises and their complexes.

An indispensable method for obtaining information in theoretical research is survey which is carried out in the form of questionnaires, interviews and conversations. It allows you to judge the experience of a person, the motives of his activities and behavior, value orientation, attitude to physical exercises, the effectiveness of their use, and many other problems. For the survey, it is necessary to develop the content of the questionnaire, which includes the whole range of questions that allows you to get comprehensive information on the problem of interest to the researcher. Its introductory part contains an appeal to the respondents, the name of the institution on behalf of which the researcher is working, the objectives of the study and its purpose, an indication of the anonymity of the questionnaire and recommendations for filling it out. In the main part, questions or groups of questions are given, the answers to which will allow the researcher to get an objective idea of ​​the problem under study. The demographic part of the questionnaire contains questions related to the passport characteristics of the respondent (gender, age, specialty, sports qualification, teaching experience, etc.).

Interview- a conversation planned in advance in an informative direction, involving direct contact between the researcher and the respondents - the respondents. It can be carried out according to a rigid plan, in a certain sequence and boundaries of information.

Conversation- a question-answer form of communication between the researcher and the respondent or their group, which, although carried out according to plan, allows for various variations in its directions and time. The survey material is recorded by the researcher.

Results processing- a very important stage of the study. Evaluation can be carried out both in qualitative (based on theoretical, logical conclusions and generalizations) and quantitative aspects. Quantitative processing of materials is carried out by the methods of mathematical statistics, a science that studies the quantitative indicators of certain phenomena.


The theory and methodology of physical education is a scientific and educational discipline, which is a system of knowledge about the role and place of physical education in the life of a person and society, the features and general patterns of its functioning and development.

The object of study of this discipline is the physical capabilities and abilities of a person, which change with a purposeful impact by means of physical education.

The subject of the study is the general laws governing the process of physical education of a person. There are three directions in the theory and methodology of physical education: sociological, pedagogical and biological. The sociological direction includes questions about the causes of the emergence of physical education, its role and place as a social subsystem in the life of a person and society today, the relationship of physical education with other social phenomena (training, education, labor activity), development prospects in connection with the changing material, spiritual and social conditions of human life and society, optimal forms of special organization of the population in accordance with the goals of physical education.

In the pedagogical direction of the theory and methodology of physical education, the general patterns of managing the process of physical education and its varieties (professional-applied physical culture, recreation, rehabilitation) are studied.

In the biological direction, the influence of motor activity on the process of vital activity of the human body is studied; norms of motor activity to achieve optimal functioning of organs and systems; adaptation of the body to motor activity of various volume and intensity; conditions in which motor activity has a positive effect on the human body, increases its vitality and health level (healthy lifestyle factors).

The main objectives of the theory and methodology of physical education as a scientific discipline is the generalization of practical experience, the comprehension of the essence of physical education, the patterns of development and functioning, the formation of goals, objectives, principles, optimal ways to control the process.


1. Ashmarin B.A. Theory and Methods of Physical Education: Teacher's Guide.- M.: Academy, 2001

2. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methods of physical education and sports: Proc. Allowance for students. Higher Proc. Institutions. - M .: Academy, 2003.

3. Matveev, L.P. Theory and methods of physics. culture. INTRODUCTION to the subject: a textbook for higher special physical education institutions / L.P. Matveev. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. - 543 p.

4. Matveev, L.P. Theory and methods of physics. culture. INTRODUCTION to the subject: a textbook for higher special physical education institutions / L.P. Matveev. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Lan, 2004. - 160 p.

5. Theory and methods of physical education: textbook. for in-t nat. Cultures / L.P. Matveev [and others]; ed. L.P. Matveeva, A.D. Novikov. - M.: Physical culture and sport; 1976. - V.1. - 304 p.

6. Theory and methods of physical education: textbook. for in-t nat. Cultures / L.P. Matveev [and others]; ed. L.P. Matveeva and A.D. Novikov. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1976. - V.2. - 256 p.

7. Guzhalovsky A.A. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical culture.

8. Artemiev V.P., Shutov V.V. Theory and methods of physical education. Motor qualities: Proc. allowance - Mogilev: Moscow State University. A.A. Kuleshova, 2004. - 284 p.: ill.

9. Maksimenko A.M. Theory and methodology of physical culture: textbook. - M .: Physical culture, 2005. - 544 p.

10. Seluyanov V.N., Shestakov M.P., Kosmina I.P. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture: Uchebn. Manual for students of higher educational institutions of physical culture. - M.: Sport Academ-Press, 2001. - 184p.

11. Kharabugi G.D. Theory and methods of physical education. Ed. 2nd, add. Textbook for technical schools of physical culture. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1974.

12. Shiyan B.M., Ashmarin B.A., Minaev B.N. Theory and methods of physical education: Proc. Allowance for students ped. in-tov and ped. uch-sch on special. "Start. military training and physical education" and "Phys. culture"; Ed. B.M. Shiyan. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.-224 p.: ill.

13. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Petrov P.K. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 264 p.

14. Theory of physical culture: textbook. / Yu.F. Kuramshin [and others]; ed. Yu.F. Kuramshina. - M.: Soviet sport, 2003. - 464 p.

15. Deminsky A.Ts. Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical education: Donetsk, AO Donechchina, 1986 - 366 p.

16. Shpak V.T., Sinyutich A.A. Theory and methodology of physical education short course of lectures for the specialty 1-030201 "Physical culture with specializations" 2nd ed., add. And a reworker. - Vitebsk. Publishing house of UO "VSU im. Masherova" 2007 - 168 p.

17. Theory of physical education: textbook. allowance for in-t nat. culture / G.I. Kukushkin [and others]; ed. G.I. Kukushkin. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1953. - 458 p.

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Each newly emerging field of science began its development with the accumulation of factual material, description and classification of phenomena, for example, chemistry - with the discovery of chemical elements and a description of their properties, biology - with the study of individual organisms and their species, their classification and systematization. At a higher level of development of knowledge, when sufficient material was accumulated, science was able to discover laws and formulate generalizing theories.

A vivid example of such a path passed by science in the process of its development is the theory and methodology of physical education (TiMPV).

An analysis of the history of the emergence of TIMPE as a science allows us to distinguish several stages.

First stage-- empirical knowledge about the influence of motor actions on the body, obtained by a person as a result of daily activities. The accumulation of empirical knowledge led to the realization of the "exercise effect" and to the knowledge of the ways of transferring experience. This was one of the prerequisites for the emergence of physical exercises and, at the same time, the entire system of physical education.

Second phase- the creation of the first methods of physical education - covers the periods of the slave-owning states of Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages. The creation of those methods took place on the basis of the experience gained by teachers, doctors, philosophers, the "exercise effect", but without taking into account the physiological effects of physical exercises on the human body.

An example of this is the system of educating young people in the ancient Greek cities of Sparta and Athens, ancient Persia, and Egypt. Initially, private methods were developed - the best ways to teach specific actions; possession of tools of labor, hunting, war, performing certain exercises - swimming, fencing, javelin throwing, wrestling, etc. The first manuals on gymnastics, horseback riding, fencing, etc. appeared. With the accumulation of experience and awareness of the importance of education for the spiritual and physical formation of a person, the science of pedagogy arose, which at the beginning of its development dealt with issues of mental and physical (bodily) education. The development of knowledge and the elucidation of the specifics of the process of physical education determined the significant difference between its goals, principles, means, methods from mental education, which served to separate it into an independent field of knowledge - the science of physical (corporal) education proper.

The development of frequent techniques has found that their implementation is based on common fundamental patterns. Thus, the methodology of teaching gymnastics, athletics and other exercises is based on the general patterns of the formation of motor skills, the development of motor qualities and the general patterns of control of these processes. Thus, the integration of scientific knowledge into a single theory and methodology of physical education was carried out, which can be designated as third stage development, which covers the period from the Renaissance to the end of the XIX century.

The theory and methodology of physical education could only appear when mankind had accumulated sufficient experience in this area. Initial information has already appeared in Ancient Greece and in other states, when doctors, teachers, philosophers made generalizing conclusions about the means and methods of physical education.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. their desire to know the nature of man, his social role in society, the problems of personality education lead to the realization of the importance of physical education. Various systems of views (theories) concerning the pedagogical and sociological aspects of physical education are being created.

The theory of Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) was based on the belief that physical exercises should be carried out on the basis of the labor skills of the child and help prepare him for life, providing his physical and moral education.

The views of John Locke (1632--1704), set forth in the book "Thoughts on the Education of Children" (1693), were reduced to the education of a healthy gentleman, capable of achieving personal well-being.

The system of physical education of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712--1778) was distinguished by the already differentiated education of boys and girls. He believed that boys from an early age should be hardened, bathed in cold water, and taught to exercise to develop strength and educate the will. The physical education of girls should be limited to the development of lightness, grace, and grace of movement.

Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) sought to improve the condition of the working people, especially the peasants, through the harmonious development of physical, mental and moral abilities.

The German scientists K. Marx and F. Engels pay attention to physical education as part of the all-round harmonious education of the individual and determine its place in communist education. This is for many years, until the 90s of the XX century. determined the methodological research of many scientists in different countries.

Fourth stage-- the creation of the theory and methodology of physical education as an independent scientific and educational discipline in Russia covers the period from the end of the XIX century. before 1917

A great contribution to the development of TPI was made by scientists P.F. Lesgaft (1837-1909), G. Demeni (1850-1917) and others. In the works of P.F. Lesgaft's theory of physical education was based on the process of teaching physical exercises, which made it possible to develop a "Guide to the physical education of schoolchildren". He sought to substantiate the system of physical education according to the physiological patterns and age characteristics of those involved, which served as the basis for the formation of the pedagogical principles of consistency and gradualness. Harmony of physical development. G. Demeny, developing a system of teaching movements, paid attention to the sequence of transition from simple to complex exercises, from easier to more difficult, from known to unknown. They proposed a classification of physical exercises according to the coordination structure, etc. Naturally, these theories, both in the pedagogical and sociological aspects, reflected the economic, political, cultural conditions of society and certain philosophical and scientific concepts.

Fifth stage Intensive development of the science of physical education began after 1917 in Russia, in the direction of the biological substantiation of physical activity, the pedagogical principles of their use and the social conditionality of physical education as an integral part of the education of the builders of communism.

Works of physiologists I.M. Sechenov (physiology of the nervous system, respiration, fatigue, the nature of voluntary movements and mental phenomena), I.P. Pavlova (physiology of higher nervous activity, vital activity of the whole organism in connection with the external environment), N.E. Vvedensky and A.A. Ukhtomsky (processes of excitation and inhibition of nervous and muscular tissue), N.A. Bernshtein (physiology of movement construction), G.V. Folbort, D.V. Dill (development of fatigue and recovery processes) and other scientists formed the basis for the substantiation of the pedagogical laws of physical education, the substantiation of the theory of teaching motor actions, the development of motor qualities not only for their harmonious development, but also for sports improvement. In the 50-60s of the XX century. especially intensively began to develop specialized sections of biological disciplines, substantiating the system of training athletes (sports physiology, biomechanics, biochemistry, etc.). There was an objective need to integrate knowledge related to the training of athletes, accumulated in various fields of science. As a result of the differentiation of knowledge in the theory and methodology of physical education, the science of sports emerged. The catalyst for its accelerated development, especially in recent decades, has been elite sport, which is rapidly progressing in line with the Olympic and professional international sports movement. It has become a kind of natural laboratory, focusing large research resources on finding new ways to identify and maximize the development of human abilities. The theory of sports has now taken shape in many countries of the world as a major subject of professional training of sports specialists.

At the same time, a generalizing discipline was being formed, an attempt was made to integrate scientific knowledge into the "Theory of Physical Culture".

The first textbook on "Theory of Physical Culture" was a manual published by G.A. Duperon in 1926. In the interpretation of physical culture, the author includes not only the performance of physical exercises in a specially allotted time, but also all areas of life that can affect the state of the body and are included in the circle of physical culture: sleep, nutrition, clothing, ways of working, hygiene , hardening, massage, etc.

The tasks of physical culture G.A. Duperon believed: "healing a diseased organism; strengthening and protecting a developing and weak organism; maintaining a healthy and improving a normal organism."

The first task of physical culture is the area of ​​the doctor and "medical gymnastics".

The second task is specified by the following provisions:

a) protection and strengthening of the natural course of human development in childhood and adolescence;

b) protection and strengthening of the natural course of human life in adulthood;

c) correction of some shortcomings" of the organism, congenital or acquired.

The third task is specified:

a) the development of muscle strength;

b) improvement of the nervous system and sense organs; education of mental qualities - courage, courage, a sense of beauty, etc.;

c) the acquisition of vital and professional skills.

As early as 1925, physical culture theorists put the physical, mental and social health of the individual at the forefront. Fifty years later, the World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmity."

The incompleteness of the original factual materials and some other reasons then prevented the formation of the theory of physical culture as an integral scientific discipline. Only a part of it, the theory and methodology of physical education, which, according to the scheme of G.A. Duperon had the following structure:

a) how a person works and how his body lives and works;

b) the exact purpose of applying any exercise;

c) the essence of each exercise and its effect on the body;

d) how each physical exercise should be practically applied;

d) under what conditions it should be used.

The next stage of knowledge integration into the general theory of physical culture dates back to the 1970s of the XX century. The formation of a generalizing theory of physical culture takes place in the conditions of active development of the theory of culture as a whole by a number of scientists - such as V.M. Vydrin, B.V. Evstafiev, Yu.M. Nikolaevna. Ponomarev, N.I. Ponomarev, V.I. Stolyarov and others. The development of sociology, anthropology, social psychology, the general theory of education and other sciences has a significant impact on the formation of the theory of physical culture. The leading theorist and integrator of scientific knowledge in the field of physical culture is Professor L.P. Matveev.

According to its main content, the general theory of physical culture belongs to the social humanities, since it is interested in a person and the social factors of his directed development and upbringing. At the same time, the natural science content is widely represented in it, since it is focused on the knowledge of the features of physical culture as a specific factor in improving the natural (natural) qualities and abilities of a person, optimizing his physical condition and physical development.

According to the definition of L.P. Matveev, the theory of physical culture (its general foundations) is an integrative system of scientific knowledge about the essence of physical culture, taken as a whole, about the general laws of its functioning, directed use and further development, primarily in the system of factors of education, social personality formation and optimal development of human vitality".

The influence of social, political and ideological conditions of the 70-80s of the XX century. led to the development and interpretation of the theory of physical culture as one of the most effective ways of educating the "builder of communism" - a harmoniously developed and socially active personality, ready for work and defense of a communist-type society. In the first place, the tasks of a totalitarian state were considered: a person must prepare himself for work for the benefit of the state and for the defense of the state, and for the sake of this, maintain his readiness for as long as possible. Hence the name of the regulatory complexes "Ready for Labor and Defense". The original idea of ​​Duperon's theory of physical culture as a culture of the body and human health was dissolved in the ideologization and politicization of science. Neglecting the priorities of the interests of the individual, with all the availability of means and forms of physical culture, did not lead to the general health of the nation. You cannot force a person to be healthy and happy.

The state of a person's health is formed by his heredity and living conditions. Since children not only inherit the diseases of their parents, but also acquire their own, then over the course of two or three generations, under unfavorable socio-economic conditions of the state and the living conditions of the population, there is a decrease in the level of physical and mental health of society as a whole.

Progressive scientists in the field of medicine are beginning to pay attention to human health not in terms of the presence or absence of a disease, but measures of health, vitality, allowing him to provide for his life and resist adverse environmental conditions and the occurrence of diseases. The main means of increasing the adaptive capabilities of the organism is the human motor activity, which allows increasing the energy potential of the biosystem to a level above which neither endogenous risk factors nor chronic somatic diseases are recorded in individuals (Apanasenko, 1992).

Physicians are beginning to deal with issues of a healthy lifestyle, health and physical activity, which led to the emergence of a new science - valeology (valeo - to be healthy, to be healthy) in fact.

As the needs for physical education of certain age groups of people increased, its social importance rose, a number of socially important components and forms of using physical culture stood out. These are everyday forms of self-involvement of people in physical culture, industrial physical culture, recreational, rehabilitation and other forms of physical culture, which are increasingly filling the budget of free time, the regime of recreation and cultural activities of the population.

Sixth stage The development of TMFV can be attributed to the 90s of the XX century. The priorities of personal needs in the field of state policy have given a new round in the development of physical education. For centuries, the means of physical education were mainly of an applied nature (labor, military), which led to the allocation of classical sports: athletics, gymnastics, swimming, fencing, shooting, wrestling, etc.

The need for active recreational leisure has led to the development of game types that attract people with a constantly changing situation, game intrigue - ball games: volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, etc. Until the 1990s, these traditional types were widely introduced in physical education of all ages. groups of the population into compulsory and voluntary forms of employment.

In the early 1990s, new types of physical activity began to develop intensively on the basis of traditional sports. The demand of the population for recreational entertainment and recreation with the use of motor activity is developing the offer. The opening of sports and recreation groups on a commercial basis causes natural competition and a desire to offer something new, different from what is already there. Physical exercises in certain sections of society are moving from the category of boring and obligatory to the category of fashionable, elite. Thus, the method of using traditional types of gymnastics, acrobatics, swimming, weightlifting for recreational purposes is intensively developing, which leads to the attraction of new technologies from abroad in the form of modern training devices, new types of physical activity - aerobics, shaping, step - aerobics, slide aerobics, etc. Based on the integration of various types of exercises, new types of them arise: a combination of aerobics and swimming - aqua aerobics, cycling and gymnastics - velokinetics, acrobatics and exercises with a rope - rope skipping, etc.

The intensive development of physical education methods is ahead of the theory, which should provide a scientific basis, identify general and specific patterns of the influence of new types of physical activity on the human body, determine the possibility of their use in different age periods, methods of dosing loads, norms. This state of the science of theory and methodology of physical education is characterized by an intensive way of development.

The theory and methodology of physical education is closely related to a number of scientific disciplines. Any science cannot fully develop, limiting itself to the results of its own subject of research. The theory and methodology of physical education solves special pedagogical problems that are at the intersection of several scientific disciplines. It is closely connected with general pedagogy, general and developmental psychology. Philosophy provides a methodological basis of knowledge for it, relying on which scientists get the opportunity to objectively evaluate the effect of social laws in the field of general physical culture, penetrate into the essence of the problem, generalize, analyze and discover new patterns of its functioning and development prospects in society.

The connection with the biological sciences is dictated by the need to study the reactions of the body involved in the impact of physical education, which determines the development of adaptation. Only taking into account the anatomical, physiological and biochemical patterns that occur in the human body, it is possible to effectively manage the process of physical education.

Especially close contacts of the theory and methodology of physical education with all sports and pedagogical disciplines. Particular disciplines are based on general provisions developed by the theory and methodology of physical education, and the specific data they receive are material for new generalizations. In the process of its development, particular patterns were excluded from the general theory, which became the subject of special sciences - the science of gymnastics, athletics, swimming, etc. However, the most general patterns that operate not only in these types of exercises, but relate to any type of human motor activity , have not become and cannot become the subject of any particular discipline. The development of these general patterns is the basis of the modern theory and methodology of physical education.



Ministry of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture,

sports and tourism as a teaching aid for students

higher educational institutions of physical culture

2nd edition, revised and enlarged






1.1. The essence and causes of the emergence of physical education in society

The emergence of physical education refers to the earliest period in the history of human society. Elements of physical education arose in primitive society (, 1970). People got their own food, hunted, built housing, and in the course of this natural, necessary activity, their physical abilities improved spontaneously - strength, endurance, speed.

Gradually, in the course of the historical process, people paid attention to the fact that those members of the tribe who led a more active and mobile lifestyle, repeatedly repeated certain physical actions, showed physical effort, were also stronger, more resilient and efficient. This led to a conscious understanding of the phenomenon by people. exercise bridges (repetition of actions). It was the phenomenon of exercise that became the basis of physical education.

Realizing the effect of exercise, a person began to imitate the movements (actions) necessary for him in his labor activity outside the real labor process, for example, throwing a dart at the image of an animal. As soon as labor actions began to be applied outside of real labor processes, they turned into physical exercises. The transformation of labor actions into physical exercises has significantly expanded the scope of their impact on a person, and primarily in terms of comprehensive physical improvement. Further, in the course of evolutionary development, it turned out that a much better effect in physical training is achieved when a person begins to exercise in childhood, and not in adulthood, that is, when he is prepared for life and work beforehand.

Thus, the realization by mankind of the phenomenon of exercise and the importance of the so-called preliminary preparation of a person for life, the establishment of a connection between them served as the source of the emergence of genuine physical education.

Forms of organized physical education arose in ancient Greece in the form of special training for young people in military and sports exercises, but until modern history they remained the property of a few members of the privileged classes or were limited to military training.

1.2. Theory and methodology of physical education as

Special physical training is a specialized process that contributes to success in a specific activity (type of profession, sport, etc.), which imposes specialized requirements on a person’s motor abilities. The result of physical training is physical preparedness, reflecting the achieved performance in the formed motor skills and skills that contribute to the effectiveness of the target activity (to which the training is oriented).

Physical development. This is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change during the life of an individual of the morphological and functional properties of his body and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators.

1. Indicators of physique (body length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, the amount of fat deposition, etc.), which primarily characterize the biological forms, or morphology, of a person.

2. Indicators (criteria) of health, reflecting the morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. Of decisive importance for human health is the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc.

3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, etc.).

Up to about 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological indicators increase in size and body functions improve. Then, up to years, physical development is, as it were, stabilized at a certain level. In the future, with aging, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and worsens, body length, muscle mass, etc. may decrease.

The nature of physical development as a process of changing these indicators during life depends on many reasons and is determined by a number of patterns. Successfully managing physical development is possible only if these patterns are known and they are taken into account when building the process of physical education.

Physical development is to a certain extent determined lawsheredity, which should be taken into account as factors that favor or, conversely, hinder the physical improvement of a person. Heredity, in particular, should be taken into account when predicting a person's ability and success in sports.

The process of physical development is also subject to WHO lawgrowing gradation. It is possible to intervene in the process of human physical development in order to manage it only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the human body in different age periods: in the period of formation and growth, in the period of the highest development of its forms and functions, in the period of aging.

The process of physical development is subject to the law of unityorganism and environment and, therefore, significantly depends on the conditions of human life. The conditions of life are primarily social conditions. The conditions of life, work, upbringing and material support to a large extent affect the physical condition of a person and determine the development and change in the forms and functions of the body. The geographic environment also has a certain influence on physical development.

Of great importance for the management of physical development in the process of physical education are biological lawexercisingAnd law of unity of forms and functions organism in its activities. These laws are the starting point when choosing the means and methods of physical education in each case.

Choosing physical exercises and determining the magnitude of their loads, according to the law of exercise capacity, one can count on the necessary adaptive changes in the body of those involved. This takes into account that the body functions as a whole. Therefore, when choosing exercises and loads, mainly of selective effects, it is necessary to clearly imagine all aspects of their influence on the body.

Physical perfection. This is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, which optimally meets the requirements of life.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

1) good health, which provides a person with the opportunity to painlessly and quickly adapt to various, including unfavorable, conditions of life, work, life;

2) high general physical performance, which allows to achieve significant special performance;

3) proportionately developed physique, correct posture, the absence of certain anomalies and imbalances;

4) comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided development of a person;

5) possession of a rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions;

6) physical education, i.e. the possession of special knowledge and skills to effectively use one's body and physical abilities in life, work, sports.

At the present stage of development of society, the main criteria for physical perfection are the norms and requirements of state programs in combination with the standards of a unified sports classification.

Sport. It represents the actual competitive activity, special training for it, as well as interpersonal relations and norms inherent in it.

A characteristic feature of sports is competitive activity, a specific form of which is competitions that allow you to identify, compare and contrast human capabilities based on a clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, unification of the composition of actions (weight of the projectile, opponent, distance, etc.), conditions for their implementation and methods assessment of achievements according to established rules.

Special preparation for competitive activity in sports is carried out in the form of sports training.



2.1. The system of physical education, its foundations

Under the concept system have in mind something whole, which is a unity of regularly arranged and interconnected parts designed to perform specific functions and solve certain problems.

Physical education system- this is a historically conditioned type of social practice of physical education, including ideological, theoretical and methodological, program-normative and organizational foundations that ensure the physical improvement of people and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

1. worldview foundations. Worldview is a set of views and ideas that determine the direction of human activity.

In the domestic system of physical education, the worldview aims are to promote the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of those involved, the realization of the opportunities for everyone to achieve physical perfection, the strengthening and long-term preservation of health, and the preparation of members of society for professional activities on this basis.

2. Theoretical and methodological foundations. The system of physical education is based on the achievements of many sciences. Its theoretical and methodological basis is the scientific provisions of the natural (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, etc.), social (philosophy, sociology, etc.), pedagogical (psychology, pedagogy, etc.) sciences, on the basis of which the discipline "Theory and Methods of Physical education” develops and substantiates the most general patterns of physical education.

3. Program and regulatory framework. Physical education is carried out on the basis of compulsory state programs for physical culture and sports (programs for preschool institutions, general education schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, the army, etc.). These programs contain scientifically substantiated tasks and means of physical education, complexes of motor skills to be mastered, a list of specific norms and requirements.

The program-normative foundations of the system of physical education are concretized in relation to the characteristics of the contingent (age, gender, level of preparedness, health status) and the conditions of the main activity of participants in the physical culture movement (study, work in production, military service) in two main directions: general preparation and specialized.

The general preparatory direction is represented primarily by physical education in the system of general compulsory education. It provides: a basic minimum of comprehensive physical fitness; the main fund of motor skills and abilities necessary in life; level of versatile development of physical abilities accessible to everyone. A specialized direction (sports training, industrial-applied and military-applied physical training) provides for in-depth improvement in the chosen type of motor activity on the basis of broad general training with a possibly high (depending on individual abilities) level of achievement.

These two main directions provide the possibility of consistent mastery of vital movements, education of physical, moral and volitional qualities, and sports improvement of a person.

The basic principles of physical education (principles of all-round assistance to the all-round harmonious development of the personality, applied and health-improving orientation) are concretely embodied in the program-normative foundations.

4. Organizational bases. The organizational structure of the system of physical education is made up of state and public-amateur forms of organization, leadership and management.

The state line provides for systematic compulsory physical exercise in preschool institutions (nursery - kindergarten), general education schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, the army, medical and preventive organizations. Classes are held according to state programs, at the hours allotted for this in accordance with the schedule and official schedule, under the guidance of full-time specialists (athletic personnel).

Control over the organization, implementation and results of physical education on the state line is provided by the Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Committee of the State Duma for Tourism and Sports, city committees for physical culture and sports, as well as the relevant departments of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

According to the public-amateur line, physical exercises are organized depending on individual inclinations, abilities of those involved and the need for physical education. The principal feature of the public-amateur form of organization is complete voluntariness physical education classes. The duration of classes depends largely on the individual setting, personal inclinations and the actual availability of free time.

The organization of physical education on a public-amateur basis provides for mass involvement in physical education through a system of voluntary sports societies: Spartak, Lokomotiv, Dynamo, Labor Reserves, etc.

2.2. The purpose and objectives of physical education

The goal is understood as the final result of the activity to which a person or society aspires.

The purpose of physical education is the optimization of the physical development of a person, the comprehensive improvement of the physical qualities inherent in each and the abilities associated with them in unity with the education of spiritual and moral qualities that characterize a socially active person; on this basis, to ensure that each member of society is prepared for fruitful labor and other types of activity (veev, 1989).

In order to make the goal realistically achievable in physical education, a complex of specific tasks (specific and general pedagogical) is solved, which reflect the versatility of the upbringing process, the stages of the age development of the educated, their level of preparedness, the conditions for achieving the intended results.

The specific tasks of physical education include two groups of tasks: tasks for optimizing the physical development of a person and educational tasks.

Solution tasks for optimizing physical development a person must provide:

Optimal development of physical qualities inherent in a person;

Strengthening and maintaining health, as well as hardening the body;

Improving the physique and the harmonious development of physiological functions;

Long-term preservation of a high level of overall performance.

The comprehensive development of physical qualities is of great importance for a person. The wide possibility of their transfer to any motor activity allows them to be used in many areas of human activity - in a variety of labor processes, in various and sometimes unusual environmental conditions.

The health of the population in the country is considered as the greatest value, as a starting condition for a full-fledged activity and a happy life for people. On the basis of good health and good development of the physiological systems of the body, a high level of development of physical qualities can be achieved: strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, flexibility.

Improving the physique and the harmonious development of the physiological functions of a person are solved on the basis of a comprehensive education of physical qualities and motor abilities, which ultimately leads to a naturally normal, undistorted formation of bodily forms. This task provides for the correction of physique deficiencies, the education of correct posture, the proportional development of the muscle mass of all parts of the body, the promotion of maintaining optimal weight through physical exercises, and the provision of bodily beauty. The perfection of body forms, in turn, expresses to a certain extent the perfection of the functions of the human body.

Physical education provides long-term preservation of a high level of physical abilities, thereby prolonging the working capacity of people.

To special educational tasks include:

Formation of various vital motor skills and abilities;

Formation of sports motor skills and abilities;

Acquisition of basic knowledge of a scientific and practical nature.

The physical qualities of a person can be most fully and rationally used if he is trained in motor actions. As a result of learning movements, motor skills and abilities are formed. The vital skills and abilities include the ability to perform motor actions necessary in labor, defense, household or sports activities.

Thus, the skills and abilities of swimming, skiing, running, walking, jumping, etc. are of direct practical importance for life. Skills and skills of a sports nature (in gymnastics, figure skating, football techniques, etc.) .) have indirect applicability. The formation of skills and abilities develops a person's ability to master any movements, including labor ones. The more baggage of motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is for them to master new forms of movements.

The transfer of special physical education knowledge to students, their systematic replenishment and deepening are also important tasks of physical education. These include knowledge: the essence of physical culture, its significance for the individual and society; physical culture and hygienic nature; patterns of formation of motor skills and abilities; techniques of physical exercises, its meaning and basics of application; to promote and maintain good health for many years to come.

Increasing the physical culture literacy of people makes it possible to widely introduce physical culture and sports in everyday life and at work. In the matter of involving the general population in the physical culture movement, the promotion of physical culture knowledge is of paramount importance.

To general pedagogical include tasks for the formation of a person's personality. These tasks are put forward by society in front of the entire system of education as especially significant. Physical education should promote the development of moral qualities, behavior in the spirit of the requirements of society, the development of intelligence and psychomotor function.

The highly moral behavior of an athlete brought up by a coach and a team, as well as the industriousness, perseverance, courage and other strong-willed qualities developed in the process of physical exercises, are directly transferred to life, to the industrial, military and domestic environment.

In the process of physical education, certain tasks are also solved for the formation of ethical and aesthetic qualities of a person. The spiritual and physical principles in the development of a person constitute an inseparable whole and therefore allow in the course of physical education to effectively solve these problems.

General pedagogical tasks of physical education are specified in accordance with the specifics of the chosen direction of physical education, age and gender of those involved.

The goal of physical education can be achieved if all its tasks are solved. Only in unity do they become real guarantors of the all-round harmonious development of a person.

The main aspects of concretization of tasks. The tasks solved in the process of physical education receive their specific refraction according to the profile of sports training, general and professional-applied physical training (Fig. 2). Moreover, two directions for concretizing tasks can be noted (veev, 1989).

In the first case, the tasks to be solved are specified in accordance with the individual capabilities and characteristics of those involved. Individualized specification of tasks in physical education is a complicated matter, since physical exercises are carried out in the form of a group organization. However, despite this, it is necessary to take into account the age and gender characteristics, as well as the physical development and level of preparedness of those involved.

In the second case, the specification of tasks is carried out in the temporal aspect, which means their correlation with the time necessary and favorable for their solution.

Based on the target settings in physical education, general tasks are set. They, in turn, are subdivided into a number of particular tasks, for the consistent implementation of which a certain time is needed. General tasks are considered in a long-term aspect (for the entire period of study in a general education school, in a secondary specialized and higher educational institution, etc.), private tasks - for a time from a relatively short time (for one lesson) to a very long time (a month, an academic quarter , half year, year).

When setting tasks and determining deadlines for their solution, regularities are taken into account

Rice. 2. The main aspects of concretization of tasks in physical education

age-related development of the human body, as well as the patterns of change of age periods and those natural changes that occur in them. So, for example, when educating physical qualities, it is necessary to take into account sensitive (sensitive) zones, when the natural maturation of the forms and functions of the body creates favorable prerequisites for a directed impact on these qualities. Or another example. The maturation of the motor analyzer in adolescents ends at the age of 13-14, the puberty period in girls occurs at the same time. In complexly coordinated sports (artistic gymnastics, figure skating, etc.), tasks for mastering a significant number of complex technical actions are set for the period preceding this age.

The above allows us to say that the formulation of each specific problem can be carried out only in each specific situation of its solution. The specification of tasks in the system of education and upbringing (school, secondary specialized and higher educational institution, etc.) is carried out from more general (for the entire period of study) to more specific (for a year, semester, quarter, month, one lesson).

Concreteness in the formulation of tasks should be expressed not only in semantic terms, but also in quantitative terms. For this, standards are introduced as unified quantitative expressions of the tasks solved in physical education.

In the field of physical education, the quantitative and normative setting of tasks mainly reflects the standards of physical fitness. They are subdivided into two aspects: standards reflecting the degree of development of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility), and standards characterizing the degree of mastery of motor skills and abilities (standards of "training").

Physical fitness standards should be available to every person (if he is healthy and has no defects in the physical condition of the body). At the same time, accessibility presupposes a certain preparation of a person. If the standards are underestimated, they do not have a stimulating value, the students lose their motivation to achieve them. Therefore, the standards should be real - not too high, but not too low.

The normative basis for the general preparatory direction is the state programs, and for the sports direction - the sports classification.

In addition to the above methods of specifying tasks in physical education, other methods are also used. One of them is the setting of individualized motor tasks, which provide for the performance of movements within the framework of clearly defined parameters (spatial, temporal, power). Such concretization of particular tasks is more often practiced in separate classes or a series of classes. They mainly affect either the training of motor actions, or the education of physical qualities.

Another way to specify the tasks is the long-term, staged and operational-current planning of the necessary (from the standpoint of the planned tasks) changes in the state of the body according to individual indicators that express the degree of capacity of its systems (muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.).

This can be demonstrated by setting goals for the development of endurance. Outline specific indicators that the student must achieve. These indicators reflect pulmonary ventilation, oxygen consumption and other indicators of a person's vegetative system.

Each such indicator separately, of course, is completely unequal to the integral indicators of results, the achievement of which is aimed at physical education. But taken together, these "partial" indicators, if their interrelations and patterns of change in the process of physical education are known, are very important for concretizing the specific tasks solved in it, as well as for objective control over their implementation.

2.3. General socio-pedagogical principles

physical education systems

Under the term principles in pedagogy, they understand the most important, most significant provisions that reflect the patterns of education. They direct the activities of the teacher and the student towards the intended goal with less effort and time.

The general principles for the implementation of tasks arising from the goal of physical education are: 1) the principle of promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual; 2) the principle of connection of physical education with practice (applied); 3) the principle of health orientation.

They are called general because their action extends to all workers in the field of physical culture and sports, to all parts of the physical education system (preschool institutions, schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, etc.), to state and public forms of organization (mass physical culture and sports of the highest achievements, etc.).

The general principles include the requirement of society, the state both for the process of physical education itself and for its result (what a person engaged in physical culture should become).

The principle of promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. This principle is revealed in two main provisions.

1. Ensure the unity of all aspects of education that form a harmoniously developed personality. In the process of physical education and related forms of using physical culture, an integrated approach is needed in solving the problems of moral, aesthetic, physical, mental and labor education.

2. Comprehensive use of various factors of physical culture for the complete general development of vital physical qualities characteristic of a person and motor abilities based on them, along with the formation of a wide fund of motor skills necessary in life.
In accordance with this, in specialized forms of physical education, it is necessary to ensure the unity of general and special physical training.

The principle of connection of physical education with the practice of life (principle of application). This principle reflects the purpose of physical culture to the greatest extent: to prepare a person for work, and also, by necessity, for military activity. The applicability principle is specified in the following provisions.

1. When solving specific tasks of physical training, other things being equal, preference should be given to those means (physical exercises) that form vitally important motor skills and skills of a directly applied nature.

2. In any form of physical activity, it is necessary to strive to ensure the acquisition of the widest possible fund of various motor skills and abilities, as well as the versatile development of physical abilities.

3. Constantly and purposefully link cultural activities with the formation of an active life position of the individual based on the education of diligence, patriotism and moral qualities.

The principle of wellness orientation. The meaning of the principle lies in the obligatory achievement of the effect of strengthening and improving human health. This principle requires:

Determining the specific content of the means and method of physical education, it is imperative to proceed from their health-improving value as an obligatory criterion;

Plan and regulate training loads depending on the gender, age, level of preparedness of those involved;

Ensure the regularity and unity of medical and pedagogical control in the process of classes and competitions;

Widely use the healing forces of nature and hygiene factors.

Thus, as follows from the above, the main purpose of the general principles of the physical education system is as follows:

firstly, to the creation of the most favorable conditions and opportunities for achieving the goal and solving the problems of physical education;

secondly, to the designation of the general direction of the process of physical education (comprehensiveness, application, improvement);

thirdly, to the definition of the main ways that guarantee the achievement of positive results of physical education (the ways to implement them in practice).

The principles of the system of physical education are an organic unity. Violation of one of them is reflected in the implementation of the rest.



In pedagogy, the concept upbringing considered in a broad and narrow sense.

Education in a broad sense- this is the process and result of the assimilation and active reproduction of social experience by social subjects, which covers their wide, multilateral interaction with each other, with the social environment and the surrounding nature. Its essence is manifested as a process of purposeful, organizationally formalized interaction of all its participants on subject-subject relations, ensuring their harmonious development and effective solution of socially significant tasks.

Education in the narrow sense- this is a purposeful and systematic interaction of the subjects of the educational process. It covers the activities of educators who carry out a system of pedagogical influences on the mind, feelings, will of the educated, actively responding to these influences under the influence of their needs, motives, life experience, beliefs and other factors.

educational process- this is a purposeful activity of all subjects of education, ensuring the formation of personality qualities (needs, character, abilities and "I-concept") in the interests of the corresponding educational goals and objectives.

The main goal of upbringing in modern conditions is to create material, spiritual, organizational conditions for the formation in each citizen of an integral complex of social and value qualities, views, and beliefs that ensure its successful development.

3.1. Communication of different types of education in the process

physical education

In the age development of a person, a very important role belongs to physical education. This concerns not only the promotion of the normal physical development of a growing organism and its improvement, health promotion, but also the formation of the spiritual qualities of a person. All this becomes possible and real with the correct formulation of physical education, its implementation in organic connection with other types of education: mental, moral, labor, aesthetic.

The relationship of physical education with mental. It manifests itself directly and indirectly.

Direct connection lies in the fact that in the process of physical education there is a direct impact on the development of the mental abilities of those involved. In the classroom, cognitive situations constantly arise related to mastering the technique of physical exercises, its improvement, mastering the methods of practical actions, etc. (how to perform movements more economically, more accurately, more expressively, etc., how to distribute forces at a distance, in competitions, etc. ).

The teacher of physical culture and sports, depending on the qualifications and age of the students, deliberately creates cognitive and problematic situations of varying degrees of complexity in the classroom. Those involved must make their own decisions, act actively and creatively approach the solution of the tasks assigned to them.

A variety of new knowledge in the field of physical culture, acquired by students, serves their spiritual enrichment and contributes to the development of mental abilities, allows more efficient use of physical education in sports activities, life.

mediated communication is that the strengthening of health, the development of physical strength in the process of physical education are a necessary condition for the normal mental development of children. This was noted by an outstanding scientist. In his fundamental work "Guide to the physical education of schoolchildren" he wrote: "There is a close relationship between the mental and physical development of a person, which is fully revealed when studying the human body and its functions. Mental growth and development require a corresponding development of the physical.

As a result of the implementation of the health-improving tasks of physical education, the overall vital activity of the body increases, which leads to greater productivity in mental activity.

The relationship of physical education with moral. On the one hand, properly organized physical education contributes to the formation of positive features of the moral character of a person. In the process of complex and intense training and competitive activity, the moral qualities of young people are tested and formed, the will is strengthened and tempered, and the experience of moral behavior is acquired.

On the other hand, the effectiveness of physical education classes (for example, the effectiveness of physical education lessons in a general education school, secondary specialized educational institutions, etc.) depends on the level of upbringing of those involved, their organization, discipline, perseverance, will and other character traits.

On a moral basis, the upbringing of sports industriousness, the ability to overcome difficulties, strong will and other personal qualities is carried out.

The relationship of physical education with aesthetic. Physical exercise creates favorable conditions for aesthetic education. In the course of classes, a beautiful posture is formed, the harmonious development of body shapes is carried out, an understanding of the beauty and grace of movements is brought up. All this helps to educate aesthetic feelings, tastes and ideas, contributes to the manifestation of positive emotions, cheerfulness, optimism.

Aesthetic education develops a person spiritually, also allows you to correctly understand and evaluate the beautiful, to strive for it.

A person with a developed aesthetic taste, as a rule, seeks to create aesthetic values ​​by carrying out aesthetic activities, which are widely represented in sports in various forms.

The connection between physical and aesthetic education is based on the unity of their goal - the formation of a person, and physical perfection is part of the aesthetic ideal.

The relationship of physical education with labor. Systematic physical exercises form organization, perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, one's own unwillingness or inability, and ultimately bring up diligence. In addition, the fulfillment by students of various instructions of the teacher for self-service, repair of sports equipment, equipment of the simplest sports grounds, etc., contributes to the formation of elementary labor skills.

The results of labor education in the formation of certain personality traits directly and positively affect the effectiveness of the physical education process.

3.2. Technology of educational activity of a teacher

in physical culture and sports

Technology of educational activity- this is a set of methodological and organizational and methodological guidelines that determine the selection, layout and procedure for using educational tools. It determines the strategy, tactics and technique of organizing the process of education in the field of physical culture and sports.

Parenting strategy sets the general idea, prospects and plan for achieving the goals of education in the process of solving practical problems.

Parenting Tactics in accordance with its strategy, determines the system for organizing educational activities in an educational institution, institution, enterprise and with each specific person.

Education technique characterizes a set of techniques, operations and other actions of a teacher in physical culture and sports on the use of educational tools in professional activities.

The constituent elements of educational technology are reception, link, chain. educational reception teacher (trainer) determines the use of forces and means to achieve a specific educational impact. caregiverlink is a separate, independent part of educational technology. Links are united by a common goal. Educationalchain there is a set of interrelated, consistently used methods and links for the formation of social value qualities and habits.

The main element of technology is parenting methods, which are certain methods of homogeneous pedagogical influence on those involved in physical culture and sports and teams or interaction with them in order to form and develop in them the qualities necessary for the successful fulfillment of social roles and the achievement of personally significant goals.

Each of the methods of education is aimed at solving specific educational tasks, determined by the purpose of education, as well as the characteristics of the participating subjects of education. Having an educative effect on a person, each method of education performs quite specific functions and has the properties of the predominant development of certain qualities in him. Any method of education includes a set of means and methods of pedagogical influence peculiar only to it, with the help of which the educational tasks characteristic of this method are solved.

The basis of the methods of education is the means and techniques that are interconnected and are used in unity in the practice of education.

Means of education- this is all that with the help of which the teacher (coach) influences the pupils. The means of education include: the word, visual aids, films and videos, conversations, meetings, traditions, literature, works of fine and musical art, etc.

Educational methods - these are special cases of actions on the use of elements or individual means of education in accordance with a specific pedagogical situation. In relation to the method, the methods of education are subordinate.

In the system of upbringing methods, it is impossible to consider each specific method as universal, separately from others. Only the use of a set of upbringing methods in their technological interconnection allows achieving the educational goal. No method of upbringing, taken in isolation, can ensure the formation of high consciousness, conviction and high moral qualities in people. In other words, none of the methods is universal and does not solve all the problems of education.

Reflective (based on individual experience, introspection and awareness of one's own value in reality).

In domestic pedagogy, the main method of education is persuasion method, since he has a decisive role in the formation of the most important qualities of a person - a scientific worldview, consciousness and conviction.

The method of persuasion is to explain to those involved the norms of behavior, established, established traditions, and when committing any misconduct, their immoral side in order to realize it by the guilty and prevent misconduct in the future.

In applying the method of persuasion, two main, inextricably linked means are used: persuasion by word and persuasion by deed.

The most common methods and means of persuasion with a word are: clarification, proof, refutation, comparison, comparison, analogy, reference to authority, etc. Persuasion by a word must be organically combined with conviction by deed, practice.

When persuading by deed, the following methods are most often used: showing the value and significance of his actions and deeds to the student; assignment of practical tasks that contribute to overcoming doubts, false views; analysis of life phenomena that refute erroneous views; personal example of a teacher (trainer), etc.

Method of exercise (method of practical training). It allows each teacher (coach) and the student himself to quickly achieve the desired goal: to merge word and deed together, to form stable qualities and character traits. Its essence lies in such an organization of daily life and activities that strengthens their consciousness, tempers the will, and contributes to the formation of habits of correct behavior. The basis of accustoming is an exercise in certain moral and volitional manifestations.

Exercise as a special activity repeated many times by a person is necessary to improve behavioral skills in various situations as a result of increasing consciousness. An exercise in education is different from an exercise in teaching. In the first case, it is closely associated with a simultaneous increase in consciousness, and in the second, it is aimed at developing skills and abilities to a high degree of automatism, and the role of consciousness in actions is somewhat reduced.

To improve moral and other professionally important qualities, a systematic approach to exercises is of great importance, which includes consistency, planning, and regularity. This means that a physical education and sports teacher should plan the volume and sequence of loads that affect the development of positive habits and the improvement of volitional qualities.

It is necessary not only to explain, but also constantly, persistently exercise those involved in disciplined, cultural behavior, in the exact implementation of sports rules and traditions, until these norms become habitual.

An illustrative example. The essence of this method is the purposeful and systematic influence of the teacher (trainer) on those involved in personal example, as well as all other types of positive examples, designed to serve as a role model, the basis for the formation of an ideal of behavior and a means of self-education.

The educational power of example is based on the natural desire of people to imitate, especially young people. An example is easier to perceive and assimilate when it is taken from a familiar field of activity. As educational examples, the teacher uses cases from the life of his team (high sports achievements of his individual students as a result of many years of hard work in training, etc.), examples of the manifestation of high moral qualities by outstanding athletes in important international competitions, etc.

The degree of punishment should correspond to the offense. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to deeply understand the essence of the misconduct, find out its motives, the circumstances under which it was committed, the person’s previous behavior, the characteristics of his personality, as well as the experience of physical culture or sports. All this allows you to correctly assess the violation and determine the measure of punishment, which will have the greatest educational impact on the student who committed the offense.

To determine the measure of punishment, it is very important to know how the offender relates to the committed offense, how he himself evaluates it and how he reacts to the penalty. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that admitting a mistake is half the correction.

Punishment for misconduct has a positive effect only when it is applied correctly, taking into account the nature of the misconduct and its impact on others.

Moral education in the process of physical education. Moral education is the purposeful formation of moral convictions, the development of moral feelings and the development of skills and habits of human behavior in society. In the general system of education, moral education is of leading importance.

The tasks of moral education are:

Formation of moral consciousness (i.e. moral concepts, views, judgments, assessments), ideological conviction and motives for activities (in particular, physical education), consistent with the norms of high morality;

Formation of moral feelings (love for the motherland, humanism, a sense of collectivism, friendship, a sense of intransigence to violations of moral standards, etc.);

Formation of moral qualities, habits of observance of ethical norms, skills of socially justified behavior (respect for the results of work and objects of spiritual and material culture, respect for parents and elders, honesty, modesty, conscientiousness, etc.);

Education of volitional traits and personality traits (courage, determination, courage, will to win, self-control, etc.).

TO means of moral education include: the content and organization of training sessions, sports mode, competitions (strict implementation of their rules), the activities of a teacher (coach), etc.

Methods of moral education include:

Persuasion in the form of clarification of established norms of behavior, established traditions;

Conversations during the commission of any misconduct by those involved;

Disputes on ethical topics;

A good example (first of all, a worthy example of the teacher, coach);

Practical training (essence: constantly, persistently exercise those involved

In disciplined, cultural behavior, in strict observance of sports rules, sports regimen, traditions, until these norms become habitual; in the transfer of significant and prolonged efforts, which often require training loads and competitions);

Encouragement: approval, praise, declaration of gratitude, awarding with a diploma, etc.;

Providing confidence in the performance of the duties of a teaching assistant, accruing to the team

incentive points when summing up the results of competitions, etc.;

Punishment for a committed misconduct: remark, reprimand, discussion at the meeting

team (sports team), temporary exclusion from the team, etc.

Mental education in the process of physical education. In physical education, there are ample opportunities for solving the problems of mental education. This is due to the specifics of physical education, its substantive and procedural foundations.

There is a two-way connection between mental and physical education.

On the one hand, physical education creates the best conditions for mental performance and promotes the development of the intellect; on the other hand, mental education increases the effectiveness of physical education, creating conditions for a more thoughtful attitude towards it for those involved in understanding or the essence of the tasks being solved and creative searches for their solution. In the content of mental education in the process of physical education, two sides can be distinguished: educational and upbringing. The educational side consists in the transfer of special physical education knowledge. At the same time, thinking develops in two directions: as reproducing (reproductive) and as productive (creative). Reproducing thinking consists in the students comprehending their actions after the instructive instructions of the teacher (for example, when teaching a complex movement). An example of creative thinking is the analysis of "reference" sports equipment in order to rationally apply it to your individual characteristics (find your individual technique). The educational side of mental education in the process of physical education is the development of such intellectual qualities as quick wit, concentration, inquisitiveness, quick thinking, etc.

Based on the foregoing, the main tasks of mental education in the process of physical education are:

Enrichment of those involved in special knowledge in the field of physical culture and the formation on this basis of a meaningful attitude to physical culture and sports activities, assistance in the formation of a scientific worldview;

Development of mental abilities (ability to analyze and generalize, quick thinking, etc.), cognitive activity and creative manifestations in motor activity;

Stimulation of the development of the need and abilities for self-knowledge and self-education.

By means of mental education are primarily physical education. Their content and volume are determined by physical education programs for secondary schools, lyceums, colleges, universities, etc.

In addition, the means of mental education include specially organized problem situations in the process of physical exercises, the resolution of which requires mental actions (reception and processing of information, analysis, decision-making, etc.).

TO methods of mental education include:

Survey on the taught material;

Observation and comparison;

Analysis and generalization of the studied material;

Critical assessment and analysis of motor actions.
Aesthetic education in the process of physical education.

Aesthetic education is designed to form in people extremely broad aesthetic needs. At the same time, it is important not only to form the ability to enjoy, to understand beauty in its diverse manifestations, but also mainly to cultivate the ability to embody it in real actions and deeds. Physical culture and sports are exceptionally wide opportunities for this. We are talking about the development of the aesthetic activity of the individual, primarily in practical activities, life.

The relationship between physical education and aesthetic education lies in the fact that, on the one hand, physical education expands the scope of aesthetic impact on a person, on the other hand, aesthetic education increases the effectiveness of physical education by introducing a positive emotional moment into it and additional attractive incentives for physical exercises.

Before aesthetic education in the process of physical exercises are the following specific tasks:

Education of aesthetic feelings and tastes in the field of physical culture;

Education of an aesthetic assessment of the body and movements of a person;

The development of skills to find and appreciate the beautiful in the behavior of comrades and in the environment.

TO means of aesthetic education in the process of motor activity, first of all, various types of physical education itself are included. In each of them, the teacher can point out to his students the moments of beauty. The means of aesthetic education are also holidays and performances, natural and hygienic conditions, as well as the atmosphere of classes, special means of artistic education in the process of classes (the use of music and works of art), etc.

Aesthetic education in the process of physical education is characterized by the following methods:

Emotionally expressive explanation of physical exercises, figurative word;

Technically perfect and emotionally expressive demonstration of the exercise, which would

caused a feeling of admiration for the beautiful;

Inspiring example in actions and deeds;

Practical accustoming to creative manifestations of beauty in motor activity in

the process of physical exercise.

Labor education in physical education. Attitude to work is one of the most important criteria for the upbringing of a person. This attitude to work is characterized by the stability of fulfilling the requirements of discipline, the fulfillment of production tasks, the manifestation of initiative in work, and a personal contribution to the achievement of collective labor.

The relationship between physical and labor education is expressed in the fact that physical education directly contributes to labor education, increasing people's ability to work, and labor education, in turn, gives physical education a specific focus on preparing people for life and work.

In the process of physical exercises, the content of labor education is the educational work itself, elementary labor processes for servicing physical exercises, the socially useful work of athletes and athletes in the order of patronage over any institution, enterprise, etc.

Before labor education in the process of physical education, the following tasks:

Education industriousness;

Formation of a conscious attitude to work;

Mastering basic labor skills and abilities.

TO means of labor education include: educational work (in the process of academic physical education classes, intense sports training sessions, competitions, fulfillment of practical duties for self-service and group service (preparation and cleaning of training areas, inventory, maintenance of sports equipment, etc.), socially useful work in connection with physical education classes (in a health-improving and sports camp, etc.).

to specific methods of labor education in the process of physical education include:

Practical accustoming to work;

Evaluation of labor results;

An example of exemplary work (for example, an exceptionally conscientious attitude of an athlete to training and the fulfillment of training tasks with full dedication of strength and high sports and technical results).

Occupations by various kinds of sports represent ample opportunities for the education of positive personality traits. These activities are collaborative. They are emotional, allow you to form along with physical and mental qualities. However, the educational opportunities for practicing various physical exercises, sports are not the same, which should be taken into account by the teacher (trainer). They are due to the special content and conditions for performing specific exercises.

So, through the exercises of artistic gymnastics with the appropriate organization, teaching and training methods, it is possible to cultivate such qualities as self-control, courage, perseverance, discipline. Movable and sport games are highly emotional and create special conditions for the effective formation of positive personality traits (honesty, responsibility to the team, perseverance, willingness to help a friend) and the elimination of negative qualities (selfishness, dishonesty, rudeness, arrogance, cowardice, etc.).

In pedagogical work, the following educational tasks are planned and implemented: promising and immediate, collective and individual, related to individual, specific students.

The teacher must find the right approach to each athlete, be able to support and develop good qualities and inclinations in him, take care not only about the sports results of his pupil, but also about his attitude to learning, his behavior, and cultural growth.

The effectiveness of the educational activities of a teacher in physical culture and sports is achieved:

Organization of a holistic activity-educational process in accordance with the requirements of laws, scientific recommendations and real needs;

Achieving the social-value target and content orientation of education, its optimal organization;

Ensuring positive motivation in the process of doing physical exercises and sports, revealing and using the essential potential of each student;

Achieving the cohesion of a sports team (team);

Personal attitude to the performance of duties at a highly professional, creative level;

Comprehensive support of the educational process.

Requirements for the personality of a teacher (trainer) as an educator. The formation of the personality of his students largely depends on the teacher. The criteria for pedagogical excellence are made up of a set of business and personal qualities of a teacher.

Mandatory business qualities of a physical education teacher (sport coach) should be: understanding the ideological foundations of education in our country, knowledge of one’s business, the ability to teach movements and educate physical qualities, the ability to organize a team of students and find an important approach to students, the ability to observe and take into account the results of the educational process, to be able to educate with their subject, to be cultural.

The main personal qualities that a teacher (coach) should possess include: creative activity, flexibility of mind, diligence, honesty, disinterestedness, adherence to principles, endurance, exactingness, modesty, culture.



4.1. Means of physical education

To achieve the goal of physical education, the following groups of means are used: 1) physical exercises; 2) healing forces of nature; 3) hygiene factors. The main specific means of physical education are physical exercises, auxiliary means are the healing forces of nature and hygienic factors. The complex use of these means allows specialists in physical culture and sports to effectively solve health-improving, educational and educational tasks. All means of physical education can be displayed in the form of a diagram (Fig. 3).

4.1.1. Physical exercise

Physical exercise- these are such motor actions (including their combinations), which are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

Word physical reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental work), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

Word exercise denotes a directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the method of performing this action.

Thus, physical exercise is considered, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, on the other hand, as a process of multiple repetition.

The effect of physical exercises is determined primarily by the content. The content of physical exercises is a combination of physiological, psychological and biomechanical processes occurring in the human body when performing this exercise (physiological changes in the body, the degree of manifestation of physical qualities, etc.).

Healing value. Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional changes in the body, which is reflected in the improvement of health indicators and in many cases has a therapeutic effect.

The healing value of physical exercises is especially important for hypokinesia, hypodynamia, cardiovascular diseases.

Under the influence of physical exercises, you can significantly change the shape of the physique. By choosing the appropriate technique for performing physical exercises, in some cases the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases it is reduced.

With the help of physical exercises, it is possible to purposefully influence the education of a person’s physical qualities, which, of course, can improve his physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, when endurance is improved, not only the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time is brought up, but the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are simultaneously improved.

educational role. Through physical exercises, the laws of movement in the environment and one's own body and its parts are learned. Performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements, master new motor skills and abilities. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movements in sports. The more baggage of motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier he adapts to environmental conditions and the easier he masters new forms of movements.

In the process of physical exercises, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, previously acquired ones are replenished and deepened.

Influence on personality. Physical exercises often require an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personal qualities. Overcoming various difficulties and managing his emotions in the process of physical exercises, a person develops traits and qualities of character that are valuable for life (courage, perseverance, diligence, determination, etc.).

Physical exercises, as a rule, are carried out in a team. When performing physical exercises, in many cases, the actions of one practitioner depend on or largely determine the actions of another. There is a kind of coordination of their actions with the motives and actions of the collective, the subordination of the individual to a common strategy of action. This is manifested in many outdoor and sports games. The ability to be restrained, to submit oneself to the will of the team, to find the one and only correct solution and, regardless of one's personal ambitions, to help a comrade. These and many other moral qualities are formed during physical exercises.

The content of any physical exercise is associated, as a rule, with a complex of effects on a person. Professionally, it is very important for a physical education teacher (sport coach) to be able to comprehensively assess the content of the exercise used in the pedagogical aspect, to really determine the possibility of using its various aspects for educational purposes.

Features of the content of a particular physical exercise are determined by its form. The form of physical exercise is a certain orderliness and consistency of both processes and elements of the content of this exercise. In the form of physical exercise, internal and external structure are distinguished. The internal structure of physical exercise is due to the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise. The external structure of physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interconnected. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. To improve motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content. As the content changes, the form of the exercise also changes. For its part, the form also affects the content. The imperfect form does not allow to fully reveal the content of the exercise.

Technique of physical exercises. The target result of the movement depends not only on the content, but also on the technique of physical exercises. The technique of physical exercises is understood as the ways of performing motor actions, with the help of which the motor task is solved expediently with relatively greater efficiency.

There are three phases in physical exercise: preparatory, main (leading) and final (final).

Preparatory phase is designed to create the most favorable conditions for the fulfillment of the main task of the action (for example, the starting position of a sprinter, a swing when throwing a discus, etc.).

Main phase consists of movements (or movements) with the help of which the main task of the action is solved (for example, starting acceleration and running at a distance, performing a turn and final effort in discus throwing, etc.).

Final phase completes the action (for example, a run by inertia after the finish, movements to maintain balance and repay the inertia of the body after the release of the projectile in throwing, etc.).

The effect of physical exercises significantly depends on the biomechanical characteristics of individual movements. There are spatial, temporal, space-time and dynamic characteristics of movements.

Spatial characteristics. These include the position of the body and its parts (initial position and operational posture in the process of performing the movement), direction, amplitude, trajectory.

The effectiveness of subsequent actions largely depends on the initial position. So, for example, bending the legs and swinging the arms before repulsion in jumping from a place largely determines the effectiveness of subsequent actions (repulsion and flight) and the final result.

An equally important role is played by a certain posture in the process of performing the exercise. The final result depends on how rational it is. For example, if the skater's seat is incorrect, the running technique becomes difficult; incorrect posture when ski jumping does not allow full use of the air cushion and gliding flight.

The direction of movement affects the accuracy of the motor action and its final result. For example, the deviation of the hand from the correct position when throwing a javelin or discus significantly affects the direction of the projectile. Therefore, when performing a motor action, each time one chooses a direction that would best correspond to rational technique.

Rational technique largely depends on the amplitude in the preparatory or main phases of the movement. In many cases, it determines: 1) the duration of the application of forces and, consequently, the magnitude of the acceleration (which is very important, for example, for the result in throwing); 2) completeness of stretching and contraction of muscles; 3) the aesthetics and beauty of the movements performed, characteristic of sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, etc. The amplitude of movements depends on the structure of the joints and the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles.

The trajectory of movement is essential for the effectiveness of physical exercises. In shape, it can be curvilinear and rectilinear. In many cases, the rounded shape of the trajectory is justified. This is due to the inappropriate expenditure of muscle effort. In other cases, the rectilinear form of the trajectory is preferable (a blow in boxing, an injection in fencing, etc.).

Temporary characteristics. These include movement duration and tempo.

The duration of the exercise as a whole (running, swimming, etc.) determines the magnitude of its impact (load). The duration of individual movements affects the performance of the entire motor action.

The pace of movement is determined by the number of movements per unit of time. The speed of movement of the body in cyclic exercises (walking, running, swimming, etc.) depends on it. The magnitude of the load in the exercise is also directly dependent on the pace.

Spatio-temporal characteristics is speed and acceleration. They determine the nature of the movement of the body and its parts in space. Their frequency (tempo), the magnitude of the load during the exercise, the result of many motor actions (walking, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) depend on the speed of movements.

Dynamic characteristics. They reflect the interaction of internal and external forces in the process of movement. Internal forces are: forces of active contraction - traction of muscles, forces of elastic, elastic resistance to stretching of muscles and ligaments, reactive forces. However, internal forces cannot move a body in space without interacting with external forces. External forces include support reaction forces, gravitational forces (gravity), friction and resistance of the external environment (water, air, snow, etc.), inertial forces of objects being moved, etc.

Rhythm as a complex characteristic of physical exercise technique reflects the natural order of distribution of efforts in time and space, the sequence and measure of their change (increase and decrease) in the dynamics of action. Rhythm combines all the elements of technique into a single whole, is the most important integral feature of the technique of motor action.

Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of technology. Pedagogical criteria of technique effectiveness are understood as signs on the basis of which the teacher can determine (evaluate) the degree of correspondence between the method of execution of a motor action observed by him and the objectively necessary one.

In the practice of physical education, the following criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of technology are used:

1) the effectiveness of physical exercise (including sports results);

2) parameters of the reference technique. Its essence lies in the fact that the parameters of the observed action are compared with the parameters of the reference technique;

3) the difference between the real result and the possible one.

Immediate (trace) and cumulative effects of exercise. The effect of performing any physical exercise can be observed directly in the process of its implementation and after a certain period of time. In the first case, they speak of the immediate effect of the exercise, which is characterized, among other things, by fatigue resulting from prolonged or repeated exercise during the session. In the second case, there is a trace effect of the exercise.

At the same time, depending on the intervals of time passing before the next lesson, the following phases of changing the effect of exercises are distinguished: the phase of relative normalization, supercompensatory and reduction phases.

In the phase of relative normalization, the trace effect of the exercise is characterized by the deployment of recovery processes, leading to the restoration of operational performance to the original level.

In the supercompensatory phase, the trace effect of the exercise is expressed not only in the reimbursement of working expenses, but also in compensating them "with excess", exceeding the level of operational performance over the initial level.

In the reduction phase, the trace effect of the exercise is lost if the time between sessions is too long. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to conduct subsequent sessions either in the phase of relative normalization or in the supercompensatory phase. In such cases, the effect of previous sessions will "layer" on the effect of subsequent ones. As a result, a qualitatively new effect of the systematic use of exercises arises - a cumulative-chronic effect. It is thus the general result of the integration (connection) of the effects of a regularly reproduced exercise (or a system of different exercises).

In physical education, the main point of providing a long-term cumulative effect of exercises is to develop fitness, maintain and further improve physical fitness. But the cumulation of the exercise effect can also lead to negative consequences if the laws of physical education are violated, in particular, excessive loads are chronically allowed. The consequence of this may be overstrain, overtraining, etc.

Classification of physical exercises. To classify physical exercises means to logically represent them as some ordered set with division into groups and subgroups according to certain characteristics.

In the theory and methodology of physical education, a number of classifications of physical exercises have been created.

1.Classification of physical exercises on the basis of historically established systems of physical education. Historically, society has developed in such a way that the whole variety of physical exercises gradually accumulated in only four typical groups: gymnastics, games, sports, tourism.

Each of these groups of physical exercises has its own essential features, but mainly they differ in pedagogical capabilities, specific purpose in the system of physical education, as well as their specific methods of conducting classes.

In our system of physical education, gymnastics, games, sports and tourism provide an opportunity to:

First, to provide a comprehensive physical education of a person;

Secondly, to satisfy the individual needs and interests of many people in the field of physical education;

Thirdly, to cover people with physical education activities throughout their entire lives - from elementary children's outdoor games to exercises from the arsenal of therapeutic physical culture in old age.

2. Classification of physical exercises according to their anatomical features. On this basis, all physical exercises are grouped according to their effect on the muscles of the arms, legs, abdominals, back, etc. With the help of this classification, various sets of exercises are compiled (hygienic gymnastics, athletic gymnastics, warm-up, etc.).

3. Classification of physical exercises on the basis of their primary focus on the development of individual physical qualities. Here, exercises are classified into the following groups: 1) speed-strength types of exercises, characterized by maximum power of effort (for example, sprinting, jumping, throwing, etc.); 2) exercises of a cyclical nature for endurance (for example, running for medium and long distances, cross-country skiing, swimming, etc.); 3) exercises that require high coordination of movements (for example, acrobatic and gymnastic exercises, diving, figure skating, etc.); 4) exercises that require a complex manifestation of physical qualities and motor skills in conditions of variable modes of motor activity, continuous changes in situations and forms of actions (for example, sports games, wrestling, boxing, fencing).

4. Classification of physical exercises on the basis of the biomechanical structure of movement. On this basis, cyclic, acyclic and mixed exercises are distinguished.

5. Classification of physical exercises on the basis of physiological power zones. On this basis, exercises of maximum, submaximal, high and moderate power are distinguished.

6. Classification of physical exercises on the basis of sports specialization. All exercises are combined into three groups: competitive, specially preparatory and general preparatory.

In any classification of exercises, it is assumed that each of them has relatively constant features, including the effect on the performer.

4.1.2. The healing powers of nature

The healing forces of nature have a significant impact on those who exercise. Changes in meteorological conditions (solar radiation, the effect of air and water temperature, changes in atmospheric pressure at sea level and at altitude, air movement and ionization, etc.) cause certain biochemical changes in the body, which lead to a change in the state of health and human performance.

In the process of physical education, the natural forces of nature are used in two ways:

1) as concomitant factors that create the most favorable conditions in which the process of physical education is carried out. They complement the effect of physical exercises on the body involved. Classes in the forest, on the shore of a reservoir contribute to the activation of biological processes caused by physical exercises, increase the overall performance of the body, slow down the process of fatigue, etc .;

2) as relatively independent means of healing and hardening the body (sun, air baths and water procedures).

When used optimally, they become a form of active relaxation and increase the recovery effect.

One of the main requirements for the use of the healing forces of nature is their systematic and complex application in combination with physical exercises.

4.1.3. hygiene factors

The hygienic factors that promote health and increase the effect of physical exercises on the human body, stimulating the development of the adaptive properties of the body, include personal and public hygiene (cleanliness of the body, cleanliness of places of work, air, etc.), compliance with the general daily routine, regime physical activity, diet and sleep patterns.

Failure to comply with hygiene requirements reduces the positive effect of physical exercise.

4.2. Methods of physical education

Under methods of physical education understands how to use physical exercises.

In physical education, two groups of methods are used (Fig. 4): specific (characteristic only for the process of physical education) and general pedagogical (used in all cases of training and education).

To specific methods physical education include:

1) methods of strictly regulated exercise;

2) game method (use of exercises in a game form);

3) competitive method (use of the exercise in a competitive form).

With the help of these methods, specific tasks related to teaching the technique of performing physical exercises and educating physical qualities are solved.

General pedagogical methods include:

1) verbal methods;

2) methods of visual influence.

None of the methods can be limited in the methodology of physical education as the best. Only the optimal combination of these methods in accordance with methodological principles can ensure the successful implementation of a complex of tasks of physical education.

4.2.1. Strictly Regulated Exercise Methods

The main methodological direction in the process of physical education is the strict regulation of exercises. The essence of the methods of a strictly regulated exercise is that each exercise is performed in a strictly specified form and with a precisely determined load.

Methods of strictly regulated exercise have great pedagogical possibilities. They allow: 1) to carry out the motor activity of those involved in a strictly prescribed program (selection of exercises, their connections, combinations, order of execution, etc.); 2) strictly regulate the load in terms of volume and intensity, as well as manage its dynamics depending on the psychophysical state of those involved and the tasks being solved; 3) accurately dose the rest intervals between parts of the load; 4) selectively educate physical qualities; 5) use physical exercises in classes with any age group; 6) effectively master the technique of physical exercises, etc.

In the practice of physical education, all methods of strictly regulated exercise are divided into two subgroups: 1) methods of teaching motor actions; 2) methods of education of physical qualities.

Methods of teaching motor actions. These include:

1) holistic method (method of holistically constructive exercise);

2) dissected-constructive; 3) conjugated impact.

The method of holistically constructive exercise. Applicable at any stage of training. Its essence lies in the fact that the technique of motor action is mastered from the very beginning in its integral structure without dividing into separate parts. The holistic method allows you to learn structurally simple movements (for example, running, simple jumps, general developmental exercises, etc.).

Using a holistic method, it is possible to master individual details, elements or phases not in isolation, but in the overall structure of the movement, by focusing students' attention on the necessary parts of the technique.

The disadvantage of this method is that in uncontrolled phases or details of the motor action (movement) it is possible to fix errors in the technique. Therefore, when mastering exercises with a complex structure, its use is undesirable. In this case, the split method is preferred.

Dissected-constructive method. It is applied at the initial stages of training. It provides for the division of an integral motor action (mainly with a complex structure) into separate phases or elements with their sequential learning and subsequent connection into a single whole.

When applying the dissected method, the following rules must be observed (, 1958).

1. It is expedient to start training with a holistic performance of a motor action, and then, if necessary, select elements from it that require more thorough study.

1. It is necessary to divide the exercises in such a way that the selected elements are relatively independent or less interconnected.

2. Study the selected elements in a short time and combine them as soon as possible.

3. The selected elements should, if possible, be studied in various ways. Then it is easier to construct a holistic movement.

The disadvantage of the dissected method is that it is not always easy to combine the elements learned in isolation into a holistic motor action.

In the practice of physical education, holistic and dissected-constructive methods are often combined. First, they begin to learn the exercise holistically. Then they master the most difficult selected elements and finally return to the holistic performance.

The method of conjugated influence. It is mainly used in the process of improving the learned motor actions to improve their qualitative basis, i.e., effectiveness. Its essence lies in the fact that the technique of motor action is improved in conditions that require an increase in physical effort. For example, an athlete in training throws a weighted spear or discus, long jumps with a weighted belt, etc. In this case, both movement technique and physical abilities are improved at the same time.

When applying the conjugate method, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the technique of motor actions is not distorted and their integral structure is not violated.

Methods of education of physical qualities. The methods of strict regulation used for the education of physical qualities are various combinations of loads and rest. They are aimed at achieving and consolidating adaptive changes in the body. The methods of this group can be divided into methods with standard and non-standard (variable) loads.

Standard Exercise Methods are mainly aimed at achieving and consolidating adaptive changes in the body. A standard exercise can be continuous and intermittent (interval).

Method of standard-continuous exercise is a continuous muscular activity without a change in intensity (usually moderate). Its most typical varieties are: a) uniform exercise (for example, long running, swimming, skiing, rowing and other types of cyclic exercise); b) a standard flow exercise (for example, repeated continuous execution of elementary gymnastic exercises).

Method of standard-interval exercise - this is, as a rule, a repeated exercise, when the same load is repeated many times. In this case, there may be different rest intervals between repetitions.

Variable exercise methods . These methods are characterized by a directed change in load in order to achieve adaptive changes in the body. In this case, exercises with a progressive, varying and decreasing load are used.

Exercises with a progressive load directly lead to an increase in the functionality of the body. Exercises with varying loads are aimed at preventing and eliminating speed, coordination and other functional "barriers". Exercises with decreasing load allow you to achieve large volumes of load, which is important in the development of endurance.

The main varieties of the variable exercise method are the following methods.

Variable-continuous exercise method. It is characterized by muscular activity carried out in a mode with varying intensity. There are the following varieties of this method:

a) variable exercise in cyclic movements (variable running, fartlek, swimming and other types of movements with varying speed);

b) variable flow exercise - serial performance of a complex of gymnastic exercises, different in intensity of loads.

Variable-interval exercise method. It is characterized by the presence of various rest intervals between loads. Typical variations of this method are:

a) progressive exercise (for example, consecutive single lifting of a barbell weighing kg, etc. with full rest intervals between sets;

b) a varying exercise with variable rest intervals (for example, lifting a barbell, the weight of which changes in waves - kg, and the rest intervals range from 3 to 5 minutes);

c) descending exercise (for example, running segments in the following order - 800 + 400 + 200 + 100 m with hard rest intervals between them).

In addition to those listed, there is also a group of methods of generalized exposure in the form of continuous and interval exercises during circuit training.

Circle method is a consistent performance of specially selected physical exercises that affect various muscle groups and functional systems by the type of continuous or interval work. For each exercise, a place is determined, which is called the "station". Usually 8-10 "stations" are included in the circle. On each of them, the student performs one of the exercises (for example, pull-ups, squats, push-ups, jumps, etc.) and goes through a circle from 1 to 3 times (Fig. 5)

This method is used to educate and improve almost all physical qualities.

In more detail, the methods of education of physical qualities are considered in the seventh chapter "Theoretical and practical foundations for the development of physical qualities."

4.2.2. game method

In the system of physical education, the game is used to solve educational, health-improving and educational tasks.

The essence of the game method lies in the fact that the motor activity of those involved is organized on the basis of the content, conditions and rules of the game.

The main methodological features of the game method are:

1) the game method provides a comprehensive, complex development of physical qualities and improvement of motor skills and abilities, since in the process of the game they do not appear in isolation, but in close interaction; in the case of pedagogical necessity, with the help of the game method, it is possible to selectively develop certain physical qualities (selecting the appropriate games);

2) the presence in the game of elements of rivalry requires significant physical effort from those involved, which makes it an effective method of educating physical abilities;

3) a wide choice of various ways to achieve the goal, the improvisational nature of actions in the game contribute to the formation of a person's independence, initiative, creativity, purposefulness and other valuable personal qualities;

4) observance of the conditions and rules of the game in the conditions of confrontation makes it possible for the teacher to purposefully form moral qualities among students: a sense of mutual assistance and cooperation, conscious discipline, will, collectivism, etc.;

5) the factor of pleasure, emotionality and attractiveness inherent in the game method contributes to the formation of a stable positive interest and an active motive for physical education among those involved (especially children).

The disadvantage of the game method can be attributed to its limited capabilities when learning new movements, as well as when dosing the load on the body.

4.2.3. Competitive Method

Competitive Method is a way of performing exercises in the form of competitions. The essence of the method lies in the use of competitions as a means of increasing the level of preparedness of those involved. A prerequisite for the competitive method is the readiness of those involved to perform those exercises in which they must compete.

In the practice of physical education, the competitive method is manifested:

1) in the form of official competitions at various levels (Olympic Games, world championships in various sports, championships of the country, city, qualifying competitions, etc.);

2) as an element of organizing a lesson, any physical culture and sports activity, including sports training.

The competitive method allows:

Stimulate the maximum manifestation of motor abilities and identify the level of their development;

To identify and evaluate the quality of possession of motor actions;

Provide maximum physical activity;

Contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities.

4.2.4. General pedagogical methods used in physical education

In physical education, methods of general pedagogy are widely used, in particular, methods of using the word (verbal methods) and methods of providing visibility (visual methods).

The use of general pedagogical methods in physical education depends on the content educational material, didactic goals, functions, training of students, their age, personality traits and training of a teacher-trainer, the availability of material and technical base, the possibilities of its use.

verbal methods

In physical education, the teacher largely implements his general pedagogical and specific functions with the help of the word: sets tasks for students, manages their educational and practical activities in the classroom, communicates knowledge, evaluates the results of mastering educational material, and has an educational impact on students.

The following verbal methods are used in physical education.

1. Didactic story. It is a presentation of educational material in narrative form. Its purpose is to provide a general, fairly broad idea of ​​any motor action or integral motor activity. It is most widely used in the process of physical education of children of primary and secondary school age. In elementary school, especially in grades I-II, physical exercises are interesting (emotionally) if they are carried out in the form of "motor, didactic stories": individual actions-episodes are sequentially deployed according to the teacher's story. These actions are united by some common plot story, which children accompany with actions that are accessible to their imagination and motor experience.





Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports


Theory and methodology of physical education as a science and academic discipline

Executor: 4th year student,

Prokopov Andrey Sergeevich


Chapter 1. Theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline

1.1 Initial concepts of the theory and methodology of physical education

1.2 The structure of the discipline "Theory and methods of physical education"

Chapter 2. Theory and methods of physical education as a science

2.1 Sources and stages of development of the theory and methodology of physical education

2.2 Research methods in the theory and methodology of physical education


List of used literature


The theory and methodology of physical education is one of the fundamental sciences, which has its own clear boundaries of study, is also closely related to such sciences as anatomy, physiology, pedagogy, biomechanics, etc. The theory and methodology of physical education is a scientific and educational discipline, which is a system knowledge about the role and place of physical education in the life of a person and society, the features and general patterns of its functioning and development. The theory and methodology of physical education as a science continues to develop in the direction of physical education and covers more and more new boundaries of modern trends in physical culture and sports, both mass and professional. As an academic discipline, the theory and methodology of physical education contributes to the training of qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports.

The relevance of the topic of the course work: this term paper reveals to us the basic concepts, methods, principles and objectives of the theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline and shows the fundamental nature of the theory and methodology of physical education as a science that was formed and developed for quite a long time before becoming a science.

Purpose of the study: systematization of knowledge on the topic of theory and methodology of physical education as a science and academic discipline.

Research objectives:

1. To reveal the periods of development of the theory and methodology of physical education as a science.

2. Define the basic concepts of the theory and methodology of physical education.

3. Analyze the structure of the theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline.

Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature.

Structure and scope of work: course work is presented on 29 pages of computer text and consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references, consisting of 17 sources.


1.1 Initial concepts of the theory and methodology of physical education

The study of any academic discipline, as a rule, begins with the development of its conceptual apparatus.

Concept - this is the main form of human thinking, which establishes an unambiguous interpretation of a particular term, while expressing the most significant aspects, properties or features of the object (phenomenon) being defined.

In the theory and methodology of physical education, concepts such as "physical culture", "physical education", "physical health", "physical development", "physical fitness", "physical condition", "physical qualities", "physical recreation" are used. , "physical rehabilitation", "motor activity", "norm", etc.

Concepts act as categories in which achievements in various fields of science and practice are consolidated, their understanding, fluency and implementation in practice is the basis for success in the work of a specialist in the field of physical culture.

Regarding the definition of the category "physical culture", there are several dozen definitions: "Social activity" and its results in creating people's physical readiness for life; "Conscious purposeful formation and maintenance of physical, bodily-motor qualities necessary for a healthy full-blooded human life"; "Creative activity for the development and creation of values ​​in the field of physical improvement of the people, as well as its socially significant results", etc.

Physical Culture- part of the general culture, a set of special spiritual and material values, methods of their production and use in order to improve people's health and develop their physical abilities.

Physical Culture of a person (individual) is considered as a process of mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of educational, educational, health-improving, recreational activities for subsequent use in the process of self-improvement, and as a result - the level of physical health that a person could maintain or improve due to his desire, knowledge, healthy image life and physical activity.

Physical education. This is a type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education.

Movement training has its content in physical education - the systemic mastering by a person of rational ways to control his movements, acquiring in this way the necessary fund of motor skills and knowledge related to them.

Mastering movements that have a semantic meaning, motor actions important for life or sports, those involved acquire the ability to rationally and fully demonstrate their physical qualities. At the same time, they learn the patterns of movements of their body.

According to the degree of mastery, the technique of a motor action can be performed in two forms - in the form of a motor skill and in the form of a skill. Therefore, instead of the phrase "training in movements" in the practice of physical education, the term "formation of motor skills and abilities" is often used. Education of physical qualities is no less significant aspect of physical education.

All physical qualities are innate; given to man in the form of natural inclinations that need to be developed and improved. And when the process of natural development becomes specially organized, i.e. pedagogical character, it is more correct to say not “development”, but “education of physical qualities”.

In the process of physical education, a wide range of physical culture and sports knowledge of sociological, hygienic, medical-biological and methodological content is also acquired. Knowledge makes the process of physical exercises more meaningful and therefore more effective.

Thus, physical education is a process of solving certain educational tasks, which has all the features of the pedagogical process. A distinctive feature of physical education is that it provides the systemic formation of motor skills and the directed development of a person's physical qualities, the totality of which determines his physical capacity to a decisive extent.

physical education- the process of formation of a person's motor skills and abilities, as well as the transfer of special knowledge in the field of physical culture.

Physical development. This is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change during the life of an individual of the morphological and functional properties of his body and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators.

1. Indicators of physique (body length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, the amount of fat deposition, etc.), which characterize, first of all, the biological forms, or morphology, of a person.

Indicators (criteria) of health, reflecting the morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. Of decisive importance for human health is the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, digestive and excretory organs, thermoregulation mechanisms, etc.

Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, etc.).

Up to about 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological indicators increase in size, and body functions improve. Then, until the age of 45-50, physical development seems to be stabilized at a certain level. In the future, with aging, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and worsens, body length, muscle mass, etc. may decrease.

The nature of physical development as a process of changing these indicators during life depends on many reasons and is determined by a number of patterns. It is possible to successfully manage physical development only if these regularities are known and they are taken into account when building the process of physical education.

Physical development is to a certain extent determined by the laws of heredity, which must be taken into account as factors that favor or, conversely, hinder the physical improvement of a person. Heredity, in particular, should be taken into account when predicting a person's ability and success in sports.

The process of physical development is also subject to the law of age gradation. It is possible to intervene in the process of human physical development in order to manage it only on the basis of taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the human body in different age periods: in the period of formation and growth, in the period of the highest development of its forms and functions, in the period of aging.

The process of physical development obeys the law of the unity of the organism and the environment and, therefore, essentially depends on the conditions of human life. The conditions of life, first of all, include social conditions. The conditions of life, work, upbringing and material support to a large extent affect the physical condition of a person and determine the development and change in the forms and functions of the body. The geographic environment also has a certain influence on physical development.

Of great importance for the management of physical development in the process of physical education are the biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of the forms and functions of the body in its activity. These laws are the starting point when choosing the means and methods of physical education in each case.

By choosing physical exercises and determining the magnitude of their loads, according to the law, the exercised can be counted on for the necessary adaptive changes in the body of those involved. This takes into account that the body functions as a whole. Therefore, when choosing exercises and loads, mainly of selective effects, it is necessary to clearly imagine all aspects of their influence on the body.

Physical Qualities- properties that characterize individual qualitative aspects of a person's motor abilities; strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and others.

physical health- a dynamic state characterized by a reserve of functions of organs and systems and which is the basis for the individual to fulfill his biological and social functions. An integral indicator of the reserves of the functions of organs and systems is the energy potential of biosystems (energy generation reserve).

Physical state- according to the definition of the International Committee for Standardization of Tests, it characterizes a person's personality, state of health, physique and constitution, functional capabilities of the body, physical performance and fitness.

Indicators of the physical state are: the level of maximum oxygen consumption, the level of maximum physical performance, the parameters of the activity of the functional systems of the body, morphological and mental status, physical fitness, health status. In healthy and practically healthy people, 4-5 levels of physical condition are distinguished (low level, below average, medium, above average, high).

Physical performance- the potential capabilities of a person to perform physical effort without reducing the given level of functioning of the body, primarily its cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Physical performance is designated as PWC and is determined by the indications of power (W) and volume (J) of work.

Physical performance is a complex concept. It is determined by a significant number of factors: the morphological and functional state of various organs and systems, mental status, motivation, and other factors. Therefore, a conclusion about its value can only be drawn up on the basis of a comprehensive assessment.

Physical fitness- the level of the achieved development of physical qualities, the formation of motor skills as a result of a specialized process of physical education aimed at solving specific problems (physical fitness of students, athletes, pilots, etc.).

Physical training. This is the process of educating physical qualities and mastering vital movements. The term "physical training" emphasizes the applied orientation of physical education to work or other activities. Distinguish between general physical training and special.

General physical training is aimed at increasing the level of physical development, broad motor fitness as prerequisites for success in various activities.

Special physical training is a specialized process that contributes to success in a specific activity (type of profession, sport, etc.), which imposes specialized requirements on a person’s motor abilities. The result of physical training is physical fitness, which reflects the achieved performance in the formed motor skills and abilities that contribute to the effectiveness of the target activity (to which the training is oriented).

Physical recreation (recovery)- a set of measures aimed at improving the processes of recovery after physical and mental work.

Physical recreation- the implementation of active recreation for people using physical exercises, getting pleasure from this process.

Physical rehabilitation(recovery of ability) - a set of measures aimed at restoring a lost or weakened function after a disease or injury.

In recent years, the term "fitness" has become widespread in foreign and domestic practice of physical education, which does not yet have a strictly scientific justification (Levitsky, 2001).

This concept is used quite widely in various cases:

1) general fitness(Totalfitness, Generalfitness) as an optimal quality of life, including social, mental, spiritual and physical components. In this case, general fitness is most associated with our ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle. So, in one of the fundamental books on fitness - "Comprehensive guide to fitness and well-being", published by the "Reader's Digest" publishing house in 1988, the content of the concept of fitness includes: life career planning, body hygiene, physical fitness, rational nutrition, disease prevention, sexual activity, psycho-emotional regulation, including stress management and other factors of a healthy lifestyle;

2) physical fitness(Physical fitness) as an optimal state of health indicators that make it possible to have a high quality of life. Improving physical fitness is associated with positive health, while reducing levels of physical fitness components increases the risk of developing underlying health problems. In general terms, physical fitness is associated with the level of physical fitness. In this case, the following derivatives of this concept are given:

health fitness(Healthrelatedfitness) is aimed at achieving and maintaining physical well-being and reducing the risk of developing a disease (cardiovascular system, metabolism, etc.);

sports-oriented or motional fitness (Performancerelatedfitness, skillfitness, motorfitness), aimed at developing the ability to solve motional and sports problems at a sufficiently high level;

athletic fitness(athleticfitness), aimed at achieving special physical fitness for successful performance in competitions;

3) fitness like physical activity specially organized within the framework of fitness programs: running, aerobics, dancing, aqua aerobics, body weight correction classes, etc.;

4) fitness as optimal physical state, including the achievement of a certain level of results in the performance of motor tests and a low level of risk of developing diseases. In this regard, fitness acts as a criterion for the effectiveness of physical activity classes. Examples of using this definition of fitness include the EUROFIT system (European physical fitness) and others.

Physical activity includes the sum of movements performed by a person in the process of life. Distinguish habitual and specially organized physical activity.

Habitual motor activity, according to the definition of the World Health Organization, includes types of movements aimed at satisfying the natural needs of a person (sleep, personal hygiene, food intake, efforts spent on cooking, purchasing products), as well as educational and production activities.

Specially organized muscular activity (physical activity) includes various forms of physical exercise, active movement to and from school (to work).

Physical perfection. This is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, which optimally meets the requirements of life.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

Good health, which provides a person with the opportunity to painlessly and quickly adapt to various, including unfavorable, conditions of life, work, and life;

High overall physical performance, allowing to achieve significant special performance;

Proportionately developed physique, correct posture, the absence of certain anomalies and imbalances;

Comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided development of a person;

Possession of a rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions;

Physical education, i.e. possession of special knowledge and skills to effectively use their body and physical abilities in life, work, sports.

At the present stage of development of society, the main criteria for physical perfection are the norms and requirements of state programs in combination with the standards of a unified sports classification.

Sport. It represents the actual competitive activity, special training for it, as well as interpersonal relations and norms inherent in it.

A characteristic feature of sports is competitive activity, a specific form of which is competitions that allow you to identify, compare and compare human capabilities based on a clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, unification of the composition of actions (weight of the projectile, opponent, distance, etc.), conditions for their implementation and methods assessment of achievements according to established rules.

Special preparation for competitive activity in sports is carried out in the form of sports training.

The theory and methodology of physical education are one of the main major disciplines in the system of professional training of specialists with higher physical education. It is called upon through its content to provide students with the necessary level of theoretical and methodological knowledge about rational ways, methods and techniques.

Norm- this is the zone of optimal functioning of the system. Optimum functioning is understood as the operation of the system with the highest possible coherence, reliability, and economy. The optimal mode of operation of the body is its normal mode.

The norm in sports metrology is the boundary value of the test result, on the basis of which the classification of athletes is made.

There are three types of norms: comparative, individual and proper. Comparative norms are established after comparing the achievements of people belonging to the same population. The definition of such norms is to find the average values ​​and standard (root mean square) deviations of a certain group of people.

Individual norms are based on comparison of indicators of the same person in various conditions.

due standards are established on the basis of the requirements that are imposed on a person by living conditions, profession, living conditions, etc.

The varieties of due norms include "minimal" (define the boundary of the norm and pathology in the functioning of the body, in motor activity), "ideal" norms (characterize the optimal levels of the physical state of the body), "special" norms (used when necessary to solve special problems).

1.2 The structure of the discipline "Theory and methods of physical education"

The system of knowledge in the field of theory and methodology of physical education is constantly developing, supplemented, differentiated and integrated. Considering the differentiation of science with the allocation of independent disciplines of sports theory, physical therapy, physical rehabilitation, we can also talk about the integration of knowledge from related disciplines of the same order: physical rehabilitation, valueology, sports theory and other general scientific disciplines that functionally complement the theory and methodology of physical education and , being refracted in it, stimulate the further development of the corresponding related sciences.

The content of the modern theory and methodology of physical education as an academic discipline can be presented in the form of three sections: "General foundations", "Methodology of physical education in different periods of life" and "Particular methods of using physical education means". Each section is differentiated into subsections, which are further specified by topics, and topics, in turn, by elements of knowledge.

The logical sequence of sections and subsections is based on the continuity of knowledge, their organic relationship and the creation of a foundation for mastering the next.

The first section presents the general provisions of the theory and methodology of physical education, which apply to a wide range of applications (sports, basic physical culture, health-improving physical culture for people of different age groups). This is the definition of the subject and the content of the theory and methodology of physical education, the scientific directions of which determine the use of general patterns of development of the organism in ontogenesis, the adaptation of the human body to changing environmental conditions, the development of a healing effect when performing physical exercises, the formation of a person's need for health and the possibility of satisfying it in the process of physical education; various forms of means and methods of physical education for solving a wide range of problems with different age contingents; general patterns of teaching motor actions, the development of physical qualities and the construction and management of the process of physical education; the main directions of using the means of physical education for recreational, preventive and health-improving purposes; bases of professional activity of the teacher in the field of physical education.

The second section specifies the use of the main provisions of the theory and methodology in different age periods, taking into account visits to educational institutions, military and professional activities.

The third section presents material that contributes to the solution of specific problems: correction of body weight, figure, posture, prevention of the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and also adapts the methodology of physical education to persons with limited legal capacity due to impaired auditory and visual analyzers, the musculoskeletal system , mental disorders. New subsections are non-traditional types of physical recreation and health-improving physical culture (bowling, rope-skipping, etc.), as well as modern technologies for using already known types, for example, health-improving gymnastics - step aerobics, calonetics, fitball, etc.

The structure of the discipline of the theory and methodology of physical education can be changed, supplemented, however, it is fundamentally important to have a full volume of organically interconnected and systematized knowledge that is necessary for a physical education teacher, trainer, instructor-methodologist. The absence of any element of knowledge can adversely affect the practical activities of a specialist.


2.1 Sources and stages of development of the theory and methodology of physical education

Each newly emerging field of science began its development with the accumulation of factual material, description and classification of phenomena, for example, chemistry - with the discovery of chemical elements and a description of their properties, biology - with the study of individual organisms and their species, their classification and systematization. At a higher level of development of knowledge, when sufficient material was accumulated, science was able to discover laws and formulate generalizing theories.

A vivid example of such a path passed by science in the process of its development is the theory and methodology of physical education (TiMPV).

An analysis of the history of the emergence of TIMPE as a science allows us to distinguish several stages.

First stage- empirical knowledge about the influence of motor actions on the body, obtained by a person as a result of daily activities. The accumulation of empirical knowledge led to the realization of the "exercise effect" and to the knowledge of the ways of transferring experience. This was one of the prerequisites for the emergence of physical exercises and, at the same time, the entire system of physical education.

Second phase- the creation of the first methods of physical education - covers the periods of the slave-owning states of Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages. The creation of those methods took place on the basis of the experience gained by teachers, doctors, philosophers, the "exercise effect", but without taking into account the physiological effects of physical exercises on the human body.

An example of this is the system of educating young people in the ancient Greek cities of Sparta and Athens, ancient Persia, and Egypt. Initially, private methods were developed - the best ways to teach specific actions; possession of tools of labor, hunting, war, performing certain exercises - swimming, fencing, javelin throwing, wrestling, etc. The first manuals on gymnastics, horseback riding, fencing, etc. appeared. With the accumulation of experience and awareness of the importance of education for the spiritual and physical formation of a person, the science of pedagogy arose, which at the beginning of its development dealt with issues of mental and physical (bodily) education. The development of knowledge and the elucidation of the specifics of the process of physical education determined the significant difference between its goals, principles, means, methods from mental education, which served to separate it into an independent field of knowledge - the science of physical (corporal) education proper.

The development of frequent techniques has found that their implementation is based on common fundamental patterns. Thus, the methodology of teaching gymnastics, athletics and other exercises is based on the general patterns of the formation of motor skills, the development of motor qualities and the general patterns of control of these processes. Thus, the integration of scientific knowledge into a single theory and methodology of physical education was carried out, which can be designated as third stage development, which covers the period from the Renaissance to the end of the XIX century.

The theory and methodology of physical education could only appear when mankind had accumulated sufficient experience in this area. Initial information has already appeared in Ancient Greece and in other states, when doctors, teachers, philosophers made generalizing conclusions about the means and methods of physical education.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. their desire to know the nature of man, his social role in society, the problems of personality education lead to the realization of the importance of physical education. Various systems of views (theories) concerning the pedagogical and sociological aspects of physical education are being created.

The theory of Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) was based on the belief that physical exercises should be carried out on the basis of the child's labor skills and help prepare him for life, providing his physical and moral education.

The views of John Locke (1632-1704), set forth in his book "Thoughts on the Education of Children" (1693), were reduced to the education of a healthy gentleman, capable of achieving personal well-being.

The system of physical education of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was distinguished by the already differentiated education of boys and girls. He believed that boys from an early age should be hardened, bathed in cold water, and taught to exercise to develop strength and educate the will. The physical education of girls should be limited to the development of lightness, grace, and grace of movement.

Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) strove through the harmonious development of physical, mental and moral abilities to improve the situation of workers, especially peasants.

The German scientists K. Marx and F. Engels pay attention to physical education as part of the all-round harmonious education of the individual and determine its place in communist education. This is for many years, until the 90s of the XX century. determined the methodological research of many scientists in different countries.

Fourth stage- the creation of the theory and methodology of physical education as an independent scientific and educational discipline in Russia covers the period from the end of the XIX century. before 1917

A great contribution to the development of TPI was made by scientists P.F. Lesgaft (1837-1909), G. Demeni (1850-1917) and others. In the works of P.F. Lesgaft's theory of physical education was based on the process of teaching physical exercises, which made it possible to develop a "Guide to the physical education of schoolchildren". He sought to substantiate the system of physical education according to the physiological patterns and age characteristics of those involved, which served as the basis for the formation of the pedagogical principles of consistency and gradualness. Harmony of physical development. G. Demeny, developing a system of teaching movements, paid attention to the sequence of transition from simple to complex exercises, from easier to more difficult, from known to unknown. They proposed a classification of physical exercises according to the coordination structure, etc. Naturally, these theories, both in the pedagogical and sociological aspects, reflected the economic, political, cultural conditions of society and certain philosophical and scientific concepts.

Fifth stage Intensive development of the science of physical education began after 1917 in Russia, in the direction of the biological substantiation of physical activity, the pedagogical principles of their use and the social conditionality of physical education as an integral part of the education of the builders of communism.

Works of physiologists I.M. Sechenov (physiology of the nervous system, respiration, fatigue, the nature of voluntary movements and mental phenomena), I.P. Pavlova (physiology of higher nervous activity, vital activity of the whole organism in connection with the external environment), N.E. Vvedensky and A.A. Ukhtomsky (processes of excitation and inhibition of nervous and muscular tissue), N.A. Bernshtein (physiology of movement construction), G.V. Folbort, D.V. Dill (development of fatigue and recovery processes) and other scientists formed the basis for the substantiation of the pedagogical laws of physical education, the substantiation of the theory of teaching motor actions, the development of motor qualities not only for their harmonious development, but also for sports improvement. In the 50-60s of the XX century. especially intensively began to develop specialized sections of biological disciplines, substantiating the system of training athletes (sports physiology, biomechanics, biochemistry, etc.). There was an objective need to integrate knowledge related to the training of athletes, accumulated in various fields of science. As a result of the differentiation of knowledge in the theory and methodology of physical education, the science of sports emerged. The catalyst for its accelerated development, especially in recent decades, has been elite sport, which is rapidly progressing in line with the Olympic and professional international sports movement. It has become a kind of natural laboratory, focusing large research resources on finding new ways to identify and maximize the development of human abilities. The theory of sports has now taken shape in many countries of the world as a major subject of professional training of sports specialists.

At the same time, a generalizing discipline was being formed, an attempt was made to integrate scientific knowledge into the "Theory of Physical Culture".

The first textbook on "Theory of Physical Culture" was a manual published by G.A. Duperon in 1926. In the interpretation of physical culture, the author includes not only the performance of physical exercises in a specially allotted time, but also all areas of life that can affect the state of the body and are included in the circle of physical culture: sleep, nutrition, clothing, ways of working, hygiene , hardening, massage, etc.

The tasks of physical culture G.A. Duperon believed: "healing a diseased organism; strengthening and protecting a developing and weak organism; maintaining a healthy and improving a normal organism."

The first task of physical culture is the area of ​​the doctor and "medical gymnastics".

The second task is specified by the following provisions:

a) protection and strengthening of the natural course of human development in childhood and adolescence;

b) protection and strengthening of the natural course of human life in adulthood;

c) correction of some shortcomings" of the organism, congenital or acquired.

The third task is specified:

a) the development of muscle strength;

b) improvement of the nervous system and sense organs; education of mental qualities - courage, courage, a sense of beauty, etc.;

c) the acquisition of vital and professional skills.

As early as 1925, physical culture theorists put the physical, mental and social health of the individual at the forefront. Fifty years later, the World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmity."

The incompleteness of the original factual materials and some other reasons then prevented the formation of the theory of physical culture as an integral scientific discipline. Only a part of it, the theory and methodology of physical education, which, according to the scheme of G.A. Duperon had the following structure:

a) how a person works and how his body lives and works;

b) the exact purpose of applying any exercise;

c) the essence of each exercise and its effect on the body;

d) how each physical exercise should be practically applied;

d) under what conditions it should be used.

The next stage of knowledge integration into the general theory of physical culture dates back to the 1970s of the XX century. The formation of a generalizing theory of physical culture takes place in the conditions of active development of the theory of culture in general by a number of scientists - such as V.M. Vydrin, B.V. Evstafiev, Yu.M. Nikolaevna. Ponomarev, N.I. Ponomarev, V.I. Stolyarov and others. The development of sociology, anthropology, social psychology, the general theory of education and other sciences has a significant impact on the formation of the theory of physical culture. The leading theorist and integrator of scientific knowledge in the field of physical culture is Professor L.P. Matveev.

According to its main content, the general theory of physical culture belongs to the social humanities, since it is interested in a person and the social factors of his directed development and upbringing. At the same time, the natural science content is widely represented in it, since it is focused on the knowledge of the features of physical culture as a specific factor in improving the natural (natural) qualities and abilities of a person, optimizing his physical condition and physical development.

According to the definition of L.P. Matveev, the theory of physical culture (its general foundations) is an integrative system of scientific knowledge about the essence of physical culture, taken as a whole, about the general laws of its functioning, directed use and further development, primarily in the system of factors of education, social personality formation and optimal development of human vitality".

The influence of social, political and ideological conditions of the 70-80s of the XX century. led to the development and interpretation of the theory of physical culture as one of the effective ways of educating the "builder of communism" - a harmoniously developed and socially active person, ready for work and defense of a communist-type society. In the first place, the tasks of a totalitarian state were considered: a person must prepare himself for work for the benefit of the state and for the defense of the state, and for the sake of this, maintain his readiness for as long as possible. Hence the name of the regulatory complexes "Ready for Labor and Defense". The original idea of ​​Duperon's theory of physical culture as a culture of the body and human health was dissolved in the ideologization and politicization of science. Neglecting the priorities of the interests of the individual, with all the availability of means and forms of physical culture, did not lead to the general health of the nation. You cannot force a person to be healthy and happy.

The state of a person's health is formed by his heredity and living conditions. Since children not only inherit the diseases of their parents, but also acquire their own, over the course of the life of two or three generations, under unfavorable socio-economic conditions of the state and the living conditions of the population, the level of physical and mental health of society as a whole decreases.

Progressive scientists in the field of medicine are beginning to pay attention to human health not in terms of the presence or absence of a disease, but measures of health, vitality, allowing him to provide for his life and resist adverse environmental conditions and the occurrence of diseases. The main means of increasing the adaptive capabilities of the organism is the human motor activity, which allows increasing the energy potential of the biosystem to a level above which neither endogenous risk factors nor chronic somatic diseases are recorded in individuals (Apanasenko, 1992).

Physicians are beginning to deal with issues of a healthy lifestyle, health and physical activity, which led to the emergence of a new science - valeology (valeo - to be healthy, to be healthy) in fact.

As the needs for physical education of certain age groups of people increased, its social importance rose, a number of socially important components and forms of using physical culture stood out. These are everyday forms of self-involvement of people in physical culture, industrial physical culture, recreational, rehabilitation and other forms of physical culture, which are increasingly filling the budget of free time, the regime of recreation and cultural activities of the population.

Sixth stage The development of TMFV can be attributed to the 90s of the XX century. The priorities of personal needs in the field of state policy have given a new round in the development of physical education. For centuries, the means of physical education were mainly of an applied nature (labor, military), which led to the allocation of classical sports: athletics, gymnastics, swimming, fencing, shooting, wrestling, etc.

The need for active recreational leisure has led to the development of game types that attract people with a constantly changing situation, game intrigue - ball games: volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, etc. Until the 1990s, these traditional types were widely introduced in physical education of all age groups population in compulsory and voluntary forms of employment.

In the early 1990s, new types of physical activity began to develop intensively on the basis of traditional sports. The demand of the population for recreational entertainment and recreation with the use of motor activity is developing the offer. The opening of sports and recreation groups on a commercial basis causes natural competition and a desire to offer something new, different from what is already there. Physical exercises in certain sections of society are moving from the category of boring and obligatory to the category of fashionable, elite. Thus, the method of using traditional types of gymnastics, acrobatics, swimming, weightlifting for recreational purposes is intensively developing, which leads to the attraction of new technologies from abroad in the form of modern training devices, new types of physical activity - aerobics, shaping, step- aerobics, slide aerobics, etc. Based on the integration of various types of exercises, new types of exercises arise: a combination of aerobics and swimming - aqua aerobics, cycling and gymnastics - bicycle kinetics, acrobatics and exercises with a rope - rope skipping, etc.

The intensive development of physical education methods is ahead of the theory, which should provide a scientific basis, identify general and specific patterns of the influence of new types of physical activity on the human body, determine the possibility of their use in different age periods, methods of dosing loads, norms. This state of the science of theory and methodology of physical education is characterized by an intensive way of development.

The theory and methodology of physical education is closely related to a number of scientific disciplines. Any science cannot fully develop, limiting itself to the results of its own subject of research. The theory and methodology of physical education solves special pedagogical problems that are at the intersection of several scientific disciplines. It is closely connected with general pedagogy, general and developmental psychology. Philosophy provides a methodological basis of knowledge for it, relying on which scientists get the opportunity to objectively evaluate the effect of social laws in the field of general physical culture, penetrate into the essence of the problem, generalize, analyze and discover new patterns of its functioning and development prospects in society.

The connection with the biological sciences is dictated by the need to study the reactions of the body involved in the impact of physical education, which determines the development of adaptation. Only taking into account the anatomical, physiological and biochemical patterns that occur in the human body, it is possible to effectively manage the process of physical education.

Especially close contacts of the theory and methodology of physical education with all sports and pedagogical disciplines. Particular disciplines are based on general provisions developed by the theory and methodology of physical education, and the specific data they receive are material for new generalizations. In the process of its development, particular patterns were excluded from the general theory, which became the subject of special sciences - the science of gymnastics, athletics, swimming, etc. However, the most general patterns that operate not only in these types of exercises, but relate to any type of human motor activity, have not become and cannot become the subject of any particular discipline. The development of these general patterns is the basis of the modern theory and methodology of physical education.

2.2 Research methods in the theory and methodology of physical education

The wide development of mass forms of physical culture requires the involvement of an increasing number of specialists in this field. In their work, teachers, trainers, school teachers are no longer limited to the knowledge that they receive in an educational institution. Their work is creativity, the search for new ways to solve pressing problems, the search for new means and methods to increase the efficiency of the physical education process.

The study, as a rule, begins with the search and discovery of a problem situation - an objectively existing contradiction between the needs (requests) of a society or an individual and the methods of satisfying them that exist at a particular time.

A problematic situation can be used as a difficulty arising from the need to explain or predict a particular phenomenon with an acute lack of information, or the ability to achieve a goal using known, traditional means and methods. In other words, a problem situation is a contradiction between needs and ways to satisfy them (for example,

the current state of physical education at school), the contradiction between knowledge about the needs of people and ignorance of the ways, means, methods, ways to meet them.

A problem (literally - a task) is a complex cognitive task, the solution of which is of significant theoretical or practical interest, a situation that needs to be solved. It represents the need to search for new information that most fully and objectively reflects a specific phenomenon and ways to improve it.

The problem is characterized by the insufficiency of available information for solving specific problems.

In the process of preliminary understanding and analysis of the problem, the research topic is determined, which reflects its specific focus (for example, the formation of motivation for engaging in various types of physical activity). It must meet the requirements of relevance, novelty, have theoretical and practical significance. Work on the topic, ultimately, leads to a deepening of scientific knowledge. This is the theoretical significance of the study. Relevance means the importance, the need to solve the problem for the present; novelty is the absence of completely similar works in the literature at present, the originality of generalizations, the conclusions of the study.

In the process of developing a topic, it is necessary to determine the object and subject of research and develop a working hypothesis. The object of research is understood as what the cognitive activity of a scientist is aimed at. It can be people (groups of people), phenomena, events, processes. For example, new technologies for the use of physical education means, physical activity of schoolchildren, physical condition, etc. In other words, this is everything that explicitly or implicitly contains a contradiction, generates a problem situation and creates a problem.

Subject of study- this is the relationship of the object, one of its properties, side, which are subject to direct study. For example, the health effect of swimming; the specifics of the development of endurance in children of primary school age.

Object and subject are cross-cutting categories. They can change places depending on the level of approaches to them and their consideration.

The working hypothesis (reasonable assumption) is "knowledge about ignorance". A scientific assumption about possible causal relationships of phenomena that have not yet been proven and should be proven based on objective information, arguments and facts obtained in the process of research. Hypothesis - "scientifically substantiated statements of a probabilistic nature regarding the essence, relationships and causes of the phenomena of objective reality" (Kuramshin, 1999), in other words, it is a scientifically substantiated guess. The transition from problem to hypothesis is the transition from questions to explanation and subsequent recommendation to practice. The main types of working (research) hypotheses include the following: descriptive, which is based on a hypothetical description of the causes that are the basis of any phenomenon, process (object of study); explanatory, which involves an explanation of causes and effects, characterizing the object of study, its connections, relationships.

One of the most important stages in the beginning of the study is the analysis of the literature. Before investigating this or that phenomenon, process, activity, it is necessary to find out what is already known about this, who and in what aspects investigated the problem and what conclusions were made. To do this, you need to study the literature. In this case, the researcher proceeds from the preliminary information that he has on the basis of knowledge obtained from textbooks, educational and methodological literature and his own practical experience. As a rule, on almost any issue that interests the researcher, there are a large number of literary sources. Catalogs in libraries, book annals and annals of journal articles, abstract journals and bulletins, book and journal reviews, which provide extensive information about scientific literature on various problems, help in the search and selection of the necessary sources in the first place.

In the process of studying literature, it is necessary to group it according to the degree of importance and directions. For example, when studying physical culture as a type of culture of an individual and society, it is necessary to get acquainted with the works on the theory of culture, to identify groups of authors who adhere to the same concept, and to understand the common thing that unites these groups. After identifying the currently existing basic concepts of the theory of culture, one should get acquainted with the modern concepts of the theory of physical culture as a type of culture. And here it is also necessary to identify groups of like-minded authors and groups of authors whose approaches to the definition of this phenomenon do not coincide. Finally, it is necessary to find out whether to detect a "white spot", i.e. problem situation and start solving it. The result of all this work will be that part of the study, which bears one of the following names: "Historiography of the problem", "Literary review", "State of the problem according to literary sources and in practice". In this part of his research, the author demonstrates knowledge of the literature on the problem, the ability to group sources according to the coinciding concepts of their authors (or other signs), the ability to detect the problem and the willingness to solve it.

In the process of working on sources, it is advisable to keep a file cabinet. Each source is neatly, competently, in accordance with the requirements of the bibliography, entered into a catalog card so that when compiling a list of references, you can simply rewrite these cards alphabetically. It is also advisable to write on each card a brief annotation of the source and your own attitude towards it or your assessment, the nature of its use (extracts, citation, review, etc.). If the study is to be long (for example, work on a dissertation or a book), then you can make up two of your own file cabinets - one alphabetical, the other subject. This will make it easier to find the material and work with it.

If the researcher already has a plan (structure) of his work, then it is advisable to prepare folders according to the number of chapters or sections of the work. Within each folder, additional divisions of the folder can be made according to the number of paragraphs in each chapter. As it accumulates, the material (extracts, blanks, opinions, etc.) is put into the appropriate folders. This reduces the time for its systematization and processing.

Analysis- this is the division of the subject of study into parts, properties, signs. The researcher, as a rule, sets himself the task of penetrating the essence of a process or phenomenon. To do this, he mentally (or practically) divides the object into its component parts, highlights properties, features, connections, relationships.

Synthesis(connection) - generalization, integration of the information received, prerequisites, the first stage of generalization and conclusions. Generalization is a method of mental activity that allows you to establish the general qualities, sides, properties of objects. The generalization of the literature on the problem obtained in the process of studying makes it possible to clarify the purpose and objectives of the study.

Target- the intended end result, a conscious image of the upcoming result. It should reflect the problem, the object and subject of research, the working hypothesis. The goal is divided into specific tasks, the organized sequence of which constitutes the research program.

To solve problems, it is necessary to determine methods(ways, methods) of research. They must be fully adequate to the tasks. This means that they provide an opportunity to obtain objective information about the given subject. Otherwise, it may turn out that methods suitable for studying some objects of study may give false information when studying other objects. For example, methods for determining the biological age of preschool children cannot be used for adolescent children, because. signs characterizing the formation of body functions in the age aspect are different.

In the research work in the field of physical education, a large number of different methods and techniques (groups of methods) are used. Among them are the following: general scientific, actually pedagogical, psychological, biological, sociological. All of them are closely related to each other, sometimes there is no clear line between them, but their own specificity. The most general method, which is used in both theoretical and experimental work, is theoretical analysis and generalization. It concerns literary data, documents, materials, empirical data and other information. The actual pedagogical pedagogical supervision(included and not included), pedagogical experiment, of which are control tests(tests). In the process of research, methods of direct collection and registration of information and methods of its processing are also used. The method of collecting retrospective (past) information is the study of sources - literary, statistical, program-methodical, instructive, and the generalization of these materials. Can also be used survey in its various forms (questionnaires, conversations, interviews). Current information can be collected by the method of observation, which is the analysis and evaluation of the subject of research without interference in its functioning by the observer.

Pedagogical purposeful observation involves a clear statement of its goals and objectives, the definition of a specific object, the use of methods for registering observed processes and phenomena, regularity, and also allows you to see the process (phenomenon) "momentarily" and in dynamics, fix its phases, stages directly "from nature" ; which makes it possible to obtain fairly objective information about the object of observation. It is advisable to use this method in combination with others, since it does not provide a comprehensive description of the object. The objects of observation can be the content of the training process, teaching methods, training, the ratio of the volume and intensity of the load in the process of training, the technique of performing exercises, tactical actions and other processes and phenomena. Observation may be open. When the object knows that it is being observed, and hidden, when the observed do not suspect that they are in the area of ​​the researcher's attention. Observation materials must be recorded in the record (observation protocols, photo, film and sound recordings).

Scientific observation is a way of obtaining information without the intervention of the researcher in the nature of the process or phenomenon being studied and the conditions for its existence.

One of the main methods of scientific research is experiment- scientific experience. This is the observation of the process under study, the phenomenon in precisely organized and taken into account conditions that make it possible to monitor the process and recreate it every time under similar conditions. It differs from pedagogical observation by the active intervention of the researcher in a process or phenomenon. In experiments in which educational or training processes are studied, as a rule, experimental and control groups are created. For the former, special conditions created by the researcher are provided, while the latter are engaged in ordinary, generally accepted, traditional conditions. The difference in the results obtained at the end of the experiment indicates the extent to which the problem has been solved. The experiment can be natural when in the course of it minor deviations from traditional, generally accepted conditions and methods of activity are allowed (for example, training); model, in which these conditions and methods change dramatically, based on the interests of the researcher, and laboratory carried out in specially created conditions.

An experiment is a way of obtaining scientific information with the active intervention of a researcher in a process or phenomenon.

Evaluation of the received empirical and theoretical material can be carried out according to qualitative (i.e., not having specific units of measurement) and quantitative indicators in the process control tests(tests). In the latter case, methods based on the ideas of qualimetry are used - a part of metrology that studies and develops quantitative methods for assessing qualitative indicators. The degree of coincidence of test results when it is repeated on the same objects and under the same conditions is called reliability test.

The ability to completely reproduce the results of the test when it is repeated after some time and under the same conditions is called stability(or reproducibility) of the test. The degree of accuracy with which an object (or side, properties, quality) is measured will characterize informative test.

In the process of control tests, it is possible to correlate preliminary assumptions, hypotheses with the real state of affairs or to obtain completely new, unforeseen information. In particular, depending on the purpose and objectives of the experiment, it is possible to determine the advantages or disadvantages of the methods, content of training, forms of organization of classes, to check the criteria for predicting and selecting children for practicing this sport. Tests allow you to determine the objective results of the experiment. Test results can be obtained in the course of obviously standard tests, such as the Harvard step test and its variants.

The results of experimental work can be verified by anthropometric measurements of growth, circumference and excursion of the chest, recording of heart rate (HR), maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), dynamometry, measurements of freedom of movement in the joints using a goniometer and other methods. Taking into account their goals, objectives, working hypothesis, the researcher can develop special control exercises and their complexes.

An indispensable method for obtaining information in theoretical research is survey which is carried out in the form of questionnaires, interviews and conversations. It allows you to judge the experience of a person, the motives of his activities and behavior, value orientation, attitude to physical exercises, the effectiveness of their use, and many other problems. For the survey, it is necessary to develop the content of the questionnaire, which includes the whole range of questions that allows you to get comprehensive information on the problem of interest to the researcher. Its introductory part contains an appeal to the respondents, the name of the institution on behalf of which the researcher is working, the objectives of the study and its purpose, an indication of the anonymity of the questionnaire and recommendations for filling it out. In the main part, questions or groups of questions are given, the answers to which will allow the researcher to get an objective idea of ​​the problem under study. The demographic part of the questionnaire contains questions related to the passport characteristics of the respondent (gender, age, specialty, sports qualification, teaching experience, etc.).

Interview- a conversation planned in advance in an informative direction, involving direct contact between the researcher and the respondents - respondents. It can be carried out according to a rigid plan, in a certain sequence and boundaries of information.

Conversation- a question-answer form of communication between the researcher and the respondent or their group, which, although carried out according to plan, allows for various variations in its directions and time. The survey material is recorded by the researcher.

Results processing- a very important stage of the study. Evaluation can be carried out both in qualitative (based on theoretical, logical conclusions and generalizations) and quantitative aspects. Quantitative processing of materials is carried out by the methods of mathematical statistics, a science that studies the quantitative indicators of certain phenomena.


The theory and methodology of physical education is a scientific and educational discipline, which is a system of knowledge about the role and place of physical education in the life of a person and society, the features and general patterns of its functioning and development.

The object of study of this discipline is the physical capabilities and abilities of a person, which change with a purposeful impact by means of physical education.

The subject of the study is the general laws governing the process of physical education of a person. There are three directions in the theory and methodology of physical education: sociological, pedagogical and biological. The sociological direction includes questions about the causes of the emergence of physical education, its role and place as a social subsystem in the life of a person and society at the present time, the relationship of physical education with other social phenomena (training, upbringing, labor activity), development prospects in connection with changing material, spiritual and social conditions of life of a person and society, optimal forms of a special organization of the population in accordance with the goals of physical education.

In the pedagogical direction of the theory and methodology of physical education, the general patterns of managing the process of physical education and its varieties (professional-applied physical culture, recreation, rehabilitation) are studied.

In the biological direction, the influence of motor activity on the process of vital activity of the human body is studied; norms of motor activity to achieve optimal functioning of organs and systems; adaptation of the body to motor activity of various volume and intensity; conditions in which motor activity has a positive effect on the human body, increases its vitality and health level (healthy lifestyle factors).

The main objectives of the theory and methodology of physical education as a scientific discipline is the generalization of practical experience, the comprehension of the essence of physical education, the patterns of development and functioning, the formation of goals, objectives, principles, optimal ways to control the process.


1. Ashmarin B.A. Theory and Methods of Physical Education: Teacher's Guide.- M.: Academy, 2001

2. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methods of physical education and sports: Proc. Allowance for students. Higher Proc. Institutions. - M .: Academy, 2003.

3. Matveev, L.P. Theory and methods of physics. culture. Introduction to the subject: a textbook for higher special physical education institutions / L.P. Matveev. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. - 543 p.

4. Matveev, L.P. Theory and methods of physics. culture. Introduction to the subject: a textbook for higher special physical education institutions / L.P. Matveev. - 4th ed., Sr. - M.: Lan, 2004. - 160 p.

5. Theory and methods of physical education: textbook. for in-t nat. Cultures / L.P. Matveev [and others]; ed. L.P. Matveeva, A.D. Novikov. – M.: Physical culture and sport; 1976. - V.1. – 304 p.

6. Theory and methods of physical education: textbook. for in-t nat. Cultures / L.P. Matveev [and others]; ed. L.P. Matveeva and A.D. Novikov. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1976. - V.2. – 256 p.

7. Guzhalovsky A.A. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical culture.

8. Artemiev V.P., Shutov V.V. Theory and methods of physical education. Motor qualities: Proc. allowance - Mogilev: Moscow State University. A.A. Kuleshova, 2004. - 284 p.: ill.

9. Maksimenko A.M. Theory and methodology of physical culture: textbook. - M .: Physical culture, 2005. - 544 p.

10. Seluyanov V.N., Shestakov M.P., Kosmina I.P. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture: Uchebn. Manual for students of higher educational institutions of physical culture. - M.: Sport Academ-Press, 2001. - 184p.

11. Kharabugi G.D. Theory and methods of physical education. Ed. 2nd, add. Textbook for technical schools of physical culture. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1974.

12. Shiyan B.M., Ashmarin B.A., Minaev B.N. Theory and methods of physical education: Proc. Allowance for students ped. in-tov and ped. uch-sch on special. "Start. military training and physical education" and "Phys. culture"; Ed. B.M. Shiyan. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.-224 p.: ill.

13. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Petrov P.K. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 264 p.

14. Theory of physical culture: textbook. / Yu.F. Kuramshin [and others]; ed. Yu.F. Kuramshina. - M.: Soviet sport, 2003. - 464 p.

15. Deminsky A.Ts. Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical education: Donetsk, AO Donechchina, 1986 - 366 p.

16. Shpak V.T., Sinyutich A.A. Theory and methodology of physical education short course of lectures for the specialty 1-030201 "Physical culture with specializations" 2nd ed., add. And a reworker. - Vitebsk. Publishing house of UO "VSU im. Masherova" 2007 - 168 p.

17. Theory of physical education: textbook. allowance for in-t nat. culture / G.I. Kukushkin [and others]; ed. G.I. Kukushkin. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1953. - 458 p.

concept- this is the main form of human thinking, which establishes an unambiguous interpretation of a particular term, while expressing the most significant aspects, properties or features of the object (phenomenon) being defined. The main concepts of the theory of physical education include: 1) physical education, 2) physical development, 3) physical training, 4) physical perfection, 5) sport.

1. Physical education- this is a type of education, the specific content of which is: training in movements, education of physical qualities, mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education.

Movement training has physical education as its content. Physical education is a systemic mastering by a person of rational ways to control his movements, acquiring in this way the fund of motor skills, skills and knowledge related to them that is necessary in life. Mastering motor actions, students acquire the ability to rationally and fully demonstrate their physical qualities and learn the patterns of their body movements.

According to the degree of mastery, the technique of a motor action can be performed in two forms: in the form of a motor skill and in the form of a motor skill. Therefore, often instead of the phrase training in motor actions, the term formation of motor skills and abilities is used.

Education of physical qualities- is an equally significant aspect of physical education. Purposeful management of the progressive development of strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and dexterity affects the complex of natural properties of the body and thereby causes quantitative and qualitative changes in its functional capabilities.

All physical qualities are innate, that is, they are given to a person in the form of natural inclinations that need to be developed and improved. And when the process of natural development acquires a specially organized, that is, pedagogical character, then it is more correct to say not development, but “education of physical qualities”.

2. Physical development- this is the process of formation, formation and subsequent change during the life of an individual of the morphological and functional properties of the organism, passing according to the laws of age development, the interaction of genetic factors and environmental factors.

Physical development is characterized by changes in three groups of indicators:

Physique indicators (body length, body weight, posture, volumes and shapes of individual parts of the body, fat deposition, etc.).

Indicators (criteria) of health, reflecting the morphological and functional changes in the physiological systems of the human body. The functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous systems, the digestive and excretory organs, the mechanisms of thermoregulation, etc., are of decisive importance for human health.

Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed abilities, endurance, etc.). Up to about 25 years of age (the period of formation and growth), most morphological indicators increase in size and body functions improve. Then, until the age of 45 - 50 years, physical development is, as it were, stabilized at a certain level. In the future, with aging, the functional activity of the body gradually weakens and worsens, body length, muscle mass, etc. may decrease.

The ability to expediently influence the process of physical development, optimize it, directing the individual along the path of physical improvement and is realized in physical education.

Along with the term "physical education", the term "physical training" is used. The term "physical training" is used when they want to emphasize the applied orientation of physical education in relation to sports, labor and other activities.

3. Physical training- is the result of the use of physical exercises, embodied in the achieved performance and in the formed motor skills and abilities necessary in a certain activity, or contributing to its development.

There are general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (SFP).

general physical preparation- aimed at increasing the level of physical development, broad motor fitness as prerequisites for success in various activities.

Special physical training- a specialized process that contributes to success in a specific motor activity (in a specific sport, profession, etc.), which imposes specialized requirements on a person's motor abilities.

4. physical perfection- this is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, optimally corresponding to the requirements of life.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

1) good health, which ensures a person quickly adapt to various, including adverse conditions of life, work, life;

2) high physical performance, which allows to achieve significant special performance;

3) proportionately developed physique, correct posture;

4) comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities;

5) possession of a rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions.

5. Sport- represents a competitive activity, special preparation for it, as well as specific relationships and achievements in the field of this activity.

A characteristic feature of sports is competitive activity, a specific form of which is competitions that allow you to identify, compare and compare human capabilities based on a clear regulation of the actions of the competitors, the conditions for their implementation and methods for assessing achievements according to the established rules in each sport.

Special preparation for competitive activity is carried out in the form of sports training.

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