Holidays for the New Year, what days. How are New Year holidays paid for? How long will we rest?

The New Year holidays are getting closer, which means that many are already planning how they will relax in January 2019. Let's consider which days will be weekends and holidays in December 2018 and January 2019.

Weekends in December 2018

In the outgoing year 2018, before the New Year there will be a holiday on Saturday and Sunday, December 22 and 23, which, of course, will not be very happy for those who celebrate Catholic Christmas on December 25.

The day off from Saturday 29 December is moved to Monday 31 December. This means the last weekend of 2018 will be Sunday and Monday December 30-31. From this moment on, the most natural New Year holidays 2019 will begin with their trips to the Christmas tree with children and joyful communication with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. And someone will probably go to ski resorts these days or, conversely, to warm countries...

New Year holidays 2019: how many days do we rest in January?

According to the official calendar of weekends and holidays approved by the Government, the New Year holidays in 2019 will last from January 1 to January 8. We celebrate New Year 2019 from Monday to Tuesday, and the first working day of 2019 will only be Wednesday, January 9.

In this case, the weekends, Saturday and Sunday, January 5 and 6, will be moved to Thursday and Friday, May 2 and 3, respectively.

As a result, it turns out that you can celebrate the New Year this winter for 10 days – from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019! Some will say that you don’t need to rest for so long, but remember the children! Schoolchildren are on winter break at this time, which means adults have a great opportunity to spend the first days of 2019 with their children.

All holidays 2019

We must indicate the same way we will rest on other holidays in 2019.

So, December 30 and 31, 2018 are days off, then from January 1 to January 8, 2019, New Year holidays.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2019, we rest for two days - Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24. In this case, the day off from Saturday, February 23rd, will be moved to Friday, May 10th.

In March, on International Women's Day, we will have a three-day holiday - from Friday the 8th to Sunday the 10th of March.

Victory Day in 2019 will be celebrated for four days - from Thursday, May 9 to Sunday, May 12.

We wish everyone to spend the weekend joyfully and profitably. May your holidays and working days be happy!

A little more and the long-awaited and beloved winter holiday - New Year - will come. On the eve of this celebration, I would like to know how we are relaxing for the New Year 2018 in Russia, because now you can make plans for the winter holidays: think through the scenario of a New Year’s party, book a room in some wonderful town in Europe, buy a tour in the Moscow region.

There are many interesting and memorable ways to celebrate this wonderful holiday, the main thing is that our government does not skimp on the weekend and allows working people to have fun.

The Ministry of Labor has already determined the number. According to the provisions on postponing holidays in 2018, the New Year holidays will be quite long - as much as 10 days.

Such an opportunity rarely arises and one must thank the coincidence of circumstances due to which the New Year holiday occurs on the night from Sunday to Monday. It turns out that even those who work a “six-day shift” can easily prepare for the main feast of the year.

Starting from December 30, 2017, the New Year holidays will be considered officially open and will last until January 8 inclusive. And on January 9, everyone will be able to rush to their workplaces and begin fulfilling their professional duties.

Let us note that in 2018 there will be one more day off than in 2017, which means that Russians have a chance to celebrate the New Year, Christmas and, of course, the Old New Year on a grand scale.

If you study carefully, it will become clear that the New Year holidays themselves will last until January 6, and the Christmas holidays will begin on the 6th. Considering that January 6 and 7 are days off (Saturday and Sunday), March 9 (Friday) and May 2 (Wednesday) automatically become non-working days.

You may have a question: on what basis do all these transfers and shifts in the production calendar occur? The answer can easily be found in Russian legislation, where the rule is clearly stated - if a public holiday falls on a calendar weekend (and therefore on Saturday or Sunday), then it must be moved to the next Monday or any convenient date.

It’s hard to say right away what this date will be, because it is being discussed in the State Duma. Only after finally reaching an agreement, officials issue a legislative act on the transfer and make it public.

Surprisingly, Russia is considered almost the only country in the whole world that organizes such a magnificent and long New Year holiday. Many states have long abandoned this tradition, considering it irrational.

As for Russia, the habit of celebrating the New Year and other January holidays for several days in a row has a historical background. It came from Peter the Great, who approved the celebration of the New Year, and then released a new calendar.

It was this innovation that gave all adults and children a chance to enjoy the atmosphere of the winter holidays and relax over the entire past year, remembering its brightest moments.

Other January celebrations in 2018

In addition to the New Year holidays that are familiar to us, there are a number of Russian celebrations that are also customarily celebrated in our society. Of course, these days are not so grandiose, but still, they can be celebrated with friends or loved ones.

For example, if the day is dedicated to customs service workers, and you work in this area, then it would be appropriate to order a magnificent banquet and celebrate this celebration with songs and dances together with your colleagues.

  • 01/01/2018 — World Peace Day
  • 01/11/2018 — International Thank You Day and Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks
  • 01/12/2018 — Day of employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
  • 01/13/2018 — Vasilyev Evening, Melanka, Russian Press Day
  • 01/14/2018 — Day of the Russian Pipeline Troops and Old New Year
  • 01/15/2018 — World Religion Day and Education Day of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
  • 01/18/2018 — Epiphany Christmas Eve
  • 01/19/2018 — Epiphany of the Lord

  • 01/21/2018 — Postgraduate Student Day, International Hug Day and Russian Engineering Troops Day
  • 01/22/2018 — World Snow Day and Day of the Russian Air Defense Forces
  • 01/25/2018 — Day of Navigators of the Russian Navy and Tatyana’s Day (Student’s Day)
  • 01/26/2018 — International Customs Day
  • 01/27/2018 — International Holocaust Remembrance Day
  • 01/28/2018 — International Day for Personal Data Protection
  • 01/29/2018 — International Day without the Internet
  • 01/31/2018 - International Jeweler's Day.

Ideas for celebrating the New Year 2018

If you are at a loss on how to organize a grand feast on the occasion of the New Year, we invite you to pay attention to a selection of original ideas that are sure to make these New Year holidays unforgettable.

  • Unusual table for the New Year. Are you tired of standing at the stove every year and preparing “Olivier”, “Shuba” and other traditional dishes for the holiday? Then try to change this habit a little - order cuisine from another country in a restaurant and thereby you will be able to diversify not only your palette of taste preferences, but also that of all the guests present.
  • New Year in nature. If you go outdoors on New Year's Eve, set up tents, light a fire and sing songs with a guitar, wrapped in warm blankets, you will surely remember this unusual New Year for a long time. True, this idea will be possible if the Hydrometeorological Center does not predict severe frosts. Otherwise, you risk getting sick and then you won’t want to celebrate anymore.

  • New Year without alcohol. We are all used to celebrating the New Year with a glass of champagne in our hands. What if you change this tradition and try to enter the new year 2018 without alcoholic beverages on the table. They can be replaced with juices, delicious tea or sparkling water.
  • New Year in warm countries. There is nothing better than traveling from a cold and gray city to a sunny, faraway country. Here you will certainly be able to spend the New Year holidays at the highest level and get a lot of positive emotions.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation has prepared a project for postponing weekends in 2018. It differs from the schedule according to which Russians lived in 2017. Details are in the material Federal News Agency.

How to relax for the New Year in 2018

In 2017, December 30, which is considered a working day, fortunately fell on a Saturday, so it can be considered the beginning of the long New Year holidays. Official holidays at the end of December - beginning of January will continue from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2017, that is, a whole 10 days.

Postponement of holidays in January 2018

Next year, as well as this year, during the New Year holidays, two official holidays coincide with weekends. That is why the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation proposes to postpone these days, adding them to other holidays as a bonus. And this is what happens:

  • day off 6th January(Saturday) may be rescheduled to 9th of March(Friday);
  • day off Jan. 7(Sunday) may be rescheduled to May 2(Wednesday).

As stated in the text of the document of the Ministry of Labor, these transfers will be made in accordance with the second part of Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Let us remind you that on January 7, Russia celebrates the second most important (after Easter) Orthodox holiday - Nativity.

Weekend changes in 2018

The main change compared to 2017 is not only that officials are proposing to increase the number of days off in March and May at the expense of two days that fall during the January holidays.

Officials also propose to organize the transfer of weekends from April 28, the 9th of June And December 29th(these three days fall on Saturday) - on April 30, June 11 And 31th of December(this is Mondays). The Ministry of Labor is confident that such changes will help organizations and companies plan their working hours in advance. This means that it will be convenient for the residents of the country.

How to relax in spring

Following the calendar, officials are preparing a long weekend for us in 2018. So, in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russians will be able to rest for three days, and in honor of International Women's Day on March 8 - even four.

Before the Spring and Labor Festival, Russians will also be awarded a good mini-vacation - from April 29 to May 2. At the same time, although Victory Day is a day off, the surrounding days are not. On both May 8 and May 10, the residents of our country will have to work hard.

How to relax in summer and autumn

In the summer, the time for vacations begins: if one of the Russians is deprived of such happiness, then he can only console himself with the weekend. Both regular and unscheduled - in honor of Russia Day. In 2018, the Ministry of Labor proposes to make the period from June 10 to June 12 a day off.

Also, three days will be allocated to residents of Russia in November - on the occasion of National Unity Day. From November 3 to 5, people will have the opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of work and relax a little.

Reaction to the new calendar

Social media reaction to the new schedule has so far been muted. Users simply share information. Silent for now Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who is known for his harsh statements regarding the vacation schedule of Russians.

So, several years ago he proposed canceling the New Year holidays, making January 2 a working day. According to him, the best gift for Russians would be the complete cancellation of the long-running New Year holidays. However, other deputies were able to defend the holiday calendar, adopted in the mid-2000s and giving Russians long winter holidays.

A little later, Zhirinovsky softened his position: all holidays need to be removed, leaving only three days off (January 1, May 9 and June 12). Instead, he proposed giving Russians 30 days of vacation annually, as well as 15 days when they could rest beyond this schedule. Individually, independently, without general festivities.

Official holidays in Russia in 2018

Let's summarize. If the proposal of the Ministry of Labor is approved, then Russians will be able to vacation on the following dates:

  • New Year holidays and Christmas (December 30, 2017 – January 8, 2018);
  • weekend in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23–25);
  • International Women's Day weekend (8-11 March);
  • weekend in honor of the Spring and Labor Festival (April 29 – May 2);
  • day off in honor of Victory Day (May 9);
  • weekend in honor of Russia Day (June 10–12);
  • weekend in honor of National Unity Day (November 3–5).

For the past few years, January has been the shortest month in terms of the number of work shifts in the production calendar in Russia. If previously Russians went to work a couple of days after New Year's Eve, now the rest lasts more than a week. Recently, various news has appeared that Duma deputies want to take away the January holidays and return to the previous order. We remind you how we rest for the New Year and Christmas in 2018 - days off for the January holidays according to the officially approved production calendar.

Weekend in January 2018: how we relax for the New Year holidays and Christmas

New Year and Christmas holidays for working Russians in 2017-2018 will last ten days: from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2018.

The news about the approval of the production calendar for 2018 is surprising and remarkable in its own way - the media reported about this event at least three times during 2017. In the summer, the production calendar was drawn up, approved in early autumn, and officially approved in mid-autumn. In fact, we were told about the same thing three times, so those who regularly read the latest news did not miss the schedule of working days and weekends for 2018.

Those who constantly read the news did not miss the message that deputies of the State Duma, among the priority bills for the fall of 2017, were going to consider a plan to revise the list of holidays and weekends. And the new holiday reform was primarily supposed to affect the New Year holidays, which, according to the authors of the initiative, are unacceptably long.

Nothing more has been heard about the fate of the bill to significantly shorten the New Year holidays for working Russians, and it is unlikely to affect the coming New Year, even if passed. The above New Year's weekend dates for the coming new year are officially approved and will not have to be revised, like all the others.

In 2017-2018, the New Year holidays turned out to be ten days due to the fact that the last two days of 2017, which fortunately fell on Saturday and Sunday, were added to the standard eight days of rest from January 1 to 8: December 30 and 31.

The New Year and Christmas weekend in Russia is enshrined in the Labor Code, which states that in our country January 1-6, as well as January 8, are New Year holidays, and January 7 is Christmas. All these days are official non-working days.

In total, the Labor Code provides for 14 additional days off per year due to holidays. Eight of them occur in January.

It is curious that since two of the eight days of the New Year's weekend in 2018 fall on Saturday and Sunday, then, according to the existing rules, for these days the rule of moving the day off to another date applies. True, if usually the next Monday becomes a day off in such cases, then the January weekend is moved to other months of the year, so that it is convenient for establishing days off in connection with other public holidays. The government ordered two January weekends in such a way that one of them was postponed to March, the second to May.

New Year's holidays, due to their length, have in recent years become an excellent time for families to spend this time together. Since school holidays also fall on the same dates, residents of Russia have a good opportunity to relax with the whole family, either by traveling during the holidays, or simply walking or spending time at home. New Year is a very family holiday and, for all its mass appeal, personal, far from any politics or ideology. We hope that State Duma deputies will not encroach on the established good order and will not cancel the long January holiday, which is so important for many of our compatriots.

The New Year is always a time of hope for a better future soon. And although, of course, these hopes are not always justified, Russians, as in childhood, continue to remain optimistic and believe that with the change of year their lives will change. Happy New Year holidays and Merry Christmas to you!

It's nice to plan things in advance, especially when it comes to holidays. For example, knowing in advance how we are going to relax for the New Year 2018 is useful for planning the New Year holidays: going with your family to relax in warmer climes or go skiing. The government has already determined how much rest we will have next year.

We are already accustomed to the fact that after the New Year a week of vacation awaits us; this is the time when we can visit relatives, visit old friends, or take a break from the office somewhere in a house on the edge of a snowy forest or on the shore of a warm sea. This time, the New Year's weekend begins on December 30, and all because December 31 falls on a Sunday. Finally, many will have the opportunity to leisurely prepare for the holiday. Even those who work on Saturdays will be able to devote the entire day to preparations. If you count how many days the holidays will last, it will be as many as 10 days. Workers, in accordance with the six-day work schedule, will celebrate 9 days, which is also not bad. There were nine-day holidays this year in 2017. In general, the production calendar looks like this:

Thanks to the Russian law on postponing holidays if they fall on a weekend, i.e. Saturday or Sunday, some more good news awaits us - the postponement of holidays. Russia is one of the few states that adhere to this practice. In particular, January 6 and 7 are considered holidays; from the 6th to the 7th, the entire Orthodox population celebrates the holy holiday of the Nativity of Christ. These days fall on Saturday and Sunday, respectively, therefore, according to the law, they join other holiday dates: January 6 is moved to March 9, and January 7 to May 2.

There will be one holiday in February - February 23rd, which has recently been classified as a weekend. It will be on Friday, so we will officially rest for 3 days in a row - February 23, 24 and 25 - this is for those who do not work on Saturday and Sunday.

In March, as already noted, March 9 will be a day off, thanks to the postponement of January 6, so you can celebrate International Women's Day for 4 days: from March 8 to March 11 inclusive.

Weekends are expected to be postponed in April. Due to the fact that May 1 and 2 are Tuesday and Wednesday, after the weekend of April 28 and 29, the working population would have to return to their posts on April 30, but this will not happen, since the government has extended the pre-holiday work week, making Saturday a working day during the day. The day off has been moved to April 30, so a four-day vacation will begin on April 29, which will last until May 2 inclusive.

Of course, we also remember about Victory Day - May 9. The memorable date falls in the middle of the working week, and the day will be a day off.

However, the pleasures don't end there. The fact is that in 2018 there will be more holidays classified as official days off:

  • June 9 - Russia Day;
  • November 4 is National Unity Day.

As it turned out, they also fall on the weekend, so they are postponed: June 9 (Saturday) is postponed to June 11 (Monday), so we rest from the 9th to the 11th, and November 4 (Sunday) - to November 5 (Monday): we will celebrate from November 3 to 5.

But that's not all. The government has already taken care of the 2019 New Year holidays. It is already known that December 29 will become a working day, and the day off will be moved to Monday December 31, so in 2019 the winter holidays will also begin earlier: not from January 1, but from December 30, just like in 2018. But until exactly when the 2019 New Year holidays will last will be known later.

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