Presentation on the topic of family and public holidays. Presentation “My family and family traditions. keep family traditions

Family traditions. Prepared by: Mordovina E.Yu. teacher of the first qualification category, MDOU – combined kindergarten No. 5, Balakovo, Saratov region. The real desire for family happiness and family well-being is expressed in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were a mandatory feature of a “joint” family and reflected the moral position of its members. Some traditions can be fully adopted by a modern young family, while others, new traditions, reflect the achievements of Soviet society and are a common heritage. Early involvement of children in discussing all issues of family life is a long-standing good tradition. The real desire for family happiness and family well-being is expressed in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were a mandatory feature of a “joint” family and reflected the moral position of its members. Some traditions can be fully adopted by a modern young family, while others, new traditions, reflect the achievements of Soviet society and are a common heritage. Early involvement of children in discussing all issues of family life is a long-standing good tradition. The meaning of family traditions Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants. Thus, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without asking questions or talking. In other families, it is customary to have meals together, discuss plans, and there is increased attention to each other’s problems. And also family traditions and rituals:

  • give him a feeling of confidence in the world around him and security;
  • set the baby up for optimism and a positive perception of life, when “every day is a holiday”;
  • create unique childhood memories that the baby will someday tell his children about;
  • allow the baby to feel the stability of their way of life: “whatever the weather”, what has been established will happen in your family;
In each house, during its existence, its own ritual develops. The house gets used to its residents and begins to live at their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only the family way of life, but also the relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that the house captures. If a family sets traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job. Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. In each house, during its existence, its own ritual develops. The house gets used to its residents and begins to live at their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only the family way of life, but also the relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that the house captures. If a family sets traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job. Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. 3 basic rules:
  • a repeating event should be bright, positive, and memorable for the child;
  • Tradition is a tradition to always be observed;
  • you can use smells, sounds, visual images - the main thing is that in this traditional action there is something that influences the child’s feelings and perceptions
Family meals A wonderful tradition of everyone getting together at one table for communication. You can communicate on any topic - discuss news, events of the day. It's better to turn off the TV! If you are absorbed in serial passions on the TV screen, a heart-to-heart conversation at dinner will never happen! The benefits of family dinners together are enormous. Firstly, it is helping children acquire language. Of course, they need to read books, but they also need to talk to them - and what better time to do this than during dinner! Secondly, such family dinners provide a sense of family cohesion. Even if an extremely unpleasant situation is discussed over dinner, family members remain confident that together they can overcome difficult times. Joint leisure A good continuation of lunch would be joint leisure, for example, you can play some board game. Or go to nature and spend time actively in the fresh air. Family celebration All holidays, and children's holidays in particular, require not so much time and money as warmth and love. The anticipation of the holiday is the beginning of the holiday spirit, which adults should support. A person perceives the world with his senses, and it is necessary that every sense in children awakens through color, sounds, smells and more. It is necessary to provide the child with space for independent, active action, but at the same time we must remember that a holiday is our everyday pedagogy. The child should have a happy childhood. Without this condition, a person will not be able to learn to love. A child is like a sponge, absorbs everything, and the emotional state that colors his holidays will determine his personal life and his future family. Notches on the door frame Time flies very quickly. Before parents know it, their current one-year-old will go to college. To clearly show your child the process of growing up, you can mark the child’s growth on the door frame every year with notches. It’s great if you keep children’s drawings and crafts as souvenirs. You can do the so-called with the whole family at the end of each year. "time capsule" Let each family member put into an empty plastic box some thing (or several things) that are associated with the outgoing year. Store the capsules in a far corner where no one will find them, and after 10 or 20 years, take them out... Family rituals Instead of the usual “hello-bye”, a friendly family can agree to greet each other with a special “code” word, understandable only to “their own”! For example: “Great, hero!” or “Hello, princess!” It’s funny if, when saying hello, someone says the first half of the word, and his interlocutor says the second. You can also come up with special forms of farewell - like funny wishes or advice to each other for the whole day. There is great scope for creating family traditions in the kitchen and culinary talents of one of the family members. It's great if everyone gets together for a family lunch or dinner on the weekends. It will be even more interesting if you give your child the opportunity to master his “signature dish,” which will take pride of place on the table. Thank you for your attention!

Identification of need: Many people forget about real family holidays and I believe that it is necessary to remind some of them and talk about several holidays in other countries that we don’t have, so that the family has more such days when the whole family gathers around a big friendly table and celebrates these unforgettable days!

Birthday Birthdays should be celebrated brightly and cheerfully; if it is the birthday of a small child, then it should be remembered for a long time. There should be a lot of gifts, games, laughter and most importantly, your relatives should be with you. You can also invite several guests: friends of your parents or your friends.

Christian holidays - Maslenitsa, Easter, Christmas Easter is a common family holiday, when many friends and relatives gather around the same table, with children running around. At Easter, it is customary to give each other and especially children small gifts: painted boiled or artificial decorative eggs, small beautifully decorated Easter eggs, Easter cakes, Easter souvenirs - bunnies, birds, candles, wreaths and baskets.

Maslenitsa Maslenitsa is not only a folk festival, but also a family holiday. At home, in the family, this holiday should also be cancelled, because for a long time Russian people have tried to celebrate, and especially see off, Maslenitsa with dignity, so as not to live the whole year “in bitter misfortune.”

Christmas Christmas is a family holiday. But it will be special when the very essence of this day is first discussed in the family, and then amazing dishes, exquisite outfits, games and fun harmoniously complement it. When there are children in the family, you need to tell them the Christmas story in a language accessible to their age.

International Women's Day - March 8 On March 8, we congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, aunts and so on. Therefore, we must prepare for it in advance, namely: prepare small but pleasant gifts for our loved ones, help mom with cooking.

November 3, World Men's Day In our country, men and fathers' day is not celebrated at all, except on February 23, but this is Defender of the Fatherland Day and not everyone defended him, so I want to talk about World Men's Day. On this day you can congratulate anyone: dad, grandfather, brother, uncle, and they will be very pleased.

September 9, Grandparents' Day Everyone loves to visit their grandparents in the summer, but you probably didn't know that they also have their own holiday: Grandparents' Day. Be sure to congratulate them, because every good deed you do will make them happy, make sure there are as many smiles on their faces as possible!

And the last, most important family holiday for me is the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This holiday is also called Peter and Fevronia Day. For the first time, Russia began to celebrate this holiday in 2010, and now every year on July 8, all families in Russia celebrate this holiday. I am glad that this holiday has appeared, which brings together all the families of our country!

Morozova Galina
Presentation “Family Traditions”

Family- this is a separate unique world with its own unique traditions. Exactly traditions create a unique atmosphere in every family. They keep and protect us throughout our lives.

What's happened traditions:

This is an action or order of things, established over time, repeated unchanged over and over again.

Good or bad, harmful or useful, created or developed by themselves, but There are traditions in every family.

Traditions - these are rosy-cheeked beauties singing folk songs on stage, and noisy Maslenitsa with fragrant pancakes, fluffy willow on Palm Sunday and a demonstration on Victory Day. And also traditions are mom, telling the children a bedtime story every evening, this is dad who turns into Santa Claus secretly on the stairs, and a million little things that only your family has and which remain with you as sweet memories of childhood.

Yes, if they do family traditions– you can have more confidence that the child will be drawn home, will love loved ones, and will not be overwhelmed by anxiety "Street" with all sorts of sad surprises. And the preschooler will grow up in emotional well-being!

You created them and they influence your children. First of all, they show a model of behavior that they will take into adulthood.

Publications on the topic:

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Essay "Family Traditions" My family is big. Me, mom, dad, sisters. But, despite this, we have our own family traditions, which we always observe. Meet.

What are family traditions? “Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.” “Family traditions are the usual norms, behavior patterns, customs and views accepted in the family that are passed on from generation to generation.”

With a great deal of truth, we can assume that when the phrase “family traditions” is mentioned, most people have associations with the words “home”, “relatives”, “parents”, “children”. With a great deal of truth, we can assume that when the phrase “family traditions” is mentioned, most people have associations with the words “home”, “relatives”, “parents”, “children”.

And indeed, if you close your eyes and mentally say the word “childhood”, then, along with loved ones and family and the homeliness of your parents’ home, other associations arise in the human mind, something that is unique only to your family. It is precisely this “something” that can be called a family tradition. These memories are very deep in the human consciousness, since the actions that we mean by the concept of “family traditions” have been repeated many times since early childhood. And indeed, if you close your eyes and mentally say the word “childhood”, then, along with loved ones and family and the homeliness of your parents’ home, other associations arise in the human mind, something that is unique only to your family. It is precisely this “something” that can be called a family tradition. These memories are very deep in the human consciousness, since the actions that we mean by the concept of “family traditions” have been repeated many times since early childhood.

A few fragments of memories related to family traditions: “On weekends, my mother always made dumplings and dumplings. Not a single weekend without them! Only the filling changed: meat, liver, cottage cheese, strawberries. While I was waking up, the final preparations were going on in the kitchen. And then one day I had already gotten enough sleep, but there were still no characteristic sounds from the kitchen... I even wandered there out of curiosity to ask: “Isn’t it time to serve the dumplings?” But it turned out that everything was so banal, it just turns out that the clocks were changed at night, and my mother decided to hold off a little. This is such a family tradition...”

“Our family had labor traditions. The whole family came to grandma to dig potatoes, parents, uncles and aunts, all with children. When we were little, the adults were digging potatoes, the kids were running around. And when they grew up, they helped the adults. And at the end of the harvest, the whole family baked potatoes in the garden. Those were the times! Evening, dying coals of the fire, faces of brothers and sisters smeared with burnt potatoes, interesting memories of adults and the sparkle of grasshoppers...” “Our family had labor traditions. The whole family came to grandma to dig potatoes, parents, uncles and aunts, all with children. When we were little, the adults were digging potatoes, the kids were running around. And when they grew up, they helped the adults. And at the end of the harvest, the whole family baked potatoes in the garden. Those were the times! Evening, dying coals of a fire, faces of brothers and sisters smeared with burnt potatoes, interesting memories of adults and the sparkle of grasshoppers..."

“About what, about what?.. About family traditions?.. What kind of traditions are there! The whole tradition in one word is summer at grandma's. Air, river, sun. Helping mother and grandmother in canning fruits and vegetables. And you know... there is some sense in this: all winter the neighbors came to visit and praised the cucumbers. And I do this, and I teach my own people! There’s no point in running around the shops and buying all sorts of nonsense here, because everything is our own, the best!” There are many such examples related to traditions. The main thing is that in all statements there is a desire to preserve these traditions and pass them on to their children. “About what, about what?.. About family traditions?.. What kind of traditions are there! The whole tradition in one word is summer at grandma's. Air, river, sun. Helping mother and grandmother in canning fruits and vegetables. And you know... there is some sense in this: all winter the neighbors came to visit and praised the cucumbers. And I do this, and I teach my own people! There’s no point in running around the shops and buying all sorts of nonsense here, because everything is our own, the best!” There are many such examples related to traditions. The main thing is that in all statements there is a desire to preserve these traditions and pass them on to their children.

The real desire for family happiness and family well-being is expressed in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were a mandatory feature of a “joint” family and reflected the moral position of its members. The real desire for family happiness and family well-being is expressed in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were a mandatory feature of a “joint” family and reflected the moral position of its members.

Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of a home, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants. Thus, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without asking questions or talking. In other families, it is customary to have meals together, discuss plans, and there is increased attention to each other’s problems. Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of a home, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants. Thus, some families prefer to get up early, have a quick breakfast, go to work and meet in the evening without asking questions or talking. In other families, it is customary to have meals together, discuss plans, and there is increased attention to each other’s problems.

In each house, during its existence, its own ritual develops. The house gets used to its residents and begins to live at their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only a family way of life, but also the relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that the house captures. If a family sets traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job. In each house, during its existence, its own ritual develops. The house gets used to its residents and begins to live at their rhythm. Its energy structure changes somewhat under the influence of traditions. After all, by and large, traditions are not only a family way of life, but also the relationships that develop between family members. It is these relationships that the house captures. If a family sets traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can do a good job.

Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally. Often following traditions helps us live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally.

If most of the usual family rituals do not bring restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens the sense of family integrity, the feeling of the uniqueness of one’s own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within us is acquired in childhood, and the greater it is, the better. If most of the usual family rituals do not bring restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens the sense of family integrity, the feeling of the uniqueness of one’s own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within us is acquired in childhood, and the greater it is, the better.

And also family traditions and rituals: * allow you to feel the stability of your way of life: “whatever the weather”, what is established will happen in your family; *give a feeling of confidence in the world around us and security; *sets you up for optimism and a positive perception of life, when “every day is a holiday”; *create unique memories that you will tell your children about; *allows you to feel proud of yourself and your family. And also family traditions and rituals: * allow you to feel the stability of your way of life: “whatever the weather”, what is established will happen in your family; *give a feeling of confidence in the world around us and security; *sets you up for optimism and a positive perception of life, when “every day is a holiday”; *create unique memories that you will tell your children about; *allows you to feel proud of yourself and your family.

International Day of Families, established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of countries to numerous family problems. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened. International Day of Families, established by the UN General Assembly in 1993. The establishment of this day aims to draw the attention of the public of countries to numerous family problems. According to the UN Secretary-General, when the fundamental rights of one family are violated, the unity of the entire human family of which they are members is threatened.

A person’s life begins with the family; here he is formed as a citizen. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country. A person’s life begins with the family; here he is formed as a citizen. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country. Questionnaire “Family as a source of happiness” * Have you ever met happy people? * Do you consider yourself happy? If not, then what do you need to be “full of happiness”? What do you do to be happy? *Have you ever thought about what happiness is? Give the definition of happiness: “Happiness is... a) in one word b) in one sentence c) without limiting oneself by size *What does this concept include in your opinion? Place it on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. places (indicate with numbers on the left side depending on the importance for you personally): Questionnaire “Family as a source of happiness” * Have you ever met happy people? * Do you consider yourself happy? If not, then what do you need to be “full of happiness”? What do you do to be happy? *Have you ever thought about what happiness is? Give the definition of happiness: “Happiness is... a) in one word b) in one sentence c) without limiting oneself by size *What does this concept include in your opinion? Place it on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. places (indicate with numbers on the left side depending on their importance for you personally):

Interesting, exciting work, - mutual understanding with loved ones, - a good, friendly family, - prosperity, - a feeling of being needed by people, - awareness of the duty being performed, - interesting work. *Do you agree with these terms of the concept? What could you add? *Could you be happy living with your loved one on a desert island? (Please justify your answer) *Have you ever thought about the purpose of your life? *What do you think is the ideal of a happy female (male) destiny? - interesting, exciting work, - mutual understanding with loved ones, - a good, friendly family, - prosperity, - a feeling of being needed by people, - awareness of the duty being performed, - interesting work. *Do you agree with these terms of the concept? What could you add? *Could you be happy living with your loved one on a desert island? (Please justify your answer) *Have you ever thought about the purpose of your life? *What do you think is the ideal of a happy female (male) destiny?

“Values ​​of family life” - Mom. Mom and Dad. Friendly family. Qualities. Love. Old times. Family. Understanding. Definition. Jewish family. Buddhist family. Orthodox family. Formation of the concept of “family” in children. Islamic family. Smile for the new day.

“Kin and family” - An example of family relationships. Rod and family. Celebration of “Love, Family and Fidelity”. What positive, warm memories do you have associated with these words? Cluster. Basic terms and concepts. Preparation for the perception of the material. Creating a single “chamomile field” on the board. How important was what we talked about today.

“Kin, family, person” - Antique things. Vintage photographs. How the names came about. The rest of the people were called simply by name. By type of activity Blacksmith Fisherman by character traits Balagur Quiet. Coats of arms of Russian princes. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, edited by D.N. Ushakova. The appearance of nicknames. Family – from the Old Russian language “household members, family; husband wife".

“Human Pedigree” - The tradition of compiling genealogies has existed from time immemorial. My ancestry. And another, with weak roots, when the wind gets too strong, it breaks and dies. In the family circle we create life. What items does a pedigree consist of? GENEALOGY BOOK. We are growing together as a family. Class hour. The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

"Christian marriage and family" - Christian family. Dictionaries. The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Basic terms and concepts. Rebus. Perfect family. Baptism. Home museum. Family values. Collect a proverb. Faberge masterpieces. Lesson structure. Developing an interest in your family history. Peoples. Wedding ring. Peter and Fevronia. Wedding. Traditional dishes.

“Christian Family” - Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it. Together until the grave. Does every person have their own half? Deprived of paradise. Mosaics of the Cathedral in Montreal. Adam and Eve. First declaration of love. If you endure it, you will fall in love. Johann Heinrich Fusli, The Creation of Eve. Wedding. Adam sees Eve for the first time. Christian love.

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