Who is Dr. Komarovsky - what can the most famous doctor "from TV" tell us? School of Dr. Komarovsky - “Do you believe the advice of Dr. Komarovsky? Can they be dangerous? Why are doctors loved, and why are they scolded? We turn on "common sense."

Member Name: Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky

Age (birthday): 15.10.1960

City: Kharkiv

Education: Kharkov Medical Institute

Family: Married, has children and grandchildren

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Evgeny Komarovsky was born into a family where no one has ever been associated with medicine.

Mom was an engineer, dad too, grandfather was a military man, but Evgeny himself feels that the desire to be a doctor was transmitted to him at the genetic level.

Sometimes he jokes, talking about something in past life he was a doctor, or there are ancestors who were associated with the medical business.

At school, Komarovsky studied well, was a fairly sociable boy. When he was 10 years old, a sister was born - his reverent concern and fear of losing her played a significant role in choosing a future profession.

After school, he had two options - either go to medical school or join the army. He passed the exams perfectly, so the service had to wait. In parallel with his studies, Komarovsky begins to earn extra money in a hospital- At first he was a nurse in intensive care, then, after receiving a diploma, he worked as an infectious disease specialist in a children's clinic.

A few years later, he took up the post of doctor in the intensive care unit, and a year later he was appointed head of the infectious diseases unit. In 2006, Komarovsky decides to open a private office and advise the population.

We must pay tribute to Dr. Komarovsky, beloved by millions, for his work - he is a candidate of medical sciences, has repeatedly written scientific papers, and has been awarded the Teletriumph award three times for the project of the Inter channel, the School of Doctor Komarovsky.

Interestingly, his easy presentation and ability to talk about medicine in a language accessible to viewers arose back in 1993.

Then he wrote his first work, and it was not a scientific work, but a monograph "Viral croup in children." He wrote for himself and for friends, and therefore chose an accessible and understandable style. It turned out to be an incredibly fascinating book, and after it a number of similar works followed.

Dr. Komarovsky is known thanks to the TV program, but he first appeared on television in 1992, when a diphtheria epidemic was raging in the country.

Komarovsky had to restrain his panic and tell his parents how to behave if a child has an illness and what to do to prevent infection. Now almost all the mothers of Ukraine and Russia listen to the opinion of Evgeny, he publishes books, consults online.

Married Komarovsky while still a student
, until now he is surprised that he was lucky the first time not to make a mistake and choose his woman.

Katerina bore him two sons, Dmitry and Andrey, both of whom are now independent adults. Interestingly, the sons got married almost at the same time, and children were born in their families in 2013.

Dr. Komarovsky educates his grandchildren with love, you can often see joint photos with his grandfather.

Now Eugene lives in his house with his wife, in parallel with work he is fond of fishing, which he calls a personal pathology. No matter what time of year and what kind of weather outside the window, if he plans to go fishing, he will do it no matter what.

Photo by Evgeny

Dr. Komarovsky maintains an Instagram page with over 800,000 followers.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky
Date of Birth:
A country:


Scientific area:
Place of work:

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky(born October 15, Kharkov, Ukraine) - pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category and TV presenter, hosts the program "School of Doctor Komarovsky".


Parents are native Kharkovites. By nationality, the mother is Jewish, the father is Ukrainian. Parents are engineers by profession and have worked all their lives at the turbine plant.

The author of numerous scientific papers, as well as popular science articles and books, the most famous of which - "Health of the child and the common sense of his relatives" - has withstood more than 15 reprints in Russia and Ukraine.

Doctor Komarovsky lives and works in Kharkov. In practical healthcare - more than 25 years. Graduated from the Faculty of Pediatrics. Since 1983, he worked in the regional children's infectious diseases clinical hospital in Kharkov. Until 1991 - a doctor in the intensive care unit, over the next ten years - the head of the infectious diseases department. Since 2000, he conducted a consultative pediatric appointment at a private medical center, in 2006 he opened a private medical center - the Komarovsky Clinic "Clinic".

In 1993, the monograph "Viral croup in children" was published, for which the author received a PhD in 1996. “The Beginning of Your Child’s Life” (1996) is the first popular science book by E. O. Komarovsky, “The Health of the Child and the Common Sense of His Relatives” (2000) is its logical continuation. In 2002, the book "Disposable Diapers" was published. In 2007 - a new, supplemented and completely revised edition of "Child Health ..."

In 2008-2009, the following were published: “ORZ: a guide for sane parents”, “Diary”, “Book from a cough”, “Book from a cold”, “36 and 6 questions about temperature”, an audio book “The beginning of your child’s life”, and See also the first part of the Handbook of Sane Parents, which contains information relevant to all healthy children - growth and development, tests and examinations, nutrition, vaccinations.

2010 - the second part of the parent guide - "Emergency Care".

The doctor is also known to the parent audience for numerous television projects - as a talk show participant, consultant for specialized programs.

In March 2010, the project "School of Dr. Komarovsky" was launched on the central Ukrainian TV channel Inter.

Laureate "Most handsome man Ukraine 2010".

The doctor's methodology for the care and upbringing of a child is distinguished by simplicity, accessibility, efficiency and adaptation to modern conditions and domestic mentality, for which he is often called the "Ukrainian Spock".


  • Viral croup in children. Clinic, diagnostics, therapy tactics. Kharkov, 1993.
  • The beginning of your child's life. Kharkov, 1996.
    • The beginning of your child's life. Audiobook. Kharkov, 2008.
      • Beginning of life. Your child from birth to a year. Book + DVD. Moscow, 2009.
  • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. Kharkov, 2000.
    • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. Kharkov, 2007. Revised and expanded edition.
      • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. 2nd edition, rev. and additional Kharkov-Moscow, 2010.
  • Disposable diapers. Popular user manual. Kharkov, 2002.
  • ORZ: a guide for sane parents. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
  • Diary. Our notes about our child. Kharkov, 2008.
  • The book from the common cold: about children's colds for moms and dads. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
  • Cough book: about children's cough for moms and dads. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
  • 36 and 6 questions about temperature. How to help a child with an increase in body temperature. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
  • Handbook of sane parents. Part one. Growth and development. Analyzes and surveys. Nutrition. Vaccinations. Kharkov-Moscow, 2009.
  • Handbook of sane parents. Part two. Urgent Care. Kharkov-Moscow, 2010.
  • Little stories about hedgehogs. Kharkov, 2012.
  • Handbook of sane parents. Part three. Medicines. Kharkov-Moscow, 2012.

The books "Health of the child and the common sense of his relatives" and "ORZ: a guide for sane parents" have been translated into Ukrainian and Chinese.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky- a pediatrician of the highest category, who gained fame among the masses thanks to the author's television program "School of Doctor Komarovsky".
Author of several books, TV programs, TV presenter, coveted and authoritative consultant in television and radio programs on issues related to children's health and health care in general.

Was born: October 15, 1960
Place of Birth: Ukraine, Kharkov
Education: Kharkiv National Medical University
Academic degree: Candidate of Medical Sciences (graduated in 1996)
Family status: Married since 1981, has two sons
Hobby: Fishing

Evgeny Olegovich was born and raised in a family of engineers who worked at a turbine plant.

My mother, before becoming an engineer, graduated from the Institute of Culture and worked as a librarian for several years. The consequences of my mother's library education are a huge home library, a cult of books and my passion for reading, including at night - with a flashlight and under the covers.

From autobiography

As Yevgeny Olegovich himself writes, he is the first doctor in their family. From his own words, it follows that such an unexpected choice of profession could have happened because of his younger sister, for whom he felt great love and fear for her.

Already from the second year of the institute, then still a green student, the doctor began to be on duty in hospitals.
From the third year on, these shifts, in addition to moral satisfaction and experience, began to bring material benefits as well.

By the time he graduated, the green student had turned into a doctor with great theoretical and practical knowledge.
Until 1991 Evgeniy Komarovsky worked as a pediatric intensive care doctor in the regional children's infectious diseases clinical hospital in Kharkov.

Since 2000, he conducted a consultative pediatric appointment at a private medical center, in 2006 he opened a private medical center - the Komarovsky clinic "Clinic".

The first printed work was published in 1993 - "Viral croup in children", it was for this monograph that he was awarded the degree of candidate of sciences in 1996.

At the moment, a lot of books have been written on children's health, the most famous and popular of them has become "The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives"— the book was reprinted more than 30 times in Russia and Ukraine.
Recently, books have been published not only in "fraternal languages", but there are already several editions in Chinese.

For the first time, Dr. Komarovsky got on the “blue screen” in 1992. in the midst of a diphtheria epidemic, after which he was noticed by journalists who gladly invited him to various interviews.

The real popularity and recognition of the masses came to the doctor in March 2010. after the program aired "School of Dr. Komarovsky".
The doctor's ability to talk about complex things in a simple and intelligible language does not allow parents to fall asleep behind the TV screens, as people sometimes do when they are sprinkled with abstruse phrases.
The program aired on TV screens until December 2013, since January 2014. A new project "Emergency Aid" was launched.

Given the large number of parents who want to raise healthy children, a system of healthy kindergartens was created "Komarik".
There are already several kindergartens operating under the Komarovsky system in the following cities: Moscow, Krasnodar, Almaty.

Anyone who wants to get useful information, but who does not have the opportunity and time to watch the program during its broadcast on television, can watch the video of the program on Dr. Komarovsky's website.

In addition to a site with a developed forum and a rich library of personal and borrowed materials, E. O. Komarovsky has groups in popular social networks: Vkontakte And Facebook. There is also an account youtube, where, in addition to recordings of the program and video responses to parents' questions, you can find recordings of webinars where the doctor answers various questions, not only about health.
It also has its own social network - "Clubcom" where parents of children and specialists can communicate, share their problems and experiences.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky(born October 15, 1960, Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR) - pediatrician, doctor of the highest category, TV presenter of the program "School of Doctor Komarovsky".


The parents of Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky were born in Kharkov. By profession they were engineers and worked all their lives at the turbine plant.

Evgeny Komarovsky is the author of numerous scientific papers, as well as popular science articles and books, the most famous of which is “Child Health and the Common Sense of His Relatives” that has gone through more than 15 reprints in Russia and Ukraine.

Graduated from the Kharkov Medical Institute (pediatric faculty).

Since 1983, he began working in the regional Kharkov children's infectious diseases clinical hospital, in the intensive care unit.

From 1991 to 2000 - head of the infectious department.

in 1992 he first appeared on television due to a diphtheria epidemic. Then they began to interview him often, like a pediatrician.

Since 1996 - candidate of medical sciences.

In 2000, he left the hospital and began to conduct appointments at a private medical center.

In 2006, he opened the Komarovsky clinic - "Clinic".

In March 2010, the project "School of Dr. Komarovsky" was launched on the central Ukrainian TV channel Inter.

Laureate of "The Most Handsome Man of Ukraine 2010".


He married after the fourth year, to a classmate Ekaterina Alexandrovna - also a children's ophthalmologist.

Two sons - Dmitry (1982) and Andrey (1988).

In 2013, a grandson and granddaughter were born, children appeared in the families of both sons.


  • Viral croup in children. Clinic, diagnostics, therapy tactics. Kharkov, 1993.
  • The beginning of your child's life. Kharkov, 1996.
    • The beginning of your child's life. Audiobook. Kharkov, 2008.
      • Beginning of life. Your child from birth to a year. Book + DVD. Moscow, 2009.
  • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. Kharkov, 2000.
    • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. Kharkov, 2007. Revised and expanded edition.
      • The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives. 2nd edition, rev. and additional Kharkov-Moscow, 2010.
  • Disposable diapers. Popular user manual. Kharkov, 2002.
  • ORZ: a guide for sane parents. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
  • Diary. Our notes about our child. Kharkov, 2008.
  • The book from the common cold: about children's colds for moms and dads. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
  • Cough book: about children's cough for moms and dads. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
  • 36 and 6 questions about temperature. How to help a child with an increase in body temperature. Kharkov-Moscow, 2008.
  • Handbook of sane parents. Part one. Growth and development. Analyzes and surveys. Nutrition. Vaccinations. Kharkov-Moscow, 2009.
  • Handbook of sane parents. Part two. Urgent Care. Kharkov-Moscow, 2010.
  • Little stories about hedgehogs. Kharkov, 2012.
  • Handbook of sane parents. Part three. Medicines. Kharkov-Moscow, 2012.

Dr. Komarovsky - the most popular pediatrician in Russia and Ukraine, the author of 13 books on childcare - has released the third book of the trilogy "Handbook of Sane Parents" - "Medicines". With the presentation of the book, everyone's favorite pediatrician visited Moscow and St. Petersburg. I took advantage of the situation and, over a leisurely dinner at John Jolie, asked Dr. Komarovsky all the most important questions.

- The golden rule of a sane parent?
- The main thing is the happiness and health of the family. The family should live not in the interests of the child, but in the interests of the family. If the child is well, and the father is bad, it is disgusting. And the child should feel it. I can't imagine that my child was given a chocolate bar, and he did not divide it into three parts. Mom is also a person, she also loves chocolate, you can’t humiliate her dignity. What a child becomes depends on the parents.

- List five myths about child health.
- It's hard to choose five, there are dozens of times more. The first two: vitamins and immunostimulants affect the incidence rate. There are extremely dangerous myths, for example, about the benefits of rubbing children with alcohol or vodka at high temperatures. Fourth: Necessity is the first, second and third. Well, the fifth myth: you need to go to the sea in order not to get sick - at the sea they are more often poisoned than healed.

- Perinatal matrices: myth or reality?
- It's beyond my understanding. Most of all I like the specialty "perinatal psychologist". These are people who know what the fetus is thinking. They know what kind of agony a child experiences when he was put alone in a crib, when at the age of one and a half he was deprived of his breast ...

- Attention Deficit Disorder: Myth or Reality?
- Reality, definitely. Formerly a child left unattended to itself. And it is less dangerous than when it is provided to TV or the Internet. It is a tragedy of society when a mother ties a child to the TV, because she is calmer when he is near, in the next room, than when she runs down the street. 20 years ago, all the most interesting was in the yard. Now all the fun is at home. This is where hypodynamia, the obesity epidemic, comes from.

- How much does growing up on artificial nutrition affect the health of the baby?
- Naturally, modern milk formula allows you to minimize the risks if the mother knows how to deal with it. At the same time, a lower risk of getting sick (for example, diabetes) has been proven if the baby is breastfed. There is nothing better than a mother.

Bloggers ask: is a pneumococcal vaccine required for a child who, in principle, gets sick infrequently, there was no pneumonia?
- As a rule, no. The vaccine is expensive, not everyone can afford it. Now, if the state provides it to all of us at its own expense, then why not.

- Should children be treated with antibiotics?
- When they have antibiotic-susceptible bacterial infections, it's worth it. What is not worth it is to treat children for viral infections with antibiotics prophylactically. Antibiotics have saved millions of lives, but they must be used for their intended purpose.
The main rule for the use of drugs: take not just like that, but about it. This “about” is described in any instruction in the “Instructions for Use” section. Any drug, if not indicated, is contraindicated. If you don’t find the word “flu” in the instructions for ampicillin with the flu, then it’s time to doubt the doctor who prescribed it.

- Is it better to get chickenpox or get it?
- Definitely, instill. Chickenpox is usually a mild disease, but often not a mild one.
I worked for many years in pediatric intensive care, saw both chickenpox encephalitis and death from chickenpox. The head doctor says in the morning: "Chickenpox in hematology." To an ordinary person, this phrase does not mean anything. But we understand: there are children with leukemia, without immunity; one windmill means half of them will die. And these children were brought to us to die. In nephrology, chickenpox - half of those on hemodialysis will die.
A random girl suffered a severe chickenpox - her whole face is covered in scars.
It's good to have a mild form of chickenpox at the ideal age and when you're healthy. Vaccination against chickenpox - like the flu - is not a matter of expediency, but of material possibility.
The statistics of complications of chickenpox could be significantly improved if children were vaccinated. And here's the question: will you be able to gather Swamp Square people with the slogans "Protect our children from the disease against which protection has been developed", "A country with a multi-billion dollar budget can afford to vaccinate every baby"? Attitude towards children - to children's medicine, to kindergartens, to schools - is the criterion of a nation's maturity. If a hundred thousand people come out in defense of some political force, but do not come out in defense of their own children, sorry, for such a nation this is a catastrophic situation.

- Does Russian medicine have a future in this case?
I have already raised my children. I will not send my grandchildren to the healthcare system. If, God forbid, something happens to them, I will take them to the country where I believe in medicine - to Germany, to Israel ... - where I can control the quality of drugs, where I can influence something.
Here I do not believe in the quality of medicines, I do not believe in those people who should control the quality of medicines, I see advertisements for medicines on TV, and I am ashamed of the country. I am afraid that when civilized insurance medicine finally comes to us, they will pay not for civilized medicines, but for those that are produced by a relative of the director of an insurance company.

- What is the stumbling block of Russian healthcare?
- Soloukhin in one of the stories described the transition that each of us faces - from this life to that one. It's scary, it's easy. You can beg for an ampoule of morphine in agony for three years, or you can calmly leave. And it depends on the healthcare system in the country. And the problem is this: at the age when we can change this system, we are interested in completely different things.
A case in point was in Ukraine. Closed the Ukrainian torrent. This is the protest movement! A bunch of men organized hacker attacks, collapsed the websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the president. It got to the point that the president's son stood up for them, and the site was opened. That is, when the peasants were deprived of the right to watch free stolen movies, they were ready to tear anyone up.
But before that, there was no vaccine in Ukraine for almost two years. In a European country in the 21st century, children were not vaccinated for two years. Do you think one of these men lifted a finger for the sake of their children? I wrote a post about this in my blog:.

Komarovsky's books are translated into various languages ​​of the world. Here is a freshly baked translation into Chinese.

You write in books that children, starting from the maternity hospital and further through life, overheat, while the child does not suffer from the cold, but, on the contrary, becomes tempered. When and how should we work with the health system and parents to protect new members of society from overheating?
- For many years I was sure that the main thing is patient explanatory work. However, our society, unfortunately, is not ready for this. Since 1917, both the Russian and Ukrainian Ministry of Health have been communicating with their doctors using the so-called. orders.
Here, too, it is necessary to issue an order on the inadmissibility of prophylactic antibiotic therapy for a viral infection, an order on the categorical inadmissibility in children's institutions of exceeding the temperature and humidity standards prescribed by the law on sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.
In the papers approved by the chief sanitary doctor, everything is well and correctly spelled out. In SanPiNs (Sanitary and hygienic rules and norms. - M.I.) says, for example, that in the bedrooms of the kindergarten, the transoms must be open all the time. They close five minutes before the kids go to bed and open five minutes after the kids go to bed. Humidity 40-60%, temperature - not higher than +22°С. If you walk into a typical kindergarten, you will see that there is a humidity of 20% and a temperature of +28°C. Educators must comply with these SanPiNs, but they do not consider it a crime to deviate from the rules so as not to get involved with some Klusha, who immediately shouts: “What are you doing, you will chill my child!”

- Is the situation the same in maternity hospitals?
- It's one thing if a newborn is not full-term: he has an inadequate thermoregulation system, he does not absorb vitamins - such a baby is placed in a couvez and fed with what he lacks. A full-term baby is a completely different matter, he should not experience discomfort in a room where + 28 ° C and nothing to breathe, it is better to wrap him in the skin of a dead bear and continue to breastfeed.
Sometimes mothers say that in the maternity hospital the midwife does not allow them to open the window. Oh, she is a great expert! She absolutely does not care about all the SanPiNs, Onishchenko, doctors, the wishes of this mother. She is the queen there, she has in her hands the only ship for the whole department, and without five rubles in her pocket she will not give it to you, go for yourself. And this same Marfa Ivanovna determines in the maternity hospital who to let in, who not to let in, it doesn’t matter to her whether you want to be near your wife or not.

How do you feel about modern medical reforms? In particular, what is your position on health care financing?
- I believe that the money that is allocated is absolutely enough to make every resident of the country proud of the healthcare system. Another thing is that they are irrationally spent. This applies to both Russia and Ukraine.
There was a great Semashko healthcare system. Nothing better in terms of price-quality ratio could not be invented. This Soviet system needed to be “polished” a little: to remove unnecessary bureaucracy, to remove light forms of corruption that existed at that time, to close those medical research institutes that were not useful, and then we would be proud of this updated system. But it didn't happen.
After all, what could be more reasonable! One hundred And t, for example, a hospital in the center of Moscow. This building is O um billions. Offer any company to build a chic modern clinic outside the city, in the forest - in exchange for this building. Everyone is interested in this. Why is it not?

- What is the Komarik project named after you?
- Five or six years ago, I figured out how to prevent the kindergarten from killing a child - I developed a package of requirements "Komarik". This is a legal franchise that any kindergarten can use.
In normal kindergarten there are, for example, 30 children in a group. 28 mothers want the transom to be open, and two want it to be closed. Only those parents who have passed the knowledge test of Dr. Komarovsky's system and agree with this system can take children to Komarik. Only those who agree that children can walk in any weather, that they should not be forced to eat, that temperature and humidity must be maintained, etc., etc.

- Has this project already been implemented somewhere?
- The first "Komarik" was opened not in Russia and not in Ukraine - there is no prophet in his own country - but in Almaty, then there was Krasnodar and now, finally, Moscow.
The kindergarten should be followed by a school, the task of which is to raise not a smart child, but a happy, healthy, physically developed, prepared for the realities of life. The first five years will reveal his inclinations, and the next five years he will be trained with others like him.
For the first three years in Almaty, the project developed quietly, but now there is no end to those who wish: they put money in just to get in - they saw that the incidence there is 10 times lower than the average for the city.

How do you feel about the idea of ​​individual schools, where children would be divided not by age, but by temperament, psychological development, "owls" - "larks", etc.?
- I do not believe that this is feasible on a national scale. For your money, you will be given everything you want. I myself disapprove of this idea. I believe that the school should still teach a person to live in society. Let's say you're a "lark". And what, your employers will adapt to this all their lives? If you are required to get up at 8 in the morning, and not at 5, adapt your inclinations to society, learn to get up at 8.
I am extremely skeptical about early development methods, because they do not make a person happy. It makes his life much more difficult when the child enters the society of the unprecocious. The more we develop a person, the more needs he has and the more difficult it is to satisfy them. We don't make him happy. But, in fact, this is what matters most. In the end, we form people who come up with needs for themselves and go through the corpses to implement them. We see them every single day.

Is it true that during pregnancy you need to try as many activities as possible, as these skills are transferred to the potential of the child?
- It's anti-scientific.

- As well as art therapy, hypo-therapy and so on?
All of these are forms of psychotherapy. Go wherever you want, pay a lot of money - then horses, and dolphins, and fairy tales, and anything you like will help you.

In the first year of life, children are examined in the clinic every month. Are monthly check-ups with a pediatrician necessary if there are no complaints?
- Not sure. A doctor should examine a newborn, it would be good to examine him at the age of one month, at three months, at six months and at a year. By the way, a qualified nurse is able to do this without a doctor.
The main risk is the very fact of visiting the clinic. If a one-year-old child has to wait for the doctor in the corridor of the clinic, where other children cough and sneeze, this situation is definitely wrong, it must be fought. If you want the doctor to look at the child often, adjust the system in such a way that if you are told to come at 15:00, then exactly at that time Marya Ivanovna is already waiting for you. If a child falls ill in the corridor of a polyclinic, the state pays for the treatment. Logically, the state is interested in making sure that the child does not sit in the corridor.

- When will the time come when there will be no hour-long queues in children's clinics?
- I have already said that the absolute isolation of men from everything that concerns children is to blame. It is obvious. When men begin to take care of offspring, then the situation will change. When a family decides to start a car, a man begins to surf the Internet in six months, to find out the details and conditions of the purchase. And when you decide to have a child, you will only 1% of the time meet a dad looking for information about parenting. If your car was filled with low-quality gasoline, you would destroy the gas station. And when your baby is poorly served in the hospital, you don't care. A man has always had two main functions: to protect, to feed his family.
For children to be healthy, much less money is needed. It is more important to set up the process correctly, and then the state will save even more. But no one is interested in children getting sick less.

Personnel question. As far as I know, there is a terrible shortage of specialists. How to attract personnel to the industry and why is it not possible to do this now, despite huge cash injections?
- The deficit will grow exponentially. This question will not be solved until you can survive on the salary of a doctor if you do not violate God's commandments.
There is not a single Ukrainian university in the ranking of 600 best universities. Yes, and Russian - units. Go to any research institute and ask how many drugs they have developed over the past 20 years have received international recognition. Answer: zero. Question: why should I support this research institute with a hundred professors and three hundred associate professors? What a deficit! We have these cadres - God knows how many, only they arranged themselves so as not to approach the sick.
The most adequate, most competent doctors work as representatives of pharmacological companies. Nobody wants to run around the site for $120. The rest have too low competence. 90% of doctors believe that homeopathy is herbal treatment. Well, what to do with them?

- The load of the modern student - is it not excessive?
- Ideally, you need to resolve the issue of extracurricular time. If, in addition to school, a child does homework for another three hours, and the rest of the time he stupidly watches TV, there is nothing good in this. Our problem is the lack of free public school sports. It is impossible to imagine a school in Canada where there is no ice rink or school pool. We only dream about it. But it's not expensive to make volleyball courts: pull a rope between two poles - and let the children play.
It is necessary that one and a half hours a day the child has intense physical activity. If we have organized these one and a half hours, then no load at school will be excessive. Then we will keep him healthy.

- How is the benefit of an hour and a half load explained?
- This is human physiology: the heart should not beat evenly, but respond to loads, which ensures the normal functioning of blood vessels and muscles. It is necessary to motivate children to run faster, jump higher, walk without acne, etc. Then they won’t even start smoking in the 8th grade. It is necessary to develop a cult of a healthy attitude towards oneself. Because a person who systematically kills himself is a person who has little brains. Being stupid is shameful. A person who smokes is stupid, because he goes against instinct, he deliberately kills his health. There are no living beings that deliberately kill themselves.

- Does your child have enough school holidays, or maybe they need more? Perhaps they need to be broken down into periods differently?
- It is not the fact of the holidays that is important, it is important how the child spent them. How many children can afford to go swimming in the sea during the autumn holidays, and go skiing in the winter?

- Computer: for or against, from the point of view of medicine?
- For, of course! How without it! You just need to know how to use it. It is quite obvious that it must be dosed. If a child jumps for an hour and a half a day, then let him sit quietly and stare at the computer.

- Vegetarian nutrition for children: is it possible?
- By and large, it is unnatural for a person. What mom and dad believe in, the child usually believes in. If parents want to pass on their beliefs to their child, I have a technique that allows you to maintain health with a complete vegetarian diet. I myself believe that the child has the right to eat what he wants. But if I, as a doctor, do not see the opportunity to convince my mother, then I am forced not to relax, but to offer a method: what to eat, what vitamin complex to drink so that you can do without prohibited foods.
There are shops for vegetarians all over the world, but how many of them are there in Russia? In Moscow, one or two.

- How harmful or useful are seasonal vitamin pills? They are said to cause cancer.
- It is not true. Only a manufacturer of vitamins not in tablets can say so. The question needs to be structured differently. Vitamins are therapeutic and prophylactic drugs that are taken according to strict indications. If a person can afford a harmonious varied diet, he does not need any vitamins. With the exception of certain situations, and even more often we are talking about trace elements: an increased need for iodine in pregnant and lactating women, folic acid in preparation for pregnancy, vitamin D - if you live in the Arctic Circle.

- Are there crisis years from 7 to 18 years old - or is it one continuous crisis?
- It seems to me that the named range is stretched. The riot of sex hormones, without a doubt, changes life priorities. Peers, usually of the opposite sex, become authorities for the child; the opinion of a neighbor on the desk becomes more important than the opinion of mom or dad. It is important to have time to become an authority for a girl before she is 10, and for a boy before he is 12 (all this is approximate, of course). If you failed to do this, then, alas, you are too late - you will not be able to influence the situation.

- New standards for nursing premature babiesconsidered bornvery small ones - from 500 g. Are there any prospects for such children? Do they need to be dealt with?
- This topic causes me great skepticism and pain. Give the society an analysis: for the last five years in our country in s there were one hundred children weighing from 600 g to a kilogram. Give the society statistics on what happened to them in the first five years, what it cost their parents, how many families broke up, how happy, healthy, full-fledged these children are now, as they are with their eyesight. Give society the answers to these questions.
I was in Frankfurt in the department for such children and heard such pain in the words of those who nurse them - and this is with their level! 90% of these children are blind, they have problems with the skin, with the intellect.
If we decide that we are nursing premature babies because this is the European standard, let's start from another place: from European vaccination standards, European school standards ... If we bring children into this world, let's start from another.

- What self-help measures should a child know?
- I wrote a book about it. It's practically finished script 50-episode film about emergency care. It needs to be filmed and shown in all schools: what a child should do at a high temperature, when a friend was shocked, when someone was pulled out of the water ... Our posters demonstrating help for drowned people - when the poor fellow is pressed through the knee, as if the lungs are a washcloth, from which you can squeeze the water - a national disgrace. I am ashamed of the country when they begin to discuss the benefits of a tourniquet. A correctly applied tourniquet is tantamount to the loss of a limb; it is needed if, for example, an arm has been torn off. At the same time, there is a tourniquet in every first-aid kit.
But what is epipen *, almost no one here knows. Remember in the movie "The Social Network" the police break into the house where the guys are using cocaine? The policeman takes out a syringe from one of them and asks what is in it. The guy says: "Epipen", - and they lag behind him. They have every dog ​​knows what epinephrine is and why it is needed. If instead of a tourniquet we put epipen in the car first-aid kit, we would save several thousand lives in a year.

- What do you consider a priority in the work of a pediatrician?
- Mutual understanding with mom and dad. Explaining to them their role is that they are more important than the doctor. With us, it usually happens the other way around: the doctor tries to prove his worth. As well as a nurse, a midwife, teachers in schools, an auto mechanic, a plumber, an electrician: "You can't get anywhere without us." Moreover, the plumber will begin his story by saying that all the previous plumbers who have been in your apartment are absolute idiots.
The possibilities of parents are an order of magnitude greater than the possibilities of the state. It is impossible to raise children independently of society, and societies are different everywhere. Therefore, my main task is to give such a method of care, education and assistance in case of illness that can be implemented in the country where you live, taking into account your mentality, your grandmothers and your healthcare system. A technique that will allow you to raise a child and save a family.

- Eugene, how can I find you on the Internet?
- The real Komarovsky lives on. Today only here.

About Dr. Komarovsky's new book
Previously, specialists could not afford to write about medicines, this topic was always a taboo for both doctors and parents: if you tell the truth about some medicines, they will change them to others, about others you will say, they will stop buying ... And this is a matter of personal interest.
"Handbook of sane parents: Medicines" Yevgeny Komarovsky wrote two years, the preparation took, according to the author, 35 years. Textbooks about medicines are written not by doctors, but by pharmacologists. But the paradox is that it is with doctors that parents talk about medicines. Therefore, one of the primary goals of Dr. Komarovsky's new book is to become a Russian-pharmacological phrasebook. When the instructions, which are theoretically intended for the layman, say that “this drug inhibits the C-450 enzyme,” it hardly becomes clearer why this medicine is needed.
The book consists of three parts: 1. Pharmacological ABC, where the basics of pharmacology are given: what is the difference between a medicine and a drug, and a pill from a lozenge. 2. Stories about drugs - about the main groups of drugs, with an emphasis on children's age. 3. Specific situations: drugs and pregnancy, drugs and breastfeeding, drugs and allergies, what is 20mg in 5ml, etc.
Many pharmaceutical companies would give a lot to keep this impressive book (one Index took 40 pages) from being published. “One of my acquaintances, a chemist,” comments Komarovsky, “having looked at the contents, bought three copies at once with the words: it will quickly become a bibliographic rarity, such a book will not be allowed to be published twice.” For the same reason, the publishing house released a circulation six times larger than usual.

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