Learn more about personal hygiene. Advice Groups of drugs for the treatment of toxoplasmosis

Hygiene is a science consisting of many sections, among which personal hygiene occupies the most important place. Personal hygiene -a set of mandatory rules of human behavior at work and at home. In a narrow sense, hygiene is keeping the body, clothing and household items clean. Violations of the rules of personal hygiene and human health can put him and family members out of action for a long time. This situation may arise if one family member got sick, but shared utensils. As a result, the health of others is at risk, that is, personal hygiene and health are inextricably linked.

Personal hygiene includes several rules that every person must follow: maintaining a clean body, proper work and rest schedule, physical exercise, and a balanced diet.


It covers the entire body and serves as a barrier to the penetration of various diseases. In addition to the protective function, the skin performs several others: respiratory, receptor, thermoregulatory... It has a huge number of pores, through which 5-7 liters of sweat and 200 g of fat are released weekly. In order for this vital organ to function properly, the skin must be cleansed. Daily body care should be a mandatory ritual.

  • Every day you need to take a shower with water at a comfortable temperature. But for people with very dry skin, frequent washing is not recommended so as not to disrupt the protective function of the skin. And be sure to wash your face, armpits and groin every day. For these purposes, you can use appropriate care products - soaps, gels. Each person must choose them individually. Skin hygiene involves the use of scrubs to exfoliate particles of dead epithelium.
  • At least once a week, the procedure should be more thorough - in a bathhouse, sauna or just in a bath.
  • You need to cleanse your face every day, then apply moisturizer.
  • Personal hygiene items - washcloth, towel - must be individual.
  • Bed linen must be changed once a week.

Arms and legs

Hand hygiene plays an important role in maintaining health: unwashed hands can introduce harmful microorganisms into your mouth and cause an undesirable reaction. To care for your hands and feet, you should regularly use manicure and pedicure accessories - brushes, files, pumice stones. Clean your nails thoroughly and carefully file them. Feet should be washed daily with cool water to reduce sweating. And your hands need to be washed after coming home, before and after preparing food, before and after going to the toilet, and simply because they can get dirty. In case there are no conditions for hand washing, you must have a wet wipe with you.

Hair hygiene

To make your hair look well-groomed, you must try to follow simple rules.

  1. You should wash your hair as needed - if your hair type is normal, then once a week is enough.
  2. Choosing a hair product requires a thoughtful approach - along with shampoo or conditioner, unwanted substances can enter the body.
  3. To add shine to your hair, it is very useful to rinse it with nettle or chamomile infusion after washing.
  4. It is not recommended to rub your hair with a towel - just blot it.
  5. Drying them with a hairdryer is also extremely undesirable - if time allows, then give them the opportunity to air dry.

Oral hygiene

The basic rules of personal hygiene necessarily include oral care.

  • You should brush your teeth twice a day – morning and evening after meals and for at least 3 minutes. It is advisable to use a brush of medium softness.
  • You can use dental floss or a toothpick to clean the interdental space.
  • There are many options for scrapers and spatulas to clean your gums, cheeks and tongue, and it is advisable to use a mouthwash to kill all germs in the mouth.
  • But even regular cleaning will not guarantee that tooth decay or other problems will not occur. In order to begin treatment at an early stage, it is necessary to undergo a dental examination twice a year.

Rules of feminine hygiene

The concepts of personal hygiene should be familiar to every person from childhood. They are especially important for women. Knowing them and being accustomed to performing them since childhood, any girl will not worry in any situation.

Intimate care is individual for each woman and should include several mandatory rules.

  1. You need to wash yourself at least twice a day. The water must be running. The movements should be from front to back so that discharge from the anus does not enter the vagina.
  2. You only need to wash with your palm, without using a washcloth.
  3. A towel for intimate hygiene should be personal or paper.
  4. A sanitary napkin can also work for this purpose if water is not an option.
  5. Underwear should allow air to pass through unhindered. It is most comfortable to wear cotton.
  6. A girl’s intimate hygiene must be thoughtful: you cannot use shower gel, soap, or products that are not individually suitable for this purpose. They can cause irritation or even illness. Therefore, the best solution is to contact a gynecologist and purchase hygiene products on his advice. As a last resort, you can purchase a product with pH 2.5 to 3.5 containing lactic acid so as not to disturb the microflora.
  7. During menstruation, you need to wash yourself up to five times a day to wash away decomposing blood.

Clothes and shoes

Clothing, that is, its cleanliness, plays a significant role in the rules of personal hygiene and human health.

  • Underwear, including tights, stockings and socks, should be changed daily and freshly laundered.
  • Clothing and shoes must be individual and appropriate for the season.
  • Clean the insoles of boots, boots and shoes immediately when they become dirty.

Benefit for health

In accordance with other points of the rules, nutrition must be complete and rational, ensure mental and physical activity of a person, and contain a sufficient amount of calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. A proper diet is also necessary for a full rhythm of life: a person eats 5-6 times a day and does not go hungry. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in the kitchen will guarantee that intestinal upset will not occur. This means your health will not suffer.

Sports, and just physical exercise, physical labor, walks in the fresh air, various active recreation - a necessary and most reasonable pastime after work and on weekends. This will increase metabolism, vascular and heart tone, restore strength and strengthen the body.

The importance of personal hygiene cannot be overestimated.

But hygiene literacy must be familiar to a person from childhood and strictly followed, and then any diseases will be avoided.

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Skin care. Hygiene of clothing and footwear. Skin diseases.

Tasks:1. reveal hygienic requirements for skin care from the point of view of its

anatomical and physiological characteristics;

2. To introduce the causes and signs of skin diseases and other

skin dysfunctions;

3. Learn to provide first aid for burns and frostbite.

Equipment: tables “Skin”, “Burns”, “Frostbite”, paper napkins,

safety razor blades, shampoo, petri dishes.

During the classes:

Check of knowledge:

1. Test. (On cards)

2.Answers to questions.

1) Touch your hair with your hand, remove your hand. Why is the touch clearly felt when applying and removing irritation? (Receptors located at the hair root respond to hair deformation).

2. How to prove that the hair shafts and nail plate do not contain either nerves or blood vessels? (When cutting them, we do not feel pain and there is no bleeding).3. Why is it not recommended to bite nails and hangnails? (Not only the epidermis is damaged, but also the dermis, which leads to bleeding and infection)

( teacher's addition)

There are 250 thousand cold and 30 thousand thermal receptors on the skin.

Skin temperature varies:

36.6 - in the armpit

34 - on the stomach

20-25 - on the face

37.5-38 - blood, internal organs

The skin is least sensitive to injections at 9 am.

A person loses 800 thousand skin microparticles every hour, 675 grams per year, and by the age of 70 - 47 kg.

Learning new material:

1. Hygiene of skin, its derivatives and clothing.

Independent work with the textbook.

Assignment: read the articles “Skin Care”, “Nail and Hair Care”, “Hygiene of Clothes and Shoes” § 40. Formulate hygiene rules and give them a physiological basis. Present the material in the form of a table “Hygiene of the skin, its derivatives and clothing.”

Checking independent work.

2. Causes of skin diseases. Skin diseases.

1) Poor nutrition.

3) Hormonal disorders.

3) Skin injuries: burns, frostbite. Physiological basis for signs of burns, frostbite, first aid measures.


Thermal Chemical

(there are four degrees) (caused by contact with it

personal caustic substances)

3. Consolidation of knowledge.

Self-observations and experiments.

Carry out according to the instructions in the textbook on page 209.

Explain why a razor blade floats when its surfaces are wiped in soapy water? What are the properties of soap and what do we use it for?

4. Homework assignment.

Study § 40. Answer the questions placed at the beginning of the paragraph and at the end of it.

Additional material for the lesson

Skin care.

Skin has many functions. It protects the body from the penetration of various harmful substances and microbes, and takes part in respiration. It absorbs 1% of oxygen and releases 3% of carbon dioxide from the total volume passing through the lungs.

The smallest blood vessels of the skin, expanding at high temperatures of air or water and narrowing at low temperatures, together with sweating, regulate the transfer of body heat to the external environment.

According to the degree of sebum deposition, the skin is usually divided into normal, dry and oily.

Normal skin requires simpler care than dry and oily skin. Skin secretions, dust, dirt from its surface are removed by washing with soap and water.

By washing our face in the morning, we tone not only the skin, but the entire body.

Hard water contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, and iron salts, which dry out, thin the skin and often cause irritation. Soft water (rain, snow) is well tolerated by the skin. However, hard water can be softened by boiling or adding baking soda, ammonia, glycerin (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), milk (1 cup per 1 liter of water).

When washing, in addition to the quality of the water, its temperature also matters. Cold water refreshes and strengthens the skin. However, at low temperatures, blood vessels constrict and sebum secretion decreases, as a result of which skin nutrition deteriorates and dryness may develop.

Hot water cleanses the skin well and washes away sebum. However, with the systematic use of hot water, persistent vasodilation may occur, in which the skin becomes flaccid. Therefore, you should wash your face with water either at room temperature, or alternately pour hot and cold water over your face.

Soap removes dead horny scales, dirt, and sweat from the skin. It is recommended to wash with toilet soap.

Dry skin is thin, very sensitive to all kinds of irritations and does not tolerate water well. Therefore, if you have very dry, irritated skin, you should temporarily abandon washing with water, replacing it with various rubbings. Vitaminized cream “Velvet”, “Almond milk” cleanses and softens dry skin well; heated vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, etc.). After cleansing the skin, it is covered with a rich softening cream (Almond, Nourishing, Amber and fortified creams containing vitamin A). Apply the cream carefully. The skin of the nose and chin should not be lubricated with cream, as these are the oiliest areas of the face. The cream is left on the face for 30-40 minutes, then blotted with a paper napkin. After a few days, the skin becomes softer and you can carefully begin washing your face with soft water.

Oily skin is very different from dry skin. During puberty, at 13-15 years of age, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases. The skin begins to shine and becomes covered with a greasy coating, on which dust and dirt accumulate. Black sebaceous plugs appear on the surface of the skin - blackheads, whiteheads, resembling white grains. Caring for oily skin aims to degrease and disinfect the skin. You should wash your face with hot water and soap and then rinse your face with cold water. To maintain the protective acid barrier of the skin surface, it is recommended to finish washing by pouring cold acidified water (1 tablespoon of table vinegar or 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of water). You should wash your face with non-irritating toilet soap (Children's, Lanolin, etc.). It should become a habit to wash your hands after visiting the toilet and before eating. To prevent cracks from forming on the skin, hands must be thoroughly dried after washing. Use the shower daily (especially after an intense workout). And of course, have a bath day with a change of underwear at least once a week.

A good habit is to wash your feet daily with cool water before going to bed, which not only prevents foot sweating, but also hardens your feet. Change socks daily. And it is best to wear cotton socks, as they absorb moisture well and allow water to pass through.

Hair hygiene.

Hair should be washed once a week, and if it is dry, then 2-3 times a month. Use suitable soap or shampoo to wash your hair. To avoid drying out your hair, just lather it well once and rinse it with not very hot water. After complete drying, comb the hair with a comb or wide-toothed comb. Long hair should be combed from the ends, and short hair from the roots.

It is worth warning some teenagers against the habit of walking in cold weather with their heads uncovered. At the same time, the skin cools down, the blood vessels in it narrow, which can lead to poor nutrition and hair growth.

Nail care.

Fingernails should be cut every week, and toenails once every two weeks. To prevent your nails, especially your toenails, from cracking when trimming, you must first dip them in warm, soapy water. The cut of the toenail should not be too oval so that its edges do not grow into the skin and cause pain.

Hygiene of clothing and footwear.

Girls and boys should carefully monitor the cleanliness of their underwear, outerwear and sportswear. Clothing should be comfortable, light enough, not too warm, and not restrict movement. Its size and cut should not impede breathing and blood circulation. For the same reason, there should be no tight collars, belts, or cuffs. It is harmful to constantly walk, much less sleep, in tight underpants, especially synthetic ones.

For indoor activities in winter and training in summer, clothing must correspond to meteorological conditions and the characteristics of the sport. In warm weather - sports shorts and a T-shirt. Training suit made of cotton fabric; when it’s cool - a sports suit made of woolen fabric.

For physical exercise and sports in the winter outdoors, clothing should have three layers: underwear, a flannel shirt, a woolen knitted suit, a woolen hat and mittens. It is also good to wear a synthetic jacket on top to protect against the wind.

Shoes need to be durable, soft, and elastic. Comfortable, light and free, which will ensure gait stability and will not interfere with the development of flat feet. Uncomfortable, tight shoes impair blood circulation, do not warm the feet, and cause scuffs, abrasions and calluses. Shoes that are too loose are also not comfortable - they rub the skin and cause abrasions.

In winter, shoes should be a full size larger and should be worn with thick woolen socks. It is unacceptable to wear sports shoes indoors; you cannot constantly walk in sneakers throughout the day: this can lead to flat feet.

Clothes and shoes require constant care. Linens must be washed after each workout. Contaminated and wet shoes should be cleaned, dried and lubricated with a special ointment or cream. Sportswear and shoes should be stored in a ventilated place.

Personal hygiene.

There is no need to prove how important it is to observe the rules of personal hygiene in everyday life and especially when doing physical exercise. Everyone knows that following these rules contributes not only to the prevention of diseases, promotion of health and normal development of the body, but also to increased performance and physical improvement.

Personal hygiene includes skin care, oral care, hardening, as well as keeping your clothes and shoes clean.

Skin hygiene - This is the basis of personal hygiene. To keep your skin young and beautiful, you need to take proper and regular care of it.

To prevent skin diseases, it is very important to strictly followskin hygiene rulesand, if possible, eliminateharmful professional and household factors.

Normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and proper nutrition help maintain good skin condition. Vitamins A, B, D, C, PP play a very important role. Their deficiency can lead to the appearance or exacerbation of many skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema.

Regular use is required to remove dirt, sebum, sweat, microorganisms and scales.skin hygiene rules. Baths lasting up to 15 minutes should be taken at least once a week, and showers without soap with water at room temperature should preferably be taken daily.

Regardless of your skin type, it should be moisturized and nourished. But when choosing cosmetics, you need to take into account its composition and effect on your skin type.

Nutrient creams contain numerous additives that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of cells. These are vitamins, extracts, plant juices, beeswax, kernel oil, lanolin. Fats and oils included in cosmetic preparations, as a rule, are well absorbed and reduce the release of water by the skin, protecting it from drying out. In addition, they prevent the penetration of germs and also protect the skin from irritating environmental factors.

An important part of skin hygiene is to maintain water balance in skin cells, for which regular use of moisturizing lotions and creams is beneficial. The moisturizer is universal, and therefore is suitable for oily skin, dry skin, and especially aging skin, since it not only moisturizes, but also adds vitamins, biologically active components, fats and other beneficial substances to the skin layers.

The skin of the face and neck should be washed with warm water. If the skin is thin and dry, sensitive to sunlight and atmospheric influences, then it is better to avoid using soap and use soft water - boiled, rain or tap water with the addition of a quarter teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter.

Particular attention should be paiddry skin hygiene. After washing, it is useful to lubricate dry and wrinkled skin with a nourishing cream, and instead of washing oily skin, it is better to wipe it with special lotions. In any case, both after washing and after a bath or shower, it is useful to rinse your face with cold water. It should be remembered that hot water degreases the skin, and very cold water dries it out.

Before shaving, it is better to wash your face with hot water, and after shaving, wipe your skin with 0.5-1% salicylic alcohol. Hands should be washed with soap and water at room temperature.

The skin of the legs (legs, feet) should be washed 2-3 times a week, the genital area and perineum - daily before bed.

For proper skin hygiene A contrast shower is useful, which helps relieve fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the skin and improves its blood supply due to the periodic narrowing and expansion of blood vessels. You should start with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature. Then you should quickly douse yourself with cold water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times and finish with cool or cold water. Avoid hypothermia and do not use scalding ice water.

Nails should be washed with a brush, trimmed every week, and the subungual space should be cleaned with a special nail cleaner. It is useful for women to periodically get manicures and pedicures.

It is important to protect the skin from injuries, which are the gateway to pyogenic infection. To do this, if necessary, you should use special clothing, protective paste and special detergents.

Subject to skin hygiene rulesIt should be taken into account that fresh air, moderate exposure to sunlight, and water procedures, including sea bathing, have a beneficial effect on the skin. They increase the skin's resistance to external irritants. Sports and physical exercise are also beneficial.

■ It is necessary to wash the body with hot water and soap at least once a week, it prevents inflammation of the skin, the development of lice, and scabies.

■ Washing must be accompanied by a mandatory change of underwear and bed linen.

■ Hair should be washed once a week for dry skin, and once every 3-4 days for oily skin.

■ Be sure to wash your hands before eating.

The skin of the neck, armpits and under the mammary glands should be washed daily.

■ Regularly carry out procedures to harden the body: stay in the fresh air, sunbathing and water procedures.

■ Clothing and shoes should be loose and accurately match the proportions of the body.

■ Clothes and shoes must be kept clean at all times.

■ It is harmful to wear rubberized clothing and shoes.

■ Children's clothing should not have rough seams or scars.

Underwear should be made from thin and soft natural fabrics.

■ An important element of clothing is a headdress.

■ Clothing and shoes must be appropriate for the season and nature of the activity.

Hardening is a set of measures aimed at increasing the functional reserves of the body and its resistance to the adverse effects of environmental factors. The essence of hardening is training the mechanisms by which the body reacts to a certain climatic factor. In the process of such training, the body's resistance to a specific factor increases. Hardening methods are staying outdoors(walking, skating, skiing, etc.), water procedures(rubbing, dousing, showering, bathing, etc.); Sunbathing.

Fresh air contains more oxygen and has a detrimental effect on pathogens. Frequent exposure to cold or hot air teaches the body to quickly and promptly respond to changes in environmental temperature.

Water treatments train skin vessels, activate their ability to quickly narrow or expand. Cool water, irritating numerous cold receptors in the skin, enhances the activity of the central nervous system, increases nervous tone, metabolism, blood circulation, and all this contributes to vigor and increases the body's resistance to adverse conditions.

Sun rays dilate the blood vessels of the skin, increase blood circulation, promote the formation of vitamin D in the body, and increase skin pigmentation. If a person does not spend enough time under the sun, he develops light starvation, which manifests itself through disorders of the functional state of the central nervous system: mental depression, irritability, decreased performance, etc.

The methods of hardening are considered and should be combined with physical training: sports and physical education, which creates reliable fitness of a person. The hygienic requirements for hardening are a regular and gradual increase in the duration and strength of the procedures, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, and systematic monitoring of the condition of one’s body during hardening.

Hardening activates the immune system, improves blood circulation, metabolism, increases the tone of the nervous system, as well as mental activity and physical performance.

It’s a miracle - I drink coffee, water, tea, and porridge, but only tea comes out of me.

K. I. Chukovsky. "Two to Five"

The rules for maintaining and improving health are dealt with by science - hygiene, which includes many areas. Among them, human hygiene and skin hygiene are distinguished as separate sections.

The narrower concept of hygiene includes a set of requirements for the hygienic maintenance of the body, personal and household items. Thus, the hygiene of a person living in society creates a healthy environment for his normal life. Violation of these rules may affect the deterioration of public hygiene of large groups of people.

Skin and its hygiene

Skin is our citadel. It is not without reason that its main function is considered protective. The epithelial cover, maintaining the health and vital functions of the body, performs a number of functions:

  • thermoregulatory;
  • secretory;
  • resorption;
  • respiratory.

It participates in the general metabolic process and serves as a sensory organ. Therefore, it is so important to follow simple rules of skin hygiene.

Skin hygiene procedures

The epithelium of the skin is often the first to signal a disorder in human health, so keeping the skin clean is the starting point in a set of measures that are defined as skin hygiene.

Common procedures to keep your skin clean include:

Properly caring for your hair improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Hygiene rules for preschoolers

Young children are susceptible to a variety of skin conditions, from simple irritations to allergic reactions. Some of their skin functions are not coherent, so skin hygiene is very important for a preschooler.

Parents must take care of creating the necessary conditions for the proper development and preservation of the child’s health.

Personal hygiene rules are best explained to preschool children using pictures or riddles on the topic. For example, pictures and riddles about personal hygiene items. With their help, the child can talk about the purpose of objects and why, by using them, he takes care of his health.

Children gradually learn the basic rules of hygiene and know that:

  • hands are soaped for a minute and then washed off with water;
  • nails must be trimmed first with help, and later independently;
  • brush your teeth 2 times a day and rinse your mouth after eating;
  • The child must have personal care items: toothbrush, comb, soap, towel.

During the learning process, invite your child to solve simple riddles with bright illustrations and clues, as well as using visual objects. For an exciting activity, you can choose any riddles. For example, riddles about a bathtub and a mirror, or riddles about toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Example - bath riddles:

  1. Guess, remember what kind of sea is in the room.
  2. A warm wave splashes on the cast iron shores.

Correctly selected riddles will help children consolidate their knowledge of hygiene rules.

Hygienic care for boys

Personal hygiene of boys is very important starting from the first year of life. From practice it follows that mothers experience difficulties in caring for boys. But the child still has to be taught how to take care of himself.

The process of caring for boys is determined by the basic rules:

  • regular washing. In winter, 1 time per day is enough, and in summer - 2 times;
  • timely change of linen.

A boy should be gradually taught to wash himself independently, starting from the third year of life. During this period, the child needs to clearly understand that hygiene is the key to good health for life.

Food worker hygiene

Any person employed in the food industry, in addition to personal hygiene, must observe the rules of hygiene in society. The well-being of many people depends on his attitude to cleanliness and his own health.

Cooks working in catering establishments are required to undergo medical examinations not only upon entering work, but also at scheduled times according to the schedule of professional examinations.

All cooks must have a spare set of sanitary clothing made of white material. It needs to be changed at least 2-3 times a week. A sanitary certificate is issued for each cook at the enterprise.

The cooks wear berets or headscarves and keep their hands clean and their nails neat. Food workers should wash their hands after every break and transition to clean work.

General hygiene of athletes and tourists

People involved in sports or active recreation should be familiar with the basic requirements of not only personal, but also public hygiene for groups participating in competitions or hiking.

Sports hygiene

A person engaged in physical exercise knows that the basis of hygiene is:

  • adherence to a rational regimen (proper alternation of classes with exercises and rest);
  • body care (skin, teeth, hair);
  • maintaining hygiene when wearing clothes and shoes.

Excessive sweating occurs during exercise, so take a shower with hot water and soap after exercise. Daily dousing with cool water followed by rubbing with a towel is very beneficial for health.

In the morning, before physical exercise, you need to wash your face with cold water to boost your energy and mood. Hardening procedures have a beneficial effect on the body of an athlete or sportsperson.

Bath procedures will cleanse the skin and improve its respiratory functions. As a result, fatigue caused by physical overload goes away.

Contact between the bodies of wrestlers or boxers during training sessions and competitions can lead to skin injuries. To prevent wounds from becoming infected, they need to be treated.

Effective physical exercise is facilitated by the correct selection of clothing and shoes. Clothes and shoes should not restrict freedom of movement, thereby eliminating the occurrence of abrasions or skin irritations.

Hygiene during hiking trips

During a hike, ordinary hygiene measures: washing hands and feet, brushing teeth and doing laundry, become especially important, since in natural conditions you need to closely monitor your health.

  1. Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
  2. When preparing for meals, you need to use a tablecloth for food so as not to put it on the ground.
  3. After eating, you need to wash the dishes and other kitchen items.
  4. A set of clean bed linen is required. Dirty, sweaty clothes cause skin irritation, which is not easy to deal with in hiking conditions.
  5. Before going to bed, do not be lazy to wash your feet and socks. The biggest enemy of tourists is sore feet.
  6. Don't forget to ventilate your sleeping bag. Use sunny days to wash your clothes at rest stops, and once every 5 days you need to wash completely.

On the most difficult hike, these rules must be followed by all members of the group.

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