Julian icon. Holy icon of Juliana. SMS congratulations to Yuliana on her birthday

Patron saints bearing the name Ulyana

Holy Martyr Juliana of Ptolemaida
The feast day of the holy martyr Juliana of Ptolemaida is celebrated twice - on March 4/17 and August 17/30, together with the memory of her brother, the holy martyr Paul of Ptolemaida and with them Codrates, Akakios and Stratonikos.
Saint Juliana of Ptolemaida suffered for the Christian faith in 273 AD. in the Phoenician city of Ptolemais. Together with her brother, Saint Paul, and three other soldiers, she was executed by decree of the emperor Aurelian. Her brother was identified as a Christian and captured. Seeing her brother's torment, she interceded for him, but was also captured and shared his fate after the emperor's futile attempts, either by promises or by torture, to persuade both to renounce the true faith.

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Icon painter Marina Filippova
Saint Juliana of Moscow
The memory of the venerable abbess Juliana and the nun Eupraxia of Moscow is celebrated on May 3/16, as well as on the 11th week (Sunday) after Pentecost, on the celebration of the Cathedral of Moscow Saints (movable feast).
Saint Juliana of Moscow is the first abbess of the first convent in Russia. Through prayers to her in front of her holy image, they pray for healing from mental and physical ailments, since the Lord endowed the saint, by His grace, with the gift of miracles and healing. They pray for the protection of expectant mothers from adverse events when carrying a child, for intercession in the conception of offspring.
Juliana of Amisia (Pontus), martyr

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Memorial Day is established by the Orthodox Church on March 20/April 2.

Juliana Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya, princess, martyr

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The days of memory are established by the Orthodox Church on June 2/15, December 21/January 3.

The Holy Martyr Juliana lived at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. Being of noble boyar origin, in her youth she was married to the Vyazemsky prince Simeon Mstislavovich, famous for his meek and pious disposition. Their family life was spent in love, harmony and following the Christian commandments.

These times were difficult for Rus'. In the princely environment, civil strife, envy, and betrayal developed more and more. The ruler of the Smolensk lands - Prince Yuri Svyatoslavovich was known as an absurd and cruel person. By executing many Smolensk boyars who were objectionable to him, he acquired many enemies among the townspeople. In 1404, when Prince Yuri left for Moscow for a while, his Smolensk enemies, having secretly agreed with the Lithuanians, surrendered the city to them. Yuri was forced to flee to Veliky Novgorod. Prince Simeon and his wife Juliana followed him, sharing the hardships of exile and continuing to faithfully serve him.

Two years later, the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily took the princes Yuri and Simeon into the service, sending them to rule in the city of Torzhok. However, the happy life of Simeon and Juliana in Torzhok did not last long. Prince Yuri, who was distinguished by unbridled voluptuousness, seduced by the extraordinary beauty of Princess Juliana, wanted to take possession of her. He repeatedly approached her with impure intentions, but the princess always rejected his advances. Then, obsessed with passion, Prince Yuri decided to achieve his goal by cunning. He called Simeon and Juliana to his feast. And in the midst of the feast, he unexpectedly hit Prince Simeon, who was sitting next to him, with a sword. Then he ordered the servants to bring Juliana by force to his bedroom. But she was not afraid of the threats of the distraught prince and began to resist his violence. Grabbing a knife, she hit Yuri in the hand with it, escaped and ran out into the yard with a cry for help. The enraged prince ordered to catch up with Juliana, kill her and throw her body into the Tvertsa River.

Having committed such an unheard of atrocity, Prince Yuri, condemned by everyone, was forced to leave Torzhok. He wandered for a long time, trying to find a monastic refuge in order to atone for his sins. He was received at the Nicholas Venev Monastery, not far from Tula. However, after living there for only a few days, Yuri fell seriously ill and died.

The Holy Prince Simeon Mstislavovich was buried with honors in the Vyazemsky Cathedral. And the relics of the Holy Princess Juliana were found only in 1407. According to legend, her imperishable body, floating along the Tvertsa River, was seen by one sick peasant, wandering along the shore. At first, he was frightened by such a wonderful phenomenon and wanted to run away, but suddenly he heard a quiet female voice: “Servant of God, do not be afraid. Go to the cathedral church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and raise the archpriest and others so that they take my sinful body from here and bury it on the right side in this church. And at the same moment the peasant became healthy. He fulfilled the command of Saint Juliana. Her newly acquired relics were solemnly transferred to the cathedral and placed in a stone tomb, while many Christians were healed of their ailments.

Christians remember and revere the Holy Blessed Princess Juliana, who for centuries has become an example of chastity, marital fidelity and selfless love.

Juliana of Iliopol, martyr The Holy Martyr Juliana lived in the 4th century in the Byzantine Empire during the reign of Emperor Maximian, who was known for his persecution of Christians. Her feat is connected with the story of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara, the daughter of a noble dignitary from the city of Iliopol, a zealous adherent of paganism. Young Barbara, having learned about the teachings of Christ, accepted the Christian faith with all her heart, openly declaring this to her father. Neither his threats nor punishments could shake his daughter's faith, and then he gave her to the court of the governor of the city, Martian. The saint was cruelly tortured, demanding to renounce her faith, but they managed to break her.

Juliania, present at the place of torture of the Great Martyr Barbara, struck by her steadfastness and fortitude, began to loudly accuse the tormentors and declared her acceptance of the Christian faith. For which she was immediately captured and tortured. After numerous tortures, both martyrs were beheaded.

Saints Barbara and Juliana with her are revered both in Orthodoxy and in Catholicism. They are addressed in prayers in mortal danger.

Julianiya Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya
Without thinking about herself, she cared about others all her life. A good wife and mother of thirteen children, she gave love not only to her loved ones, but made every effort to help other people: widows, orphans, the poor.

Saint Juliana was born in the 30s of the 16th century into a noble family. Left an orphan at the age of six, she left her hometown of Plosne in Murom to live with her grandmother. When she died, the twelve-year-old girl was taken up by her aunt. The new family immediately noticed that Saint Juliana was different from other teenagers. She devoted day and night to needlework and prayers. She gave away all the sewn clothes to the poor. So several years passed. Many people in Murom and its environs learned about the extraordinary kindness and diligence of the girl. The owner of the village of Lazarevskaya proposed to her and married her. Everyone in the husband's family loved Saint Juliana. She managed the household and took care of the household, but she did not leave her labors to help the poor. Being a skilled needlewoman, she made very beautiful things, for which there were immediately buyers, and she distributed all the proceeds to the poor.

St. Juliana endured many hardships. She lost seven children when they were still in infancy, and her two adult sons died in the royal service. After the death of her husband, she distributed property to the poor, released all her servants. But many of them did not want to leave the master's house. When famine and epidemics began in the country due to crop failures and royal turmoil, a sixty-year-old woman realized that she had to save her loved ones. From quinoa and tree bark, she taught people to bake bread, and that bread was tastier and sweeter than wheat. Even in the most terrible days, she did not lose heart, did not complain. Moreover, she inspired others, all who lived next to her were respectable people who did not commit a single bad deed in their lives.

On January 10, 1604 Saint Juliana died. At the time of her death, relatives saw a golden radiance above her, which framed her head in the form of a crown.

Juliana, martyr

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Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on June 22/July 5.

The only thing known about the holy martyr Juliana is that she, along with her son Saturninus, suffered for Christ in the first centuries of Christianity.

Personalized icons, as a rule, depict the holy martyr Juliana of Nicomedia.

Juliana of Nicomedia, virgin, martyr
Juliana Olshanskaya, Pecherskaya, princess, maiden

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Memorial Day was established by the Orthodox Church on July 6/19.

After the annexation of Kyiv to Lithuania, the family of princes Olshansky ruled in the city. In the middle of the 16th century, one of them, Prince Yuri Dubrovitsky-Olshansky, had a daughter, Juliana, who died. She died a virgin at the age of 16. Her father was a benefactor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and therefore the body of the princess was buried near the Great Lavra Church.

At the beginning of the 17th century, under the Archimandrite Yelisei of Pechersk (1724), while digging the grave, they found a coffin with the imperishable body of a girl. On the silver plate of the coffin was the inscription: "Juliania, Princess Olshanskaya, who died in the 16th year." The princess lay in a coffin as if alive, in a white dress trimmed with gold, with a lot of precious jewelry. Her body was transferred to the Great Lavra Church.

In the 17th century Saint Juliana appeared to Metropolitan Peter Mohyla of Kyiv and reproached him for his lack of faith and neglect of her relics. After that, the metropolitan ordered that the relics of the saint be placed in a precious shrine with the inscription: “By the will of the Creator of Heaven and earth, Juliana, helper and great intercessor in Heaven, lives all summer. Here the bones are a cure for all suffering... You adorn the villages of Paradise with yourself, Juliana, like a beautiful flower. At the shrine of the relics of St. Juliana, many miracles and blessed healings were performed. At the same time, there was a case when, having made his way into the church, a thief stole a precious ring from her relics, but as soon as he left the doors of the temple, he screamed in a terrible voice and fell dead.

Once the holy virgin Juliana appeared to the abbot of the Kyiv Mikhailovsky Monastery and said to him: “I, Juliania, whose relics lie in the Pechersk Church. You consider my relics as nothing. For the sake of this, the Lord sends you a sign so that you understand that I am numbered by the Lord God among the holy virgins who pleased Him. Since then, the veneration of Saint Juliana has increased even more.

In 1718, the relics of the saint burned in a fire in the church. Their remains were placed in a new shrine and placed in the Near Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The Holy Righteous Virgin Juliana became the second of the holy wives of Rus' who were honored to be buried in the Lavra caves. Saint Juliana is depicted on icons in the Cathedral of the Holy Fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The life path of St. Juliana of Olshanskaya is a statement of righteousness, mental health, spiritual integrity, i.e. chastity. She does the truth of God. Being a righteous virgin, she has the grace to help the living, to keep her virginity and purity.
At this stage of the ascent of the holy wives of Rus', a special gift of healing various ailments of the soul and body is also affirmed. That is why there were so many cases of healing at the relics of St. Juliana. But most of all it helps in the healing of the mentally ill.

There are so many sick souls in our society now, so many unsettled, lost souls who have lost faith in God or do not know Him. The soul of a person mourns, suffers, is restless, because it thirsts for the truth of God, it thirsts for spiritual food, which it is deprived of. Women are especially susceptible to mental illness, because they bear the brunt of the troubles and troubles of our day.

St. Juliana is the first helper to Russian women in the healing of diseases of the soul. She intercedes for them, together with other saints of the Russian land, before the Most Pure Mother of the Lord and together with Her before the Throne of the Holy Trinity. Let us pray to the holy righteous virgin Juliana, Princess Olshanskaya for her earthly sisters, women of Russia, so that she would help heal their souls, help them find spiritual joy and consolation.

Juliana of Ptolemaida, martyr, sister of martyr. Paul of Ptolemais

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The days of memory are established by the Orthodox Church on March 4/17, August 17/30.
Saint Juliana, together with her brother, the holy martyr Paul of Ptolemaida, lived in the 3rd century in Phoenicia. For an open confession of the Christian faith, Paul, by order of the emperor Aurelian, was captured and subjected to cruel tortures. Juliana, standing up for her brother, shared his fate. But, no matter how raging the tormentors, they failed to break the spirit of Saints Paul and Juliana, and the stricken soldiers also accepted the Christian faith. The enraged emperor ordered the public execution of the recalcitrant martyrs. Going to the execution, they sang the psalm "He has shamed those who hate us ..."
Icon of the Holy Martyr
Juliana of Ptolemaida
Icon painting workshop

Juliana of Rossony, martyr

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Memorial Day is established by the Orthodox Church on November 1/14.

The icon of the Holy Righteous Virgin Juliana, Princess Olshanskaya (March 4 (transient), June 17 (transient), July 19, October 11, October 23)) - the patroness of women named Ulyana helps in difficult moments of life, heals the soul.

After the annexation of Kyiv to Lithuania, the family of princes Olshansky ruled in the city. In the middle of the 16th century, one of them, Prince Yuri Dubrovitsky-Olshansky, had a daughter, Juliana, who died. She died a virgin at the age of 16. Her father was a benefactor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and therefore the body of the princess was buried near the Great Lavra Church.

At the beginning of the 17th century, under the Archimandrite Yelisei of Pechersk (1724), while digging the grave, they found a coffin with the imperishable body of a girl. On the silver plate of the coffin was the inscription: "Juliania, Princess Olshanskaya, who died in the 16th year." The princess lay in the coffin as if alive, in a white dress trimmed with gold, with a lot of precious jewelry. Her body was transferred to the Great Lavra Church.

In the 17th century Saint Juliana appeared to Metropolitan Peter Mohyla of Kyiv and reproached him for his lack of faith and neglect of her relics. After that, the metropolitan ordered that the relics of the saint be placed in a precious shrine with the inscription: “By the will of the Creator of Heaven and earth, Juliana, helper and great intercessor in Heaven, lives all summer. Here, the bones are a cure for all suffering... You adorn the villages of Paradise with yourself, Juliana, like a beautiful flower. At the shrine of the relics of St. Juliana, many miracles and blessed healings were performed. At the same time, there was a case when, having made his way into the church, a thief stole a precious ring from her relics, but as soon as he left the doors of the temple, he screamed in a terrible voice and fell dead.

Once the holy virgin Juliana appeared to the abbot of the Kyiv Mikhailovsky Monastery and said to him: “I am Juliania, whose relics lie in the Pechersk Church. You consider my relics as nothing. For the sake of this, the Lord sends you a sign so that you understand that I am numbered by the Lord God among the holy virgins who pleased Him. Since then, the veneration of Saint Juliana has increased even more.
In 1718, the relics of the saint burned in a fire in the church. Their remains were placed in a new shrine and placed in the Near Caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The Holy Righteous Virgin Juliana became the second of the holy wives of Rus' who were honored to be buried in the Lavra caves. Saint Juliana is depicted on icons in the Cathedral of the Holy Fathers of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

St. Juliana is the first helper to Russian women in the healing of diseases of the soul. She intercedes for them, together with other saints of the Russian land, before the Most Pure Mother of the Lord, and instead of Her, before the Throne of the Holy Trinity. Let us pray to the holy righteous virgin Juliana, Princess Olshanskaya, for her earthly sisters, the women of Russia, to help them heal their souls, help them find spiritual joy and consolation.

began to give

Juliana, a noble daughter, lost her parents at the age of six. At first, the girl lived with her grandmother, and at the age of 12, after the death of her grandmother, she was taken into the family by her aunt, who had 9 children of her own. It turned out to be difficult for Juliania in the new house: she loves to be alone, she loves, as her life says, to go to church and pray at home, and she still doesn’t let a single beggar through, and doesn’t even listen to the advice of her relatives that many of them are skillful pretenders! In the text of the life of the saint from childhood, this unusual, in the sense not common, quality is noted: acute compassion for someone else's pain. Why the girl so feels someone else's misfortune and seeks to help - life does not explain.

It can be assumed that, as an orphan, she actually knew what being abandoned is. But it could have been different: one's own misfortune would make one cling to what is and “accumulate resources,” as psychologists would say today. Why it happened this way and not otherwise, why a person began to give, and not take - remains the secret of the human soul.

It seemed to her relatives that Juliana was “blissful”, that a girl from a good family should think about grooms, and not about beggars - and, in general, who would condemn them. Sisters and servants sometimes sniped at the “orphan”. Even the loving aunt was alarmed by her niece's behavior. Of course, kindness only adorns a marriageable girl, but everything should be in moderation ...

Family life

Right. Juliana Lazarevskaya. Painting of the Cathedral of the Annunciation Mon-rya in Murom. 2000–2001 Master A. G. Filippov. Image from pravenc.ru

At the age of sixteen, Juliana is known for her beauty and good disposition, and even though she is an orphan and a dowry, they marry her. The aunt gives for Yuri Osorin, who owned the village of Lazarevskoye near Murom. A kind relative hopes that family life will calm down her niece's immoderation, children will go, and the heart of a loving mother and wife will find its calling, calm down. But it was not there!

No, of course, Juliana was a caring wife and mother. Of course, she performed all the duties of the mistress of a large house. The text of the life says that she got up before everyone else, and went to bed later. The relatives of her husband, with whom she had to live, became attached to the friendly boyar, always ready to listen, to fulfill their requests. Her father-in-law and mother-in-law especially loved her, which speaks a lot in favor of the character of the young daughter-in-law. Quite quickly after the wedding, it was Juliana who was entrusted with running the household of a large family.

But neither the care of the house and household, nor the bearing, birth and upbringing of children changed Juliana's other, "childish" passion - to pray to God and help her neighbor. There were neighbors - everyone who asked.

After all, a saint is not a sinless person who does not make mistakes, but does everything right.

Saint in one of the meanings of this word means - separated, not like everyone else, different, different. Doing not as it seems right to people, but as it seems right to God.

Juliana helped from her "own funds". In order not to ask her husband for money for the poor, at night (there was no time during the day) she was engaged in sewing and embroidery. The work turned out to be skillful, and Juliana could do charity work with the proceeds. She had a faithful maid who took money, clothes and food to poor families at night. Several families on the verge of starvation survived only thanks to the help of Saint Juliana.

Juliana had ten children, but five survived. From the text of the life it is known that already in adulthood, Juliana turned to her husband with a request: to let her go to the monastery. The husband did not agree, and Juliana did not repeat her request again.

Juliana's husband was a warrior, a hard man, a real master, who could hardly tolerate his wife's "quirks" and sometimes got annoyed at her "mercy".

He believed that a wife should know only the house and her loved ones - everything. However, over time, he involuntarily began to listen and look closely - what kind of person is next to him and why does he do everything differently than other housewives? And gradually he began to pray with her. And his parents, before their death, wished to take the monastic image.

attitude towards servants

Right. Juliana Lazarevskaya. Fragment of the icon "Murom wonderworkers, with the life of the holy faithful Prince. Petra and kng. Fevronia". 1699 Image from pravenc.ru

Juliana had many servants, but she, unlike other landowners, preferred to dress herself, she did not have her own "girl for services." She treated everyone kindly, forgiving their missteps and not telling her strict spouse about them. If someone messed up, Juliana told her husband that she herself was to blame.

The wicked don't like

Nikolo-Naberezhnaya Church in Murom, where at one time there were the relics of Saint Juliana. Today, the relics of St. Juliana are in the Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Screenshot from youtube.com

Once, in a dream, sly spirits sternly warned Juliana that she would die soon if she continued to help. Enough with her and household chores! The saint did not betray this dream of special significance, since she could not imagine her life without the help of those who need it.

After all, gradually for her, people ceased to be divided into friends and foes, and everyone who suffers became her own.

Hard times

Right. Juliana Lazarevskaya distributes alms to the poor. The painting of the chapel in the name of rights. wives Anna, Tabitha and Juliana in the Trinity Monastery of Murom. 2008 Master A. Toporishchev. Image from pravenc.ru

At the beginning of the 17th century, during the time of Boris Godunov, unprecedented famine and pestilence came to the Murom lands. Juliana began to save on her food, and gain the difference on bread for the poor. During the epidemic, people were afraid to go out in order not to catch the infection, and Juliana, secretly from her relatives, gave her bathhouse to the sick, looked after them there, praying for healing. If a person died, she buried him and prayed for the repose of the soul.

And soon Juliana's husband and his parents died. The children grew up and lived with their families. Left alone, Juliana distributed almost all her things to those in need, even without warm clothes. Stocks ran out, livestock died from exhaustion. Already in her advanced years, she experienced a state of extreme poverty. It would seem - where to help here, with what? It is good to help out of excess, hearing gratitude. What if there is nothing to give?

Juliana, in her long life, knew well that the words of the Gospel “ask and it will be given to you” are fulfilled if you ask honestly and for a good deed.

The famine then was such that people lost their minds, there were cases of cannibalism. When there was nothing to sell and distribute, Juliana committed an act unheard of for her serf time: she released all her servants and serfs. Moreover, several servants refused freedom and remained with the dying lady.

miracle bread

Right. Juliana Lazarevskaya distributes alms to the poor. Chased plate. 1888 Image from pravenc.ru

In order to survive on her own and save her faithful servants, Saint Juliana showed them herbs and trees from which they could gather bark for food. From quinoa and bark, Juliana baked bread. And the beggars said that the bread with quinoa that Juliana served was much tastier than the bread that they were served in other courtyards.

But the saint shared not only food: in times of terrible moral decline that accompanies various cataclysms, she, according to the testimony of her son, who left notes about her, amazed with vivacity, evenness, unusual joy, and could console everyone who came to her. Being illiterate herself, she already had the gift of understanding the word of God, which is given to a pure heart. Saint Juliana recounted to everyone who came, in a language they understood, the words of Christ, revealing to people the meaning of the gospel truth. And they believed her.

From the mother of her children, she became a mother for all, fulfilling with her life the will of God for every person, family or non-family, to learn to love and in everyone see God.

Her last words before her death (1604) were: “Glory to God for everything! Into Your hands, O Lord, I commit my spirit.”

Already in 1614, when the relics of St. Juliana of Lazarus were found, which turned out to be incorruptible and fragrant, many patients were healed. In the same 1614, Juliana Lazorevskaya was canonized.

Cancer with the relics of rights. Julianiya Lazarevskaya in Murom. Image from pravenc.ru

This merciful saint continues to help people for five centuries. Today her honest remains are in Murom, in the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the former Annunciation Monastery. Through the prayers of the righteous woman, special consolation is given to mothers and sick children.

Name Ulyana- This is the Russian colloquial form of the ancient name Juliana (Yuliania), in turn, derived from the Roman name Julianus, which means "happiness" in translation.

The patroness of this wonderful name is the righteous Juliania who was born into a pious noble family. Her parents died early - Iulania was only six years old, and she began to live with her mother's sister. From childhood, she aspired to a pious life: she loved work, prayer and fasting. The owner of the village of Lazarevsky (not far from Murom), Georgy Osorin, really liked the pious maiden, and he decided to take her as his wife. However, household chores failed to interrupt the spiritual feat of the righteous (she was then only 16 years old). New relatives fell in love with Iulania for her friendliness and meekness. Soon she took full control of the house.

Throughout her long life, Righteous Juliana prayed tirelessly and did good deeds. After her death, miraculous signs began to occur in the house.

Modern Ulyana distinguished by genuine sincerity and sociability. Already in childhood, the features of an enthusiastic nature begin to appear. She is delighted with cinema, circus, puppet theater, loves to dance, sing, draw. Endowed with a lively mind, she does well at school in all subjects, except for mathematics, which is not given to her in any way.

Ulyana is hardworking, fair and very delicate, she completely lacks any penetrating abilities. However, she decided on her vocation back in her school years and calmly goes through life, achieving professional heights. Dreams of becoming an artist, art critic, musician. She has a well-developed imagination and fantasy.

Ulyana is charming and gentle, but she does not know how to distinguish between loving glances directed at her, and is sincerely surprised when someone starts talking about her beauty. Possessing a whole and creative nature, she is easy to communicate, but somewhat distant, mysterious, which actually attracts men.

Ulyana's family relations are developing well, she is sympathetic and kind, appreciates optimism and a sense of humor. Only betrayal can force Ulyana to break off all relations with her husband. Moreover, she will only blame herself for what happened, believing that she did something wrong.

January 3 Martyr, virgin Juliana of Nicomedia.
January 15- Julianiya Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya.
March 17, August 30- Martyr Juliana of Ptolemaida.
April 2- Martyr Juliana of Amisia (Pontic).
June 15, January 3- Martyr, Princess Juliana Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya.
5'th of July- Martyr Juliana.
July 19, October 11- Princess, maiden, recluse Juliana Olshanskaya, Pecherskaya.
November 14- Martyr Juliana of Rossony.
December 17- Martyr Juliana of Iliopol.

Brief Life of the Righteous Juliana of Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya

The life-do-not-describe-sa-nie of St. Juli-a-nii La-za-rev-sky on-pi-sa-but her son. This is the only-storing-niv-she-e-sya in a fractional description of the life of a saint, replenishing a hundred of missing hundred-accuracy of information about others.

Iuli-a-nia was born in the 30s of the 16th century. in the city of Plosna at the blessing of the nobles Justin and Ste-fa-ni-dy Nedyu-re-vyh. For six years she remained a round si-ro-toy. Ba-bush-ka from the ma-te-rin-sky hundred-ro-na took la de-voch-ku to her-be in the city of Mu-rum. After 6 years, la and ba-bush-ka died, having left her do-che-ri, already having 9 children, take a 12-year-old for resurrection si-ro-tu.

Juli-a-niya pol-zo-va-lased any possibility to help others. She is from-be-ga-la children's games and for-bav, pre-chi-ta post, mo-lit-woo and ru-co-de-lie than you-zy-va-la sto-yan-nye-to-mist-ki sisters and servants. She turned off for a long time to pour with a lot of clones. In addition to the usual posts, na-la-ha-la on yourself is even more strict. Relatives-no-ki would be unwilling-we, feared for her health and beauty. Juli-a-niya ter-pe-li-vo and mole-ko re-re-no-si-la reproaches, but continued-du-la-la your feat. But-cha-mi Iuli-a-niya shi-la to dress orphan-mouths, widows and needs-y-y-shchih-sya, ho-di-la ear-live-vat for sick-us , cor-mi-la them.

The glory of her dob-ro-de-te-lyah and b-go-che-stia spread around the neighborhood. The vla-de-letz se-la-za-re-vo, which is not-da-le-ku from Mu-ro-ma, Yuri Oso-ryin, is in a matchmaker to her. Six-on-tsa-ti-year-old Juli-a-niya would-la you-yes-on-for-husband for him and began to live in her husband's family. Ro-di-te-li and relatives-no-ki of a husband-to-be-li-li-mole-kuyu and hi-ve-li-vuy bride-ku and soon in-ru-chi-li she is in charge of the economy of the whole many-number-len-noy family. She surrounded the old age of the ro-di-te-lei of her husband, vigilant for-bo-that and affectionate. The house conducted a review, got up with the dawn, went to bed after her.

Do-machine for-bo-you don’t pre-rva-whether the spirit-hov-no-go in the move of Iuli-a-nii. Every night she got up-wa-la on a mo-lit-wo with a lot of clones. Not having the right to dis-have-to-reap-to-im-sufficiency, all free mi-well-tu and many night-hours for-no-ma-les ru-ko-de-li-em, in order to create de-la mi-lo-ser-diya with the received means. Is-kus-but you-shi-tye pe-le-ny Iuli-a-niya da-ri-la to the temples, and the rest of the ra-bo-tu pro-da-va-la, so that the day- gi times-give to none. Bla-go-de-ya-niya she co-ver-sha-la tai-but from relatives, and mi-lo-sty-nu in-sy-la-la at night with the right chance jean-coy. She especially-ben-but for-bo-ti-lased about widows and si-ro-tahs. Whole families of cor-mi-la and clothes-va-la Juli-a-niya labor-da-my hands of their own.

Having a lot of servants and a courtyard, she doesn’t call-in-la-la to dress and ra-zu-vat herself, to give water for the mind; would-la with the servants of the same-men-but hi-vet-li-va, never-ever-no-si-la to the husband about their steps, pre- chi-taya take wi-well on yourself.

The demons p-gre-zi-li Juli-a-nii in a dream that they gu-beat her if she doesn’t stop b-go-de-i-ny people. But Juli-a-nia does not pay attention to these threats. She couldn’t-la-go-dit mi-mo-lo-ve-che-th-stra-da-niya: to help, to-ra-to-vat, to comfort-sew - it would be - the need of her heart. When there is a hungry time, and a lot of people die-ra-lo from the ex-it-shche-tion, she, in-pre-usually -tea, began to take from the sve-kro-vi sign-chi-tel-but more pi-schi and tai-but once-yes-va-la go-lod-nym. An epi-de-mia came to the h-lo-du, people got drunk in the houses, fearing for-a-ra-zi-sya, and Juli- a-niya secretly from relatives we-la in the bath-house of the sick, le-chi-la them, as best you could, prayed for their well-being. Of those who were dying, she about-we-va-la and na-ni-ma-la people for grave-be-niya, prayed for the mention of each to-go-lo-ve-ka. Bu-duchi Negro-mot-noy, Iuli-a-niya from-yas-nya-la Evangelical texts and spiritual books. And she taught her husband to frequent and warm prayer. Her father-in-law and mother-in-law died in deep old age, having taken before the end of her hair. Juli-a-niya lived with her husband in co-gla-this and love for many years, ro-di-la de-syat sy-no-howl and three do-che-rei. Four sons-no-wei and three before-che-ri died in infancy, and two sons died in the royal service. Overcoming the grief of the heart, Iuli-a-niya spoke like this about the death of children: “God gave, God took. Nothing is-ku-sa sin-hov-on co-creation, and their souls from An-ge-la glorify God and about their ro-di-te-lyah their God pray.

After the tragic death of two sons, Juli-a-niya began to ask to leave her in the monastery. But the husband replied to this that she should raise and raise the rest of the children. All her life Juli-a-niya for-would-va-la se-be for the sake of others, in this way, and this time she agreed, but simplified-si-la mu- zha, so that they do not have su-pru-same-s from-but-she-ny and live like a brother and sister. It was a milestone in the life of the great-ved-noy Juli-a-nii. She increased her movements even more and became a part of my life. During the day and in the evening, she took care of housekeeping and raised children, but-cha-mi-we-were, de-la- la a lot of clones, reducing sleep to two or three hours; spa-la on-lu, on-lo-live under the go-lo-vu on-le-nya instead of a hundred showers, daily-but-se-scha-la bo-go-slu -zhe-niya in the temple, keep a strict post. Her life has become an unceasing prayer and service.

Due to sickness and fatigue, Iuli-a-niya one-but time-me-re-sta-la often go to the temple, increase-li-chiv home-machine -lit-wu. She would have come to the church of St. La-za-rya - the brother of the saints Mar-fa and Mary. The priest of this church heard in the temple a voice from the icon of God-mother Ma-te-ri: “Go and say mi-lo-sti-howl Iuli -a-nii, why doesn’t she go to church? And home-mashing her prayer to please God, but not in the same way as the church. You chi-tay-te her, she is already 60 years old, and the Holy Spirit is on her. ” After the death of her husband Juli-a-niya, she gave her property to the poor, depriving herself of even warm clothes. She became even more strict with herself; in a hundred-yang-but, yes, in a dream, you-ri-la Jesus-so-woo mo-lit-woo. The more su-ro-vee became-but-vi-lied in the movement of Iuli-a-nii, the stronger would be the spirits of evil on her, not the same love-shih to recognize your own way. One day, - her son says, - Juli-a-niya, having come to a little-lazy-com-to-that, was subjected to-pa-de- demons, threatening to kill her if she does not leave her moves. She was not frightened, but only prayed to God and asked to send Saint Ni-ko-lai for help. At the same time, Saint Ni-ko-lai appeared to her with a pa-face in his hand and drove away the unclean spirits. The demons disappeared, but one of them, threatening in a move, predicted to her that in her old age she herself would start “go-lo-house- to peace, rather than to feed other people.

The threat-for-be-sa was used only from-a-part - Juli-a-nii really had to suffer from hunger. But her loving and compassionate heart could not leave dying from hunger without help. It was in the terrible years (1601-1603), in the kingdom of Bo-ri-sa Go-du-no-va. People, both-zu-me-shie from go-lo-yes, ate even human-ve-che-meat.

From the fields of their Iuli-a-nia, they didn’t collect a single grain, there were no owls for pasture, almost all of the cattle fell from demons. Juli-a-nia didn’t ot-cha-i-las: ras-pro-da-la the remaining cattle and everything valuable in the house. Lived in poverty, there was nothing to go to the church in, but "not a single thing ... not a waste of nothing." When all the means were used, Juli-a-niya from-pu-sti-la to the will of their ho-lo-pov (and this is in the 16th century!), but some of the servants would not, in the same way, leave the lady, before they died with her. Then Juli-a-nia, with her characteristic energy, began to save her loved ones from starvation death. She taught her servants to collect le-be-du and wood-bark, from which she baked bread and fed them de-tey , servants and beggars. “The surroundings in-me-shchi-ki with a reproach go-in-ri-li-shchim: why do you go to her? What to take from her? She and sa-ma-mi-ra-et with go-lo-du. - And here's what we'll say, - go-in-ri-whether, - we went around a lot, we sat down, where we-yes-wa-whether for-a-st-I-bread, yes and he didn’t eat to us as much as the bread of this widow ... -to-wine bread. From-ve-having it, they are on-ho-di-whether that you would be right, and with surprise-le-no-it go-in-ri-whether among themselves: ma- ste-ra her ho-lo-py baked bread! With some love-bo-wiyu na-dob-but-yes-va-va-no-mo-mot bread-ba, ... so that this lo-mot becomes-but-wil-sya pre-me- that po-e-ty-che-le-gen-dy the hour I was eat-yes!

Juli-a-nii came-ho-di-elk to fight not only with the danger of death, saving his servants and loved ones, but also with even more terrible danger of the spirit of the gi-be-whether. Horror-on the power of go-lo-yes. In order to be pi-schi, people went to any transgression. Juli-a-niya loved her servants and considered herself responsible for their souls, some, in her words, to you, “be- whether in-ru-che-we her God. Like a warrior on the battlefield, she incessantly fought with evil, and so strong was her prayer and influence on the environment -y-shut that not one of the people close to her stained himself with a step-le-no-eat, during the general time-nuz-dan-but- sti it would-lo-on-one-I-schi-chu-house.

From her did not hear a word of ro-po-ta, pe-cha-li, on-against, all three hungry years, she was in a special under-ny-that and ra-dost-nom-on-string-e-nii: “No op-cha-li-sya, no embarrassment, no roar-ta, but pa-che first let ve-se-la be, ”her son writes.

Before the end of the chi-noy, Iuli-a-niya admitted that it was long ago-la-la An-gel-sko-go-o-ra-za, but “not spo-do-bi- lass for the sake of their sins. She pro-si-la for everyone, yes-la-after-stand-up, for-all-wa-la of everyone, ober-well-la-vo- the circle of the hand of the chet-ki, three times re-re-created, and after her words would be: “Glory to God for everything! Into Your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit. The presence-of-vav-shie at the end of the rank, you see-de-li, as in the circle of go-lo-you it appeared-moose-i-nie in the form of zo-lo-that-go wreath "as if on icons they write". It happened on January 10, 1604.

Appearing in a dream b-go-che-sti-howl servant-ke, Juli-a-niya in-ve-le-la from-take your body to Mu-rom land and lo-live in the church of the holy great-veda-no-th La-za-rya. In 1614, when the earth was dug next to the mo-gi-la of Yuli-a-nii for her son-on Ge-orgy died, would it be about-re-te-us the holy mo-shchi. They are-that-cha-whether mi-ro, from someone-ro-go there was a b-go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o, and many-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-le-le-tion from God les-her - especially-ben-but sick de-ti.

Chu-de-sa on the mo-gi-le of the great-ved-ni-tsy sw-de-tel-stvo-va-li that the Lord glorified his humble servant. In the same 1614, the Holy Righteous Juli-a-niya was added to the number of saints.

In addition to the life of a saint, in the 17th century there would be-la on-pi-sa-at the service, compiling someone-swarm with-pi-sy-va-et -sya her son Dru-zhina Oso-ryi-nu. On the icon of the second-swarm-lo-vin-ny of the 17th century "Co-boron of the Mu-rom-sky saints" saint Juli-a-niya is depicted-brother-together with the you-mi Peter-rum and Feb-ro-ni-ey, prince-zya-mi Kon-stan-ti-nom, Mi-ha-i-lom and Fe-o-do-rum Mu-rom-ski-mi . In the Mu-rom-sky museum there is an icon, on which the holy Juli-a-niya is depicted with her husband Ge-or-gi -eat and do-che-ryu, ino-ki-nei Fe-o-do-si-her, having become a place-but-honor-my saint.

From the 18th century, the fa-mi-lia of St. Juli-a-nii - Osor-ryi-na pi-sa-las as Osor-gi-na. In the ro-de Osor-gi-nyh of the elder son-forever-gda on-zy-va-li Ge-or-gi-em in pa-myat pre-ka. The family of St. Juli-a-nii did not fade away - she somehow left her mark in the history of Russia. One of them, Ge-or-giy Mi-hai-lo-vich Osor-gin, was ras-strel-lyan on So-lov-kah - this is a description-sa-but at Sol-zhe-ni-tsy-na in Ar-khi-pe-la-ge GULAG. In Pa-ri-the same lives Ni-ko-lai Mi-hi-lo-vich Osor-gin - pro-professor Pra-vo-glorious-no-go-go-word-sko-go-in- sti-tu-ta, author of a number of books, he is the re-gent of the Ser-gi-ev-th-courtyard, os-no-van-no-go of his de-home in Pa- ri-same. In the courtyard there is an icon on the holy great-ved-noy Juli-a-nii La-za-Rev-skaya.

The temple of Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la in the village of La-za-re-vo, where the relics of St. Juli-a-nii (in che- you-rekh ver-stakh from Mu-ro-ma), was closed in 1930. Ra-ka with mo-shcha-mi, re-re-not-sen-nay in the Mu-rom-sky kra-e-ved-che-mu-zey, hundred-I-la next to the mo-shcha - Saints Peter and Feb-ro-nii Mu-rom-sky. In the year of you-sya-che-le-tia Baptism of Rus-si on-cha-lis hlo-po-you about the return of relics to the right-to-glorious temple of Mu -ro-ma. For some time, the relics of the holy great-ved-noy Juli-a-nii La-za-rev-sky in chi-wa-li in the temple of Bla-go-ve-shche- of the Pre-holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy of the former Bla-go-ve-shchen-go mo-on-stay of the go-ro-da Mu-ro-ma. Since August 23, 2014, the relics of St. Juli-a-nii have been on the spot of their first -nia - in the temple of Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la se-la La-za-re-vo.

Full Life of Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya

The great Christian mover († about 390) in mi-well-that hot-rya-whose prayer to God would hear go- los from the sky: “Ma-ka-riy! You still haven’t compared with two wives-on-mi, some of them live in the city-ro-de not far from-here-yes.

The elder immediately took a plow and went to find the great-ved-nits, someone pointed out to him by a voice from above. After a long issuing, he knocked at the door of one city-native house, and met him kindly whether two wives. Ma-ka-riy told them: “For you, only I came from the wilderness to find out your de-la, open before me.” “Che-lo-age of God! - from-ve-ti-whether shame-whether-in-women-schi-ny, - is it possible to-but-no-be-go-please-no-go-bo-wat from those who are demons -pre-stand-but-busy-at-home-machine-ni-mi chlo-po-ta-mi and should-wife fulfill su-pru-same-duties?

But the mover relentlessly asked the women to announce to him what kind of life they lead. And they from-ve-ti-whether: “We are two daughters-khi, su-pru-gi of native brothers; we have been living together for five-twenty years and during this time we haven’t said a single word to each other; we don’t have children, but if the Lord gives them, we will pray for Him to help us raise ma-lu-tok ​​in faith and good -che-stii; with ra-ba-mi in-stu-pa-em las-ko-vo. More than once, but with-ve-was-was-to-drink between them-battle in the society of holy virgins, but couldn’t you get a dose of it? in-le-niya of their su-pru-gov. Seeing their love for us, we decided not to break up with them and serve them as a consolation. And so that our life is at least somehow-be-ho-di-la on the life of the holy deserts, we should run away in our hearts noisy conversations, more often to be at home and for-no-mother-sya economy.

To this, the venerable Ma-ka-riy said: “In-is-ti-not, God does not look, is there anyone, or su-pr-ga, monk or world -nin, but he is looking only for the ser-dech-no-go-race to good de-lams: he receives him and goes down-by-sy- la-et of the Holy Spirit to each-to-mu, who-la-et be saved; The comforter is the Holy Spirit on-rights his thoughts and will to heavenly and eternal life.

My-lo-sti-vaya Juli-a-niya in our father-of-the-stve is like-for-la the same example of good-honor-st and pure-you-du- hov-noy, some in the deep-bo-koy hri-sti-an-sky antiquity on Vo-sto-ke, show the wives-we-we-be-good-no-mu Ma- ka-ryu. Her life teaches us that in the world, in the family, among cares for children, husband and children, you can please Bo -gu no less than those who give peace for my-on-styr-sky cell-lia: you only need to live according to the tre-bo-va-ni-yam of christ-sti- an-sky love-vi and evangelical truth-dy.

Mi-lo-sti-vaya Iuli-a-niya was born in Moscow in a noble environment from the bliss-go-che-sti-vy and poor-love-bi-vy-ro- di-te-lei Justin-on and Ste-fa-ni-dy, by the surname Nedyu-re-vyh. Her father served as the key-no-one at the court of Tsar John-na-si-le-vi-cha. Justin and Ste-fa-ni-yes lived in all good-go-ve-rii and clean-those, had sons-no-vey and do-che-rey, a lot slaves and great wealth. In this family, in the 30s of the 16th century, blessed Juli-a-nia was born. She is six hundred years old, she is like a mother, she would be taken for resurrection by a ba-bush-koy from the ma-te-rin-sky side Ana-sta-si-her Lu-ki-noy, born Du-ben-sky, and taken-ze-na from Moscow to pre-de-ly go-ro-da Mu-ro-ma . But six years later, the grandmother of the great-ved-noy Iuli-a-nii died and for-ve-shcha-la to take two-for-tsa-ti-year-old for resurrection si-rot-ku tet-ke her, and her do-che-ri, Na-ta-lye Ara-howl, someone had a lot of their own children: seven girls and one son. It is known that even native brothers with sisters yes-le-ko do not always live in the world and good-rom with-glas-this; the easier it is to-se-la-yut-sya times-to-ry and sva-ry between distant relatives-no-ka-mi, if they live together . Pra-ved-naya Juli-a-niya in-chi-ta-la her aunt, would always be obedient to her in everything and invariably humble herself before their-and-mi-two-kind-us-mi-sisters-ra-mi, ho-zyay-ka-mi home, they say-cha-whether-to-sleep their grievances and reproaches. But in her life, Juli-a-niya wouldn’t be like her sister: she doesn’t like games, for-bav and sha-lo-stey, for someone -ry pad-ka would-va-et youth, but from-yes-va-las in a stu and mo-lit-ve. This time in the ve-de-nii between Iuli-a-ni-her and her sister-ra-mi you-zy-va-la is not only with the sisters, but yes- but among the slaves from de-va-tel-stva and laughter; under the influence of de-tey and tet-ka cha-hundred ko-ri-la si-ro-tu. “Oh crazy, - go-vo-ri-whether often Iuli-a-nii ho-zya-e-va-relatives-no-ki, - why are you in such a mo- lo-to-sti from-well-rya-eat your body and gu-bish de-vi-che-beauty?” Yes, for-strongly, and without time-need-yes-whether to eat and drink si-ro-tu. But always meek, silently-cha-li-vay and in-kor-naya Juli-a-niya became-but-were firm and on-stand-chi-howl, when de -lo about the spa-se-nii of the soul and god-pleasing life. At-mocks and reproaches of relatives and slaves do not act on Iuli-a-nia: she still did the most strict and -holding life, games and great dogs of peers did not attract her, but you-y-wa-whether in her only displeasure and misunderstanding. Alien-yes-de-vi-che-sky in those and for-bav, Iuli-a-niya for some reason with doubled strength pre-da-va-las labor-du - that ru -ko-de-li-yam, some-rye in old-ri-well about-color-ta-li in noble houses, especially ben-but spin-due and shi-tew in hoop. Behind this for-nya-ti-em is the pr-ved-naya pro-si-zhi-va-la no-chi.

But not for myself, ra-bo-ta-la Iuli-a-niya: she is about-shi-va-la and ob-rya-zha-la demon-shelter-yut-nyh orphans, widows and ma- lo-strong patients, someone would have been in that village. It was for them that she worked, not laying hands, not drinking, not eating, not eating. The rumor about her che-lo-ve-ko-love-bee spread around the neighborhood and you-zy-va-la surprise-le-nie to her good-ro-de-tel- noah life. And that everything is more-ra-zi-tel-her, - you-with-some media-re-ing and limitless love for neighbors Juli-a-nia before-by- la only from the depths of your own pure, hri-sti-an-ski of the meek heart. She didn’t have ru-ko-vo-di-te-lei and na-stav-ni-kov; she didn’t know how to read the Holy Pi-sa-niya and take lessons from there; during the time of her de-vi-che-stva, she’s not even like the temple of God, since it wasn’t closer.

In the 16th year of life, Juli-a-niya would-la-ven-cha-on the sacred-no-one court-rya-ni-nome Ge-or-gi-em Oso-ryi-nym in the village of La-za-re-ve, that’s the rank of Osor-ryi-nyh. Upon the completion of the wedding, the priest said, in marriage, the doctrine of how they should live among themselves, how we must re-pi-you-vat children in fear of God, on-soot-give good-ro-de-tel between do-mo-children-tsa-mi and in- in general, arrange a small church from the family. The words of the sacred deep-bo-ko-pa-whether in the soul of Juli-a-nii, and she was sacred to them all her life. Her father-in-law Va-si-liy and mother-in-law Ev-do-kiya would be people from the famous at the royal court, rich, had many a set of slaves and several well-arranged places; besides Ge-or-gy, their only son, they had two do-che-ri. Juli-a-niya with his quiet, mole-kim ha-rak-te-rum, always gentle and with-ve-ve-to soon with-about-re-la love not only sve-k-ra and sve-krov-vi, but yes, zo-lo-wok, some usually don’t get along with brides. In-lu-bi-whether Iuli-a-niyu and even distant relatives-no-ki Osor-rya-nyh and people close to them. Her is-ku-sha-whether different-us-mi in-pro-sa-mi, in order to once-know her character, but she is in-a-hundred-yan-ny with-ve-th and dob -ro-toy, mole-ki-mi and soft-ki-mi from-ve-ta-mi de-weapon-zhi-va-la co-in-pro-no-kov and ma-lo-by-ma- lu pri-ob-re-la love and yes, those who didn’t trust her at all. So Juli-a-niya for-nya-la sa-my prominent place in the family of her husband and became a complete hostess at home.

Chlo-by-you in the house and household, not in the-glo-shcha-whether everything, pay attention to the blessed Juli-a-nii, not half-nya all her soul: getting up early in the morning or tired of daytime worries and worries before going to bed, she prayed for a long time God and cla-la a hundred earthly clones and more; to this hundred-yan-noy and warm prayer, she taught her husband too. Ge-or-gy Osor-ryi-on a frequent visit to the royal service in Astra-ra-khan and other distant places, and he would not be do-ma for a year, two or three. In raz-lu-ke with her husband, under the influence of natural sorrow, Juli-a-niya with a special strength, pre-da-va-las labor -du and mo-lit-ve. Often, for whole nights, she prayed, spun, or shi-la in the hoop; from the de-liya of your hands - yarn and five-personal sewing - Juli-a-niya pro-yes-va-la and you-ru-chen-ny money-gi once-yes- va-la ni-schim; however, how-kus-naya ru-ko-del-ni-tsa, blessed you-shi-va-la pe-le-na, to sacrifice them in the temples. Her b-go-de-i-niya co-ver-sha-la she secretly from sve-to-ra and sve-krov-vi. Mi-lo-sta-nu in-sy-la-la at night with a faithful servant, took care of widows and si-ro-tah, like a native mother, your-and-mi ru-ka-mi ohmy-va-la, cor-mi-la, po-i-la and ob-shi-va-la. Ra-bam she says-zy-va-la de-lo, but would-la with them always kind-to-va and mole-ka, not na-zy-va-la slaves in-lu -and-me-nem, but always full of us-hri-sti-an-ski-mi-name-on-mi. She doesn’t need se-be services from slaves: no one gave her water on her hands, didn’t take off her boots , like de-la-elk at other courts. If, according to custom, when guests come to her, she uses the services of slaves, then with the departure of the guests, she is ka-i- lamented and said-in-ri-la about herself: “Who am I that people serve me, the creations of God?” On the contrary, she herself would always have to serve others: blu-yes-la, so that her slaves would have-la-ho-ro-shay food and proper clothes, yes. But one-no-mi-for-bo-ta-mi about food and clothes for servants was not happy with the right-witness Juli-a-nia: she was getting old, so that there are no quarrels and quarrels between her servants, so that in the house of the tsar-ri-is it quiet, but smooth, and God bless. In the case of quarrels of slaves between co-fights, Juli-a-niya often bra-la vi-well on yourself and so comfort-ka-i-va-la enmity-du-yu-schi. At the same time, she often goes-va-ri-va-la: “I often sin against God, and He, My-lo-ser-dy, forgives me. I will also endure the sins of my servants; although they are subject to me, but in the soul, perhaps, they are better than me and cleaner before God. Never-when-she-to-but-si-la on the steps-ki of slaves neither to her husband, nor sve-to-ru with sve-blood-view, some-ry bra-ni- whether pra-ved-ni-tsu for the superfluous snis-ho-di-tel-ness. When there was not enough of her skill and strength to cope with the is-por-chen-us servants and establish peace and quiet in the house , she prayed to Pre-holy Deve and mi-to-creator-tsu Ni-ko-bark, asking them for help. In one of those hard minutes, Juli-a-niya became the night of prayer; the demons, on the other hand, terrified her soul, and she, having fallen in a demonic rage, fell into a deep sleep. In a dream, she sees that a lot of unclean forces with weapons came to her. “If you don’t quit your affairs, - go-in-ri-li de-mon-us, - immediately-len-but in-gu-bim you-bya.” Blessed Juli-a-nia cried out to Bo-go-ma-te-ri and No-ko-bay miracle-to-creator, and the saint of God appeared with pain -shoy book and dispersed the enemies, some dispersed like smoke; after that, he blessed mi-lo-sti-vuyu Yuli-a-nia and said: “My daughter, be husband and strong, and don’t be afraid devilish goats! Christ instructed me to protect you from demons and evil people.

Waking up, Iuli-a-niya clearly saw-de-la the light-of-the-ho-husband, someone went out the door from the op-chi-val-ni and disappeared. She rushed after him, but for-with-you and for-your-te-re-ma eyes, everything was in its place. Iuli-a-niya realized that the Lord really sent her heaven-but-no-shield-no-ka, strengthened in her ve- re and hope-de on the help of God and even with great user-di-em continue-du-la-la de-la mi-lo-ser-diya and love for your neighbors .

There was a great famine in the Russian land, and a lot of people died from a lack of bread. (This is to-do-mother, famine 1570. Is-to-rik Ka-ram-zin so depicts this terrible time: “Ka-za-elk, earth- la morning-ti-la si-lu plo-do-ro-diya, se-i-li, but not so-bi-ra-li bread-ba, and ho-lod and for-su-ha gu-bi- before-ro-go-vis-on was made unheard of-han-naya: a quarter of rye hundred-and-la in Moscow 60 al-tyn, or about 9 se-reb- The poor people crowded in the markets, ask-shi-va-li about the price of bread and in-pi-whether in from-cha-i-nii. -stay osku-de-la: pro-si-li and those who-rye before-that-le and themselves pi-ta-li beggar. like those, die on the streets and on the roads. -stva: hungry tai-but kill-wa-li and ate each other. - chi-vaya death-nos-sickness in different places. The disaster lasted until 1572). Mi-lo-sti-vaya Iuli-a-nia bra-la at sve-kro-vi pi-shu se-be for breakfast and half a day-ki and tai-but once-yes-va-la everyone is hungry and poor. The holy blood was surprised at this and said: “I am glad that you have become frequent, but I am surprised at what - re-me-nil your custom-tea: before, when there was plenty of everything, you didn’t take food for the morning and afternoon, and I couldn’t you-be-sta-vit de-lat it. Now, when there is a lack of a hundred-cha in bread, you take both breakfast and half a day. Blessed Juli-a-niya, so as not to open her secret mi-lo-sty-ni, from-ve-ti-la sve-kro-vi: “When I don’t -zh-la de-tey, I didn’t want to eat like that; now I’m obes-si-le-la from birth, and I want to eat not only during the day, but also at night, but I’m ashamed to ask from you pi-shchi for the night.

The Sve-blood was very much-ra-do-va-las that the bride began to eat more, and at-cha-la to feed her food and at night. Mi-lo-sti-vaya Iuli-a-niya with-ni-ma-la pi-schu and all times-yes-va-la tay-com go-lod-nym. When one of the beggars in the neighborhood was dying, blessed Juli-a-niya na-ni-ma-la about-we-vat and clean-up koi-no-ka, po-ku-pa-la sa-van, yes-wa-la means on po-ho-ro-ny. She prayed for the soul of each of the West-no-go to her or the unknown-to-ho-ro-no-whether in the village of La-za- re-ve.

Following the famine, a new disaster befell Russia: a strong pestilence began on people from pain-les-no “in the arrow” (one of the -dov yaz-you, maybe Siberian, or chu-we). In-ra-wife-horror-som, zh-te-whether for-pi-ra-lied in the houses and not let-ka-whether to yourself for-sore-shih, as well as bo-I -lis-ka-sat-sya to their clothes-ladies. But mi-lo-sti-vaya Iuli-a-niya tai-com from sve-to-ra and sve-kro-vi-i-mi ru-ka-mi we-la in the baths of the sick, le -chi-la them, as best you could, and mo-li-la God-for-yes-God about their you-health-le-nii. And when someone died from orphans and poor-nya-kov, she, with her own ru-ka-mi, about-we-va-la them and na-ni-ma-la from-but -sit them for gre-be-niya.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law Iuli-a-nii died in deep old age and, according to the custom of our ancestors, on his deathbed, he cut his hair lis in mo-na-she-stvo. Husband Iuli-a-nii was not at home at that time: he remained for more than three years in the royal service in Ast-ra-ha-ni. Blessed Juli-a-niya honestly rowed Va-si-liya and Ev-do-kyu Osor-ryi-nyh, once-yes-la for the repose of their souls, more-d- I rue mi-lo-stay-nyu, for-ka-za-la according to the church-to you so-ro-ko-mouths and in those 40 days became-vi-la by-mi-nal-sto- ly for mo-on-hov, priests, widows, orphans and beggars, as well as in-sy-la-la plentiful in-yes-i-nia in prison mom. And after every year, cel-la-la-pa-myat-dead sve-k-ra and sve-krov-vi and many la on this good-swarm de-lo.

Blessed Julie-a-niya lived with her husband peace-but and quiet-ho for many years, and the Lord sent her de-si son-no-vey and three do-che -ri. Of these, four-you-re sons and two before-che-ri died in infancy. The rest, she you-ras-ti-la and ra-do-va-las on her children.

But the enemy of the ro-da che-lo-ve-che-sko-go was enmity between adult children and the servants of the blessed, in spite of all the same la-ing her to reconcile the enemies. And now her eldest son was even killed by a slave; soon, in the royal service, they killed her other son as well. It would be bitter to the ma-te-rin-to-mu heart of Iuli-a-nii re-re-no-sit mourning, but she didn’t in-pi-la, didn’t tear-la in-lo -sy on the head-lo-ve, how de-la-whether then other women-schi-ns: incessant prayer and mi-lo-stay-nya under-strep-la -whether her strength. The father is also fast, about the-te-re de-tey, but blessed consolation-sha-la him. Under the influence of se-mei-no-go-rya, Iuli-a-niya began to ask her husband to leave her in mo-on-stay and even for- show-la that he will leave secretly, but Ge-or-giy pointed out to her the beautiful words of Kos-we are pre-swe-te-ra and other teachers fathers: “Don’t save you black ri-zy, if we don’t live in my-on-she-ski, and white ri-zy don’t, es- whether you are pleasing to God. If someone goes to the monastery, not wanting to take care of the children, he is not looking for the love of God, but in peace. De-ti, axis-ro-tev-shi, often cry and curse ro-di-te-lei, go-in-rya: “For what, ro-div-shi us, stay -whether on trouble and suffering? If you can feed other people's orphans, you should not feed your own. The husband of the great-ved-noy Iuli-a-nii, a man-of-age gram-mot-ny, read to her and other places from the spiritual pi-sa-te-lei, I didn’t convince her, and she said: “Let it be in the Lord’s!”

After this, the su-pru-gi began to live like a brother and sister: the husband slept on the same bed, and the wife lay down on pe-chi, under-cla-dy-vaya se-be instead of one-hundred-steel-wa reb-ra-mi up, and at the side iron keys. So she went to sleep for an hour or two. When everything is in the house for-ti-ha-lo, blessed Juli-a-niya gets up-wa-la on mo-lit-wo and pro-vo-di-la in it often whole nights, and in the mornings went to the temple for morning and mass. From the church, mi-lo-sti-vaya Juli-a-niya came-ho-di-la to the house and took care of housekeeping. On non-del-ni-cams and Wednesdays, a blessed taste-sha-la once, on Fridays with everything, don’t come-no-ma-la pi-schi and go- la-lya in a separate com-na-tu on mo-lit-va, arrange-yourself at home-ma-to-be mo-na-styr-sko-go-for-tvo-ra . She poses-in-la-la-se-be you-drink one-well cup-shu vi-only on sub-bo-there, when cor-mi-la spirit-ho-ven-stvo, widows , si-mouth and beggars.

Ten years later, after the beauty of the su-pr-same life, the husband of Juli-a-nii died. In-ho-ro-niv and me-nuv him according to custom, like sve-k-ra and sve-blood, dear-lo-sti-vaya Juli-a-nia all from-da-was- zhe-niyu God and neighbor. Since de-ti is strong-but go-re-wa-li about the father, then she, comforting them, says-vo-ri-la: “Do not grieve, my children! The death of the father of your-she-go - on-zi-give us, sinners; seeing her and in a hundred-yan-but expecting for yourself the end-chi-we, be kind-ro-de-tel-na, more than anything, love-be-those friend friend and work-ri-te mi-lo-sty-nu.

Not only words-va-mi in-teaching other blessed Juli-a-nia; she grew up and gave life to ve-li-kim hri-sti-an-skim in motion, holy to us, oh some chi- ta-whether her husband and literate people. In the free from home-machine-them for-both mi-well-you bless-wife Juli-a-niya became-but-vi-las on mo-lit-vu, strengthen-len-but -stayed. But more than anything, she was about the de la mi-lo-ser-diya. Often she didn’t have a single mo-not-you for once-yes-chi beggar; then she borrowed us and dressed-la-la poor-nya-kov. In winter, she took money from de-tey for clothes, but all the time-yes-va-la is poor, she-ma-ho-di-la without warm clothes -dy and in sa-po-gah on bo-su no-gu. In order to sub-visit for the Lord, and, feeling pain, it is stronger than flame to pray to God, Yes-te-lu-ra-do- sti and consolation, she, under her bare feet, in sa-pog, under-cla-dy-va-la, bit-th-th-rep-ki and ore-ho-vuyu speed-lu-pu and so ho-dee-la.

There was an unusually-but-vein-but cold winter, so from mo-ro-for yes the earth cracked. Juli-a-nia for some time, due to the cold, didn’t go to the church, but mo-li-was only home. One day, the priest se-la-la-za-re-va came early in the morning to the temple and heard a voice from the icon of Bo-go-ro-di-tsy: “Go and tell mi-lo-sti-howl Juli-a-nii, why doesn’t she go to church? And her home-machine prayer pleases God, but not in the same way as the church. You chi-tay-te her: she is already at least 60 years old, and the Holy Spirit is on her. ”

The priest, in great fear, ran to Iuli-a-nii, fell at her feet, asked to forgive him and told everyone about the former him yav-le-nii. Blessed-wife strong-but was afraid and said to the priest-no-ku: “You fell into a co-temptation when you say so. How can I, a sinner before the Lord’s house, be worthy of such a call?” And she took an oath from him and from everyone in front of whom he said, not to speak about the vision, neither during her life, nor after her death. The same mother from-great-went to the temple, from-serve-la mo-le-ben before the icon of Bo-go-ma-te-ri, about-lo-would-for-la her and tears, but prayed before Za-stup-ni-tsei Zealous.

Blessed lived in a widow for nine years; during this time, she razed to the poor almost all of her property. She left-la-la do-ma only sa-my necessary-ho-di-mine and ras-pre-de-la-la household-for-pas-sy so that they from one -but-go-yes, don’t re-re-ho-di-whether in another. All that remains is from go-to-go-obi-ho-da, she immediately-len-but de-li-la between no-shi-mi, si-ro-ta-mi and poor-nya-ka-mi.

The unfortunate kingdom-va-nie Bo-ri-sa Go-du-no-va has become. Lord, on-ka-hall the Russian land with an unusual-but-ven-ny go-lo-house: go-lo-yes-y-ye-ate all-what-a-distance, yes, man-lo -ve-che-skim te-la; an innumerable multitude of people died of hunger-lo-yes. There was no food in the house of the Osor-ryi-nykh, because you didn’t go up, the cattle died from demons. Blessed Juli-a-niya mo-li-la de-tey and slaves do not take anything from someone else. All that was left in the house from clothes, livestock and su-da, she sold-yes-la and for the received money-gi ku-pi-la bread ba, she feeds them with her-my-children; despite the terrible poverty, in-mo-ha-la and poor-nya-kam; and none of them left her with empty hands. When there was no more bread left, mi-lo-sti-vaya Juli-a-niya did not fall in spirit, but all hopes are in-lo-zhi-la on -the power of God. She you-need-de-na would-la re-re-se-pour-sya in the same-go-rod-sky pre-de-ly, in the village of Voch-ne-vo, where the rest - still at least some food. But soon a famine developed here in all its strength: Juli-a-niya, not having the means to feed his slaves, from-put-la-la them into lu. Some of them were free, while others remained together with their mistress to endure need and grief. Having left the servants with her, she p-ka-zy-va-la so-bi-army le-be-du, get off with de-re-va il (genus of elm-za) ko-ru and make bread out of them, some-ry-mi and pi-ta-las sa-ma with children and ra-ba-mi. According to her, bread, made from a le-be-dy with a bark, turned out to be a hundred exactly sweet, and poor, which then-ryh, for the reason of go-lo-yes, it would be unusual-but-ven-but a lot, crowd-pa-mi when-ho-di-whether for yes-I-no-eat to mi -lo-sti-howl Iuli-a-nii. So-se-di her ask-shi-wa-whether the beggars: “Why do you go to the house of Iuli-a-nii? She and herself with the children are a little alive from hunger. Poor-nya-ki from-ve-cha-whether to this: “We go to many villages and sometimes we eat clean bread, but we don’t know bread ba is more sweet than that of this widow.

So-se-di, who had up to-free-but clean-hundred-th bread-ba, in-sy-la-whether to ask Juli-a-nii bread-ba from le-be-dy with co swarm and made sure that he was very sweet. But explain-ya-nya-whether it is the ability of the slaves of Juli-a-nii to do something one hundred. Is-py-you-vaya for two years the same need, the great-ved-naya Juli-a-niya was not embarrassed, not raised-la-ro-po-ta, not pa-la spirit-home, but b-la-go-soul-on and ra-dost-na, as always. One thing upset her that there was no temple in Voch-ne-ve, because of her old age she could not attend the temple of the nearest se-la. But, remembering Kor-ni-liya hundred-ni-ke, how his home-machine prayer was pleasing to God, blessed grief- cho from-da-las to her and soon about-re-la soul-shov-ny in a way.

December 26, 1603, mi-lo-sti-vaya Juli-a-niya broke up; her illness lasted for six days, but she only lay in the daytime, but who got up without any support and prayed . Her slaves laughed at her, saying: “What a pain it is! During the day he lies, but at night he gets up and prays! But the blessed meek from-ve-cha-la to-laugh-ni-tsam: “Why are you laughing? Don't you know that the Lord also requires spiritual prayers from pain?

2 Jan-va-rya, at dawn, mi-lo-sti-vaya Juli-a-niya summoned his-th-spirit-of-ho-no-th father of the priest no Afa-na-siya, part of the Holy Ta-in, sat on her bed, called children, servants and villages to her -chan. She taught a lot of hundred-yav-shih about her good life and, by the way, said: “Even in mo-lo- to-sti I strongly-but-la-la-ve-li-ko-go An-gel-so-o-ra-za, but I didn’t get it because of my sins. .. But glory to the great-ved-no-mu judgment of God!

She pri-ka-za-la for-go-to-twist on her gre-be-nie ka-di-lo and po-lo-live in it la-da-well, went with the children , at-a-servant and we-know-we-mi, you-straight-on-ste-whether, re-re-crossed three times, ob-vi-la chet-ki an eye of hands and uttered the next words: “Glory to God for everything! In Your hands, Lord, I betray my spirit!”

When it’s chi-la in Gos-de-bla-wife-naya, all you see-de-li, how about-lo-her head-you about-ra-zo-va-moose si-i-nie on -up to the bee of the golden crown that they pee on the icons of the saints. When we-whether we-lo-lo-chi-shey and-lo-zhi-li in a separate cell-ti, see-de-no-whose burning candles (though no one cares about them) and the feeling of b-go-ear-ing, some-swar-and-moose from the room where the lie -la blessed. On the night that replaced the day of success, mi-lo-sti-vaya Juli-a-niya appeared to one slave-woman and brought-for-la from-to take yourself from Voch-ne-va to Mu-rom-sky pre-de-ly and to-lo-live in the church-vi of the great-Ved-no-go La-za-rya near the husband. A lot of hard-working body of the blessed in-lo-zhi-whether in an oak coffin, were they taken to the village of La-for-re-vo, in che- you-rekh ver-stakh from Mu-ro-ma, and rowed-whether on January 10, 1604

Later, over the mo-gi-lo mi-lo-sti-voi Iuli-a-nii, her de-ti and relatives erected a warm church in the name of Ar-khi-stra-ti- ha Mi-ha-i-la. When, on August 8, 1614, the son of the blessed Ge-or-giy died, and in the mustache-false of the Osor-ryi-nyh, under the church-to-view, became Is it possible to make a place for his burial, they found the coffin of mi-lo-sti-howl Iuli-a-nii neuro-di-mym, but they didn’t know whose it was. August 10-a-hundred, according to the agreement of the pe-va-nia over Ge-or-gi-em, when the participants of the ob-rya-yes went to the Oso house -ri-nyh in-my-know in-chi-she-go, any-bo-torturous wives-schi-we se-la open the coffin and see de-whether that it is full bla-go-out-but-go mi-ra. After the guests left with mi-no-ve-niya, the women announced that they had seen the Osor-ryi-nyh family; de-ti mi-lo-sti-howl Juli-a-nii came to the coffin and saw de-whether the same as the women. In b-go-go-vey-nom fear, they took it to a small co-su-dets mi-ra and took it to the mu-rom-sky cathedral church -kov, ve-ro-yat-but, for osvi-de-tel-stvo-va-niya; and it was in the afternoon, in a way, but sve-no-mu kva-su, and but-whose became-but-ve-elk thick and like-ho-di-lo on oil bug- rya-no-th color. But all-go-la mi-lo-sti-howl Juli-a-nii from horror-sa couldn’t-look: see-de-only-ko that we are neuro-di- gi and her hips; you didn’t see, for some reason, that on the roof of the coffin a log lay down, under the neck of the church stove. On the same night, many heard the ringing in the church of the great-vedi-no-th La-za-rya and came to the temple, thinking that they were beating on -bat, but in-zh-ra there was no-one. When-be-zhav-shie-feelings-wa-li, as from a coffin is-ho-dit goodness. Rumors about this event quickly spread around the neighborhood; many come-ho-di-whether to coffin-boo, ma-for-whether se-bya with the world and in-lu-cha-whether from different diseases .

When mi-ro everything would be raz-bra-but, sick-nye for-cha-whether to take sand-juice from under the coffin mi-lo-sti-howl Iuli-a-nii, ob-ti -ra-lis to them and, according to their faith, in-lu-cha-whether it was easier in needs. So, Mu-rom-sky citizen Jeremiah Cher-vev came to the coffin of mi-lo-sti-howl Juli-a-nii with his wife and two sick-us children: son Andrey and do-che-ri from hands, feet and elbows flowed for more than two years, and they couldn’t even put their hands to the mouth. From-singing mo-le-ben and pa-ni-hi-du at the coffin of Iuli-a-nii and oter-shi de-tey with sand, ro-di-te-whether came back to my; their de-ti pro-spa all day and night, by wake-de-nii could you be baptized freely, and in a week with everything you are well-ro- really.

Kre-stya-nin from the village of Ma-ka-ro-howl was terribly sick with a tooth-ba-mi and for a long time could not eat, drink, or work. On the co-ve-same-we, he alone at half-day came to the coffin of mi-lo-sti-howl Juli-a-nii, prayed to the blessed one, you- rubbed the teeth with a sand and returned to my healthy.

But-whose in the village of La-for-re-in the heat seized four-you-re from-by, covered with-lo-my; an unusually strong wind blew, and already the fire began to approach the church. The priest-nick ran into the temple, then-roar-li-vo-grabbed in both hands of the earth from under the coffin of Iuli-a-nii and began to throw it into the fire. Then the wind re-re-me-nil-sya, in the heat began to ma-lo-po-ma-lu to subside and finally co-ver-shen-but pre-kra -til-sya.

Krestya-nin from the village of Ko-le-di-na, by the name of Clement, had an ulcer on his leg, under the name "by arrows", from which -the swarm many die-ra-whether. The patient, having heard about the miracles of Yuli-a-nii, ordered from-to take yourself to her coffin, co-performed mo-le-ben , wiped the sand with an ulcer and soon you-health-ro-led.

Living-shay in Mu-ro-me on po-sa-de ra-ba bo-yari-na Mat-fairy Cher-ka-so-va, named after Ma-ria, went blind-la. She was brought to the ra-ke Iuli-a-nii, from-serve-whether mo-le-ben and pa-ni-hi-du, and she feels-va-la se- for nothing, whose, so that on the return path, he could already collect mushrooms and berries.

One 10-year-old fell into de-weakness and became blind. He was brought to the church by Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la, so-ver-shi-whether mo-le-ben at the tomb of the great-ved-noy Iuli-a- nii, and the patient suddenly saw a burning candle, and after a little time, he saw everything.

At Agafia, wife of Fe-o-do-ra, serving at the church-vi Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la kli-ri-com, from-nya -there was a hand, so that the patient could not even move it. The unfortunate one appeared in a dream mi-lo-sti-vaya Juli-a-niya and said: “Go to the church of Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la and lie down to the icon of Juli-a-nii. Then, she called a place where two mo-not-you lie with the patient, and told her to give them a priest-puppy-no-ku, so that -lived to the icon. Pain-naya used-half-no-la everything, from-served-la mo-le-ben and pa-ni-hi-du, used-pi-la holy water, wiped off the dog- com and was-tse-li-las.

The Moscow nobleman Iosif Kov-kov was terribly ill and no longer wanted to stay alive. Then it occurred to him to send his servant Ani-kiya to the ra-ke of the great-ved-noy Juli-a-nii: the servant co-performed the mo-le- ben for the health of the bo-la-sche-god-by-de-na, took the holy water and the dog, and when Kov-kov okro-drank himself with-not-sen -noy water and wiped off the sand, that hour you-well-ro-led. A well-worn foot-comer from Moscow-you came to the village of La-za-re-vo-vo-bla-go-da-rit my-lo-sti-vuyu Iuli-a-nia for yes-ro-va-nie of health and in a sacrifice-in-shaft to the temple of Ar-khan-ge-la Mi-ha-i-la sacred-no-che-ri-zy.

On May 8, 1649, a woman from the Vyaz-ni-kovskaya region, Yele-na Va-si-lye-va, in her young years, became blind and ho-di -la to many miraculous creators and holy places with a prayer for healing. Finally, it occurred to her to go to the village of La-za-re-vo and attach to the coffin of mi-lo-sti-howl Iuli-a-nii . From-service-alive mo-le-ben, sick-na-cha-la see; she would-be-la in Mu-ro-me for two years and tirelessly but with-ho-di-la pray to the relics of mi-lo-sti-howl Iuli-a-nii in the days her pa-my-ti and gre-be-niya

Another biography of the righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya

Pra-ved-naya Iuli-a-niya La-za-rev-skaya, Mu-rom-sky, yav-la-et is an amazing example of sa-mo-from-ver- female Russian christ-sti-an-ki. She would-la to-che-ryu dvor-rya-ni-na Iusti-na Nedyu-ro-va. From a young age, she lived-la-bla-go-che-sti-vo, strictly staid and for a long time did not de-la-la mo-lit-ve. Ra-but axis-ro-tev, she would-la from-da-na to-ne-che-re-relatives, some-rye don’t-no-ma-whether her and laugh -lis. Juli-a-niya sno-si-la everything is ter-pe-li-vo and without-ro-pot-but. Her love for people was expressed in the fact that she often took care of the sick and she-la clothes for the poor. Bla-go-che-sti-vaya and good-ro-de-tel-naya life de-vi-tsy attracted-la attention-ma-nie vla-del-tsa se-la-for-re-vo (not far from Mu-ro-ma) Yuri Oso-ri-na, someone soon married her. Ro-di-te-whether the husband is like a meek bride-ku and re-re-yes-whether in her hands is the management of the house. Do-machine for-bo-you don’t pre-rva-whether the spirit-movements of Iuli-a-nii. She is always on-ho-di-la time for praying and in a hundred-yan-but go-that-wa to feed the orphans and clothe the poor. During the time of strong-no-tho-lo-yes, sa-ma remains without food, from-yes-wa-la after the last ku-juice pro-sya-sche-mu . When, after the famine, the epi-de-mia began, Juli-a-niya whole-whether in-holi-la se-be caring for sick-us .

The great-ved-noy Iuli-a-nii had six sons and a daughter. After the death of two sons-no-wei, she re-shi-la removed to mo-on-stir, but her husband persuaded her to stay in the world so that -should-reap-re-pi-you-vat de-tey. According to the testimony of the son of Iuli-a-nii - Kal-li-stra-ta Oso-ryi-na, on-pi-sav-she-go her life, she is at this time became even more tre-bo-va-tel-noy to se-be: usi-li-la post, mo-lit-woo, spa-la but-whose no more than two hours, according to -lo-alive under the go-lo-woo-le-but.

After the death of her husband Juli-a-niya, she gave her part of the inheritance to the poor. Living in extreme poverty, nevertheless, she would always be-la life-not-ra-worthy, hi-vet-li-va and for all the b-go-yes -ri-la Gos-po-da. The holy-th-st-and-was-to-se-shche-of the holy-ty-te-la Ni-ko-lai Chu-to-the-creator and on-to-be-le-of God-she-she Ma -te-ri in the temple-mo-howl mo-lit-ve. When the great-ved-naya Juli-a-niya went to the Lord-in-du, then it would be-la-ho-ro-not-next to her husband in the church of the holy th La-for-rya. Her daughter, shi-mo-na-hi-nya Fe-o-do-siya, is right there in a gre-be-na. In 1614, would there be about-re-te-we the mighty great-ved-noy, who used the bless-go-out-of-the-world, from someone-ro-go many in-lu-cha-whether is-tse-le-nie.


Troparion of Righteous Juliana of Lazarevskaya, Murom

Enlightened by Divine grace, / and after death, the lightness of your life revealed thou: / exude more fragrant myrrh to all those who are sick for healing, / with faith coming to your relics, / righteous mother Juliana, / pray to Christ God / / be saved for our souls.

Translation: Enlightened by the Divine, and after death, you showed the purity of your life, for you exude fragrant to all the sick for healing, who come to yours with faith, righteous mother Juliana, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

John Troparion of Righteous Juliania of Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya

Take up your cross on the frame, / you followed Christ with almsgiving, fasting and prayer, / all-praiseful Juliana, merciful, / and to all living in the world, the rule appeared to you of life, / the same, having inherited the Higher Kingdom, / unceasingly beg// be saved for our souls.

Translation: Taking your cross on your shoulder, you followed Christ () with almsgiving, fasting and prayer, the merciful Juliana glorified by everyone, and to everyone living in the world, was an example of life, therefore having inherited the Kingdom of Heaven, pray unceasingly for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion of Righteous Juliana of Lazarevskaya, Murom

All who are in trouble and sickness, quick-to-an-aid helper, / let us sing of Saint Juliana, / she lives in the world pleasing to God / and show alms to the poor without measure, / / ​​for this sake, gain the grace of the miracles of God ion.

Translation: Always ready to hear us as an assistant to all who are in trouble and illness, let us sing to Saint Juliana, for she lived pleasingly in the world and showed immeasurable mercy to the poor, therefore she gained the grace of miracles.

Prayer of Righteous Juliana of Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya

Our consolation and praise, Juliana, the dove of the God-wise, like a phoenix, gloriously flourishing, having sacred virtues and having silver, image to the height of the Kingdom of Heaven has flown! Today we joyfully bring laudatory singing of your memory, since Christ crowned you with miraculous incorruption and glorified you with the grace of healing. Having been wounded by the love of Christ, from youth you kept purity of soul and body, but you loved fasting and abstinence, in the image that helps you grace, trampled all the passions of this world, and, like a bee, wisely the color of goodness having found the calves, the sweet honey of the Holy Spirit in the heart thou hast instilled her own, and, while still in the flesh, thou hast been granted a visitation to the Mother of God. We diligently pray to you: pray, mistress, that in the Trinity the glorious God with your prayers will give us many years of health and salvation, peace and abundance of the fruits of the earth and victory and overcoming on the enemies. Save by your intercession, reverend mother, the country of Russia and this city and all cities and Christian countries are unharmed from all slander and intrigues of the enemy. Remember, mistress, your wretched servant, today in prayer you are coming, but through all your life more than all people who have sinned, both bringing warm repentance for these and your prayers to God, forgiveness of sins, receive asking, like yes, a sin liberated from the passions of the sheep, thanksgiving singing to you let us feast and glorify all the good Giver of God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya of Murom

Kondak 1

Chosen by God, the righteous and merciful Juliania, in the lands of Muromstey as a bright star shone, the poor feeder and prayer book for the people to Christ God, glorifying the Lord glorifying thee, with laudatory songs we will sing to you, showing the image of spiritual achievement to all Russian wives. But you, as if having boldness to the Lord, with your prayers from all troubles, free us, calling with love:

Ikos 1

From youth you loved the angelic monastic life, blessed Juliana, and you desired to work with God alone with all your heart. Both by looking at the path of salvation, the Lord will provide you, hedgehog in an honest holy life to please Him. For this reason, when you have reached the age of marriage, you were given to a virtuous and rich husband, named George, and get married quickly in the church of the righteous Lazarus. Then all the relatives of your spouse marvel at your reason, humility and obedience. Marveling at such a wonderful providence of God, we joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, blessed child of the parents of the poor-loving Justin and Stephanis.

Rejoice, having lost your mother, brought up outside the shelter of the father in faith and piety.

Rejoice, most bright star, in the village of Lazarev, kindled by God.

Rejoice, fragrant lily, returned in the silence of the forests of Murom.

Rejoice, having shown your peers an image of good manners.

Rejoice, pure lamb, who has sought a monastic rank from childhood.

Rejoice, meek novice, handed over to her husband by the will of God.

Rejoice, you who spent your life in humility and good deeds.

Rejoice, unfeigned love for God and for your neighbors.

Rejoice, beloved of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Rejoice, you who lived like an angel on earth.

Rejoice, for now you rejoice with the Angels in the abodes of heaven.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 2

Seeing the enemy of the Christian kind, your good deeds, all-night vigils and fasts, desired your soul to confuse insurance. But you, mother Juliania, having placed all your hope in God and His Most Pure Mother, called upon St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help. And Saint Nicholas appeared, holding a great book, dispelled the demons, bless you and say: “My daughter, take heart and be strong, Christ commanded me to keep you from demons and evil people.” Thanks to God, you joyfully sang the angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The human mind is perplexed how you, blessed mother, are in the vanity of life, you lived undisturbed in the devils of heaven with your soul, and you received abundant wealth, as if alien and God-given to you; in a brother, honestly, you have carried your cross, you have shown the height of virtues, and you have raised your children in faith and piety. But we, honoring such a grace given to you from God, with love magnify you:

Rejoice, having lived with your husband in love and piety.

Rejoice, having saved your husband by prayer and meekness.

Rejoice, having established your children in doing good.

Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten them with God-wise words.

Rejoice, merciful lady, who ministered to her servants in the gospel.

Rejoice, righteous mother, having lived in the world, honored with holiness.

Rejoice, rejoicing at the appearance of St. Nicholas.

Rejoice, saved from unclean spirits.

Rejoice, demonic obsession courageously endured.

Rejoice, despoiler of the slanders and machinations of the evil one.

Rejoice, tender prayers, like a fragrant censer, bringing to God.

Rejoice, guide in the world living for salvation.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 3

The power of the Almighty has given you the strength to endure your heavy cross in patience, when the pure souls of your four sons and your two daughters, in infancy, like birds of heaven fly to God. But you, O God-wise mother, you yourself, like a dove of God, aspiring to the villages of paradise with your soul, for everything you thanked God and your surviving children with love and prayer edified you, about those who had fallen asleep with the righteous Job, saying: “The Lord give, the Lord take away . Now, my little child is glorifying God from the Angels, begging for His warmth for their parents, from pure lips bringing the seraph song: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a heart that is merciful to all, filled with grace-filled love, truly a merciful mother, Juliana, appeared to you in the days of God's visit to the Russian country with a heavy famine. You, yourself in need, have given away all your possessions, feeding the hungry with bread and giving alms to them, and all those who suffer were covered and comforted. In the same way, we, asking for your mercy and intercession in our needs and sorrows, cry out from the depths of our hearts:

Rejoice, like gold in the furnace, tested by the fire of sorrows and temptations.

Rejoice, thou who bore thy cross with patience and joy.

Rejoice, dormition of loved ones, as a short separation accepting.

Rejoice, thou who didst ask them for the Kingdom of Heaven from the Lord.

Rejoice, in the days of famine, with the light of your love, you illuminated the Russian land.

Rejoice, feeding the hungry with bread, delivering them from death and torment.

Rejoice, filled with mercy and love for suffering people.

Rejoice, in the form of a poor brethren, you have done mercy to Christ our God.

Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of mercy.

Rejoice, for having distributed your property, you have gained heavenly wealth.

Rejoice, food and joy for the hungry and thirsty.

Rejoice, culprit of the salvation of many human souls.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 4

Our fatherland was filled with a storm of troubles and misfortunes, when, because of their sin, the people were punished with a mortal punishment, and therefore I lock myself up in houses, and I don’t let wounded relatives to myself, and I don’t touch their robes. But you, blessed mother, washing your aching hands in the bath, prayed to God for their healing, and if someone died, escorting them to eternal rest, you gave silver pieces for burial and a lot of alms and magpies did you for them. Now, having received a blessed kingdom from God, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, unceasingly sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about the most cruel murder of your son, you were wounded by your mother's heart, God-wise Juliana. Either way, you were not so upset by his death, if you were saddened by his sudden death; You also lamented terribly about his killer. When your other beloved son was also killed in the service of a warrior, with tears of tenderness remembering the sufferings of Christ Himself, in warm prayers to Him you were strengthened and your grief dissolved with joy, as if you were, according to the word of the Apostle, in the image of all believers. We, marveling at your humble faith, magnify you with love:

Rejoice, long-suffering mother, who handed over the children of your dead in the hands of the Lord.

Rejoice, murderer of your son, like the Christ who crucified Him, forgiving.

Rejoice, thou who didst bear the light and good yoke of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who didst love thy neighbor more than thyself.

Rejoice, having endured many sorrows with thanksgiving to God.

Rejoice, joy and consolation to those who mourn.

Rejoice, thou who overcame the wickedness of this world with patience and prayer.

Rejoice, having found consolation in the Lord alone.

Rejoice, visitor lying in infirmities.

Rejoice, our refuge in sorrows and illnesses.

Rejoice, having shown the oil of consolation to all the weeping and the needy.

Rejoice, and in our sorrows you yourself are able to sympathize with us.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 5

Thou hast appeared like a godly star, the city of Murom and our whole earth with grace illuminating, righteous Juliana, and shine to everyone, and instruct all who hope to find the salvation of the soul in the world of many troubles. For this sake, you also teach us that there is only one true path to salvation in this world, if all with faith, hope and love endure Christ for the sake of, singing to Him the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing your spouse, as if you are thirsty to hide from the world in the monastery of monasticism, begging you not to leave him with five children. But you, meek lamb, humbly cutting off your will, obediently said thou: “The will of the Lord be done,” and, having received the cross of feat given from God in the marriage union, moreover, you multiplied vigils, fasts and prayers, going to church for matins and to the liturgy, and keeping your house, and helping widows and orphans. We, remembering your virtues, cry out to you with tenderness:

Rejoice, for you showed your love for God by love for your neighbors.

Rejoice, thou who didst spend days and nights in unceasing prayer.

Rejoice, thou who didst honor the parents of thy husband with love and obedience.

Rejoice, loving mother of your child.

Rejoice, having shown the image of a true Christian marriage with your spouse.

Rejoice, pious family of the world and good giver.

Rejoice, true guardian of abstinence and purity.

Rejoice, teacher of a virtuous and righteous life.

Rejoice, for thou hast lived on earth holy and pleasing to God.

Rejoice, for thou hast brought many fruits of virtue to God.

Rejoice, bold intercessor of all who call on your name.

Rejoice, most bright lamp for your fatherland.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 6

The preacher of your mournful life, your son Callistratus appeared, even telling the world your secret and wondrous feat, how after the repose of your spouse you rejected everything in the world, you desired to please God alone, and fasting and doing alms immeasurably, you yourself went without warm clothes in winter , in boots, bare feet, putting on shoes. The same about you, righteous Juliana, the city of Mur rejoices and the Church of God triumphs brightly, singing the song to the Ascetic God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Ascend grace in your heart with the light of good deeds, O holy mother. “The city cannot hide, standing on top of the mountain,” so are you, striving for a good feat, choosing poverty instead of wealth, work, prayer and night vigils instead of peace; even in the palaces of heaven with wise virgins, you were honored to be, even if you do not stop praying for all those who honor your memory and cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, quiet-winged dawn, brightening the Murom region.

Rejoice, God-given Vesi of Lazarev.

Rejoice, having gathered the oil of good deeds with the wise virgins.

Rejoice, thou who didst show the love of heaven in thyself.

Rejoice, thou who subdued thy flesh and spirit.

Rejoice, having shown us the image of non-acquisitiveness.

Rejoice, having adorned your soul with many virtues.

Rejoice, fulfilling unspeakable joys to those who love you.

Rejoice, chosen one of God, who ascended to the height of perfection.

Rejoice, meek dove, flying to heavenly heights.

Rejoice, keeper of great mercy and compassion.

Rejoice, zealous and favorable prayer book for our souls.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 7

Wanting to serve God with all your soul after the death of your spouse, you were jealous of the angelic life, righteous Juliania, you applied feats to feats, moreover, imitating Christ, in humility, love and meekness, you labored, marching along the path of salvation, leading to the heavenly heavenly fatherland, singing incessantly angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new sign of the height of your life showing all the Creator and Master of the Lord: after giving warm clothes to the poor, in the cold winter you stopped going to church, but in the house you offered up prayers to God. On the same morning, the priest who came to the temple of the righteous Lazarus heard a voice from the icon of God Matera: “Shed, merciful Juliana’s priests: why doesn’t go to church to pray? And her house prayer is favorable, but not like a church one; you read her, for she is no less than sixty years old and the Holy Spirit rests on her. But you, merciful mother, sent your steps to the temple of God, with warm prayers kissing the icon of the Mother of God and singing a prayer service. For this sake, return the people, rejoicing, as the Queen of Heaven herself loves you so, I will glorify you:

Rejoice, beloved of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Rejoice, overshadowed by Her cover.

Rejoice, merciful named from the Mother of God.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive glory not from man, but from the Mother of God herself.

Rejoice, zealous intercessor, reverent worshiper.

Rejoice, Chosen Mother of God.

Rejoice, before the icon of the Mother of God, offering warm prayers.

Rejoice, as the dew of heaven, filled with the grace of God.

Rejoice, home of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, according to Bose and the Mother of God, our hope is strong.

Rejoice, having pleased God with prayers and alms.

Rejoice, having acquired great boldness towards Him.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 8

Thou didst think of being a wanderer and a stranger in this world, mother Juliania, the same, having laid aside all care for the earthly wealth and imitating the sisters of the righteous Lazarus, thou fed many poor, sick and orphans, in their person Christ Himself served thou, as if Martha cared for them, in spirit, thou didst love part of Mary. Now you dwell with the Angels in eternal glory and sing in a voice of joy the victorious song to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

The whole country of Russian sorrow and weeping was filled in the time of the great famine, and many people were exhausted by countless famine. But you, merciful Juliania, having sold all your possessions for a living, you gave alms, and you did not release a single one from those who asked. When the grain in your house ran out, you commanded your servants to gather quinoa and bark of wood, making bread from them, and with your prayers make the bread sweet. For this sake, we magnify thee with love:

Rejoice, wanderer who sought the mountainous Fatherland.

Rejoice, thou who endured many sorrows benevolently.

Rejoice, ambulance to the distressed.

Rejoice, patron of the poor and wretched.

Rejoice, having distributed all your possessions, according to the word of the Lord.

Rejoice, thou who didst graciously do good to near and far.

Rejoice, honest vessel, keep the oil of God's mercy in it.

Rejoice, warming us with the warmth of your love.

Rejoice, calling on you, zealous intercessor.

Rejoice, invisible intercessor in sorrows and ill-suffering of those who exist.

Rejoice, having acquired the Kingdom of Heaven through almsgiving and spiritual exploits.

Rejoice, almsgiving and teaching us.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 9

All human and angelic nature was surprised at your great feat, righteous Juliana, as if on earth you showed an equal-angelic life, you were the house of the Holy Spirit and you received grace from God with many alms, rekshago: “Blessed are the mercies, as they will have mercy.” Meanwhile, now your bright soul is settling from Angela, singing a thankful song to God who strengthened you: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetii multicasting will be perplexed by the property to praise your deeds, which you did on earth. When your repose drew near, then called thou, blessed mother, thy children, punishing them and saying: “Children, strive and have love among yourselves, as Christ love us”; and wrapping the rosary around your hand, you said: “Glory to God for the sake of all, in Your hands, Lord, I betray my spirit,” and you betrayed your holy soul in the hands of God, and all those who gathered saw a circle of gold at your head, as if on icons of saints are written. We, honoring your blessed death, sing to you:

Rejoice, having loved the Lord from your youth with all your heart.

Rejoice, for you have kept your faithfulness to Him to the end.

Rejoice, thou who didst live pleasingly in the midst of the world.

Rejoice, thou who pleased God with alms and prayers.

Rejoice, holy and venerable earthly life ended.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the crown of immortality from the Lord.

Rejoice, you who have moved from the earth to the abode of heaven.

Rejoice, thou who didst join the ranks of the holy women there.

Rejoice, servant of God, shining like the sun with your wondrous life.

Rejoice, glorified by your miracles from God.

Rejoice, as by your intercession with Christ God you give us eternal salvation.

Rejoice, for you bring the incense of your prayers for all the virgins and wives of Russians to Him.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 10

Wanting to save your soul, merciful Juliana, you walked along the narrow and sorrowful path, and so you inherited the Kingdom of Heaven and died like a true disciple of Christ God, fulfilling His commandments: with those weeping in repentance you found comfort for yourself, with meekness to all the land of the meek you inherited Thou hast received mercy from the Lord by love of poverty and alms, thou hast been honored with the purity of the heart of God to see God, now sing the victorious song to Him with all the saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The invincible wall appeared to the faithful, who resorted to your speedy intercession when your honest relics were found, Saint Juliana. And when people saw your coffin full of fragrant peace, and many, anointed with that world, received healing from various ailments. The same we, sinners, are now flowing to the race of your relics, we pray: intercede and save us with your prayers from temptations and sorrows, troubles and misfortunes, but we cry out to you:

Rejoice, glorified by the incorruption of your relics from God.

Rejoice, thou who shone over our land with the radiance of thy miracles.

Rejoice, faithful performer of the gospel commandments.

Rejoice, partaker of eternal joy with Christ.

Rejoice, having settled in the heavenly city with spiritual poverty.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive eternal consolation with touching tears.

Rejoice, hungry and thirsty for the truth, now enjoying heavenly bliss.

Rejoice, thou who didst inherit the land of promise in the spirit of meekness.

Rejoice, for thou hast received bliss from the Lord through the deeds of the merciful.

Rejoice, for now you see God face to face with a pure heart.

Rejoice, having entered the Kingdom of Heaven with patience for the sake of truth.

Rejoice, for your reward is much in Heaven.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 11

Singing all tenderness with faith and love we bring to you, holy Juliana, we glorify and magnify the glorified thee and marvelous in His saints, our God, who has given us such a merciful intercessor and healer of ailments, and we pray to you: save the Russian people in all well-being and purity and keep us from of any evil situation, but peacefully and serenely living in our power, we thankfully sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Thou hast shone, like a lamp, placed not under a bushel, but on a candlestick, filled with the oil of faith, hope and love, and most of all Christian patience, mercy and abstinence, not exactly in the lands of Muromstey, but you have illuminated all God-saved Russia with the rays of your God-pleasing life and You exude many miracles of healing from your incorruptible relics, consoling and giving joy to all the faithful who cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, heavenly star, shining in the lands of Russtei.

Rejoice, radiant luminary that illuminated our entire country.

Rejoice, spiritual treasure of the city of Murom.

Rejoice, vesi Lazorevskaya relentless guardian.

Rejoice, lamp of heavenly light, show us the way to the Kingdom of God.

Rejoice, illuminating the darkness of our souls with the lightness of your miracles.

Rejoice, wandering guide in the darkness of unbelief.

Rejoice, for you enlighten us with grace-filled light.

Rejoice, healing our souls and bodies by the grace of God.

Rejoice, merciful intercessor and unsleeping guardian of ours.

Rejoice, inextinguishable candle, kindled with love for God.

Rejoice, who loves and honors you with pure love.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 12

Grace, given to you from God to heal the ailments of the soul and body, summons the faithful to your race of relics, before them bringing a small prayer, we receive great grace from the Lord. The same we pray to you: now pour out a warm prayer to the Lord, may he strengthen the Holy Church, may he strengthen our country and preserve the Orthodox faith in it; pray to Christ our God that our lamps be kindled from the oil of good deeds, and help all the virgins and wives of our homeland to meet the Lord and be worthy to stand at His right hand and praise Him forever with an angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing and glorifying the All-Merciful God, who gave you to us, merciful mother Juliana, we glorify your deeds of mercy and deeds, you glorified the image of the Lord on earth, we praise your jealousy for God, love for His Most Holy Mother, we bless your service to the poor, the sick and the poor, we glorify your meekness, we magnify your humility and honor your holy memory, with tenderness we sing to you like this:

Rejoice, in the highest throne of God from the Angels coming.

Rejoice, as if you were triumphant with His chosen ones in the abodes of Paradise.

Rejoice, crowned with the crown of immortality with the saints and the righteous.

Rejoice, interlocutor of the entire God-bright face of the holy wives of Russians.

Rejoice, glory and adornment to the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, fragrant flower of the Russian land.

Rejoice, dwelling in the light of the evening.

Rejoice, you who drive away the darkness of soulful ailments.

Rejoice, God-given healer of hopeless sufferers.

Rejoice, liberator of the demon-possessed from the violence of the devil.

Rejoice, teacher of true love for God.

Rejoice, our blessed consolation to all Christians of the earth.

Rejoice, merciful Juliania, praise and adornment of Russian wives.

Kondak 13

O wonderful and merciful dove, holy righteous Juliana, now accept this small prayer of ours and offer it to Christ our God; ask the All-Merciful Savior for approval in faith and good deeds, deliverance from all troubles and misfortunes in this life, in our sleep, a good hope for salvation, may we be able to sing to Him in eternal joy: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Our consolation and praise, Juliania, God-wise dove, like a gloriously flourishing phoenix, sacred and silvery wings of virtues, you flew up to the height of the Kingdom of Heaven! Today we joyfully bring laudatory singing of your memory, since Christ has crowned you with miraculous incorruption and glorify you with the grace of healing. Having been wounded by the love of Christ, from youth you kept purity of soul and body, but you loved fasting and abstinence, in the image of grace helping you, you trampled all the passions of this world, and, like a bee, wisely finding the color of virtues, the sweet honey of the Holy Spirit in your heart you instilled and, while still in the flesh, you were honored with a visit to the Mother of God. We diligently pray to you: pray, madam, that in the Trinity the glorious God with your prayers will give us many years of health and salvation, peace and abundance of the fruits of the earth and victory and overcoming the enemies. Save with your intercession, reverend mother, the Russian country and this city and all the cities and countries of Christians are unharmed from all the slander and intrigues of the enemy. Remember, madam, your wretched servant, who is coming to you today in prayer, through all your life, more than all the people who have sinned, both warm repentance for these bringing and your prayers to God for forgiveness of sins, receive asking, as if freed from sinful passions, bring you thanksgiving singing ever let us sweat and glorify all the good Giver of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

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