Preventive conversations with families. Methodology for conducting a conversation with parents. Labor education of children in the family

Sample topics for conversations with parents

  1. What sport is good for a child?
  2. About bad habits.
  3. Hardening the child's body.
  4. The importance of preventive vaccinations.
  5. Daily routine at school and at home.
  6. The role of parents in the upbringing and development of a child.
  7. Your child's nutritional pattern.
  8. Health of the future schoolchild.
  9. If your child is shy...
  10. How to cope with a child's whims.
  11. Proper nutrition is the key to health.
  12. Problems of child adaptation to school.
  13. How to prevent aggression in a child’s behavior.
  14. Toys in a child's life.
  15. Children and cruelty.
  16. The book is our best friend.
  17. Walking and its role in child development.
  18. Schoolchild's clothes and shoes.
  19. Development of a child's attention and memory.
  20. How to answer children's questions?
  21. On the safety of children in the summer.
  22. Child and computer.
  23. Proper nutrition for a child in the summer.
  24. How to develop a child’s speech while walking.
  25. Fostering independence in children.
  26. First work assignments for children.
  27. Our girls: what are they like?
  28. Peculiarities of raising a child in an incomplete family.
  29. The role of the father in raising his daughter.
  30. Differences between boys and girls.
  31. Boys and girls are so different.
  32. Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren.
  33. The role of the family in the physical education of the child.
  34. Instilling responsibility in school-age children.
  35. How to spend a day off with children.
  36. Games that you can play at home.
  37. Preparing children for admission…….
  38. Proper nutrition for school-age children.
  39. Father as educator.
  40. Cooperation with parents as one of the conditions for successful adaptation of children at school.
  41. Success in preventing road traffic accidents involving children.
  42. Discipline on the street is the key to safety.
  43. Creating an effective subject-development environment at home.
  44. Hyperactive child
  45. Is it easy to teach a child to behave correctly on the road?
  46. Without interrupting your work.
  47. Childish stubbornness.
  48. Drinking water and child health.
  49. Father's strike or why dads are indifferent to their own children.
  50. Talk to me, mom.
  51. Family and family values.
  52. How to overcome absent-mindedness in a child?
  53. Bye-bye-bye, or how to put a child to sleep.
  54. Forming in children an interest in people of different professions.
  55. Features of children's communication with peers.
  56. Interaction of children in a different age group.
  57. Another child appeared in the family.
  58. How to teach your child to deal with anger.
  59. The art of praising a child.
  60. Your son (daughter) is growing up.

GPD teacher

Class 1 . “Me and my child - the search for mutual understanding”

Goal: creating an emotional mood for teamwork, an atmosphere of mutual trust, and the ability to provide support.

Class 2 . “Types of family education. Possible violations of the process of education in the family"

Goal: to familiarize parents with specific types of upbringing, to identify possible causes of deviations in family upbringing, to normalize the style of parental attitude towards children.

Lesson 3 . “How to develop responsibility in our children”

Purpose: to give the concept of “internal motivation”, an idea of ​​the sense of responsibility, the possibility of its development in children, the difference between obedience and responsibility.”

Lesson 4 . “Parental help when a child does homework - what should it be? Paths to conflict-free discipline."

Goal: developing the ability to competently interact with a child at home, establish discipline, and establish family rules.

Lesson 5 . “Motives for children’s bad behavior. Reasons for persistent disobedience."

Goal: to promote understanding of the child’s internal motives in case of disobedience, and to build normal relationships with the child.

Lesson 6 . “Rules for expressing feelings. Types of encouragement"

Goal: developing the ability to construct “I-statements”, recognizing other people’s feelings, mastering ways to encourage good behavior, and finding options for effective praise.


1. The child’s readiness to write.

2. Roy and the importance of entertainment in the lives of children.

3.Hyperactive child.

4. About nurturing a love for nature.

5.Why don’t children read?

6. The importance of memory in the intellectual development of a schoolchild.

7. Is it necessary to instill patriotism in a child?

8.The child goes to school. The problem of the transition period from preschool to student status.

9.Signs of lag - the beginning of student failure.

10.A mark in a child’s life.


13.How to encourage a child in the family.

14.Advice for parents of first-graders.

15. Aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren.

16. Family conflict and children

17.Why do children lie? Moral problems.

18.Your child and his friends.

19. What to do if... (you don’t want to take your child away from classes, but you need his help; the child has fulfilled your instructions; your child has become silent and withdrawn; your child has no friends; what to do if your child suddenly begins to be insolent ; your child is insecure; your child behaves outrageously; you are unfortunately getting a divorce.)

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Mogoenovskaya secondary school

I approve __________

Head teacher

Yurganova E.E.

Plan for working with disadvantaged families

for the 2017 – 2018 academic year

Name of events



Diagnostics, identification of dysfunctional families

September, as needed during of the year

Mapping dysfunctional families.

September October

Class teachers, educational psychologist

Individual work: visit, drawing up a report


Class teachers, educational psychologist, social teacher

Individual counseling for parents and children from disadvantaged families


Class teachers, educational psychologist

Parental education Conversations on pedagogical topics:

Bad habits of children and parents;

Spending free time together;

Personal example of parents;

Crime prevention;

1 time per quarter

Class teachers, educational psychologist

Joint work on the rehabilitation of disadvantaged families:

Raids on dysfunctional families.


Class teachers, educational psychologist

Interactive forms of working with disadvantaged families:

Questioning parents and children from disadvantaged families in order to identify the degree of disadvantage;

Trainings for parents aimed at overcoming antisocial phenomena in the family;

Trainings for children from disadvantaged families aimed at overcoming maladjustment.


Class teachers, educational psychologist

Training student volunteers to work with children from disadvantaged families


Teacher - psychologist

Involving parents to organize “Parents and Children” events involving children from disadvantaged families.


Class teachers

Analysis of work for the year

Teacher - psychologist

Topics of individual conversations

    Conversation “How to improve family relationships?”

    Conversation “Why don’t we understand teenagers?”

    Conversation “Your child came home drunk for the first time.”

    Conversation “How to find a common language with your child.”

    Conversation “How to prevent Internet addiction.”

    Conversation “The psychological situation in your family.”

    Conversation “Family education and its importance for the child.”

    Conversation “Education at work.”

    Conversation on child abuse.

You can use these topics for individual conversations, classroom parent meetings, as well as write electronic blogs on these topics and discuss with parents.

1-4 grades.

1. Starting school is an important stage in a child’s life.

2. Fostering respect and love for parents, native land and the history of one’s people (according to national education).

3. Junior school age and its features.

4. I want and must (for crime prevention).

5. How to identify and develop children's abilities.

6. Creating an atmosphere of emotional security, warmth and love in the family.

7. Play and work in the life of children of primary school age.

8. Education of the child’s character in the family.

9. A regimen for primary schoolchildren as a way to protect health.

10. Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family).

11. Fathers and sons (the role of parents’ personal example in the legal education of junior schoolchildren).

12. New in the system of national education.

13. Use of various types of arts in aesthetic education children at school.

14. Family walks in nature, as an important factor in environmental and physical education children.

15. Preservation of family traditions, family heirlooms.

5 – 6 grades.

1. New in the system of national education.

2. The role of the family in the formation of adolescents’ conscious need for the labor system.

4. Organization of summer work and recreation for children in the family.

5. Raising a healthy child in the family. Preservation of the genotype.

6. Family opportunities in developing students’ cognitive independence.

7. The use of family traditions and holidays in patriotic education.

8. The harm of alcohol and smoking.

7 – 9 grades.

1. An example of parents in raising children.

2. Features of raising teenagers in the family.

3. Sexual development and methods of sex education.

4. A book in the family. Formation of reading interests in children.

5. Active forms of recreation in your family.

6. Methods of vocational guidance for schoolchildren in the family.

7. Features of adolescence and taking them into account in family education.

8. Educational activity of a senior school student and its management in the family.

9. The role of the family in the readiness of the younger generation to work.

10. Instilling a love for the beauty of native nature, works of art, painting, literature and music in the family.

11. Studying the roots of the family line.

12. Establishment of the principles of universal morality in the family.

10 – 11 grades.

1. The main directions of education in the family.

2. Psychological and pedagogical self-education of parents, as an important factor in increasing their pedagogical competence.

Conversations with parents.

For parents of 2nd grade students.

    Organization of student’s educational work in the process of preparing homework. Cultivating children's interest in reading.

    The role of parents’ personal example in instilling in children the need to adhere to the chosen daily routine. Personal hygiene of a schoolchild.

    The working atmosphere of the family is the most important factor in raising children. Family traditions at work. Home holidays and children's participation in them. Raising children's caring attitude towards nature.

    Methods of raising children. Rewards and punishments in raising a child.

    Instilling in children mutual assistance in the family and a sense of collectivism.

    How to help your child master the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

    Techniques of verbal influence on the consciousness of children in folk pedagogy.

For parents of 4th grade students.

    Jr adolescence and its features. Taking into account the mental and physical characteristics of the child, combining respect for the growing person with the requirements for him are the conditions for the successful upbringing of adolescents in the family.

    Development of cognitive activity and culture of mental work of adolescents in the family. Forms of stimulation by parents of fourth-graders’ independence in educational activities. Unity of family and school requirements for the educational work of adolescents.

    Cultivating hard work and diligence. Teaching children various types of folk crafts.

    The lesson is a workshop. How to help children learn.

    Analysis of pedagogical situations in family education.

    Examples of emotional impact on children’s feelings and consciousness in folk pedagogy.

    How to help your child identify his inclinations and interests.

For parents of 1st grade students.

    How to prepare your child for school. Age characteristics of children 6-7 years old

    Daily routine in the life of a first grader. Regulation of work, rest, and activities of the child during the day. Protection of the nervous system.

    How to help a first grader study. Game in the life of a schoolchild.

    Raising children to be honest, truthful, kind, disciplined, and demanding of themselves and each other.

    Hardening, prevention of colds.

    How best to organize children's summer holidays.

    What is testing? How to understand the level of development and preparation of your child?

    Goals and objectives of the first stage of education at school (according to the Model Regulations on an educational institution and the charter of a given school).

For parents of 3rd grade students.

    general characteristics of this age. Physiological characteristics of a schoolchild and their consideration in education. Features of the development of children's cognitive interests and intellectual sphere: perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech.

    The role of parents in instilling in children a responsible attitude towards educational work. What parents need to know to help students learn.

    Pedagogical requirements for organizing children's work: feasible work for the child, mastering a variety of work skills. Orders and their types.

    Organization of free time. Behavior of children in public places, guests, at home. Formation of interests and reasonable needs in the leisure system.

    Caring for children's health. The role of daily physical education. Joint physical education and sports activities between parents and children. Sport games and their role in promoting the health of younger schoolchildren. Features of children's daily routine in the summer.

    Education of honesty and truthfulness in folk pedagogy.

    Alternative educational programs and their real value in the fate of a child.

Joint work of school and family in raising children.

About the responsibility of parents for raising children.

Labor education children in the family.

Teaching children to be thrifty.

Developing children's interest in science and technology.

How to help children with homework.

Fostering a responsible attitude towards learning in students.

Fostering children's independence and perseverance in academic work.

Raising diligence in children in the family.

Methods of instilling conscious discipline in children in the family.

On measures to encourage and punish children in the family.

Cultivating politeness and consideration in children.

Teaching children to be modest.

Cultivating respect for elders.

The importance of daily routine in raising children in a family.

The role of the family in the moral education of children.

Raising children to be honest and truthful.

Developing a sense of collectivism in children.

Fostering friendship and camaraderie in children.

Character education in children.

Developing skills and habits of cultural behavior.

About sex education of children in the family.

A healthy lifestyle is a necessary condition for successfully raising children in a family.

How to guide children's extracurricular reading in the family.

Hardening the child's body.

The role of the family in the development of children's sports.

Aesthetic education of children in the family.

How to develop creative talents in children.
How to develop children's interest and love for work.

Organization of a schoolchild's work corner in the family.

How to help schoolchildren choose a profession.

The state of the modern labor market and educational services.

Rules and mistakes in choosing a profession.

Features of professional self-determination of adolescents with difficulties in social adaptation.

Social and professional orientations of youth.

The situation of youth in the modern labor market.

Demand for professions in the labor market.

Employer requirements for young specialists.

Educational institutions in Kemerovo and the region.

Peculiarities of choosing a profession for children with diseases of internal organs.

Objective conditions for choosing a profession.

Interests, inclinations, abilities and their role in professional self-determination.

Prevention and resolution of conflicts in the family.

Difficult teenager. Who is he?

Prevention of drug and alcohol addiction.

Formation of achievement motivation.

Formation of learning motivation.

Psychophysiological characteristics of adolescence and youth.

Psychosexual development of adolescents.

Psychological characteristics of adolescents.

Psychological characteristics of children of different ages.

Sample topics for conversations with parents

Material from IOT Wiki - a project of the network social and pedagogical community "SotsObraz"

You can use these topics for individual conversations, classroom parent meetings, and also conduct electronic blogs on these topics and discuss them with parents.

1. Starting school is an important stage in a child’s life.

2. Fostering respect and love for parents, native land and the history of one’s people (according to national education).

3. Junior school age and its features.

4. I want and must (for crime prevention).

5. How to identify and develop children's abilities.

6. Creating an atmosphere of emotional security, warmth and love in the family.

7. Play and work in the life of children of primary school age.

8. Education of the child’s character in the family.

9. A regimen for primary schoolchildren as a way to protect health.

10. Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family).

11. Fathers and sons (the role of parents’ personal example in the legal education of junior schoolchildren).

12. New in the system of national education.

13. The use of various types of arts in the aesthetic education of children at school.

14. Family walks in nature as an important factor in the environmental and physical education of children.

15. Preservation of family traditions, family heirlooms.

1. New in the system of national education.

2. The role of the family in the formation of adolescents’ conscious need for the labor system.

4. Organization of summer work and recreation for children in the family.

5. Raising a healthy child in the family. Preservation of the genotype.

6. Family opportunities in developing students’ cognitive independence.

7. The use of family traditions and holidays in patriotic education.

8. The harm of alcohol and smoking.

1. An example of parents in raising children.

2. Features of raising teenagers in the family.

3. Sexual development and methods of sex education.

4. A book in the family. Formation of reading interests in children.

5. Active forms of recreation in your family.

6. Methods of vocational guidance for schoolchildren in the family.

7. Features of adolescence and taking them into account in family education.

8. Educational activity of a senior school student and its management in the family.

9. The role of the family in the readiness of the younger generation to work.

10. Instilling a love for the beauty of native nature, works of art, painting, literature and music in the family.

11. Studying the roots of the family line.

12. Establishment of the principles of universal morality in the family.

1. The main directions of education in the family.

2. Psychological and pedagogical self-education of parents, as an important factor in increasing their pedagogical competence.

3. The role of family relationships and traditions in preparing high school students for family life.

Methodological development on the topic:
Sample topics for individual preventive conversations with students enrolled in various types of registration

Individual preventive work with registered children




Topic of conversation, problem, questions for discussion

“School charter, rules of student conduct”

"Your successes and failures"

"Ways to resolve conflict"

"Jokes or hooliganism"

"Responsibility for misconduct"

“Rules of behavior and TB during the autumn holidays”

“Healthy lifestyle - what is it?”

“What is a person?”

"Collective help and sympathy"

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

“Culture of behavior in public places”

"Offence and legal responsibility"

“Why do they register with the KDN?”

“Why do they put you in high school?”

“Paralympic sports in our school”

"Administrative and criminal liability"

“Rights and responsibilities of a minor”

"Responsibility for false reports of terrorism"

"The Art of Everyday Communication"

“Relationships with classmates. Rules of conduct at school""

“Purity of spoken language. "Words are weeds"

"Rules of behavior on the street

“Responsibility for damage to school property”

“Culture of greetings and addresses to others”

“Responsibility for violating traffic rules”

"Self confidence"

“Verbal and non-verbal forms of behavior”

“Formula for choosing a profession”

“The consequences of leaving school without permission”

“Professions accessible to people with disabilities”

“Rules of conduct and TB during the winter holidays”

"Rules of conduct in public places"

“Self-control and self-demandingness”

"Safety during the winter holidays"

"My successes and failures"

“Rules of conduct for passengers in public transport”

"Willpower and Character"


“How to avoid injuries in winter”

"Russia is my homeland"

"How I Spent My winter holidays"

"Law of the Krasnodar Territory No. 1539-KZ"

"Firecrackers and Security"

“Be able to say NO”

"Safe driving during icy conditions"

"Computer Friend or Foe"

"The place of a teenager in society"

“How to cope with a bad mood, irritation, resentment”

Quiz: “Who is the smartest person in the world?”

"A culture of speech. Profanity"

“Choose health: Paralympic sports in our school”

"Alcohol and alcohol addiction"

"What is a family for"

“How to choose a profession”

“Conflicts in our lives and ways to overcome them”

"What is politeness"

“Man is the creator of his own destiny”

"Teenager and the Law"

"Teenager and Crime"

"Misdemeanor, Misdemeanor, Crime"

"How to avoid becoming a victim of crime"

“Computer – friend or foe”

“Professions accessible to people with disabilities”

“Time for business, time for fun! »

“About honesty and the ability to keep one’s word”

"Anthem, Coat of Arms, Flag of Russia"

“Life is given for good deeds”

“Types of punishment for minors”

"Crime and Punishment"

“The role of the media in the life of society (the right to receive information)”

"Convention on the Rights of the Child"

"Energy drinks are the new drugs"

"Tender words for mom"

"Pocket Money"

"How to overcome fear of exams"

“Know how to say NO! »

"There is always a choice"

“Life is the main value of a person”

“Types of summer employment for teenagers. Forms of summer recreation and health improvement"

"Me and my street company"

"Responsibilities of a teenager in the family"

“Hard work is worthy of respect”

"Future plans"

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This article describes the organization of individual work with students enrolled in various types of registration, presents a coordination plan for working with students, and an individual support program.

The regulations on chiefs - mentors of minors who are on various types of records are created at the school to improve preventive work with students from

I present to your attention a sample card “Individual preventive work” with a registered child or a disadvantaged family, which I use in my work (at the end of each section).

Individual preventive work with parents of registered students.

Plan of individual preventive work with students registered at school.

Based on my personal professional experience, I present a technology for organizing individual preventive work with students under in-school supervision.

The material describes technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of minors who have a conflict with the law. while in a children's health camp.

Conversations with parents of minors topics

21 years of experience.

Volgograd 2014

Relevance of the chosen topic:

Modern schools are faced with a number of problems: on the one hand, an increase in delinquency among minors, on the other hand, parents do not pay due attention to their children for various reasons. If earlier teachers considered the process of education in the form of a kind of triangle: school - parents - child, where the school, in close cooperation with parents, since the moral and social guidelines coincided, successfully solved the problem of education, then, unfortunately, today the school often remains in this triangle without the support of the second, parental side.

Over the past five to ten years, there has been a process of lowering the age limit for offenders. Such types of offenses as smoking, using obscene language, causing harm to health, and taking someone else's property have fallen into elementary school. New trends in the behavior of children and parents have emerged: minors leaving home, the risk of suicidal behavior in minors, child abuse, and lack of parental authority in children.

In connection with the above, at present, in the work on preventing delinquency among minors, the question of the need for preventive work with parents of students has become acute. Gradually, a system of prevention work in general and a system of working with families in a socially dangerous situation was formed. We mean disadvantage towards the child. To talk about a child in a dysfunctional family means to talk about:

  • How does family dysfunction affect a child?
  • How a child can disturb the peace of the family, causing parents irritation, anger, impatience to turn the family into a dysfunctional one, and the latter, in turn, can further aggravate the child’s mental state.
  • What should teachers do, at least in general terms, to help the child, since it is not his fault that he lives in dysfunctional family conditions.
  • When creating a program of work with parents, we were guided by Federal Law No. 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system of prevention, neglect and juvenile delinquency,” which defines the concept “A family in a socially dangerous situation is a family with children in a socially dangerous situation, as well as the same family where parents or other legal representatives of minors do not fulfill their duties for their upbringing, education and (or) maintenance and (or) negatively influence their behavior or treat them cruelly.”

    Fundamental state documents: the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “The Concept of Modernization of Russian Education” restore the status of education as a priority activity in the education system, emphasize the exclusive role of the family in solving the problems of education, and indicate the need for an equal, creative, interested union of family and school.

    Since 2011, on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 95 of the Krasnooktyabrsky district of the city of Volgograd, on the basis of an elementary school, a program of parent meetings with disadvantaged families and families who find themselves in difficult life situations “Family and School” has been implemented. The “Family and School” program is aimed at adjusting the process of raising children in families with special needs and families in difficult life situations.

    Pedagogical interaction between school and family consists of creating favorable conditions for the personal development and growth of children, organizing the active life of a person leading a decent life.

    As a result of the work carried out by the school together with other subjects of prevention, such as the KDN and ZP, the center for socio-psychological services, the PDN OP-2, the State Budgetary Institution Center “Family”, the situation in families has changed in a positive direction.

    Regular patronage, pedagogical control, and continuity on the part of school specialists and other subjects of prevention made it possible to consolidate these results and became successful methods for preventing social maladaptation of the family.

    Since school No. 95 is a school with cadet classes, there are a number of features: 78% of students primary classes- boys, children study not only from the microsite, but from all districts of the city with the exception of the Krasnoarmeysky and Kirovsky districts. Children living in the Gorodishchensky district, Krasnaya Sloboda, and the city of Volzhsky study. 30% of families are single-parent families, raised by one of the parents, most often by the mother, 25% are families in which the parents are in a state of divorce, low-income families - 30%, single mothers - 10%, guardianship - 5%, disabled children make up 1%, children from foster families - 1%, children requiring additional pedagogical attention - 9%. Students often arriving at school from other educational institutions are already registered on various types of records.

    Thus, the need arose to systematize technologies for working with families in the community and drawing up a program for working with such families.

    Relevance Our program is that in modern conditions a family cannot get out of difficult life situations on its own. She needs outside help. The school can provide such assistance. Preventive work with families is an important component of activities in educational institutions.

    R development of a support system for families who find themselves in a special situation and on the verge of a socially dangerous situation, providing assistance in their successful social rehabilitation and adaptation in modern conditions, psychological and pedagogical support for such families.

  • Implementation of an integrated approach to the rehabilitation process;
  • Coordination of efforts of prevention subjects to solve family problems and ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;
  • Distribution of responsibility between participants in the implementation of a comprehensive social rehabilitation program;
  • Assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of social rehabilitation programs.
  • Principles for the implementation of the Program

    The principle of complexity involves the interaction of specialists of different profiles in the diagnosis, correction and rehabilitation of maladjusted families with children, involves the implementation of a systematic approach to working with families in difficult life situations, and the impact on them taking into account various aspects: economic, social, medical, pedagogical and psychological, etc.

    The principle of legality provides for the implementation of laws and other regulatory legal acts corresponding to them in working with dysfunctional families.

    The principle of confidentiality presupposes the inadmissibility of disclosing personal data, as well as other information protected by law, about families in difficult life situations without their consent.

  • Focus on developing the positive potential of the family.
    • relevance and timeliness of providing assistance to a family in difficult life situations;
    • active support from parents (most effective method helping a child means helping his family);
    • reliance on parental responsibility. Using the internal potential of the family. The family itself formulates the goals of the work and determines the deadlines. Specialists do not take on tasks that the family can handle on their own.
    • reliance on positivity in working with families, treating a dysfunctional family as an equal, equal partner.
    • A distinctive feature of the Family and School program is the following:

    • The program includes innovations and original developments implemented by school class teachers.
    • The program is focused on the implementation of not only current, but also long-term expected, predictable social and rehabilitation results
    • The program is built on partnerships with families in difficult life situations, as equal and equal partners.
    • This program can be deepened, expanded, improved by introducing new forms and methods of working with families in difficult life situations, and introducing new technologies for working with families.

      The program is designed for 4 years with five meetings a year with parents of students in grades 1-4. If necessary, meetings are held with parents individually.

    • Reviving the traditions of family education, promoting the formation of healthy lifestyle values;
    • Improving the microclimate in the family;
    • Teaching parents the skills of socially supportive and developmental behavior in the family and in their relationship with the child;
    • Reducing risk factors leading to neglect, delinquency, alcohol and substance abuse among adolescents; risk of leaving the family, suicidal risk;
    • Increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical culture of parents;
    • Increasing the effectiveness of interaction between teachers, students, and parents;
    • Activation of traditional and modern forms of work with families in new conditions.
    • Briefly about the implementation of the development:

      Since 2011, on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 95 of the Krasnooktyabrsky district of the city of Volgograd, on the basis of an elementary school, a program of parent meetings with disadvantaged families and families who find themselves in difficult life situations “Family and School” has been implemented. The program was approved at a meeting of the Methodological Council of MOU Secondary School No. 95, Minutes No. 1 of August 30, 2013, and put into effect by order of the director of MOU Secondary School No. 95.

      Working methods and techniques:

      Forms of work with families:

      Collective: ( parent thematic meetings, psychodiagnostics (monitoring), joint activities with children: hikes, excursions, holidays, open days, parent committee meetings, seminar-workshop, lectures, reports, discussions, conversations; collective creative activities (competitions, holidays, round table), parent conferences, design of a corner with recommendations for parents).

      - general (classroom or parallel) are held 5 times a year - in September and at the end of the quarter;

      Differentiated: (specially invited group of parents);

      Individual: ( correspondence, consultation conversations, open door regime, providing parents with the opportunity to observe their child’s school activities).

      Non-traditional forms of working with parents.

    • Parent readings.
    • Parents' evenings.
    • Business game
    • "Round table"
    • But the main form of work with parents remains parent meetings.

      Types of parent meetings: thematic, organizational, final.

      Forms of parent meetings: lecture, conversation, workshop, club, creative meetings, pedagogical workshop, round table, workshop, debate.

      Stages of working with an assisted family



    • Collecting information about the family and child
    • Message about the family at the Prevention Council
    • Making a decision to accompany the family
    • Highlighting key issues
    • Determining the family's internal potential to achieve positive change
    • Development of an individual family support plan
    • Establishing contact with all family members
    • Establishing trusting relationships with all family members
    • Discussion with family members of an individual family support plan, making adjustments
    • Implementation of an individual family support plan
    • Coordinating the activities of various specialists in providing assistance to the family
    • The mediation activity of the teacher between the family and specialists of other subjects of prevention
    • Motivating family members to receive specialized help
    1. Analysis of changes in the family system, together with the family, the results of correctional activities are summed up and tasks for further development are set for family members
    2. The family and class teacher receive final recommendations from specialists
    3. The Prevention Council makes a decision to terminate family support when positive changes have occurred in the family and the child’s negative behavior is not observed.
    4. Support and control of the family throughout the year, the teacher meets with family members at their request, supporting positive changes in family life
    5. Multimedia projector, stereo system, classical music CDs, connection to Internet resources.

      Behavioral reactions of a child that may serve as signs of trouble in the family:

      1. External untidiness;
      2. Decreased academic performance;
      3. Failure to complete training;
      4. Loss of interest in previous hobbies;
      5. A sharp change in your social circle;
      6. The appearance of secrecy in behavior;
      7. Loss of appetite, weight loss, drowsiness;
      8. Irritability, aggressiveness, hot temper, or vice versa passivity, apathy;
      9. Traces of beatings.
      10. The parent meeting should educate parents and not note the mistakes and failures of children in their studies and behavior.
      11. The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.
      12. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature.
      13. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.
      14. Parent meetings are especially productive when they are interactive.

        We offer one of the options for planning a parent meeting (meeting).

        Meeting plan

      15. Report (short speech about the main problems, views on this issue).
      16. Formulation of the problem.
      17. Work in groups (solution and search for a solution to the problem.).
      18. Performances from groups.
      19. Summarizing what has been said. Solution.
      20. Distribution of recommendations and memos on this topic.
      21. It is possible to introduce other stages, for example, acting out and subsequent analysis of pedagogical situations.
      22. Conclusion: This form of parent meetings has the following advantages:

      23. Participation of all parents.
      24. There is an exchange of experience and knowledge within the group and between groups.
      25. Specific methods and techniques of education are mastered in practice.
      26. Each parent receives methodological recommendations and assistance.
      27. The individual characteristics of parents are taken into account, a differentiated approach is carried out
      28. When working with parents from disadvantaged families, the class teacher must:

      29. Identification of dysfunctional families as a means of preventing social orphanhood (knowledge of the child’s living conditions, availability of a material examination report).
      30. Improving the pedagogical culture of all categories of parents:
      31. Organization of pedagogical education. The conviction of parents that family upbringing is not morality, lectures or physical punishment, but the entire lifestyle of parents (primarily healthy), the way of thinking and actions of the parents themselves, constant communication with children from a position of humanity.
      32. Involving parents as active educators (family holidays at school, extracurricular extracurricular activities, participation in school management).
      33. To avoid violence, cruelty, and aggressive behavior towards their children, formulate a legal culture for parents.
      34. Conducting control and correctional work with parents (questionnaires, testing, analysis of the level of education, training of children, individual conversations, etc.).
      35. Take into account the peculiarities of upbringing in each individual family, based on positive experience, increase the priority of family and family traditions for all subjects of educational activity: children, parents, teachers.
      36. Eliminate parents' feelings of guilt for their inadequacy (a separate plan for working with problem groups of parents).
      37. Memo for class teachers when interacting with disadvantaged families.

      38. Never take educational actions in a bad mood.
      39. Clearly and clearly define for yourself what you want from your family, what the family thinks about this, try to convince them that your goals are, first of all, their goals.
      40. Do not give definitive ready-made recipes and recommendations. Do not lecture your parents, but show possible ways to overcome difficulties, analyze the right and wrong decisions leading to the goal.
      41. The class teacher is obliged to encourage the successes of a problem child, to notice even the most insignificant successes.
      42. If there are errors or incorrect actions, point them out. Evaluate and pause to allow the family to process what they have heard.
      43. Let the family know that you sympathize with them and believe in them, despite the missteps of their parents.
      44. Parent meeting program “Family and School”

        Topic of the meeting, questions for discussion

        1 class

        “Family and school – together we can do a lot”

        Psychologist. Deputy Director for VR.

        “Happy is he who is happy at home.”

        Round table with game elements; workshop “Family traditions...Is this important?”

        What does it mean to love your child (debate).

        Round table “The cry of a child’s soul: Parents are getting divorced. "

        Psychologist. Deputy according to VR.

        "Child safety every day"

        Understand yourself and your child"

        Discussion “Why is my child becoming difficult?”

        Conference of fathers “The role of the father in raising his son”

        “There is no sweeter friend than your own mother”

        Free time and family leisure. Organizational and activity game.

        Psychologist. Deputy according to BP


        "Education by non-violence in the family." Round table.

        Thematic meeting “Dad, Mom, Me - a healthy family”

        Dispute: “Alcohol in the family.”

        Emotional well-being of children in the family .

        4th grade

        “It’s not easy to be a human being,”

        or how to raise children

        moral qualities by example."

        Deputy Director for VR.

        Carrot or stick? (about rewards and punishments and their impact on children).

        Taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of children of this age in their upbringing.

        "Children's aggression: its causes and prevention."

        Causes of teenage suicide. The role of adults in helping adolescents in crisis situations.

        Labor participation of the child in family life. His role in development

        performance and personal qualities.

        “Family and school - together we can do a lot” (meeting - game). To determine, together with parents, the basic principles of building interaction with first-graders, uniting the efforts of family and school in the upbringing and development of children, determining the level of contact between parents and children, and communication in the family.

        “Happy is he who is happy at home” Parental education. How to make school your second home. Difficulties in adaptation of first-graders to school.

        Round table with game elements; workshop “Family traditions...Is this important?” To create the preconditions for the formation of those present’ attitude towards family as one of the main values ​​in life. "Exchange" family traditions with the subsequent application of the latter in the comprehensive development and upbringing of children; show the important role of values ​​in every family; create a situation of success for every family; unity of parents and children.

        What does it mean to love your child (debate). To help parents analyze their parental behavior, focus on the positive aspects of raising a child, forms of showing love for a child, consider the positive and negative aspects of the educational influence of parents on a child, derive a formula for successfully fulfilling the role of parents, convince parents of the need for generous manifestations of their unconditional parental love.

        Round table with parents “The cry of a child’s soul: Parents are getting divorced. » Divorce of parents is a serious stressful situation for any child, stages and periods of divorce, experiences of adults, experiences of children, how to behave: if you do not live with a child, if you have entered into a new marriage, the new partner of a divorced parent should adhere to a certain line of behavior.

        "Child safety every day" We learn to live in the world of people. Lessons on ethical behavior for children and parents during the summer. Rules of behavior in public places (about patience and tolerance, restraint, self-respect and politeness in the world of adults and children). Results of the first year of communication. Organization of summer holidays for children.

        2nd grade

        “Problems of education. Understand yourself and your child" Improving the pedagogical culture of parents, replenishing their arsenal of knowledge on the specific issue of raising a child in the family; development of collective decisions and uniform requirements for raising children, integration of the efforts of families and teachers in activities to develop the child’s personality; promoting the experience of successful family education, preventing incorrect actions towards families on the part of parents; planning the work of joint activities of teachers, students and parents.

        Discussion “Why is my child becoming difficult?” A difficult child is a child who finds it difficult, a difficult child through the eyes of adults, why a child becomes difficult, the reasons for children’s uncontrollability, what a child takes revenge for.

        First school grades. Recommendations for parents. Standards for assessing the learning outcomes and development of students, the causes of difficulties in the educational process of younger schoolchildren; replenishment of parents’ knowledge on the specific upbringing of a child in the family and school.

        Conference of fathers “The role of the father in raising his son” To update the problem of raising a son in a family. To give fathers the opportunity to realize that paternal happiness is the highest value; outline ways, means and techniques for raising boys in the family; involve fathers in a collective discussion of difficult pedagogical situations; give recommendations to fathers on how to build relationships with children based on mutual understanding; direct the efforts of fathers to joint activities in the life of the class team.

        “There is no sweeter friend than your own mother” (holiday meeting). The role of the mother in raising a child. Introduce the conditions for successful family education; to give mothers the opportunity to realize that maternal happiness is the highest value; involve mothers in collective role-playing of situations; mother's love to the child not for anything, but simply because the child exists.

        Free time and family leisure. Organizational and activity game. To actualize the problem of children's leisure in the upcoming summer period; encourage parents and children to spend leisure time together; disassemble and play some types of useful time spent together. Results of the year. Organization of summer holidays for children.

        3rd grade

        “The role of the family and the role of school in raising a child.” Dispute. The family can act as both a positive and negative factor in education. Parable “Good family” (Appendix 13).

        Inform parents of the need to:

    • - creating confidence in the child that he is loved and cared for;
    • - treating a child at any age lovingly and attentively;
    • - constant psychological contact with the child;
    • - interest in everything that happens in the child’s life.

    "Education by non-violence in the family." Round table. Introduce parents to different types of domestic violence:

  • - On the part of the husband in relation to his wife;
  • - On the part of the wife in relation to her husband;
  • - On the part of parents in relation to children;
  • - On the part of older children in relation to younger ones.
  • Develop the ability to separate the concepts of “persistence” and “aggression”. Questions for discussion at the round table. (Appendix 14). Recommendations for parents. (Appendix 15) Viewing and discussion of the social video “Don’t destroy children’s dreams” on›watch?v=b_gUXaZfVZw

    Thematic meeting “Dad, Mom, Me – a healthy family.” Make parents aware of the importance of understanding that a healthy lifestyle is important for schoolchildren. Identify the main components of a healthy lifestyle for a schoolchild: development and adherence to a daily routine; proper nutrition; exercise stress; workplace organization; maintaining personal and public hygiene; Test for parents “Can your lifestyle be called healthy.” (Appendix 16).

    Dispute: “Alcohol in the family.” Make parents aware of how the characteristics of the family environment affect the upbringing of children, which in turn can influence the onset of alcohol abuse. Consideration of such questions as: Alcoholism is familial in nature if a woman suffers from it. What is it like for children to live in a family of alcoholics? What life scenario will a child carry into adulthood, observing drunken parents? Medical and social aspects of the influence of alcoholism on children. Types of behavior characteristic of children of alcoholics. (Appendix 18).

    Seminar-workshop “Difficult dialogue with studies, or how to help your child study.” Expand the knowledge of parents about the forms and methods of solving problems that arise with children. Develop a joint program of action to stimulate students’ cognitive activity. Identify problems of interaction with the child to overcome learning difficulties. Discussion on the question “Why do we want our child to study well?” Exchange of views on the question “Why are our children losing interest in learning?” Organization of homework for schoolchildren. Homework atmosphere. Teaching children to be independent. (Appendix 19).

    Emotional well-being of children in the family. Promoting the experience of successful family upbringing, preventing incorrect actions towards their son or daughter on the part of parents. Introduce parents to the concepts of “competence”, “affect”, “stress”. Contribute to the development of communication competence. Help parents understand their own emotional state, express their feelings and recognize the feelings of their children. Discuss techniques that allow a child to reduce the impact of a stressful situation on the body and help overcome emotional difficulties. Memo to parents from the child. (Appendix 17). Results of the year. Organization of summer holidays for children.

    “It’s not easy to be a human being,” or how to raise children moral qualities by example." Create conditions for understanding significance moral education in family. To promote the formation of a culture of communication between parents and children, the ability of parents to see negative aspects in raising their own children. Methods and conditions for the moral education of a child in the family. View and discuss the social video “The Parable of Good and Evil” on›watch?v=b_gUXaZfVZw

    Carrot or stick? (About rewards and punishments. Their influence on children). Expanding parents' understanding of the influence of rewards and punishments and the variety of methods of influence for behavior correction. Consider the reasons for disobedience. Rewards are effective if...Ways to get a child to change their behavior in the right direction. Punishments are effective when... Watch the social video “Don’t destroy children’s dreams” youtube.comwatch?v=b_gUXaZfVZw

    Taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of children of this age in their upbringing. Consideration of the characteristics of physical and psychological development younger age and their influence on the process of training and education. The origin of major changes in a child’s life due to physiological transformations. Changes in the emotional sphere of the child. Provide assistance to parents in overcoming difficulties in communicating with their children and teenagers.

    "Children's aggression: its causes and prevention." To form parents’ knowledge about the problem of adolescent aggressiveness, skills and abilities on how to help cope with an aggressive state, and teach them how to deal with their anger. Determine the causes of aggression and give recommendations. Portrait of an aggressive child. (Appendix 20)

    Causes of child suicide. The role of adults in helping adolescents in crisis situations. Together with parents, identify possible causes. Signs and nature of child and adolescent suicide. Provide an opportunity to reflect and evaluate the relationship with your child. Psychological meaning of suicide. Signs of suicidal behavior. Advice for parents. (Appendix 21).

    Labor participation of the child in family life. His role in development performance and personal qualities. Determining the goals and objectives of labor education in the family. Work assignments for a child in the family. Work and its importance in the life of a child. The importance of the example of family and school in developing a child’s work skills. The child’s labor efforts and their assessment in the family and school. Results of the year. Organization of summer holidays for children.

    Criteria for assessing the achievement of planned results:

    Evaluating the effectiveness of the Family and School program.

    The basis for the creation of the program was the many years of work of the teaching staff with disadvantaged families. This program is the initial stage of preventive work with parents who are in social security and difficult life situations.

    In addition to theoretical classes, the program includes practical developments in parent meetings.

    Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of working with parents

    The degree of achievement of positive program results is recorded by the following parameters:

  • Increasing the erudition of parents in the field of family education, their readiness to cooperate with teachers.
  • Formation of an atmosphere of creative cooperation in parent groups.
  • Parents' satisfaction with the quality and quantity of forms of interaction with the school.
  • Growing parental competence, enriching the parental fund with forms of interaction with the child, increasing the depth and intensity of communication with the child.
  • Correction of family relationships, creation of positive conditions for raising a child in the vast majority of families.
  • The implementation of the “Family and School” program on the basis of an elementary school brought positive results. In the 2011-2012 academic year in primary school 3 families were identified and registered within the school; in the 2012-2013 academic year - 2 families. 4 families were removed from the in-school register; not a single family was transferred to the KDN and ZP, as they coped with the forces of in-school prevention.

    Classroom parent meetings were held 5 times a year, their topics related to the problems of education in families in difficult life situations. Attendance at parent meetings is as follows.

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