Female thinking and male psychology. Female and male thinking. Peculiarities of male and female thinking

Male thinking style

Our brain is still largely a mystery to scientists. But they continue to conduct research to determine how it works and why. Here are some of the data from various studies.

The parietal lobe is larger in men than in women. This part of the brain:

Estimates time;

Estimates speed;

Visualizes objects in three dimensions;

Solve math problems.

Our sense of direction is also influenced by this part of the brain, which may indicate why men are generally better at finding directions and why they are better at navigating with maps. Men have 4% more brain cells than women and approximately 100 grams more brain tissue. In cases of injury to the left hemisphere of the brain, a man's speech is less likely to recover as well as the speech of a woman with similar damage.

Blood flows faster in the vessels supplying the brain in women than in men. This feature largely compensates for brain aging. Loss of brain tissue during aging is greater in men; The left part of the frontal cortex, which is responsible for self-control, especially shrinks. This tissue loss becomes noticeable on brain scans by age 45.

The male brain operates under the influence of many hormones, including testosterone. The male brain is superior to the female in such qualities as:



Spatial and mathematical skills;

Gender-related aggression.

How often does the male brain think about “this”

Only four to six areas of the brain help men evaluate other people's behavior. For women, fourteen to sixteen areas are involved in this task. This explains why men find it difficult to read facial expressions and body language.

Research shows that men tend to mistake friendliness and smiling for sexual interest.

Men see the world in a sexier way than women because they have 10 to 20 times more testosterone. In one study, men were asked not to think about anything; It turned out that, left to their own devices, men most often think about sex or about sports competitions (including those with their own participation - be it football or table tennis). The average man will think about sex about once per minute.

Doesn't this give some insight into why the men in your life sometimes act so strangely?

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Undoubtedly, men and women are very different from each other in physical strength, brain activity, emotions... And these differences are not only on a genetic basis, but also in socio-historical development. For a long time, men and women had different rights, different social roles and responsibilities.

What's the difference?

Let's look at the main differences between a man and a woman.

Thinking process. Women always think specifically, with all the details and details, and often use intuition in this matter. And men, on the contrary, think logically and rationally, abstractly and spatially. At the same time, the weaker sex devotes its thoughts to family and relationships with relatives, while the stronger sex often thinks about career, self-realization and work. Therefore, you should not quarrel because the husband talks about work, and the wife suddenly decides to go for a ride and visit relatives.

Interests. Women are most interested in love, relationships between people, communication and mutual understanding. And men are passionate about competition, leadership and the opportunity to show their abilities. This is why men love football and hockey so much, and women can endlessly watch melodramas, even if they are all similar to each other.

Capabilities . The fair half of humanity has developed verbal abilities, while the strong half has developed analytical abilities. It is not surprising that women love to chat with their friends on the phone, while men prefer to learn news from newspapers and the Internet.

Critical situations. Since female thinking is focused on details, it cannot quickly react in critical situations. It slows down. But a man quickly reacts to an event and instantly mobilizes, ready to solve all problems here and now. This is why a man can quickly fall in love and quickly cool down, when a woman needs long courtship, and after breaking up she cannot cool down her feelings for a long time.

Mind . A man thinks and looks for a solution himself, and this is called mind. A woman tries to get the same result at minimal cost, and this is called cunning. The weaker sex prefers not to use their minds so often, but this does not mean that they are stupider than the stronger half of humanity.

Communication . Men and women behave differently in a new team. If a woman devotes more time to strengthening her connections and establishing relationships, then a man will do everything to simply be the first in this team.

The random number generator won the women's logic tournament.

Before I get into practical advice, I want to tell you about my perception of women.
I know I know. Every woman is unique and inimitable. But several years of studying female psychology and communicating with women led me to the conclusion that these words apply to anything, but not to communication with men. In this area, women have many more similarities than differences. First, let's discuss what they have in common, and then focus on the differences.
For most men, women are like Chinese puzzles - for the most part, female behavior seems completely illogical and meaningless to them. And I think you've noticed that most women THINK differently than most men and WANT things that are different from what most men want. Many men repeatedly see confirmation of this with their own eyes, but very few think about it and draw conclusions. But, in fact, the sooner you realize what is happening around you, the sooner you will achieve success in communicating with women.
Have you ever paid attention to how women talk to each other? This usually happens according to the following scheme:
  1. Discussion of what happened or what they saw.
  2. Discuss how they feel about it.
  3. An abrupt transition to another topic, related in some detail to the previous one.
  4. Return to point 1.
Most men will consider the direction of such a conversation to be absolutely pointless. Amazing, right?
Have you ever wondered which entertainment is more preferred by women and which by men? Women buy fashion magazines, watch soap operas and read romance novels. Men buy Playboy, watch football and read newspapers. Just think about it carefully. What do a fashion magazine, a soap opera and a romance novel have in common? Why don't most men understand what's interesting about these things? Why do women’s conversations with each other seem devoid of meaning and direction to men? Why do men want sex more and women want long-term relationships more? Why do men act as takers and women act as givers? Yes, very simple. This is because the female brain is structured differently from the male brain. That's all. This is what lies on the surface. Do you want to know the underlying reasons for these differences in the thinking of women and men? Then the following paragraphs are written for you.
It is unlikely that it will be a secret for you that both men and women enter into intimate relationships under the rule of one of the most powerful instincts - the instinct of procreation. Moreover, women need men as much as we need women. And believe me, they love sex as much as we do. But the psychological attitude towards intimacy is completely different: a man is usually obsessed solely with the need for physical contact with his partner, and for most women this need is accompanied by a subconscious attitude towards sexual intercourse as the process of conceiving a child. That is, as a rule, for him a sexual relationship is just an insignificant, but very pleasant event on his way, and for her it is an internal desire to see the man next to her as the father of her future children.

Both men and women, as if assuming themselves to be carriers of unique genes, strive to leave behind offspring endowed with these genes. But if for a man the best guarantee that his offspring will walk the planet is the maximum possible number of sexual contacts with different women, then for a woman such a guarantee can only be provided by prolonged physical intimacy with one partner whom she considers the MOST WORTHY candidate. Therefore, for her, a sexual relationship is an event on a MUCH GREATER SCALE than for him. This is the main difference and the main reason for all the actions of women towards men, which lead the latter into confusion, bewilderment and even anger. Understand: they do all this because they are driven by the desire to give birth and continuation of a new life. The notorious female logic also originates here: it is necessary to provide yourself and your child with the benefits of life, and physical competition with men is practically impossible. I will not cover this topic in more detail - this is material for sites of a slightly different focus. But it’s important that you think about these things so that in the future you don’t get offended, angry, or lose your temper every time you don’t understand female behavior.
A few more words about women's logic. It has been scientifically proven that on average, women have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, while men have a more developed left hemisphere. And, apparently, it is this difference that makes mutual understanding between the sexes so difficult. But I want to bring to your attention my own abstract concept of the structure of the female brain, which I call the concept of the “Double Brain”. It's pretty simple. Imagine that women have two brains: FRONT and BACK. One of them is a “guard” who protects a woman from “danger”. It is he who prompts her to say, “Let’s be friends,” or “This is too fast for me,” or “Today I just want to talk.” This is the forebrain, which is responsible for speech. And most of the time you can ignore what he says. The other brain is located "behind" the forebrain. He controls body movements, facial expressions, glances, and the desire to touch a man. This is the brain that you want to reach and which will take over during sex (the “front” brain will be forced to shut up and give in at this moment).
This concept may seem primitive to you, but it surprisingly accurately reflects the real state of affairs. For example, when you talk to a woman, both brains listen to you (unless the woman is drunk - in which case the forebrain is asleep). The hindbrain craves pleasure and fun, while the forebrain shapes a woman’s speech, fetters her, and prevents her from relaxing. When a woman says "No" or "Let's be friends," often the hindbrain may think and act very differently. You will see this in her burning eyes, in her excitement, in her reddened skin, in her uncertain, whining intonation, in her slightly parted lips, etc. Therefore, when you communicate with a woman, watch NOT HER WORDS, BUT HER BODY LANGUAGE. You will learn more about it in the article "

First of all, it is worth understanding how the female type of thinking differs from the male one. The point is not who is smarter, but that in the same situation, women's thoughts will differ from men's.

Differences between male and female thinking

In men who are accustomed to relying on logic, the right hemisphere is more involved, which helps them build a consistent chain of actions on the way to the goal. Many men like to think simply for the sake of the process itself, for the sake of distraction from pressing matters, which is why there are so many philosophers among the stronger half of humanity.

In women, the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imaginative and multitasking thinking, is more actively involved. A woman, as most experts think, will not think exclusively about how to submit the annual report - she will have time to “figure out” what shoes she should buy for the party and what to feed her husband in the evening. It is not difficult for her to simultaneously listen to the news on the radio, chat with a friend and look after the child. Ladies do not like to develop step-by-step instructions, but see the picture “as a whole.” Therefore, women's actions often seem inconsistent, completely unrelated to each other.

A few more features of female thinking:

  • Scientists think that women switch faster from the right hemisphere to the left. As a result, there is a constant sharp transition from logic to emotions and back. By the way, this feature can be turned to your advantage: if a girl goes into conflict, it is enough to simply kiss her unexpectedly or give her a bouquet of flowers - and she will “melt”.
  • A woman, as a homemaker, always looks at the future and evaluates information with an eye to the future.
  • Women have better developed intuition. They can quickly make the right spiritual decisions in a complex, ambiguous environment, but they are not always able to offer clear arguments in favor of these decisions.

Who is smarter - men or women?

For many centuries, the world has been dominated by the dogma that men are smarter than women. There are still dozens of scientific theories in use that explain this difference in intellectual development.

Some features of women's perception and thinking are so obvious that even the most stubborn skeptics cannot deny them. For example, tests confirm that women cope well with tasks that involve fine motor skills of the hands; they are more receptive to sign information. Typically, women can quickly list objects of the same category or name words that begin with the same letter.

However, men, for the most part, have more developed spatial thinking. Complex mathematical or spatial calculations are their strong point. Men perform better on almost any test that requires the use of three-dimensional thinking.

The most popular theory that tries to explain these differences insists that it all comes down to different quantitative ratios of white and gray matter in the brains of men and women. Men have five to six times more gray matter, which is responsible for processing information and building logical connections. But women have more white matter, which is responsible for the interaction between different parts of the brain. Perhaps it is this feature of the female brain that contributes to the spread of the stereotype about multitasking female thinking.

The dogma about the mental superiority of men is refuted by the results of one interesting scientific study by New Zealand scientists. This study, published in the summer of 2012, showed that men and women are intellectually equal, and often women are even smarter. This conclusion was confirmed by numerous IQ tests conducted over several years in different countries of the world.

Previously, women were slightly behind men in the development of intellectual abilities, experts emphasize. But recently this gap has disappeared. There may be several reasons for this, but one of the main ones is that women were able to quickly adapt to the innovations that the modern dynamic world throws at us in huge quantities. Today, women have to establish a family life and build a career; they have a large number of opportunities for self-realization. All this contributes to enhanced brain development.

In turn, many scientists persistently continue to deny gender stereotypes. Yes, girls pay attention to small details more often, show excellent results in verbal tests, and boys are better at imagining an object in three dimensions. But the point may not be in the structure of their brain, but simply in their upbringing. Boys often spend a lot of time outside, playing group sports games (which develop spatial orientation). Girls, on the other hand, generally spend more time at home, communicating with relatives, which contributes to the development of verbal skills. Of course, experts emphasize, biological determinism cannot be completely denied, but it is insignificant compared to how plastic and universal our brain is.

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