Processing manicure tools at home. How to sterilize manicure instruments at home, methods and nuances. Sterilization of manicure instruments in the salon

Every well-groomed woman carefully monitors the condition of her nails. Manicure is as important a procedure as brushing your teeth, showering, or getting a haircut. Neatly processed nails are a sign of neatness and cleanliness. Unfortunately, during the manicure process it is possible to contract an infection or skin disease. Therefore, when working with the nail plate, you must maintain sterility.

Sterilization of manicure instruments in the salon

In any nail salon, a skilled master will tidy up the nail plates, apply a colored coating, and even decorate the nails with an intricate design. Alas... we often forget that, in addition to the listed actions, it is important to disinfect working tools. High-quality processing of devices is what distinguishes a competent manicurist.

All manicure instruments must be thoroughly disinfected to avoid infection.

Professional beauty salons take the sterilization and disinfection of instruments seriously. To achieve this, a set of measures is carried out:

  • pre-sterilization cleaning - treatment of instruments by immersing them in a disinfectant solution for the time indicated in the instructions for the product;
  • sterilization - disinfection of instruments by high temperature exposure using professional equipment;
  • additional disinfection - disinfection of hands and the work area of ​​the master.

After the first cleaning stage, the instruments are thoroughly rinsed with water and dried with sterile wipes. Then, for the next stage of disinfection, the devices are placed in a professional sterilizer. The time for the second stage of cleaning depends on the type and brand of equipment; you just need to follow the instructions for the device. Several types of sterilizers are used.

Ball sterilizer

A ball (quartz) sterilizer is a compact tabletop device that is used to disinfect instruments that damage the skin using high temperature.

The ball sterilizer is easy to use and effective in combating pathogenic microorganisms

The peculiarity of the ball sterilizer is that it disinfects not the whole, but the part that comes into contact with the skin during the procedure. The principle of operation of the device is heating of quartz beads located in the sterilizer tank.

Working with a quartz ball sterilizer is simple:

  1. Before using the equipment for the first time, open the lid and fill the tank with the quartz beads included with the device.
  2. Close the lid and turn on the device using the button on the body.
  3. Heat to the desired temperature - this will happen in 10-12 minutes.
  4. When the indicator goes off, open the lid and put the sterilization accessories into the device.
  5. After 15-20 seconds, take them out and start working.

It is necessary to use a quartz sterilizer immediately before using manicure instruments. It allows you to quickly and effectively destroy pathogenic microorganisms. But, unfortunately, the instruments in the device quickly become deformed and dull.

Remember that such equipment is only suitable for devices made of heat-resistant medical alloy.

Dry heat cabinet

The dry-heat cabinet also disinfects manicure accessories using heat treatment. The instruments are placed completely in dry heat and exposed to temperature. The procedure time depends on the equipment model - on average from 1 to 2 hours.

To maintain the sterility of instruments until the client arrives, so-called craft bags are used, in which the instruments are placed immediately after disinfection. The master opens the craft bags in the presence of the client. The dry-heat oven has two main disadvantages:

  • the equipment is quite expensive;
  • Sterilization in dry heat takes a long time.

Salons also use UV sterilizers - however, only for storing disinfected equipment. Ultraviolet radiation effectively destroys carriers of bacterial and fungal infections, but retains the risk of contracting HIV and hepatitis. The UV sterilizer can process instruments made of any material - their quality will not be affected.

A UV sterilizer is used for additional processing of paper files and storage of sterilized instruments

Sterilization at home

Many people do manicures for themselves or clients at home. Therefore, methods for disinfecting instruments at home are relevant. If your manicure set is not only for personal use, be sure to buy an inexpensive professional sterilizer. Home sterilization methods do not guarantee complete destruction of germs. The ideal solution is to purchase a compact ball sterilizer.

Basic set for a beginner nail extension artist:

If you are only doing a manicure for yourself, take on board the tips for sterilizing tools without professional equipment. To disinfect at home you need:

  • treat instruments with an alcohol solution before and after the procedure;
  • sterilize by dry heat or boiling.

Dry heat disinfection

A simple and effective way to disinfect manicure accessories is dry heat. Necessary:

  1. Preheat oven to 200°C.
  2. Wash manicure tools with running water and detergent.
  3. Wipe the accessories dry and place them on a baking sheet, 5 cm apart.
  4. Place the baking sheet with the tools in the preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Remember that only metal instruments can be disinfected using the dry heat method. Sand-coated cardboard and plastic files should not be exposed to high temperatures.

To avoid becoming infected with fungus after a manicure, it is necessary to treat nail files and other tools. Disinfection with alcohol is carried out immediately before and after the procedure. The master in the salon does a manicure wearing gloves and disinfects the client’s hands. They use special devices: sterilizers and dry heaters. At home, such sterilization is less necessary. Women use sterilization solutions, boil or heat instruments in the oven. After sterilization, manicure devices must be stored correctly.

Why is tool processing necessary?

Treatment of nail fungus is a long procedure that requires painstaking care and attention. The spores are resistant to external manifestations and temperatures, so they can easily withstand regular washing and then spread. In case of contact with a contaminated surface, a person becomes infected with the fungus again, despite the fact that he has recently undergone treatment. If nail scissors and nail files are not treated for nail fungus and after it, the possibility of a recurrence of the disease increases. Not only the patient who has had the disease, but also healthy family members can become infected. After a manicure, there are residual consumables, skin and fat left on the tools, which end up on the hands of another user without treatment.

How often should I clean?

Nail salons sterilize tools after each client, using special devices. Washing instruments with water is not disinfection. At home, if a person takes care of his nails on his own, he should wipe the scissors and abrasive files with alcohol after the procedure. The manicure set (which has been in use) is disinfected monthly in distilled boiled water. If more than one user does a manicure with these tools, they need to be boiled before and after use.

Disinfection methods

In beauty salons, sterilizers are most often used to process instruments.

In addition to alcohol and disinfectants, various devices are used to sterilize instruments to remove fungus and microbes:

  • sterilizers;
  • tendon;
  • boiling utensils;
  • ovens.

Each technique involves cleaning and deep cleaning manicure supplies to protect your fingers and nails from infection. Some devices and techniques can be used independently, others are suitable for nail salons. When serving a client in a salon, sterilization of instruments is a mandatory procedure.

Using special devices

Special devices for sterilization are one of the methods used in beauty salons, where workers have a large flow of clients and there is no way to quickly and efficiently clean the accessories after a manicure. The devices are expensive, so not everyone can afford to buy one for home. These include devices presented in the table below.

The choice of processing technique is based on ease of use and the amount of work in the salon.

There are:

They are a device with 1 or 2 chambers. Ultraviolet disinfectants neutralize instruments using UV radiation; thermal - they pour hot steam over the devices. It is enough to put the devices into the chamber after manicure, close the lid and start the disinfection process. Different manufacturers include different exposure intervals in devices. Before placing in the sterilizer, make sure that the instruments are dry.

Sukhozhar special

It differs from the operating principle of a conventional oven. They are used exclusively for metal devices; no other material can withstand those temperatures and is deformed. The heating temperature in the cabinet is 300-500 degrees. The approximate time of sterilization with dry heat is 20-60 minutes, depending on the initial temperature. After undergoing such disinfection, the devices are placed either in a UV cabinet or in a tightly closed container. With this method, the tools do not become dull.

There are quite a lot, and every girl can easily choose the best one for herself.

Why do you need to sterilize manicure accessories?

When ladies come for a manicure in, they invariably pay attention to the elements of the service. And first of all, on how they are prepared. No one wants to acquire unpleasant fungal diseases from other clients, or, even worse, blood- and skin-borne diseases. To avoid such incidents, salons pay maximum attention to cleanliness issues and actively use professional sterilizers to process and clean instruments.

A completely different situation develops at home, where rarely any woman sterilizes manicure tools. The reason for such carelessness is a lack of understanding of the need for cleansing manipulations. But there is a need!

If, in addition to the woman herself, family members also use it, then they themselves, often without knowing it, can become carriers of unpleasant diseases. A similar situation arises when people do manicures at home in the company of friends. And even if the accessories are the property of only one person, there is always a danger of introducing viruses or bacteria to yourself if the tissues are damaged. This issue is especially relevant when performing trim manicure.

So, sterilization is an objective necessity. But how can you do it at home quickly and easily?

4 options for high-quality sterilization of manicure accessories

Everything is provided for the convenience of fashionable women today. Therefore, choosing a method for sterilizing manicure instruments is very simple. Among the options:

  1. professional sterilizer;
  2. boiling;
  3. hot air treatment;
  4. use of disinfectants.

The last method is the simplest and involves soaking the instruments to be sterilized in liquids that kill bacteria and viruses. This can be regular chlorhexidine, sold in pharmacies, or alcohol and alcohol-containing solutions - cologne, vodka, boric acid. The convenience of the method lies in its accessibility. You can safely use it for both plastic and metal tools without fear of damaging the sharpening or the structure of manicure accessories.

A professional sterilizer is just as versatile. Many ladies choose him for high quality cleaning, reasonable cost, compactness and simplicity. All that is required when using a sterilizer is to pre-treat the instruments - wash them to remove fat and skin particles - and place them in the device compartment. Then the sterilizer will do everything itself.

A little more labor-intensive, but no less effective ways– boiling and treatment with hot air. They are only suitable for high-quality metal tools that cannot be damaged by high temperatures.

  1. Boiling. Sterilize manicure accessories for -15 minutes in clean boiling water, followed by removal onto a sterile napkin to cool.
  2. Hot air treatment. Manicure tools are placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and left for 10-15 minutes. Then remove and cool on a sterile napkin.

All methods involve further storage of instruments in closed packaging so that the benefits of sterilization are not wasted.

Sterilizing manicure accessories at home is a simple solution that is suitable for everyone who, in addition to their external image, also takes care of their own health.

Updated and supplemented 05/22/2019

A sterile manicure tool is the key to the health of the master and clients. This is worth remembering for both beginners and experienced nail salon employees.

A safe manicure begins with treating your hands with an antiseptic and is performed with sterile instruments. The procedure for processing instruments in a nail salon is carried out in three stages: disinfection, mechanical cleaning and sterilization. Let's look at the features of each of them in detail.

Treating hands with antiseptic

Before performing a manicure, you must disinfect your hands and the client’s with a disinfectant. To do this, you can use the following antiseptics: Neosteril, Octenisept, Bacillol, Sterillium, Kutasept F, Eco-breeze. They come either in sprays or in containers with dispensers.

The product is applied to dry hands and distributed evenly over the skin. It is important to carefully work on the inside and back of the hands, the areas between the fingers and around the nails. After this, it is recommended to wear disposable latex or rubber gloves.

  • The antiseptic is taken from the dispenser into the recess of the palm
  • Nails should be clean and cut short
  • When working, it is necessary to remove rings, bracelets, watches
  • When applying antiseptic, the skin of your hands must be dry.
  • It is recommended to use an antiseptic with components to restore the lipid layer so that the skin does not dry out excessively and is less susceptible to injury and cracking.
  • The antiseptic is rubbed into the skin of the hands until completely dry.

Disinfection of manicure instruments - the first stage of treatment

Disinfection is the destruction of bacteria, viruses, fungi and any other microorganisms from working manicure tools and surfaces. It is the first stage of processing. There are three in total: disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and the final one - sterilization.

For disinfection in salons and when professionals work at home, a chemical method is used. It is based on the use of special disinfectants in the form of solutions, tablets, and aerosols.

They should have a wide spectrum of effects, which includes antifungal and antiviral effects. The products can be purchased ready-made, or the concentrate can be diluted in the specified ratio.

The ratio is different for each disinfectant, so you must follow the instructions or recommendations of SanPiN. Good disinfection liquids should contain anti-corrosion additives.

Containers with ready-made and prepared solutions must have lids and stickers with the name of the disinfectant, concentration and date of preparation during storage.

Each salon or home technician chooses for himself which disinfectant to use. There is also a list of drugs recommended by SanPiN.

Means for disinfecting manicure instruments when working at home and in beauty salons

After performing a manicure or pedicure, disinfection is the first stage of treatment. Let's look at the most popular options for disinfectant solutions and concentrates. The higher the price of the product, the safer the composition for metal tools is considered.

Before disinfection, all instruments or devices are opened, complex mechanisms are untwisted and immersed in the solution.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles or voids left on the surfaces that would prevent the penetration of the product.

Gigasept AF– designed for disinfection of manicure and medical instruments. The prepared solution can be used within 7 days. If it changes color, you need to prepare a new one and discard this one.

Gigasept AF can also be used for pre-sterilization cleaning, the second stage of processing. In this case, after soaking the equipment in the solution, it is enough to rinse it under running water for 10 minutes and additionally immerse it in distilled water for 1 minute. Instruments must be completely dry before sterilization.

Korzolex Plus– can also be used for two stages, disinfection and cleaning before sterilization. The untwisted instruments are lowered into the solution prepared according to the instructions, and the recommended disinfection time is maintained. Then cleaning with a brush is carried out in hard-to-reach places and rinsing with running and distilled water.

Alaminol– broad-spectrum disinfectant concentrate. The finished solution can be used for no more than 10 days or until the appearance changes. Suitable for use in ultrasonic installations. Dilute strictly according to the instructions, wearing gloves.

Step-by-step instructions for disinfecting manicure tools

Please note that disinfection of manicure instruments is carried out immediately after completion of the procedure. They cannot be washed with water, wiped, or brushed off anything with a brush, so that skin residues and other particles or components do not rise into the air or splash with running water on you and in the room.

The disinfection procedure is carried out in 3 successive stages:

  1. All tools are disassembled and untwisted
  2. Placed in a pre-prepared bath or disinfection unit with the selected solution
  3. The time recommended for disinfection with each specific solution is maintained.

The liquid must cover the instruments to 2 cm above them for proper processing. Any manipulations with disinfectant solutions are carried out wearing protective gloves. For practical use and economy, it is better to choose a disinfectant that can also be used for pre-sterilization cleaning. She is the next stage.

Pre-sterilization cleaning of manicure instruments - the second stage of processing

After the period of exposure of the instrument to the disinfectant has expired, it is removed from the solution and cleaned using regular or brass brushes, as well as cotton pads under running water for 10 minutes. Not only dirt and small particles are washed away, but also the disinfectant itself, which damages the instruments with prolonged exposure.

The recommended washing time can vary from 1 to 10 minutes, see the instructions for the drug. After cleaning instruments under running water, it is recommended to place them in distilled water for a minute to neutralize any remaining disinfectant solution.

The first and second stages can be combined in two cases:

  1. Chemical disinfection and cleaning, where a disinfectant solution simultaneously dissolves dirt and particles. All that remains is to rinse everything and dry it before sterilization.
  2. Disinfection and cleaning in an ultrasonic cleaner. The combined effect of the solution and vibrations allows you to fully prepare the instruments for sterilization. After exposure, we also rinse everything with running water.

Clause 9.21 also prescribes the need for at least three standard manicure sets per master’s workplace. This is necessary in order to ensure uninterrupted disinfection and sterilization with a dense flow of clients. The standard set is approved for each salon individually by the administration of the institution. The administration must also appoint an employee responsible for disinfection and sterilization who has undergone preliminary training. This is stated in paragraph 9.26 of SanPiN

Dry-heat cabinet: processing and sterilization of instruments according to SanPiN

Sukhozhar, along with a glasperlene sterilizer, are the most popular devices for sterilizing manicure instruments in salons and by craftsmen at home.

A dry-heat cabinet is an electrical device that exposes a manicure tool to high temperatures - from 160 to 220°C. Depending on the set temperature, the exposure time to dry air also changes. At 180-220°C – 30 minutes, at 170-180°C – 90 minutes, and at 160-170°C – 150 minutes.

These data may vary slightly from model to model, so you should read the instructions before using the device. There are also temporary SanPin standards for different types materials and tools.

It is important to consider the time it takes to warm up the cabinet itself to the desired temperature. It can last from 5 to 10 minutes, and then the sterilization time begins to count down. On many models this is indicated by a colored indicator light.

The processing algorithm in a dry-heat oven is as follows:

  1. The instruments are placed in a tray or tray and sent to the chamber. When using Kraft bags, they are first packaged in bags and then placed on a tray or tray;
  2. Close the lid and set the processing time and temperature;
  3. After completing the procedure and turning it off, it is necessary to allow time to cool down, and then remove the sterilized material and place it in storage or reuse it.

Only parts made of heat-resistant metal that can withstand temperatures from 180 to 220°C are sterilized in a dryer and autoclave.

According to SanPiN standards, a dry-heat oven must be certified for use in Russia, have a passport, instructions in Russian and a maintenance guarantee. Only models approved by the Ministry of Health are allowed for use in the salon. It is mandatory to have a purchase and sale agreement for equipment and an invoice.

The average device has dimensions of no more than 45 cm. According to SES standards, it must be installed on a flat surface with a distance of 8 cm from the front edge, 10 cm from the back wall with the electrical wire and on the sides, and 30 cm from the top. It is not necessary to allocate a special table for the dry heater.

Treatment and care of the dry-heat oven after operation according to SanPiN

The inside of the device undergoes at least one sterilization process every day. At the end of each shift, it is recommended to wipe the inner and upper surfaces of the tendon with hydrogen peroxide, 3% solution, using a disposable wipe.

Even with very careful use of well-sharpened manicure cutting tools, there is always a risk of injuring the delicate skin on your fingers. When performing an unedged manicure, microtraumas often remain after using metal pushers or files with varying degrees of abrasiveness. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the blood and suppuration, abscesses, and inflamed areas of skin with hangnails appear around the nail plates. If bacteria infect the matrix tissue, the nails grow back deformed and their growth slows down.

Proper disinfection of manicure and pedicure instruments plays an important role not only in maintaining the impeccable appearance of your fingers, but also in protecting the entire body from a variety of diseases, including very dangerous ones. You need to disinfect instruments especially carefully if not only you, but also other family members use the manicure and pedicure kit at home. And if you provide nail care services to your clients, then disinfecting professional manicure instruments requires not only disinfection with antiseptic agents, but also sterilization in special sterilizers, dry-heat ovens or autoclaves.

Disinfection and sterilization are necessary for the complete destruction of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, fungal infections with spores, and viral infections (HIV, hepatitis B, papovaviruses, lipophilic viruses, rotaviruses, adenoviruses) on the surface of manicure instruments. Before disinfecting manicure and pedicure instruments, you need to thoroughly wash them with soap and running water, and then completely immerse them in an antiseptic for 10 minutes. It is best to sterilize instruments using heat treatment, and to perform this procedure at home, many use compact Glasperlene sterilizers or small dry-heat ovens. Before performing a manicure, it is advisable to wipe your hands with a disinfectant, as well as the manicure table, baths, UV lamp, hand rests and other accessories that you use during the procedure. It is convenient to use special bags to store sterilized instruments.


During boiling, the water temperature rises to 100°C and all microorganisms on the surface of the instruments immersed in it die. This is the easiest way to disinfect manicure and pedicure instruments at home, but it has its drawbacks: the cutting surfaces of scissors and nippers become dull faster, the tapered parts become bent, and the movement of spring and connecting mechanisms is disrupted. But if you use this method no more than once a month, then the tools will remain in working condition for a long time.

Soak metal tools in soapy water and then rinse under running water;

Place a wide saucepan on the stove, pour half a liter of water into it and bring to a boil;

Using tongs, immerse all the tools one by one in boiling water;

After 15 minutes, turn off the gas, take out the instruments one by one with tongs and lay them out on clean paper napkins;

When the instruments are completely dry, place each of them in a separate sealed plastic bag with a valve.


❶ Before diluting Optimax in water to disinfect instruments, wear rubber gloves;

❷ Pour 1 liter of cold tap water into a wide saucepan;

❸ Carefully open the lid of the plastic bottle and add 3 incomplete tablespoons of the product to a pan of water, and then stir the product thoroughly with a spoon;

❹ Carefully transfer all the tools into a pan with the Optimax solution;

❺ After 20 minutes, remove the instruments one by one and lay them out on napkins or a clean towel;

❻ When all the tools are completely dry, place them in separate plastic bags.


❶ Before diluting the “Alaminol” product in water to disinfect instruments, put on rubber gloves;

❷ Pour 1 liter of cold tap water into a wide container;

❸ Dissolve 50 ml of “Alaminol” concentrate in water, carefully stirring the product with a spoon;

❹ Immerse all metal instruments in the solution;

❺ After 30 minutes, take the instruments out of the solution one by one and lay them out on a clean towel;

❻ When the instruments are completely dry, place them in clean, sealed bags.


❶ Before the procedure, keep the instruments in water and soapy water, then rinse thoroughly under running water;

❷ Preheat the oven to 180-200°C and place the tools in it, evenly arranged on a baking sheet (unfold the foil over the surface);

❸ After 15 minutes, turn off the oven and open the door;

❹ After about 30-40 minutes, remove the instruments one by one using forceps and lay them out on a sterile surface;

❺ We place each tool in a sealed bag with a valve.


When using individual tools for manicure and pedicure at home, it is quite enough to disinfect them with special solutions (Optimax, Alaminol) before the procedure. If you serve clients at home or work in a beauty salon, then it is difficult to do without special equipment for sterilizing instruments.

Dry heat oven (air sterilizer).
Metal nozzles and cutters for hardware manicure, nippers, scissors and other tools made of hard alloys are heat treated (180°C) in a dry-heat oven for 30 minutes and then stored in sterile hermetically sealed containers.

Autoclave (steam sterilizer).

In this device, all metal tools and milling attachments are treated with hot steam (137°C) under pressure for 20 minutes to completely destroy all microorganisms. The most important advantage of an autoclave is the maximum preservation of the cutting properties of each instrument during sterilization.


These bags are used in the process of thorough sterilization of professional instruments. The tools are packaged in craft bags and hermetically sealed. After this, the packaged instruments are heat treated in an autoclave or in a dry-heat oven. During steam heat treatment, the color of the indicator on the bag changes from beige to blue, and during air heat treatment, from blue to olive. The sterility of instruments in craft bags with sealed valves is maintained for one year.


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