Scenario of the theatrical holiday dedicated to the Great Victory "Letters from the front". Scenario of the theatrical performance for Victory Day Performances for May 9

Victory Day, significant holiday for every inhabitant of our country, is not entirely clear to children from kindergarten And elementary school. Not all schoolchildren know about the Great Patriotic War and the huge losses of our people. Short sketches for May 9 , demonstrated in schools and houses of culture will help restore the atmosphere of the war and show the heroism of Russian soldiers. With the help of small theatrical musical and dance performances, the children will tell their peers about the horrors of the most terrible war in the world and about the feat of the Soviet people, who defeated fascism more than seventy years ago.

Small sketches for the holiday of May 9 for schoolchildren

Today we live under peaceful skies. Many do not even think that such a free, happy life could not exist at all without the victories of our grandfathers in the Great Patriotic War. Being then, in the 1940s, boys, they heroically defended their right to life and fought with weapons in their hands against the fascist invaders. Modern schoolchildren know about those times only from books, stories of older relatives, radio programs. Small sketches for the May 9 holiday for boys and girls will help them understand the meaning of the battles that took place more than seventy years ago.

Examples of small scenes for schoolchildren by May 9 - Performance about anti-aircraft gunner girls

At the heart of this small scene for May 9 is Robert Rozhdestvensky's poem "The Ballad of the Anti-Aircraft Gunners." Three young girls appear on the stage military uniform, a quiet song by Jan Frenkel to the verses of Rasul Gamzatov "Cranes" sounds. The girls join hands and recite the poet's verse, putting their whole soul into it. The story of anti-aircraft gunner girls, the eldest of whom "was eighteen years old", touches the heart of every viewer. Children, even younger schoolchildren, are beginning to understand all the horror that takes place during the war of 1941-1945.

Robert Rozhdestvensky Ballad of anti-aircraft gunners

How to see through the days
trace is unclear?
I want to close to my heart
this trail...
On battery
were entirely
And the eldest was
eighteen years.
Dashing bangs
over a cunning squint,
bravura contempt for war...
That morning
tanks came out
straight to Khimki.
The very ones.
With crosses on the armor.

And the eldest
really getting old
as if shielding from a nightmare with a hand,
commanded subtly:
- Battery-ah-ah!
(Oh mommy!
Oh dear!..)
Fire! -
And here they
They whined to their heart's content.
all the woman's pain
in these girls
suddenly called back.
The sky was spinning
There was a wind
piping hot.
epic cry
hung over the battlefield
he was more audible than the breaks,
this cry!
To him -
lingering -
the earth listened
stopping at the edge of death.
- Oh, mommy!
- Oh, I'm scared!
- Oh, mom! .. -
And again:
- Battery-ah-ah! -
And already
in front of them
in the middle of the globe
to the left of the nameless mound
unbelievably hot
four black
tank fires.
Echoed over the fields
the battle bled slowly ...
Anti-aircraft gunners shouted
and they shot
smearing tears down her cheeks.
And they fell.
And they got up again.
For the first time protecting in reality
and your honor
And the Motherland.
And mom.
And Moscow.
Spring spring branches.
wedding table.
"You are mine - forever! .."
"Iwaited for you…"
And my husband's lips.
And his palms.
funny mumbling
in a dream.
And then to scream
in maternity
“Oh, mommy!
Oh, mom, I'm scared!!"
And a swallow.
And the rain over the Arbat.
And feeling
complete silence...
... It came to them after.
At forty-five.
Of course, to those
who has come
from the war.

Examples of small scenes for schoolchildren by May 9 - Dance performance

The Great Patriotic War lasted for four long years. It ended with the victory of the Soviet people over fascism. It was May 9 that was then declared the Day of Victory in this cruel long battle. More than seventy years ago, on a warm May day, our grandparents, who survived the battlefields, danced and sang with happiness. A short dance performance performed by senior schoolchildren will convey the emotions experienced by Soviet people in those years. Calm, fashionable at that time, the Rio Rita dance and beautiful poems about victory form the basis of a small theatrical performance.

Scenes for May 9 Victory Day in the House of Culture for students and high school students

On May 9, the whole country celebrates a great day - the complete defeat of fascism and our victory in this war. On Victory Day, the Houses of Culture host concerts for high school students and students, where young actors and even the students themselves show small theatrical performances - “sketches” from the life of the war years. We present some of these scenes to your attention.

Examples of sketches about Victory Day - May 9 Holiday at the House of Culture for students and high school students

A wonderful production for the May 9 holiday at the House of Culture tells students and high school students about the Great Patriotic War and the role of the Soviet people in approaching Victory Day. The scene begins with the famous song “Get up, the country is huge!”. Young people dressed in military uniforms and girls dressed in light dresses waltz. Readers recite poems by famous poets. The production involved the music of composers of the war years. Each of the voiced songs is staged by students and high school students.

Victory Day at the House of Culture - Beautiful scene without words on May 9 for students

Celebrating Victory Day, many students and high school students prepare beautiful scenes for their comrades for the May 9th holiday. Such performances are understandable to all viewers without words - the artists convey the emotions and atmosphere of the mini-performance with music, dance and pantomime. We are sure that our examples of theatrical performances deserve your attention.

Interesting scenes in kindergarten for the holiday of May 9

Not a single holiday on May 9 in kindergarten is complete without showing interesting skits about military life. These can be performances about the halt of soldiers after the battle, and dance numbers dedicated to Victory Day, and beautiful staging of mini-performances about the exploits of Soviet soldiers. We hope you enjoy our examples.

Examples of interesting scenes in kindergarten on May 9 - Performance "By the Campfire"

The short scene “By the fire”, staged in kindergarten on May 9, will appeal to all guests. "Soldiers" - pupils of the kindergarten and their "commander" - the teacher of the group, gather around the impromptu fire. Boys and girls recite short poems about the war and the defeat of fascism all over the world, talk about a peaceful sky, happiness that came to earth as a result of the great Victory Day. At the end of the performance, preschoolers turn to grandparents, many of whom came to watch their performance. The guys thank them for their courage, devotion to the Motherland and millions of saved lives.

Examples of interesting scenes for preschoolers on May 9 - Dance of sailors in kindergarten

Such a short scene can be staged not only in the preparatory, but also in the senior, middle groups kindergarten. Kids, dressed in beautiful sailor uniforms, perform the well-known "Apple" dance. Both boys and girls take part in the performance.

Short sketches for May 9 for children

Short skits by May 9, performed by the children themselves, will let preschoolers and younger schoolchildren understand that the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians, should never be repeated. Celebrating Victory Day on a bright May day, we mourn those who did not return from the battlefields, went missing, were buried alive. In kindergarten and school, teachers can help children put on small performances about wartime, about the exploits of Soviet heroes.

A short scene for children on May 9 "The Ballad of a Soldier's Mother"

The short theatrical performance for children is based on the song "The Ballad of a Soldier's Mother". The scene for May 9 begins with the fact that several guys appear on the stage, dressed in military uniforms and in the clothes of the war years. Two presenters read out an appeal to the guests, congratulating them on Victory Day and, at the same time, expressing great regret about what happened in 1941-1945. The song "The Ballad of a Soldier's Mother" sounds, and the guys show a staging of this work.

Like a bird that has lost its chick

Wandered around the war-torn land,

Went from end to end

She knocked her legs down: “Where is my son, who knows?”

But her son was not among those killed,

And he was not listed as missing.

Feather whipped on bare legs,

The winds swayed, reeking of gunpowder.

Neither the battalion commander helped her, nor the military commissar.

Black shadow from dawn to dusk.

She went through the posts, and into every house

Mother knocked: did anyone meet a soldier?

A photograph of a shabby one

She showed everyone: here he is, my son.

Maybe where you are in captivity,

Maybe someone saw, but does not want to tell?

Where did he have to put his head?

She waited, searched, but did not find it.

The son was not found. And the mother is tired of living,

She didn't have the strength to live.

Suddenly the greedy war returned the son,

And mournful sounds meet him:

It's your mother who died, she

I couldn't bear to be apart from you.

"Mom mom! howled above the poplars.

Why don't you meet me at the porch?

Let's remember the mothers who did not wait

And sons who left home forever

Sketches for the holiday of May 9 for elementary school

Every year, on the eve of Victory Day, primary school teachers and parents come together to help the children put on an unusual scene for the May 9th holiday. The easiest way to organize mass performances, where all the students become actors. It can be about a beautifully "beaten" song, and a poem about the war, and congratulations to veterans in prose.

Examples of musical scenes for elementary school for the holiday of May 9 - Number about great-grandfather

This scene is a wonderful musical number about "great-grandfather who went through the war." The whole class can participate in it. Primary school girls and boys, dressed in full dress uniform, sing the song "Great Grandfather". The guys can march, show the voiced text of a musical work with movements, dance. Such a musical and dance number about great-grandfather always goes with a bang from the assembled spectators.


I recently live in the world
And I know the story from books,
But about the big war
I hear live stories.

There is one person in the world
He always tells me the truth
And there is light in my soul
My great-grandfather stays with me.

Great-grandfather, great-grandfather - he went through the whole war
From the Volga to Berlin itself.
Great-grandfather, great-grandfather - he defended the country,
He protected his wife and son.

And so that I could be born into the world.

He went to war so early.
He was like me during the war years.
Had a chance to be in captivity
And go through fire and water.

He became the defender of the Motherland,
Even though he was still a boy,
And won the victory
And with victory he went to the house.

I am very proud of my grandfather!
I have an example of him in life help.
But sadness cannot be thrown out of the heart,
His path became difficult.

I still have ahead.
And I have to choose my path.
And I want to go through
How did my great-grandfather go through life?


Great-grandfather, great-grandfather - he risked his life,
So that the birds sing in the sky again,
And the sky turned blue, and the laughter did not fade away,
And so that I could be born into the world.
And so that I could be born into the world.

On the eve of Victory Day, skits by May 9 performed by schoolchildren, children of elementary school or kindergarten will be a real gift not only for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but also for all those who are not indifferent to the fate of the peaceful world. Short theatrical performances shown on the stages of schools and in the Houses of Culture will convey the atmosphere of the war years and help children learn more about 1941-1945.

Scenario of the musical-theatrical composition for the Victory Day for schoolchildren “They left without doling ...”

Educator of the Omsk Regional Educational Institution "Krasnoyarsk special (correctional) boarding school of the VIII type" Shaldina Anna Viktorovna
Short description: this scenario can be useful for organizing teachers, educators, additional teachers. education, in preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War. The material is intended for children of middle and older school age. Concert numbers are coordinated with the music director.
Target: Expand children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War
1. Develop dialogical speech, improve the intonational expressiveness of speech, work on plasticity.
2. To instill a sense of patriotism, devotion and respect for veterans for their immortal feat.
Requisites: military uniform, nurse uniform, radio, candles, bandages, musical equipment, projector, flowers and postcards for veterans.
(The hall is festively decorated, lyrical music sounds)
Voice behind the scene: The language of numbers is stingy. But listen and imagine... If we wanted to honor each of the Soviet people who died in the war with one minute of silence, then humanity would have to be dumb for 20 million minutes, for more than 38 years of silence, compressed from tragic memorial moments...
27 million dead per two and a half thousand kilometers - this means 10,800 killed per kilometer, 22 people for every 2 meters of land ...
27 million dead in 1418 days - that means 19,000 killed daily, 800 people per hour, 13 people every minute ...
Dedicated to twenty-seven million fallen who did not return from the bloody fields of war...
Dedicated to the glorious veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who survived, won, gave life and happiness to the world...
Dedicated to the generation entering into life ...
(music changes to more dynamic)
Voice: June ... the sunset was leaning towards evening,
And the white night the sea was overflowing
And there was a loud laugh of the guys
Not knowing, not knowing grief.
(a guy enters with a quick step, he is puzzled by something, walks from corner to corner, a girl runs out, she has a certificate in her hands)
Valya: Seryozha, I passed Seryozha, I passed by five. Hooray!
Sergey (sullenly): Congratulations
Valya: Why are you so sad?
Sergey: Valya, I talked to my people, they are against it, they say it's too early, we need to study.
Valya: Well, nothing, let's wait a bit, because sooner or later they will agree anyway.
Sergey: No, I don't want to wait, don't care, don't care at all, next month we'll submit an application to the registry office.
Valya: Darling, where should we hurry, but we have our whole life ahead of us!
(sound of military bombers)
Valya (frightened): Seryozha, what is it, how many of them! Seryozha, I'm scared!
Sergei (hugs the girl): Don't be afraid, Valechka, don't be afraid, I'm there, I'm with you! Run home, hurry up, we must warn everyone!
Voice: On June 21, 1941, the most terrible, bloodiest war began. Across the country, thousands of guys went to the front, and Sergei did not stand aside ...
(on one side of the stage, Sergey comes out in military uniform, on the other, Valya in a white dress)
The music sounds "How painful, dear, how strange"
He:"How painful, dear, how strange,
Akin to the earth, intertwined with branches.
How painful, dear, how strange
Splitting under the saw.
The wound on the heart will not grow,
Sheds pure tears.
The wound will not grow on the heart!
Spilled with fiery resin.
She: As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you
Soul and blood are inseparable!
As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you
Love and death are always together!
You will carry with you everywhere
Don't forget me, love!
You will carry with you everywhere
Native land, father's house.
He: But if I have nothing to hide
From pity incurable,
But if I have nothing to hide
From cold and darkness?
She: After parting there will be a meeting,
Don't forget me darling
After parting there will be a meeting,
We'll both be back: me and you.
He: But if I vanish without a trace
Into the cold light of daylight?
But if I vanish without a trace
beyond the star belt, into the milky house?
She: I will pray for you
Don't forget me darling
I will pray for you
May you return unharmed.
(military march sounds)
Voice: He left to fight, as thousands, tens, hundreds of thousands of young guys left. They fought without sparing themselves, they fought to the death. And in rare moments of rest, they wrote letters to their relatives and friends.
(against the background of the music "Ave Maria" the voice of Sergei sounds, pictures of the times of the Second World War are projected on the projector)

Sergey: I would like to send a message
To the side of the birthplace.
Pass to the bride
Letter from a sweetheart.
I know what you hope
See you soon...
Outside the window a blizzard
Made my mark.
You're all sad, you're sad
All was filled with sadness.
You can't deal with her
Waiting and waiting - home.
Only my path is long,
Far is the road.
To home
I have to go so much.
Yes, war is a lover
Everything glares again
Like, a soldier's companion -
Death, not love...
An evil cloud of enemies
circling above me
In the black sky - flashes,
There is no way home.
I just can't believe
Lived too little...
That blizzard subsides -
You, dear, wait.
There will be a joyful meeting
On the edge of the village.
Right outside the neighborhood
You meet me...
Voice: Young girls went to the front. They, having completed nursing courses, carried wounded soldiers from the battlefield. Provided first aid. They did dressings and looked after the soldiers in hospitals. In one of them, she was also taking care of the soldiers.
(a table is on the stage, a nurse is sitting at the table - Valya, twilight, a candle is burning on the table, a nurse is tuning the radio, the song “Wait for me” is playing, the nurse is listening, wiping a tear)
Valya: And again the candles are crying
Tears flow from the wax
Shoulders drop
And the soul is tired
I pray day and night
By a relentless hand
For God to give you strength
Everyone return home.
Maybe this prayer
What was born in the soul
A white bird will fly up
To the clouds in the blue
And our LORD will hear
Those simple words
And the relatives will return
From that war forever.
Thin threads in the heart
Between you and me
Come back my dear
Come back alive.
(nurse 2 runs in)
Nurse 2: Valya, they brought the wounded there. Let's go quickly
Valya: Run Run…
(gets up and runs away)
(lyrical music from the movie "Star" sounds)
Voice: There was very little left before the end of the war, she saved the wounded, he fought with enemies, she prayed every day, he remembered her every second. And everything would be fine if not for that last fight ...
(Sergey comes out, tied with bandages)
Sergey: That's often the case in war, dear...
Who to blame? Probably fate.
But I ask: be happy, dear,
And for love you do not punish yourself.
It so happened that death separated us.
Don't mourn for long...
I want you to love again
I pray the Lord to bless you.
I will tell my friends - do not be very strict.
Many of you already have a family.
Living on earth - their own roads,
Gone forever - only heaven.
Let your eyes rest from tears
You silently look at the sky at night:
Among all the stars there is a new star,
And it's me - you know about it.
The day will come, you will give birth to a son one day.
Name the boy after me.
I want you to be happy...
I ask you: Live! Live! Live!
All this will be a reward for me,
As a memory of me, for our days,
And there is no need to kill yourself with grief.
Live, dear, for two - live !!!
(Sergey leaves, the requiem sounds)
Voice: Listen! This is what they say - the dead.
One day they will disturb us in our sleep.
They quietly carry their voices in silence.
They forgot how the flowers smell, how the poplars rustle.
They also forgot the earth. What is she?
How are the birds singing in the sky without them?
As the river brightens and the clouds float.
They forgot the grass, they forgot the trees long ago.
They are not given to walk on the ground, never given.
Let's take a moment of silence to honor the memory of those
Who is no longer with us.
(minute of silence, metronome sound)
Soloists come out. The song "Nameless Soldier" sounds
Sounds like "Victory Day"

Voice: On May 9, 1945, that day came, the Day of the Great Victory. The country has been waiting for this day for 4 long years, 4 terrible years. Soldiers came from the front, in every family they were waiting for a father, son, husband ... She also waited, she waited a long time ...
Sounds like "Moonlight Sonata"
(the lights go out, she comes out on one side of the stage, he is on the other with a candle in his hands)

She: My dear, how long have I been waiting for you!
And suddenly I heard the call of victory.
I've got everything on the table
I'm waiting for you, but you're not there.
For a long time all the dust from the bird cherry has flown
Darling, where are you lost?
Your house is already full of friends and acquaintances,
You are the only one left.
He: Honey, you know I'm to blame
I am guilty before you.
I was about to go back.
And suddenly that last fight.
Fight after the end of the war
But the Fritz did not know this
Everyone's nerves are on fire
That's probably why I fell.
I'm dead baby, forgive me
She: My dear, don't go!
Let's choose a different path
Another will die in that last fight
Let him leave his love.
He: Ah, my dear, the other - because he is my brother,
It's not his fault either.
Once it fell to me to fall in the last battle
So I'll take my love.
Forgive me, forgive me!
(he extinguishes the candle and leaves the stage, she leaves, the soloists leave)
Soloist 1: We wish that on the planet
Keep peace and silence
So that descendants, our children,
Never knew war.
Soloist 2: But the shots are still ringing
The soldiers again go to the mortal battle,
And each of us only wants peace
And clear skies above.
The song "Soldiers of Russia" is performed
(soloist exits)

Soloist: Dear veterans!
God forbid, Russia again - survive what you knew
I pray that our children - live in peace, without war
Dear Veterans, from us - a bow to the earth
Don't let your wounds hurt that were given by the war
And I want to tell people - let everyone hear me
Take care of those around you! There are fewer of them on earth!
The song "Waltz of Victory" sounds, on stage two couples are spinning in a waltz
(children come out with flowers in their hands)

Child 1: And still we hear the sound of drops
Victorious, long-awaited that spring,
It's good that the starlings sang again,

Child 2: How good it is to fall in love and laugh
How good it is to be sad at times,
How to meet and say goodbye
And it's just good to live in the world!
Child 3: How good it is to wake up at dawn
How good it is to have dreams at night
It's good that the planet is spinning,
How good it is in the world without war!
The song "White Birds" is performed
(children give flowers to veterans and guests of the holiday)

Voice: Don't forget the blood of separation
Hearts burned by war

Let your shoulders grow like a wall!
Don't forget the blood of separation
For those holy days
Let the hands close together in a chain, (standing on stage hold hands)
And obscure the love of people!

Screen saver on screen

Voice (recorded): To you, veterans who courageously fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War for the honor and freedom of the Motherland, to you, veterans of labor, who strengthened the defense in the rear, who endured on your shoulders the hardest trials that have ever fallen to the lot of a person; dedicated to you, the successors of the glorious traditions of your fathers and grandfathers.

The curtain opens.

The corner of the house, the wattle fence, on the other side of the stage there is a direction sign.
The sound of birds singing and the murmur of the stream.

On the stage, women and men are raking hay, a girl enters with a jug of water.

Young woman: Oh, girls, tired, I suppose?

Woman (wiping sweat from forehead): Tired, since morning we have been working in the field.

Young woman: Rest a little, drink some cold water, and sing something sincere.

The song “Oh, yes, like a dawn” sounds.

A boy runs in screaming, the song is interrupted.

Boy: Mom mom…. The war has begun!!!

Woman: War, what war? What are you, silly, what are you, where did you get it from?

Boy: It was broadcast on the radio. War, mother, war.

Woman: War, baby, war!

The beginning of the war

The lights dim, the song "Holy War" sounds
(three lines and the music stops).

Newsreel footage is coming.
The ensemble is placed in groups near the microphones in mournful silence.
The mother hugs the child.
Girls-regulators put up a poster "All to the front."

The presenter comes out (in the spotlight).

Leading(against the background of the ongoing song): This is how the Great Patriotic War suddenly began, which lasted 1418 days and nights and claimed 27 million human lives of Soviet people.

Against the background of the melody of the song "Oh, roads ...".

Leading: 41st. He was cruel.
To crush the enemy's scope,
The soldiers were walking, holding their rifles,
With unquenchable fire in his eyes.

Full light.
The ensemble comes out The song “Oh, yes you, war” sounds, music. and words by N. Sadovsky.


They put up a banner "Beyond the Volga there is no land for us."
Presenter (against the background of the song "Oh, roads ..."):
Oh, roads, dust and fog,
Cold, anxiety, and steppe weeds.
Is the wind snowing, remember, friends,
We can't forget these roads...

Leading: You can’t forget the beardless guys, young girls, among whom were nurses, machine gunners, scouts, snipers ...
Against the background of music, a poem

R. Rozhdestvensky "Ballad of anti-aircraft gunners."

Speaker: Attention! Attention! From the Soviet Information Bureau: in fierce battles, the Red Army held the defense of the capital of our Motherland.
The advance of the fascist troops was stopped.

The male ensemble performs the Cossack song "When we were at war."

Leading: The victory at Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War. The Red Army launched a counteroffensive. We sacredly honor the memory of soldiers and officers who fought heroically on the streets of Stalingrad, on Mamaev Kurgan ...

The folk choir performs the song "There is a mound over the Volga"

Leading: forties-fatal,
Powder, thunderstorm.
War walks in Russia,
Against the background of music
And we are so young...

Leading: Dedicated to Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Avramenko.

Presenter: Looks like he's about to enter.
As usual, he will throw off his pea coat from his shoulders,
Towards her open arms,
And a sea of ​​tenderness will rush over them.

Dance picture "I will remember you."


The traffic control girls come out.
The poster "Defend the Kursk salient" is hung out.
Newsreels. Headquarters on stage.
Nurses, a soldier on crutches, one wounded man is given water from a mug, the second
dictates a letter home, the radio operator transmits a message on the radio.

Presenter: And the "mill-war" was grinding with might and main,
Not to make out: who is dead, who is alive.
And turned into hospital schools
Where, instead of desks of hospital beds, build.

"Waltz of the front sister".


The traffic control girls come out. They put up a sign on the sign
"Forward! To the west!". Newsreels.

Leading(against the background of the melody of the song “Oh, roads ...”): After bloody battles, Soviet troops reached the western borders of our Motherland.

Leading: To the West, to the West!
And our spirit is strong and high.
Through the bullets we rush to the west,
To victory - the last throw!

"Potpourri" on songs of the war years.

Vasily Terkin came to us,
Vasily Terkin is our hero!
No guys, I'm not proud
Without looking into the distance
So I will say: why do I need an order?
I agree to a medal.
For a medal. And that is not in a hurry.
That would end the war
If only I could come on vacation to my homeland...
Vogue I came from the stop To my dear village council.
I came, and here is a party ...

A scene from rural life.

The choir comes out, they involve Terkin in a dance.
Russian folk song "Village, village"

V. Terkin: It's good in our village,
But it's time for me to go to the front.
Everyone sees off V. Terkin and leaves the stage.


Traffic controllers put up a sign “Forward! To Berlin!".

Leading: The way to Berlin is not close,
But the hour of Victory is near,

Presenter: If these are the guys
We have all the fighting!!!

The male ensemble performs the song "Cossacks in Berlin",

The call signs of the song "Victory Day" sound.

Footage of the military chronicle of the last days of the war is shown.
The song of the war years sounds.
Remove direction signs. The obelisk is set up.

Leading: Victory Day… From childhood, everyone remembers it with fireworks, red flags, the brilliance of orders and medals on the chest of participants in the Great Patriotic War.
Sad music.
Flowers are laid at the monument.

But on the day of national joy comes the pain of great loss. At the mass graves and obelisks, adults and children, young men and women will commemorate the fallen heroes, lay wreaths and flowers.

After laying flowers, they sing the song "Birch sap"

Many battles and battles died down!
Let's remember the dead, let's honor the living.
To those who fought bravely for their homeland,
Blessings and prayers for them.

Song "Bells", music. and words by Yu. Verizhnikov.

How rich the world is, how much happiness there is in it!
But my dear home is dearer to me.
There is nothing closer and dearer to me than my land and my homeland.

The song "My home is Russia".

Leading: Dear Russia,
Our own mother!
What lofty word can I call your feat?

The combined choir comes out. Behind the choir are the standard-bearers.

Leading: What great glory
Crown your affairs?
What measure to measure
What have you endured?

Leading: And blessing in battle
their heroes,
You knew - there will be a holiday On your street! ..
All program participants leave.

The combined choir sings the song "Victory Day",

After verse 3, the standard-bearers raise their flags at the same time.

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The play "Children ... war ..."


Children dance in the waltz club.

Sounds like a declaration of war.

Children in a daze.

Olya: - Oh, what will happen now ...

Tanya: I have a feeling that it will be very, very bad...

Kate: - Oh, mother, mother, where are you going? I love so much! You're so beautiful!

Dasha: - Dad, dad, don't go! I don't want…

Masha: - Vanyusha, brother, brother ...

Lena: - I'm sick. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow...

Larisa : Artemka, brother. Kate...

Jan: Dad, dad...

Misha: Artem...

Everyone is in turmoil. Children pronounce their words at first quietly and simultaneously. Then it gets louder and more exciting. At the same time, children first walk, then faster, almost running in a circle.

The siren sounds and the children are already running in silence. The sound of bombing is heard, everyone falls to the ground. The world is fading.

1 action

Blue light turns on. Sounds of ventilation and dripping water, wind, like in a basement. Children cough.

Olya: - Here, drink boiling water, it will be easier. (referring to Lena).

Tanya: - It's been three years. We live in a boarding school. I don't remember my parents at all. Anyuta and I somehow grew up together. Our neighbor Aunt Ray looked after us. I remember how Anyuta braided my pigtails, put a briefcase on my shoulders. And I was proud to go to school. Where is my Anyuta?

Jan: And my dad was in the police. As the war began, he was called to the front. We often figured out bandits together and dad caught them. How I miss him...

Kate: - I'm the general's daughter. Yes you know. I have told you this many times. I had everything: toys, sweets, a beautiful dress. Why, why this war! Who invented it! I want to go to my dad, you understand? He is a general!

Dasha:- General?

Kate:- Yes, General!

Dasha: And my dad is a scientist! What should he do in the war? He's almost deserved it! I remember every day, every meeting with dad! We, yes, we could drink tea with lush sweet cheesecakes for hours. Mom always cooked them for dad's arrival from scientific conferences ... song ... song ... Ria rita, ria rita, the foxtrot is spinning. My dad and I sang it when I was little.

The song "Ria Rita ..." sounds. Children are dancing. The song ends with a bombing...

Masha: - Dashenka. Are you okay? Those bombings again!

Olya: - Shoot, shoot as much as you can!

Masha: - Dad, dad, scientist, general! Dad, dad, scientist, general! You know, I loved my brother very much!

Tanya:- I'm my sister.

Masha: - Not really. I love him even now. My Peter. Imagine, when we said goodbye at the station, he promised me that he would buy the most beautiful dress with a bow, with ruffles. When only?

Misha: and I had a friend, his name was Artem. He was much older than me. He was like a brother to me, or perhaps a father. He was taken to the front as a scout. He often wrote me letters and asked how I was doing. And I was so happy with every letter. And now those letters are gone... What happened to him?

Olya: A I loved watching my mom and dad so much. They are so funny. “Olya, Olechka, we love you so much, you are so beautiful with us, study well.” Why did dad go to the front? He asked for this war and his mother followed him. "Olya, you are strong, you will endure ...". Why, why this war?

(Larisa : And I remember yesterday how we walked with Artemka, this is my brother, and with Katya's sister. Artemka squeezed my hand so tightly, but Katya did not. She was constantly laughing and so happy. She was taken to the hospital as a nurse. It was her dream. She was 15. She dreamed of getting there ... Artyomka's warm hands ... Katya's laughter ...)

Lena: - But I had a completely different story. Yes. The day before the start of the war, two men in uniform came and took them away. Mom cried and said: “Everything will be fine, Lenochka, just don’t worry. Stay a little with aunt Katya. We will definitely return. We'll be back soon. We'll be back soon... When soon? So when?

Nastya: - Every day is the same. boarding school. Your stories. Bombing.

Kate: - And what is wrong?

Nastya: And I'll tell you it's not! It's just that I've been in this boarding school since birth! And you all have relatives. They have something to remember. What about me? Morning, wake up, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleep. Yes, it would be better now, as they are. Sit, remember, hope and believe that everything will be fine. There will be warm cheesecakes and the song “Ria Rita…”.

Tanya:- You are evil!

Masha: - Come on. She's just stupid. You understand (addressing Nastya), we are all like sisters here. We are like one family.

Kate: I also dream. No, but I believe, I know that when I grow up, I will buy all the children a lot, a lot of food, the most different, and the most delicious. And no war!

Dasha: How many of us?

Lena: it was 12 in the morning.

Jan : I really want to play football with dad again ...

Misha : let's play together. Pass...

Girls: we also want...

Jan : No, girls don't play football...

Nastya: Guys, do you know how you want everything back!

Olya : Yes. We had so much fun! There were many of us.

Tanya: boys, girls.

Kate: Do you remember, do you remember that evening? And I remember. Did you draw the poster...

Masha : And I held him ...

Misha : And I hammered nails

Jan: and I had so much fun, I took paints from girls

Dasha: And I had red tassels

Tanya: And I had a dress with polka dots ...

Nastya: And I had shoes with beautiful bows.

Olya: We were even smaller, and pigtails are like today

Lena: Only the bows were smart

Act 2 - Remembrance of the festive evening.

Children sing a song

Fire up the blue nights
We are the pioneers of the workers' children
The time of light years is coming
The cry of the pioneers always be ready

Kate: This is our concert.

Olya: As in one breath.

Nastya: Girls let's dance

Everyone dances happily...

One of the actors is taking pictures. _Attention, I'm taking pictures. Smile…

3 action - Boarding school.

Lena : - Cold (cough).

Tanya: Lena, are you sick again? Wait, I'll bring you boiling water.

Dasha: Look, what a beautiful goose feather. If I had ink, I would write a letter.

Lena : And why if there were?

Kate: Hello Comrade General. Dad. My dad. So I decided to write you a letter. I miss you very much. When the war left, all of us girls and boys were sent to a boarding school for military children. Here. Yes, I like it here. I'm doing the right thing. I'm the general's daughter.

Olya: Hello my dear mother. Don't worry about me. Today for breakfast they gave me my favorite porridge and a bun with poppy seeds, cocoa.

Lena : Thank you for the mittens you knitted for me. Winter is cold, but they are warm-warm.

Masha: I also dress warmly...

Dasha: Here we go to school. Notebooks and books, I save them.

Tanya: When I go to bed on a starched white sheet, I remember you, my Anya. I promised you to be kind and careful. Love you. Take care of yourself. And we will definitely see you.

Masha: How nice it would be to meet you soon, my Peter.

Misha : Hi Artem. How many days have passed since you went to the front. You don't write to me, I'm worried. Please write to me more often.

Jan: I wish you good health, comrade commander of the 7th battalion of tank troops. Dad. I hope you're doing well. I'm here to protect the girls. And I plan to soon run away from the boarding school to your front.

Masha: If only now all our letters ....

Mini Dance, how letters fly away.

Nastya: What are you doing?! A boarding school for military children, a school, books, notebooks... Yes, we are looking for and collecting the wounded of battle. A starched bed sheet? Favorite porridge with a bun? Where? Well, where did you get all this from?

Lena : Do you want us to write the whole truth? Since we are cold, we want to eat, weep. We just don't cry anymore, there are no tears. That every day there are less and less of us ... Once, and there is no person.

Dasha: Do you remember how yesterday a young wounded soldier asked for a drink. He begged, moaned. And we didn't even get to it. Explosion and no...

Kate: Here we write that everything is fine with us. It makes it easier for them...

4 action

Jan : look, we got firewood.

Misha: today we will be warm.

(general jubilation and joy about this).

Dasha: And I like to draw, only it's dark.

Masha: And you draw near the potbelly stove.

Lena : And why was the stove called a potbelly stove? Because the bourgeoisie invented it?

Nastya: No. Because it eats a lot of firewood, but there is little heat from it!

Kate: Tanya! What are you more afraid of - Hitler or rats? I am a rat. There are so many of them now.

Olya: Yes, we have already eaten them!

Tanya : I'm most afraid of losing bread cards. Then we will all be completely kaput. We won't last a month without food!

Kate: We won't last. I want to eat all the time.

Masha: And today I saw that nurses cooked jelly from wood glue. Too bad we don't have glue!

Tanya (puts the mug on the table): You drink boiling water, you will think less and less about food!

Dasha: And I didn’t like milk with foam before? Oh, now I would drink a whole pan!

Masha: pot? You will burst!

Dasha: I won't burst...

The girls are fighting.

Lena : I can't, I can't...

Olya: Hang on a little more. I heard that ours will win. They will definitely win!

Lena : No more strength. Hear. Mom, how I want to see you. Hug. I just want you to be by my side. Do you hear, mommy? (cries).

Chair dance. The girls either sit, then get up, then lie down, and so on in a circle.


And the children dream about how they meet with their relatives ... They rejoice. (dance).

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