Twelve years of marriage. Nickel wedding (12 years) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, sms What does 12 years of marriage mean

When we get married, we make a vow to be each other's support all our lives, to go through all the hardships and difficulties together. And each outstanding wedding date is valued as a small joint step taken side by side. One of them will be discussed. So, 12 years old and what kind of wedding is it?

At twelve, a wedding is called a nickel and it is believed that it is during this period that the family, from a newly formed and fragile unit of society, turns into a strong and stable one, into one that can overcome any obstacles, resist any problems and not split at the same time.

This wedding date is also called the "equator", because, having crossed the 12-year mark, the period of strengthening is left behind. There are decades ahead when the devotion and strength of the marriage promise need only be preserved.

Traditions on this day

It is accepted that it is on this day that the spouses should visit all the memorable places for themselves. Eg:
  • The place where the young people first met;
  • The church where they got married;
  • Places where dates were first held;
  • The park where the wedding photo session took place;
  • The maternity hospital where the first child was born.
It would even be appropriate to bring friends or small children with you. Walking with them, it will be interesting to hear the sweet and romantic stories of their loved ones. Adopt a little happy and sincere emotions.

Another important tradition for the wedding anniversary of 12 years is the "re-marriage". No, it should not look like a real innocent wedding with a white dress, a registry office and a wedding procession. Husband and wife should simply exchange nickel rings, creating a new union into which they will not take any quarrels, misunderstandings or resentments from the past.

The following tradition concerns not only one holiday. A married couple must, during their life together, collect a lot of things from nickel or an alloy in which this element is present. It is by the state of these attributes that it is customary to evaluate how happy a family is. If they shine and shine, then love and harmony boils between them, and if they are untidy and dull, then a misunderstanding boils between young people.

Holiday table features

It is customary among the people that for almost any occasion it is necessary to arrange a banquet, and especially at 12 years of marriage. What is a wedding without festivities, a table, delicious dishes, under which tables bend, and from which guests are delighted. But there are several features of the correct nickel holiday.

Basic Rule

But be that as it may, it is believed that the table for the twelfth anniversary of living together should be minimally fatty and maximally enriched with vitamins. Light salads, vegetables, fruits, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band snacks that are not too heavy for the stomach are best suited for such a holiday. It is this assortment that reflects the easy and happy life of the spouses.

Special Attribute

Celebrating 12 years, what's a wedding without dessert? There must be chocolate at the wedding banquet. The main requirement is that it is not served at the end, but is during the entire celebration. It is chocolate that personifies the sweet and cloudless life. Guests, on the other hand, bring various chocolate products to the culprits, wish them a happy and full of sincere feelings of life together.


The twelfth anniversary is not a small date, it is both refined and weighty. Therefore, they say that noble alcoholic drinks should be poured at the banquet, among which there may be various liqueurs, wines, champagne, martinis. In the cold season, you can give preference to mulled wine.

Holiday with guests

In any couple there is a considerable number of relatives and friends who are ready to share such joy with them. And especially a holiday for a period of 12 years of marriage. What a wedding without guests who will only express their congratulations and wish a happy future and common conquered peaks.

Very handy at the celebration will be a good old teapot or samovar and tea drinking. Since most of these attributes contain nickel in their composition. It will also be correct to treat the guests using cutlery, which also contains nickel particles. It is knives and forks polished to a shine that are a direct demonstration of peace and harmony in the family.

If the spouses still do not have children, children will be the best guests at such a wedding. Since ancient times, it has been said that it is with children's laughter that you need to call the first-born into the house. Agree, the presence of chocolate on the table will make them rejoice.

Gifts to each other

What to give a husband or wife to choose is not so difficult. Everything depends more and more on the size of the allocated budget. The gift can be classic, such as:
  • Dishes;
  • Interior items;
  • Decorations
  • Accessories
The main requirement for such gifts is the content of nickel or nickel alloy in them.. What is given for twelve years of marriage in modern society is somewhat different from the classic examples. Today, couples have almost completely abandoned the principle of containing nickel in gifts. Tickets for concerts or theater, paintings, vacation trips, appliances and even jewelry, but from other metals and precious stones, have become quite popular.

Everyone chooses how, where and with whom to celebrate their nickel wedding. Presentations are also a personal matter. The main thing is the mood with which you are set for the holiday. After all, the main thing is to understand that for twelve years the observance of the previously given oath is not a small part of your life. Even if a big banquet is not planned and expensive gifts are not affordable, celebrate the anniversary together by exchanging nickel rings.

Do you still remember how Mendelssohn's march sounded, how worried the bride was, how mother cried? Do you remember what the weather was like on your wedding day, how the sun shone, how sparkled everything around? If you suddenly forgot, urgently remember, because soon you will be congratulated on your wedding anniversary - 12 years.

If someone thinks that the twelfth anniversary of family life is not an anniversary, he is greatly mistaken. No wonder this wedding was called Nickel. Did you know that in ancient times nickel was considered a precious metal, along with silver and gold?

Holiday Features

No matter when you celebrate this date, in 12 or 12 and a half years, no matter how solemnly you plan to celebrate it, there are rules that you must follow so that a nickel wedding can eventually turn into a silver one.

What has changed in your life since your wedding day? First of all, your status has changed: you are no longer a bride and groom, but a husband and wife, and, most likely, you are already a father and mother, so it would be unreasonable not to involve children in preparing for a family holiday. After all, the more holidays in the family, the stronger the family, and children love holidays no less than their parents.

The name of any wedding anniversary carries a certain meaning. A nickel wedding is no exception. If anyone does not know, nickel is one of the most brilliant metals. What does it say? That your relationship to this day should be as brilliant as on your wedding day.

What if it's not? Remember what they gave you for the wedding. Most likely, among the gifts were cups, plates, pots, etc. you don't throw away a plate or pan if it has lost its luster, do you? A good housewife can restore the original purity of any thing. And what could be more important than your relationship with your husband?

Among other things, nickel is one of the most durable and stable metals. Your marriage has gone through a lot of difficulties so far. You learned to put up with each other, you survived quarrels with your mother-in-law and mother-in-law, and finally you raised wonderful children, and all this was not easy for you. But if you've done it all, you deserve a nickel wedding!

On this day, take a walk around the places where you were on your wedding day, take pictures at the same monuments, go to the same restaurant, at least drink coffee. Just do not forget: your family has grown, so be sure to take your children with you.

What to give for a nickel wedding? A good gift would be any nickel products: from pots to jewelry, a chandelier or a candlestick. The choice is quite large and varied.

You may not be planning on celebrating this anniversary at an expensive restaurant, but that's for the best. You have a wonderful reason to invite people closest to you to visit, surprise your mother-in-law with your culinary talents, prove to your friend that your husband is an exemplary family man, and show your children what a friendly family should be like.

Cupronickel cutlery will look very handy on the table, and for tea drinking, put a samovar polished to a shine on the table.

And when the guests disperse, the tired but happy children fall asleep, remind each other of those feelings that you may have forgotten about in the bustle of the past 12 years. Remember how everything was 12 years ago, and you will live happily until the silver wedding years!

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A wedding is a joyful event in the life of every loving couple. It is on this day that lovers give each other vows of eternal love and create their own family. In addition, the newlyweds register their marriage, so that from now on they can be officially considered husband and wife. After such an important event, the newlyweds are required to comply with all family laws.

From now on, after a while, the husband and wife every year remember the day when they became a full-fledged family. Many on this day gather all relatives and friends to celebrate a memorable date. Others prefer to spend this day together. The main thing is to keep the memory of this joyful day, and continue to love each other as on that very day, and maybe much more. To celebrate “on a grand scale” or not is a purely personal matter, but it’s still worth sitting together and remembering this event. This will allow you to renew your feelings, and if there are any problems in the family, forget about them or look at them from the other side.

Naming 12th wedding anniversary

After 12 years of marriage, the couple is celebrating a nickel wedding. 12 years is a relatively long time for a married couple, so this date can be celebrated in a special way. For 12 years, the family had both good and bad life situations. It will be better if the spouses forget about everything bad and understand how strong and strong their love is.

As you know, nickel is a strong and fairly durable material, which, like a married couple, is able to endure all the hardships coming from the external environment. Previously, nickel was even equated with precious metals, like gold and silver, which suggests that a nickel wedding is an important anniversary among others. The union of two hearts, which has endured as much as 12 years of marriage, which is now quite rare, is worthy of respect.

Nickel Wedding Anniversary Gifts

Each wedding anniversary has both its own name and attributes that are used in the celebration. Nickel wedding was no exception. During the holiday, it would be appropriate to lay out cupronickel devices on the table, which are made of metal containing nickel. Brilliant instruments show the status and longevity of marriage, as well as its strength and strength, like the metal from which they are made.

In addition, there is a tradition regarding a nickel wedding, when the spouses organize a tea party and invite guests to it. For such an event, a table is laid, in the middle of which a brilliant samovar is placed (the samovar is made of metal - a symbol of the anniversary). Samovar means well-being and family comfort that reigns in the house of the spouses. If the "heroes of the occasion" prefer coffee, then you can transform the tradition - brew coffee in a nickel Turk.

What gift to make for a nickel wedding? According to tradition, the spouse must give some kind of precious jewelry, such as earrings, a ring or a chain. Also, a chandelier and candlesticks can be used as a gift. In turn, the wife can give her husband a collection of lighters, a cigarette case or an unusual ring. Guests can give any gifts containing nickel as an anniversary gift. However, traditional gifts are not excluded, such as dishes, kitchen utensils and other things that may be useful in the household.

An unusual approach to celebrating a nickel wedding

Spouses can celebrate the wedding in the circle of relatives and friends on any anniversary. The 12th anniversary - a nickel wedding, is considered a special date in the life of a married couple, which requires a special approach to celebration.

A rather popular trend among modern newlyweds is the celebration of a wedding abroad at sea. In addition, many even enter into official marriages there. In the USA, in addition to the holiday on the seashore, the Retie the Knot ceremony has become popular. In the Russian sense, this can be designated as "Renewal of feelings (oaths)".

What is such a ceremony? "Retie the Knot" is a kind of symbolic ceremony that allows the couple to feel like a bride and groom again. During the ceremony, they will again utter vows of eternal love and fidelity, after which only a holiday will be organized for them. Such a ceremony allows you to “renew” feelings, forget about all existing problems and remember how much spouses love and value each other. The atmosphere of the holiday will be so positive that it will bring a lot of emotions and pleasant memories. The most important thing is that each of the spouses will understand how much he values ​​his soul mate and how much the spouses love each other.

Congratulations on the 12th wedding anniversary in verse

    You have confidently crossed
    In the second ten, gentlemen,
    And love, and loyalty kept,
    Like metal, your family is solid!

    They say that nickel is mined
    The most skilled experts.
    Congratulations on your nickel wedding,
    You guys are just great!

    Twelve is the luckiest number.
    Twelve times you did not let go of the oar,
    And under the champagne fireworks a new raft
    You got along for this new year…

    And bypassed the storms
    Winter, summer, autumn, spring,
    And they were waiting for you, and they looked after you
    Twelve months - and grown to years.

    My friend dear,
    I wish you good luck
    Great happiness with all my heart,
    May success be with you!

    May your friendly family
    Will be a stronghold for you
    You and your husband have been together for many years,
    There is simply no happier couple!

    You've been together for twelve years
    Congratulations on this holiday
    On the love of you yes advice
    Direct with a sincere word.

    Gathered together today
    According to the old tradition
    So that you, the bride and groom,
    They have always been the best couple.

    And let the nickel, strong
    Your family will always be
    Forever fashionable, forever strong
    And it only gets better with age.

    If only to know, if only to know
    What does the coil of fate carry?
    Here comes the nickel wedding
    Arrived within the time limit.
    Let the weekdays not become sulfur!
    Keep the shine
    Harmony and measure
    Believing in the truth of miracles!
    And at a friendly table
    Remember the past!

    Children go to school on their own
    Yes, and you already have a mustache -
    What is family life
    You don't need to explain.
    So, I will praise:
    You lived twelve years
    Rejoiced, did not grieve.
    May this year also
    It will bring you good luck.

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
    12 years you are in peace and in love,
    Let the doubts of the ice now melt,
    You were born for each other!
    Let all adversity leave forever
    They lived in love, in care, so that a hundred years!
    Let feelings with renewed vigor rush again,
    I wish you unknown victories!

Having lived together for 12 years, the couple celebrate the Nickel wedding. It is believed that with its name this anniversary reminds the husband and wife that they must not forget the importance of maintaining cleanliness and radiance in the family. Thus, the newlyweds are hinted that the main guarantee of family happiness is fidelity and care for each other.

It is not necessary to celebrate a nickel wedding splendidly; according to tradition, the spouses spend this day together, walk around memorable places, remember their first dates and the wedding day. As a gift for a wife, jewelry made of nickel or its alloy with silver is perfect. A husband can pick up a keychain or an ashtray made of shiny metal.

Congratulating your friends on this symbolic anniversary is as easy as shelling pears - for a gift, you can choose nickel dishes or buy any other useful thing for the home. Bedding sets, bathrobes, dinner sets, wall clocks will look appropriate.

Interestingly, the second time the couple will celebrate the Nickel wedding exactly 28 years after the wedding. Congratulating friends, you can wish them to live in love and harmony until the next anniversary.

12 years since you've been married...
Not just a number or a date
She carries destiny
12 zodiac signs,
12 months a year.
Nickel is popularly called:
Feelings in the round dance
After all, they have been hardened for years,
So let the union always grow stronger.
And if time is fleeting
Let love turn into eternity.

Twelve years you've been together is a lot:
Hand in hand, soul lives in the soul.
Let the love road never end
And luckily you confidently leads!

Let there be ups, there will be downs,
Help each other in everything.
Work hard, don't rely on luck
Then the house will be cozy, warm!

Rejoice kids, appreciate all the moments,
They are your reward from the Lord from heaven.
Love is both help and patience,
And a lot of work, and a long process!

I congratulate you with all my heart on the nickel wedding, on the 12th anniversary of marriage. This is not much, but not enough, you managed to create a strong fortress and a happy hearth called a family. I wish you further well-being and prosperity, family comfort and warmth, peace and understanding in your home, strong love and unspeakable joy for many years to come.

12 years hand in hand
What could be more important in fate?!
What is your secret to happiness?
There is no more important family in the world!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we sincerely wish you
May it always be so with you!
Hand in hand, eye to eye!

So that sorrows and adversities,
And so that any bad weather,
And happiness together to meet
Not to offend each other!

You've been together for 12 years
This is a happy date.
And there is no more beautiful family
Keep it up, guys!

Let goodness come to the house
Staying alive forever.
Happy Anniversary, Happy Day
I congratulate you heartily!

12 years you save love,
And you forge your own happiness,
Years flew by like a day
Make strong flint out of your feelings.

So that nothing prevents them from growing,
So that happiness walks with you toe to toe,
Love each other, appreciate the minutes,
Don't let your paths diverge.

Caring husband and beautiful wife,
You both deserve happiness in full,
May the family be strong and grow,
And let joy come to visit you soon.

Twelve years of marriage
It's called a nickel wedding.
On such a date, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
We would like to wish you.

Let your house be a full bowl.
We wish you love from the bottom of our hearts.
Please accept our congratulations
And be happy forever!

Your wedding is called nickel.
From time immemorial it has already been conducted:
Who together reached the nickel,
He acquired great happiness.

And now such a craftsman has the right
To teach everyone and live in honor, glory,
Give everyone good advice
For any question have answers.

We wish you great luck
Happiness, darkness money, and nothing else
Many true, loving friends.
And the love of the endless seas for you!

Your marriage has become stronger, it has become strong,
Like amazing metal
What is nickel called?
Only a ray of sun hits -
He will shine.
Not for nothing in the old years,
He was greatly appreciated
And together with gold and silver
Stored in safety.
And you keep your union
Always loving each other
How nickel will become your spouse,
If his wife is next to him.

Your marriage is 12 today!
We want you to always smile
Live only in happiness - beautiful, carefree,
Your love lasted forever!

To take care of each other
Hands would not open in difficulties,
Joy was also shared all the time,
So that only bright days last!

No wonder 12 years of marriage
Crowning the nickel anniversary.
Your marriage, as an ideal, is impeccable,
More stable than metal and whiter.

We heartily congratulate you.
We wish you understanding, smiles,
Love each other so forever
Without quarrels, insults, without any mistakes.

Although nickel is a strong and good metal,
But still his gold is more valuable.
Let's in a year, later,
Let's celebrate your golden anniversary!

Congratulations: 47 in verse, 15 in prose.

Twelve years of marriage is a special holiday for spouses. Their relationship has stood the test of time. Love, support and mutual understanding strengthened the marriage union. A full life cycle has been completed, half the way to a silver wedding, so in the old days they celebrated 12 and a half years of marriage. Now more often celebrate the wedding anniversary of 12 years. What kind of wedding is it, how to celebrate the event and what to give to spouses - this is an exciting question for spouses, their relatives and friends.

What is the name of the 12th wedding anniversary

The relationship of the spouses over the years has gained the hardness of the metal, so the wedding is called nickel. This silver-white metal, which does not tarnish in the sun and is resistant to external influences, successfully symbolizes the strength of the marital union that celebrated the 12th wedding anniversary. Whatever trials fell on the lot of lovers, they only strengthened their marriage.

In other countries, the twelve-year anniversary is called silk or pearl. Organizing a celebration and making it memorable for both the heroes of the occasion and the guests is not an easy task.

Ways to celebrate a holiday

To resurrect in the memory of lovers the first meeting, the birth of their love, bonding by marriage will help visiting places dear to lovers. Together, and preferably with friends, visit the places of acquaintance, the first date, the registry office, where the painting took place, the church where they got married. Prepare in advance, remember the cute details of those events, your feelings, romantic or funny stories that happened to you.

If it is not possible to visit places dear to your heart, you can refresh your memories by watching videos and photos, give guests a short digression into the history of creating a family.

To resurrect the memory of the wedding day will help the staging of the marriage. This does not mean that you need to organize a magnificent wedding.

Scenarios of the ceremony can be different, the simplest is to exchange nickel rings during the celebration. This ceremony symbolizes the onset of a new stage in the relationship between the spouses.

Guests are the first to arrive at the house where the solemn event will be celebrated. They line up in a makeshift alley through which the young pass. Guests can shower spouses who have returned from a romantic walk with silver coins. This is a kind of wish for a rich and prosperous life.

Possible Scenarios

You can organize a holiday Houses, and in a restaurant, inviting many guests or arranging a holiday for two. In order for the celebration of the event to be remembered for a long time, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the celebration, think over the scenario, and provide for the smallest details. Don't leave it "for later". Scenarios can be different: a noisy holiday with guests, a small celebration in a close circle of family and friends, or a romantic evening for two.

For celebration with guests, the table is served with the best sets, polished cupronickel cutlery, dishes and salad bowls made of stainless steel (nickel is present in cupronickel and stainless steel), metal napkin holders. Use snow-white tablecloths and napkins for serving. They are perfectly combined with the brilliance of metal and remind of the thematic nature of the holiday. The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, posters with wishes, funny drawings and inscriptions can be hung on the walls.

There is an interesting custom: silver or cupronickel glasses are placed on the table in front of the heroes of the occasion and champagne is poured into them. After the congratulations, the spouses take a sip from them, and the remaining sparkling wine is poured out to the guests in order to share their joy with them.

The holiday should be fun, with dancing, competitions. If there are many guests, invite a toastmaster to conduct it.

For a small circle of guests, you can arrange a tea party with a tasting of various types of tea and a wedding cake. Fondue is popular among adults and children - it is not only a delicious dessert, but also entertainment. Tea drinking can be arranged in the old style, with a samovar polished to a shine in the center of the table, which symbolizes family comfort and well-being. Turkish coffee can be prepared on the sand and served in a metal coffee pot.

If you do not plan to invite guests, arrange a holiday for two. Book a table at a nice restaurant or cook a homemade candlelight dinner together. Decorate the room with flowers, cover the bed with silk or other beautiful linen, light candles, pick up romantic music, prepare small gifts for each other.

Gift options for husband and wife

A nickel wedding is also called a silk or pearl wedding. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to give gifts not only with metal elements, but also silk items and jewelry.

The husband gives his wife a bouquet and presents a gift that she dreamed of:

  • decorations;
  • a box with metal elements for jewelry;
  • hair clip or comb with metal trim;
  • silk underwear, dressing gown;
  • household appliances.

Women, when choosing a gift for their husband, should focus on the hobbies of their spouse, for example:

Spouses can make a wonderful gift for themselves - a romantic trip on a tour package. Although this gift will not be a surprise, the vivid impressions of a joint holiday will remain for many years.

What to give spouses from guests

When receiving an invitation to a celebration, the question arises of choosing a gift for spouses for a nickel wedding so that it is memorable, useful and enjoyable. The following gifts will remind you of the anniversary:

The gift does not have to be with a hint of the celebrated celebration. You can give something that will give pleasure: household appliances, theater or concert tickets, a portrait of spouses.

Whether it is worth celebrating a nickel wedding, which is not an anniversary, everyone decides for himself. Someone is scared away by the financial costs of the event, someone is the hassle of organizing it. The holiday must be, albeit modest, only for two. After all, marriage is strengthened not only by the joint overcoming of life's adversities, but also by happy hours spent together.

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