Severely rough heels. How to get rid of rough skin on your heels. Rye bread mask

Beautiful legs a source of pride for every woman. Ideal shape and length, tender, smooth, but they are not attractive if the feet are dry and cracked. Everyone wants healthy feet, without calluses and corns. Then you can proudly parade in the summer both barefoot and in open shoes. It's not difficult to get what you want. You just need to know...

Not bad at nail salon undergo cosmetic procedures. But it costs money, it costs time. The salon uses non-natural perfumes and cosmetics that can cause allergies or irritation. You can put your pride in order at home with the help of basic manipulations. It's cheap and doesn't take much time. The process itself will help you relax and enjoy.

Causes of dry feet

The epithelium becomes coarser for many reasons. A woman lacks vitamins and minerals, has tight shoes, lack of foot care, and is dehydrated. Dryness occurs due to regular stress, for example, a salesperson or a hairdresser (they work standing all day).

The cause of dryness and cracking lies in certain diseases, for example:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • fungus;
  • psoriasis;
  • allergy;
  • obesity.

If the root of evil is illness, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary medical procedures. But at the same time, be sure to regularly take care of your feet. Follow the rules of hygiene, peeling, baths, massage. Then a moisturizer, softener or nourisher. Do this constantly, as with your face.

It is easy to restore softness, elasticity, and a healthy appearance. This can be done with baths, compresses, lotions prepared at home from simple ingredients.

Hydrogen peroxide

Dilute the 3% solution in warm water (temperature tolerable for the body). Per liter of water 2-3 tbsp. spoons. Immerse your feet in the solution for 10 minutes. Treat the hardened surface with a nail file or pumice stone. Remove hard layer. Leave it in water, then dry it with a clean towel and soak it with a rich or moisturizing cream.

The mixture with peroxide acts as an antiseptic, is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and is cheap. You don’t have to keep your limbs in the liquid, but moisten them with a swab dipped in the solution. But it’s better to first steam it in water before peeling.

Epsom salt

Another way. Epsom salts (sold in pharmacies under the name magnesium sulfate) are used as micropeeling. First, steam your feet. Then rub the rough areas with salt crystals as a scrub. Immerse yourself in the liquid again. Rinse, dry, soak in oil.

It is useful to soak your feet in a solution of Epsom salts. Dissolve (one or two pinches) in a liter of hot water. Keep it for half an hour. Use pumice to scrape off the keratinized layer. Then rinse and dry. Lubricate with an oil solution of vitamin A or E (you can do both).

Plus, the unpleasant smell of sweat, swelling will be removed, and fatigue after a working day will be relieved. It will also have an antibacterial effect. Contains sulfur and magnesium. These substances will soften rough areas and strengthen nails.


An ordinary onion will help eliminate dryness. Fresh onions are a storehouse of nutrients. Zinc, magnesium, calcium, fluorine. Kills germs, regulates the functioning of sweat glands, eliminates bad odor. Cut a fresh onion and apply to the problem parts. Wrap polyethylene on top and put on cotton socks. Almost a compress. Spend an hour and a half in this position. Pumice. Then rinse, wipe dry, and saturate with cosmetic product.

Chopped onions will have a positive effect. Place the pulp in a layer on a cloth or bandage, apply it to problem areas and wrap it around the limbs. Leave for half an hour. Frequency: once every three days.

If the procedures are performed every day, onion juice may cause irritation. It is important to wear comfortable shoes that allow air to pass freely.

Herbal decoctions

Foot baths with herbs are useful. Horsetail, calendula, linden, chamomile, and nettle are sold in pharmacies. Brew the herb with boiling water (2-3 tbsp per glass of boiling water), let it brew for half an hour. Dilute the infusion in hot water. Taking time 20 minutes. Then rub in the perfume oil. Herbal baths heal cracks, deodorize, relieve fatigue and heaviness.

Baking soda

Baking soda (bicarbonate) also has the necessary properties. It will soften the epithelium, have an antiseptic effect, kill fungus, and heal wounds and cracks.

Mix grated soap with dry soda. Spread on hard parts, on top of polyethylene, on top of socks. Keep the compress for 20 minutes. Then scrape with a grater, rinse, and rub in the cream.

Mix soda (15g) with olive oil (5 ml). Treat problem areas like a scrub. Baking soda is like an abrasive. Peeling and softening at the same time.

Warm soda bath. Keep your limbs in it for a quarter of an hour. After washing, sand hard areas with pumice. Apply cream and put on socks.

Bicarbonate and warm milk (preferably baked). Leave for 15 minutes, treat with a grater, then with a cosmetic product.

Sea salt

A hot sea salt bath will also help. The epidermis softens, is saturated with microelements, cracks heal, irritation goes away, and the fungus disappears. Take a quarter of an hour, then rub with a grater, rinse, dry, rub in the cream.

Sea salt can be used as a scrub. Mix with shower gel, rub the keratinized areas. Steam your feet first. Apply glycerin. It moisturizes and heals cracks.


This is a natural bactericidal balm. Contains vitamins and minerals. It nourishes the epithelium, heals cracks, and moisturizes dry areas. If mixed with prunes or viburnum, the benefits are greater. Grind seedless viburnum (50 g) and mix with honey (half a glass). Warm up in a water bath.

Apply to gauze or a rag and apply to the hardened parts. Cellophane and thick socks on top, wrap warm. After half an hour, wash off. Viburnum can be replaced with prunes. Honey saturates the epithelium with useful microelements and separates the keratinized layers. Thanks to viburnum, a new healthy epidermis appears. Prunes break down hardened areas. Compresses are harmless and can be done at least every day.

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), vinegar (attention only 9%), meat broth (from cooking pork), citric acid, natural apple cider vinegar (6%) will help to break down and separate the keratinized layers.

There are many means and methods for women to make their legs smooth and soft. Each one will decide for herself how to quickly clean your heels of rough skin at home. In this case, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics and intolerance to any products. It is possible that some methods will not be effective, while others are very effective.


The desired result is achieved, the feet are smooth and soft. Now it is important to preserve this. Prevention measures are well known:

  • balanced diet;
  • weight control;
  • hygiene rules;
  • cosmetic care;
  • massage;
  • useful physical activity.

Choose your shoes very carefully. The material must be natural, the last is anatomically correct. There should be good air circulation in the shoe and even distribution of the load on the foot.

Every representative of the fair sex wants to look young and well-groomed. To do this, you need to take equal care of all parts of the body, and not just the face.

What ways help you?

Dry and cracked heels are a consequence of increased stress on the feet, lack of care for them, and also the result of dehydration. Eliminating all these shortcomings is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to regularly clean the skin of your heels from old exfoliating skin to quickly renew the skin.

By following the correct sequence of procedures, you can achieve amazing results without resorting to the services of beauty salons.

Where to start cleansing your heels, and what components you will need for this, depends on the condition of the skin and the body’s sensitivity to certain products and substances. Natural products are excellent helpers in the fight for soft feet at home. Carry out procedures better evening, so the benefits of natural substances left for a long time will be maximum.

The first thing to do is steam your feet and then treat them with pumice.

If there are corns, they should be removed carefully, and you should have an antiseptic on hand in case of a cut.

It’s easy to clean your heels at home; the following components will do the job perfectly:

  • soda;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • aspirin;
  • coffee.

Softening heel baths

Foot baths are the first stage from which care begins. Most often, milk, herbal decoctions or soap solutions are used.

Milk bath

One of the most common and easy to perform. It softens and heals heels. The skin will become pleasant and very soft.

For the solution you will need:

  • warm water - 2 l.
  • milk – 2.5-3 tbsp. l. (it’s better to use homemade, but high-quality store-bought will also work).


  1. Boil water, add milk and cool to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Pour the contents into a basin, lower your feet there and enjoy the relaxing effect for half an hour.
  3. Next, you need to remove your feet from the water and dry them.

You can do the procedure twice a week. To enhance the effect and provide a massage effect, you can pour glass balls into the bottom of a basin with a milk solution and roll them with your feet.

Herbal foot bath

For water procedures with herbs, the most beneficial for the skin are:

  • nettle;
  • Linden;
  • calendula;
  • horsetail;
  • hawthorn and many others.

Baths with various herbs will help with such a problem as cleaning your heels at home.

The most popular is chamomile. The unique properties it possesses allow us to solve a whole range of problems: cracks, sweating, swelling, fatigue, heaviness and unpleasant odor from the feet.

For the recipe you will need:

  • Chamomile - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 200-250 ml.


  1. Boil a glass of water and pour chamomile into it.
  2. Cover and leave for half an hour, then strain.
  3. Pour the purified broth into a container with 1 liter of water and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

You can do this bath up to 3 times a week. The proportions can be changed depending on needs. Another useful herb is linden. The brewing method is very simple: like regular tea, the only difference is in the proportions.

According to reviews: the best effect is achieved by adding one tablespoon of honey to the solution. Upon completion of the linden bath, the feet must be carefully dried and lubricated with a rich cream.

Sea salt for heels

Baths with sea salt nourish, improve the condition of the heels, saturate the skin with useful minerals, heal wounds and help cope with irritation, and also fight fungal infections and unpleasant odors.

For the recipe you will need:

  • water - 2 l.
  • salt - 200 gr.

Cooking method: Dissolve salt in hot water, let cool slightly and lower your feet. Bath time is 15 minutes, then wash the heels, dry and lubricate with cream.

If this is the beginning of care, then the feet are treated with a scrub, and then a cream is used.

DIY scrubs: effective recipes

Regular exfoliation of dead cells will have a positive effect on the health of the skin on your feet. This promotes health, relieves calluses and corns, serves as a preventative against cracks, reduces sweating and increases resistance to fungal infections.

Preparing a scrub is not difficult, since it contains ingredients that are found in almost every home.

Here are some options.

Coffee scrub:

  • freshly ground coffee or leftover grounds after brewing - 1 tbsp. l.
  • base oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Combine all ingredients, massage onto feet, and then rinse.

Sea salt:

  • sea ​​salt - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • shower gel - 4 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and you can use the scrub.

Sugar scrub:

  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cream or body lotion - 1 tbsp. l.

Connect all components and use as intended. You can add a little almond oil to enhance the effect.

Semolina scrub:

  • semolina - 50 g.
  • cinnamon - 20 g.
  • shower gel - 20 ml.

Mix all ingredients and use as directed.

Instructions for using scrubs:

  • scrubbing is carried out up to two times a week;
  • pre-steam the skin;
  • movements should be gentle and careful;
  • maximum duration is 10 minutes.

Recipes for masks for soft heels

Having steamed the heels and treated them with a scrub, the next stage begins - masks. They promote softening, saturate the skin with vitamins, and, depending on the components, help get rid of fungus.

Apricot pulp mask

Apricots are a great way to cleanse your heels.

To prepare a useful mask you will need:

  • Apricots - 2 pcs.
  • Oil (olive, linseed, almond) – 50 ml.

Grind the fruits into puree, heat, pour in the oil component (any of your choice). Apply the hot mixture to your feet, wrap them with cling film and put on socks. Leave on for about an hour and then wash off.

Zucchini mask

Zucchini, a vegetable familiar to Russian people, is an excellent cosmetic remedy for dry feet, and sour cream will saturate your heels with calcium.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • zucchini - 1 small;
  • medium fat sour cream – 30 gr.

Puree the zucchini and mix with sour cream. Fold the gauze in several layers, apply the mixture on it and apply it to the heels, secure with bandages. Keep the mask on for any time, but it is better to do it at night.

Rye bread mask

Black bread is an excellent cosmetic product. It copes well with the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin and gets rid of rough particles.

For the mask you will need:


  1. Pour milk over the bread and leave for half an hour, then remove and squeeze well.
  2. Apply the resulting mass to the heels, wrap the legs with film and insulate them.
  3. Keep for 1 hour.

Thanks to this, the feet become incredibly soft and velvety.

Traditional medicine against rough skin

The means you can use to clean your heels at home are very varied. The main thing is to do this regularly. The most common and effective are: hydrogen peroxide, aspirin and glycerin.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a pharmaceutical drug that is used to disinfect wounds, and, in addition, is a cosmetic product that has proven itself in foot care. It has an express effect and removes visible impurities.

There are several ways to use:

Caution: Open wounds may cause pain.


Acetylsalicylic acid, or popularly aspirin, an effective remedy in the fight against rough skin, is an excellent peeling agent. When combined with fruit acids or base oils, it gives excellent results.

You can clean your heels with aspirin at home in the following ways:

  1. Lotions. The prepared product is applied to a gauze swab and fixed to the heel with a bandage. Leave overnight, and in the morning rinse thoroughly and apply cream.
  2. Scrubbing. Rub the previously steamed feet with the aspirin mixture. It is necessary to perform massage movements, thanks to them, the skin will get rid of dead skin particles and become soft.
  3. Mask. Mix a pack of crushed aspirin with a bottle of iodine and a bottle of medical alcohol. The mixture is applied to clean and dry heels, socks are put on, and left for a while. Thanks to the properties of the components used, the composition will have disinfecting and healing properties.
  4. Bath. Dilute several aspirin tablets in hot water, put your feet in a basin and hold for 15 minutes. An excellent remedy for calluses and cracks. It is recommended to carry out this procedure for 10 days in a row, take a break and repeat. For prevention purposes, it can be used 1-3 times a week.

Important! Aspirin should be used with caution. It has contraindications.


Glycerin is a product that contains a number of useful properties: it makes the skin soft, promotes the healing of wounds and small cracks in the heels.

Mode of application: Steam your feet in a bath, using any recipe, treat them with pumice, and then lubricate them with glycerin and put on socks for insulation. By regularly practicing this remedy, your heels will become incredibly smooth and soft.

Apple cider vinegar and glycerin for heels

Take glycerin and apple cider vinegar (9%) in equal parts; a couple of tablespoons will be enough for one procedure.

The composition is not stored, so a new one is made each time.

Initially, you need to steam your feet in a bath with sea salt and rub them with pumice, and then use the prepared product. After applying it, the feet are wrapped in plastic film, and the composition lasts for several hours. At the end, remove the film and wash everything off. Even one procedure will give noticeable results.

Using table soda

Soda is very popular. She struggles with especially neglected heels, when they take on an unattractive appearance, but also cause pain and inconvenience.

The soda bath is prepared in the following way:

  1. Hot water is poured into a small basin and a package of soda is poured in; a soap ingredient is also needed to soften it, this can be shampoo, gel or soap solution.
  2. Place your feet in the water and hold until the contents have cooled.
  3. Next, remove them and carefully treat them with pumice.
  4. Then apply the scrub, massage a little and rinse.
  5. At the end, wipe your feet dry, lubricate with lemon juice, and put on socks.

It's best to do it in the evening before going to bed.

Cleansing with lemon juice, chamomile infusion and onion

An effective ally in the fight against rough skin on the heels is an infusion of chamomile; thanks to its properties, it will have a cosmetic effect and a healing effect.

Recipe for preparing a useful product:

  1. Brew 2 bags of herbs in 2 liters of boiling water, leave to brew, and then add more hot water to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Next, you need to lower your legs and keep them in the water for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Lemon can be used to soften the skin. To do this, just tie pieces of lemon to your heels overnight, remove them in the morning, wash your feet and treat them with cream.

It is better to carry out the procedure every day before going to bed.

Onions, or rather onion peels, are an excellent remedy that you can use at home to clean your heels. The healing composition can be prepared according to the following recipe: place one full handful of onion peels in a container, then pour hot water over the contents, wrap and leave for several hours.

The composition is poured into a basin; if the onion broth has cooled, then it should be heated, as it should be warm. Add soda and salt a tablespoon at a time and dip your feet in the liquid. Hold until the water becomes cold, then remove the feet, dry and use cream, or, if this is just the beginning of foot care, apply a mask.

Homemade methods for caring for beautiful heels are effective, simple and effective. The main thing is to be patient and properly care for them regularly, following the sequence of procedures.

Video on how to clean your heels at home

How to clean rough heels, watch the video:

How to make a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide, watch the video:

They are not only an aesthetic problem. This is also quite a serious discomfort: a person experiences pain when walking, and women also have difficulty buying beautiful, open shoes for the summer.

To prevent this from becoming a serious problem over time, the rough layer of skin on the heels must be constantly removed.

In order to get rid of cracks and rough skin on the heels, you need to follow several fairly simple, but at the same time quite effective methods.

Cause of rough skin

Most people are faced with the acute problem of rough and rough skin on their heels. The reasons can be very different. These include excess weight, frequent wearing of high-heeled shoes, poor-quality and uncomfortable shoes and heavy loads on the feet.

It can also be a lack of microelements and essential vitamins, or the consequences of constantly being on your feet. Cracked and rough heels can be quite serious diseases of the kidneys and endocrine system, as well as a consequence of hormonal changes, infections and fungus.

Rough skin on the heels occurs when water and lipids are lost through the skin, and the body, due to various circumstances, cannot compensate for their loss on its own. And if you consider that the feet are under constant stress, the skin on the heels becomes rough, bursts, resulting in cracks.

It is extremely important to constantly remove rough skin on the heels, and then be sure to lubricate it with a nourishing cream. You should take care of the skin of your feet every day, only in this case will you be able to get rid of rough skin on your heels.

It should be noted that before any self-medication at home, you need to consult a specialist in order to identify the cause.

Getting rid of cracked heels at home

Constant use of folk remedies will have good results and will help cope with even advanced cases.

How to remove dead skin with a knife

Don't be alarmed. There is no need to remove it with a razor, a knife, or any other sharp objects. For this purpose, there are special tools and devices in the cosmetic composition that help remove keratinized growths from the heels:

    Natural pumice


    Metal scrapers

    Soft peelings and scrubs containing abrasive substances

    Ceramic files

    Milling machines

    Pedicure machines

The scrubbing method is considered the most gentle method of treating heels, allowing you to clean those formations that are usually not visible to the eye. It can be used once a week after taking a bath. You can prepare a scrub that can moisturize your heels at home.

This will require ten ml. any shower gel and ten ml. coconut oil. Mix the ingredients and add thirty grams of dry ground coffee. Dried coffee is also suitable for use. Apply the resulting composition in a small layer to rough heels, then rub them with light massage movements for ten minutes. If you use this method regularly, you will see results within a few weeks.

Scrubbing at home (video)

When treating heels at home using scrapers and hard brushes, try to watch your movements . They should not be too strong, but at the same time try to act confidently.

When using manicure cutting machines try to act with extreme caution and care, to avoid infection and skin injury. And also follow some very important rules:

    Never lend your personal instrument to friends or even relatives.

    For each action, try to use only a new blade

    Clean your heels gently, moving from the edges to the center, with minimal pressure on them.

    If you feel pain, simply relax your movements or stop the operation altogether.

Out of habit, this procedure may seem quite complicated at first glance, but this is only until you get used to it. After this, the procedure will begin to bring you pure pleasure.

Read also:18 Signs of Poor Health Your Feet Reveal

Vinegar compress

There is a method for removing rough skin on the heels using apple cider vinegar, before which you need to thoroughly steam your feet and apply gauze soaked in vinegar to them. After this, wrap cellophane over the gauze and put socks on top. This procedure should be carried out at night. In the morning, the compress is removed and the softened layer of skin is cleaned using a special foot file.

This procedure is carried out daily until the keratinized skin on the heels becomes completely smooth, the same as that of a baby. After a month, you can repeat the procedure again solely for preventive purposes.

Compress of grated potatoes and alcohol

This method is originally Russian. For him You will need four medium potatoes, grated, and medical alcohol, diluted one to one. The resulting mixture should be placed in plastic bags and the feet should be placed there, pre-lubricated with a thick layer of fatty cream to avoid burns. To prevent the liquid from the bags from flowing onto the floor, you can place your feet in a basin and keep them in this position for two hours.

To pass the time quietly, you can read a good book or watch your favorite TV series. Try to take care of this in advance before you immerse your feet in the mixture. To achieve a positive effect, this procedure is usually carried out at least five times.

Simple compress

The simplest method of treating skin on the feet is applying alcohol compresses at night. To do this, you need to moisten cotton swabs in regular vodka and apply them to the rough skin. Wrap the top with cling film or plastic bags and put on warm socks. In the morning, when taking a shower, you can gently rub your heels with a pumice stone and lubricate them with moisturizing foot cream. This procedure should be repeated until a noticeable result appears.

Ways to deal with rough heels

Soda baths

This procedure can be performed daily . To do this, you need to pour four tablespoons of soda into a bowl of warm water and soak your feet in it for fifteen minutes. After the coarsened layer has steamed a little, it can be easily removed with a regular pumice stone or a special nail file. You will not see the effect in one such procedure, be patient, repeat the procedure constantly and the result will not be long in coming.

Special scrubs

We clean the heels for five minutes, rinse them in water and apply a special scrub to them. We rub it in different directions. After this, rinse your feet with water and lubricate with rich cream.

Herbal decoctions

Herbs such as St. John's wort, calendula, sage, chamomile, elecampane are very suitable for decoctions. . Pour one tablespoon of any herb into one liter of water and bring to a boil. Let the broth boil for about five minutes, then let it brew for about fifteen minutes. Leave your feet in the prepared broth for twenty minutes, then rub them thoroughly with a pumice stone. Rinse your feet with water, apply cream and put on warm socks. For cracked heels, use almond, sea buckthorn or olive oil.

Onion peel

In order to soften the skin of the feet and heal cracked heels, it is recommended to use onion peels. A handful of husks must be brewed with two liters of boiling water and, covered with a lid, left to steep for one hour in a warm place. Pour a hot broth into a basin and add soda and salt to it, one tablespoon at a time, then put your feet in there and keep them there until the water cools down. Then wipe your feet, brush with butter and raw egg yolk. Put on thin socks, wrap the top with cling film and put woolen socks on top. Usually five such procedures are enough to completely cure cracked legs.

Cedar resin

It so happens that all of the above methods may not work and may not have a positive effect, since the skin on the legs has become significantly rougher and severely cracked. In this case, you should use resin. And the best choice is cedar resin - a kind of sticky substance that is secreted by the bark of a tree.

Resin has a number of medicinal properties:

    Stop bleeding

    Healing purulent wounds

    Destruction of bacteria

    Stimulation of repair of damaged tissues

Rough heels of the feet should be lubricated with resin at night. . The pain in the leg goes away almost instantly, and the cracks heal in a couple of days, unless, of course, much pressure is put on the legs.

Application of glycerin

Glycerin is a very effective remedy for combating cracked heels. both in masks and as an additive to foot baths. Take one teaspoon of glycerin per liter of water. You need to soak your feet in the resulting solution for about twenty minutes, then treat them with pumice and lubricate them with cream.

Lemon acid

A good remedy for getting rid of keratinized tissue on the heels is citric acid. . Lemon can protect against infections. It removes dead cells well. You can tie it to your heels all night, and in the morning remove the bandage and lubricate the skin with baby cream. Do this procedure every day until the skin on your feet becomes soft and tender.

Almond oil

This oil has many beneficial properties . It is an excellent product for body and face care. Almond oil softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and it can also increase its elasticity. Almond oil contains a lot of vitamin E, which slows down the aging process of cells and is able to remove various skin inflammations. This oil is very soothing to the skin. Before use, it must be heated and rubbed in only when warm.

Treatment with aspirin

Aspirin mixed with iodine and medical alcohol can heal cracked heels. Treatment takes place in a very short time. First, wash your feet thoroughly, wipe them dry, apply the mixture to your heels, and put on cotton socks on top.

Aspirin can heal wounds, alcohol disinfects, and iodine will dry out the skin. Alcohol can be successfully replaced with vodka. This remedy will only be effective if there is no fungus on the feet.


It is very important to take care of your feet regularly. You can use both folk remedies and modern cosmetics. An integrated approach to treatment will help in caring for your heels, which can turn your feet into very tender and soft ones, like those of a small child.

Rough heels and cracks are not only an aesthetic problem, but also serious discomfort - pain when walking, as well as the inability to choose beautiful open shoes. To prevent the problem from developing into serious consequences, the rough layer must be removed, and in addition to pedicure, there are several simple but very effective folk remedies for getting rid of rough skin on the heels, which can be used at home.

Why does the skin on the heels become rough?

The problem of rough and rough skin on the heels is acute for many people, there are many reasons: excess weight, uncomfortable and poor-quality shoes, frequent wearing of heels, huge loads on the feet, including from standing work, etc., these may be the consequences of a lack of vitamins and microelements. In addition, cracks and stratum corneum can be symptoms of serious diseases of the kidneys, endocrine system, fungus, as well as a consequence of infections and hormonal changes in the body.

In fact, the stratum corneum appears on the heels as a result of the loss of lipids and water through the skin; the body, for various reasons, is not able to compensate for the loss of these substances. Combined with constant stress on the feet, the skin on the heels becomes rough, bursts, and cracks appear. Therefore, it is important to systematically remove rough skin, and moisturize and soften the skin with nourishing cream. But before you start treating your heels at home, you need to contact a specialist who will help identify the cause.

To get rid of the problem of rough heels, you should take care of your feet every day.

How to take care of your heels yourself

You don’t always have the money or time to go to a specialized salon for treatments, but you need to take care of your feet every day. There are several time-tested folk methods that will help get rid of rough skin and cure rough, cracked heels.

How to clean the rough layer

To remove rough skin from the heels, first of all, the legs should be thoroughly steamed. The procedure should be done at least once a week, and in advanced cases, after 1-2 days. Baths prepared according to the following recipes will help to thoroughly soften the skin:

  • For 3 liters of hot water, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, the effect is noticeable almost immediately; if you rub your heels against each other, the skin begins to roll.
  • Epsom salts or magnesia, a product that can be purchased in pharmacies, helps soften and exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin. The substance is added to a basin of hot water, stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved, and the heels are soaked for 15-20 minutes.
  • Baths made from herbal infusions can help soften rough heels well; it is recommended to use nettle, burdock, chamomile, and calendula; they not only help to steam the skin, but also have an antiseptic effect and promote the healing of cracks.
  • Hot baths with the addition of soda also effectively soften the stratum corneum on the heels; add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of hot water. with a heap of baking soda.

It is better to take baths in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime. After steaming the dead skin, rub it with a pumice stone; you can repeat the procedure several times to remove as much of the rough layer as possible. Then rinse your feet thoroughly with lukewarm water and wipe dry.

A compress will help clear the very thick keratinized layer on the heels:

  • Mix in equal parts natural, purified to 99.5% pharmaceutical glycerin and table (apple vinegar) 9%. Fold gauze napkins or bandages in several layers, moisten well in the prepared mixture, apply to the feet, wrap the feet with film or put on a plastic bag, and warm socks on top.
  • After 3-4 hours, unwind the bandage, clean your feet with pumice, you can additionally make a steam bath and remove the remaining rough layer.
  • Rinse your feet, dry them, apply rich cream.

Under no circumstances should you rub dry skin with a pumice stone when doing a pedicure at home; this can further aggravate the problem of rough heels and lead to deep, painful cracks.

Steam baths soften rough skin, making it easy to clean your heels

Masks and compresses

But, if the skin is very rough, and the layer has already grown significantly and even cracks have appeared, it is not enough to clean the heels and lubricate them with cream, it is necessary to make nourishing masks and compresses.

For soft heels

To keep the skin of your feet soft, you can make a mask at home:

  • Grind 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. lemon juice and add 1 tbsp. any oil, preferably castor, olive, tea tree, mix everything thoroughly until smooth and rub into the feet.
  • After 30-40 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply cream to your feet.

If the rough layer is very thick, in addition to constant procedures for softening and cleansing the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the feet with the following composition at night:

  • Buy a bottle of purified, natural glycerin at the pharmacy, it is not completely filled, add vinegar essence to the full capacity, shake well. Apply the mixture to your heels every day at night after baths; if the treatment is carried out systematically, this will help get rid of not only rough, rough skin, but also cracks.

To soften rough skin at home, you can tie fresh lemon slices to your heels at night and put bags and socks on top. In the morning, remove the bandage and clean your feet with pumice stone, rinse with warm water and lubricate generously with cream.

Night compresses with onion are also very effective in combating rough skin on the heels. Grind the onions in a meat grinder, generously spread the gruel on your heels, cover with a gauze bandage on top, put on bags and socks. In the morning, clean off the swollen skin, rinse your feet and lubricate them with cream.

To soften the stratum corneum, you can make lotions with apple cider vinegar; the product helps not only remove the rough layer, but also restore the acid and alkaline balance of the skin. Soak a cotton swab generously in vinegar, apply to your heels, wrap with cling film, and put on socks. Keep the lotions on for 3-4 hours, then remove the bandages and treat your feet with pumice, rinse them with water and lubricate them with baby cream.

When using folk remedies to treat heels at home, try to follow the rule “Do no harm!” If you are going to make baths or masks, be sure to check if you are allergic to the components. And, of course, if you constantly take care of your heels, but the problem of rough skin has not been solved, be sure to consult a doctor, because the cause may not be external influences, but internal diseases.

To keep the skin on your heels soft, wear comfortable shoes, try to eat right, pamper your feet with a massage and avoid heavy loads on your feet.

Rough heels are a common occurrence in the lives of many people. This problem is especially relevant in the summer season, when you need to change closed shoes to sandals. Most often, the cause of rough heels is hidden in insufficient care and attention, but often serious health problems are hidden behind the aesthetic inconvenience.

Rough skin on the heels, the causes of which can be completely different, causes a lot of trouble for the owner, since it requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. First of all, solving the problem cannot be done without the help of a specialist - a dermatologist. Proper diagnosis allows you to identify the causes and find the optimal treatment option. In addition to drug therapy, including the use of emollient exfoliating agents, the course of treatment includes those with pronounced moisturizing properties.

One of the main reasons that causes roughening of the heel skin is wearing narrow, tight and uncomfortable shoes, which causes layering of epithelial tissue and thickening of the skin of the foot. Work associated with constant standing can also serve as a factor provoking roughening of the heel skin.

Coarsening of the epithelium on the heels also occurs as a result of the pathogenic activity of fungi - the causative agents of dermatitis. Coarsening of the skin in this case occurs as a response to the toxic activity of microorganisms. Treatment in such situations necessarily includes antifungicidal therapy.

Disturbances in the cells and tissues of the skin of a biochemical nature also serve as a factor provoking hardening of the heels. Layering of epithelial layers occurs due to changes in the internal water-salt balance and protein-carbohydrate metabolism.

Coarsening of the heel skin often accompanies diseases such as diabetes, ailments due to thyroid dysfunction, and metabolic disorders in the body. With hormonal diseases, thickening of the epidermis occurs as a result of a violation of the metabolic mechanism. Rough heels are a sign of vitamin deficiency, in particular, with a lack of vitamins A or E, peeling, thickening, and cracking are observed in the area of ​​the foot and heels.

How to clean your heels from rough skin

Rough skin on the heels, the causes of which have various origins, requires appropriate treatment. Sometimes it is possible to eliminate the defect after therapeutic treatment of the underlying disease without serious intervention in the condition of the heel skin. Most often, foot baths are recommended as the main therapeutic measure to prepare rough skin for mechanical or chemical peeling.

It is best to remove rough heel skin in beauty salons. However, it is also possible at home, using softening and exfoliating masks and creams made from natural products.

Against rough skin, based on soap-soda solutions, they are versatile. No less effective are baths prepared with decoctions of medicinal herbs - sage, aloe, calendula, St. John's wort, nettle, linden blossom. Such water procedures not only serve as a mitigating factor, but can also relieve symptoms of fatigue, swelling, and heaviness in the legs.

In addition to water procedures, various masks made from vegetables, fruits, eggs, and medicinal plants are excellent remedies. In particular, compositions made from boiled potatoes, cabbage, onions, zucchini, lemon, and tea have been found to be effective. The masks are applied to the heel skin and left overnight under a compress of plastic film and warm cloth or socks worn over the mask. In the morning, remove the softened dead part of the epithelium with pumice and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

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