How long does it take for a child to adapt to a new formula? How to understand that formula is not suitable for a child? Pediatricians' recommendations for choosing formula milk. Difficulty feeding

Mothers who are breastfeeding need to carefully plan their diet so that the baby grows healthy and strong. Together with milk, he receives vitamins, beneficial bacteria - everything that a newborn needs. Any changes in diet can lead to an allergic reaction, indigestion, constipation, and colic.

The situation is different with those babies who are forced to be content with formula milk. Artificial feeding is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor; it is the pediatrician who can recommend a change in product, as well as a specific manufacturer that produces a quality product.

It is best to entrust the selection of formula to a leading pediatrician who is knowledgeable about the characteristics of a particular child’s body.

When should the mixture be replaced?

Often mothers are looking for another mixture for financial reasons - an inexpensive analogue. In this case, you should consult with specialists. The pediatrician has accumulated a wealth of experience over the years of his work; he knows exactly which mixture meets safety requirements, but at the same time does not break the bank (we recommend reading:). Today on the market you can find a wide variety of products from domestic and foreign manufacturers - there is always an alternative.

Symptoms will help you understand whether the formula is suitable for your child or whether you need to switch to special feeding. It is quite simple to determine that a product is poorly absorbed - the baby has:

  • development of anemia;
  • bowel dysfunction for a long time;
  • allergic reactions;
  • frequent bloating;
  • The child has grown up - a planned transition is needed.

If, after taking the mixture, the baby begins to burp, there is bloating or abnormal bowel movements - most likely, this type of nutrition is not suitable

Purchasing a mixture taking into account the characteristics of the body

A huge selection of mixtures on store shelves allows you to change it correctly, taking into account all the characteristics of the child’s body. For example, for babies with frequent belching, mixtures with gum are offered, which will calm the microflora of the stomach. When a child is lactose intolerant, purchase a special baby food without it, and if you are allergic to protein, a mixture with soy ingredients is suitable. A special mixture should also be given for anemia; pediatricians recommend a diet high in iron.

Most often, you have to switch to a special diet when there are signs of dysbiosis. Artificial products are not enriched with bacteria for the stomach, so the classic mixture is not suitable for children with digestive problems - they need to introduce probiotics into their diet, but only with the permission of the pediatrician.

If the baby suffers from an allergy to cow's milk, he is given a mixture with goat or soy milk (more details in the article:). Protein obtained by hydrolysis is often used. Useful elements are preserved, but there is no harm to the body. Be that as it may, baby food should be purchased only after consulting a doctor.

How to change your baby's formula: basic principles

It is not necessary to switch the child to another formula spontaneously. You must follow the recommendations:

  1. Act gradually, do not abruptly cancel the old diet, as a malfunction will occur in the stomach, stool will be disrupted, which will lead to diarrhea and dehydration. Smoothness is very important if you want to give a formula from another manufacturer.
  2. Gradual replacement occurs not only in the case of different brands and compositions; When you change a diet that is not appropriate for an older child, do it gradually. One or two weeks is quite enough.
  3. If you want to change the brand, dilute the product in different containers. At one feeding, give the bottles one at a time: first the new one, and then the old one. Changing diet according to age is easier: the powders can be mixed in one bottle.
  4. The transition to a new diet due to age requires a gradual increase in the diet. Every couple of days you add a spoonful of new powder instead of the old one - the dosage gradually increases.

To introduce a new mixture according to age, you will need to mix it with the usual one for some time and gradually change the proportions

Scheme of transition from one mixture to another

How should the transition take place? If you change the brand of baby food, you will need two bottles. Once every two days you need to change the diet, increasing the volume new mixture and reducing the volume of the old one. For example, when your baby eats 180 ml of formula, you can plan the diet as follows:

  • first or second day – 30 ml of water + 1 teaspoon of new mixture / 150 ml of water + 5 spoons of old;
  • 3-4 days – 60 ml water + 2 spoons / 120 ml + 4 spoons;
  • 4-6 days - 3 spoons and 90 ml of water in each bottle;
  • 7-8 beats – 120 ml water + 4 spoons / 60 ml + 2 spoons;
  • 9-10 – 160 ml water + 5 spoons / 30 ml + 1 spoon;
  • Day 11-12 – the mixture is completely replaced.

Changing nutrition according to age occurs in a similar way, only now the powders can be mixed with each other. A sample diet looks like this:

  • first or second day – 1 spoon of fresh powder + 5 spoons of old;
  • 3-4 days – 2 tablespoons fresh + 4 – old;
  • 4-6 days – 3 spoons of each type;
  • 7-8 days – 4 spoons of fresh + 2 – old;
  • 9-10 days – 5 spoons of fresh + 1 – old;
  • Days 11-12 – complete transition.

It is impossible to know in advance how the body will react, but if the baby accepts the replacement normally, you can reduce the time frame slightly. Just add new volume daily.

You can find out the body’s reaction to a new mixture only after the child has taken it - you need to carefully monitor changes in digestion

Difficulty changing diet

The transition to a new feeding is deliberately extended - the child’s body needs time to get used to the unusual diet. The stomach must adapt and digest mixtures normally. Reasonable caution will never be superfluous, especially when it comes to a baby - often the body begins to react negatively. The child develops the following symptoms:

  1. bloating;
  2. colic;
  3. diarrhea.

If signs of the disorder continue for more than 3 days, the baby’s condition constantly worsens, the baby becomes restless, consult a pediatrician. Perhaps the selected mixture did not suit you and you need to replace it with another product.

If the unpleasant symptoms of intestinal disorders and skin rashes do not go away, the baby should be shown to a doctor
  1. To ensure that the transition goes well, as planned, draw up a table with a transition schedule that will reflect the volumes, days, and reactions of the child’s body to the changes. The doctor will be able to understand whether the diet is suitable for the child.
  2. The powder must be diluted as indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. If the baby cannot eat enough, simply increase the amount of mixture by 30 ml. It is strictly forbidden to leave the same volume of water and add more powder.
  3. Transition, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is always stressful for the body. Colic will be a common problem for your baby, so try to alleviate his condition by doing massages, cuddling him, warming him with the warmth of your body - the baby feels mother's love, even if you feed him artificially (we recommend reading:).

The best nutrition for infant is mother's milk. But there are situations when it is necessary to introduce supplementary feeding - additional nutrition - an adapted milk formula. The introduction of supplementary feeding is required when there is a shortage of breast milk, when the baby does not get enough to eat, requires breastfeeding earlier than 2.5 hours after the end of the previous feeding, and does not gain weight well. Another indication for introducing the mixture is the mother’s prescription of therapy that is incompatible with natural feeding (treatment of cancer, serious hormonal therapy). Another reason may be group or rhesus conflict. In exceptional cases, it is recommended to discontinue breast milk and introduce formula when the mother is prescribed antibiotics (in most cases, this situation does not require nutritional correction), as well as in very severe and decompensated lactase deficiency or atopic dermatitis (most often, in these cases, treatment is given to the child without discontinuation breast milk, but sometimes it is necessary to introduce a medicinal formula and switch to mixed or artificial feeding).

The child may react to the introduction of the mixture by worsening his condition. Reactions to the mixture can be in the form of skin rashes, abdominal pain, changes in the nature of the stool (the appearance of green, mucus, constipation). Late regurgitation or “fountain” regurgitation may occur. Problems that existed before the introduction of supplementary feeding may intensify, or new symptoms may appear. Deterioration occurs due to the immaturity of the adaptation systems of each baby under 4 months, so any change in nutrition at this age can lead to breakdowns.

Also, the reason for the deterioration of the condition may be the baby’s individual immunity to a specific mixture. To assess the individual reaction to the mixture, you need to track changes in condition according to criteria - skin, stool, behavior (anxiety, regurgitation) - from the initial state. That is, before introducing the mixture, you need to remember or write down all the problems that the baby has, and, when you start giving the mixture, track the changes. If deterioration occurs, do not remove the mixture immediately, but continue to give it in the same amount in which the problems were noticed. If the deterioration is associated with adaptation difficulties, then within 2 - 3 days the reactions will end and the child’s condition will return to the original level, if the deterioration is severe and does not go away within 4 days, this means that this mixture is not suitable for the child and you need to try another one. Therefore, there is no need to immediately buy a large amount of a mixture that the child has not tried before.

The mixture must be introduced gradually. Start with 10 - 20 grams of the prepared formula (no more than 30 grams, which corresponds to a scoop of dry formula), give it after breastfeeding. On the first day, you can give a small amount of formula at each feeding or at some feedings. On the second day and each subsequent day, the amount of the mixture can be increased by introducing a measuring spoon into the feeding. If the formula is introduced for supplementary feeding (if there is a lack of breast milk), you can do either mixed feedings (both breast and formula in one feeding), or some breastfeedings, and some completely with formula. Gradual introduction of the mixture reduces the risk of reactions to administration. If the mixture suits the child, that is, does not cause any reactions, then this mixture should not be changed (you can only change the number - the level of the mixture according to age). The mixture of one stage to the mixture of the next stage also changes gradually: the replacement is carried out in 5 - 7 days, one measuring spoon is changed at each feeding.

Adaptation is the totality of the work of the immune and digestive systems, when the body recognizes and remembers something new. In young children, the process of getting used to new food usually lasts up to 7-14 days. It is during this period that reactions to the introduction of a new mixture may occur. If the adaptation process has passed, the baby eats a certain formula for a long time, and suddenly he begins to have problems with the skin or tummy, then the formula (and nutrition in general) has nothing to do with it: the problem must be looked for in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and the diet should not be changed.

Pediatrician Yuri Kopanev

The birth of a baby is not only a long-awaited miracle, but also a large burden of responsibility. new life. The most important thing at first is to provide quality nutrition to your child. It has long been known that breast milk is the most necessary and proper food for a newborn. It meets all the baby’s nutritional needs, contains microelements that help the young body adapt to new conditions, and provides strength for the formation and growth of tissues.

Difficulty feeding

But due to many circumstances, not all mothers can count on precious milk. And some deliberately refuse breastfeeding, because they want to preserve their figure. For many, milk disappears some time after birth for various physiological reasons.

Types of products

Every mother who finds herself in this situation naturally has a question: how to choose a formula for a newborn? There are many types of milk formulas on the Russian market. First you need to figure out how they differ. The main difference between all types of mixtures is the age of the child. has a certain composition, for older children it is already different. This is not surprising, because the body’s need for microelements and various vitamins changes as the baby grows. Mixtures vary in consistency. Liquid mixtures are more convenient, because they are ready for use and only require heating. But the choice of liquid mixtures is still a privilege of large cities, since they have a short shelf life and require certain transportation conditions. Dry mixtures are presented in almost every supermarket and children's food store in a wide variety. They are easy to store and prepare. Powdered milk mixtures differ in composition. Most formulas for newborns are based on cow's milk, but they are also made from goat's milk, as well as from soy, with the addition of bifidobacteria and probiotics. There are a wide variety of formulas for newborns. How to choose the right one is up to mothers to decide, based on their own experience and observation of the child’s behavior.


The price category varies from 200 rubles or more, depending on the composition, manufacturer’s brand and packaging. In this case, price is not the answer to the question of what formula to feed a newborn - more expensive or cheaper? Both domestic and foreign manufacturers are distinguished by good quality. Inexpensive milk formulas, usually from a Russian manufacturer, are well absorbed by many children, while expensive formulas from a European manufacturer may contain GMOs and various vegetable oils. Whether he will accept it or not can only be understood with an individual approach. When switching to artificial feeding, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician about the baby’s nutrition and how to understand that the formula is not suitable for the child. If certain physical indicators are present, the doctor may recommend a specialized milk formula containing a particular microelement.

Child's reaction

So, we have decided how to choose a formula for a newborn. Now you need to see the baby’s reaction to the new food. You should not change the mixture at the first unsuccessful attempt. Adaptation to a new product takes about three days for a baby. For the first time, you should give your baby one measuring spoon of the prepared milk formula to try, on the second day - two spoons, and then increase by one serving. When a new product is suddenly introduced into the diet, there may be a severe allergic reaction due to its large intake into the body. If he accepted it and was satisfied, then it suited him. Although there is no guarantee that he will use it constantly. Over time, many mothers had to change formulas, more than once.

Symptoms that let you know something is wrong

What if this is not the case? And how do you know if formula is not suitable for your child? The most indicative option is the appearance of a rash on the child’s skin, the so-called diathesis. It can be on the face or other parts of the body, so it is necessary to carefully examine the baby when swaddling. Constipation or, conversely, diarrhea also indicates the indigestibility of this product. Does your baby cry while eating or after? Are you experiencing colic, gas, or bloating? Infant formula for newborn baby? It also happens that the baby simply does not swallow it, burps and closes his mouth. All of these are indicators that formula is not suitable for the baby. Often the baby eats it, but over time he becomes lethargic and does not gain weight. This is also a very important sign indicating that the milk formula needs to be changed.

Consultations with doctors

If some time has already passed and the formula has not yet been selected, you should consult with your pediatrician about formula for newborns. How to choose the right one from the many baby foods on the market today? Pediatricians recommend finding out in advance what mixture is given to the newborn in the maternity hospital, and how he reacted to it. It is also necessary to be tested to see if the child has allergies. To select a suitable pediatrician should be considered with the utmost seriousness. Thus, in case of intestinal dysbiosis, pediatricians recommend giving the baby the milk formula “Nutrilon Comfort”, “Nan Fermented Milk”, “Bifidus”. If a child has regurgitation and vomiting syndrome - “Nutrilon Ar (antireflux)”, “Similak Izovok”, “Granny’s Basket for children with regurgitation and constipation”. With low body weight and slow weight gain, as well as if the child was born prematurely, pediatricians recommend such milk formulas as Nutrilon Pre, Nan Pre, Enfalak, Hipp Pre. The prefix “pre” indicates that the product is intended for debilitated children. In severe cases and lactose, with a weakened postoperative period, pediatricians recommend the mixtures “Frisopel”, “Pepti-Junior”, “Portagen”, “Humana GA” and “Hipp GA”. For intestinal infections, as well as with reduced activity of the lactase enzyme in the intestines, and a tendency to diarrhea, choose the milk mixture “Babushkino Lukoshko without lactose,” “Al 110,” “Nan” and “Nutrilon” lactose-free. For newborns without health problems, pediatricians recommend choosing adapted milk formulas, that is, those close in composition to breast milk. These are very popular products - such as “Nutrilon”, “Frisolak”, “Nestozhen”, “Nan”, “Agusha”, “Bona”, “Nutrilak”, “Babushkino Basket”.

Personal experience

To the question of how to understand that formula is not suitable for a child, many mothers can confidently answer using the example of their own baby. But in order not to spend extra money on buying expensive formula for newborns in order to determine the reaction to one spoon, and also to preserve your nerves and the health of your baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition when purchasing a product.


It is very important to consider the expiration date and method of preparing the mixture. It sometimes happens that mothers cannot answer the question: “How do you understand that formula is not suitable for your child?” At the same time, they prepare the formula incorrectly, which leads to colic or regurgitation in the child after feeding. It must be diluted only in boiled water, the temperature of which is about 37 degrees, and exactly the amount of the mixture that is indicated in the table on the package. Ready-made milk formula for newborns should not be stored for more than an hour; cookies should not be dissolved in it for “fullness.” The bottle and nipple must be sterile. You should not overfeed your baby. Perhaps the mixture suited him, but due to overeating he will start regurgitating and vomiting. If you follow the rules for preparing and storing milk formula and carefully monitor your baby’s reactions when feeding, if you follow the pediatrician’s recommendations on choosing a milk formula, the question of which formula to feed your newborn will no longer arise, and most importantly, the baby will be full and satisfied , which means mom will be happy too.

Very often, for certain reasons, a young mother cannot feed her baby naturally, and then breast milk analogues and adapted milk formulas come to the rescue. But feeding with formula milk has several rules that must be followed.

Before purchasing formula for feeding your baby, you should consult your pediatrician. It is necessary to carefully read all the inscriptions on the label of the formula packaging, where all the data is indicated: the qualitative composition of the mixture, the child’s age recommended for this mixture, the method of preparation and the shelf life when opened and closed.

For more information about the composition of infant formula, as well as unacceptable and necessary additives, read

What you need to know about infant formula

Infant formulas are made from cow's milk, maximally adapted to the standard of balanced nutritional components and nutritional value - breast milk. For adaptation, innovative technologies are used to modify food components at specialized enterprises under strict control in compliance with all hygienic requirements that apply to baby food products.

Milk formulas are divided according to medical and age indications, but there are no fundamental differences between feeding formulas produced by different companies, and the principles of proper preparation and feeding of a child with formula do not differ from each other. So, what do young parents need to know to properly feed their baby formula?

First of all, you need to remember the following - you need to purchase nutritional formula only in pharmacies or specialized children's stores, having first carefully checked the packaging for damage to the surface and the expiration date.

For more information on how to choose a formula, as well as a review of the most popular infant formulas, read

Safety regulations

Formula is given to the baby from a special measuring bottle with a nipple. To prepare milk formula, you must also purchase special water, baby water, and boil it.

Baby dishes must be free of any defects, they must be carefully looked after, after each feeding the bottle must be rinsed under running warm water, washed feeding utensils must be placed at the bottom of a large pan on a towel for sterilization, bottles and nipples should be boiled for 10 minutes in a closed pan, then they should be removed from the water, placed on a clean towel and allowed to dry. Read more about how to properly wash and sterilize baby bottles

The hole in the nipple for feeding should be such that the baby does not choke on the freely flowing formula, but at the same time, so that the baby does not waste his last strength sucking the mixture. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of nipples for feeding, but it is better to choose a special orthodontic nipple; such a nipple fits better into the baby’s mouth, and the movements of his tongue are as close as possible to the movements when sucking on the mother’s breast. Read about choosing the right nipple for a bottle

It is necessary to prepare the milk formula immediately before feeding the baby, and when preparing it, you should strictly follow the requirements on its packaging. There is no need to try to make the mixture thicker, as this can lead to a deterioration in the child’s well-being.

The required amount of boiled water cooled to 40-50 degrees is poured into a dry, clean bottle, then the required amount of dry mixture is poured from the packaging with a measuring spoon into the bottle, after which the bottle should be shaken well until completely dissolved.

Never heat formula in a microwave oven; the temperature difference between the surface of the bottle and its contents can be quite significant, and you will burn your baby. Before giving the mixture to your baby, you need to check its temperature by applying a few drops of the mixture to your wrist. Formula should be warm, not hot.

You should not re-feed your child uneaten formula, or prepare the formula for future use. If you had to prepare the mixture in advance for several feedings, then it should only be stored in the refrigerator and no more than a day. Infant formula is an excellent base for the proliferation of various types of pathogenic microorganisms, so the formula for feeding your baby should be prepared new each time.

Changing a child's diet based on advertising is not the best the best option, because the choice of baby food is now huge, and it’s very easy to make a mistake.

Therefore, if there is a need to change the formula, you should consult your pediatrician.

How to feed formula?

When preparing the mixture, do not fuss or rush, otherwise you may make various mistakes. If the bottle in which the baby food was prepared suddenly bursts, you should not pour the mixture into another bottle, it is better to prepare a new one.

The amount of formula that the baby eats during feeding may vary, but this should not alarm the young mother; this is completely normal, since the baby has different appetites at different times of the day.

Never force your child to finish the entire amount of formula in the bottle; the baby himself knows how much he needs to eat in order to be satisfied.

Read about how much and how often a child should eat formula.

Sometimes the question arises about how best to feed your baby - in a crib or in your arms. Some are inclined to believe that only in their arms, since this way he experiences greater unity with the person feeding him, and some young parents believe that feeding a child in a crib is intended to accustom him to independence. In fact, choose exactly the method that suits you and your baby equally. After feeding, be sure to hold the baby in an upright position in a “column” position so that he can burp the air that gets into his tummy during feeding.

Communication with the baby during feeding is one of the important points; try to make the baby feel your care and love for him, give him as much attention as possible.

It is necessary to feed the child taking into account his age and appetite. The child needs to get used to each new mixture, so the mixture is first administered in small doses. You cannot feed your baby formula milk based only on beautiful packaging, without taking into account the individual characteristics of his body.

Read about how to find out if the formula is right for your child and how to switch to another formula.

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