We transform tangled hair into a cascade of even and perfectly smooth strands. How to detangle very tangled hair at home. Hair is very tangled, what should I do? How to untangle tangles in a child's hair

This causes a lot of discomfort, since they not only get tangled, but sometimes fall into entire tangles, which take hours to unravel. There is no universal solution for such a problem; however, before trying many remedies, it is necessary to analyze the origins of the problem.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon

The long ends of the hair on the back and top of the head are very tangled: what to do?

  • The simplest and most radical option if your hair is really tangled is to shorten your hair. Sometimes attempts to untangle greatly contribute to hair loss. You will lose much less hair if you cut off your split ends at the same time; After all, most often the hair starts to get tangled from the bottom.
  • If you are not ready for such drastic measures, then you should work hard to save your favorite curls and detangle your hair after backcombing. Thorough brushing will help. To do this you will need a lot of time and a wide-tooth comb. It is better to take a wooden one so as not to conduct static electricity. Brushing will help solve the problem

Shampoo and brush D Meli Melo for quickly combing tangles

You can untangle your hair with a round comb, if it is stuck there, using shampoo or oil (vegetable), as well as another comb, but with sparse teeth, gradually separating strand by strand.

It is better to start combing from the end so that the knots on top do not accumulate at the bottom, which will only complicate the situation.

  • If your hair becomes very tangled after washing, you should use conditioner. There are many similar products that not only add softness and shine to hair, but also make combing strands easier.
  • When the hair on the back of your head becomes very tangled overnight, it is better to apply a little balm or rich cream in the morning. This will increase slip and make the strands easier to untangle.
Hair conditioner

Frizzy curls: preventing tangling

To prevent your hair from getting tangled in the future, first of all you need to reconsider your diet: eliminate all “harmful” foods, add more fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish and nuts.

Features of caring for a child's hair

Multivitamin complexes can help out during periods of spring vitamin deficiency and decreased immunity.

To protect your hair from external influences, never forget about your hat and Panama hat! This also makes your hair very tangled.

Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects hair

Reduce the frequency of using hair dryers, curling irons and straightening irons so that your hair does not lose moisture and remains strong for as long as possible. After each wash, apply moisturizing masks and balms. There are many products on the market for better combing.

A hair mask will help strengthen your hair

Preparing the product at home: mask recipe

Natural hair masks also serve as excellent anti-frizz products. They usually contain oils: castor, olive, flaxseed, soybean, argan, nut... Any oil can be combined with ingredients such as egg yolk, liquid honey (not candied!) or vinegar.


Since these are natural products, in any combination they cannot cause harm, but will only benefit hair health.

Thick and incredibly long curls are the envy of rivals and the subject of admiration for the stronger sex. But sometimes a girl with gorgeous hair suddenly decides to get a short haircut and mercilessly part with her strands. The reason is simple: long hair is difficult to comb.

Why does my hair get tangled?

Indeed, women often face the problem of tangled strands. Most often the reason lies in improper care.

The following factors can lead to a mat on the head:

  • Systematic use of a hair dryer, which provokes a violation of the hair structure. Along its entire length, scales open and cling to each other;
  • Irregular combing, especially before bed, also provokes tangled hair;
  • Neglecting a headdress leads to deterioration of the condition of the strands. They are constantly exposed to stress due to the influence of low temperatures and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Lack of brushing skills when styling with a hairdryer;
  • Abuse of mousses, varnishes, gels leads to brittleness, dryness and sticking of curls;
  • Curly hair looks great, but requires extra care. In its absence, tangles on the head are inevitable;
  • Washing your hair with hard water is another cause of tangles. Mineral particles contaminate the strands and cause them to become sticky. If the water hardness coefficient is constantly too high, it is worth carrying out the procedure by first settling the water.

Sometimes the strands are so tangled that it hurts not only to comb, but even to simply touch the head. Tangles in strands, attempts to quickly solve the problem by tearing out unruly hairs lead to tension in the scalp muscles, which is why it becomes painful to comb your hair.

To correct this annoying misunderstanding, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to properly comb your hair if it is tangled.

Basic ways to solve the problem

First of all, if you find a tangled clump, you should not try to tear it apart with a massage brush. In this way, you can simply pull out an unruly lock by the roots.

There are methods that do not lead to injury and allow you to correct the situation in less radical ways:

  • If there is a slight tangle, you should try to divide the strand into thin parts and, using a comb with rare strong teeth, try to comb the curl, starting from the ends and gradually rising higher. To make the procedure as easy as possible, it is recommended to use a spray;
  • When a curl is wound around the brush during styling or drying, the tangled strand is first moistened with balm or shampoo. Then, they begin to carefully rotate the brush, gradually unraveling the hair;
  • It's easiest to detangle severely tangled locks in the shower. After wetting your curls with water, wash your hair with a large volume of shampoo, whipping up a rich lather. Cosmetics and impurities that cause tangles are quickly washed off. Then the strands are treated with balm and, after waiting a quarter of an hour, the hair is washed again with warm water. After using the balm, the curls become unusually silky and will be easy to untangle;
  • It is advisable to use leave-in conditioners and shampoos. They will not only help untangle the tangles, but also protect the curls from tangling during the day;
  • If your strands get tangled regularly, you need to comb them while lying on the bed and resting your head on the edge of it. In this position, blood circulation in the head area significantly improves. The supply of more nutrients will make the curls healthier and they will be much less tangled.

Today there are special sprays on sale that make combing easier. However, they contain aggressive chemicals that negatively affect the condition of the hairstyle. Therefore, they should be used only as a last resort, if other gentle measures do not help.

Prevention of tangles

In order not to face the problem of how to comb very tangled hair, you need to take several preventive measures to ensure proper care of your curls and scalp.

First of all, you need to comb your strands several times throughout the day. In the summer, be sure to use sunscreen sprays. Otherwise, your hair will become dry. And it is known that it is thinning, dry curls that tangle most easily.

After washing your hair, be sure to apply balm to damp hair, especially for girls with curly locks. It is recommended to make a mask once a week to strengthen your hair.

Before going to bed, it is advisable to braid the locks into a loose braid. This will significantly reduce the risk of matting. You shouldn't walk around with loose hair at home. They quickly become dirty, which also provokes the formation of tangles.

You should take care of your hair and not use cosmetics to style it every day. If on this day it was necessary to create a hairstyle and fix it with mousse or gel, be sure to wash your hair at night. It is better to use combs made of wood. Metal and plastic brushes electrify hair and increase its fragility.

Combing each curl 100 times is a common advice that absolutely cannot be practiced with thin and dry strands. You should familiarize yourself with how to properly comb and care for different types of long hair.

Do not use detergents that remove grease harshly. Dry strands are more prone to tangling. Therefore, it is not recommended to use alcohol-containing hair care products.

The delight over a skillfully done evening hairstyle can be compared in strength of emotion only to the horror that will overwhelm you the next day, before the combing procedure. The entire arsenal of cosmetics and professional stylist techniques, in this case, will turn against your passionate desire to find peace and bliss for your exhausted hair. And even the advice and recommendations of friends for some reason, in your case, do not give the expected effect.

Causes of tangled hair
The culprits of this tragedy may be your habit of walking with your hair down in the rain and wind, and laziness, which did not allow you to comb your hair well before washing, or dry it completely before tying it in a knot. Another reason could be repeated blunting of hair for a new hairstyle without first thoroughly combing it. Be prepared for your mane to get tangled if it's curly and you don't braid it before bed. There are, of course, objective reasons for hair matting, due to prolonged stay in bed of a seriously ill person, or a unique reaction of the hair structure to unusual water hardness or dye composition. In general, the question of how to comb very tangled hair has been faced by every woman at least once, unless, of course, she has an ultra-short haircut.

Ways to solve this problem
There are five of them:

  • aggressive dry combing;
  • combing with cosmetics;
  • combing under a strong stream of water;
  • combing with oils;
  • radical - cutting out the tangle (a lump of hair tightly bunched and stuck together from the accumulated fat of the sebaceous glands, dirt and dust).
What can give the desired result?
If tangled hair is not a common occurrence, and you have lived with it for no more than a day, then with patience, you can cope with this problem with conditioner, balm or hair mask. You just need to fulfill the following conditions:
  • to begin with, take a comb with sparse and wide teeth;
  • moisten hair with leave-in balm;
  • Start combing strands at a time, from the tip, gradually moving towards the roots;
  • comb the strands thus disassembled with a massage brush to remove any remaining torn hair.
You cannot immediately expose tangled hair under running water, without treating it with conditioner or balm. The hair will absorb moisture and become heavy and less elastic, making it more difficult to comb through.

Folk recipes suggest using burdock oil instead of conditioner, which is also beneficial for the hair structure. The effect of any result is laid down at the prevention stage.

What do you need to know and do to prevent your hair from getting tangled?

  1. Brush them along their entire length several times every day. By the way, Tyrolean women ran a stiff bristle brush through their hair 100 times every night, improving blood circulation at the roots of the hair and distributing the secretion of the sebaceous glands along the entire length of the strands.
  2. Cover your hair with a hat from exposure to the sun and bad weather. Thin and dry hair most often gets tangled.
  3. Finish washing your hair with conditioner or hair balm. But don’t forget to wash off these products. Be sure to comb your hair immediately after washing.
  4. At night, long hair should be braided or tied into a ponytail.
  5. Pin up your hair when doing housework.
  6. Do not use mousses, varnishes, sprays constantly.
Hair is undoubtedly a woman’s natural adornment. They emphasize her attractiveness and create a charming effect for the opposite sex. Their beauty is natural and healthy, and the sophistication of the most skillful stylist cannot compare with it.

How to detangle your hair if it has knots? Follow the tips in this article and everything will work out.

Dove conditioner with ultra-light oils is called just that - it helps make strands more manageable, soft and smooth, but does not weigh them down.

Choose the right comb

The right detangling brush will give you a huge advantage in the battle that is how to detangle tangled hair. To minimize damage to your hair, we recommend detangling it with your fingers, a soft massage comb, a fine-toothed comb and a brush with silicone teeth. Find the one that suits your hair best and it will make your life easier for many years to come.

Treat your hair with care (as if it were made of gold)

How to comb tangled hair? Patience and more patience! If you are in a hurry and nervous, it will only deprive you of some hair that could be saved and will not do anything good. It is best to set aside time in advance and devote it to combing your hair. In the end, you will only benefit from this later, even if you spend a little more time at first. Remember that you only have hair and treat it as such.

You only have hair.

Comb your hair twice a day, moving from ends to roots

One of the secrets to combing tangled hair easily is to brush it twice a day. Then the strands will not have time to get too tangled, and you will be able to spend a couple of minutes combing in the morning and the same amount before going to bed.

Try to comb from the ends and only then move on to the roots - this will help relieve pressure in the root zone and reduce fragility. To make your curls less tangled, touch them less with your hands during the day, and collect them before going to bed.

Take care of your hair regularly

It seems obvious, but developing your own perfect hair care beauty routine and following it every day is not so easy. If you are concerned about how to easily comb tangled hair, include strengthening express care in your daily hair diet.

This herbal decoction removes static, eliminates hair loss, nourishes and strengthens hair, makes combing easier and adds shine. At the same time, the product does not need to be washed off, which means it can be used quickly and anywhere - just amazing, right?

Well, now you know how to detangle your hair! Find out even more about hair care.

You shouldn’t consider tangles in your hair as a “dignity,” to put it mildly, of an unkempt person who doesn’t care about her appearance. They can appear in any of us - under certain circumstances. What are the causes of tangles in a person’s hair, how to comb it and prevent it from appearing?

What is a mat on a person’s head? This is a kind of tangle, difficult to comb, tangled strands that resemble felt, accumulating dust, dirt, and in the worst case, insects.

Medicine believes that the inflammatory processes of the sebaceous glands on the head are to blame for everything, which results in the “gluing” of hair into a single mass. This phenomenon, in turn, also has its provocateurs. So, where does a person get a mat (another version of its name is “Kovtun”)?

Hair tangles: reasons for their appearance in humans

Prose of life

Lack of proper hair care. Everything is very clear here: if you don’t comb it, your hair will form into tangles that are difficult to return to normal. Quite often, tangles appear in bedridden patients, which is not surprising, since their head is constantly in mechanical contact with the pillow.

  • Paradoxically, the reason why tangles appear in the hair is often due to numerous cosmetic and other procedures aimed at improving appearance. We are talking about those that dry out and weaken the condition of our locks. This may include, for example:
  • perm;
  • colorization;
  • bouffant;
  • exposure to high temperatures.

As a result, the curls easily tangle, become matte and split at the ends.

  • The hairball, which is difficult to comb, especially “loves” porous and dry hair. Over-dried hair begins to become frizzy, tangled and actively tangled.
  • Another answer to the question why tangles form in the hair on the head is the influence of weather conditions: wind, heat or frost - in the absence of proper protection of the head from all this.


To the question of why tangles appear in hair, folk signs give their answer. The magical reason for this phenomenon is the settling of an evil spirit in a person, which, by the way, “nests” not only in the hair. If the correct approach was not found to him, then this unfriendly creature took revenge by the appearance of tangles. According to the signs of the Slavs, it was possible to acquire them, and if a carelessly discarded hair was picked up and used to build a nest, a bird. It was believed that the strands could get confused in this way due to melancholy, worries, fear, and bad heredity. In any case, this did not mean anything good and required special rituals for eliminating tangles.

How to prevent tangling of strands?

In order not to wonder how to get rid of mats in a person, you need to minimize the risk of their occurrence. What can be done for this?
To prevent tangles from appearing, you should:

  • Regularly, every day in the morning and evening, comb your hair with a brush. This will remove any contaminants trapped there;
  • moisturized and smooth hair rarely becomes tangled - you need to regularly pamper your hair with masks with nourishing and moisturizing substances.

It is worth using cosmetics containing keratin, which penetrates deeply into the hair structure, smoothing out the scales and giving the hair elasticity. Lubricating with oil or using silicone serum also provides a positive effect.

  • You should also pay attention to the way you dry your hair after washing. Do not vigorously rub it with a towel - just apply it lightly;
  • if the problem of tangles is the result of the strands rubbing against the pillow at night, their freedom should be limited by braiding them;
  • Often tangles in humans appear on the ends. The best option to avoid this is to trim the ends regularly (twice a year). Thanks to this, your hair will grow faster and become healthier.

A person has tangles - how to get rid of them?

Preventive measures are, of course, right and good, but if the mat has already appeared, what to do? Often unable to comb out the tangle, people take the drastic step of cutting off the unruly strands. However, cutting is not a good idea. This allows you to get rid of a single tangle, but does not solve the problem of subsequent knocking down. And also, according to the same folk superstitions, illiterate circumcision of a mat threatens with even more unpleasant consequences than itself (for example, mental disorder).

Thus, if there is a lump on your head, you still need to be patient and try to untangle it. How to comb a person's mat?

  • Hair gathered into a fist is combed not with the first comb that comes along, and certainly not with a massager, but with a comb with thick and widely spaced teeth. You can also disassemble them with your fingers.
  • Before untangling the tangles in your hair, it is better to wash your hair first, but not completely dry it.
  • Combing tangles begins from the middle of the hair length or from the ends - depending on the location of the problem formation. However, in any case, you should not start combing from the roots.
  • If the strands are very tangled, you can apply a little moisturizing conditioner or hair silk to them.

Once you become the owner of a tangle in your hair, a person should definitely think about the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. Even if it is not an evil and vengeful spirit, as popular beliefs claim, some problem will make itself known again and again in this way, spoiling the appearance of hair and appearance in general.

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