Effective ways to clean coats made of different materials. How to clean a cashmere coat at home? How to clean a wool coat

General cleaning rules

If you decide to start cleaning coat fabric

Removing various stains




wool coat


fresh spots

A coat is an indispensable item of clothing that can not only keep you warm in cold weather, but also give a woman or man an elegant, beautiful well-groomed look. In stores you can buy a product of different colors, styles and quality of fabric.

The fabrics from which these outerwear are made are not so easy to care for. Some of them cannot be washed like ordinary clothes and, moreover, can not be machine washed for cleaning. How can you clean such “capricious” clothes if they accidentally put a stain on them?

General cleaning rules

At the factory, labels are sewn to each product indicating how to properly care for one or another type of fabric. There are some types of products that need to be cleaned only with chemical means (for example, by the dry method). Others are easy to clean at home, using pharmacy and household products.

If you decide to start cleaning coat fabric at home, then these simple but very important tips will come in handy.

Before removing any type of contamination (if you are going to use chemicals), first test on a piece of cloth how it will react to this substance. It is best to apply the agent on the inside of the seam: if no distortions appear on the material, you can safely proceed to cleaning the whole product.

Cleaning movements should be done from the edge of the stain to the center, so you do not stretch the contamination onto a clean cloth.

If the coat needs to be washed, it must be thoroughly rinsed so that there are no streaks left on the material. Then it is wrapped in a terry towel so that the maximum amount of moisture is absorbed into it. It is better to dry the product on a hanger in a horizontal position at room temperature.

Removing various stains

Considering beautiful models in the catalog, many limit themselves to buying an exclusive product only because they do not know how to properly care for a fabric. Of course, after all, no one wants to buy a beautiful expensive thing, and then throw it away because of a small speck in the most visible place, which cannot be removed in any way.

Here are some secrets for cleaning stains at home:


Remove with a swab dipped in alcohol. Before cleaning, under the spot with a stain, you need to substitute a cotton cloth folded in a couple of layers. In this case, it is better to tear the lining so that the fabric is in contact with the coat. Wet the trace well with alcohol and sprinkle with talcum powder. We leave it for a day, and then shake the product and clean it from talc and dirt residues with a stiff brush.


Still not dried wine is sprinkled with fine salt, and then washed off with water. Coats that are brightly colored or made of woolen fabric are best cleaned with alcohol and a cotton swab, without using salt.


Beer stains are removed with a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. To clean a woolen coat, a solution of vinegar and alcohol is used (ratio - 1: 1).


Traces of tea are very difficult to remove, so it is better to eliminate them immediately. To do this, you need 2 parts of alcohol and 1 part of water. Old stains can be cleaned with 4 parts glycerin and 1 part 10% ammonia.

fresh spots

Very effectively, fresh stains are removed with an iron and cotton napkins placed in several layers on both sides of the coat. With a heated iron, you need to iron on napkins until the pollution disappears.

What to do with greasy places?

Even if you manage to avoid any of the above marks while wearing it, over time, you will notice the appearance of ugly greasy stripes on the sleeves, collar and pockets. And you can also get rid of them at home.

You will need 4 parts ammonia and 1 part salt. This mixture should be wiped with greasy places.

Sometimes pure gasoline is also used, with which dirt is rubbed, and then covered with fine salt. With a rubber sponge, gently wipe greasy places and clean the coat from salt residues with a stiff brush.

If, after unsuccessful ironing, a glossy mark remains on the product, it can be removed with a jet of steam.

With the help of these simple but effective tips, you can get rid of most types of pollution. Now, if you see your “capricious” favorite model in a coat store, you can safely buy it and not be afraid of any stains.

Professional work is not cheap, sometimes the amount of the check exceeds the cost of the product itself. How to clean a coat at home without washing? An alternative and cheaper method of caring for outerwear made from wool, compared to going to the dry-cleaner, is dry-cleaning the coat at home.

Good to know!

The symbols on the label attached to the side seam, in the form of a letter in a circle, will help you choose a specialized chemical agent for dry cleaning outerwear. Deciphering: A - any common solvents;F- freons and white spirit; P - perchlorethylene. If there is one strip under the circle, the product is shown gentle cleaning, if there are two - more gentle delicate.

Rules for removing stains from a wool coat

Before a thorough dry cleaning of the coat, it is necessary to examine the product for the presence of pronounced stains and eliminate them. The process of removing dirt begins with a thorough inspection of outerwear under fluorescent lamps. Take note of the problem areas on your clothes and follow the rules below on how to clean a wool coat from stains at home:

  • To eliminate the stain, it is necessary to treat the contaminated area, starting not from the middle, but from its borders. This will prevent uneven cleaning, which often results in residual small spots at the edges of the soiled area or dirty streaks.
  • If you remove the stain from the wrong side, it will take much less time to work. The applied chemical reagent or other means will gradually push out the deeply seated stain from the inside of the fiber weaves.
  • Be very careful with the choice of stain remover, it is best to use alternative methods of removing stains.
  • Before processing the soiled area of ​​​​the material, check the durability of the coloring matter by testing the selected product on the wrong side of the product.

Note to the hostess: When wearing woolen coats with pile, local areas of clothing, such as the elbow fold, cuffs, pocket area and the inside of the collar, are often rubbed to an untidy shine. Shine is removed by steaming and treating the fabric with table salt using a stiff brush.

Dry cleaning instructions for coarse wool

Full cleaning of products made from coarse fibers, such as two-layer drape, gabardine, all varieties of coat tweed, boston, boiled wool (another name is “loden”), ratin and flacomé, is carried out in several stages:

  • Hang the treated outerwear vertically on the coat hanger and clean the most problematic areas of the coat (collar, pockets, cuffs) with a thick brush with a mixture of salt and 10% ammonia. To do this, you need 40 g of salt and 10 ml of ammonia. Homemade powder actively affects the material for 10 minutes. After treatment, shake the coat and brush off the remaining powder with a soft brush.
  • At the second stage of cleaning, you can use any of the proposed methods:

Method number 1. Processing material with pile

This method, like no other, is suitable for cleaning a drape coat at home. Since the two-layer drape coat is double-sided, both the front and the wrong side are processed. With a dry brush with thick bristles of medium hardness, a thorough cleaning of the product in the direction of the villi is carried out. In this way, small particles of dirt are removed from the material. After thorough combing, the procedure should be repeated with a moistened brush.

Method number 2. Foam cleaning

Dilute carpet cleaner in water according to package directions. Apply the foam to the material until dry (takes 10-15 minutes), then clean the composition from the fabric with a thick brush.

Method number 3. Processing of textured material

An unusual cleaning method using breadcrumbs. Lay the coat horizontally and crumble the bread thickly, then rub the bread crumbs with your hands until lumps form. Remove bread lumps and carefully clean the material from the remnants of crumbs with a brush.

Method number 4. Wet cleaning with fabric softener

The tool for wet processing will be a microfiber-based brush. Comb off dirt from the coat with a brush moistened in a solution with a chemical agent, after 10 minutes clean the product with a clean, damp brush.

Method number 5. Semi-professional dry cleaning

For high-quality material processing, you will need a dryer. Semi-professional cleaning requires appropriate conditions and equipment. As a result, the product will look as clean as after dry cleaning. To clean a coarse wool coat at home at the professional level, specialized chemicals are needed: perchlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene, hydrocarbon or white spirit. Drop the liquid chemical onto a tissue and place with the product in a fine-mesh polyester laundry bag. Send the filled bag to the dryer for 30 minutes.

Coats made of dense materials, after a thorough cleaning, can be treated with an aerosol that enhances moisture resistance. Aerosol impregnation is applied to the front side by spraying. Such additional processing will improve the water resistance of the coat and it will have to be washed much less often.

Gentle cleaning methods for soft fabric coats

Outerwear made of elite materials, the basis of which was fluff or downy undercoat, are treated with gentle cleaning methods. Such capricious fabrics made of very thin threads include cashmere, angora, alpaca, camel and merino wool, mohair and llama wool.

Before you clean a cashmere coat or other soft downy fabric at home, you need to get rid of the smell of sweat in the armpits. To this end, we dissolve grated laundry soap in warm water (up to 30 degrees) and moisten a sponge or cloth. It is necessary to wet the problem area several times. It is proposed to use 10% ammonia as an equally effective alternative to soap solution.


When using professional chemicals (white spirit, perchlorethylene, freons, hydrocarbons), you should protect yourself from their direct effects. Always wear a respirator, gloves and work in a well ventilated area. These chemicals are not safe for health!

To clean the elite material, you can use the semi-professional dry cleaning method using a gentle chemical reagent. The most gentle dry cleaning agents include hydrocarbon solvents.

  • Wet treatment. Coats made of soft fabric are cleaned in a circular motion with a brush with thick soft bristles. The best option is a brush with a long pile of microfiber. Since cleaning will be damp, before you start, remove dust and other small particles that have settled on the fabric with a special roller for clothes. The microfiber brush must be soaked in soapy water and carefully treated on the front of the coat. It will be more convenient to work with clothes hanging vertically. Repeat the action using a clean damp fiber.
  • Dry cleaning. A delicate way to refresh the appearance of a product made of soft material: sprinkle the powder composition on the fabric and wipe the coat with a damp sponge in a non-pressing circular motion. After treatment, shake the clothes and brush off the remaining powder with a microfiber brush.

Coats made from wool materials will last more than one season, maintaining a fresh, neat and well-groomed look, if dry cleaning of clothes is a priority method of care for you.

Coats are a must in every wardrobe. It requires special and careful care. Proper cleaning can prolong the existence of this outerwear and maintain its dignified appearance.

Coat cleaning is simply necessary sometimes because this outerwear becomes unusable very quickly. The reason for this is either too sensitive material, weather conditions and improper wear. During the existence of this clothing, smart housewives have come up with many ways to clean it: from chemical treatment to folk methods.

Pellets - this is a kind of piece of a coat that has become unusable and remains on the surface of the clothes. It is not uncommon for the pellets to be called "pilia" - the professional name for those who are engaged in the manufacture and cleaning of clothes. Dry-cleaning your coat is a sure way to get rid of external imperfections, but it is not the cheapest and not everyone can afford it.

There are several interesting ways get rid of the pellets on the coat using folk methods and they will be no less effective than cleaning with chemicals.

One of the surest and easiest ways clean the coat with a special machine from pellets. It is not difficult to buy it, it is often sold in stores. You need to look for it in the departments where you buy brushes for shoes, dishes and household trifles. It is not uncommon for such stores to be called "Thousand Little Things". It is not expensive at all, but it is able to cope with ugly pellets in any part of the coat. It runs on batteries and is quite small in size.

  • As practice shows, the most susceptible fabric is wool. Often synthetic fiber is added to such a fabric. Knitwear is also very susceptible and often forms spools on the surface. Natural fabrics are not prone to pilling and this is their main advantage.
  • Pellets occur most often due to frequent friction of the fabric with other surfaces: fabric on fabric, on the bag, on the body. Therefore, the most frequent. susceptible areas are: sleeves, pockets, collar, cuffs, belt area, shoulders.
  • Not infrequently, the washing itself is the cause of the appearance of pellets. Not every owner of a coat knows that a coat cannot be washed in washing machine. During washing, the fabric rubs against the fabric and forms pili. The coat should be cleaned either by hand or dry cleaned.
  • Pellets are formed due to improper selection of powder, inconsistencies in observing the temperature regime during washing, and non-compliance with coat care standards.

folk ways to clean the coat from pellets
  • Try to clean your coat using pumice, its uneven surface with numerous holes and slightly sharp surfaces can effectively "cling" pieces of pellets and fold into a larger lump that is easy to remove by hand.
  • You can also clean the coat with a razor machine. To do this, you need to spread out the coat and with a new razor go through the “shaggy” places with slight pressure. Everything that the razor collects must be set aside with the coat by hand. This cleaning is very effective, but unfortunately the effect is not long-term and will soon have to be cleaned again.
  • Another unusual way of picking up pellets is rye bread crumbs. To do this, dried Rye bread crumble into an area with spools and rotate over the surface in a circular motion. Together with sharp and rough crumbs, pellets also fall off, it becomes very easy to remove them manually.

Video: "5 ways to get rid of pellets from clothes"

Outerwear such as coats are extremely sensitive to hair and wool. Because of this, the clothes look extremely unattractive and give the feeling of an old “shaggy thing”. Hair cannot be avoided by any owner of even the most expensive coat. Owners of dogs and cats suffer from a bigger problem, as they leave “a piece of themselves” on any surface at home.

how to clean a coat of hair?

Cleaning and removing hair from a coat is, fortunately, not difficult. There are at least four main ways to do this:

  • By using damp cloth: hair clings to wet material and lags behind the surface of the coat. This method is suitable only for clothes that are not heavily overloaded with hair.
  • By using special coat brush: it is made of soft bristles that gently clean the material and do not damage it. You can buy such a brush in any store, it is always in stock and always in demand.
  • By using roller with replaceable adhesive tape: this is one of the most effective ways to clean the coat not only from hair and wool, but also from all debris, dust and spools. To do this, you should run the roller over the surface of the coat and all unwanted particles will stick to the tape.
  • By using stationery tape: if you don’t have a roller with adhesive tape, you can use ordinary stationery tape, which operates on the same principle. Tear off small pieces and stick to the material several times, all debris and hair will remain on the adhesive side of the tape.

Video: Coat Brush

How to clean a coat from dust?

  • Modern living conditions in a big city, saturation with vehicles and a huge number of roads make clothes look very unattractive. Especially those clothes that have light colors suffer. The coat should be cleaned from dust and dirt twice a year: before the start of the spring season and autumn. Even if you do not visually notice dirt on clothes, dusting will keep clothes in an attractive condition for as long as possible.
  • Any coat should be cleaned with a special velor brush, which is purchased at the store. If this cleaning is not enough, try a more modern method. In a container, mix water with table vinegar in a ratio of one to one. With a clean kitchen sponge (soft side), go over the coat, dipping it into the solution and squeezing it well.
  • It is necessary to move the washcloth in the direction of the villi and not to moisten the coat too much. After that, if the coat is left very wet, wipe it gently with a clean cloth over the growth of the villi. For dark colors: black, dark blue, brown, you can use not an acetic solution, but tea leaves.

how to properly clean a coat from dust at home?

How to clean a white coat?

A white coat is a spectacular outerwear, but along with its beautiful appearance, it has one unpleasant property - it quickly gets dirty. Any factors can stain it: dust from the roadway, dirt from hand luggage, trips in public transport, food and hot drinks on the street, sloppy passers-by.

It is possible to clean the white coat. For this, there are a number useful tips, invented by those who were looking for a way to properly care for their outerwear:

  • Try to clean the dirt from the white coat with hydrogen peroxide. Do not first pour bottles on a stain or contaminated area. First, test it on the part of the coat that is hidden to the eye and check the reaction of your material to peroxide. If no negative impact is noticed, pour a little peroxide on the dirty area, let it dry and brush it off.
  • Dirty collar or stains on pockets can be easily removed with edible salt and ammonia. These components are mixed in a container in a ratio of four to one and applied with a cotton pad to the contaminated area. Clean the coat in small circular motions, then air it out and let it dry.
  • Fresh contrast stains on a white coat from food and drink can be removed with a mixture of vinegar with table salt in a one to one ratio. The stain is rubbed and then cleaned with a solution. The coat should be weathered from the pungent odor and the remaining solution should be washed off with water.

how to properly clean a white coat from stains and dirt?

How to clean a black coat?

A black coat does not require such reverent care as white and light colors. However, along with the purchase of a black coat, you should immediately purchase a brush or glue roller for the care of outerwear. These devices perfectly cope with villi, particles of debris, hair and dirt. Removing small clumps from a black coat is not difficult with nail scissors or a sharp blade.

You can clean the black coat with a sponge and a mild soapy solution. Care should be taken to ensure that the solution does not leave strong streaks on the material, so thoroughly wash off each suspicious speck. After you've cleaned your coat, be sure to brush it with an outerwear brush so that it has a decently groomed appearance when it dries.

How to take care of a black coat?

How to clean a leather coat?

A leather coat requires special reverent care, because genuine leather is a special material. He is able to look perfect for a long time, if you put effort into his safety. The leather coat requires frequent grooming, at least twice a year after the spring and fall seasons. Leather coat should be washed with a special solution:

  • in water, mix liquid soap with ammonia in equal proportions
  • using a sponge, wash the coat thoroughly and rinse off the solution with clean water
  • dry the coat and rub it with castor oil using a cotton swab

Keep the coat in the case for the entire period while not wearing it. Periodically, while wearing, lubricate especially “active” parts of the coat with glycerin:

  • gate
  • cuffs
  • elbow bends
  • elbows
  • belt area

It is also effective to regularly lubricate the leather coat with orange zest.

leather coat, leather coat care and cleaning

How to clean a drape coat?

  • The drape coat is made of dense heavy material. It perfectly warms not only in autumn, but also in winter. However, before thinking about cleaning such a coat, you should carefully read the label from the manufacturer. Often, it is simply impossible to wash a drape coat. Therefore, you should learn about how to clean it.
  • First of all, try to clean the drape coat with rye breadcrumbs. Crumble a piece of bread on your coat and roll into balls. Bread crumbs will absorb all the debris and collect the villi. After breadcrumbs, the coat should be thoroughly brushed.
  • Lather the shampoo with water in a bucket or basin. Apply the foam from the solution to the coat and wait for it to dry completely. Use a damp cloth to remove any shampoo residue, then wipe the coat with a dry cloth. Comb the coat with an outerwear brush and let it dry at room temperature.
  • It is very good to clean the coat with a steam cleaner, which is often present in modern irons. On the iron, set the temperature to no more than two hundred degrees and steam all over the coat. After that, comb the coat with a brush and leave to dry in a trempel.

how to clean and care for a drape coat?

How to clean a wool coat at home?

Woolen coat is very demanding and capricious in care. It cannot be washed, so it must be cleaned very carefully. It is advisable to clean a dark coat with a sponge dipped in strong tea leaves. It will add shine and color to your clothes. A light coat can be cleaned with a special solution:

  • mix some liquid soap in water
  • add ammonia bottles to the solution
  • wet a sponge in the solution and wipe her coat
  • after rinsing, brush out the coat and let it dry at room temperature

It would not be superfluous to purchase for such a coat not only brushes, but a glue roller. These are essential tools for the care of such outerwear.

proper care and cleaning of a wool coat

How to clean a cashmere coat at home?

  • A cashmere coat is not only very beautiful, pleasant and practical to wear, it can be perfectly cleaned. As a rule, manufacturers indicate recommendations for washing coats in washing machines. They can be washed in automatic machines, but only at a minimum temperature not exceeding thirty degrees.
  • Not an ordinary powder, but a liquid gel or a means for cleaning and washing outerwear should go into the detergent compartment. Drying a cashmere coat should only be done at room temperature on a coat hanger or by laying it evenly and neatly on a terry towel.
  • If you can't find any information about washing the product on the label, try cleaning it with a steam cleaner. Grease stains, only if they are fresh, will help remove soda, which has absorbent properties. Acquire a special velor care brush and glue roller along with the coat.

Video: " How to care for a coat? How to clean a coat? How to store a coat?

A drape coat is a basic item in both women's and men's wardrobes. It is a stylish and elegant garment that will keep you warm from cold winds and temperatures. That's just the care of the coat is necessary delicate, as the drape does not tolerate wet cleaning. Therefore, most owners of this thing have a question about how to clean a coat at home without washing.

General rules

Drap is a material made of wool, sewn in two layers. This property gives the fabric a special strength and thermal insulation. This coat holds its shape well and can last for many years. In order not to spoil the appearance of the product, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • Please read the label carefully before cleaning. It should contain information about the acceptable type of cleaning, ironing and drying.
  • Before starting cleaning procedures, clothing must be carefully inspected. For this coat, you need to hang it on your shoulders, and carefully examine the areas that get dirty most often and fastest (collar, cuffs, sleeves).

  • Before using a cleaning agent, even one designed for drape, it is necessary to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. This will ensure its reliability and not spoil the coat.
  • When removing contamination from the surface of the product, one should adhere to a certain technique, namely: it must be removed, moving from the center to the edge. This will avoid streaks from stains.
  • Before cleaning, it is recommended to put a small piece of moisture-absorbing material between the lining and the product itself. This will prevent moisture from soaking into the product and deforming it.
  • To remove minor stains, threads and lint, it is better to use a brush for fabric that requires gentle handling.
  • To remove stubborn dirt, first use a dry and then a damp brush with rounded bristles. It is necessary to clean only in the direction of the pile of the product.

Subject to these rules, the coat will always keep its shape and color.

Dry cleansing

In order to properly clean the product, it is not necessary to go to dry cleaning, this can be done at home. To do this, you need to know a few “recipes” for dry cleaning:

  • The most common method is cleaning with a dry and, if necessary, wet brush. After this, the coat should be thoroughly dried on a coat hanger in a ventilated room.
  • To clean a light or white product, a cleaning and bleaching powder will help. You can also use regular laundry detergent. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of dry product on the contaminated surface and rub it lightly. After 30-40 minutes, it can be removed with a brush.
  • Black coats and bright colors can be cleaned with carpet powder. You will need to dilute the product in water and beat the foam. After that, the foam is applied to the stain and removed with a brush. This method also allows you to update the color and give freshness to the fabric. When cleaning the coat with foam, it is advisable to lay a waterproof material between the lining and the fabric.

  • A black thing can still be cleansed with black tea. To do this, you need to brew black tea and dip a cotton swab or cotton pad into a warm liquid. After that, wipe the contaminated area with a disk and leave the product to dry in a ventilated room.
  • in a good way getting rid of dirt and dust on the coat is a remedy for woolen products. The product dissolves in water according to the instructions, dip a cloth into the resulting mixture. Use this cloth to wipe the stain. Leave the product for 30 minutes, and then wipe the area with a sponge dipped in clean water.

After that, the surface is wiped with a dry soft sponge and dried on a coat hanger away from sunlight. This method is the best option for a product that absolutely cannot be washed.

  • A more affordable way to remove stains and dirty areas from a product is laundry soap or a dry detergent for woolen clothes. It is best to grind the soap on a grater and dissolve (1 tablespoon in 1 liter of warm water). This proportion is also preserved for the powder. Then moisten a brush with rounded bristles in the resulting liquid and wipe the surface. It is necessary to wipe with light pressure on the soiled areas, this will push the dirt from the surface of the coat.

  • No less accessible means is bread. The pulp of rye bread should be crumbled on the surface of the clothes and rolled into balls. All dirt and debris will stick to them. Then the remaining crumbs should be brushed off with a brush.

Cleaning hard to reach places

The most difficult thing to wash on a coat is the collar, pockets and cuffs. They accumulate the most dirt, small debris and greasy areas appear. To clean these areas, you can also use the pulp of bread. If this method does not help to cope with pollution, then you can use a saline solution. You will need salt and ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 4.

Dip a soft cloth or cotton pad into the alcohol solution and wipe the stain, greasy area. A solution based on alcohol and vinegar also helps with these problems. It is necessary to mix these two components in equal proportions and soak a cloth in the resulting solution. This cloth is then wiped the problem area.

When using this method, it should be remembered that alcohol is an aggressive substance that can damage the appearance of the product. Therefore, before cleaning, it is necessary to test the solution on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the coat. If an aggressive reaction has not followed, the color has not changed and spots have not appeared, then you can clean the entire surface of the product.

Stain removal

Heavy soiling on the surface of the coat is also removed by dry cleaning. For this you can apply:

  • Talc, starch or washing powder. These tools cope well with severe pollution that has appeared recently. And for dried spots, a slightly different method should be used. First, the stain should be steamed, so it will be better removed. Then a cloth should be placed under the stain, and then talc or powder is applied to the contaminated surface. The tool must be allowed to hold out for about 30 minutes, and then brush it off with a brush.
  • Glycerin and ammonia help get rid of coffee stains. To do this, dilute glycerin with alcohol in a ratio of 2: 1 and wipe the stain with a sponge dipped in this solution. After that, the contaminated area should be wiped with a clean, damp cloth and left to dry.

  • Laundry soap. A solution of soap helps to cope with oily and dried stains. Soap should be dissolved in warm water and wipe such a stain. Then treat the area with clean water and leave to dry.
  • Gasoline or hydrogen peroxide. This tool is used for greasy contaminants that are deeply ingrained in the material. When using gasoline, you should follow safety precautions and carry out these actions away from flammable objects. It is also worth remembering that gasoline should only be applied to the wrong side of clothing. Thus, the risk of damage to the color and integrity of the surface of the coat is reduced. When cleaning with gasoline, two napkins should be used: one (clean) should be applied to the stain on the front side of the coat, and the second, soaked in gasoline, should be applied to the wrong side.
  • If the greasy stain has been set recently, then you can attach a clean napkin to it and walk with a hot iron. The stain should soak into the paper towel.
  • Hydrogen peroxide helps to cope not only with greasy stains, but also with pollution from beer and other alcoholic beverages. This tool also helps to remove stains from light drape and refresh its color. You will need to dilute the peroxide with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and use a soft brush or cloth to walk over the surface or contaminated area. This method can be used once a month for preventive purposes.

  • Vinegar and alcohol help to get rid of the stains left by strong alcoholic beverages.
  • More complex and difficult stains can be removed with a solution of alcohol, water and detergent. You will need a glass of warm water and 1 tbsp. l. agents and alcohol. A cotton pad soaked in this solution wipes off the dirt. Then the product is washed with warm clean water and left to dry in a ventilated room.
  • Soda helps to cope with difficult stains on a dark product. To do this, wipe the dirt with dry soda, and then shake off the remaining soda. The only drawback of such cleaning is the difficult and long cleaning of the surface from soda. Here you can even use a vacuum cleaner, which can easily rid the material of crumbs and microparticles of the cleaning agent. In general, this method is effective and uncomplicated.

The coat is an important classic element of the wardrobe for both men and women. Many approach this acquisition thoroughly, with the expectation that the product will last more than one year. In such cases, it becomes necessary to constantly maintain the coat in a neat, presentable form: proper cleaning from season to season. And sometimes the elimination of accidental stubborn stains. Of course, it is convenient to use the services of dry cleaning. But there are not always funds for this. Experienced housewives have long tried a variety of ways with which you can easily clean your coat at home.

Before you start cleaning your coat on your own, you need to clearly define the scope of work and select the necessary tools and methods. Simple recommendations will help you quickly decide on this issue and carry out cleaning without harming the product:

  • First of all, carefully read the label. A small label can immediately drop a lot of questions. A decisive role in choosing a cleaning method is played by the material from which the coat is sewn. Most modern manufacturers use a mixed fabric composition. In this case, rely on the percentage of natural ingredients (wool, cotton, linen, silk). natural materials require more delicate cleaning than synthetic ones. Examine the label, find out what material the coat is made of
  • Pay attention to other useful information: is it possible to wash the product (including in a machine) and at what temperature, how to iron it, dry it, is it allowed to dry clean.

    Decipher coat label conventions before cleaning

  • Consider coat color. Methods suitable for removing stains from white material may ruin a dark or colored item. Solid coats are easier to clean than mixed coats (especially if they are contrasting colors). In this case, before cleaning, be sure to check if the fabric is fading.
  • Pay attention to the presence of decorative elements. Embroidery, rhinestones, beads and other embellishments make it impossible to use some heat treatments when cleaning. If the product has sewn or removable decorative elements, it is better to remove them from the coat before starting the procedure.
  • Examine the coat in detail before cleaning. Try to accurately determine the type of pollution. Traces of paint, food, blood, etc. require a different approach.
  • If the coat is made to order, check with the craftsman for details on how to care for the item. You can also contact the tailor for advice if the label is lost or the signs are worn out and become illegible.

    Table: Names of materials on labels in English and translation

    Proper cleaning of a drape coat

    Drap is the most common coat fabric. This is a strong dense material, which includes natural wool. Products made of drape have a number of important advantages - they practically do not wrinkle, retain their original color for a long time (do not fade, do not shed). The main thing to keep in mind when choosing a method for cleaning a drape coat is the possibility of shrinkage of the material when exposed to hot water.

    To clean a drape coat, it is better to choose the most dry methods.

    Cleaning features:

  • if the task is simply to clean the product of dust, use a coarse brush. Movements along the canvas should be “along the pile”;
  • to eliminate dust and small litter on the drape, take rye bread. Form the crumb into tight balls and roll them over the fabric. The effect of such a "dry cleaning" is achieved due to the sticky properties of bread;
  • To remove stains, use the "dry wash" method. Make a weak detergent solution: Dissolve 1 teaspoon of washing powder in a glass of warm water. Spot the product on the contaminated areas with a sponge, moving from the edges to the middle. This will avoid streaks around the stain. Wait 10 minutes, then gently rinse the composition with a damp sponge or cloth. The main thing is to choose a powder without bleaching particles;
  • for heavy soiling, for example, on the collar or cuffs, use a solution of ammonia and salt (1:4). Treat shiny areas and dry. For the best effect, more than one such procedure may be required;
  • Use talcum powder to remove grease stains from light coats. Sprinkle it on contaminated areas, leave for about 10-12 hours. Then shake off the particles from the fabric using a brush.

  • Talc will get rid of greasy stains

    Cleaning a cashmere coat

    Cashmere is a delicate woolen fabric that easily succumbs to negative external influences. Therefore, cleaning a coat made of this material should be carried out very carefully.

    Do not rub stains on a cashmere coat with force, the material may lose its shape

    Cleaning rules:

  • for preventive cleaning of dust, it is enough to wipe the cashmere coat with a damp cloth;
  • to remove greasy stains from dark cashmere products, it is permissible to use refined household gasoline of the Kalosha type. Saturate contaminated areas with the composition. It is better to do this from the wrong side (if the cut of the lining allows). Gasoline will quickly evaporate from the surface of the fabric, leaving no residue. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. For a light product, talc is better;
  • for old sweat stains, a comprehensive cleaning is suitable. First, treat them with soapy water using a cotton pad. Then apply ammonia in the same way, and then wipe with a damp sponge;
  • remove stains of unclear origin will help the composition of glycerin and ammonia. Mix the components in equal proportions, apply the resulting product with blotting movements several times. Then rinse off the remaining mixture with a damp sponge.
  • The problem with cleaning a cashmere coat most often is not removing stains, but sticky debris. Especially if the coat is not new. My husband has had a favorite cashmere coat for a long time, the care of which was everyday torment for me. Literally everything stuck to the soft, slightly fluffy surface of the fabric, and even washing with air conditioning did not save. And given the fact that the product was black, even small hairs from a scarf, other clothes or other small debris completely “killed” the appearance. Only the daily use of sticky roller brushes helped. And when the replaceable blocks ran out, I used the usual wide adhesive tape with a cardboard sleeve. Having unwound the tape with adhesive tape the length of the roll circumference, without cutting it, it bent back so that the sticky part was around the entire circumference. Then, placing the hand in the hollow part of the roll, she “rolled” the adhesive tape over the fabric. After the adhesive tape became not sticky enough, I cut off the used tape and repeated the procedure.

    Leather is a versatile and durable material. A leather coat does not go out of fashion and serves the owners for many years. Although these products rarely get dirty, regular cleaning is still necessary to maintain a fresh look.

    Proper cleaning will help prolong the life of leather items.

    Features of cleaning leather products:

  • The easiest way to clean a leather coat is to wipe it down with a damp cloth. But do not wet the material too much; if there is excess moisture, it is better to immediately get wet with a dry cloth;
  • minor stains and light deposits can simply be removed with a solution of ammonia and soap (one tablespoon of ammonia and liquid soap is taken for 1 glass of water). Wipe the leather coat with a cloth dampened liberally with the prepared product, then remove any remaining liquid with a clean, damp cloth. Regular use of this cleaning method will keep the coat in its original form;
  • greasy areas (collar, cuffs) should be treated with cotton swabs alternately soaked in alcohol, lemon juice, glycerin solution;
  • to eliminate salt stains and give shine to the skin, you can wipe the product with table vinegar (5%).

  • Vinegar will give shine to a leather coat

    How to clean a suede coat

    Suede is soft tanned leather. It is durable and pleasant to the touch. At first glance, it seems that such material is difficult to care for. In fact, there are several simple ways to clean a suede coat on your own:

  • clean a dusty suede coat with ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the product with it. Movement should be in the direction of the pile;
  • in the fight against greasy spots and shiny places on light suede, use a mixture of milk (100 ml) and soda (1 teaspoon). Apply the product evenly on the coat, leave for 10 minutes, then brush over the surface with a suede brush;
  • in the presence of greasy stains, use starch. Sprinkle the powder on the contaminated areas, and after 2 hours shake off the starch particles with a brush;
    Starch will remove grease stains from suede
  • for stains on a suede coat, use bread. With a piece of dense crumb, carefully wipe the marks, moving from the edge of the stain to the center. For the same purposes, use a regular school eraser;
  • To get rid of stains on light-colored suede, use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon in a glass of cool water). Pre-test the "reaction" of the material on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the coat;
  • Treat a faux suede coat with soapy water. For a glass of water, take 2 tbsp. l. mild detergent. Mix well until a thick foam forms and apply the foam to the fabric. After 3–5 minutes, wipe with a damp sponge and remove soap residue with a cloth.

  • A suede coat needs to be handled with care, this delicate material is easy to ruin.

    How to clean a synthetic coat

    Synthetic fabrics are actively used in the creation of modern coat models. The most popular material is polyester. A coat made of this fabric practically does not wrinkle, keeps its shape perfectly and is easy to wash and clean.

    How to clean synthetic products:

  • dusty dirt should be removed with an ordinary brush;
  • in the fight against stains, it is permissible to use industrial stain removers;
  • Salt can be used to remove stains. Pour a few pinches of salt on each contamination, and after 30 minutes wash it off with soapy water;
  • The following cleaning scheme will help to cope with stubborn stains: first apply a solution of borax (10%), then wipe the treated area with lemon juice, and finally wash off the applied components with a damp sponge.
  • Neoprene is one of the most popular synthetic materials. A coat made of such fabric practically does not wear out. However, like any other clothing, it needs proper care.

    Neoprene is highly resistant to any kind of impact, so you can safely use hard brushes to clean the coat.

    Cleaning features:

  • when cleaning the coat, you can use steam treatment. Neoprene is not afraid of temperature changes;
  • thanks to the complete waterproofness of neoprene, stains can be safely removed from the fabric with various water-based cleaners and detergents.
  • When is the best time to use professional dry cleaning?

    As effective as home coat cleaning methods are, there are times when it is best to use the services of professionals. Here are some of them:

  • if your coat is white. Such a product is difficult to bring to its original form at home. The same applies to items of expensive elite wardrobe. Entrust this matter to dry-cleaners;
  • if there are complex stains, for example, traces of engine oil, paint, fuel oil. In this case, professional tools are required. Otherwise, there is a risk of completely spoiling the coat;
  • if you need a comprehensive update of the coat. For example, a leather coat requires washing, cleaning, and dyeing;
  • if stains occur on a product that has a label that says no washing of any type.
  • To keep your favorite coat in perfect condition, you need to be attentive to the characteristics of the material, handle it correctly, remove dirt in time and carry out supportive care. Pay attention to some recommendations:

  • woolen coat practically does not wrinkle. If wrinkles form on it, do not rush to get the iron. Just hang your coat in a damp place (such as a bathroom);
  • due to friction, pilling inevitably occurs on the coat. Remove these lumps with a special machine;
  • the coat should not stay wet for long. If you are caught in a downpour or heavy sleet, you should not immediately hang it on a coat hanger, first put it on a towel so that it absorbs excess moisture. Then you can hang it on a hanger.
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