Beautiful hairstyles for children 5 years old. Festive hairstyles for girls that are easy to replicate. Prom hairstyle for loose hair

Long hair is very beautiful. But unusual styling and weaving will decorate the girl even more. How your hair is styled is a major part of your look. In this article, you will find tutorials on how to create intricate yet easy hairstyles.

Simple and quick do-it-yourself hairstyles

Everyday hairstyles can be very diverse and elegant, it's not just the usual ponytail or pigtail. It is not necessary to spend a lot of time creating them.

  1. We collect the tail at the back of the head.
  2. Loosen the rubber.
  3. Divide the hair above the gum in half.
  4. We pass the hair through this hole through the top.
  5. We tighten the rubber band.

  1. We repeat the points from the hairstyle "Inverted tail".
  2. We turn the free ends into a tourniquet.
  3. We put it in the hole above the elastic and hide the tip inside.
  4. We fix with pins.

  1. We collect the hair at the crown.
  2. We repeat the "Inverted tail".
  3. We pin the ends at the very gum.
  4. We fix the whole beam with hairpins.

  1. Lightly comb the hair.
  2. We collect curls at the crown and make a loose tourniquet.
  3. We twist the bundle and fasten it with hairpins.
  4. You can pull out a few strands from the hairstyle.

  1. We make a tight smooth tail.
  2. We divide it into 2 parts.
  3. We braid braids from them.
  4. We twist each around the base and fasten it with hairpins.

  1. We collect curls at the back of the head.
  2. We separate the strand from below and weave it into a braid.
  3. Wrap it around the base of the tail.
  4. We hide the tip and fix it with invisibility.

  1. We collect a high smooth tail.
  2. We put on it (a folded piece of fabric, a thick elastic band).
  3. We evenly straighten the hair around the roller and put on an elastic band on top.
  4. We wrap the remaining strands around and attach with hairpins.

  1. We collect the tail at the crown.
  2. We divide in half.
  3. We twist both parts into bundles and weave them together.
  4. We fasten the ends with an elastic band.

  1. We comb the top of the head slightly.
  2. On the sides we twist 2 bundles. We connect at the back.
  3. We fix invisible.

  1. We divide the hair horizontally into 4 parts.
  2. From 3 parts we alternately make inverted tails.
  3. The remaining strands of the previous layer are mixed with the next.
  4. The fourth layer, if desired, is left loose or also collected.

  1. We divide the hair across from ear to ear.
  2. In the upper part we make a straight parting.
  3. Tie both sides into a knot. We level the top strand so that it looks like a neat square.
  4. We fix the styling with a large elegant hairpin under the knot.

  1. We do it on top.
  2. We comb the hair from the temples back and twist it into a tourniquet.
  3. We attach with hairpins and create “cockerels” around the head.
  4. Fluff loose hair.

Such hairstyles are easy to do on your own, they are suitable both for walking and for going to work or school.

Beautiful hairstyles for prom and other holidays

In order to look dazzling at a celebration, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on a hairdresser. Stylish and feminine styling for the holiday can be done with your own hands, using the most common hair products and hairpins.

  1. Gather the hair at the back of the head, leaving 2 strands at the face.
  2. Divide the tail in half and twist the bundles from the halves.
  3. Weave them together and fasten them into a knot with hairpins.
  4. Strands near the face must be curled with a curling iron.
  5. Bring the curls back and pin with hairpins to the bun.

  1. Make a straight cut.
  2. On each side, braid 3 thin ones in the direction of the back of the head.
  3. We connect at the back with the rest of the hair and twist into a knot. We fix with pins.

  1. We curl strands near the face.
  2. We fasten the bangs with invisibility on the crown of the head.
  3. Below we fasten strands from the temples.
  4. We comb the loose hair and put it on the back of the head with the help of hairpins.

  1. We divide the hair across into 2 parts.
  2. Tilt your head forward, weave from the back of the head.
  3. At the crown, we connect with the second half of the hair and collect in the tail.
  4. We comb it and fold it, fastening it with hairpins.

  1. Weave light braids from the face on both sides.
  2. At the back of the head we twist them into bundles and put them on the back of the head with the help of hairpins.

  1. We fasten the tape near the top of the head so that this is not visible.
  2. We begin to weave the spikelet to the side, using the tape as the 3rd strand.
  3. Make sure the ribbon is not twisted.
  4. Slightly stretch the strands for volume.

  1. We make two high ponytails at the crown.
  2. We brush them.
  3. We twist into loose bundles.
  4. We lay in a circle and fasten with hairpins.

  1. We curl the entire hair with the help of curlers.
  2. Lightly comb from the roots.
  3. We twist a couple of loose bundles from the face and fasten it on the back of the head.
  4. A little lower we weave 2 more bundles and connect them crosswise.

  1. We collect the hair in a high tail.
  2. We split it in half.
  3. We comb each half and fold it inward in the form of a bow.
  4. We fasten in the center with hairpins and along the edges so that it keeps its shape.
  5. We twist the free ends crosswise around the parts of the beam, hide and fasten.

  1. We divide the head into 2-3 zones.
  2. We knit each in a tail.
  3. We form flowers from ponytails, bending the hair and fastening it with hairpins.
  4. Cover with varnish.

  1. We curl the hair with a curling iron or.
  2. We comb at the crown for extra volume.
  3. Carefully and symmetrically lay the hanging curls on the back of the head, fixing with hairpins.
  4. Spray with varnish.

  1. We divide the hair from ear to ear.
  2. From the bottom we make an inverted tail and comb it.
  3. We turn it into a roll and fasten it in the recess above the elastic band.
  4. On the upper part we make a side parting and comb.
  5. We fold the ends into bundles and fasten them over the bundle with hairpins.

You can make great hairstyles from long hair, spending a minimum of time. You can also be creative and add your own personality to the image.

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Little girls of kindergarten age and school years are the same future ladies who always want to look beautiful. Hairstyle for them also plays an important role. A beautifully combed girl is always the pride of her parents.

What hairstyles can be created for little princesses, we will describe in our article.

For girls with short hair

Every mother of a girl knows how little time she has to create a beautiful hairstyle for a girl. They, as a rule, quickly tie their hair into ponytails - and run to kindergarten or school. Long hair takes time to take care of. But if it is not there, then you can go with your daughter to the hairdresser, who will make her a wonderful short haircut. Do not be embarrassed that the girl will look monotonous. There are many hairstyles for short haircuts. It is very easy to do children's hairstyles step by step with your own hands.

A good option for a hairstyle for a girl is in the style of a caret. Loose hair themselves fit into a beautiful styling. To diversify such a haircut, a combed girl can with a hairpin at the temple or a bandage in the form of a ribbon, a rim.

Ponytails on the short hair of girls of the nursery or younger group look very provocatively. For older girls, a pair of low ponytails behind the ears will look good. If the bangs are long, then weave the pigtails asymmetrically on one side. It will look even more impressive than just a pinned strand on the side.

Beautiful hairstyle for girls with short hair Lovely Kids

Bright ponytails

You can create a tourniquet of multi-colored rubber bands from the bangs on the sides towards the crown, collecting small strands in ponytails. Divide all hair into two halves with a parting. Start with a small strand at the very bangs and tie a ponytail on the right side. Step back from the base of the ponytail by one and a half centimeters and select the next strand. Tie the end of the ponytail and the selected strand with a new elastic band of a different color. After one and a half centimeters, select the strand again and connect it to the tip of the previous tail. And so on one side you will get a gradual transition from one ponytail to another in the form of a tourniquet, decorated with multi-colored rubber bands. Do the same on the left side, trying to keep the symmetry and alternating the color of the rubber bands in the same way. Get a beautiful hairstyle that you can do quickly and easily with your own hands.

Hairstyles for girls. 6 rubber bands - 2 ponytails


Similarly to the previous method, you can make a round “wreath” if you connect the ponytails in a circle, starting from any ear towards the back of the head, knit ponytails. The last end of the ponytail from the bangs towards the ear, from which they began to make a wreath, must be hidden along the elastic band of the first ponytail.

Hairstyle "Wreath" of ponytails for a little girl


You can dream up at your leisure at home and try to experiment with weaving ponytails on your own. In such training, beautiful styling in haste is obtained. For example, a beautiful mesh can be made from ponytails. This is an easy hairstyle, the implementation of which does not require great skills.

The mesh begins to be made from the bangs and the temporal part, where several ponytails are symmetrically tied at the same distance from each other, 4-5 cm. Then each ponytail is divided in half and the halves are connected with the addition of a new strand in the next row, closer to the crown. And so they continue to do a new row in a checkerboard pattern from ear to ear, including halves of ponytails from bangs. Gradually, up to the top of your head, a mesh of hair will emerge; you can tie a ponytail at the top of your head if your hair allows.

Hairstyle mesh of elastic bands Hairstyles for girls

Braiding long hair

Today varied weaving braid is very popular. For girls, you can braid pigtails in a classic style, in the form of a "spikelet". The decoration of the braid can be a bright ribbon woven into the braid, which at the end can be tied with a beautiful bow.

The braid can be braided at one temple and then thrown over the bangs to the second ear so that a rim is obtained from it. You can, starting from the bangs, make 4 small braids to the top of the head and tie their ends with the rest of the hair in a ponytail. Hairstyles for children are recommended step by step if you are doing this for the first time.

Hairstyle for medium hair for girls. Hairstyle butterfly hair. hair style butterfly


To perform the weaving "Ladder", special abilities are not needed, since it is based on a simple weaving of braids for girls. Hair is picked up at the crown in a ponytail. Then a small strand is separated on the right side, which is woven in the form of an ordinary “spikelet”. After the first crossing of the strands, you need to select a thin curl from under the tail and include it in the braid on the left. Then weave further, adding strands only on the left side, taken from the tail. It turns out a "ladder" around the tail. The hair looks very nice.

Fake caret + Ladder braid ❤ Hairstyle for medium, short, long hair to yourself


Weaving starts from the left ear and across the hair reaches the right ear. On the left side near the ear, take a small strand and divide it into three parts. Braid the first three strands like a regular braid. Then select a strand under the braid at the level of weaving. The strand that turned out to be inside in the first binding is replaced by a new one from under the braid: it rises up, and the one that crosses it from above does not participate in weaving further. She freely falls down. Instead, a new strand stands out from under the braid, which is woven from the bottom up. It turns out a transverse weave, from which curls of hair flow freely down. This weaving is very beautiful, and it can be used both for a holiday and for an ordinary day.

Hairstyle French Waterfall for Medium Long Hair Tutorial| Hairstyle French Waterfall | Video Lesson

"Flowers" of braided braids

If, in a normal braid, loosen and pull out strands of hair on one side, and then twist the braid into a “flower” with the curls pulled out, you will get a beautiful “flower”. You can fix it with a hairpin and lightly sprinkle with varnish to fix it. Such "flowers" can decorate a hairstyle from loose curled hair for the holidays.

Braided hairstyle. Weaving from plaits. Hairstyle step by step with your own hands.Braided updo.

Having a daughter, every mother is simply obliged to have at least the simplest skills for creating hairstyles for her girl. In any case, she should have a couple of images in stock. In the modern world, any woman, referring to her employment, would like to spend as little time as possible to comb her hair and gather her daughter in kindergarten ik or school. This article will serve as an excellent instruction for moms. It contains simple hairstyles for girls for short, medium and long hair, the implementation of which will take no more than 5 minutes. And also selected more than 30 photos of various styling options that are suitable for every day and for a holiday, kindergarten and school.

When collecting your daughter for kindergarten or school, it is important to style her hair so that it does not interfere and maintains a neat appearance all day. This is quite a feasible task for mothers, even those who can only make ordinary tails and weave simple braids. After all, on the basis of these banal styling, you can make cute options. How to make a simple hairstyle for a girl and, at the same time, give her some kind of “zest”, read on and find out.

Simple hairstyles for school

On weekdays or on holidays, even at school, girls, like true fashionistas, want to look good and show off their appearance to their friend. Mom will come to the rescue here. Consider beautiful and simple hairstyles for school for girls with different hair lengths.

We put long hair to school - simply and quickly

By school time, most girls let their hair go long. It's easy to put them on. And there are a lot of different styling options. Difficult let them be for special occasions. And for every day, light and simple hairstyles are important.

Hair styling in the form of flagella has been very popular lately. Moms love them for their ease of use. They look neat and interesting. It can be two tails with flagella on the sides, and weaving from two bundles with strands grabbing and shaped into a tail. The photo shows them.

Upon completion of weaving, fluff the resulting braid a little by pulling the strands from the elastic. Thus, adding volume to it and giving it a beautiful look.

You can leave a larger ponytail by twisting it. Why not an option for a children's hairstyle for a holiday? Put on a beautiful dress and go.

Two braids look no worse, made in the same way with the help of ponytails and elastic bands. Decorate them with your daughter's favorite hairpins and she will be happy.

Silicone rubber bands can still be used when styling children's hair so that individual strands do not crumble. Since the hairs of children are often soft and fluffy. Which is especially true for short hair. But for long curls, this is the best option to hide regrown bangs.

When sorting out simple hairstyles for girls for long hair, one cannot but mention the tails. A banal tail can be transformed by adding some showiness and playfulness. For example, decorate it with weaving or make it with constrictions using the hair itself.

For those who like to collect all the hair up, there are also interesting ideas. For example, weave two braids and twist them into bundles. Or arrange one bunch with a special bagel accessory and decorate with a bright bow. And you can also contrive and make a fashionable styling in three beams. It turns out beautiful and simple and not only.

Easy school hairstyles for medium hair length

Hair of medium length or just below the shoulders also allows you to perform quite a few experiments with them. It is worth taking note of the styling with scrolling ponytails. Looks interesting, very easy to do.

But all the girls will definitely like such an interesting and original hairstyle in the form of two hearts. To do this, you need to make two tails, turn them. Then dividing each ponytail into two parts, twist them into flagella and secure with an elastic band at the bottom, as shown in the photo. This simple hairstyle for girls will create good mood all day.

If, nevertheless, your child prefers braids, you can try a few simple options.

Everyone knows French braids. They spin quickly and easily. You can weave two braids, but not in the usual way, but diagonally. We also divide the hair with an even parting into two parts, only we start weaving a French braid at an angle. At the intersection, an ordinary braid is woven, and then again a French one. Mom's fantasy just never ceases to amaze!

Consider another hairstyle step by step with weaving a French braid. It is somewhat similar to the previous one.

Two ordinary braids, familiar to everyone since childhood, can be arranged like this interesting way, pulling them in opposite directions and securing them at the base of each other. The image "a la Pippi - Longstocking", perky and cheerful.

Simple hairstyles for school for short hair

When styling short hair, the most important task is to remove it from the face so that it does not get into the eyes and does not distract from educational activities. This can be done with the help of weaving or with the help of various hairpins, elastic bands.

One of these styling shows a step-by-step photo.

The next version of the baby styling shows how to make two tails in an unusual way. So, having collected two tails on the sides, separate a small strand from each. From them weave pigtails and wrap them around the tails. When finished, secure the braids with invisibility.

If the baby has curly hair, then the image presented below will look especially amazing. It is done with the help of rubber bands quickly and easily. To begin with, the hair is divided into sections. Small ponytails are created from them, which are then collected into other ponytails. It turns out a beautiful and simple children's hairstyle in the kindergarten, which is suitable for both a holiday and every day.

The above 5 children's simple hairstyles for every day will help mothers decide and find the right option for their daughter.

Girls love doing their hair. They want to be attractive and therefore they, like their mothers, are preparing for the holiday. Beautifully styled hair helps them feel like princesses at celebrations. From early childhood, it is important to instill in babies the ability to keep their hair clean and care for them. But, of course, their hairstyles should not be a repetition of adult styling. They should be age-appropriate, comfortable and not interfere with play.

Festive hairstyles for short hair for girls

Holiday hairstyles from short hair are quite simple to perform. They do not require braiding or the use of styling products, which, by the way, are harmful to children's hair. To decorate short hairstyles, you need beautiful hairpins, hoops, bandages. If the length allows, you can use hairpins decorated with rhinestones and pin up the hair at the back of the head. Make mini ponytails and secure them with bright elastic bands or hair clips.

In the photo: a party hairstyle for girls with short hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls with short hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls with short hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls with short hair that is easy to repeat.

Holiday hairstyles from medium hair

Girls with medium length hair have a large selection of holiday hairstyles. You can limit yourself to ordinary braids or make a beautiful styling. For example, the “waterfall” hairstyle, curls pinned up with beautiful hairpins, French braids in various variations, a tail intercepted along the entire length with multi-colored elastic bands or gathered into a palm are popular.

To create curls in children's hairstyles, special soft curlers are used that do not interfere with the head and do not harm the hair. To make the hairstyle voluminous, the hair must be lightly wetted and twisted into flagella before winding it on curlers. Hair is fixed with locks along the entire length. Since children's hair is thin and soft, the curlers can be removed after a few hours.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls with medium length hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls with medium length hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls with medium length hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls with medium length hair that is easy to repeat.

Long hair and hairstyles for girls

Young ladies with long hair have an unlimited choice of holiday hairstyles. Lush braids, stripes all over the head, ballerina hairstyles, etc. If you devote some time to training to create such masterpieces, the result will be stunning. In addition, such hairstyles will not make you worry that your hair will be disheveled during games or dances. Just keep in mind that it is not recommended to tighten the hair in such hairstyles so that the girl does not experience discomfort.

But curled curls attract most little fashionistas. In this case, you should not use an electric curling iron. Thermal curlers are also not suitable for children's hair. It is best to braid small pigtails or collect hair in bundles for the night. Their number and thickness will determine the volume of curls. Large curls are obtained from thick bundles, and small curls from thin braids.

Hairstyle in the form of a wicker basket, decorated with rhinestones or small bows will be appropriate at any festive event.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls for long hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls for long hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls for long hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls for long hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls for long hair that is easy to repeat.

In the photo: a festive hairstyle for girls for long hair that is easy to repeat.

And weaving a heart looks very beautiful and touching on a child's head. The hairstyle is made from a ponytail, divided in two and braided into two pigtails. They are fastened with studs in the form of a heart. You can complement the hairstyle with a ribbon with hearts, weaving it directly into the braids or wrapping it around the ponytail.

Tips to help make a festive hairstyle for a girl

The hairstyle is done on clean hair. Therefore, before you start creating a hairstyle, wash your daughter's hair and apply a small amount of balm to wet hair. This will make brushing easier.

Do not do hairstyles for one year olds. It is better to start at two years old, when the hair becomes a little stronger.

Do not use styling products intended for adults. You can damage the health of your hair.

Braids should not be tight so that blood circulation is not disturbed.
No matter how beautiful your hairstyle is, loosen your hair before going to bed. They must rest. Pay attention to decorating your hair with accessories: they will emphasize the beauty of your hair. Rhinestones, beads, headbands will create a festive mood.

With love, Editorial

Modern hairstyles for babies have long lost their boring and inexpressive character . Even the most uncomplicated hairstyles are woven today with incredible enthusiasm and creativity. Little fashionistas always want to look stylish, and their mothers are puzzled over how to make beautiful, and at the same time uncomplicated hair for their children. Let this article inspire you with new ideas and help you find interesting hairstyle options for both festive and everyday without any difficulties.

The main thing in the article

Hairstyles for girls for long hair

When choosing a hairstyle for a daughter with long hair, it is necessary to take into account options that will not allow hair to get into her eyes and distract from exciting games and activities.

Fishtail braid

Weaving can be started both from the crown and from the tail. Let's consider the first way.

  • First of all, carefully comb your hair for easier separation of the strands. Combing them is not worth it in order to prevent tangling of delicate children's curls.

  • Select two strands and fold them crosswise. Then, from the total density of hair, separate one more strand on the left and right. The meaning of weaving is to alternately embrace and cross strands of hair with each other.

  • Simply put, hold two working strands in your hands, grab a new (third strand) on the left and attach it to the right, thereby overlaying it on the left, and vice versa in turn.
  • This algorithm of actions continues until the scalp is formed. Next, proceed to the free end of the hair. Weave the same way, in two parts. From the left end, detach a small strand from the outer edge and attach to the right side. Exactly the opposite, do the same procedure on the right.

When braiding a fishtail braid, wrap the strands of hair as thinly as possible, so the hairstyle will look more sophisticated.

Diversify this braiding method by dividing your hair into two braids.

Textured ponytail

The ponytail is a fairly common, but already a little boring hairstyle. You can diversify it with the help of rubber bands, so you get a simple, but very interesting styling.

  • At the first stage, braid a high ponytail, pick up the elastic bands to match the hair.
  • The next moment, divide the hair on the tail into equal intervals, securing each of them with elastic bands. To add volume, lightly fluff up the divided sections and you're done!

Bundle of hair with a roller

  • First, make a ponytail, choose the height of the hairstyle at your discretion.
  • For work, pick up a roller of medium diameter so that it does not look too massive against the background of the baby's face. In principle, this accessory can be easily built on your own, using, for example, an old sock.
  • Pull the ponytail up, as shown in the photo, and gradually wind it onto the roller to the base of the elastic band. If necessary, fix the resulting beam with invisibility.

Interesting hairstyles for medium hair

hair bow

A creative solution would be to decorate the image with just such a hairstyle.

  • First, tie a ponytail at the top of your head, only with the last grip of the hair with an elastic band you do not need to pull it out completely. There should be a small bun and a free edge of the tail, which is tied with an elastic band, it must be pulled in the direction of the face, not the back of the head.
  • Secondly, divide the resulting bundle into two equal parts, fasten their outer edges with invisibility to the rest of the hair.
  • Thirdly, throw the free edge of the tail that remained under the elastic band through the middle of the formed two halves of the beam, so you will decorate the middle of the bow. It also needs to be fixed to the hair, and hide the remaining tip along one of the edges of the bow.

Hairstyle with a flagellum

  • Comb your hair, divide it into two parts.
  • On one side of the head, braid the flagellum along the entire length of the head, to do this, weave the hair from the edge that frames the face.
  • Then connect the two parts of the hair with an elastic band, one of which is braided with a tourniquet.
  • Form a bun from the free edge of the tail, give it a slightly careless look.

How beautiful to style short hair for a girl?

With a short hair length, it will be a little more difficult, especially when it is necessary to make a hairstyle in an extremely short period of time, but there are options.

Luxurious curls

It will be great if the baby's hair is naturally curly, but if not, then curlers will be the way out, or you can braid pigtails for the night on wet hair. Let the word "hair curlers" not scare you, because there are many varieties of these devices, foam rubber curlers will be the most gentle.

playful ponytails

If you beat the options for hairstyles with the most common ponytail, you can get a very perky and cool option.

If you place a lot of miniature ponytails all over your head, you can get a pretty cute hairstyle. For the brightness of the image, pick up multi-colored elastic bands, let your baby please those around you with rich colors. You can add zest by dividing the partings between the ponytails in a zigzag fashion.

A few words about accessories

In case the baby's hair is already very short, that it is impossible to even grab strands for any hairstyle, you can turn to a variety of hair personal belongings for help. It can be various hoops, headbands, bandages, hairpins. All this can also decorate any boring look.

Nowadays, the range of these products on sale is incredibly wide, and little fashionistas, however, like their mothers, will not be able to see enough of such beauty.

Simple hairstyles for girls

simple eyelet

This technique is easy to perform. Make a low ponytail with a hair tie. When you pass the hair through the elastic for the last time, do not pull out the free edge of the hair, but wrap it around the base of the resulting loop, thus also hiding the elastic.

Tail inside out

We make a low ponytail, fix it with an elastic band. Then loosen and pull the elastic down a little. Without dissolving the resulting ponytail, divide the hair that is above the elastic into two sections. Pull the end of the ponytail into the hole between both parts of the hair. Slightly tweak the twisted ponytail.

How beautiful to braid a girl?

Hair bundle

  • Braid the tail at the back of the head or crown.
  • Divide the hair from the tail in half.
  • Twist both strands of hair tightly, like bundles.
  • After completing the previous paragraph, weave these two bundles together. Be sure to weave in the opposite direction from the one in which you twisted the two parts of the hair.
  • At the end, tie a tourniquet to match the hair.

hair waterfall

  • Weaving starts from the temporal part: separate a large strand, divide it into three equal parts and weave a regular braid.
  • The meaning of weaving is not to knit the upper strand of each section of the pigtail, but to leave it free, this is the beginning of the waterfall.
  • Replace this free strand in the weave with a strand from the total amount of hair. So do each link of the braid.
  • Continue weaving to the second temple, fix the hairstyle with hairpins or invisible, if desired, you can decorate this edge.

Hairstyles for school

The main task of the schoolgirl's hairstyle is to give a neat look and not interfere with the lessons. There are a lot of techniques for creating hairstyles, in addition to those mentioned, here are some more of them.

Festive hairstyles with bows

You can give your hair a relaxed festive look with the use of bows. With them, the whole image will look solemn and richly beautiful. Here are some ideas to admire and get inspired.

Hairstyles for every day

Below is a selection of simple everyday hairstyles that will give the baby's hair a cultured and well-groomed look.

Hairstyles for girls with step by step photos

Required inventory:

  • One pair of fabric elastic bands
  • One pair of silicone rubber
  • Two-meter satin ribbon
  • Hairpins, hairpins.

Prepare your hair for work, comb it gently. For convenience, you can resort to using a spray to avoid excessive electrification.

After preparation, divide the head of hair into two equal parts.

Tie two medium ponytails using fabric elastics.

Comb the resulting tails and braid a tight braid from the beginning of the elastic band, tying it with a silicone rubber band. Try to hide the ends of the pigtails.

Then wrap the fabric elastic bands with the resulting braids, secure the ends with invisibility.

Decorate your hair with ribbons by tying them with a bow. Just like that, very neat and cute “bumps” turned out just like that.

How to make an unusual hairstyle for a girl: video instruction

It is very important for a girl to look beautiful and original even from early childhood. These tips will help you, together with your daughter, decide on future hairstyles and experiment with ways to weave them.

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