Does urine color change during pregnancy? Does urine color change during pregnancy?

Many people believe that if the expectant mother's urine is light yellow, then the baby will be a girl, and if it is slightly darker, then it will be a boy. In fact, this opinion is erroneous, since it is not supported by scientific facts. The condition of urine is determined by many factors. With prolonged dehydration, it turns bright yellow. This phenomenon is not considered normal, since humans need water for life.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the color of urine practically does not change. Otherwise, it may indicate pathological processes occurring in the body. However, there is no need to panic in advance. The fact is that a number of factors affect the shade of the released liquid. So, if a woman has eaten beets or blackberries, her urine will take on the corresponding color. After taking yellow vitamins, your urine may become “sunny” in color.

Normal urine color during pregnancy

During the gestation period, the expectant mother's kidneys function at an increased rate. Various studies are carried out for early detection of pathologies. Most often, women in an “interesting” situation undergo a clinical (general) urine test, one of the main indicators of which is its color.

Normally, the material for research should be yellow (from light to saturated). This property of urine depends on the number of pigments included in its composition. In addition, the intensity of the color varies based on the amount of fluid excreted and the total weight of the urine. Pale urine, as a rule, has a low specific gravity, bright urine - on the contrary.

Effects of foods and medications

The color of urine is affected by foods and medications that contain dyes. The secreted liquid becomes reddish when amidopyrine enters the body. Acetylsalicylic acid gives urine a pinkish color. The brown tint of urine is due to the intake of sulfonamides and activated carbon, and the greenish-yellow color is due to the use of rhubarb and Alexandria leaf.

Urine has a bright orange color if a woman eats a lot of carrots, oranges and other foods containing carotene. In some cases, there is a change in the condition of the skin (it becomes slightly orange). The unusual color of the secreted fluid is caused by the use of rifampicin. Dehydration during pregnancy also leads to urine turning orange and often accompanies early toxicosis.

There is no need to sound the alarm if your urine is very yellow. This phenomenon may be caused by taking riboflavin, furagin and other medications, as well as dehydration. In addition, the more saturated the yellowness of the secreted liquid, the greater its relative density.

Other factors affecting the color of urine

If your urine is cloudy during pregnancy, it most likely contains vaginal discharge or was collected incorrectly. Only medical analysis can identify the causes of such an unusual phenomenon. The penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the urinary system of the body is possible.

Urine turns tea-colored when taking metronidazole and metoclopramide. The latter drug is often prescribed to expectant mothers to combat nausea, the main symptom of early toxicosis. In addition, a brownish coloration of the secreted fluid is often observed when taking senna-based medications.

Pathological color of urine during pregnancy

It is worth thinking about if the shade of urine is in the range from greenish-yellow to brown. This indicates the presence of bile pigments in it. Red urine contains blood, which is also not normal. But the amber color of the secreted liquid indicates that it contains a lot of urobilin. This phenomenon occurs when taking certain medications and not drinking enough water.

Sometimes urine changes color due to various diseases. Thus, a dark yellow tint is a sign of heart failure, vomiting, and diarrhea. Too pale a color indicates diabetes. A greenish-yellow tint indicates drug-induced jaundice, and a greenish-brown tint indicates parenchymal jaundice. A red tint occurs with renal colic and renal infarction. Urine that is the color of “meat slop” is a sign of nephritis.

The urine sediment is examined in the laboratory. If it has an unusual color, then this usually indicates pathology, or the presence of salts, red blood cells, mucus and pus in it. With an impressive proportion of urates, the sediment becomes brownish-red, uric acid - yellow, and phosphates - whitish.

Thus, the ideal color of urine during pregnancy is straw yellow, with slight variations allowed. It is important that the secreted fluid does not contain pus, mucus, blood or other pathological inclusions. If any deviations from the norm are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Urine color. Urine is a clear, light yellow liquid. The color of urine normally depends on the content of pigments, and primarily urochrome, uroerethrin, urorosein, urobelin, etc. Normally, urine is colored in various shades of yellow - from light to rich, and even amber. More intense coloration of urine is observed at high relative density. Normally, the more intense the yellow color of the urine, the higher its relative density and vice versa. Concentrated urine has a brighter color. However, the normal color of urine does not indicate that it is the urine of a healthy person. Normally, the urine pigment urochrome gives the urine a yellow color of various shades depending on the degree of saturation of the urine with it. It must be remembered that some foods and medications affect the color of urine, for example, beets give a reddish tint. The normal color of urine during pregnancy is yellow in various shades. Changes in urine color may result from the release of coloring compounds. As a rule, during pregnancy the color of urine should definitely not change - it should indeed remain absolutely the same as before pregnancy.

Normal urine color- yellow or light yellow, sometimes deep yellow - depends on the content of pigments: urochromes, uroerythrin, urobilin, hematoporphyrin, urorosein and other substances formed from blood pigments. The color saturation of urine normally depends on its concentration: the greater the specific gravity of the urine, the more intense its color. In newborns aged 3 - 4 days, and sometimes up to 2 weeks, a reddish tint is observed in the color of the urine due to the high content of uric acid in it. Later, in children with natural feeding, urine has a pale yellow color due to its low concentration ability. For example, the color of urine during pregnancy, according to practice, should normally be straw-yellow in various shades. The main thing is that the urine is not cloudy: if there are any sediments or flakes in it, this may already raise suspicions about deviations in the health of the expectant mother. But even taking into account the fact that urine in pregnant women should be yellow, it can change under the influence of certain factors. So, for example, some foods, such as beets, strawberries, blackberries, can change the color of urine to pinkish. Taking some vitamins turns your urine bright yellow. But if the color of urine changes without taking coloring products, this may serve as a signal for additional tests.
During pregnancy, the color of urine does not change - it should remain the same. Therefore, any changes have the right to alert a woman and force her to pay attention. But not always, so don’t worry too quickly. Dark urine during pregnancy does not necessarily indicate any disease. Temporary darkening of urine, which disappears after a day or two, is not dangerous and does not require any treatment. And this is exactly what happens in most cases.

Changes in the color of urine in various pathological conditions
Urine colorPathological conditionsCause
Dark yellowCongestive kidney, edema, burns, diarrhea, vomiting, toxicosis, feverish conditionsIncreased concentration of dyes
Pale yellowDiabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, renal glycosuria, renal failureLow concentration of dyes
Dark brownHemolytic anemiaUrobilinogenuria
BlackAcute hemolytic kidneyHemoglobinuria
AlkaptonuriaHomogentisic acid
RedNephrolithiasis, renal infarctionHematuria (fresh blood)
Lead anemiaUroporphyrinuria
Type of "meat slop"Acute glomerulonephritis and exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritisHematuria (changed blood)
Beer color, or greenish-brownParenchymal jaundiceBilirubinuria, urobilinogenuria
Greenish-yellowishObstructive jaundiceBilirubinuria
WhitishFatty degeneration and breakdown of kidney tissueLipuria, pus, phosphate crystals
LacticLymphostasis of the kidneysHiluria

INnormalcolorurine yellow, it is determined by the concentration of substances dissolved in the urine. With polyuria, the dilution is greater, so the color of the urine is lighter; with a decrease in diuresis, the color of the urine is a rich yellow hue. The fact of pregnancy itself does not affect the color of urine.

Dark yellow urine color observed with congestive kidney, edema, burns, diarrhea, vomiting, toxicosis, feverish conditions and is associated with an increase in the concentration of dyes.

Pale yellow urine color observed in conditions leading to polyuria (diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, renal glucosuria, renal failure) and a decrease in the concentration of coloring pigments.

Dark brown urine color in hemolytic anemia it is caused by urobilinogenuria.

Black color of urine observed in a number of pathological conditions. In acute hemolytic kidney it is caused by hemoglobinuria, in melanosarcoma - by melanin, in alcaptonuria - by homogentisic acid.

Red color of urine caused either by an admixture of fresh blood (nephrolithiasis, kidney infarction) or uroporphyrinuria (lead anemia).

If there is altered blood in the urine, urine in the form of “meat slop”, what is observed in acute glomerulonephritis and exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis.

Beer color, or greenish-brown urine color observed in parenchymal jaundice, which is caused by the presence of bile pigments in the urine - bilirubin and urobilinogen. In this case, the foam formed when shaking the urine turns greenish. When the color of urine is suspicious for the presence of bile pigments, but depends on other reasons (most often of medicinal origin), the foam does not turn greenish.

Greenish-yellowish urine observed with obstructive jaundice (bilirubinuria).

Whitish color of urine may be due to lipuria, the presence of pus, phosphate crystals (occurs with fatty degeneration and breakdown of renal tissue), milky color- chyluria (with kidney lymphostasis).

Determining the color of urine

Fine urine color ranges from pale to bright yellow, as a result of the presence of a pigment called urochrome, the color also depends on whether the urine is concentrated or liquid.

Urine color may not always be ordinary. Vitamins can change the color of urine to bright green, carrots can turn it orange. Porphyria is a disease that affects the skin and nervous system, it changes the color of urine to the color of wine.

Most changes urine colors is temporary and does not cause serious consequences, develops as a result of the use of certain foods, dyes or medications. Sometimes, however, changes in the color of urine may indicate the presence of an infection or other serious illness. Tell your doctor about changes urine colors, which do not seem to you to be related to food or medications. The state of pregnancy does not affect the color of urine. She is still the same transparent straw color.

Symptoms of changes in urine color

Urine color varies depending on how much liquid you drink. Yellow pigments are dissolved in the liquid, so the more you drink, the lighter your urine becomes. When you drink less, the color of your urine becomes more concentrated; severe dehydration can lead to amber-colored urine.

Sometimes urine may take on a color that is far from normal, such as red, green, blue, dark brown, and white. The color of urine during pregnancy should normally be practically no different from the analysis of a non-pregnant woman.

Symptoms of urinary infections

Majority color changes are not accompanied by pain and pass without other symptoms. If the change in urine color is due to a urinary tract infection, you may experience:

  • a strong, constant urge to urinate
  • frequent urination
  • fever, chills, sweating
  • abdominal pain
  • strong odor of urine (normal urine should be odorless or have little or no odor)

When to see a doctor:

  • if you have visible blood in your urine
  • if you have a change in the color of your urine that is not related to food, medications, supplements or dyes.
  • if the color of your urine is dark brown, especially if your stool has become light, and the sclera of your eyes and skin are yellow, which indicates serious problems with your liver. In this case, you urgently need medical help.

Causes of urine color change

Urine consists of excess water and waste products that are filtered from your blood by your kidneys. The yellow color of urine is due to the presence of urochrome, a pigment that is produced during the breakdown of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in red blood cells.

Discoloration of urine often caused by medications, certain foods, and food colorings. For example, dyes used in small quantities in sweets can be found in the urine of children. In some cases, however, changes in urine color may be caused by health problems.

Conditions that can cause urine color to change:

Red or pink urine

Although this condition may be alarming, the appearance of red urine is not necessarily associated with serious problems. Causes of this condition include:

  1. Blood. The presence of red blood cells is the main reason for the red color of urine. Usually the bleeding is not serious and occurs without associated symptoms. Factors that can cause blood in the urine, medically called hematuria, include urinary tract infections, enlarged prostate gland, kidney or bladder stones, kidney disease, and sometimes kidney or bladder cancer.
  2. Food. Beets, blackberries and rhubarb pie can make your urine red or pink.
  3. Medications. Some herbal laxatives. Prescription drugs may have the same effect, including antipsychotics (chlorpromazine, thioridazine, the anesthetic propofol (Diprivan)
  4. Toxins

Chronic lead and mercury toxicity can cause urine to turn red. This may be the result of high levels of porphyrins, the same pigments that discolor the urine of people who have porphyria.

Orange urine color

Reasons that can cause orange urine

  • food products and supplements. Most often it is vitamin C and carrots, carrot juice. High amounts of carotene, the orange pigment in carrots and other vegetables, also changes the color of your soles and palms.
  • Medicines that can turn your urine orange: antibiotics (rifampicin), warfarin (coumadin), phenazopyridine (pyridine), some laxatives and chemotherapy drugs.
  • dehydration. Drinking too little fluid may result in concentrated urine containing urochrome.

Blue and green urine color

  • food. Asparagus can give urine a greenish tint and a characteristic odor.
  • medications. Many medications cause blue urine, including amitriptyline, methindole (indocin), Tagamet, the antiemetic drug phenegran, and some multivitamins. Dyes used in some pain medications (urised) can cause blue urine.
  • diseases. Familial hypercalcemia, a rare inherited disorder that causes high levels of calcium in the blood, is sometimes called "blue syndrome" because children with the condition have blue urine.

Urine is dark brown or tea-colored.

  • Food Eating large amounts of beans, rhubarb, and aloe can cause dark brown urine.
  • medicines. Many medications can make urine darker, including the antimalarial drugs chloroquine and primaquine, the antibiotic metronidazole, nitrofurantoin, which are used to treat urinary tract infections, laxatives containing cascara or sena, and metoclopramide.
  • medical problems. Liver dysfunction, especially hepatitis and cirrhosis, a rare hereditary disease - tyrosinemia, can cause dark brown urine. Also acute glomerulonephritis, a kidney disease in which the ability of the kidney to remove excess fluid and waste is impaired.

Cloudy or dark urine

Urinary tract infections or kidney stones can make your urine dark or cloudy.

Risk factors

Eating foods that can affect the color of urine, such as berries, asparagus, rhubarb, and taking certain medications, changes in urine color will not harm you. Your body’s reaction to these products depends on the amount of food and medications consumed, as well as on the characteristics of your metabolism.

Factors related to medical problems that may accompany changes in urine color:

  • age. Many men over 50 may have blood in their urine due to prostate cancer.
  • floor. More than half of women have a recurring urinary tract infection, which causes blood to appear in the urine. In men, the condition is likely to be associated with the presence of bladder stones or kidney stones.
  • recent infection. Inflammatory changes in the kidney after a bacterial or viral infection (post-infectious glomerulonephritis) is one of the common causes of blood in the urine in children.
  • family history. A family history of kidney disease increases the likelihood of these problems occurring in relatives. These conditions may cause blood to appear in the urine.
  • strenuous physical activity. This is one of the leading causes of blood in the urine. Long-distance runners can often experience blood in their urine, as can anyone who does intense physical activity.

Preparing for your treatment

You will probably initially contact your family doctor or general practitioner. However, in some cases, you may want to initially see a doctor who specializes in urinary tract pathology (urologist).

Here is some information to help you prepare for your appointment with the Doctor:

  • you should be aware of any restrictions. When you go to the doctor, make sure you follow all the restrictions before diagnostic tests.

Here's some information to help you prepare for your appointment, and what to expect from your doctor:

What can you do:

  • be informed of the necessary restrictions. Before visiting your doctor, learn how to prepare for possible diagnostic tests.
  • Write down any symptoms, including even those that may seem unrelated to the reason for your visit.
  • Make a list of key medical information, including any other conditions for which you are being treated and any medications, supplements, or vitamins you are taking.
  • Make a list of questions you want to ask your doctor. Bring paper and pen with you to write down the necessary information.

There are several basic questions that are commonly asked when urine color changes:

  • What are the possible causes of my symptoms?
  • What research do I need? Do these studies require any special preparation?
  • Are my symptoms temporary?
  • Will I need treatment?
  • What treatment methods are there?
  • Do you have any brochures or other printed material that I could take with me? What websites do you recommend visiting?

You can also ask questions during the consultation if anything is unclear to you.

What will your doctor be interested in?

The doctor will probably ask you questions. Be prepared to answer them to leave more time for the points you want to discuss.

The doctor may ask:

  • What color is your urine?
  • Do you have blood in your urine or blood clots?
  • When did you first notice a change in the color of your urine?
  • Does this happen constantly or periodically?
  • Does your Urine have an unusual odor?
  • Do you have frequent or less frequent urination?
  • Do you have pain when urinating?
  • What other symptoms do you have?
  • How has your appetite changed?
  • Are you feeling thirstier than usual?
  • Have you previously had problems with urination?
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • What medications do you take?

Research and diagnostics

In addition to your medical history and physical examination, your doctor may order additional tests, including:

  • Analysis of urine. A general urine test is the first step in the examination. With this examination, you can find an admixture of red blood cells, an increase in protein levels, which may indicate a violation of the excretion of metabolic products, which can lead to stone formation. Your urine is also tested for bacteria or infection.
  • blood analysis. It is prescribed to determine the level of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen - waste products that are in your bloodstream when kidney function is impaired. This study can also detect increased levels of liver enzymes and diabetes mellitus.
  • other studies. You may have other tests depending on the results of your medical history, physical examination, or urinalysis. The most common reason for continuing further testing is the presence of red blood cells in the urine.

During pregnancy, a woman must undergo various tests regularly. Several times during pregnancy she takes a urine test, and involuntarily begins to worry if the color of the urine has changed. The sign that the color of urine becomes bright during pregnancy with a girl, and dark during pregnancy with a boy, does not mean anything, because it all just depends on how much fluid you drink. Often during pregnancy, bright yellow or orange urine is observed, which is associated with regular use of vitamins.

Treatment and medications

If urine color is abnormal, there is no specific treatment; your doctor will prescribe you treatment aimed at eliminating the cause.

Lifestyle and regime

When you are dehydrated, your urine becomes more concentrated and darker in color. If you notice this, you need to increase your fluid intake. Make sure you drink enough fluids every day to keep you healthy.


Necessary to prevent changes in urine color caused by vitamin supplements, medications, and foods.

To prevent diseases that can cause changes in urine color, you may need to do the following to reduce your risk.

Urinary tract infections

Measures to prevent urinary tract infections:

  • drink more fluids
  • urinate when you feel the urge to urinate and immediately after sexual intercourse.
  • wiping after urination from front to back.

Kidney stones

Measures to prevent kidney stones:

  • drink more fluids
  • Limit your intake of salt, protein, and foods such as spinach and rhubarb.

Kidney and bladder cancer

Measures to prevent kidney and bladder cancer:

  • quit smoking
  • avoid exposure to toxic chemicals
  • drink more fluids
  • Maintain a normal weight, eat healthy foods, and exercise.

Color of urine in a pregnant woman- this is an indicator by which a woman can make an independent assessment. Another such indicator that is noticeable to the naked eye is the daily urine rate: during pregnancy it is approximately 800-1500 milliliters. But the rest of the indicators will already be measured in the laboratory, after the pregnant woman has submitted her urine for analysis. Thus, the doctor receives an extensive and detailed study of characteristics that will either confirm the norm or indicate deviations.

The urine of pregnant women is studied for the presence of bacteria and fungi in it: if they were found in the urine, there is reason to talk about the presence of urinary tract infections or kidney diseases in the expectant mother. A slight salt content in the urine is allowed, but only a slight one: a sufficient increase in salt content may indicate kidney stones.

Urine examination in pregnant women becomes an important condition for determining the normal development of pregnancy and the absence of danger to the fetus due to maternal illness. By analyzing the indicators characteristic of a pregnant woman’s urine, the doctor can identify this disease in time and protect the woman from its development, and therefore protect the fetus. This is why urine testing is so important during pregnancy, which is why it must be taken regularly and observing all the conditions for urine sampling.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes. This does not go away without leaving a trace, and many symptoms make expectant mothers seriously alarmed. Most of them are completely normal and pose no danger, but there are also serious cases. A similar thing is observed with those who have discovered darkening of their urine. But before you give in to empty worry, you should determine whether this is related to pregnancy and whether it could have any consequences.

General information

The composition of urine largely reflects the functioning of the body - the functioning of various metabolic processes and biochemical systems. The substances contained in it are metabolites that are no longer needed and therefore undergo excretion. Some of them, for example, urochromes, provide urine with a natural color - straw-yellow. Normally, their amount is small - about 75 mg per day. But there are even fewer other pigments, which is why urine has this color. And if other substances appear in its composition, then the color may change.

Despite the fact that during pregnancy the course of many processes changes, the composition of urine remains unchanged. Macroscopic indicators, including color, should also be at the same level. Therefore, the appearance of a different color should be a reason to find out the cause.


Dark urine does not necessarily indicate any problems in the body. During pregnancy, most often we are talking about functional changes caused by the following factors:

  • Consumption of certain foods.
  • Drink small amounts of liquid.
  • Taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

These causes are widespread, but they are easily removable and do not indicate any pathology. The color of the urine will quickly return, which means the woman can be calm and not worry about a possible worsening of her condition. But in some cases, fears are still justified, since dark urine is also a sign of certain diseases:

  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, cholestasis of pregnancy.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Dehydration.

Each pathology is associated with a varying degree of danger for the woman’s body and the fetus, and therefore requires high-quality and timely detection.

The reasons why urine darkens in pregnant women combine both functional conditions and quite serious diseases.


The basis for diagnosis is the clinical picture. Any doctor will first conduct a survey and examination, and then refer the patient for additional examination. From complaints you can find out how long changes in urine have been observed, how pronounced they are and whether there is a connection with external factors. Associated complaints (if any) are identified and detailed. Depending on the origin of the changes, the color of urine may be:

  • Dark yellow or orange.
  • Brown or dark brown.
  • Yellow or brown-green.
  • Black.

It is difficult to determine the cause based on just one symptom - the color of urine - so the doctor takes into account a complex of factors and signs that the woman has.

Functional changes

When dealing with the problem of darkening of urine, first of all you need to exclude or confirm (which is preferable) the functional nature of the changes. You need to understand that even normally, urine can have a more saturated color, for example, the morning portion. At night, the concentration of solutes increases as water is partially absorbed by the mucous membrane of the bladder. In this case, the urine becomes dark yellow. The same thing happens with insufficient fluid intake, which is not uncommon in pregnant women with edema.

Brown coloring is possible after eating certain foods, such as legumes, beef, and strong tea. Women who use sulfonamides or activated carbon will have the same color of urine. Orange urine is observed if you eat carrots and pumpkin or take multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Since urochromes are formed in the chain of bilirubin transformations, their increase in the urine, and therefore the darker color of this liquid, is observed in diseases of organs involved in pigment metabolism. A dark brown or brown-green color appears with parenchymal or mechanical jaundice, when the content of predominantly direct bilirubin in the blood increases. This is observed in such well-known diseases as hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, and can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain (heaviness) in the right hypochondrium.
  • Jaundice.
  • Skin itching.
  • Darkening of urine.
  • Lightening of stool.

Similar signs are characteristic of such a condition associated with bearing a child as cholestasis of pregnancy. As a rule, it occurs in the third trimester, is caused by endocrine changes in the body and completely disappears after childbirth.

Dysfunction of the hepatobiliary system is observed both during inflammatory-obstructive processes and as a result of endocrine changes in the body of a pregnant woman.


Changes in urine color are a common sign of an inflammatory process in the urinary system, in particular pyelonephritis. Kidney damage is facilitated by impaired urodynamics, an increased risk of ascending infection, as well as the influence of an enlarged uterus, which is especially noticeable in late pregnancy. Therefore, along with the dark color of urine, a woman may notice:

  • Aching pain in the lumbar region.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Cloudy urine.
  • Temperature increase.

Most likely, the woman had pyelonephritis even before pregnancy, and during this period it only worsened. However, it can initiate chronic kidney disease, which often ends in failure.

Hemolytic anemia

The color of urine becomes dark or almost black when hemoglobin enters it. This occurs when red blood cells are destroyed (hemolysis) and is caused by both external factors (toxic substances) and internal ones: the formation of autoantibodies, disruption of the normal structure of blood cells. This anemia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pale skin with a lemon-yellow tint.
  • Enlarged liver and spleen.
  • Dark stool and urine.
  • Fever and chills.

Similar signs can be observed when myoglobin enters the urine, which occurs due to the destruction of muscle tissue (for example, crash syndrome). Like hemolytic anemia, it eventually leads to kidney failure.


Dark urine during pregnancy can also appear as a result of dehydration, i.e. loss of fluid. This is observed in various infectious diseases with vomiting and diarrhea, as well as after extensive burns. The urine in such patients becomes more concentrated, and other symptoms appear:

  • Decreased skin turgor.
  • Dizziness.
  • Pressure drop.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • General weakness.

Dehydration may also be accompanied by early toxicosis - vomiting of pregnant women, if it becomes almost constant. This negatively affects not only the general condition of the woman, but also worsens the performance of the fetus.

Dark urine during dehydration is a natural sign indicating a decrease in fluid in the body.

Additional diagnostics

To find out the reason for the changed color of urine, a woman should undergo additional examination. Based on the expected diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the following measures:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood biochemistry (bilirubin, creatinine and urea, electrolytes, antibodies to red blood cells, etc.).
  • Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys.

This will allow you to get a complete picture of changes in the body and establish an accurate diagnosis, on the basis of which all therapeutic measures are carried out. But the main thing a pregnant woman should remember is not to neglect caution and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

With the onset of a special period in a woman’s life, the time comes to take urine tests with constant regularity. The indicators of such an analysis are among the most important in the diagnostic plan for monitoring the ongoing pregnancy. Does urine color change during pregnancy? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

What causes urine to change color

Any fluctuations in the general urine test may indicate an incipient pathology. The woman herself can pay attention to the color and visually evaluate the transparency of the secreted liquid. The color of urine during pregnancy may change with changes in:

  • hormonal levels;
  • nutrition;
  • drinking regime.

And also this is related:

  • with the onset of inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • with the use of certain medications;
  • with different times of day (morning urine always has a darker and richer shade);
  • with hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis.
  • with bloody discharge from the genital tract.

All this will not only affect the color and shade of urine, but also change its composition.

How does the color indicator of normal urine change?

The normal color of urine during pregnancy is no different from the color of any other person; it is straw-yellow and transparent. With changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, the color shades of urine change. This is due to the properties of the blood filtered by the kidneys. It is believed that if a woman is pregnant with a boy, the urine will be darker in color.

Normally, the color range of a pregnant woman’s urine ranges from deep yellow to light yellow

A portion of morning urine will always be darker than throughout the day, since the concentration of pigment contained in the urine increases overnight along with the density of the excreted urine. During night sleep, which lasts at least 6–8 hours, no fluid enters the body, so the concentration of morning urine is richer and will always be darker than daytime urine.

The norm is also considered to be a change in the shade of urine when consuming various foods containing an abundance of coloring substances. Beets, pomegranates, carrots, and pumpkins contain color pigments that can change color. Changing color associated with food intake is always scary, but this phenomenon is short-term and reversible. As soon as all coloring foods are eliminated from the diet, the color is restored.

Violation of the drinking regime, a decrease in the amount of fluid consumed, reduces the concentration of blood composition in the bloodstream, and accordingly, the concentration of the filtered fluid also changes. The pigment content in urine, as well as its specific gravity, also change. It becomes even more saturated and concentrated, which leads to a change in color to a darker than usual.

On the contrary, with excess fluid intake, which often happens during pregnancy, yellow urine will become lighter, almost colorless. In this special condition, it is very important to maintain a balanced drinking regime, since excess fluid will lead to the formation of edema, which is not uncommon in pregnant women. A deficiency will change the density of urine and can cause dehydration.

The color index of urine can be affected by some medications containing coloring agents. Multivitamin complexes, the intake of which is inevitable during pregnancy, change not only the color of urine, but also its smell. Antimicrobial drugs of the nitrafuran series, prescribed by a doctor for infections of the genitourinary system and intestinal infections, contain a bright, yellow pigment, which will change the color of urine to deep yellow.

Some types of antibiotics, in particular rifampicin, can change not only urine, but also saliva and tear fluid to a bright red hue.

Change in urine color is a symptom of many diseases

Very often during pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, the reason for this is the increased work of all organs and systems. The genitourinary area is most susceptible to infection.

The frequent occurrence of thrush is due to changes in the hormonal levels of the pregnant woman. Thrush causes infection of the urethra and bladder. In this case, urine may acquire a reddish tint. The developing inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the walls of the bladder is replete with micro hemorrhages; red blood cells entering the blood cause a change in the color of urine during pregnancy.

According to the same principle, red blood cells enter the urine during an attack of renal colic, when the discharge of sand and small stones injures the mucous membrane and changes the color of the urine to orange or reddish. The color indicator in this case will depend on whether fresh red blood cells enter the urine, for example, from newly injured ureters and urethra or from the renal pelvis, where blood has been mixed with urine for some time.

Blood entering the urine will change color from pink to bright red or burgundy.

Sometimes during pregnancy, women experience worsening hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal bleeding from the rectum often occurs; the blood with such bleeding is profuse and scarlet. When it gets into the urine, it can turn it bright red.

If the signs of urethritis or cystitis are not recognized in time, the disease will spread to the kidneys along the ascending pathways. The resulting pyelonephritis will be signaled by a change in the color of the urine. Inflammation of the kidneys very quickly changes the color and quality of urine; it becomes cloudy and light yellow or slightly whitish due to the release of leukocytes that accompany any inflammation.

Glomerulonephritis is a very complex and serious kidney disease in which renal filtration is impaired. Blood leaks through the glomerular filters and ends up in the urine. Urine becomes reddish in color, and fresh red blood cells that have not undergone glomerular filtration enter it.

During early pregnancy, the color of urine can sometimes change slightly due to the passage of red blood cells from the vagina. In the first trimester of pregnancy, in the first weeks, very often the hormonal balance has not yet been fully established. During this period, bloody discharge from the genital tract is possible. In this case, the urine takes on shades of pink.

The color indicator of urine is an indicator of many diseases

At later stages, when the uterus becomes large, hemorrhages into its mucous membrane are possible due to overstretching of the vascular wall. In this case, it is also possible for red blood cells to enter the urine, but this will most likely look like microhematuria. It should have a reddish tint.

The secreted liquid acquires a completely dark shade if a woman gets viral hepatitis during pregnancy. The accumulated bilirubin (bile pigment) is not utilized in the liver; its level rises in the blood and, consequently, in the urine. It takes on a dark beer hue. In this case, the amount of bile pigment in the blood is so high that the mucous membranes and skin turn yellow.

In addition, in the later stages, when the weight of the fetus increases, there is a violation of the outflow of bile from the ducts, stagnation in the gallbladder, which leads to a condition resembling obstructive jaundice. The shade of urine in this case will range from dark yellow to brown.

And finally, a change in color is possible if various injuries to the abdomen and lumbar region occur during pregnancy. Coming from an injured organ, blood also changes the color of urine during pregnancy. What shade it will be depends on the amount of blood entering the urine. More often this occurs with ruptures of the ureters, bladder, etc.

Urine during pregnancy is one of the main tools in the diagnostic study of various diseases, so it should be transparent and light yellow in a healthy pregnant woman.

Carrying a child is a very important period in a woman’s life, because she must give birth to a healthy baby and at the same time maintain her health. That is why pregnant women are registered and their physical condition is monitored throughout pregnancy. Laboratory tests are an integral part of this control. Urine examination indicators are very informative for diagnosing various abnormalities, including its color and transparency. In a healthy person, urine is clear and yellow due to the special coloring pigment urochrome found in the body. A pregnant woman is no exception. Dark urine during pregnancy gives reason to be wary, focus on possible causes, and even consult a doctor.

It is necessary to monitor whether the urine is very dark in the morning or throughout the day. In the morning its concentration is greater, so it is thicker and darker. During the day, a woman visits the toilet more often, drinks more fluids, and her urine becomes lighter. If it is not only dark, but also cloudy, then this clearly indicates the presence of a pathology of the urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis).

Dark urine during early pregnancy often accompanies toxicosis with bouts of vomiting, as a result of which the body loses a lot of fluid. This is a signal to drink more and make up for its deficiency. The cause of dark urine during late pregnancy is gestosis - various disorders of organs and systems in the 3rd trimester.

In any case, pathological conditions will manifest themselves with some other symptoms: fever, pain, cramping, frequent urination, etc.

Complications and consequences

If dark urine during pregnancy is a consequence of pathological processes, then the consequences and complications depend on the diagnosis and promptness of treatment. Any of the possible diagnoses is fraught with dangerous development, and sometimes even death, for both the woman and the fetus. Observation by a gynecologist and timely testing will prevent adverse consequences.

Diagnosis of dark urine during pregnancy

Diagnosis of dark urine during pregnancy is necessary to determine possible pathologies, because Carrying a child puts a lot of stress on a woman’s kidneys, heart, liver and other organs. First of all, it consists of a doctor identifying the pregnant woman’s food and using medications or vitamins that can affect the color of urine, and conducting general laboratory tests of urine and blood. If there are deviations from the norm, they resort to instrumental diagnostics and more in-depth studies.

A general urine test provides a lot of information for diagnosing various pathologies. Deviations in such indicators as transparency, color, specific gravity, acidity, the presence of protein, the presence of glucose, hemoglobin, bilirubin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, salts will indicate certain diseases. A general and biochemical blood test will show red blood cells, leukocytes, ESR, ALT and AST transaminases, direct and indirect bilirubin, etc. Stool analysis can reveal the presence of blood in it. In addition, there are other laboratory tests aimed at identifying suspected diagnoses (urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, bacteriological urine culture, etc.).

Instrumental diagnostics primarily includes ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs. X-rays, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging are also used. The kidneys and upper urinary tract are examined using chromocystoscopy. Radioisotope scanning is used to diagnose the liver, and the functioning of the heart is monitored using electro-, phono-, echocardiography, etc.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of dark-colored urine during pregnancy is carried out with diseases that can affect the color of urine, namely with pathologies:

  • urinary system (stones, inflammation, stone formation, etc.);
  • liver (cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, neoplasms);
  • increased bleeding caused by anemia.

Treatment of dark urine during pregnancy

Treatment of dark urine during pregnancy depends on the diagnosis and is aimed at a specific pathology. Thus, anemia caused by deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 is eliminated with the help of these drugs. If it is a consequence of another disease (hemorrhoids, bleeding ulcers of the digestive tract, trauma, blood diseases), therapy is directed to it.

Pyelonephritis and other infectious diseases of the urinary system are treated taking into account the timing of pregnancy, the severity of the condition and after determining the causative agent of the infection for sensitivity to drugs. In this case, antibacterial drugs, catheterization of the ureters, and detoxification treatment are used. Treatment can be carried out both in a hospital and at home, depending on the severity of the condition.

Diet, herbal medicine, hepatoprotectors, and, if necessary, drug therapy are used to combat liver diseases in pregnant women.

Preeclampsia is expressed in various complications, so treatment is individual and aimed at restoring the functions of the affected organs. Sedatives are also used to maintain a woman’s mental state.


Medicines are prescribed according to indications and taking into account the timing of pregnancy. So, for the treatment of the urinary system, antibiotics and uroantiseptics are prescribed. When choosing antibiotics, there are a number of restrictions due to their adverse effects on the fetus (chloramphenicol, tetracycline series, streptomycin, sulfonamides, etc.). Preferable medications are ampicillin, ceporin, netilmecin, erythromycin.

Ampicillin is available in tablets, capsules or white powders with a specific odor for the preparation of suspensions. The powder can be taken orally, simply with water, 2-3 g per day, divided into 4-6 doses. The duration of treatment ranges from 5 days to 3 weeks. Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to penicillins. In case of liver failure, therapy is carried out under the control of the functioning of the organ. An adverse reaction manifested as an allergy is possible.

The simultaneous administration of antimicrobial drugs (5-NOK), as well as antispasmodics (baralgin, no-shpa), antiallergic drugs (diazolin, tavegil, suprastin), sedative tinctures (motherwort, valerian) is effective.

5-NOK – orange coated tablets. Take 0.1-0.2 g before or after meals 4 times a day. Treatment is carried out in two-week courses, after which a break is taken. Adverse reactions are possible in such manifestations as nausea, vomiting, headache, tachycardia, urticaria. Urine turns bright yellow. Contraindicated in case of allergies to its components, with disorders of the liver and kidneys. There have been no studies of the effect on pregnant women and the fetus, so the need for prescription is determined by the doctor.

Hepatitis A requires treatment in case of severe intoxication. When treating it in pregnant women, saline solutions, 5% glucose solution, albumin, povidone, and rehydron are used. Therapy for other types of hepatitis is not carried out during pregnancy.

Regidron - restores water-alkaline balance. The drug is prepared by dissolving the bag in which the substance is packaged in a liter of boiled water. The hourly dose is 10 ml per kilogram of human weight. If the instructions are followed, no adverse reactions occur. Contraindicated for diabetics, people with kidney and liver failure, and high blood pressure.

For pregnant women, hepatoprotectors of plant origin (karsil, darsil, silybin, silymar, phosphonciale, hepabene), essential phospholipids (hepaforte, phospholip, enerliv, essentiale), based on amino acids (glutargin, pargin, heptral), etc. are indicated.

Phospholip – release form – capsules in blister; Take 2 capsules three times a day with meals, drinking plenty of water and without chewing. Contraindications are intrahepatic cholestasis - a violation of the outflow of bile from the liver, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Side effects are possible in the form of digestive disorders and allergic rashes.

Vitamins play an important role during pregnancy, especially in the presence of various pathological processes. Thus, anemia is eliminated with the help of folic acid, vitamins B12, and iron supplements. After infectious pathologies of the liver, multivitamins are prescribed to restore the body. For pyelonephritis and urinary tract infections, take vitamins B, C, and PP.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

During pregnancy, only physiotherapeutic treatment is used that cannot harm the pregnancy. Such gentle procedures include mud therapy, hydrotherapy, electrophoresis, and acupuncture. In combination with other therapeutic measures, and in case of mild illness, even independently, physiotherapeutic methods can improve the health of the expectant mother without harming the baby.

Traditional treatment

Traditional treatment offers its own recipes for diseases that lead to dark urine. There are many recommendations on how to increase hemoglobin using food and preparation of potions. Daily consumption of green peas, cottage cheese, beef liver, beets, eggs, buckwheat, and beef will improve blood tests. You can resort to the following recipes:

  • Grate the beets onto a fine grater, strain, let stand for at least an hour in the refrigerator so that harmful volatile substances come out, drink 2 tablespoons warm several times a day in small sips a quarter of an hour before meals;
  • drink 3 glasses a day of birch sap;
  • Make compote from unpeeled apples, drink adding honey.

Potato juice drunk 2-3 times a day before meals helps restore liver function. An effective antiviral agent is lemon juice (2 pcs.) and garlic (2 pcs.). After squeezing it and mixing it, drink a teaspoon after meals. Infusions and teas from various herbs help solve urological problems.

Herbal treatment

To treat various infections of the urinary system, herbs such as shepherd's purse, bear's ears, half-pol, horsetail, blueberry leaves, wheatgrass rhizomes and others are used. Infusions can be prepared from individual infusions or combined into collections, for example:

  1. blueberry, chamomile, shepherd's purse;
  2. yarrow, succession;
  3. St. John's wort, bearberry.

Milk thistle is very popular for treating the liver; many herbal hepatoprotectors are made on its basis. Corn silk, knotweed, chicory, sandy immortelle, etc. have choleretic properties.

Carrots, viburnum, plantain, chokeberry, rose hips, nettle, and green oat stalks increase hemoglobin.


Homeopathy medications are most often used in complex therapy with medications, and the appropriateness and safety of their use is determined by the doctor. In the case of dark urine, pregnant women may experience the following.

Galstena – oral drops from transparent to light yellow. The composition includes thistle, dandelion, celandine and other components. Indicated for acute and chronic diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract, as well as for liver restoration after treatment with antibiotics. Dose – 10 drops directly into the mouth or onto a spoon of water, hold in the mouth before swallowing. The maximum effect is achieved half an hour before meals or an hour after. An adverse reaction is possible in the form of an allergy; it is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

Hepafil is a combined preparation in the form of a syrup containing papaya, celandine, wax, etc. It is prescribed for infectious hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver pathologies as a hepatoprotector, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent. Take 5 mg 4 times a day before meals. No side effects were identified. Contraindicated in case of special sensitivity to components.

Mercurid - white granules for the treatment of inflammation of various etiologies, including pyelonephritis and the urinary system. Activates the body's defenses, eliminates the consequences of antibiotic use. It is recommended to keep the granules under the tongue until they are completely dissolved (7 pieces 3 times a day). The drug has one warning for allergy sufferers, no others were found, as well as side effects.

For the treatment of anemia, arsenic (3rd, 6th dilutions), ferrum muriaticum, phosphorus, cuprum metalicum in 6, 12 dilutions of each, pulsatilla (D3) are used.

Pulsatilla is the active substance from the extract of the herb lumbago. There are granules in various dilutions: D3, D6, D12, D30, D200. The required doses are determined by the homeopath individually. The granules are kept under the tongue until absorbed. Allergy was very rarely observed during treatment. Contraindicated in those with hypersensitivity to ranunculaceae and lumbago. Not prescribed for men.


Surgical treatment of pregnant women is resorted to in extreme cases, when there is a real threat to the woman’s life. In urology, this may be the need to decapsulate the kidney, nephrostomy - drainage of urine from the kidney using drainage, nephrectomy - removal of the kidney. Gallstones that trigger an attack can also lead to surgery.


Preventive measures to prevent such a symptom as dark urine include a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, plenty of fresh air and vitamins. The presence of pathologies is a reason not to self-medicate, but to trust doctors.


If nothing else bothers the expectant mother other than the color of the urine, then the prognosis is favorable. In a more serious case, everything depends on the prompt actions of doctors, treatment methods, the condition of the body and compliance with recommendations. To be on the safe side, it is best to be under the supervision of specialists.

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