Cool message to your loved one. Cool poems for your beloved man. Erotic funny SMS for your beloved man

Cool messages to your loved one at any time of the day are a reason to formulate your tremulous feelings for your soulmate; you can choose words so that he can be convinced of how strong your love for him is, how dear he is to you. Cool phrases for your loved one, short poems will certainly help you with this. SMS will be able to tell your loved one that you miss him, how you are looking forward to him. Don’t be shy and send cool SMS messages - this step will not leave your loved one unattended. Cool sms, which are written with great love and originality, will definitely be an unexpected surprise for your loved one, they are full of originality and unique. You are provided with short, funny messages in prose and verse that will bring a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions to your beloved men!

Funny erotic SMS to your beloved

I’ll kiss your ear and lick your neck with my tongue. I will caress your chest and lower my hand. Then your horse will rise, I will sit on top and we will gallop, through the valleys and over the hills for happiness and good luck!

I kiss you on your nose, on your cheek, on your ear, on your shoulder and belly, on your eye and on your leg... Oh, I drooled a little.

Cool SMS poems for your loved one

You are my beloved ray of light. Even sweeter than candy. Softer than velvet and plush. I really need you in my life!

Erotic funny SMS for your beloved man

I'll tie your hands, I'll tie your feet. But first, I’ll strip naked. And you won’t run away from me along the path today, today I’m driving the parade!

Cool SMS to your loved one

When people look at the stars and they are far from each other, at that moment they are TOGETHER! Let's meet today at 22.00 near the Big Dipper???

Funny SMS for your beloved guy

My beloved mouse, I love you so much. But please, don’t contradict me too much, otherwise I’ll crush my tail!

Funny good night texts for your loved one

Sleep well this night, don’t play pranks without me, don’t go to the right or to the left!

Funny love sms to your loved one

As a cat loves a mouse, as a fish loves a worm, so I love you!

Cool SMS to your loved one

One kiss is not enough for me, a hundred - my lips get tired. Well, how to find this golden mean? Come, let's look together!

Funny SMS to my beloved man I miss you

I miss you so much that I can’t even find words to describe. Come quickly, first I’ll start kissing you passionately, and then I’ll try to tell you how much I miss you.

What is love? It's just 6 letters! But which ones are the most dear to my heart. I give them to you forever, please take care of them and love me!

Cool SMS Good night beloved

My beloved, good night! I'll come home at two in the morning!!!

Cool SMS to your loved one

My beloved, text message for you, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Your princess.

Cool SMS messages to your loved one

I don’t know who you are, and why are you with me?... But I know that I can’t live without you, you are my whole world!

Cool SMS for your beloved guy

I want to tell you 3 words: “I love you”!

Cool SMS congratulations to your loved one

Here Matchbox, there are a lot of matches in it, and they will burn for a long time if you burn them carefully. So you take care of my love, I love you!

Love SMS for your beloved guy is funny

I'm waiting for you, I have no strength. Breakfast and lunch have already passed, and dinner crept up timidly, it’s already time for bed, and I haven’t eaten yet...

Funny SMS to my beloved husband

Love for you resurrects me, but sometimes you kill me. So what should I do: love you or forget you?

Funny SMS to my loved one I miss you

So I bought myself a new dress, and you’re not around. So I’ll put it on and go to the disco, stand in the middle of the hall and miss you...

Cool SMS Good morning beloved

Did my text wake you up? It’s okay, stop sleeping, get up, my love.

I will never stop cherishing you!
My love will never end.
I'm happy that you and I are together,
That hearts beat in unison.

I won't let you go to someone else
I will fill the days of my life with you,
You are the most tender and dear,
Please keep my love.

Dear, beloved, only one, you are the dearest, closest and most desired person! I thank fate for our meeting and every day spent together!

I give you sincere feelings,
Love is a unique art,
My beloved, desired, dear,
I want to share my life only with you!

I am writing to you, my beloved,
And words are torn from the soul.
I love you so much, my darling,
It's just dizzying!

You have become the best in the world for me,
Perhaps there are no such feelings on the planet!
My dearest and most unique,
Strong and kind, my beloved guy!

The kindest and most down-to-earth,
My caring, dear.
I give you all my love
And thank you for the happiness!

You make me happy,
Confident and strong,
Everything in life is wonderful with you,
Dignified, joyful and clear!

Yes, there are, of course, quarrels,
But I try to understand you
Because I love you without arguing
I only want to wish for reciprocity.

I know for sure that I can live without you,
And work, eat and drink every day.
But this, my dear, is unbearably difficult:
To not be with you and to love you like that!

I want to run away to the island with you,
And kiss your lips every day with love.
With you, I'm the happiest in the world,
I want this to never end.

I'm filled with love
Because I know that you exist.
I thought this wouldn't happen.
But no! My dreams have come true with you.

You are the best in this world,
My kitten, my love!
With you it’s warm and the world is so bright,
And happiness fills again!

Darling, you give me inspiration,
With you I experienced a rebirth,
She became better and cleaner, wiser and kinder,
I am happy that you are in my life!

I'll hug you tighter
I'll hide behind your back,
Nothing is so scary
The rest of the world is nothing!
Everything is wonderful because of love,
This is true! Look!

I don't ask for more from life,
If only I could be with you longer.
I love you more and more every day!
What a blessing that you are mine, you are only mine!

Like a warm May breeze,
Playing, he entered my life.
Kindled the flame of love,
I found the key to my heart.
I adore you, honey
Unique and loved.

Dear, beloved, most tender,
I want to be with you always!
My ocean of boundless love
It never shrinks!

Your image warms day and night,
The desire to live, laugh and dream,
There is happiness, I saw with my own eyes,
When I managed to meet you.

My love, you are my inspiration,
I am always happy with you next to me.
You make me worry
With just one gentle glance.

Hear the unexpected thrill of your soul,
Take my hand and lead me with you,
There's only one like him in the whole world,
Beloved, dear, dear.

Many guys really value a good sense of humor in their girls, because otherwise who will laugh at their jokes? :) If you want to please your loved one by sending him a funny SMS, then this section will help you with this!

Here you will find comic, funny and funny sms for your beloved guy written in poetry and prose.

“Today I put...”
Today I counted 3000 kisses, 2000 dreams and 1000 sweet thoughts in your heart. And when you miss me, take them off your account.

"Just a moment alone..."
Just a moment alone, just when you smile at me, just feeling your gaze on me - there is no greater HAPPINESS on earth!!!

"We've done this so many times before..."
You and I have already done this so many times, and I wanted you many times, but the TRUTH,
I have never wanted you as much as I want you now... HUG!!!

"I want..."
I want you to be my teddy bear that I can take to bed with me every night.

“How many drops are there in the blue sea...”
How many drops are in the blue sea, how much dust is on the ground - so much tender kisses I'm sending it to you!

Attention - this letter was sent from another galaxy to the most beautiful and good man. One has been found. Mission complete!

“It’s impossible to understand you”
It is impossible to understand you, it is impossible to forget you, it is very difficult to love you, because you are so abnormal...

“We haven’t known each other for very long.”
We haven’t known each other for that long, but I managed to get to know you, and I can’t exchange your lips, eyes and smile for anything!

“The doctor forbade me from SWEET!!!”
Don't look for me, don't call, don't send SMS, I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you, because the doctor forbade me SWEET!!!

“I would give the sun...”
I would give you the sun - it is high, I would give you a heart - it is deep, I would give you happiness - you can’t get it, I give you an SMS, please don’t wash it!

“Do you want to be close to me?”
If you want to be with me, come, I will be glad!!!

“The noise stops and the lights go out”
The noise stops and the light goes out, the patterns on the glass sparkle. And I have no better joy than just thinking about you.

"Don't be naughty"
Don't be naughty and don't spoil. And you deserve a kiss!

“I want to offer you a trip”
I want to offer you a trip:
The direction is the stars, the driver is love, the transport is the heart, the passengers are you and me, the tickets are irrevocable.
So how?

"My air!"
I want you to know this - you are very important to me. I can’t live without you even for 30 seconds, when you’re missing, I’m just suffocating... I love you, my AIR!

"If you don't want..."
If you don't want to be with me, just say so. But there is no need to hide everything and live in a lie!

"You're fickle, I know it!"
You're fickle, I know! But now I realized that it is better to doubt that you love me than to be sure that you don’t.

"I asked God..."
I asked God for water, he gave me the sea.
I asked God for grass, he gave me a field.
I asked God for an angel, he gave me you.

"You are beautiful..."
You are beautiful, but there are many beautiful ones, but you are romantic, which is very rare!

“You are the best in this world!”
One two three four!
You are the best in this world!
Five, six, seven, eight!
Let's cast aside all doubts!
Nine ten!
I will declare that I only love you!

Cupid pierced me with an arrow, I feel very good with you!

Love is a bright creature, but loves a dark corner!

"We girls..."
We girls are like telephones. We love having people take us everywhere and talk to us, but if you press the wrong button you'll get disconnected!

“I flutter like a moth...”
I flutter like a moth
And I almost crashed
And all because of you, freak,
After all, I fell in love with you.

"What is happiness?"
What is happiness? This is when dreams come true, and bad weather passes by, and you know that there is you in the world.

“Forgive me...”
Forgive me for everything that happened, forgive me for not loving you. I just didn’t understand then - you loved me, but I didn’t know...

"Blue skies..."
Blue, blue, blue skies, why do your eyes close when you kiss?

“Are you going to fall in love right away?”
Will you immediately fall in love with me or should I explain it to you again?

“As much as possible, dad...”
From night singing
Patience has run out
As much as possible, dad,
We can't sleep from snoring!

Glasses cracked
The cricket behind the stove died,
Have pity on your mother
We ask sincerely!

“Take me quickly!”
Take me quickly
Take me over 100 seas,
You will get 10 years
I'm not 18!!

“I always want this!”
I'll tell you, I won't keep silent:
I always want this.
I want to be in the field, even on the road,
I want it either in the tundra or in a den.
I want it everywhere and wherever I have to.
Let the sun shine, let the rain pour.
I want when to go to bed
And in the morning, before getting up.
On the nightstand and on the sofa,
Squatting and upside down,
On land, in the air, in water.
I want to go to Moscow and Kostroma.
Both in the cold and in the summer heat.
I always want to... chat with you!!!

"My dear..."
My dear...
If you suddenly start to get bored, dial the number
+7......, and press the green button, a girl who misses you madly will answer you at the other end of the phone!

_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_ is the beating of my heart when you are near.
--------------------- - and this is his beating in your absence.

“Well, you’re right!”
What, do you think that you are the best?
That you have no equal? That you are the meaning of my life?
Well, you’re right – I’m crazy about you!

Honey, I really want to read something nice from you. Maybe you will still think of sending an SMS?

"If only you..."
If only you touched my heart with your lips, you would feel not only the taste of my body, but also the love and tenderness with which I treat you!

“But still beautiful!”
Your ears are locators, stuck to your muzzle, your teeth are like chess, wobbly in your mouth, although you are a little crooked, you are still beautiful!

"You are the only one for me"
You are alone for me, like a pancake in a plate, like a cracker in your hand, like your nose in flour, white like a toilet bowl, bald like Fantomas, green like a crocodile - you... conquered me!

"When I was little..."
When I was little, they told me that there is nothing sweeter in the world than honey, but now I know that your kisses are sweeter than honey...

Although we are both not gifts, we are a great couple together.

“I love you and miss you”
I love you and miss you
I don't notice the other guys.
I only need you, my love, -
I'll be happy with you!!!

“If I were destined in life...”
If I were destined to fall in love twice in my life, then the first time I would love you. If it turned out to be a mistake, then the second time I would love my mistake.

“They tore off the bear’s paw...”
They tore off the bear's paw so that he wouldn't paw the girls, because the bear is very sexually interested.

"Dream about me today"
Dream about me today, please - I miss you so much. But just dream not out of pity, but as if by accident...

"I think of you..."
I think about you 61 seconds a minute, 25 hours a day, I'm already lost in time!

"I feel bad without you!"
I’m sitting near the sea, there’s water around me, I’m writing four words: I feel bad without YOU!

“I’ll make friends with the tanker...”
Do you sleep soundly in the morning,
Ears can't hear the scream
I'll make friends with the tanker,
I'll wake you up with a cannon!

Beloved, there weren’t, there aren’t and there shouldn’t be people like you!

"Soaring high from love"
Soaring high out of love, I’m not afraid to crash, I’m afraid to lose sight of you... And having lost you, I’ll forget myself...

"My dear, dear boy"
My dear, dear boy, I have been wanting to say this for so long that my love cannot be described in any huge book.

"There are two infinite things in the world"
There are two infinite things in the world: the universe and my love for you....
Although... I'm not sure about the universe...

"If you can guess"
If you can guess
If you can understand
Then love will come at once,
Well, come on, I'm waiting, infection.

Cute! You awakened a volcano of passion in me, a flower of love has sprouted in it, when you eat it, be careful not to choke.

“My thoughts are in complete confusion”
My thoughts are in complete confusion, and I can’t come to my senses, my head has been spinning since I met you!

"My love for you is like home"
My love for you is like a house, without windows, without doors. But without you everything is upside down in it, move into it quickly!

Girls want young people to constantly think about them, especially during romantic relationships. Even among the everyday bustle and daily hassle at work and school, you can please a guy with a cool poem that will definitely make him think about his soul mate, distract him from his work for a few minutes and bring a smile to his face. In addition, such a poem can be a good first step in creating a relationship, because you can hint about your sympathy so subtly and with humor, which may well turn out to be mutual. You always need to find a few minutes for a loved one, and even if such a poem only brings a smile, it will mean a lot, because it was sent precisely with the goal of distracting and cheering up.

I really need a man.
Not big, pocket-sized.
Let there be gray hair on your bald spot,
Let the suit be tattered.
He may not be handsome, he may not be young,
Cute and homey.
So that he loves heat and cold,
I loved yesterday's borscht.
Let him drink a little
Sometimes, for a holiday.
To be serious in life,
And with me is a prankster.
Fishing, football,
I would let you go to the bathhouse,
Lost in three pines?
I would look for him!
But then I went into the house - and he
He greets you joyfully.
I drove in a nail, removed the balcony,
He treats you to soup.
And a cozy roll
He sleeps in the bed next to him.
I won't care at all
Under male supervision!
I would love him so much
Why would I be afraid to blow!
...And stop the horse -
It’s a piece of cake for me myself!

He took off his shoes and became shorter,
He took off his coat and became thinner.
Without a suit - the gloss is thinner,
Without glasses, you look dumber.
I took off my hat and my baldness came out,
Without gloves - hands - hooks.
Without a vest - the chest is narrower,
I took my teeth out - worse sounds
Without a briefcase - a simpler view,
Without a mobile phone you are like a beggar.
He took off his T-shirt - he’s completely skinny,
He shaved his mustache - such a nose!
I looked and laughed!
How important is care of things!
All he had to do was take off his panties -
And there will be no man!

Two women's legs were dangling,
We have seen many men
But we easily forgot everyone,
But I remember only one.
Yes, I remember only one
He visited us in the evenings.
We were thrilled when he came in...
But this is between us...

Be my husband
I'll cook you dinner
I'll iron the shirts
I'll empty out my pockets,
I'll purr in your ear,
Lying on the pillow
I'm depraved when it comes to sex
Faithful sheep
Only tomorrow we will go
choose a ring.
I'll go with my friends
Have a glass of beer
I'll meet you in the middle of the night,
In a playful pose.
I promise
Mountains of gold to you,
We'll have a wedding
Very, very soon.
Only a woman, she
Thoughtful creature
Before marriage I promised
Then I changed my mind...

Feed your woman before sex
Why drag a hungry woman to bed?
Crab, meatballs, steak,
If only she got tired of biting.
Get the woman drunk before this
Vodka, moonshine, wine,
There is a big answer for her now
You are in this world and in the next.
Lay the woman down on the bed
Tuck the blankets into the shaft,
And lock your cell tighter,
So that no one interferes in any way.
And when she falls asleep, joy,
Butterfly flying towards the light
Here the last barrier will fall -
Feel free to go online.

Have a great mood everyone!

Funny and cool sms for a guy or man will be a great addition to your good mood. After all, these SMS will cheer up the guy and set him up for positive communication with you.

  • Imagine, I went fishing today. I caught crucian carp and perch. But only you are the fish of my dreams.
  • If you're in a bad mood, my SMS is designed to cheer you up! Did not work out? Then come, I’ll pick up everything you need.
  • I want to make you an offer. Would you like to go with me...on vacation?
  • You and I are like Bonnie and Clyde, Winnie and Piglet, Harry Potter and his wand!
  • All I have to do is clean up the mess, and I'm ready for the marathon.
  • The most pleasant time of the day is when you meet me after work.
  • Honey, could you pick me up after work? I forgot my mortar and broom at home.
  • There are 8 hours, 480 minutes, 28800 seconds left until we meet. 28799…28798…28797…
  • When I'm sad, I think about you and smile. I hope this SMS brought a smile to your face too.
  • Of course, I understand everything, but I also need to work: how to drive away thoughts about you?
  • When you don't smile, there is only one little penguin in the world who is sad. You don't want to torment the poor bird, do you?
  • Today I learned that there is a belief that all thin people are witches. I'll go eat before I burn you at the stake.
  • Today you and I will do something unusual, exciting, something that you love to do for a very long time - we will play a console)
  • No type of coffee charges me with so much positivity and energy as thinking about you.

Funny SMS jokes for a guy are the same ones that lift your spirits and show a sense of humor towards each other for the two of you.

  • I want us to have more in common. Let's get... a kitten?
  • I bought myself a T-shirt with a photo of the same football player who missed yesterday. Tonight you can take revenge on him for his loss.
  • Today I will give you a suitcase of money. There is a sale of animated gifts on Odnoklassniki)
  • Darling, I don’t know how to tell you...Well, in general, I took a test...and it turns out we are the perfect couple!
  • Today you didn’t let me sleep, gently biting my ear and buzzing something passionately... Where are you, my mosquito?

Briefly about me now: naked and waiting for you!

  • I want to be a ray of light that illuminates your path even on the stormiest day.
  • You are my bunny, I am your ray of light! There is no cooler couple in the world for you and me!
  • I want you and me to become birds. Preferably migratory. And they flew to the sea for a couple of weeks.
  • Today I caught the bride’s bouquet quite by accident. Dont you want to say me something?
  • Today you will find hugs, treats and one non-stop “donimka”.
  • Let's take it to the next level? Let's “like” each other on VK!
  • I want it so much...I want it so much, I can’t bear it...I want to lift your...mood!
  • U many. L askic. Y sincere. B sparing. N hedgehog AND maned WITH small. b
  • For your sake, today I’m even ready to watch 22 men in shorts running across a field.
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