Download a presentation for children about watches. Watches for children: types, their features. "Smart" watches for children. Listen to the poem "The striking clock"

History of watches for children

Let's talk about the types of watches.

Tell me, what is the name of the device that keeps track of time within a day?- This device is called a clock.

The most ancient clocks that people used to approximately know the time were solar clocks. The dial of such a watch was placed in an open place, brightly illuminated by the sun, and the clock hand served as a rod that cast a shadow on the dial.

The hourglass also came to us from ancient times. Maybe some of you have seen them? After all, hourglasses are still used in medicine when you need to measure a small but very specific period of time.

An hourglass consists of two small cone-shaped vessels connected at the tops to each other, with a narrow hole at the junction of the vessels. The upper vessel contains sand, which seeps in a thin stream through the hole into the lower vessel. When all the sand from the upper vessel is in the lower one, a certain time passes, for example, one minute.

Now let's talk about modern watches. Each of us has a clock in our house. Maybe not alone. This is a home clock.

Try to talk about them. Where are they located? What is their shape?

Watches can be wristwatches. They are put on the hand using a bracelet or strap.

Fashionistas love a beautiful watch in the form of a pendant or ring. A pendant on a chain is worn around the neck, and a ring on the finger.

Some men prefer chunky pocket watches. They are attached with a chain to a belt and carried in a trouser pocket.

You probably have an alarm clock at home.

Why do we need such a watch? - The alarm clock can be set for a certain hour, and with its bell or melody it will wake us up at the right time.

A clock that is usually placed on a desk is called a table clock, a clock hanging on the wall is called a wall clock.

Where do you think the grandfather clock is? - Such a clock is on the floor. They are tall, massive, with heavy weights attached to chains, and with a melodic beat. Mantel clocks decorate indoor fireplaces.

Listen to the poem "Charming Clock".

Once upon a time there lived an old lady
(I've been retired for a long time)
And they were at the old lady's
Carved striking clock.
"Ding-dong, ding-dong!" -
They chimed every hour
The house was filled with noise
And they woke us up at night.
We, of course, were not silent,
We knocked on the old lady's door:
"Spare our ears,
Stop the clock chiming!"
But the old lady answered us
She answered: “No and no!
The clock speaks to me
I love their gentle fight.

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!
How beautiful is their chime!
At least he's a little sad
But transparent and crystal!
Days and weeks passed.
But the clock suddenly wheezed,
The arrows trembled and stood up,
And the clock stopped striking.
It became quiet. Even creepy!
We have long been accustomed to battle,
(But this is not a joke!)
There was something alive in him!
We, of course, did not remain silent,
There was a knock on the old lady's door:
"Why can't you hear the fight?
We need a master watchman!"
The watchmaker has arrived -
Wise, experienced old man,
And he said: “That’s it!
Here the spring has weakened,
The mechanism will receive lubrication,
And the clock - love and affection!"
He changed the spring.
And the bell rang again,
Silver chime:
"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"
Revived the whole house!

What kind of watch “can cuckoo”?- Cuckoo-clock! A “cuckoo” is hiding in a clock made in the shape of a patterned wooden hut. Every hour the door of the house opens and the cuckoo appears on its threshold. She sings loudly: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku,” reminding us of what time it is.

Listen to the poem "The Cuckoo Clock".

Lives in a carved hut
Merry cuckoo.
She crows every hour
And early in the morning he wakes us up:
"Kuk-ku! Kuk-ku!"
It's seven in the morning!
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
It's time to get up!"
The cuckoo does not live in the forests,
And in our old watch!

There are also clocks on city streets and squares. They are installed on towers, station buildings, theaters and cinemas.

The most famous clock in Russia is the Kremlin chimes, installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin.

The first clock on the Spasskaya Tower appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. They were created by the English master Christopher Galovey. For his work, he received a royal gift - a silver cup and, in addition to it, satin, sable and marten fur.

After some time, Russian Tsar Peter I ordered another watch from Holland. At first they were transported by ship by sea, then delivered on 30 carts to the Kremlin.

Master Galovey's old watch was removed and replaced with a Dutch watch. When this clock also became dilapidated, another large chiming clock was installed in its place, which was kept in the Armory Chamber.

For several centuries, the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower has been decorated with clocks. A whole team of experienced watchmakers maintains their work, making sure that the watches do not lag behind and are not in a hurry. There are 117 stone steps leading to the chimes. Behind them begin the cast-iron steps of a spiral staircase leading to the eighth floor. The chiming mechanism is located here.

“The iron colossus is all shiny, lubricated with oil. The polished copper discs of the dials shine, the levers are painted red, the gilded pendulum disc, similar to the circle of the sun, shines. It reigns over this system of shafts, cables, gears, forming a complex mechanism for keeping time” (L Kolodny).

On December 31, with the first strike of the Kremlin chimes, the country enters the New Year. Having heard the chime of the famous clock, we wish each other happiness and congratulate each other on the New Year!

The watches that modern people use are mechanical. Then they need to be started at certain intervals.

Mechanical watches were invented in the 17th century. scientist Christian Huygens, since then they have served us faithfully.

In the second decade of the 20th century. Electronic and quartz watches appeared. They run on batteries or mains power.

And the most accurate clocks are atomic ones.

Do you know what watches are called natural or living?

In the old days, such a living clock in the village was, of course, Petya the Cockerel. The peasants noticed that the rooster crowed for the first time at about two o'clock in the morning, and the second time at about four o'clock in the morning.

Listen to the poem "Cockerel" about this.

The cockerel crows loudly.
The sun shone on the river,
A cloud is floating in the sky.
Wake up, animals, birds!
Get to work.
The dew sparkles on the grass,
The July night has passed.
Like a real alarm clock
The cockerel woke us up.
He fluffed his shiny tail
And straightened the comb.

Have you heard of flower clock?

In the morning, in a sunny meadow where dandelions grow, you can find out the time without a wristwatch. Dandelions open up at five o'clock in the morning, and by two or three o'clock in the afternoon they extinguish their golden lanterns.

Listen to a poem about dandelions.

There is a green meadow by the river,
Dandelions around
They washed themselves with dew,
They opened their doors together.
Like the lanterns are burning,
They tell you and me:
"It's exactly five o'clock,
You can still sleep!"

Dandelions are meadow clocks... But water lilies are river clocks. No wonder they are called “tourists’ watches.” At seven o'clock in the morning they open their snow-white petals to the sun's rays and turn to follow the sun throughout the day.

Questions and tasks:

  1. What is a clock?
  2. What antique watches do you know?
  3. What types of watches are you familiar with?
  4. What types of clocks are considered household clocks?
  5. What watches are considered street watches? How are they different from home ones?
  6. Tell us about the Kremlin chimes.
  7. What “natural” clocks do you know?

T.A. Shorygin "Conversations about space and time". Toolkit

History of watches for children.Conversations about time.

Let's talk about the types of watches.

Tell me, what is the name of the device that keeps track of time within a day?- This device is called a clock.

The most ancient clocks that people used to approximately know the time were solar clocks. The dial of such a watch was placed in an open place, brightly illuminated by the sun, and the clock hand served as a rod that cast a shadow on the dial.

The hourglass also came to us from ancient times. Maybe some of you have seen them? After all, hourglasses are still used in medicine when you need to measure a small but very specific period of time.

An hourglass consists of two small cone-shaped vessels connected at the tops to each other, with a narrow hole at the junction of the vessels. The upper vessel contains sand, which seeps in a thin stream through the hole into the lower vessel. When all the sand from the upper vessel is in the lower one, a certain time passes, for example, one minute.

Now let's talk about modern watches. Each of us has a clock in our house. Maybe not alone. This is a home clock.

Try to talk about them. Where are they located? What is their shape?

Watches can be wristwatches. They are put on the hand using a bracelet or strap.

Fashionistas love a beautiful watch in the form of a pendant or ring. A pendant on a chain is worn around the neck, and a ring on the finger.

Some men prefer chunky pocket watches. They are attached with a chain to a belt and carried in a trouser pocket.

You probably have an alarm clock at home.

Why do we need such a watch? - The alarm clock can be set for a certain hour, and with its bell or melody it will wake us up at the right time.

A clock that is usually placed on a desk is called a table clock, while a clock hanging on the wall is called a wall clock.

Where do you think the grandfather clock is? - Such a clock is on the floor. They are tall, massive, with heavy weights attached to chains, and with a melodic beat. Mantel clocks decorate indoor fireplaces.

Listen to the poem "Charming Clock".

Once upon a time there lived an old lady
(I've been retired for a long time)
And they were at the old lady's
Carved striking clock.
"Ding-dong, ding-dong!" —
They chimed every hour
The house was filled with noise
And they woke us up at night.
We, of course, were not silent,
We knocked on the old lady's door:
"Spare our ears,
Stop the clock chiming!"
But the old lady answered us
She answered: “No and no!
The clock speaks to me
I love their gentle fight.

Ding-dong! Ding-dong!
How beautiful is their chime!
At least he's a little sad
But transparent and crystal!
Days and weeks passed.
But the clock suddenly wheezed,
The arrows trembled and stood up,
And the clock stopped striking.
It became quiet. Even creepy!
We have long been accustomed to battle,
(But this is not a joke!)
There was something alive in him!
We, of course, did not remain silent,
There was a knock on the old lady's door:
"Why can't you hear the fight?
We need a master watchman!"
The watchmaker has arrived -
Wise, experienced old man,
And he said: “That’s it!
Here the spring has weakened,
The mechanism will receive lubrication,
And the watch - love and affection!"
He changed the spring.
And the bell rang again,
Silver chime:
"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"
Revived the whole house!

What kind of watch “can cuckoo”?- Cuckoo-clock! A “cuckoo” is hiding in a clock made in the shape of a patterned wooden hut. Every hour the door of the house opens and the cuckoo appears on its threshold. She sings loudly: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku,” reminding us of what time it is.

Listen to the poem "The Cuckoo Clock".

Lives in a carved hut
Merry cuckoo.
She crows every hour
And early in the morning he wakes us up:
"Kuk-ku! Kuk-ku!"
It's seven in the morning!
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
It's time to get up!"
The cuckoo does not live in the forests,
And in our old watch!

There are also clocks on city streets and squares. They are installed on towers, station buildings, theaters and cinemas.

The most famous clock in Russia is the Kremlin chimes, installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin.

The first clock on the Spasskaya Tower appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. They were created by the English master Christopher Galovey. For his work, he received a royal gift - a silver cup and, in addition to it, satin, sable and marten fur.

After some time, Russian Tsar Peter I ordered another watch from Holland. At first they were transported by ship by sea, then delivered on 30 carts to the Kremlin.

Master Galovey's old watch was removed and replaced with a Dutch watch. When this clock also became dilapidated, another large chiming clock was installed in its place, which was kept in the Armory Chamber.

For several centuries, the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower has been decorated with clocks. A whole team of experienced watchmakers maintains their work, making sure that the watches do not lag behind and are not in a hurry. There are 117 stone steps leading to the chimes. Behind them begin the cast-iron steps of a spiral staircase leading to the eighth floor. The chiming mechanism is located here.

“The iron colossus is all shiny, lubricated with oil. The polished copper discs of the dials shine, the levers are painted red, the gilded pendulum disc, similar to the circle of the sun, shines. It reigns over this system of shafts, cables, gears, forming a complex mechanism for keeping time” (L Kolodny).

On December 31, with the first strike of the Kremlin chimes, the country enters the New Year. Having heard the chime of the famous clock, we wish each other happiness and congratulate each other on the New Year!

The watches that modern people use are mechanical. Then they need to be started at certain intervals.

Mechanical watches were invented in the 17th century. scientist Christian Huygens, since then they have served us faithfully.

In the second decade of the 20th century. Electronic and quartz watches appeared. They run on batteries or mains power.

And the most accurate clocks are atomic ones.

Do you know what watches are called natural or living?

In the old days, such a living clock in the village was, of course, Petya the Cockerel. The peasants noticed that the rooster crowed for the first time at about two o'clock in the morning, and the second time at about four o'clock in the morning.

Listen to the poem "Cockerel" about this.

The cockerel crows loudly.
The sun shone on the river,
A cloud is floating in the sky.
Wake up, animals, birds!
Get to work.
The dew sparkles on the grass,
The July night has passed.
Like a real alarm clock
The cockerel woke us up.
He fluffed his shiny tail
And straightened the comb.

Have you heard of flower clock?

In the morning, in a sunny meadow where dandelions grow, you can find out the time without a wristwatch. Dandelions open up at five o'clock in the morning, and by two or three o'clock in the afternoon they extinguish their golden lanterns.

Listen to a poem about dandelions.

There is a green meadow by the river,
Dandelions around
They washed themselves with dew,
They opened their doors together.
Like the lanterns are burning,
They tell you and me:
"It's exactly five o'clock,
You can still sleep!"

Dandelions are meadow clocks... But water lilies are river clocks. No wonder they are called “tourists’ watches.” At seven o'clock in the morning they open their snow-white petals to the sun's rays and turn to follow the sun throughout the day.

Questions and tasks:

  1. What is a clock?
  2. What antique watches do you know?
  3. What types of watches are you familiar with?
  4. What types of clocks are considered household clocks?
  5. What watches are considered street watches? How are they different from home ones?
  6. Tell us about the Kremlin chimes.
  7. What “natural” clocks do you know?

T.A. Shorygin "Conversations about space and time". Toolkit

A child who goes to school on his own or goes out with friends faces many dangers. A technological children's smart watch - a device that controls the movement of a young user - will help solve this problem. Important information is sent to the parents’ phone; in an emergency, the child can report problems.

These watches come with a GPS tracker, as well as a telephone module. Some devices have a bright design, others have a “grown-up” design. To make the right choice, parents need to familiarize themselves with the most popular accessories.

Beautiful Smart Baby Watch W8

The waterproof model has a monochrome display without unnecessary elements. The functional children's accessory is available in three colors: yellow, pink, blue. The corrugated silicone strap blends harmoniously with the OLED display. The strap is removed from the case along with the GPS tracker.

On the right side is the “SOS” button, on the left are elements for calling the phone book and switching information. The model has been supplemented with a GPS tracker and an alarm clock. The weight of the watch (with strap, battery) is only 45 g. The device has other advantages:

  • reasonable price;
  • you can make calls to authorized numbers;
  • Messaging available;
  • IP67 waterproof;
  • metal case;
  • Compatible with Android, IOS.

To realize all the capabilities of children's smartwatches, you need to install the application on the parent's smartphone. This model is suitable for boys and young ladies aged 6-12 years.

Such modern smart watches can be called popular and functional. The q90 model comes in different colors, so you can choose the most suitable option for your beloved child. The accessory is recommended for children over 4 years of age and older children.

There are no unnecessary, unnecessary elements on the watch. On the right side there is a SIM card slot covered with a rubber plug. The SOS button protrudes slightly, so it can be quickly felt in emergency situations. There is a USB port, which is covered with a rubber cover.

The removable bracelet of the accessory is made of durable silicone. If necessary, the bracelet can be replaced with a new one. The color touchscreen display looks good on a child's wrist. There are many holes for the clasp, so the q90 is suitable for chubby and thin hands.

The functionality of such children's watches is pleasantly surprising. They are supplemented with an SOS alarm, a hand-held sensor, a pedometer, and a phone book. The Q90 device is complemented by a call back function, convenient downloading of applications, and voice messaging.

Smart watch for children Xiaomi Mi Bunny

These watches for children have simple functionality and stylish design. There are pink and blue models on sale. The Xiaomi brand product connects to Android smartphones and supports voice calls. Smart watches are enhanced with a GPS tracker; they allow moms and dads to track the movements of their beloved kids.

Xiaomi Mi Bunny has a built-in alarm clock, and the model is protected from moisture. The children's accessory weighs only 37 g. The device has an “SOS” button, with which the child can inform his parents about the danger. After pressing this button, the baby's geoposition is sent to mom or dad.

Up to 12 numbers are stored in the watch's memory from which you can receive phone calls. When transmitting information on the device itself, the data is securely encrypted. The built-in battery lasts for 5-6 days of normal operation of Xiaomi Mi Bunny. The accessory has a silicone strap and a plastic case.

A beautiful round case, a bright bracelet strap, a color touch display - all this is the design of the Q360 model. The screen has been improved with original decorative elements, but at the same time it remains informative. The time and date, device status icons, and the current day of the week are displayed.

There is a panic button, a SIM card slot, an LED flashlight, a power button, and a pedometer. Children will highly appreciate the presence of a fun arithmetic game. Parents will enjoy remote audio monitoring, adjusting the radius of allowed boundaries, and the gadget’s compatibility with Android and iOS devices.

The accessory is sold in seven colors; even the most demanding fashionistas will find a suitable option. A model with a GPS navigator will be a good gift for a 4-7 year old child. A modern gadget has a number of advantages:

  • camera and convenient beacon;
  • a beautiful color display that little owners will love;
  • high quality plastic housing;
  • multilingual interface;
  • minimum battery charging time;
  • protection from dirt, water, dust particles.

Original dokiWatch

A modern gadget requires a SIM card and determines the location of your son or daughter as accurately as possible. The watch supports GPS, Wi-Fi, and allows you to exchange voice notifications. There are stickers and emoticons that make the communication process more interesting. You can make video calls from mom or dad's phone.

The watch for teenagers is equipped with an alarm button. By holding it for 3 seconds, the student transmits an alarm along with the exact location. You can synchronize the accessory with two smartphones, but only one device acts as the main one.

In addition to security and messaging, it is possible to set alarm reminders. The “School” mode is designed to prevent your child from receiving notifications during lessons. A fitness program helps you stay in shape. The step counter motivates a teenager to move a lot and take a break from the TV.

Dokiwatch is a thoughtful smart device for schoolchildren aged 7-12 years. Colorful design, modern security mechanisms, the presence of a GPS tracker, 512 MB of RAM are the main advantages of smart dokiWatch.

This original accessory is suitable for teenagers, girls and older boys. The GW700 model has a special design, a convenient menu interface, and useful functions. Smart watches with a built-in phone can:

  • determine the location of the young user;
  • send an alarm signal to your smartphone;
  • receive voice messages;
  • count steps taken;
  • count your sleep time.

Wonlex GW700 has a telephone function, thanks to which a child can call 10 numbers. When you press the “SOS” button, the device starts calling the specified phone numbers one by one. Parents additionally receive an SMS notification about an alarming situation.

The GW700 case is made of plastic, and silicone is chosen for the base of the strap. The original smart watch from the Wonlex brand has optimal power consumption, bright colors on the display, and a high contrast ratio. In the original version, the color of the button matches the shade of the body.

Multifunctional device - model q50, which is designed for young users. It is suitable for boys and girls aged 5-12 years. This watch looks like a solid bracelet with a built-in monochrome screen. The accessory is available in 6 colors: blue, black, protective, pink, green, dark blue.

The functionality of the gadget pleasantly surprises parents. One compact model has many functions: from making calls to setting authorized numbers. It is possible to track the location of a young user and set geo-zone boundaries.

Adults must enter into the memory of the Smart Baby Watch Q50 the numbers to which the child will send an SOS call in an unpleasant situation. An emergency call requires the press of one small button. If one number does not answer, the call is redirected to the second one from the list.

A nice bonus is saving the young user’s routes for 30 days, and activity tracking functions. The watch removal sensor sends a signal to a special program. In such a situation, parents can quickly get to the place where the device was lost and find out what happened to their beloved child.

Tinitell for children

The main function of a smart watch from Tinitell is to ensure constant communication between an adult and a child. Voice calls and GPS technology are available. These watches are protected according to the IP57 standard; they are not afraid of exposure to water and dust.

The device is controlled by voice, and the main element is a large button. When pressed, the young user must say the name to call. To make a call to the parent’s (nanny’s, sister’s) smartphone, you need to press the button again. The convenient phone book contains a maximum of 10 numbers.

Smart GPS Watch T58

The design of this children's accessory differs little from models for adults. If you are thinking about what smart watch to buy for your child, pay attention to this gadget. It is offered in 2 colors, and the strap is gray or beige. The body has a silver and golden hue. The appearance of the T58 is quite solid.

The watch body has slots for charging and micro-SIM. On the right are the call buttons (SOS call and caller selection), power buttons (sending a voice notification, canceling the call). The strap does not merge with the case, which can be called a plus of the T58. The gadget has other advantages:

  • minimum charging time;
  • affordable price;
  • saving changes in geoposition history;
  • it weighs 38 g;
  • long operating time;
  • wide functionality.

The model has a large touch display on which time data is displayed. Young users will like this watch because it is supplemented with educational games and a calculator. There is an alarm clock, voice recorder, stopwatch.

The disadvantage is that the device does not have a tracker and does not sync with Android or IOS. If you do not want to track the location of your beloved son or daughter, then this model will be an excellent option. The child will learn to use simple functions and will be able to spend time with interest.

Cognitive leisure in the senior preparatory group

Lesson summary for children 5 - 7 years old "Journey into the past of hours."

Author: Nikolaeva Olga Ivanovna, teacher
Place of work: MADOU TsRR d/s No. 121, Kaliningrad
Description of material: I present to your attention a summary of the lesson “Journey into the Past of Clocks,” which is aimed at showing children’s interest in the history of clocks, an educational dialogue with an adult, and gives an idea of ​​the importance of the work of adults. This material will be useful to teachers of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten, additional education teachers, and primary school teachers.
Children's age is 5 - 7 years.
Target: Formation of children's ideas about watches, the history of watch creation.
Tasks: introduce the history of watches, teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships between their purpose and methods of use, and cultivate respect for the work of people - inventors, creators, creators.
Material: pictures depicting different types of watches; clock mechanism; different watches: hourglass, mechanical, electronic, electric; a painting of a sundial, whatman paper with a circle in the middle of the sheet; plate with yellow paint (gouache); a damp cloth (napkin) for each child.
Preparatory work: examining different types of clocks, memorizing the poem “The Clock” by V. Berestov, memorizing riddles.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we are going on an exciting journey! Want to take a trip back in time? Then try to guess the riddle.
No legs, let's go in
There is no mouth, but let's say:
When to sleep, when to get up,
When to start work.

Children: Watch.
Educator: Today we're going back in time to hours.
(They go to the first table, on which there is a picture with a cockerel).

We'll talk about watches, but what does the cockerel have to do with it? Can anyone explain?
Guys, in ancient times people found out the time by “live clocks”. This “clock” walks very importantly around the yard, and when it flies up onto the fence, it begins to crow! Have there always been cockerels everywhere? Is it possible to determine the exact time by the crowing of a rooster?
Children: No!
Educator: We conclude: although people used “live clocks,” they were very inaccurate and inconvenient.
We approach the second table.
(On the table for each child is a damp cloth, a plate with yellow paint (gouache), a large sheet of Whatman paper with a circle drawn in the middle).
Educator: Guys, let's wet our palm in a plate with paint and place it with our fingers up on our circle (shows how), then wipe our palm with a rag.
What did we get? Of course, radiant sunshine!

Educator: If the cockerel suddenly got sick or overslept, the sun would wake people up. Listen to an amazing story.
A long time ago, a man noticed that the shadow that fell from a tree to the ground did not stand still, but ran after the sun. During the day the sun made a circle across the sky, and the shadow also ran around the circle. A man watched this miracle and came up with this: he drove a post into the ground, and around the post he drew a circle and divided the circle into 12 parts, each part - 1 hour.

The sun rose, and the shadow from the pillar slowly moved in a circle, measuring every hour. This is a real invention! So man invented the dial (circle). People used these watches for a very long time, even though they only worked on sunny days!
Who invented the sundial?
Children: Human.
Educator: What can you call such a person?
Children: Creator, inventor.
Educator: Now, guys, let's go to another table.
(on the table there are illustrations depicting an hourglass and a waterglass).

Listen to another story. Scipio Nazicus, a very intelligent resident of the ancient city of Rome, watched as water oozed from a jug. The drops fell drip...drip...drip...drip. Arriving home, he drilled a small hole in the bottom of the vessel, poured water into the vessel, and began to watch how the water flowed out of the vessel, drop by drop. So an hour passed, the water level dropped and he made a line on the vessel, an hour later he made another one and continued making lines until there were 12 marks, each of which was equal to one hour. This is how the water clock was invented in Ancient Rome.
But the hourglass, they also have no hands and are somewhat similar to a water glass, only instead of water there is sand in them, and they need to be turned over all the time.
- Do you think these watches were comfortable?
- No one uses water clocks now, but sand clocks can be found in hospitals, in the laboratories of chemists and biologists.
We approach another table.
(On the table there are images of different watches and an disassembled alarm clock mechanism).

Educator: Time fled, new instruments for measuring time appeared. Inventor - Another smart person came up with a clock with hands and a dial. True, the clock was very large, the shaft-drum was wooden and the size of a whole log, and instead of a chain, a very thick rope with heavy weights was wound around the drum. The clocks were so bulky that they did not fit at home; they were installed on high towers.
Then “walking clocks” appeared in houses, they were hung on the wall, under the clock there was a pendulum. The mechanism of such a watch consisted of many gears and springs. Such watches were called mechanical.

Then pocket watches appeared, they were very expensive, only very rich and noble people could afford such watches, they were shaped like an egg. They wore such a watch on a chain in their pocket and wound it with a special key.
The engine of such a watch was an ordinary spring.
By that time, watchmakers - watchmakers - had appeared. They began to invent clocks in the form of boxes, turrets, gazebos, and taught clocks to play music. One of the representatives of the watchmakers was the master-inventor Kulibin Ivan Petrovich.
Physical education minute.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, -
So the walkers are knocking.

(Children tilt their heads left and right to the beat of the words.)
Knuckle-tock, knock-knock, -
So the wheels are knocking.

(Alternately, with your right and left hands, describe a circle in front of you.)
Toki-tok, toki-tok, -
So the hammer knocks.

(Represent hammers with fists).
Touki-tok, tok-tok, -
That's how the heel clicks.

(Heels click).
Educator: Now let's go to another table.
(There are images of electric and electronic clocks on the table)
Educator: Life did not stand still, people began to value their time more and more, and watches became a necessity for all people. Watches began to constantly improve. Electronic and electric watches appeared, inside which a tiny electrical station was placed - a battery. (battery demonstration).
A watch has appeared that cannot be bought, but each of you can see it in squares, train stations, and on the streets.
- What do you think is more important: a person or devices?
On the pipe and on the wall,
And on the tower above
They walk, they walk smoothly
From sunrise to sunrise.

This is the difficult path the watch has gone through so that we can see it the way we see it in our time. And we owe such amazing transformations to man - the creator, creator, inventor.
Time does not stand still, and, of course, new watches will appear over time.
- Now remember what kind of watch you know?
- Why did man invent watches?
- Thank you everyone for your active work. So we traveled in time, into the past of hours.

Time. How slowly it stretches at a young age and how quickly it flies at an adult age. This is the only irreplaceable resource of our life, and that is why it is valuable. Very soon, human civilization came to the need to take into account the passage of time - and it came up with a clock. The history of watches is very long and rich in variety. It started many centuries ago.

Types of the first hours

  1. Sundial. The very first clock was the sundial - the gnomon. The main indicator of time in them is the length and direction of the shadow. In addition, the sundial worked as a compass. The clock measured time quite accurately during the day, but was useless at night and in cloudy weather. Therefore, they were more popular in southern countries. What about the northern regions?
  2. Water clock. And clepsydras - water clocks - came into life. The principle of their operation is very simple: water flowed drop by drop from one container to another. The amount of water flowing out showed what is called time. These watches have served humanity for centuries. But their time has passed.
  3. Fire clock. It was very convenient to use them at home, because they also served as room lighting. They were also widely used in churches. Marks were made on a well-made candle and the time was determined by the degree of burning of the candle. But time passes, and civilization keeps pace with it. We need to come up with something new.
  4. They appeared not so long ago, about a thousand years ago. The principle of operation is the same as that of water ones, only instead of water there is sand. They were used, to a greater extent, as a timer, since the period of time for pouring sand was short. Clocks were most popular on ships. In 1500, the popularity of these watches began to decline. The time has come for mechanical watches.

Types of New Era Watches

  1. Mechanical watches. This watch was created in China by masters Lian Lingzan and Yi Xing using a liquid escapement mechanism. The clocks were huge in size, so they were used in churches and monasteries. They were replaced by a tower clock, smaller in size than its predecessors. In Russia it is Chimes. Gradually, mechanical watches improved, their sizes became smaller, their accuracy increased, and their mechanisms became more complex. And pocket watches appeared. Over time, they were supplemented with more and more new devices, such as a stopwatch, thermometer, calendar, etc. Mechanical watches are still a subject of admiration in our time. They surprise with their design, emphasize status and are a matter of prestige.
  2. The German master P. Henlein, in the second half of the 15th century, made pocket watches. They were gilded, in the shape of an egg with one arrow. They were used not only to indicate time, but also as an item of decoration.
  3. There is an opinion that one day Blaise Pascal took a pocket watch and tied it to his wrist with a thin rope. This is how the first wristwatch came about. But their appearance dates back to 1970, when the Swiss company Jacquet Droz et Lesho released these watches. The variety of watches is amazing.

What types of wristwatches are there?

  1. Quartz watch. They look banal, but the way they are designed is not at all trivial. This watch is very accurate, thanks to the unusual properties of a tiny piece of crystal, quartz. All you need is a little electricity for the crystal to start moving in a constant rhythm and then the clock hands show the exact time: seconds, minutes, hours.
  2. Digital Watch. A clock without the usual hands. The inside is a small microcircuit that transfers time information to the dial. Also in this watch you can find a stopwatch, calendar, blood pressure monitor and alarm clock.
  3. Mechanical watches. They work thanks to a spring, so they need to be wound up periodically. The timing is perfect. This category includes commander's watches that have been proven over the years.
  4. Chronograph. Another type of wristwatch. On this device, the time is not only displayed, but also recorded. It is most popular among pilots, military personnel and scientists.
  5. Classic watch. These watches are always relevant and appropriate. The design is very simple. The dial is usually oval or round in shape. Simplicity and style are their hallmarks.
  6. Sports. This type of watch is preferred by people involved in sports. After all, this watch has everything they need: a stopwatch, pedometer, heart rate monitor and date settings. The watch was made on the basis of an electronic display.
  7. Ladies Watch. The variety of these watches is pleasing to the eye. Women's watches come in regular classic and unusual shapes. They can have colored straps, a fancy case shape, an original clasp, etc. Every woman can choose what she likes.

Nowadays, people cannot go a second without a watch. The variety of watches is growing every year, and this is not the end yet.

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