What can be drawn on the family coat of arms. How to draw a family coat of arms for school and kindergarten: sample templates. How to draw a family coat of arms step by step with a pencil

Symbolic images telling about the virtues of a certain kind were actively used by people back in ancient times. This tradition has not lost its relevance even after many centuries. Already in pre-revolutionary Russia, the family coat of arms was an integral attribute of any noble family. Now it is not only a symbol of the continuity of generations, but also a worthy way to unite a family. Creating your own family emblem is an incredibly exciting creative process that cannot leave anyone indifferent. Let us dwell in more detail on the question of how to draw the family coat of arms.

Identifying common values ​​and interests

First of all, you need to decide on the theme of the image. Perhaps one of the family’s ancestors had their own symbol, the details of which will become the basis for the future coat of arms. If such information could not be found, then it would be useful to organize a collective meeting. The presence of all family members is mandatory. The purpose of such a council should be to identify common values, interests and hobbies. For example, fans of sports and outdoor activities can take a soccer ball, cap or backpack as the basis for the image. Connoisseurs of home warmth and comfort should consider using a candle or a burning fireplace as a background. If it was not possible to come to a common denominator regarding common values ​​and hobbies, then some universal symbol can be taken as the basis for the coat of arms. Examples of such images will be discussed below.

Also, the motto or slogan of the family, reflecting a kind of generic “creed,” should also become a reason for general discussion. Brevity, capacity and conciseness in this case are only welcome. Such sonorous signatures as “moving forward”, “warriors of light” or “generous and forgiving” evoke only positive emotions and give rise to a sense of pride in one’s own family. However, the use of a slogan is far from a prerequisite. If this stage of creating a coat of arms causes any difficulties, you can turn to it last or omit it altogether.

Working out image details

The process of creating a coat of arms should begin with drawing the background. Its role can be played by any object that reflects the hobbies and interests of the family, as well as various standard elements. The latter include all kinds of geometric shapes, trees, the coat of arms or flag of the country, a knight's helmet, shield or order. It is desirable that the background design not only look as catchy and impressive as possible, but also be close in spirit to all family members. Here are a few examples of images that can serve as a worthy basis for a family coat of arms.

Having decided on the background of the coat of arms, you can move on to choosing iconic family symbols. Often their role is played by the first letters of first and last names, paintings, and all kinds of decorative elements. Having information about ancestors will help in developing the details of the coat of arms. Professions, title, hobbies or lifestyle of descendants - all this information can be wisely used when creating an image. It is important that the selected details fit harmoniously against the background of the drawn base. The attached video will help our readers decide on the question of how to draw a family coat of arms.

Meanings of flowers and animals

Before you begin to “revive” the coat of arms, you need to inquire about the symbolism of various colors. In heraldry, a whole section is devoted to this issue. The same symbol, decorated in different colors, can have completely opposite meanings. Here are interpretations of several popular shades:

red – courage and bravery;

blue (blue) – beauty, greatness, fidelity, development, movement forward;

black – sadness, prudence, humility;

golden – wealth, power, faith, justice and mercy;

silver – purity, nobility;

green – freedom, joy, hope;

purple – generosity and piety.

It is worth noting that many modern families create family coats of arms, guided not so much by heraldic canons, but by their own tastes and preferences. In this case, the color is selected taking into account the aesthetic principles of composition. If images of animals are used as the background or details of the coat of arms, then it is still worth paying attention to their interpretation. After all, some of them may have very unexpected, and sometimes even negative, connotations. Here are the meanings of the animals most often used in heraldry:

bull - labor and patience, a symbol of cattle breeding and fertility;

wolf - anger, greed, gluttony (often depicted as a sign of victory over the enemy);

bear – strength and forethought;

cat - independence;

Leo – power, strength, courage and generosity;

sheep - meekness, kindness, symbol of rural life;

boar - fearlessness and power;

deer is a symbol of a warrior running after the enemy.

Thus, creating your own family coat of arms is not so much a complex and time-consuming process as an exciting one. Searching for information about ancestors, drawing up a slogan, selecting symbols, preparing sketches - each of these stages is interesting in its own way. In addition, a common cause brings the family together in the best possible way and gives a feeling of unity. And an excellent result will be the best confirmation of the effectiveness of collective creativity.

How often do parents, having come home and hastily had dinner, disperse into corners, each minding their own business, leaving the children to their own devices. How often, when asked by a child to play with him, adults, under various pretexts, avoid it, hiding behind a mask of busyness their inability, ignorance and even fear of playing with their child.

Really, how can you interest your baby? How to gather the whole family at one children's table and have a fun, interesting evening or even a day off? How to easily get everyone to think, dream and create together? Let's try to answer these questions.

Family coat of arms

One of the best topics for joint games, lessons, and creativity is creation of a family coat of arms with your own hands. This idea can gather all household members around the desktop, force them to use their imagination and create truly beautiful things. The result of this work, in addition to uniting the social unit, will allow the child to develop pride in belonging to such a wonderful family, as well as the opportunity to use this family heraldic sign to represent his surname in kindergarten or school.

What is a family coat of arms? Without considering its encyclopedic definition, we can independently formulate the following. Family coat of arms – graphic or sculptural composition or an emblem that schematically depicts the history of the family, the occupation and hobbies of each member, as well as the most important values ​​​​characteristic of all family members. So how to draw a family coat of arms?

Components of heraldic symbols

According to all the laws of heraldry, any coat of arms must include the following main elements:

  • a shield, which is the basis and connecting part of the composition;
  • top – an image that gives completeness to the upper part of the composition;
  • framing;
  • family motto.

The mechanism for creating a family coat of arms

How do you still draw a family coat of arms? To begin with, with all household members it is necessary to organize a mini-school, having conducted a short lesson on knowledge of the basic heraldic canons, namely:

  • what do certain colors used to create coats of arms mean;
  • the meaning of images of plants, animals and birds;
  • what some objects and signs symbolize.

After this, you can download from the Internet and print templates and the basic forms of shields used in the design of heraldic signs. In this case, it is important to immediately discuss, after listening to everyone’s opinion, the shape of the shield you like, as well as the need to divide it into parts. This is necessary in order to depict in each part something characteristic of each, for example, some symbols of profession, hobby, moral qualities, for example: care - in the form of covering palms, kindness - in the form of a heart, and so on.

It is worth recalling that when drawing it is necessary to avoid negative aspects and create family heraldry, leaving only what everyone is proud of. There is no need to symbolize the now drinking grandfather, who previously served on a submarine, in the form of a bottle of vodka; it is better to remember his past achievements, drawing a submarine on the coat of arms.

Next, you should invite your relatives to draw a complete sketch on their own, without looking at each other, outlining how he sees the image of each family member, and organize a competition for the most successful work. Moreover, the author of the composition must explain to everyone what exactly is drawn in his drawing, and protect himself from the tricky questions of an impromptu jury.

Having selected and approved the most liked drawings at the general council, you can move on to the general layout and placement of images on the board.

To prevent household members from getting bored at this moment, you need to instruct them to come up with the text of the motto. Alternatively, you can use some folk wisdom, but it is better if it is your own, unique text, like, for example, Ostap Bender: “Always!”

After this it is necessary discuss the complete layout of the project:

Can be used as a base for a motto ribbon or arc, placing them both in the center of the composition and above or below. As a top you can use, for example, a sun. And the frame, if you decide to place one, can also be elements of a joint family hobby, for example, fishing rods or cacti.

Having decided all the design issues, you can create the final image of the family coat of arms.

Use of the family coat of arms

Having drawn the entire coat of arms as a whole and approved it by household members, you must digitize the image. Having an electronic version of joint creativity in hand, it is worth ordering a cliche with a family coat of arms from stamp manufacturing companies. It can be used to label textbooks at school, pictures in kindergarten, or books in a personal library.

The main thing is that the coat of arms was created through the joint efforts of all family members. And this is worth a lot!

Family coat of arms is a distinctive sign that is dedicated to a specific family and consists of a number of elements located on a characteristic shield. The elements are heraldic elements, through the analysis of which it is possible to put together an overall picture that can show the main features of the family for which it was created.

Who may have a coat of arms:

  • By country and city. As you know, most countries, as well as localities, have a unique coat of arms.
  • From a private person. A person who wants to display the features of his character visually can order a coat of arms.
  • With family. A family coat of arms is something special that can become a symbol of not just a family, but also many generations of the same family.

When did they start creating family coats of arms?

It is not known for sure, but we can say with confidence that there were many burgher families in the Holy Roman Empire (Germany). Each had a coat of arms.

Over time, this tradition was partly forgotten, but not completely, so even today you can meet people who have a family coat of arms.

Who is heraldry intended for?

The answer is simple - it will suit everyone. Since ancient times, family coats of arms were created for families of peasants, ordinary fishermen, atheists, and priests of various faiths.

As for nationalities, this does not matter– in different countries of the world, people of different religions founded their own family coats of arms, which were passed on to their descendants.

Why create a family coat of arms

Each family can choose the answer to this question for itself. The fact is that the purposes of creating a coat of arms can be different. Among them:

  • Family representatives want to pass on information, which characterizes the genus, to its descendants.
  • Symbolic family unification will help its members unite and gain something in common.
  • Just create an interesting piece of furniture, which will not only decorate the room, but will also carry an important meaning.

A family that has its own family coat of arms is perceived by others in a special way.
In addition, family members will be proud of such an interesting and somewhat rare attribute in our time.

How a family coat of arms is created, stages of development

You can make a coat of arms yourself, there are even many master classes on the Internet, but it will, rather, be just an interesting image that will decorate the room chosen by its creator.

A real family coat of arms can be developed and created by a master heraldist who knows many of the subtleties of creating symbols dedicated to a particular family.

What are the possible execution options:

  • Graphic arts. Graphic images are created on paper, it can be gouache or watercolor. The size varies depending on the client’s wishes, but the standard is A4, 30x20 cm.
  • Painting. Done on canvas with oil.

Each of the options looks different, the graphics are less smooth and natural, but look somewhat more aged. And even if you plan to order a coat of arms now, after receiving it, when looking at the symbolism, it will seem as if it has come down to us from ancient times, from the ancestors of the family.

The picture looks natural, more modern, the colors are a little brighter.
As a bonus, when ordering a coat of arms, you are offered to receive an electronic version of the work.

It can be used on the Internet, as well as for individual purposes, when you need, say, to create a certain type of interior design (for example, printing photo wallpapers, images on a suspended ceiling fabric). The customer is given not only an outline, but also a full scan.

Stages of developing a family coat of arms

Let's consider the main stages of creating and developing a family family coat of arms.

1. First of all, information about family members is collected

If there is important or even insignificant information about distant ancestors, it is all provided to the heraldist. Information is used not only to provide a general picture of family characteristics, but also to determine values. For example, a family is honest because its members did not commit deception that could change their lives.

They often use information about family members who served in the war. For example, grandfather did not surrender and did not convey important government information. In the modern interpretation, they often take pride in the fact that the family does not support corruption.

There are families where being a doctor is not just a job or profession, but a vocation that is passed down from generation to generation. The family coat of arms in this case will necessarily reflect medical symbolism.

Once values, priorities and characteristics are identified, a family tree is developed. It is also better to create a family motto, coordinating it with the customer.

2. Definition of non-heraldic figures

We are talking about simple symbolism that came to us from the past. There are entire databases of symbols and interpretations of various figures, animals and birds that symbolize something human.

For example, the pelican displays devotion. A torch with a book will talk about a continuous thirst for knowledge, and crossed sabers will talk about important events in life related to battles or war.

3. Development of a small coat of arms

When a shield is selected, it must be divided into semantic parts, the so-called elements. One of the best options is to divide the shield into three parts (maybe more or less - a lot depends on the shape).

Again, shades are chosen based on history, goals, occupational characteristics of family members and other factors. If this is a very cheerful and positive family, bright colors are chosen. Stricter and darker ones are suitable for those people who run a serious business and achieve success.

It’s easy to choose colors and textures based on the data in the corresponding catalog. At the same time, it is important to correctly combine shades so that they match each other and give an overall picture that matches the desires and characteristics of family members.

4. Adding a helmet, crest and mantle

The development of a family coat of arms may be accompanied by the addition of a helmet, crest and mantle. This rule is typical for residents of Russia, but other nationalities may have different rules.

5. Large coat of arms

All elements are collected here, including the middle coat of arms, the motto, which was selected at the first stage, as well as heraldry. Often the middle coat of arms is held by men, for example, in the form of Cossacks.

This all gives an overall picture of the family coat of arms. You can also add crowns, a mantle, a military tent. Instead of male Cossacks, animals are also often placed, say, two lions, which stand on their hind legs and lean on the coat of arms.

Where can you use a family coat of arms?

The family coat of arms can be used at your own discretion, since an electronic version is issued.

If you decide to create or order a family coat of arms, be sure to save it on a computer, flash drive or other reliable electronic media.

One of the main educational tasks of education is to instill love and respect for loved ones. Creative projects at school help attract children's attention to genealogy. Such a task could be drawing up a family coat of arms. Of course, kids can’t do this without the help of adults, so parents should learn some features of the process in advance to help their child draw the symbol correctly.

The history of the creation of family coats of arms

The first mentions of family coats of arms as an identifying symbol in knightly duels appeared in the 12th century in Europe. At this time, the link between generations was the prerogative of the nobility and nobility. In Russia, this heraldic insignia appeared in the 17th century and was largely predetermined by Polish influence due to the political relations of the states that had developed by that time. The coats of arms acquired their originality during the reign of PeterI, who founded the Department of Heraldry at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. And decades later, the coat of arms of the clan became an artistic reflection of the place of a particular clan in society and its values. Today the family insignia symbolizes:

  • the significance of the family in the course of historical events;
  • respect for cultural traditions;
  • national identity and pride.

It is also important to note that family heraldry is passed down from generation to generation along with the family name and property.

Photo gallery: Coats of arms of noble families

The heraldic sign of the Russian noble family of the Pushkins. This was the coat of arms of the Sforza family - one of the ruling dynasties of Italy. And this is the symbol of the Sivers, the count and noble Danish family. The coat of arms that belonged to the boyar family of the Romanovs

Rules for creating a family coat of arms for a school

Before you start drawing a family coat of arms, you need to think about its meaning. It is best if each point of the symbol’s semantic content is discussed at a family council in the presence of representatives of several generations. You will need to do the following:

  1. Write down in a few sentences the history of all family members.
  2. Find out the common character traits of ancestors and contemporaries.
  3. Explore the hobbies and professions of your relatives.
  4. Identify objects and places that are significant to the family.

To facilitate the work of collecting information, it can be carried out in the form of a “brainstorming”: all data is recorded, from which the significant ones are then selected.

After this, you can begin to develop the design of the coat of arms, and then, combining content with form, complete the heraldic sign with an appropriate color design and motto.

Making a symbol with your own hands (with drawing samples)

Drawing a heraldic insignia of a clan is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There should be no random elements in it: all details, inscriptions and colors must be carefully thought out and justified by the general concept of the symbol.

A diamond-shaped shield in the Middle Ages indicated that the heraldic symbol was passed down in the family through the female line, which means that the owner of the coat of arms was a woman.

The family coat of arms can be made according to this model

First you need to decide on the shape of the heraldic sign. She may be:

  • national (inherent in the coat of arms of a particular country);
  • geometric (more universal).

Any coat of arms consists of several parts:

  • crest (feathers or other helmet decorations);
  • helmet (a sign of protection of the family coat of arms);
  • mantle (decorative elements that serve as decoration for the shield);
  • shield (the main part symbolizing the protection of the clan from enemies);
  • motto (life credo of family members).

There are two types of figures that fit into the shield:

  • main heraldic designs (placed in different parts of the shield, which differ as follows: head - a strip running in the upper part; tip, located below; belt - in the middle of the shield, pillar - vertically in the center; left or right band; rafter - a kind of arrow in lower third of the shield);
  • secondary figures (square, rhombus, rectangle inside the shield).

There are such ways of placing the main heraldic designs on the shield

The symbolism of the heraldic sign is the element that is placed in the center of the shield. Most often these are images of representatives of the animal world or natural phenomena. Here are the meanings of some of them:

  • eagle - the personification of power;
  • a dog is a sign of fidelity;
  • the snake indicates the wisdom of the family;
  • dragon is a symbol of power;
  • the bear shows that the family is strong in its unity;
  • palm branch - victory in any endeavor;
  • the book personifies the outstanding mental abilities of the representatives of the family.

The color scheme of the family coat of arms is selected in accordance with the meaning of a particular shade:

  • yellow (in heraldry it is called “gold”) indicates that the representatives of the clan are fair, generous and honest;
  • white (“silver”) symbolizes innocence and purity;
  • red (“scarlet”) shows courage, bravery and courage of the family;
  • blue (“azure”) is evidence of loyalty and honesty;
  • green (“green”) reflects the youth of the family;
  • black (“rabble”) is considered a symbol of modesty and education of family members;
  • violet (“purple”) indicates the nobility, dignity and wisdom of the representatives of the clan.

Based on a combination of symbols, colors and shapes, heraldic insignia suitable for the family are created.

The work ends with the inscription of the motto - a saying, which is located on the tape under the shield. This is a kind of business card, which is no less important for each family member than the surname. As a suitable statement, you can choose a popular proverb:

  • “Family is the support of happiness”;
  • “The family is in a heap, not even a cloud is scary”;
  • “The master’s work is afraid”;
  • “Skill and labor will grind everything”;
  • “In a herd that agrees, even a wolf is not afraid”;
  • "There is safety in numbers";
  • “Courage is the sister of victory” and so on.

Photo gallery: Templates with which you can draw a sign

A knight in armor behind a shield seems to be protecting the family. The shield can be divided into 4 parts and each with a separate symbol. The heart in the center of the shield indicates that family relationships are built on the basis of love. The helmet on the coat of arms should be symbolic.

In the Middle Ages, one of the main symbols of an ancient and rich family was family coats of arms. They decorated shields, flags and palaces of famous people. Today, the fashion for this attribute is returning. Each family should have its own symbol that reflects its history.

Family coat of arms

The family coat of arms, together with the pedigree and family tree, is an integral part of the concept of “ancestry”. If your last name is not very common and ends in -sky, -vich, -tsky, then there is a high probability that your ancestors had such a symbol.

In countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Belarus, data on several thousand coats of arms has been preserved. But if you can’t find yours, you can create it from scratch, because this will add prestige to your family. There are also personal coats of arms. They describe one specific person. The family coat of arms, through artistic means, reflects the basis of the family, its beliefs, views on life and the world. By looking at it, you can better understand your ancestors and determine your place among them. If a person decides to come up with a coat of arms, then he must understand that this is a very difficult matter. Heraldry deals with the study of such symbols.

To create a real family coat of arms, you need to involve the whole family. The best method for this is brainstorming. That is, having gathered together, relatives discuss and offer their ideas for this symbol and choose the best option. To do this, you need to remember the history of the family, the places that are most associated with it, the values ​​passed down from generation to generation, and the hobby that most of those present support. All of this can be compiled into a list of words that best suit your family. For example, these could be strictness, hospitality, activity and fun. Each of these concepts can be shown by family coats of arms. But remember that this is not just a symbol, but the face of the entire family. Therefore, you should think about every detail.

Beginning of work

When starting this creative process, you need to know the components that make up a given symbol. This is a shield, mantle and motto, but in addition to the main parts, a helmet and crest are often added. The base of the entire design will be the shield. Family coats of arms use it as an image of protection from enemies. When creating them, they take the shape of real shields and turn them into a schematic image, the basis for all further drawings. Therefore, first you need to choose what it will look like. There are such forms of shields:

1. National:

Old French (the top looks like a square, the bottom like a rounded diamond);

New French (an inverted rectangle with a curly brace instead of a bottom line);

Spanish (top - square, bottom - circle);

English (similar to New French, but the top line extends beyond the figure and is connected to it by arcs);





2. Geometric:





After looking at each of them, the family will choose one or come up with something of their own, not like the others.

Color design

Family coats of arms have a variety of colors. Each of the selected shades carries some hidden meaning. Heraldry distinguishes three main categories that reveal the meaning of a particular color. The first is natural phenomena, the second is the qualities that characterize the soul and character of a person, the third is philosophical concepts. Each color has certain characteristics:

  1. Gold symbolizes the sun, generosity and generosity, justice.
  2. Silver is a prototype of water, moon and snow. It is characterized by innocence and purity.
  3. Red is fire, love, courage, bravery and bravery.
  4. Azure is reminiscent of the sky, faith, truthfulness and justice.
  5. Green is associated with plants, hope, joy and youth.
  6. Black speaks of closeness to the earth, humility, modesty and education.
  7. Purple combines nobility, wisdom and dignity.

The combination of these colors can be varied. It happens when one color predominates, but most often several of them are harmoniously intertwined. It is important to understand that excessive sloppiness can only ruin everything. It is better to divide the coat of arms into several zones, for example, horizontally or diagonally, and give the selected shades their place. It is very difficult to create a family coat of arms with your own hands, but if you follow simple rules, everything will work out.

Heraldic figures

All figures that can be placed on a shield are traditionally divided into non-heraldic and heraldic. Each of them can be main or secondary. When talking about how to create a family coat of arms, it is important to consider what these figures are. Heraldic ones include:

  • chapter (located at the top of the shield);
  • extremity (occupies the bottom of the shield);
  • pillar (located right in the middle of the shield in a vertical position);
  • belt (also in the middle, but already horizontal);
  • a sling (this is a diagonal wide strip that can run either from right to left or from left to right);
  • rafter;
  • border;
  • cross.

These are the main figures of heraldry, the secondary ones are the square, oval, rhombus, etc. All other figures are non-heraldic.

Non-heraldic figures

Family coats of arms certainly consist of images of people, plants, animals, various objects and natural phenomena that are significant for the family. They also have their own classification. They are divided into mythical (unicorn, dragon, griffin) and natural (sun, stars, animals, plants, etc.). Each image symbolizes something, just like the color. The most common are:

  • eagle - power, strength and independence;
  • dog - devotion and fidelity;
  • dove - purity and peace;
  • bee - enormous endurance and love of work;
  • dragon - strength and courage;
  • palm or laurel branch - victory, leadership and freedom;
  • books or torch - a symbol of knowledge and wisdom;
  • Leo - royalty, generosity, courage and strength;
  • bear - strength and wisdom;
  • snake - caution, foresight and sharp mind;
  • falcon - freedom, intelligence, beauty and courage;
  • rooster - warlike mood;
  • oak - endurance, durability and strength;
  • The olive branch is a famous symbol of peace.

If you skillfully combine some of these images, colors and figures, you will get a very high quality family coat of arms. Photo examples are presented in the article. They distinguish childbirth and families from others.

Correct phrase

In addition to all of the above, there is another small but very important condition for a good coat of arms. This is the motto. Most often it is written on a ribbon under the shield. If the shield is shaped like a circle, then this saying will most likely be written along its borders. In the days of the knights, the motto was a battle cry. Now, a small phrase or sentence that expresses important events for the family is best suited for this role. In addition, the text itself can be encrypted, which will add more mystery. The motto is the calling card of the family, just like the surname, because it conveys the main rule or credo of the entire family. Ideas for creating this saying can be gleaned from proverbs, sayings or quotes from great people.

Creation of a coat of arms

Very often at school a child is given the task of drawing a family coat of arms. Therefore, you and your child need to think through all the details of this symbol. But don’t try to do everything yourself, give the initiative to the young creator. Such joint work will be useful for each of the parties: the adult will more seriously analyze the history and values ​​of the family, and the child will understand the importance of such concepts as family and ancestors. Thus, with your joint efforts you will create a beautiful family coat of arms, a photo of which you will not be ashamed to show to your friends.

Another great reason to create this symbol is the combination of two hearts. It will be a wonderful decoration for a banquet hall, and in the future it will perfectly fit into the interior of your home. You can make a family coat of arms for a wedding yourself or simply order it.

Thus, one of the most important symbols of the family is the coat of arms. If it did not come to you from your ancestors, you can create it yourself. This is a labor-intensive process. All the tips presented above will tell you how to draw a family coat of arms so that it reflects all aspects of the family.

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